What celebrations should believers celebrate?
I have met believers who say that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) should not celebrate anything except the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) does say that these belong to Him (Leviticus 23:4).
So, they teach that the Children of Truth should only observe the Feast of Truth found in Leviticus 23.
This doctrine is built upon these assumptions:
1) The Feasts of Truth are the only celebrations in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that belong to the Father of Truth.
2) The Father of Truth condemns all other celebrations in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
3) No other types of celebrations were carried out by the Children of Truth in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
We are commanded to test everything against the Word of Truth, and keep what that is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
So, we will test these assumptions to see if they are valid by finding the answers to relevant questions. We will begin with understanding what is meant by a "Feast" in the Book of Truth.
What is a Chag?
One of the Hebrew words translated as "Feast" is "Chag". (Pronounced K'hawg and rhymes with Dawg.)
The Hebrew word "Chag" comes from the Hebrew root word "Chagag". The Hebrew word "Chagag" comes from the Hebrew root word "Chug". "Chug" is a primitive root, meaning it does not come from another root word. So, the best way to understand "Chag" is to start with "Chug" and work forward from there.
"Chug" literally means "to circle".
From this comes "Chagag", which means to dance in a circle or to dance by twirling about.
It is used of people dancing, and is associated with people eating, and drinking alcohol while celebrating. In like manner, it is used of the way people walk when they are drunk, because they cannot walk in a straight line. So, it has the connotation of celebrating by dancing in circles.
From this comes "Chag", which is usually translated as "Feast".
However, the English word "feast" meant a celebration, not just having a bunch of food to eat, when the King James Translation was made. Chag is also associated with people singing and playing musical instruments.
So, a Chag would be better understood as a celebration or a party.
Since a party requires food, Chag can also mean the sacrifice that is eaten at the celebration.
So, a Chag is a celebration with singing, music, dancing, food, and wine. .
However, it is implied that a Chag is more just a celebration, for the word is only used in connection to worship in the Book of Truth.
In fact, the Greek word that Chag is translated into in the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), "Eorte", is only used for religious celebrations in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). All instances but one, Eorte is definitely used for one of the three Feasts of Truth that are called a Chag in the Law of Truth.
So, Chag is more specifically a religious celebration in the Book of Truth.
Is every Feast of Truth a Chag?
The Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) are the acts of the greatest play ever.
However, despite the term "Feast" being used in most translations, they are not all really feasts. If they were, then one of them would be a feast without food.
This apparent contradiction is resolved when we examine the word translated as "feast" for the Feasts of Truth.
The word translated as "feast" is not Chag, which means a religious celebration with food. Each of these "feasts" is a Moed. Only the three Feasts of Truth, where people must appear before the Father of Truth, are also called a Chag.
What is a Moed?
The Hebrew word "Moed" comes from the Hebrew root word "Ya'ad". Ya'ad is a primitive root and does not come from another word. The best way to understand Moed is to start with Ya'ad and work forward from there.
Ya'ad literally means "to fix upon". It means this in the sense of establishing something. What is being established is inferred from the context.
For example, in the context of a marriage agreement, it would mean to establish the betrothal. (This is the period when the woman is no longer available to become a bride to anyone else, even though she is not yet married to her future husband.)
From this comes "Moed", which literally means "something that is fixed upon". It means this in the sense of something that is appointed. What is appointed is inferred from the context.
For example, the Feasts of Truth are appointments in their context.
What defines the appointments of the Father of Truth?
An appointment is defined by four elements. It has an appointed time, appointed participants, an appointed place, and an appointed purpose.
For example, a patient has a appointment with a doctor for a routine exam at the clinic on Tuesday morning.
The appointed participants are the doctor and the patient. The appointed purpose is a routine exam. The appointed place is the clinic. The appointed time is Tuesday morning.
The appointed purpose of these appointments is to have a holy assembly (convocation) to offer sacrifices to the Father of Truth.
These appointments occur at appointed times (Leviticus 23:4-39).
These appointments have appointed participants, including the priest (Leviticus 23:10-20).
These appointments have an appointed place. The Temple is the only appointed place (Deuteronomy 12:5-7).
Since the priesthood is vacant and the Temple is not standing, then we cannot keep these appointments today.
So, we are playing with broken toys. We can only have a rehearsal of the Feasts of Truth until the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) reigns on the Earth. Therefore, the best we can do is to have a holy assembly at the appointed time, and observe what we can for now.
We need not be distressed about this. This is the time that the Man of Truth spoke about when he said, that those who will worship the Father of Truth, will worship Him in spirit and in truth, instead of in the Temple (John 4:21-23).
What are the appointments of the Father of Truth?
The Sabbath is a weekly appointment for holding a holy assembly (Leviticus 23:1-3).
The Feasts of Truth are yearly appointments for holding a holy assembly (Leviticus 23:4).
The New Moon Day, the beginning of the month, is a monthly appointment for making extra sacrifices (Numbers 28:11-14).
The Sabbath Year is a year long appointment at the end of seven years for providing rest for the land (Leviticus 25:4-7).
After seven Sabbath Years, the fiftieth year, the Year of Jubilee (Jubile) is a year long appointment for giving liberty to everyone and sending them home for a family reunion (Leviticus 25:8-13).
So, the Feasts of Truth are just seven of the eleven appointments of the Father of Truth.
Are any of the other of religious appointments in in the Law of Truth?
At the beginnings of the months, the silver trumpet was to be blown over the sacrifice, just like at the days of gladness as well as the Feasts of Truth (Numbers 10:10).
The Hebrew word translated as "beginnings of months" is "Chodesh".
The Hebrew word "Chodesh" is a variation of "Chadash". The best way to understand Chodesh is to start with Chadash and work forward from there.
Chadash literally means "to renew". It means this in the sense of making something new again or repairing it to be as good as new.
For example, in the context of the Temple being restored from neglect, it was made like new again by repairing the damage.
Similarly, Chodesh literally means "New Moon". It means this in the sense of the light of the moon being renewed after the moon became completely dark.
Since each month begins on the day of the New Moon, Chodesh can also mean a month - the period between one New Moon and the next.
Whether the day of the New Moon or month is meant has to be determined from the context.
On the day of the New Moon, people celebrated with food just like a Chag (1 Samuel 20:5). On this day, they met with the Prophets of Truth, just like on the Sabbath (2 Kings 4:22-23). On this day, they had a holy assembly, just like on the Sabbath and the Feasts of Truth (Isaiah 1:13). On this day, people were forbidden to engage in commerce, just like the Sabbath (Amos 8:5).
On this day, the Shofar (ram's horn) was also blown, just like on the days of the Feasts of Truth that were also a Chag.
On this day, people celebrated just like they did on other days that were a Chag. (The word Chag in this verse is right before the word Chodesh and they could be understood as "the New Moon Chag".)
During the rule of the Man of Truth over this present Earth, the day of the New Moon will be treated like a Sabbath (Ezekiel 46:1-3).
In the eternal state, all people will treat the day of the New Moon like the Sabbath (Isaiah 66:22-23).
So, even though the day of the New Moon is not directly be called a Chag in the Law of Truth, it is treated like a Chag throughout the Book of Truth. It is also a Chag, whether or not it is called a Chag.
Are there any other acceptable religious celebrations in the Book of Truth?
When King David brought the Ark of the Covenant to the city of David, he made sacrifices to the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 6:12-13). He also went before it, dancing and leaping before the Father of Truth, while the people of Israel blew trumpets and shouted (2 Samuel 6:14-16). He then gave food and wine to everyone who celebrated with him (2 Samuel 6:17-19).
So, even though Chag does not appear in the Hebrew text, it is apparent that David had a religious celebration when he brought the Ark of the Covenant to the city of David.
David was not rebuked by the Father of Truth for creating this religious celebration.
King Solomon and all of Israel held a fourteen day Chag consisting of two one week celebrations.
One of the weeks of this Chag was for the dedication of the Temple, and the other one was to celebrate one of the Feasts of Truth (2 Chronicles 7:8-9).
The Feast of Truth being celebrated was the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) that occurs in the seventh month (1 Kings 8:1-2).
During this second week of the Chag decreed by King Solomon for the dedication of Temple, the Temple was filled with the glory cloud, before he started praying (1 Kings 8:10-12). After he finished praying to dedicate the Temple, fire came down from Heaven to show that these additional sacrifices were accepted (2 Chronicles 7:1-3).
So, not only did the Father of Truth allow this religious celebration to be called a Chag, but He put on His personal stamp of approval on this religious celebration.
Are there any unacceptable religious celebrations in the Book of Truth?
In the wilderness, Aaron declared a Chag of the Father of Truth.
Aaron had made a golden calf and declared that this was the god that had brought Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 32:2-3). This Chag of the Father of Truth declared by Aaron was a celebration of eating food offered to an calf idol and sex outside of marriage (Exodus 32:4-6). The Father of Truth was very angry for them calling this idol party a Chag of His (Exodus 32:7-10). The Father of Truth destroyed 23,000 of these partiers for their eating food offered to an idol and their fornication (1 Corinthians 10:6-8).
After the Kingdom of Israel was split in two, King Jeroboam (Yeroboam) declared a Chag in the eight month to celebrate two calf idols, with same customs as the Chag given in the Law of Truth for the seventh month. He ordained this Chag that he had devised out of his own heart.
King Jeroboam had made golden calves and declared that these were the gods that brought Israel out of Egypt (1 Kings 12:28-30). He set up a counterfeit Temple, with counterfeit priests, to conduct the sacrifices to a counterfeit god during a counterfeit Chag (1 Kings 12:31-33). The Father of Truth was angry about this counterfeit of His Chag (1 Kings 13:1-3). The Father of Truth destroyed the house of Jeroboam off the face of the Earth for making a counterfeit of His Chag (1 Kings 13:32-34).
So, a religious celebration can be unacceptable to the Father of Truth.
Any religious celebration that celebrates idolatry is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Any religious celebration that is celebrated by eating food offered to idols, or participating in sex outside of marriage, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Calling any religious celebration His Chag, other than a religious celebration that He called His, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Any religious celebration that is a counterfeit of any Chag of His, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth.
Are there any types of celebrations in the Book of Truth?
Besides Chag and Moed, there is also another Hebrew word translated as "feast" which is "Mishteh".
The Hebrew Word "Mishteh" comes from the Hebrew root word "Shata". Shata is a primitive root and does not come from another word. The best way to understand Mishteh is to start with Shata and work forward from there.
Shata literally means "to drink". Frequently, it is used with drinking alcohol, so it can mean that, just like the word "drink" can mean to drink alcohol in English. Whether it means drinking alcohol, or drinking something else, has be determined from the context.
From this Hebrew word comes Mishteh, which literally means "to feast".
The Hebrew word "Shikor" also comes from Shata. It literally means "to be drunk".
Alcohol is frequently part of a Mishteh, so a Mishteh sometimes leads to people becoming drunk. Mishteh is used in the Book of Truth of celebrations for things like birthdays. A Mishteh can also have music played at it.
So, a Mishteh is a celebration with at least food, but frequently with alcohol and music as well. It is not a religious celebration like a Chag, but a regular celebration.
The Greek word for Mishteh is "Doche". It is also used for a regular celebration in the Renewed Covenant.
So, there are also a regular celebrations in the Book of Truth, besides the appointments and religious celebrations of the Father of Truth.
Did the Children of Truth participate in these regular celebrations in the Book of Truth?
Lot threw a celebration for the two Angels of Truth (Genesis 19:1-3).
Abraham (Abram) had a great celebration when Isaac (Yitzaq) was weaned (Genesis 21:8).
Isaac thew a feast to celebrate the treaty that he made with the king of Gerar (Genesis 26:26-31).
Laban threw a week long celebration for each of his daughters when Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) married them (Genesis 29:21-28).
Samson (Shamshon) had a week long feast when he was married (Judges 14:10-17).
David celebrated that he gained the support of Abner to be made king over all of Israel (2 Samuel 3:17-21).
Solomon threw a celebration after the Father of Truth promised to give him wisdom, riches, and honor (1 Kings 3:12-15).
The Jews across the Persian Empire had a great celebration upon learning that they would be able to avenge themselves upon their enemies (Esther 8:13-17). They had a more great celebrations, after they had destroyed those who had sought to destroy them (Esther 9:15-19).
Mordecai, the Jewish Prime Minister, then decreed a yearly celebration of their deliverance among the Jews across the Persian Empire (Esther 9:20-22). The Jews have continued to keep this yearly celebration with those who love them ever since (Esther 9:26-28).
Matthew the Jew (Matityahu aka Levi aka the Apostle Matthew) hosted a great celebration when the Man of Truth called him to be his disciple (Luke 5:27-29).
So, it is obvious that the Children of Truth participated in regular celebrations in the Book of Truth.
How should the Children of Truth celebrate?
When the Children of Truth host a celebration, then they need to invite the disadvantaged, instead of their friends and families (Luke 14:12-14).
The Children of Truth can eat with unbelievers, as long as they do not eat food offered to idols (1 Corinthians 10:27-28).
The Children of Truth need to be aware that there might be people attending their celebrations, who are really deceivers (2 Peter 2:12-14). They should not be fooled into thinking that these people are part of the Children of Truth, just because they attend their celebrations (Jude 1:10-13).
What can the Children of Truth celebrate?
These facts should now be abundantly clear:
1) The Feasts of Truth are not the only celebrations in the Law of Truth that belong to the Father of Truth.
2) The Father of Truth does not condemn all other celebrations in the Book of Truth.
3) The Children of Truth carried out many celebrations in the Book of Truth - besides the appointments and religious celebrations of the Law of Truth.
There simply is no commandment in the Law of Truth forbidding the celebration of anything other than the Feasts of Truth. In fact, the Law of Truth contains other celebrations.
So, it is adding to the Law of Truth to say that the Children of Truth are forbidden to celebrate anything besides the Feasts of Truth. The Father of Truth forbids anyone from adding commandments to the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).
The Children of Truth should celebrate the Feasts of Truth - but they are not the only things that they can celebrate.
The Children of Truth can participate in, and throw celebrations for all kinds of other reasons, as long as they do not sin in their celebrating.
Any celebration that does not involve idol worship, getting drunk, extra-marital sex, or the like is acceptable. Those who do things like those kind of things will not inherit the Kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
So, the Children of Truth should avoid celebrations rooted in idolatry like Halloween. They should not be chasing Aphrodite, a literal sex goddess, with the rest of the world on Valentine's Day. They should not be celebrating Easter, a goddess of fertility, but should instead being saying "Happy Firstfruits" to each other. They should have nothing to do with celebrations that involve getting drunk and extra-marital sex like Mardi Gras, which precedes Ash Wednesday. They should heed the warning of the Mensch who killed Christmas.
However, there are still plenty of good things that the Children can celebrate!
The Children of Truth can declare new religious celebrations to honor the Father of Truth for what He has done for them - as long as they do not claim that observing these religious celebrations are commanded by the Father of Truth.
So, join in celebrations with your local congregation to celebrate what He has done for them! Throw a Purim Party for the poor and disadvantaged to celebrate the Hidden Hand of the Father of Truth in saving the Jewish people! Be like Solomon and celebrate the dedication of the Temple!
Celebrate your birthday! Celebrate your anniversary! Celebrate your victories! Celebrate with other people when good things happen to them! Celebrate graduations!
Celebrate that the New Year is a time to start over! Celebrate how Saint Patrick brought Celtic Christianity in its original form to the people of Ireland! Celebrate that Christopher Columbus made the hope of the Almodadi possible on the day when worlds collided!
Celebrate the Independence Day of your country! Celebrate those who gave the last full measure of devotion to keep your country free! Celebrate the legacy of the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving!
Not only can the Children of Truth join in celebrations besides the Feasts of Truth, but it sometimes the right thing to do.
The good father threw a great celebration with the best food, music, dancing, and great joy when his lost son returned to him (Luke 15:22-25). He told his other son that celebrating the repentance of his brother was the right thing to do (Luke 15:31-32).
So, it is not right for any of the Children of Truth to be a party pooper!
There is great celebration in Heaven whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (Luke 15:7).
So, if you have never came into the House of Truth, then it is time for you to get this party started!
Surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that His father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)! There will be an unending celebration in your heart that the world cannot experience (1 Peter 1:8)!
Come into the House of Truth!
I have met believers who say that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) should not celebrate anything except the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) does say that these belong to Him (Leviticus 23:4).
So, they teach that the Children of Truth should only observe the Feast of Truth found in Leviticus 23.
This doctrine is built upon these assumptions:
1) The Feasts of Truth are the only celebrations in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that belong to the Father of Truth.
2) The Father of Truth condemns all other celebrations in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
3) No other types of celebrations were carried out by the Children of Truth in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
We are commanded to test everything against the Word of Truth, and keep what that is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
So, we will test these assumptions to see if they are valid by finding the answers to relevant questions. We will begin with understanding what is meant by a "Feast" in the Book of Truth.
What is a Chag?
One of the Hebrew words translated as "Feast" is "Chag". (Pronounced K'hawg and rhymes with Dawg.)
The Hebrew word "Chag" comes from the Hebrew root word "Chagag". The Hebrew word "Chagag" comes from the Hebrew root word "Chug". "Chug" is a primitive root, meaning it does not come from another root word. So, the best way to understand "Chag" is to start with "Chug" and work forward from there.
"Chug" literally means "to circle".
From this comes "Chagag", which means to dance in a circle or to dance by twirling about.
It is used of people dancing, and is associated with people eating, and drinking alcohol while celebrating. In like manner, it is used of the way people walk when they are drunk, because they cannot walk in a straight line. So, it has the connotation of celebrating by dancing in circles.
From this comes "Chag", which is usually translated as "Feast".
However, the English word "feast" meant a celebration, not just having a bunch of food to eat, when the King James Translation was made. Chag is also associated with people singing and playing musical instruments.
So, a Chag would be better understood as a celebration or a party.
Since a party requires food, Chag can also mean the sacrifice that is eaten at the celebration.
So, a Chag is a celebration with singing, music, dancing, food, and wine. .
However, it is implied that a Chag is more just a celebration, for the word is only used in connection to worship in the Book of Truth.
In fact, the Greek word that Chag is translated into in the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), "Eorte", is only used for religious celebrations in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament). All instances but one, Eorte is definitely used for one of the three Feasts of Truth that are called a Chag in the Law of Truth.
So, Chag is more specifically a religious celebration in the Book of Truth.
Is every Feast of Truth a Chag?
The Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) are the acts of the greatest play ever.
However, despite the term "Feast" being used in most translations, they are not all really feasts. If they were, then one of them would be a feast without food.
This apparent contradiction is resolved when we examine the word translated as "feast" for the Feasts of Truth.
The word translated as "feast" is not Chag, which means a religious celebration with food. Each of these "feasts" is a Moed. Only the three Feasts of Truth, where people must appear before the Father of Truth, are also called a Chag.
What is a Moed?
The Hebrew word "Moed" comes from the Hebrew root word "Ya'ad". Ya'ad is a primitive root and does not come from another word. The best way to understand Moed is to start with Ya'ad and work forward from there.
Ya'ad literally means "to fix upon". It means this in the sense of establishing something. What is being established is inferred from the context.
For example, in the context of a marriage agreement, it would mean to establish the betrothal. (This is the period when the woman is no longer available to become a bride to anyone else, even though she is not yet married to her future husband.)
From this comes "Moed", which literally means "something that is fixed upon". It means this in the sense of something that is appointed. What is appointed is inferred from the context.
For example, the Feasts of Truth are appointments in their context.
What defines the appointments of the Father of Truth?
An appointment is defined by four elements. It has an appointed time, appointed participants, an appointed place, and an appointed purpose.
For example, a patient has a appointment with a doctor for a routine exam at the clinic on Tuesday morning.
The appointed participants are the doctor and the patient. The appointed purpose is a routine exam. The appointed place is the clinic. The appointed time is Tuesday morning.
The appointed purpose of these appointments is to have a holy assembly (convocation) to offer sacrifices to the Father of Truth.
These appointments occur at appointed times (Leviticus 23:4-39).
These appointments have appointed participants, including the priest (Leviticus 23:10-20).
These appointments have an appointed place. The Temple is the only appointed place (Deuteronomy 12:5-7).
Since the priesthood is vacant and the Temple is not standing, then we cannot keep these appointments today.
So, we are playing with broken toys. We can only have a rehearsal of the Feasts of Truth until the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) reigns on the Earth. Therefore, the best we can do is to have a holy assembly at the appointed time, and observe what we can for now.
We need not be distressed about this. This is the time that the Man of Truth spoke about when he said, that those who will worship the Father of Truth, will worship Him in spirit and in truth, instead of in the Temple (John 4:21-23).
What are the appointments of the Father of Truth?
The Sabbath is a weekly appointment for holding a holy assembly (Leviticus 23:1-3).
The Feasts of Truth are yearly appointments for holding a holy assembly (Leviticus 23:4).
The New Moon Day, the beginning of the month, is a monthly appointment for making extra sacrifices (Numbers 28:11-14).
The Sabbath Year is a year long appointment at the end of seven years for providing rest for the land (Leviticus 25:4-7).
After seven Sabbath Years, the fiftieth year, the Year of Jubilee (Jubile) is a year long appointment for giving liberty to everyone and sending them home for a family reunion (Leviticus 25:8-13).
So, the Feasts of Truth are just seven of the eleven appointments of the Father of Truth.
Are any of the other of religious appointments in in the Law of Truth?
At the beginnings of the months, the silver trumpet was to be blown over the sacrifice, just like at the days of gladness as well as the Feasts of Truth (Numbers 10:10).
The Hebrew word translated as "beginnings of months" is "Chodesh".
The Hebrew word "Chodesh" is a variation of "Chadash". The best way to understand Chodesh is to start with Chadash and work forward from there.
Chadash literally means "to renew". It means this in the sense of making something new again or repairing it to be as good as new.
For example, in the context of the Temple being restored from neglect, it was made like new again by repairing the damage.
Similarly, Chodesh literally means "New Moon". It means this in the sense of the light of the moon being renewed after the moon became completely dark.
Since each month begins on the day of the New Moon, Chodesh can also mean a month - the period between one New Moon and the next.
Whether the day of the New Moon or month is meant has to be determined from the context.
On the day of the New Moon, people celebrated with food just like a Chag (1 Samuel 20:5). On this day, they met with the Prophets of Truth, just like on the Sabbath (2 Kings 4:22-23). On this day, they had a holy assembly, just like on the Sabbath and the Feasts of Truth (Isaiah 1:13). On this day, people were forbidden to engage in commerce, just like the Sabbath (Amos 8:5).
On this day, the Shofar (ram's horn) was also blown, just like on the days of the Feasts of Truth that were also a Chag.
On this day, people celebrated just like they did on other days that were a Chag. (The word Chag in this verse is right before the word Chodesh and they could be understood as "the New Moon Chag".)
During the rule of the Man of Truth over this present Earth, the day of the New Moon will be treated like a Sabbath (Ezekiel 46:1-3).
In the eternal state, all people will treat the day of the New Moon like the Sabbath (Isaiah 66:22-23).
So, even though the day of the New Moon is not directly be called a Chag in the Law of Truth, it is treated like a Chag throughout the Book of Truth. It is also a Chag, whether or not it is called a Chag.
Are there any other acceptable religious celebrations in the Book of Truth?
When King David brought the Ark of the Covenant to the city of David, he made sacrifices to the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 6:12-13). He also went before it, dancing and leaping before the Father of Truth, while the people of Israel blew trumpets and shouted (2 Samuel 6:14-16). He then gave food and wine to everyone who celebrated with him (2 Samuel 6:17-19).
So, even though Chag does not appear in the Hebrew text, it is apparent that David had a religious celebration when he brought the Ark of the Covenant to the city of David.
David was not rebuked by the Father of Truth for creating this religious celebration.
King Solomon and all of Israel held a fourteen day Chag consisting of two one week celebrations.
One of the weeks of this Chag was for the dedication of the Temple, and the other one was to celebrate one of the Feasts of Truth (2 Chronicles 7:8-9).
The Feast of Truth being celebrated was the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) that occurs in the seventh month (1 Kings 8:1-2).
During this second week of the Chag decreed by King Solomon for the dedication of Temple, the Temple was filled with the glory cloud, before he started praying (1 Kings 8:10-12). After he finished praying to dedicate the Temple, fire came down from Heaven to show that these additional sacrifices were accepted (2 Chronicles 7:1-3).
So, not only did the Father of Truth allow this religious celebration to be called a Chag, but He put on His personal stamp of approval on this religious celebration.
Are there any unacceptable religious celebrations in the Book of Truth?
In the wilderness, Aaron declared a Chag of the Father of Truth.
Aaron had made a golden calf and declared that this was the god that had brought Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 32:2-3). This Chag of the Father of Truth declared by Aaron was a celebration of eating food offered to an calf idol and sex outside of marriage (Exodus 32:4-6). The Father of Truth was very angry for them calling this idol party a Chag of His (Exodus 32:7-10). The Father of Truth destroyed 23,000 of these partiers for their eating food offered to an idol and their fornication (1 Corinthians 10:6-8).
After the Kingdom of Israel was split in two, King Jeroboam (Yeroboam) declared a Chag in the eight month to celebrate two calf idols, with same customs as the Chag given in the Law of Truth for the seventh month. He ordained this Chag that he had devised out of his own heart.
King Jeroboam had made golden calves and declared that these were the gods that brought Israel out of Egypt (1 Kings 12:28-30). He set up a counterfeit Temple, with counterfeit priests, to conduct the sacrifices to a counterfeit god during a counterfeit Chag (1 Kings 12:31-33). The Father of Truth was angry about this counterfeit of His Chag (1 Kings 13:1-3). The Father of Truth destroyed the house of Jeroboam off the face of the Earth for making a counterfeit of His Chag (1 Kings 13:32-34).
So, a religious celebration can be unacceptable to the Father of Truth.
Any religious celebration that celebrates idolatry is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Any religious celebration that is celebrated by eating food offered to idols, or participating in sex outside of marriage, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Calling any religious celebration His Chag, other than a religious celebration that He called His, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth. Any religious celebration that is a counterfeit of any Chag of His, is unacceptable to the Father of Truth.
Are there any types of celebrations in the Book of Truth?
Besides Chag and Moed, there is also another Hebrew word translated as "feast" which is "Mishteh".
The Hebrew Word "Mishteh" comes from the Hebrew root word "Shata". Shata is a primitive root and does not come from another word. The best way to understand Mishteh is to start with Shata and work forward from there.
Shata literally means "to drink". Frequently, it is used with drinking alcohol, so it can mean that, just like the word "drink" can mean to drink alcohol in English. Whether it means drinking alcohol, or drinking something else, has be determined from the context.
From this Hebrew word comes Mishteh, which literally means "to feast".
The Hebrew word "Shikor" also comes from Shata. It literally means "to be drunk".
Alcohol is frequently part of a Mishteh, so a Mishteh sometimes leads to people becoming drunk. Mishteh is used in the Book of Truth of celebrations for things like birthdays. A Mishteh can also have music played at it.
So, a Mishteh is a celebration with at least food, but frequently with alcohol and music as well. It is not a religious celebration like a Chag, but a regular celebration.
The Greek word for Mishteh is "Doche". It is also used for a regular celebration in the Renewed Covenant.
So, there are also a regular celebrations in the Book of Truth, besides the appointments and religious celebrations of the Father of Truth.
Did the Children of Truth participate in these regular celebrations in the Book of Truth?
Lot threw a celebration for the two Angels of Truth (Genesis 19:1-3).
Abraham (Abram) had a great celebration when Isaac (Yitzaq) was weaned (Genesis 21:8).
Isaac thew a feast to celebrate the treaty that he made with the king of Gerar (Genesis 26:26-31).
Laban threw a week long celebration for each of his daughters when Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) married them (Genesis 29:21-28).
Samson (Shamshon) had a week long feast when he was married (Judges 14:10-17).
David celebrated that he gained the support of Abner to be made king over all of Israel (2 Samuel 3:17-21).
Solomon threw a celebration after the Father of Truth promised to give him wisdom, riches, and honor (1 Kings 3:12-15).
The Jews across the Persian Empire had a great celebration upon learning that they would be able to avenge themselves upon their enemies (Esther 8:13-17). They had a more great celebrations, after they had destroyed those who had sought to destroy them (Esther 9:15-19).
Mordecai, the Jewish Prime Minister, then decreed a yearly celebration of their deliverance among the Jews across the Persian Empire (Esther 9:20-22). The Jews have continued to keep this yearly celebration with those who love them ever since (Esther 9:26-28).
Matthew the Jew (Matityahu aka Levi aka the Apostle Matthew) hosted a great celebration when the Man of Truth called him to be his disciple (Luke 5:27-29).
So, it is obvious that the Children of Truth participated in regular celebrations in the Book of Truth.
How should the Children of Truth celebrate?
When the Children of Truth host a celebration, then they need to invite the disadvantaged, instead of their friends and families (Luke 14:12-14).
The Children of Truth can eat with unbelievers, as long as they do not eat food offered to idols (1 Corinthians 10:27-28).
The Children of Truth need to be aware that there might be people attending their celebrations, who are really deceivers (2 Peter 2:12-14). They should not be fooled into thinking that these people are part of the Children of Truth, just because they attend their celebrations (Jude 1:10-13).
What can the Children of Truth celebrate?
These facts should now be abundantly clear:
1) The Feasts of Truth are not the only celebrations in the Law of Truth that belong to the Father of Truth.
2) The Father of Truth does not condemn all other celebrations in the Book of Truth.
3) The Children of Truth carried out many celebrations in the Book of Truth - besides the appointments and religious celebrations of the Law of Truth.
There simply is no commandment in the Law of Truth forbidding the celebration of anything other than the Feasts of Truth. In fact, the Law of Truth contains other celebrations.
So, it is adding to the Law of Truth to say that the Children of Truth are forbidden to celebrate anything besides the Feasts of Truth. The Father of Truth forbids anyone from adding commandments to the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).
The Children of Truth should celebrate the Feasts of Truth - but they are not the only things that they can celebrate.
The Children of Truth can participate in, and throw celebrations for all kinds of other reasons, as long as they do not sin in their celebrating.
Any celebration that does not involve idol worship, getting drunk, extra-marital sex, or the like is acceptable. Those who do things like those kind of things will not inherit the Kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
So, the Children of Truth should avoid celebrations rooted in idolatry like Halloween. They should not be chasing Aphrodite, a literal sex goddess, with the rest of the world on Valentine's Day. They should not be celebrating Easter, a goddess of fertility, but should instead being saying "Happy Firstfruits" to each other. They should have nothing to do with celebrations that involve getting drunk and extra-marital sex like Mardi Gras, which precedes Ash Wednesday. They should heed the warning of the Mensch who killed Christmas.
However, there are still plenty of good things that the Children can celebrate!
The Children of Truth can declare new religious celebrations to honor the Father of Truth for what He has done for them - as long as they do not claim that observing these religious celebrations are commanded by the Father of Truth.
So, join in celebrations with your local congregation to celebrate what He has done for them! Throw a Purim Party for the poor and disadvantaged to celebrate the Hidden Hand of the Father of Truth in saving the Jewish people! Be like Solomon and celebrate the dedication of the Temple!
Celebrate your birthday! Celebrate your anniversary! Celebrate your victories! Celebrate with other people when good things happen to them! Celebrate graduations!
Celebrate that the New Year is a time to start over! Celebrate how Saint Patrick brought Celtic Christianity in its original form to the people of Ireland! Celebrate that Christopher Columbus made the hope of the Almodadi possible on the day when worlds collided!
Celebrate the Independence Day of your country! Celebrate those who gave the last full measure of devotion to keep your country free! Celebrate the legacy of the Pilgrims at Thanksgiving!
Not only can the Children of Truth join in celebrations besides the Feasts of Truth, but it sometimes the right thing to do.
The good father threw a great celebration with the best food, music, dancing, and great joy when his lost son returned to him (Luke 15:22-25). He told his other son that celebrating the repentance of his brother was the right thing to do (Luke 15:31-32).
So, it is not right for any of the Children of Truth to be a party pooper!
There is great celebration in Heaven whenever anyone comes into the House of Truth (Luke 15:7).
So, if you have never came into the House of Truth, then it is time for you to get this party started!
Surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that His father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)! There will be an unending celebration in your heart that the world cannot experience (1 Peter 1:8)!
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Celebrations, Holidays
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