It's A Jewish Thing!
In 2000, I told my pastor by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) at lunch one day, that the Church was going to become more and more Jewish from now on.
Since then there has been an ever increasing Jewish influence in Christian circles. I have witnessed Jewish symbols like shofars (ram's horns), menorahs (seven branch candelabras), tallits (prayer shawls with tzitzits (white tassels with a blue thread) on the corners), stars of David (six pointed stars made of one triangle that points upward and one that points downward), Israeli flags and the like appearing in more and more churches.
Books about astronomical signs on that occur on various Jewish holidays such as blood moons (full lunar eclipses) occurring on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles have become best sellers. Not only that but many of the best selling christian books of the last decade have been written by Jewish Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). One of these books told people the benefits of eating in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and millions of Gentile Children of Truth changed their eating to line up with the Law of Truth. They finally understood that the so-called Jewish diet is more than just Food For Thought. Another one of these books told about how the events of 9/11 and afterwards have mirrored in precise detail the events that lead up to the destruction of ancient Israel. This book could not be printed fast enough to keep with demand and remained a bestseller for over two years.
Some of the most popular shows on Christian television are hosted by Jewish Children of Truth. Some present reenactments of Biblical events by Israeli actors on the sites where the events actually occurred in Israel. Often these reenactments are done in Hebrew with English subtitles. They often also feature all kinds of information about the land of Israel covering everything from archeological sites to the wildlife to the IDF (Israel Defense Force) to everyday life in Israel and just about anything else that you could imagine. They have both Jewish and Gentile guests that discuss everything concerning Israel including its tragic history, its present mistreatment and its glorious future. They also often collect funds to help Jews that are scattered all over the world with food, medical assistance and sometimes to return to the land of Israel. They also discuss and cover every subject imaginable in the Book of Truth (the Bible) including the present day supernatural work of the Spirit of Truth. These Jewish believers are most zealous to bring all people into the House of Truth and never fail to tell people to surrender their lives to the Man of Truth in each episode of their shows.
This trend is even more pronounced in the culture of young adult Children of Truth. Words like "Messiah", "Yeshua", "Shalom" and the like have become more and more common in songs played on Christian radio. Shofars and the like have been incorporated in some songs. Christian movies that deal with Jewish issues have increased in number. There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of artists, actors, producers and the like that are Jewish in the Christian market.
Then there is the ever increasing number of churches that host events that highlight Jewish things. Baptist churches have been hosting Passover Seders. Another denomination hosted a tour of a replica of the Tabernacle in many cities. Many of the Gentile Children of Truth have taken to celebrating Chanukah which is also known as the Festival of Lights. The Man of Truth, his parents, and his disciples, have became decisively more and more Jewish in their dress, appearance and mannerisms in Christmas plays and Easter pageants since the year 2000.
Also more and more churches are hosting Friday night or Saturday services (often in addition to their Sunday services). It has become common for many churches to use matzah fragments in communion. Various churches also sponsor Messianic congregations that use their facilities on Saturdays. Rabbis are frequently invited by pastors to dispense ancient Jewish wisdom to help their congregations deal with modern family and financial problems.
Christian ministries, particularly the largest and most successful ones, have became more ardent in their support of Israel at a time when much of the world has became much more critical of Israel. I saw part of a telethon on a major Christian network to raise money to help Israelis during their current crisis. There have been massive rallies in churches to show support to Israel and the Jewish people.
There is another way that the Church is becoming more Jewish. There has been an explosion of Jewish people becoming followers of the Man of Truth. Currently there are more Jewish followers of the Man of Truth than any time in history since the first century AD. The number of these Jewish Children of Truth just keeps on growing as well as the number of congregations that are predominantly Jewish. In fact, congregations that meet on the Sabbath, observe the Biblical holidays and maintain Jewish practices were found to be the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the world according a study by a major Charismatic magazine. Jewish people are coming into the House of Truth at a faster rate than Gentiles resulting in an ever increasing percentage of the Church being Jewish.
The Church is literally becoming more and more Jewish in both its worldview and its composition.
It is as if the Church woke up in 2000 AD and suddenly realized that the Man of Truth and the Apostles are all Jewish. It is as if Jews suddenly woke in 2000 AD and suddenly realized that the Man of Truth is Jewish.
Is this all a strange coincidence? Did the Spirit of Truth really put those words in my mouth? What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about the trend of a more Jewish church?
The simple truth is that there is nothing strange about Jews following the Man of Truth. After all, it's a Jewish thing.
Just to be clear, the term Jew is being used to describe the people group that includes of all descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) as well as those Gentiles who joined themselves to their descendents and then lived as Jews. There were Gentiles who joined themselves to the descendents of Israel when they left Egypt (Exodus 12:37-39). These Gentiles were to be counted as Jews when they were circumcised (Exodus 12:47-49). Any Gentile who is circumcised becomes obligated to keep the whole Law of Truth like all other Jews (Galatians 5:3). This is why circumcision is A Cut Above The Rest.
The term Jew was originally used to refer only to people who belonged to the tribe of Judah (1 Chronicles 4:18). Then it was used to refer to the people who lived in the southern kingdom of Judah after the kingdom of Israel that King David ruled split into two kingdoms (2 Kings 16:5-7). After the kingdom of Judah was destroyed it was used to apply to anyone that worshiped the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) including Gentiles who were circumcised to identify with the Jews (Esther 8:17). So when the Man of Truth walked the Earth this term was applied to those who identified themselves with Israel but not to those who lived in the providence of Judea who identified themselves with someone else like the Samaritans (John 4:9). This was even applied to those who identified themselves with Israel but lived outside of the land of Israel (Acts 2:5-11). This included all twelve tribes of Israel (James 1:1).
So now that the term Jew has been clearly defined then it follows that anything that anything that pertains to being a Jew is Jewish. So why is following the Man of Truth a Jewish thing?
The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) was promised in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) to the Jewish people (Jeremiah 31:31-34). The Original Covenant promised that the Spirit of Truth would be put in the Jewish people so they could keep the commandments found in the Original Covenant (Ezekiel 11:19-20). The Original Covenant promised that the Spirit of Truth would make them able to keep these commandments so that they could inherit the Promised Land to fulfill the promises that the Father of Truth made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ezekiel 36:26-28). The Renewed Covenant was promised to the Jewish people because they could not keep the Original Covenant in the strength of their own flesh to inherit those promises (Hebrews 8:8-12). The Renewed Covenant is a covenant made first and foremost with the Jewish people so that they can keep the Law of Truth and live in the Jewish homeland. It's a Jewish thing!
The entire Book of Truth is a Jewish thing (Romans 3:1-2). It is Jewish men that the Spirit of Truth used to write the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21). The Book of Truth was written by Jewish Prophets of Truth and Jewish Apostles of Truth to tell the world about the Jewish Man of Truth so everyone could come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22). The Man of Truth is the central subject of sixty-six books written by various Jewish authors from the time of Moses until the time of the last of the twelve Jewish Apostles of Truth. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17). The Man of Truth was circumcised on the eighth day as required by the Law of Truth (Luke 2:21). He was born to a Jewish mother who raised him in accordance with the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4). The Man of Truth made it possible for the Law of Truth to be written on the heart of everyone who follows him (Hebrews 10:15-17). The Man of Truth demonstrated how to keep the Law of Truth that was given to the Jews and made it possible for Jews to keep it from their heart. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth was circumcised on the eighth day and dedicated to the Father of Truth in accordance with the Jewish customs for keeping the Law of Truth (Luke 2:21-27). He went to Jerusalem three times each year to observe the Feasts of Truth as was the custom of Jews who lived in the land of the Jews and kept the Law of Truth (Luke 2:42). The accusation that the Man of Truth came to change the customs that Moses gave to Jews in keeping the Law of Truth is completely false (Acts 6:13-14). The Man of Truth kept Jewish customs for keeping the Law of Truth. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth preached the Good News in the synagogues (Matthew 4:23). He healed the sick in the synagogues (Matthew 9:35). He cast out demons in the synagogue (Mark 1:39). He taught his doctrine in the synagogue (Luke 4:15). He went to the synagogue almost every Sabbath (Luke 4:16). The Man of Truth did the work of the Jewish Messiah in Jewish synagogues. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth healed people in the Temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:14). He was praised as the Messiah in the Temple (Matthew 21:15). He taught people daily in the Temple (Mark 14:49). He was first announced as the Jewish Messiah to all of Israel in the Temple (Luke 2:25-38). His first teaching was with the religious leaders of Israel in the Temple (Luke 2:46-49). He preached the Good News in the Temple (Luke 20:1). The Man of Truth did the work of the Jewish Messiah in the Jewish Temple. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth could not stand people desecrating the Temple in Jerusalem with coins that bore idolatrous images (Matthew 21:11-13). He did not allow anyone to even carry merchandise into the Temple (Mark 11:15-17). He did not allow anyone to buy or sell anything in the Temple (Luke 19:45-46). His zeal for the Temple was all consuming (John 2:15-17). The Man of Truth was zealous in ensuring that Jewish people did not desecrate the Jewish Temple. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth only sent the Apostles of Truth to preach salvation to the lost Jews of Israel as long as he was on this Earth (Matthew 10:5-7). The Man of Truth only preached salvation to the lost Jews of Israel (Matthew 15:24). Salvation is a Jewish thing (John 4:22). The Jewish Messiah brought salvation to the Jewish people in the Jewish homeland. It's a Jewish thing!
The Prophets of Truth who foretold his coming, suffering, death and resurrection were all Jewish (Acts 3:13-18). Moses said that the Man of Truth would be raised up from among the Jews and that every Jew must do what the Man of Truth says (Acts 3:22-23). Everything that happened to the Man of Truth was to fulfill the promises that the Father of Truth made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning the Jewish people (Acts 13:32-39). The Man of Truth lived, died and rose again to bring about all that the Father of Truth had promised to the Jewish people through the Jewish prophets. It's a Jewish thing!
The Good News was first brought to the Jews who would bring the message of salvation through the Man of Truth to the Gentiles (Acts 3:24-26). It was ten years after the Man of Truth rose from the dead before the Good News was preached to the Gentiles and even then it had to be confirmed by the baptism of the Spirit of Truth coming upon the Gentiles before the Jewish Children of Truth would accept it as being from the Father of Truth (Acts 10:44-48). Even when the Good News was preached to Gentiles outside of the land of Israel it was always after it was first preached to the Jews (Romans 1:16). In fact, Jews preaching the Good News to the Gentiles was part of the promises that were given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 15:8-12). The very first Jewish missionaries to the Gentiles began their very first mission to the Gentiles by preaching the Good News to Jews in the synagogue (Acts 13:1-5). It was the custom of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) to preach in the synagogue to the Jews first in every Gentile city where he brought the Good News (Acts 17:1-3). Paul the Jew spent every sabbath in the synagogue reasoning with his fellow Jews about following the Man of Truth (Acts 18:4). Paul the Jew persisted in this policy all the way to Ephesus where he went on his third mission (Acts 19:8). Not once during the thirteen years that he spent taking the Good News to the Gentiles during these three missions did he ever teach Jews to forsake Jewish customs necessary for keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 21:20-26). So the Jewish Apostles preached the Jewish Messiah to the Jews first in their efforts to reach the Gentiles and never taught Jews living in Gentile lands to forsake Jewish customs needed to keep the Law of Truth. It's a Jewish thing!
The Man of Truth is a Jew from the linage of King David (Matthew 1:17). He is the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). The Man of Truth is returning to the Earth to rescue the Jewish people when they accept his rule over them by saying to him "Baruch haba v'shem Adonai" (Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord) (Matthew 23:39). The twelve Apostles of Truth are each going to rule over a tribe of Israel when he returns (Luke 22:28-30). The Man of Truth is the King of the Jews and will have a Jewish Apostle of Truth each rule over a tribe of Israel on his behalf. It's a Jewish thing!
When the Jewish people finally submit to the Father of Truth by accepting the Man of Truth as their king then Israel will be exalted above all other nations (Deuteronomy 28:1). Then the Jewish people will look upon the Man of Truth who they pierced and mourn for him as if he were their only son (Zechariah 12:10). Then the Man of Truth is going make the Law of Truth flow out of the Jewish capital from the Jewish state to be the basis for the law of the entire world (Isaiah 2:1-4). Then Gentiles from all nations will seek out Jews to learn how to keep the Law of Truth (Zechariah 8:20-23). The Man of Truth will cause Israel to be exalted above all nations and cause all nations to submit to the Law of Truth that comes out of the Jewish capital in the Jewish homeland. It's a Jewish thing!
Since following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing then how did it get so far from appearing to be Jewish?
The Gentiles were brought into the House of Truth when most Jews rejected the Man of Truth to provoke the Jews to jealously so that the Jews would repent and come into the House of Truth (Romans 11:11-14). When most Jews were broken off from the tree of Israel for rejecting the Man of Truth then those Gentiles who would follow the Man of Truth were able to be grafted into the tree of Israel (Romans 11:17-20). The Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth have joined the Jews who follow the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13). So Gentiles following the Man of Truth were meant to be guided by his Jewish followers in following the Man of Truth. It was still a Jewish thing.
Since the Gentiles outnumber the Jews at least five hundred to one then it was inevitable that the Church would become less and less Jewish as more and more Gentiles came in. The covenants that formed the foundation of the sound doctrine did not belong to the Gentiles but to the Jews (Romans 9:3-5). The problem is that most Jews would not accept the Man of Truth as their Messiah (Romans 10:16-21). Yet the Father of Truth did not abandon the Jews completely so there has always been Jewish followers of the Man of Truth (Romans 11:1-5). So even as Gentiles, who did not understand the Jewish foundation of the Good News, began to create exclusively Gentile congregations even though following the Man of Truth was a Jewish thing.
The Gentile followers of the Man of Truth could not keep things straight without Jewish leadership but were easily lead astray once they no longer had Jews like Paul the Jew around to defend them from false doctrine based on pagan ideas (Acts 20:28-30). There were not enough Jewish Children of Truth to prevent the mostly Gentile church from being spoiled by the vain philosophies of the Greeks and other pagans (Colossians 2:8). Eventually, these Gentiles, for example Diotrephes, who sought to add these vain philosophies began to oppose the Jewish leadership and even cast out those who refused to accept these pagan customs in place of Jewish customs (3 John 1:9-10). So most Gentile Children of Truth were turned away from the Jewish customs to pagan customs until following the Man of Truth was obscured as being a Jewish thing.
Eventually the almost exclusively Gentile Church got so far from the Jewish roots of following the Man of Truth that they did not even know Who Changed The Sabbath. So even though the foundation of the Good News has been obscured by pagan customs like Christmas and meeting on Sunday instead of being made plain by Jewish customs like Passover and meeting on the Sabbath (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) following the Man of Truth is still a Jewish thing.
So why has the Church been becoming more and more Jewish since 2000?
The Father of Truth said that He would remove Gentiles from the tree of Israel if they did not continue in following the Man of Truth (Romans 11:20-22). He would also put Jews back into the tree of Israel if they did not continue in rejecting the Man of Truth (Romans 11:23). These Jews who came into the House of Truth are back in their natural place and are restoring the nature of the tree to its natural state (Romans 11:24). It only follows that as more and more Jews come into the House of Truth that the Church would become more and more Jewish as it returns to its natural state. After all, following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing.
The love of the Man of Truth for many of the Gentiles has grown cold because iniquity is abounding and false prophets have arisen (Matthew 24:11-13). Many Gentiles have rejected the teachings of the Law of Truth that form sound doctrine even to the point of claiming that people can remain homosexuals and fornicators after they come into the House of Truth (1 Timothy 1:8-11). They have began to fall away from following the Man of Truth so they can listen to people who tell them what they want to hear and to follow pagan fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4). In their attempts to remain relevant to the world they are becoming the enemies of the Father of Truth (James 4:4). The Church is becoming less and less Gentile because so many Gentiles have left off following the Man of Truth to be relevant to the world. Many Gentiles leave off following the Man of Truth once they realize that it's a Jewish thing.
The Gospel has finally been preached to every Gentile nation and the end of this world is near (Matthew 24:14). The blindness is being lifted off the eyes of more and more Jews even as the number of the Gentiles who will come into the House of Truth is coming closer to completion (Romans 11:25-27). These are all signs that the Man of Truth will soon return (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4). Soon the events will be set in motion that result in the Man of Truth ruling the entire world from his throne in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:15). The Global Conspiracy to bring the world under Jewish rule that has been feared by those who hate the Father of Truth will have been completed. It's a Jewish thing.
So what about the Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth?
The Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth are more Jewish than the Jews who reject him (Romans 2:28-29). This is all Good News for the Gentile Children of Truth because it signals that everything that has died since the time of the Garden of Eden will soon be brought back to life (Romans 11:15-16). The time for them to receive their inheritance is near (Colossians 3:23-24). They shall soon reign with him (2 Timothy 2:11-13)! The Gentile Children of Truth will be reigning over the Gentile nations on his behalf when he reigns over the entire Earth from the Jewish capital in the Jewish homeland. The Gentiles who have received The Better Circumcision will have a definite place in his kingdom even though it's a Jewish thing!
Do you have a place in his kingdom?
The Good News is that both Jews and Gentiles can come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-10). The Father of Truth favors no one but demands that all must come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:11-16). He will accept both Jews and Gentiles who come into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-25). Both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13). Everyone has an inheritance in his kingdom when they come into the House of Truth (Galatians 3:27-29).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Jesus Christ, Jews, Yeshua HaMashiach