Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's A Jewish Thing!

Why is following The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) a Jewish thing?

In 2000, I told my pastor by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) at lunch one day, that the Church was going to become more and more Jewish from now on.

Since then there has been an ever increasing Jewish influence in Christian circles.  I have witnessed Jewish symbols like shofars (ram's horns), menorahs (seven branch candelabras), tallits (prayer shawls with tzitzits (white tassels with a blue thread) on the corners), stars of David (six pointed stars made of one triangle that points upward and one that points downward), Israeli flags and the like appearing in more and more churches.

Books about astronomical signs on that occur on various Jewish holidays such as blood moons (full lunar eclipses) occurring on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles have become best sellers.  Not only that but many of the best selling christian books of the last decade have been written by Jewish Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  One of these books told people the benefits of eating in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and millions of Gentile Children of Truth changed their eating to line up with the Law of Truth.  They finally understood that the so-called Jewish diet is more than just Food For Thought.  Another one of these books told about how the events of 9/11 and afterwards have mirrored in precise detail the events that lead up to the destruction of ancient Israel.  This book could not be printed fast enough to keep with demand and remained a bestseller for over two years.

Some of the most popular shows on Christian television are hosted by Jewish Children of Truth.  Some present reenactments of Biblical events by Israeli actors on the sites where the events actually occurred in Israel.  Often these reenactments are done in Hebrew with English subtitles.  They often also feature all kinds of information about the land of Israel covering everything from archeological sites to the wildlife to the IDF (Israel Defense Force) to everyday life in Israel and just about anything else that you could imagine.  They have both Jewish and Gentile guests that discuss everything concerning Israel including its tragic history, its present mistreatment and its glorious future.  They also often collect funds to help Jews that are scattered all over the world with food, medical assistance and sometimes to return to the land of Israel.  They also discuss and cover every subject imaginable in the Book of Truth (the Bible) including the present day supernatural work of the Spirit of Truth.  These Jewish believers are most zealous to bring all people into the House of Truth and never fail to tell people to surrender their lives to the Man of Truth in each episode of their shows.

This trend is even more pronounced in the culture of young adult Children of Truth.  Words like "Messiah", "Yeshua", "Shalom" and the like have become more and more common in songs played on Christian radio.  Shofars and the like have been incorporated in some songs. Christian movies that deal with Jewish issues have increased in number.   There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of artists, actors, producers and the like that are Jewish in the Christian market. 

Then there is the ever increasing number of churches that host events that highlight Jewish things.  Baptist churches have been hosting Passover Seders.  Another denomination hosted a tour of a replica of the Tabernacle in many cities.  Many of the Gentile Children of Truth have taken to celebrating Chanukah which is also known as the Festival of Lights.  The Man of Truth, his parents, and his disciples, have became decisively more and more Jewish in their dress, appearance and mannerisms in Christmas plays and Easter pageants since the year 2000.

Also more and more churches are hosting Friday night or Saturday services (often in addition to their Sunday services).  It has become common for many churches to use matzah fragments in communion.   Various churches also sponsor Messianic congregations that use their facilities on Saturdays.  Rabbis are frequently invited by pastors to dispense ancient Jewish wisdom to help their congregations deal with modern family and financial problems.

Christian ministries, particularly the largest and most successful ones, have became more ardent in their support of Israel at a time when much of the world has became much more critical of Israel.  I saw part of a telethon on a major Christian network to raise money to help Israelis during their current crisis.  There have been massive rallies in churches to show support to Israel and the Jewish people.

There is another way that the Church is becoming more Jewish.  There has been an explosion of Jewish people becoming followers of the Man of Truth. Currently there are more Jewish followers of the Man of Truth than any time in history since the first century AD.  The number of these Jewish Children of Truth just keeps on growing as well as the number of congregations that are predominantly Jewish.  In fact, congregations that meet on the Sabbath, observe the Biblical holidays and maintain Jewish practices were found to be the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the world according a study by a major Charismatic magazine.  Jewish people are coming into the House of Truth at a faster rate than Gentiles resulting in an ever increasing percentage of the Church being Jewish.

The Church is literally becoming more and more Jewish in both its worldview and its composition.

It is as if the Church woke up in 2000 AD and suddenly realized that the Man of Truth and the Apostles are all Jewish.  It is as if Jews suddenly woke in 2000 AD and suddenly realized that the Man of Truth is Jewish.

Is this all a strange coincidence?  Did the Spirit of Truth really put those words in my mouth?  What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about the trend of a more Jewish church?

The simple truth is that there is nothing strange about Jews following the Man of Truth.  After all, it's a Jewish thing.

Just to be clear, the term Jew is being used to describe the people group that includes of all descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) as well as those Gentiles who joined themselves to their descendents and then lived as Jews.  There were Gentiles who joined themselves to the descendents of Israel when they left Egypt (Exodus 12:37-39).  These Gentiles were to be counted as Jews when they were circumcised (Exodus 12:47-49).  Any Gentile who is circumcised becomes obligated to keep the whole Law of Truth like all other Jews (Galatians 5:3).  This is why circumcision is A Cut Above The Rest.

The term Jew was originally used to refer only to people who belonged to the tribe of Judah (1 Chronicles 4:18).  Then it was used to refer to the people who lived in the southern kingdom of Judah after the kingdom of Israel that King David ruled split into two kingdoms (2 Kings 16:5-7).  After the kingdom of Judah was destroyed it was used to apply to anyone that worshiped the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) including Gentiles who were circumcised to identify with the Jews (Esther 8:17).  So when the Man of Truth walked the Earth this term was applied to those who identified themselves with Israel but not to those who lived in the providence of Judea who identified themselves with someone else like the Samaritans (John 4:9).  This was even applied to those who identified themselves with Israel but lived outside of the land of Israel (Acts 2:5-11).  This included all twelve tribes of Israel (James 1:1).

So now that the term Jew has been clearly defined then it follows that anything that anything that pertains to being a Jew is Jewish.  So why is following the Man of Truth a Jewish thing?

The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) was promised in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) to the Jewish people (Jeremiah 31:31-34).  The Original Covenant promised that the Spirit of Truth would be put in the Jewish people so they could keep the commandments found in the Original Covenant (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  The Original Covenant promised that the Spirit of Truth would make them able to keep these commandments so that they could inherit the Promised Land to fulfill the promises that the Father of Truth made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ezekiel 36:26-28).  The Renewed Covenant was promised to the Jewish people because they could not keep the Original Covenant in the strength of their own flesh to inherit those promises (Hebrews 8:8-12).  The Renewed Covenant is a covenant made first and foremost with the Jewish people so that they can keep the Law of Truth and live in the Jewish homeland.  It's a Jewish thing!

The entire Book of Truth is a Jewish thing (Romans 3:1-2).  It is Jewish men that the Spirit of Truth used to write the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).  The Book of Truth was written by Jewish Prophets of Truth and Jewish Apostles of Truth to tell the world about the Jewish Man of Truth so everyone could come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).  The Man of Truth is the central subject of sixty-six books written by various Jewish authors from the time of Moses until the time of the last of the twelve Jewish Apostles of Truth.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17).  The Man of Truth was circumcised on the eighth day as required by the Law of Truth (Luke 2:21).  He was born to a Jewish mother who raised him in accordance with the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4).  The Man of Truth made it possible for the Law of Truth to be written on the heart of everyone who follows him (Hebrews 10:15-17).  The Man of Truth demonstrated how to keep the Law of Truth that was given to the Jews and made it possible for Jews to keep it from their heart.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth was circumcised on the eighth day and dedicated to the Father of Truth in accordance with the Jewish customs for keeping the Law of Truth (Luke 2:21-27).   He went to Jerusalem three times each year to observe the Feasts of Truth as was the custom of Jews who lived in the land of the Jews and kept the Law of Truth (Luke 2:42).  The accusation that the Man of Truth came to change the customs that Moses gave to Jews in keeping the Law of Truth is completely false (Acts 6:13-14).  The Man of Truth kept Jewish customs for keeping the Law of Truth.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth preached the Good News in the synagogues (Matthew 4:23).  He healed the sick in the synagogues (Matthew 9:35).    He cast out demons in the synagogue (Mark 1:39).  He taught his doctrine in the synagogue (Luke 4:15).  He went to the synagogue almost every Sabbath (Luke 4:16).  The Man of Truth did the work of the Jewish Messiah in Jewish synagogues.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth healed people in the Temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:14).  He was praised as the Messiah in the Temple (Matthew 21:15).  He taught people daily in the Temple (Mark 14:49).  He was first announced as the Jewish Messiah to all of Israel in the Temple (Luke 2:25-38).  His first teaching was with the religious leaders of Israel in the Temple (Luke 2:46-49).  He preached the Good News in the Temple (Luke 20:1).  The Man of Truth did the work of the Jewish Messiah in the Jewish Temple.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth could not stand people desecrating the Temple in Jerusalem with coins that bore idolatrous images (Matthew 21:11-13).  He did not allow anyone to even carry merchandise into the Temple (Mark 11:15-17).  He did not allow anyone to buy or sell anything in the Temple (Luke 19:45-46).  His zeal for the Temple was all consuming (John 2:15-17).   The Man of Truth was zealous in ensuring that Jewish people did not desecrate the Jewish Temple.   It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth only sent the Apostles of Truth to preach salvation to the lost Jews of Israel as long as he was on this Earth (Matthew 10:5-7).  The Man of Truth only preached salvation to the lost Jews of Israel (Matthew 15:24).  Salvation is a Jewish thing (John 4:22).   The Jewish Messiah brought salvation to the Jewish people in the Jewish homeland.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Prophets of Truth who foretold his coming, suffering, death and resurrection were all Jewish (Acts 3:13-18).  Moses said that the Man of Truth would be raised up from among the Jews and that every Jew must do what the Man of Truth says (Acts 3:22-23).  Everything that happened to the Man of Truth was to fulfill the promises that the Father of Truth made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning the Jewish people (Acts 13:32-39).  The Man of Truth lived, died and rose again to bring about all that the Father of Truth had promised to the Jewish people through the Jewish prophets.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Good News was first brought to the Jews who would bring the message of salvation through the Man of Truth to the Gentiles (Acts 3:24-26).  It was ten years after the Man of Truth rose from the dead before the Good News was preached to the Gentiles and even then it had to be confirmed by the baptism of the Spirit of Truth coming upon the Gentiles before the Jewish Children of Truth would accept it as being from the Father of Truth (Acts 10:44-48).  Even when the Good News was preached to Gentiles outside of the land of Israel it was always after it was first preached to the Jews (Romans 1:16).  In fact, Jews preaching the Good News to the Gentiles was part of the promises that were given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 15:8-12).  The very first Jewish missionaries to the Gentiles began their very first mission to the Gentiles by preaching the Good News to Jews in the synagogue (Acts 13:1-5).  It was the custom of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) to preach in the synagogue to the Jews first in every Gentile city where he brought the Good News (Acts 17:1-3).  Paul the Jew spent every sabbath in the synagogue reasoning with his fellow Jews about following the Man of Truth (Acts 18:4).  Paul the Jew persisted in this policy all the way to Ephesus where he went on his third mission (Acts 19:8).  Not once during the thirteen years that he spent taking the Good News to the Gentiles during these three missions did he ever teach Jews to forsake Jewish customs necessary for keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 21:20-26).  So the Jewish Apostles preached the Jewish Messiah to the Jews first in their efforts to reach the Gentiles and never taught Jews living in Gentile lands to forsake Jewish customs needed to keep the Law of Truth.  It's a Jewish thing!

The Man of Truth is a Jew from the linage of King David (Matthew 1:17). He is the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2).  The Man of Truth is returning to the Earth to rescue the Jewish people when they accept his rule over them by saying to him "Baruch haba v'shem Adonai" (Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord) (Matthew 23:39).  The twelve Apostles of Truth are each going to rule over a tribe of Israel when he returns (Luke 22:28-30).  The Man of Truth is the King of the Jews and will have a Jewish Apostle of Truth each rule over a tribe of Israel on his behalf.  It's a Jewish thing!

When the Jewish people finally submit to the Father of Truth by accepting the Man of Truth as their king then Israel will be exalted above all other nations (Deuteronomy 28:1).  Then the Jewish people will look upon the Man of Truth who they pierced and mourn for him as if he were their only son (Zechariah 12:10).  Then the Man of Truth is going make the Law of Truth flow out of the Jewish capital from the Jewish state to be the basis for the law of the entire world (Isaiah 2:1-4).  Then Gentiles from all nations will seek out Jews to learn how to keep the Law of Truth (Zechariah 8:20-23).  The Man of Truth will cause Israel to be exalted above all nations and cause all nations to submit to the Law of Truth that comes out of the Jewish capital in the Jewish homeland.  It's a Jewish thing!

Since following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing then how did it get so far from appearing to be Jewish?

The Gentiles were brought into the House of Truth when most Jews rejected the Man of Truth to provoke the Jews to jealously so that the Jews would repent and come into the House of Truth (Romans 11:11-14).  When most Jews were broken off from the tree of Israel for rejecting the Man of Truth then those Gentiles who would follow the Man of Truth were able to be grafted into the tree of Israel (Romans 11:17-20).  The Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth have joined the Jews who follow the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).  So Gentiles following the Man of Truth were meant to be guided by his Jewish followers in following the Man of Truth.  It was still a Jewish thing.

Since the Gentiles outnumber the Jews at least five hundred to one then it was inevitable that the Church would become less and less Jewish as more and more Gentiles came in.  The covenants that formed the foundation of the sound doctrine did not belong to the Gentiles but to the Jews (Romans 9:3-5).  The problem is that most Jews would not accept the Man of Truth as their Messiah (Romans 10:16-21).  Yet the Father of Truth did not abandon the Jews completely so there has always been Jewish followers of the Man of Truth (Romans 11:1-5).  So even as Gentiles, who did not understand the Jewish foundation of the Good News, began to create exclusively Gentile congregations even though following the Man of Truth was a Jewish thing.

The Gentile followers of the Man of Truth could not keep things straight without Jewish leadership but were easily lead astray once they no longer had Jews like Paul the Jew around to defend them from false doctrine based on pagan ideas (Acts 20:28-30).  There were not enough Jewish Children of Truth to prevent the mostly Gentile church from being spoiled by the vain philosophies of the Greeks and other pagans (Colossians 2:8).  Eventually, these Gentiles, for example Diotrephes, who sought to add these vain philosophies began to oppose the Jewish leadership and even cast out those who refused to accept these pagan customs in place of Jewish customs (3 John 1:9-10).  So most Gentile Children of Truth were turned away from the Jewish customs to pagan customs until following the Man of Truth was obscured as being a Jewish thing.

Eventually the almost exclusively Gentile Church got so far from the Jewish roots of following the Man of Truth that they did not even know Who Changed The Sabbath.  So even though the foundation of the Good News has been obscured by pagan customs like Christmas and meeting on Sunday instead of  being made plain by Jewish customs like Passover and meeting on the Sabbath (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday) following the Man of Truth is still a Jewish thing.

So why has the Church been becoming more and more Jewish since 2000?

The Father of Truth said that He would remove Gentiles from the tree of Israel if they did not continue in following the Man of Truth (Romans 11:20-22).  He would also put Jews back into the tree of Israel if they did not continue in rejecting the Man of Truth (Romans 11:23).  These Jews who came into the House of Truth are back in their natural place and are restoring the nature of the tree to its natural state (Romans 11:24).  It only follows that as more and more Jews come into the House of Truth that the Church would become more and more Jewish as it returns to its natural state.  After all, following the Man of Truth is a Jewish thing.

The love of the Man of Truth for many of the Gentiles has grown cold because iniquity is abounding and false prophets have arisen (Matthew 24:11-13).   Many Gentiles have rejected the teachings of the Law of Truth that form sound doctrine even to the point of claiming that people can remain homosexuals and fornicators after they come into the House of Truth (1 Timothy 1:8-11).  They have began to fall away from following the Man of Truth so they can listen to people who tell them what they want to hear and to follow pagan fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4).  In their attempts to remain relevant to the world they are becoming the enemies of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).  The Church is becoming less and less Gentile because so many Gentiles have left off following the Man of Truth to be relevant to the world.  Many Gentiles leave off following the Man of Truth once they realize that it's a Jewish thing. 

The Gospel has finally been preached to every Gentile nation and the end of this world is near (Matthew 24:14).  The blindness is being lifted off the eyes of more and more Jews even as the number of the Gentiles who will come into the House of Truth is coming closer to completion (Romans 11:25-27).  These are all signs that the Man of Truth will soon return (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).  Soon the events will be set in motion that result in the Man of Truth ruling the entire world from his throne in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:15).  The Global Conspiracy to bring the world under Jewish rule that has been feared by those who hate the Father of Truth will have been completed.  It's a Jewish thing.

So what about the Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth?

The Gentiles who follow the Man of Truth are more Jewish than the Jews who reject him (Romans 2:28-29).  This is all Good News for the Gentile Children of Truth because it signals that everything that has died since the time of the Garden of Eden will soon be brought back to life (Romans 11:15-16).  The time for them to receive their inheritance is near (Colossians 3:23-24).  They shall soon reign with him (2 Timothy 2:11-13)!  The Gentile Children of Truth will be reigning over the Gentile nations on his behalf when he reigns over the entire Earth from the Jewish capital in the Jewish homeland.  The Gentiles who have received The Better Circumcision will have a definite place in his kingdom even though it's a Jewish thing!

Do you have a place in his kingdom?

The Good News is that both Jews and Gentiles can come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-10).  The Father of Truth favors no one but demands that all must come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:11-16).  He will accept both Jews and Gentiles who come into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-25).  Both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13).  Everyone has an inheritance in his kingdom when they come into the House of Truth (Galatians 3:27-29).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Disintegration of Thanksgiving

Why has Thanksgiving lost its meaning?

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite American holiday.  There are a lot of reasons for this.

For one thing it is the grand finale of my favorite season.  Thanksgiving says "goodbye Fall, hello Winter" similar to how Labor day says "goodbye Summer, hello Fall".  Most homes have been decorated with Fall decorations that will soon vanish like the leaves on the trees.  They are decorated in the warm and vibrant colors of fall foliage as well as many emblems of fall like scarecrows and pumpkins.  Then all of the splendor of fall is crowned with decorations of Pilgrims, Indians, and turkeys for Thanksgiving day.

Then there is the feasting on turkey and sundry other items. It reminds us of how the Pilgrims and Indians gathered together in feast to share in the bounty that their mutually beneficial friendship had produced.  It is a perfect picture of peace and prosperity that came from love.  In the same way, family members would put aside all ill feelings and unkind remarks for a day of feasting in the home of the family matriarch.  There was always more food than people could eat and families reminisced about shared experiences growing up that still bound them together.

Of course, what is feasting without family?  Thanksgiving was often the one day a year when everyone in a large family like that of my Grandma Remington (9 kids, 43 grandkids) would somehow manage to all meet at her house.  The floors at night were covered with wall to wall with people sleeping.  Sometimes, some of us would just sleep in tents or a camper.  It did not matter that there was only one bathroom because we were happy just to able to all be together.

Then there were the family activities.  These varied from year to year but they were always fun.  Some years we played cards and other years we might go hunting.  Some years we would watch an old movie together or play video games.  The important thing was that we were all having fun together.

Also there was the family lore.  We would listen to stories of when my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts, and great uncles grew up.  We learned about where our family came from, what made our family unique and what our family valued.  Thanksgiving was the day each year when families share the stories that have molded them into what they have become.

Most importantly, there was thankfulness to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for all that He had done for us over the last year.   Even those of us who rarely gave Him any thought during the rest of the year would express their thankfulness for His goodness to them on Thanksgiving.  No words that took away from the attitude of thankfulness were spoken.  Even the grouchiest relative would not complain about anything on Thanksgiving.  We really gave thanks to the Father of Truth on Thanksgiving.

So for these and so many other reasons I call Thanksgiving "the happiest day of the year".

Those days of going to my Grandma Remington's house are long gone.  Since that time I have been watching the disintegration of Thanksgiving occur year after year.

Many Americans still travel for Thanksgiving and the day before Thanksgiving is still the most traveled day of the year in the US.  However, an ever increasing percentage of people are opting for trips to romantic getaways, theme parks, Gatlinburg and the like instead of visiting with their extended family.  Of course, they are not only missing the opportunity to connect with their extended family but are also denying the people who are forced to work on Thanksgiving to accommodate them the opportunity to connect with their extended family.

Stores have continually crowded out Thanksgiving more and more each year in order to make more room for the more lucrative holidays of Halloween and Christmas.  They and their customers can hardly wait for Thanksgiving to be over so they can begin the mad rush of "Black Friday" sales.  Their dissatisfaction with what they already have has grown year after year until it is no longer appropriate to call the sales "Black Friday" sales since the stores are now opening as early as 5 pm on Thanksgiving Day.  So even more workers are denied the opportunity to connect with their extended family or to even enjoy an entire day off.

Of course, many families do not even really connect in a meaningful way on Thanksgiving anymore.  Instead, they watch football on TV being played by teams that most of them normally would not care about instead of spending time having fun with each other.  They have no time to pass down the stories that form a strong family identity.  Thanksgiving for them has disintegrated into just another day to watch football and drink beer.  The only difference between how they spend it and their weekends is that they are eating turkey instead of their usual fare.

Thanksgiving is no longer about expressing thankfulness to the Father of Truth in most American families.  In fact, many do not even call it "Thanksgiving" but rather "Turkey Day".  Thanksgiving is simply not about giving thanks anymore.

Why has Thanksgiving literally lost its meaning? What has driven the disintegration of Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is disintegrating because of vain attempts to fill the void in the human heart with material possessions.  The endless pursuit of material things epitomized by the mad rush of Black Friday and Thanksgiving night consumes the very lives of people (Proverbs 1:19).  Every year people bring trouble to their homes just to get things that will never satisfy them (Proverbs 15:27).   So people enslave themselves and their families to their creditors for another year (Proverbs 22:7).   Yet those who look for material things to satisfy them can never have enough material things to be satisfied (Isaiah 56:11).  They remain empty inside because a full life does not come from having an abundance of stuff (Luke 12:15).  They cannot be content with having all of the material things that they really need so they work and slave for every dime just to get things that they will either one day lose or leave behind (1 Timothy 6:7-9).  The emptiness of the human heart can never be filled by getting Bigger, Better, Newer stuff.

Thanksgiving is disintegrating because the American family is disintegrating.  The American family is disintegrating because there is a high divorce rate from people divorcing for any cause (Matthew 19:3).  This comes from people looking at marriage as a legal status granted by the government that can be broken with the permission of the government instead of a lifelong covenant that came from the Father of Truth (Matthew 19:4-6).  They bail out on their families for any reason even though the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that divorce is only for cases of adultery and other types of fornication (Matthew 19:7-9).  So their children end up with blended families that are bound to run into tension at family gatherings especially when the answer is not really clear to the question: Whose Wife Is She?  Their children of no sense of security when their parents will not fight to create a stable home life but instead they take The Nuclear Option.  In some case the American family has became so messed up that people are living like they are Married In Sodom.  No wonder people do not want to spend time with their extended family when they do not have any sense of permanently belonging to a family or are not really even sure which family they belong to!

Thanksgiving is disintegrating because there can be no thanks giving without the Father of Truth to give thanks to.  There can literally be no thanks giving for all of those Americans who have reject the Father of Truth because they believe The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told.  They believe that they were not given anything but all that they have came by their own hard work (Deuteronomy 8:17).  They do not acknowledge that the Father of Truth made all things that they enjoy so they cannot be thankful to Him for those things (Romans 1:20-21).  Since they have no hope after the grave they pursue all the pleasure that they can by feasting and drinking (1 Corinthians 15:32).  So to them Thanksgiving has disintegrated into an extra day off to eat turkey, drink beer and watch football.

Thanksgiving is disintegrating due to competition from holidays that the Founding Fathers did not celebrate and were even outlawed in most colonies.  One of these holidays, Christmas, is a celebration of unmitigated greed while the other one, Halloween, is a celebration of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).  These holidays were brought over by the very kind of people that the Pilgrims left Europe to separate themselves from.  These holidays that take the minds of Americans off of the Father of Truth and cause them to focus on themselves have grown in popularity through A Subtle Influence similar to the changes in America regarding homosexuality.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened to a nation.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells of another time that something similar happened to ancient Israel.  The disintegration of Thanksgiving is symptomatic of the societal changes that will lead to The Death of America.   It would be wonderful if Americans could learn from the mistakes of ancient Israel instead of repeating them as the mistakes of the United States.  Then Americans could avoid the inevitable consequences of making those same mistakes.   Instead the disintegration of Thanksgiving continues.

The real problem is that no one can truly celebrate Thanksgiving until they come into the House of Truth (Psalm 95:2).  They cannot give thanks from the heart to the Father of Truth until they come into the House of Truth (Romans 6:17).  They can only come into the House of Truth by putting the Man of Truth in charge of their lives because they believe that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  After they come into the House of Truth then they will really be able to celebrate Thanksgiving (Colossians 2:6-7).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

The Moment I Become Alive

When does life begin?

This has been a hotly debated question in the United States and other places.  On the one side there are the pro-life people who say human life begins at conception and that abortion is murder.  On the other side there are the pro-death people, although they prefer the term pro-choice, who say that human life begins at birth and that abortion is simply the removal of an unwanted fetus before it becomes alive.

The arguments for and against abortion really boils down to one question:

When was the moment I became alive?

There is no one better to ask this question than the Author of life.  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has recorded His answers about the definition of life in the Book of Truth (The Bible).

So when was the moment I became alive?

Human beings come into existence in their most basic state at the moment of conception (Genesis 4:1).  They are the children of their father from the moment that he begets them in their mother (Genesis 5:3).  The Father of Truth already knows people while they are still in the womb (Psalm 139:13-15).  He is the One who forms them in the womb (Isaiah 44:2).

So in the most basic sense the moment my mother conceived and my father begot me was the moment that I became alive.  So abortion is murder and those who perform abortions are Serial Killers.

Yet children cannot experience human life as long as they are living in the womb.  They cannot experience eating, drinking, and human fellowship in the womb.  They see nothing but darkness in the womb.  They can never smell a flower in the womb.  They cannot run or jump or do about anything in the womb.  They cannot learn an occupation or reach their potential in the womb.  In short, they cannot experience the physical world and all the wonders in it until the cord is cut.

Of course, they also cannot experience the miseries of life as well which is why people going through terrible trials sometimes wish that they had never been born (Job 3:9-11).

It is for these reasons that they can neither do good nor do evil (Romans 9:10-11).   The unborn have no actions to be judged for doing so they will not go to the Chamber of Horrors for their sins.  It is for this reason that that the Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) really would be better off if they had never been born (Mark 14:21).

So even though people are alive in the womb they are not alive to the physical world.  Yet to be born into this world they have to end their existence in the womb.  So in another sense the moment that I was born was the moment I became alive.

In the same way that people end one existence to come into another existence when they are born into the physical world there is another existence that they cannot come into as long as they are wired into the physical world.  They cannot experience the world seen through the eyes of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) while they are ruled by their physical senses (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Just as they had to be born the first time to experience the natural world they must be born again to experience the spiritual world (John 3:3).  Just as they were born into the flesh by their mother they must be born into the spirit by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6).  Just as they were begotten by their father in order to come into the physical world so also they must be begotten by the Father of Truth in order to come into the spiritual world (1 Peter 1:3).

Still people have to be born first into the physical world before they can be born again into the spiritual world (1 Corinthians 15:46).  When they are born again then they no longer live their lives based on what their physical senses tell them but rather live their lives based on the Spirit of Truth tells them (Romans 8:5-7).   They must die to the demands of their flesh in this physical world before they can experience life in the spiritual world (Romans 8:12-14). 

People are dead in their sins until they were born again (Ephesians 2:1-3).  They are dead to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) long as they lived for the pleasure of their flesh (1 Timothy 5:6).  They are not the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) and they cannot know Him (1 John 3:1).  They are The Living Dead.

People who surrender their lives to Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) pass from death into life (John 5:24).  Those who are born again no longer live for the desires of their flesh but rather for the desires of their Father (Romans 6:11-13).  They have been translated from the world of the flesh where death reigns to the world of the spirit where life reigns (Colossians 1:13-14).

So even though I was born in the flesh shortly after 8 am on November 15, 1962 I was dead to the Father of Truth.  I was only sucking air and occupying space until I surrendered everything to the Man of Truth shortly after midnight on November 13, 1982.   That was the moment I really became alive.

Still the Children of Truth remain in this world like overdue babies remaining in the womb.  The Children of Truth no longer belong in this world (John 15:19).  They remain in this world to carry out the will of the Father of Truth just like the Man of Truth remained in this world for the very same purpose (John 17:14-16).

They have the Spirit of Truth living in them instead of the spirit of this world (1 Corinthians 2:12).  They do not think about things in the same way as those of this world (Ephesians 4:20-24).   They are to be like the Man of Truth in this present physical world (1 John 4:17).

Still the Children of Truth long to be with the Man of Truth (John 13:36-37). They will finally be with him when they leave their bodies (2 Corinthians 5:6-8).  They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by shedding this mortal coil (Philippians 1:21).

Like a baby leaving the womb at birth to begin experiencing a world that they cannot comprehend so also the Children of Truth leave this world at death to begin experiencing a better existence that they cannot comprehend (1 Corinthians 13:12).

So the Children of Truth are Better Off Dead.  The moment I breathe my last breath on Earth will be the moment I become alive.

Yet even then though they are with the Man of Truth they still do not have a body like his body.  Only their spirit and soul is in Heaven with him (Revelation 6:9).

So they long for the redemption of their bodies (Romans 8:23).  They wait for a sinless spiritual body to replace their former natural bodies that were infested with sin (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).  They look for that day when they shall be like the Man of Truth in spirit, soul and body (1 John 3:2)!

The day is coming soon when the Children of Truth who died will get their new bodies and leave this Earth in them at the sound of the trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:16)!  They will be followed in short order by the Children of Truth who are alive on the Earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17).  They will leave behind their existence of living with the Man of Truth without a body and enter into a new existence of living with him in a body that is just like his on The Day of Alarming.

The moment I hear the sound of that trumpet will be the moment I become alive!

However, the Children of Truth are not going to be living in Heaven forever in these glorified bodies.  The Children of Truth are coming back with him in their glorified bodies to fight as the army of the Man of Truth (Joel 2:7-11).  They will come with him when he brings an end to the kingdom of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to set up his kingdom (Revelation 19:13-15).

The Man of Truth is going set up a kingdom on this Earth that will never be overthrown (Daniel 2:44-45).  He is going to send out the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and peace from his throne in Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4).  He is going to rule over every country on the entire Earth (Revelation 11:15)!

He is going to have the Children of Truth reign over various people groups (Matthew 19:28).  They are going to reign on this Earth with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:11-12).

This world is going to submit to the Man of Truth in Total Surrender.   The Children of Truth are going leave behind their existence in Heaven to reign with him on Earth.  They will finally begin to rule on his behalf on the Earth instead of suffering on his behalf on the Earth.  It will be a day like no other!  The moment I take the throne of what the Man of Truth assigns me to reign will be the moment I become alive.

However this universe will not be completely redeemed during this time.  Things will still not be perfect.  It will still need to be completely redeemed (Romans 8:19-22).

The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will be bound so that he cannot tempt the people that still live in natural bodies for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3).   The day will come when he will be loosed for a short time (Revelation 20:7).  Many of those in natural bodies will join him in rebelling against the Father of Truth (Revelation 20:8).  They will all be done away with (Revelation 20:9).

Then the Father of Lies will be cast into the Lake of Fire to suffer forever (Revelation 20:10). Finally all of the Children of Lies will then be given immortal bodies and cast into the Lake of Fire to suffer with their father forever (Revelation 20:11-15).

Then the entire universe will be changed just like the bodies of the Children of Truth were changed so that this current universe is no longer remembered (Isaiah 65:17).  Everyone will worship the Father of Truth in this new universe (Isaiah 66:21-23).  There will only be righteousness in this new universe (2 Peter 3:13).  The entire universe that the Children of Truth had experience up to that point will be completely replaced with a new universe that they have never experienced (Revelation 21:1)!

The Father of Truth will once again dwell among men, wipe away every tear and making all things new (Revelation 21:2-4).  The Children of Truth will live with Him in the New Jerusalem forever (Revelation 21:10-23).  The people in natural bodies that did not join with the Father of Lies in the final rebellion will bring their offerings into the new capital of the new universe (Revelation 21:24-26).

The Children of Truth will be with the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth in new sinless bodies living in a new city on a new Earth in a new universe!  It will finally be The End of All Trouble.  The moment that I forget about this current universe, like a bad dream that is forgotten as soon as one wakes up, in that new universe is the final moment that I become alive!

So when does life really begin?  Life begins at the cross that made the way for you to come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 12:1-3).

The moment you come into the House of Truth by surrendering your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead will be the moment that you become alive (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Rabbinic Distort

Why are so many Jews Atheists, and so few know that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is their Messiah?

Ever look at yourself in some of those fun house mirrors?  Some made you look short and fat while others made you look tall and thin.  Others might make you look like a liquid swirl or otherwise surreal.  The one thing that they did not do was show you as you really were because the light had been distorted.

Ever look through glass that has air bubbles in it or that is otherwise not a flat pane?  Everything will look all jumbled and broken up.  You can never see things as they really are when you do this because the light that has been distorted.

Ever look at something small through a magnifying glass or a microscope? It will appear to be much larger than it really is.  You will not see its true size while looking through these things because the light has been distorted.

Ever look through a telescope or binoculars?  Things will look much closer than they are.  If you look through either of them backwards then things look much farther away than they are.  In both cases. you can not see the true distance because the light has been distorted.

Ever try to poke something in the water only to discover that it really was not where it appeared to be?  You can not see the true location because the light has been distorted.

Well in the exact same way religion distorts the light that comes from the Word of Truth.  When you examine the Book of Truth (The Bible) through the lens of religion then you can never see things as they really are.

All religions distort the light that comes from the Word of Truth in the same way - through the use of tradition and commandments of men.  There are many kinds of religious distort from the Gentiles but they can never outdo Rabbinic Distort.

In order to understand Rabbinic Distort you have to begin by understanding some basic things about Rabbinical Judaism.  This understanding begins with answering some basic questions about Rabbinical Judaism.

What is a Rabbi?

This is a religious title that generally means "master" (John 1:38).  A more precise translation would be "my master".

Those who were disciples of Yochanon the Mikveh man (John the Baptist) called him "Rabbi" because he was their master until the Man of Truth was revealed (John 3:26-31).

The Man of Truth was often called "Rabbi" by his disciples (Talmudin) (John 1:49).  The religious elite recognized him as a Rabbi (John 3:1-3).  The common people called him "Rabbi" (John 6:22-25).

In like manner, the Man of Truth was called "Master" by his disciples (Mark 4:38).  The religious elite recognized him as a Master (Mark 5:35-36).  The common people called him "Master" (Mark 9:17).  So calling someone "Rabbi" is the same as calling them "My Master".

The Man of Truth is the master of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Matthew 8:19).  This is why the Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth are to not call each other or any one else "Rabbi" because he alone is their master (Matthew 23:8).   They are not to call anyone one but him "Master" (Matthew 23:10).

So the Rabbi of the Children of Truth said they were not to call anyone else "Rabbi" or "Master".  After all, no one can really serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).

Where did Rabbinical Judaism come from?

All forms of Rabbinical Judaism came from the teaching of the Pharisees.  A Rabbi originally was a religious leader among the Pharisees (Matthew 23:1-7).   Rabbinical Judaism is keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) in the manner prescribed by the teachings of the Pharisees.

What was a Pharisee?

The word "Pharisee" means "set apart".  This is the same meaning as the word "sanctified".

The Pharisees were the strictest sect of those who worshiped the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) among the Jews (Acts 26:5).  They were so strict that according to the historian Josephus, who was one of the Pharisees, there were only about 6,000 Pharisees on Earth when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD.  The Pharisees were the religious elite of Israel.

The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their fasting.  For beginners, they fasted twice each week (every Monday and Thursday) (Luke 18:11-12).

All Pharisees also fasted on six special days each year.  These annual fasts included the Fast commanded of all Jews in the Law of Truth on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) (Leviticus 23:27).  They fasted to commemorate the fast of Esther as part of their annual observance of Purim (Esther 9:30-32).  They kept four other annual fasts to commemorate various tragedies that had happened to the Children of Israel (Zechariah 8:19).

Additionally any Pharisee who was the first born son also fasted on the day before Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the sparing of the first born at Passover (Exodus 12:11-13).

So every Pharisee fasted more than one hundred days each year while the average Jew who worshiped the Father of Truth fasted one day each year.  It was certainly true that the Pharisees fasted often (Matthew 9:14).  There was no one that ate the Breakfast of Champions like the Pharisees.

The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their clothing.  They made sure that everyone could see that they were keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth regarding clothing by wearing distinctive clothes with the distinctive features commanded in the Law of Truth being exaggerated in size (Matthew 23:5).

The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else in Jewish society.  They were given the best seats in the synagogues, places of honor at special events and reverence by most other Jews (Matthew 23:6-7).

The Pharisees were set apart from everyone else by their behavior.  They went to great lengths to keep even the minutest details of the Law of Truth and their lives centered around the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 18:10-12).

So on the surface the Pharisees seemed like a righteous group.  They were very strict in their interpretation of the Law of Truth and went out of their way to keep it.  In fact, it was not a bad thing in itself to be a Pharisee.

It was a Pharisee, Gamaliel, one of only a few Rabbis to ever bear the title of "the Great", who stood up for Peter the Jew (Cephas) and John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee) when they were arrested for preaching about the Man of Truth in the Temple (Acts 5:34-39).  Then six years after Cornelius came into the House of Truth some of the Children of Truth were Pharisees (Acts 15:5).   Twenty three years after Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) came into the House of Truth, after spending thirteen years in three missions to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, he still identified himself as a Pharisee when he was at the trail that lead to his deportation to Rome (Acts 23:6).  In fact, the Pharisees took his side and declared his innocence at this trial (Acts 23:9)!

So the problem was not with the strict lifestyle of the Pharisees in an effort to honor the Father of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth.  Even Paul the Jew practiced this lifestyle for his entire life.  The problem was the doctrine of the Pharisees that leads to Rabbinic Distort.

What is the doctrine of the Pharisees?

The Pharisees accept the writings of the Prophets and the writings of the righteous men like Nehemiah as being inspired by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) just like the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:29-30).  The Pharisees accepted the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) as coming from the Father of Truth so they believed in the resurrection of the body, the human spirit that lives in the body, and angels (Acts 23:8).

Still the Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees which is the basis of Rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 16:12). 

So the Pharisees believed in the entire Original Covenant but their doctrine would not let them see that the Man of Truth was the one that written about by Moses, the Prophets and the Writings that made up the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44).  There was something else that formed their doctrine that was causing Rabbinic Distort.

This Rabbinic Distort of the light of the Word of Truth was so bad that the Man of Truth had to explain what had been plainly written in the Original Covenant about him to his own disciples, even after he rose from the dead, because they had been blinded to it by the doctrine of the Pharisees that their parents had raised them in (Luke 24:36-47).

The source of distortion of the light of the Word of Truth in their doctrine came from the Oral Torah.  This was another source of doctrine that the Pharisees held in equal esteem with the Original Covenant.  The Oral Torah worked through their doctrine like leaven works through dough (Matthew 16:6).  The Oral Torah causes the entire doctrine of Rabbinic Judaism to be distorted with lies in the same way that a little leaven cause an entire lump of dough to be distorted with air (Galatians 5:9).

This doctrine that is based on the Oral Torah was nothing more than the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9).  It is totally useless for reconciling people to the Father of Truth (Mark 7:7).

What is the Oral Torah?

The Oral Torah is the traditions of the Pharisees that they held in higher regard than the commandments of the actual written Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3-6).  The commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) would be laid aside to hold onto the commandments of the Oral Torah that formed their traditions (Takkanot) (Mark 7:8).  The Pharisees would reject the commandments of the written Law of Truth (the Written Torah) in order to keep the traditions of the Oral Torah (Mark 7:9).  These traditions of the Oral Torah distorted the light of the Word of Truth so much that they could not see what was plainly written in the Original Covenant (Mark 7:13).

The Oral Torah is composed of basically three components.  One part is history that is actually recognized in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  For example, the story how the Father of Truth helped the Maccabees to defeat the Syrian Greeks and rededicate the Temple is recognized when the Man of Truth celebrated their victory during the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) (John 10:22-23).  Another part is traditions about how people are supposed to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in their daily walk through life (halacha) that Paul the Jew excelled at keeping until he met the Man of Truth on the road to Damascus (Galatians 1:14).  The rest of the Oral Torah is nothing more than Jewish fables that the Children of Truth are to avoid like the plague because they are simply lies designed to distort the light of the Word of Truth (Titus 1:13-14).

This mixing of a little historical fact with the commandments of men and fables invented to support those commandments is how the Oral Torah forms the basis of Rabbinical distort.

Where did the Oral Torah come from?

The Oral Torah is called the tradition of the elders (Mark 7:3).   The Pharisees were formed out of a group of scribes and sages to oppose the Hasmoneans when they set up their kingdom since they came from the priests who were descendents of the High Priest Aaron instead of being descendents of King David as the Father of Truth required.  The scribes and sages that they came out of were called the elders and were responsible for teaching people how to apply the Law of Truth to every day life.  Their extensive set of traditions was called the Oral Torah because it was not written down.

These traditions were collected into the Mishna by Judah haNasi from about 180 AD until 200 AD to preserve them as the Jewish people were being scattered across the Earth after the Bar Kochba Revolt brought an end to the Jewish homeland.  The Mishna was was then used as the basis of forming the Palestinian Talmud that was compiled in the former Jewish homeland. (The Romans renamed Judea (land of the Jews) to Palestine (land of the Philistines) to add insult to injury after they put down the Bar Kochba Rebellion).  It was also the basis for the Babylonian Talmud that was compiled in Babylonia (the land of Babylon).  So all of Rabbinic Judaism is built upon these traditions of the elders known as the Oral Torah.

These elders claimed that these traditions that formed the Oral Torah were passed down to them from the seventy elders that went up Mount Sinai with Moses .  These elders claim that these seventy elders were given these traditions from the Father of Truth while they were on Mount Sinai with Moses.  These elders claimed that these seventy elders were enabled by the Spirit of Truth to know how to apply these traditions to every area of life so that the Jewish people could live in holiness.

However, it is simply not true that the Father of Truth orally gave some sort of secret set of commandments that were in addition to the ones that He had written down for everyone.  The seventy elders that went up to Mount Sinai with Moses were only witnesses of what happened (Exodus 24:1).  These seventy elders met with the Father of Truth but did not receive anything from him (Exodus 24:9).  It was another set of seventy elders that went with Moses many years later to the Tabernacle that had the Spirit of Truth given to them to help Moses in guiding Israel in carrying out the Law of Truth that had been written down at Mount Sinai (Numbers 11:16-17).  They certainly were not given any commandments other than those that written down in the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 12:32).

If the Father of Truth had given an Oral Torah whose commandments overrode those written in the Law of Truth then he would have been fighting against Himself.  His house could not be able to stand if it were divided between those who followed the written Law of Truth and those who followed the Oral Torah (Matthew 12:25).  He would be fighting against Himself just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) casting Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) out of people (Matthew 12:26).

It is an outright lie that the Father of Truth gave the Oral Torah to the seventy elders that went with Moses to Mount Sinai and they in turned passed the commandments of the Oral Torah down the generations to the elders who formed the Pharisees.  The Oral Torah is mostly comprised of lies as has already been shown.  The real author of the Oral Torah is the Father of Lies because he is the author of all lies (John 8:44).

What is the effect of Rabbinic Distort?

Rabbinic Distort keeps people out of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:20).   Rabbinic Distort causes people to only be concerned with outward appearances while ignoring the corrupted condition of their own heart (Matthew 23:25-28).  Rabbinic Distort creates a false sense of righteousness that keeps people from the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Romans 10:3).  Rabbinic Distort keeps people from seeing themselves as they really are.

Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that Rabbis got their doctrine from Moses even though it contradicts the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:1-2).  Rabbinic Distort causes the Rabbis to not be able to believe Moses and the Prophets concerning the Man of Truth even though he rose from the dead (Luke 16:31).  Rabbinic Distort will cause Moses to accuse the Rabbis before the Father of Truth because it prevented them from believing what he wrote so that they could see that the Man of Truth was who he wrote about (John 5:45-47).  Rabbinic Distort keeps the Rabbis and the Jews who follow them from seeing the Man of Truth is really the one that Moses wrote about.

Rabbinic Distort makes obedience to the Father of Truth a burden that no one can carry (Matthew 23:2-4).  [The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew that was translated into Greek says "whatever he bid"  referring to Moses.  It was mistranslated as "whatever they bid" into Greek which would refer to the Pharisees.  This obvious mistranslation causes confusion since the Man of Truth proceeded to tell people to avoid the doctrine and teachings of the Pharisees.]  Rabbinic Distort drives Jews away from the Father of Truth with its man-made traditions to the point that most Jews in Israel have believed The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told instead of the Word of Truth (Matthew 23:13).  Rabbinic Distort causes converts to Rabbinic Judaism to become even more zealous than the Rabbis in promoting their deception (Matthew 23:15).  Rabbinic Distort caused the elders to kill the Prophets of Truth and the Pharisees to kill the Man of Truth (Matthew 23:29-32).  Rabbinic Distort causes those who see the world through it to be contrary to all men and to persecute the Jewish Children of Truth for even telling the Gentiles about the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).  Rabbinic Distort caused Paul the Jew to persecute the Children of Truth until he met the Man of Truth (Galatians 1:13-14).  Rabbinic Distort warps the light of the Word of Truth so much that Jews are driven away from the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth.

Rabbinic Distort causes people to believe that they can mistreat other people as long as they carry out their religious duties (Matthew 23:14).  Rabbinic Distort causes people to neglect what is most important while over emphasizing what is less important (Matthew 23:23).  Rabbinic Distort makes The Weightier Matters of Law to appear smaller than they really are and The Lessor Matters of the Law to appear larger than they really are.

In short Rabbinic Distort is the effect of the traditions of the elders distorting the light of the Word of Truth so that people cannot see things as they really are.  Rabbinic Distort comes from the Father of Lies to keep people from seeing things as they really are (1 John 2:22).   Rabbinic Distort is The Source of Jewish Trouble.

How can Rabbinic Distort be removed?

The Father of Truth says to not listen to anyone that causes people to not obey the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:1-4).  The Man of Truth never taught people to not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19).  (Some people teach that he did this but his words are being Taken Out Of Context.)  The Man of Truth said that Rabbinic Distort made the Rabbis into blind guides so they cannot see things as they really are (Matthew 23:16-22).  He said to have nothing to do with the Rabbis because those who follow them will are also blinded by Rabbinic Distort that did not come from his Father (Matthew 15:12-14).  So the first step to removing Rabbinic Distort is to quit listening to anything that the Rabbis have to say because it did not come from the Father of Truth.

The second step is look at the Word of Truth found in the Original Covenant without the lenses of Rabbinic Distort to see it as it really is.  The Father of Truth told Moses that another Prophet of Truth like unto him would be raised up from among the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 18:15-16).  The Father of Truth would punish anyone one that did not obey that Prophet of Truth because He would put His words in the mouth of that Prophet of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). Centuries later, He promised King David that one of his descendents would be that Prophet of Truth who would be anointed to be a king like David (1 Kings 8:25).  Years later, another Prophet of Truth named Daniel said that the Messiah, the Prophet of Truth that Moses spoke of and anointed to be a king like David, would die for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Daniel 9:25-26). 

The next step is to look at the Word of Truth found in the Renewed Covenant to see what it says about the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth was a descendant of King David (Matthew 1:1-17).  The Man of Truth died for the sins of others while the Second Temple was standing (Mark 15:37-39).  The Man of Truth only spoke the words that the Father of Truth put in his mouth (John 14:10).  The Man of Truth is the only person in history who met all of these qualifications so it is obvious when you look at the facts that he is that Prophet of Truth who Moses said people must obey (Acts 3:20-23).  Then the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead to confirm that he was the one spoken of by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).

The final step is to totally reject the traditions of men and completely accept the truth that comes from the Father of Truth by coming into the House of Truth.  When you will come into the House of Truth you will get doctrine from the Man of Truth that has an authority that the doctrine of the Rabbis can never have (Matthew 7:28-29).  When you come into the House of Truth you will find the One that Moses and the Prophets wrote about (John 1:45).  When you come into the House of Truth then the Father of Truth will place in you the same Spirit of Truth that He placed in the seventy elders at the Tabernacle (John 15:26). When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will teach you how to see everything without Rabbinic Distort (John 16:13).  You come into the House of Truth when you make the Man of Truth your only Rabbi because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  When you come into the House of Truth you will gain the righteousness that only comes from the Father of Truth (Philippians 3:7-11).  When you come into the House of Truth you will be cleaned up on the inside as well as the outside (1 John 1:9).  When you come into the House of Truth you will see that the commandments of the Father of Truth are not too hard to keep because you will be free from Rabbinic Distort (1 John 5:2-4).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Source of Jewish Trouble

Why do Jews have so much trouble?

For about the last 2000 years Jews have had a lot of trouble.

First there were all kinds of turmoil in Judea that lead to many Jews dying at the hands of the Romans and each other until 70 AD.  Then there was the Great Revolt that lead to the death of more than one million Jews and the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.  The Temple that Jewish religious life centered around was wiped off the face of the Earth at this time.  Then there was more years of turmoil throughout the Roman Empire where many more Jews died at the hands of the Romans, people conquered by the Romans and each other until 135 AD.  Then in 135 AD the Bar Kochba Rebellion lead to death of another million or more Jews, the end of the providence of Judea and most surviving Jews being exiled from the Promised Land to either be scattered throughout the Roman Empire or to flee to lands outside of the Roman Empire.  Less than one Jew in a thousand still lived in the Promised land after the Roman Diaspora began.

The years that followed did not get any easier.  The last known native speaker of Hebrew died in Babylon around 220 AD.  By this time, Jews had lost their capital city that was the center of Jewish political power.  Jews had lost the Temple that was the center of Jewish religious life.  Jews had lost the Jewish homeland after living together there for more than a thousand years.  This had allowed Jews to share many features to form a common Jewish racial identity.  Jews had lost the Jewish language.  Jews simply had none of the things left necessary to maintain a distinct identity as a people group.  It looked like Jews would disappear from human history like the Hittites and other people groups.

Then things got worse and worse.  Everywhere Jews fled to Jews eventually would be persecuted, reviled and driven from.  It did not matter how many contributions Jews made to improve the host society or that most of the time the accusations against Jews were completely false.  Jews were simply hated without a cause.

A society that welcomed Jews in one generation would turn against Jews in a later generation.  This process sometimes happened quickly and at other times took hundreds of years but it always happened.  There simply was no place of peace for Jews.  The hounds of trouble were relentless in hunting out Jews.

Jews in Europe faced especially trying circumstances.  At times Jews there grew so tired of being beat up and killed for being different from their neighbors that the whole community would just  decide to just give up Jewish distinctions and be like their neighbors.  Then their neighbors would beat Jews up and kill Jews for trying to be the same as their neighbors and then force Jews to be different from their neighbors.  Then the process would repeat.

So Jews were persecuted across the ages in organized efforts like the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Pogroms.  Jews finally faced their greatest persecution so far in the Holocaust where six million Jews were killed.  This was about half of the Jews in Europe and about a third of the Jews on Earth.

All during this time Jews fled ever farther from the Promised Land until a few Jews settled on Rapa Iti - the farthest inhabitable land in the world from Jerusalem. Jews were literally scattered to the ends of the Earth. So there was simply no country on Earth where Jews had not fled to and were living in as a hope of escaping trouble.

Of course, everywhere Jews fled to Jews influenced and were influenced by the host culture.  Over the generations Jews intermarried with people of the host countries.  This resulted in the Jews in Africa looking like Africans, the Jews in Europe looking like Europeans, the Jews in China looking Chinese, the Jews in India looking Indian and so on for every place they had fled to.  After centuries of intermarriage most Jews had completely lost the characteristics that had clearly defined the Jewish race before the Diaspora began.

Still Jews were under constant threat of persecution and given labels like "foreigner" regardless of all similarity in appearance and culture to the host nation.  Jews simply could not escape from trouble from their neighbors no matter how much Jews tried to fit in or how similar Jews became to their neighbors.

Even when Jews of Russia began to return to the Promised Land in 1870, which by that time was a land of deserts and swamps almost completely devoid of human habitation, there was still no rest to be found.  Jews were attacked over and over again by their neighbors as Jews eeked out a living in a barren wasteland.  As the land began to bloom under Jewish care their neighbors increased their attacks.

Then the Holocaust lead to thousands of Jewish refugees, who had lost their property in Europe, as well as most of their family members, to return to the ancient Jewish homeland.  Still Jews found no peace.  As soon as there was once again a nation of Israel formed in 1948, Jews were attacked and drawn into a war.  Since that time Israel has had more than fifty wars and has had a solid lock on the number one spot for terrorist incidents in the world.

Even today this nation of more than six million Jews still has no peace.  Even though Jews once again speak the same language that was spoken before the Diaspora, are living in the same land as before the Diaspora, and have came back from every nation on Earth where Jews were driven in the Diaspora, Jews still have no peace.  Jews of different appearances and cultures have blended together over the generations to even produce Sabras (native born Israelis) who have began to look more similar in appearance to Jews that lived in Judea before the Diaspora.  Still Jews have found no peace.

Since 31 AD, peace has evaded Jews like a mirage in the desert.  It seems that Jews were chosen for extraordinary trouble as many Jews have stated at different times.   This has lead to many questions about the endless parade of trouble that Jews have experienced.

Did Jews do something to deserve such trouble?  Or is Jewish trouble just bad luck?  What is the source of Jewish trouble?  Is it possible for Jews to be free from Jewish trouble? 

The first thing to recognize is that such trouble has not came upon Jews for no reason at all (Proverbs 26:2).  In fact, Jews were warned that extraordinary trouble would come upon them in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) for rebelling against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

Jews made a covenant with the Father of Truth that included provisions for extraordinary trouble for not keeping everything in that covenant.  Jewish trouble comes from rebelling against the commands of that covenant (Deuteronomy 28:15).

The covenant promised that trouble would invade every area of Jewish life for doing this (Deuteronomy 28:16-19).  Jews would have trouble that would lead to wide spread death while in the Promised Land for doing this (Deuteronomy 28:20-22).  The Jewish homeland would be turned into a wasteland for doing this (Deuteronomy 28:23-24).  Jews would be removed from their homeland and dispersed into all nations on Earth and not even buried after being killed for doing this (Deuteronomy 28:25-26).  The covenant promised that Jews would find no peace but only trouble in every nation where Jews fled to for doing this (Deuteronomy 28:63-67).

Yet the Father of Truth would not forsake Jews completely so that Jews perished from off the Earth completely because of His Covenants that He made with Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'aqob) concerning their descendants and the Promised Land (Leviticus 26:44-45).  He promised to provide places of refuge and then bring Jews back into the Promised Land to form a Jewish nation there once again (Ezekiel 11:15-17).  Yet Jews would still suffer even then until the nation of Israel returns to Him with its whole heart.

All of this has happened not once but twice.

The first time it happened in two phases.  The nation of Israel split into two kingdoms (1 Kings 12:16-25).  The northern kingdom was scattered by the Assyrians in the Assyrian Diaspora (2 Kings 18:11-12).  Then later the southern kingdom was scattered by the Babylonians in the Babylonian Diaspora (2 Chronicles 36:17-21).  Then Jews were brought back into the Promised Land to once again form a Jewish nation that was later called Judaea (Nehemiah 7:5-6).  Yet there was still continual trouble for the Jewish nation (Daniel 11:2-35).

The second time it happened in two phases.  First Jerusalem, the Jewish capital where the Temple, that was the center of Jewish religious life, stood was destroyed in the Great Revolt and Jews were scattered throughout the Roman Empire and beyond in the first part of the Roman Diaspora.  Then later the Jewish nation was destroyed in the Bar Kochba Rebellion and Jews were scattered throughout the Roman Empire and beyond in the second part of the Roman Diaspora.  Then Jews were brought back into the Promised Land to once again form a Jewish nation called Israel.  Yet there still remains continuous trouble for the Jewish nation (Daniel 12:1).

Since this has happened not once, but twice, then Jewish trouble must have a cause.  The key to ending Jewish trouble begins with finding the source of Jewish trouble.  In order to do that the conditions that brought Jewish trouble must be identified and then whatever brought about those conditions is the source of Jewish trouble.  If the source of Jewish trouble is identified and dealt with then that will bring an end to Jewish trouble.

So what brought Jewish trouble the first time?

The conditions that brought Jewish trouble was following a religion other than the one given by the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 16:10-13).  Jews brought all these troubles upon themselves by not believing Moses and the Prophets of Truth (Daniel 9:4-16).  The reason most Jews did not believe Moses and the Prophets of Truth was the Jewish religious leaders who contradicted their message (Jeremiah 14:13-15).  The Jewish religious leaders lead Jews away from the Father of Truth and into trouble (Jeremiah 50:6).  Jewish trouble came because the Jewish religious leader sought to feed themselves with a religious system to profit off of other Jews instead of taking caring of other Jews by turning them back to the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 34:7-9).  The Jewish religious leaders were the source of Jewish trouble!

The exact same thing brought Jewish trouble the second time.

The conditions that brought Jewish trouble was following a religion other than the one given by the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:8-9).  Jews brought all these troubles upon themselves by not believing Moses and the Prophets (Luke 16:29-31).  The reason most Jews did not believe Moses and the Prophets of Truth was the Jewish religious leaders who contradicted their message (Matthew 23:13).  The Jewish religious leaders lead Jews away from the Father of Truth and into trouble (Matthew 27:20-25).  Jewish trouble came because the Jewish religious leader sought to feed themselves with a religious system to profit off of other Jews instead of taking caring of other Jews by turning them back to the Father of Truth (Mark 7:9-13).  The Jewish religious leaders were the source of Jewish trouble!

The first time the source of Jewish trouble was religious leaders leading people away from keeping the Law of Truth by ignoring what Moses and the Prophets of Truth said concerning idols.  The second time the source of Jewish trouble was religious leaders leading people away from keeping the Law of Truth by ignoring what Moses and the Prophets of Truth said concerning the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

The first time these religious leaders called themselves prophets (Jeremiah 28:9-11).  These Prophets of Lies resisted the Prophets of Truth (Jeremiah 28:15-16).  The second time these religious leaders called themselves Rabbis (Matthew 23:5-7).   These Rabbis resisted the Man of Truth (Acts 13:27-29).

The Man of Truth is the Prophet who the Father of Truth told Moses that people must obey (Deuteronomy 18:15-16).  Moses wrote that the Father of Truth would raise up the Man of Truth and anyone that did not obey him would come into extraordinary trouble from the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:18-19).  Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble because they have turned Jews from obeying the Man of Truth!

Daniel, the Prophet of Truth wrote that the time when Messiah would die for the sins of others would be four hundred and eighty three years after the decree was given to build the second Temple (Daniel 9:24-25).  He wrote that the Messiah could only be on the Earth when the second Temple was standing (Daniel 9:26).  Rabbis are the source of Jewish troubles because they have purposely altered the date of the decree to build the second temple so Jews could not see that the Man of Truth died at the time spoken of by Daniel the Prophet of Truth!

King David said that the Messiah would die by crucifixion (Psalm 22:14-18).  Isaiah (Yeshayahu) said the same thing (Isaiah 53).  Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble because they deny that the Messiah would die in this manner and have even removed these portions from the yearly reading cycle of the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) just so Jews will not read these obvious references to the crucifixion!

King David said that the Messiah would not see corruption after death because he would rise from the dead before corruption occurred to his body (Psalm 16:9-11).  The resurrection of the Man of Truth on the third day after death is a well established fact that prevented his body from suffering the corruption that begins on the fourth day after death (Acts 2:25-32).  Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble because they deny this indisputable proof that the Man of Truth is the Messiah!

The Man of Truth warned Jews that the Temple would be destroyed soon (Matthew 24:1-2).   He warned that Jerusalem would be destroyed (Luke 19:41-44).  He told Jews when to flee to escape this judgment (Luke 21:20-21).  He warned that most Jews were going to be removed from the Jewish homeland a second time (Luke 21:24).  Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble because they deny that the Man of Truth is the prophet like unto Moses despite giving about as many prophecies concerning the second destruction of the Temple, Jerusalem and the Jewish homeland as all of the Prophets of Truth combined gave about the first occurrence of these events!

Even though Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble there is still hope.

Jews will one day be free from Jewish trouble.  Jews will look upon the Man of Truth that their ancestors pierced and mourn for him as if he was their only son (Zechariah 12:10).  Jews will say to him "Baruch haba b'shem Adonia" ("Blessed is he that come in the name of the Lord") when they will finally accept him as the King of the Jews (Matthew 23:39).

Rabbis and all other sources of Jewish trouble that refuse to accept the one that Moses said Jews must listen to will be cut off from among the Jewish people when all Jews return to live in the Jewish homeland (Ezekiel 20:34-38).  When the source of Jewish trouble is gone then Jewish trouble will finally come to an end!

Perhaps you have been blinded by Rabbis or other religious professionals so that you could not come into the House of Truth.  You might be a Jew who has been zealous for the Father of Truth but unable to come into the House of Truth because of religious traditions that can never make you right with Him (Romans 10:1-3).   You could be like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) and be zealous for the Father of Truth but blinded by tradition until the moment you realized that you need to come into the House of Truth (Galatians 1:11-14).

No Jew has to wait until the Man of Truth returns to rule the Earth from Jerusalem to be free from Jewish trouble.  Those who come into the House of Truth will no longer find themselves fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:38-39).  When anyone accepts the Man of Truth as the one who they must obey because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead then they will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-11).  Any Jew that comes into the House of Truth will be free from Jewish trouble!

Come into the House of Truth.

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