The End of All Trouble
World War I was the largest war in history when it occurred and it was touted as "the war to end all wars". However World War I did not end all wars but instead of made World War II all but inevitable. World War II eclipsed World War I in the number of countries involved, the level of destruction where it was fought, the number of people killed and the power of its weapons. The weapons produced in World War II were so destructive that it ushered in the Cold War where the main players who possessed nuclear weapons dared not confront each other directly due to a condition called MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). Instead they constantly fought each other indirectly in places like Korea, Vietnam, Angola, Honduras, and Afghanistan.
The end of the Cold War did not usher in an era of peace. The various countries that had been forced to pick a side, enforce internal peace with the aid of their allies and cooperate with each other during the Cold War no longer had the power nor the incentive to due so after the Cold War ended.
The era of the Islamic Wars had already started when Iraq attacked Kuwait in 1990 even while the Soviet Union was still collapsing between when the Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1989 and the Cold War came to a complete end in 1991. There has been nothing but continual growth of these Islamic Wars since that time. The Islamic Wars do not have nuclear weapons or MAD but instead are often waged as acts of terrorism like those against the US on September 11, 2001 by non-government entities like Al-Qaeda. The Islamic Wars have grown to the point that there are currently more countries engage in armed conflict across the globe than any time in history except World War I and World War II. The Islamic Wars all involve Muslims. In many cases, like Syria at the time of this writing, an Islamic war consists of Muslims terrorists, Muslim revolutionaries and a Muslim government all at war with each other. None of these Muslim factions have any regard for the lives of the civilian population.
So this begs the question: How can there ever be an end of all trouble?
In like manner, there has been a war waged against disease over the last century. This war has been waged primarily by doctors in western Europe and the United States. There have been some great victories like the polio vaccine. Yet newer and deadlier diseases like AIDS have risen up to take their place. As new drugs are created to fight old illnesses often new strains of those illnesses that are resistant to these drugs appear. There is the constant threat of a new pandemic that could destroy a large percentage of the population of the Earth. No matter how much money and time people pour into medical research the war against disease never lets up and is never won.
Again the question arises: Can there ever be an end of all trouble?
Hunger has continued to plague the human race despite the valiant efforts of many to end it. The amount of food produced globally has grown to the point that seventeen percent more food is grown than is needed to feed the entire human race but at the same time world hunger has also grown, particularly in Africa. People starve to death in some places while people have more food than they can eat in other places. There are many organizations that try to get food to the starving but they are often blocked from bringing food to the people by the governments of the countries where the starving people are. In some cases this is because the governments fear that the food aid is cover for some sort of covert activity against the government. These fears are not entirely unfounded since there have been cases of guns and ammo being smuggled in containers of rice and other staple foods. In other cases the government simply does not want the starving fed because they are trying to kill off a population that they hate in a quiet genocide under the guise of famine.
So even when there is enough food to feed everyone but people are still starving the question remains: Will there ever be an end to all trouble?
There has been a constant rise in social problems in the United States and many other countries since the 1960s. The divorce rate is about 50% in these countries and has only recently been lowered because so many young people are living together instead of ever getting married because they do not want to have to deal with a divorce. Gay marriage has been made the law of some states in attempt to legitimize homosexuality. The pornography industry has continued to grow even as it morphs to take advantage of new technology that is hard to regulate. Gambling is no longer confined to a few places in the United States like Las Vegas but is now part of the business of 43 state governments in the form of lotteries. Every Native American group competes to have the biggest casino on their land. Standardized test scores show that each generation is less well educated than the previous one. The alien is oppressed under a system that allows people to hire people for illegally low wages and then threaten to deport them unless they work long hours without any benefits. The medical system is overtaxed with these and other uninsured people. This is the condition of the United States and it is still far better off than any other country.
So if it is like that for the most prosperous country in the history of the Earth what hope is there for anyone? What could bring about the end of all trouble?
Human effort has failed to bring about the end of all trouble. Things have gotten worse instead of better. The good news is that there will come a day that will bring about the end of all trouble.
The end of all trouble is pictured in the last scene of the seventh act of The Greatest Play Ever. The seventh act is called Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles aka the Feast of Booths aka the Ingathering) and it starts with people being gathered together to build booths to dwell together in unity (Leviticus 23:40-43). After seven days of dwelling together in unity then there is one last gathering together at the end of the seventh act to bring about the end of all trouble as the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever (Leviticus 23:36). This Grand Finale is also called Simchat Torah (Rejoicing over the Torah (the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses)) because it is culmination of rejoicing over all that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has done (Deuteronomy 16:13-15). This is the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles because it is the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever (John 7:37-39).
The seven days of dwelling together in unity are a picture of people dwelling together in unity when the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) reign with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) over the entire Earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-6). It will be a glorious rest from all the troubles of the past for the human race when the King of Kings reigns (Isaiah 11:9-10).
The entire human race will enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity because the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will not be active in the Earth during the entire thousand years of the reign of the King of Kings (Revelation 20:1-3). He is the one that deceived the entire world (Revelation 12:9). He is the author of all sickness (Acts 10:38). Without this troublemaker the world will not know trouble.
While there will not be outward trouble during the Glorious Reign of the King of Kings there will still be trouble in paradise due to the inward condition of the Gentiles. The Jews will have been changed inwardly so that they only walk in righteousness under the rule of the King of Kings (Isaiah 60:21-22). All of the troublemakers will have already been purged from Israel (Ezekiel 20:37-38).
However it will be a different story for many of the Gentiles.
The Gentiles will enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity because the King of Kings will give them no other choice. During this rest all of the rulers of the Gentile nations will submit to the King of Kings or they will be destroyed (Psalm2:10-12). Those that refuse to serve him will perish (Isaiah 60:12). The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) will become the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:3). Anyone that breaks His laws will die (Zechariah 5:3-4). All of those that openly rebel against his rule will perish while those that submit to him will inherit the Earth (Psalm 37:10-11).
Many of the Gentiles will only be obeying the Father of Truth outwardly to avoid perishing. They will not be doing what is right because they love him and other people which is the purpose of the laws of the King of Kings (Matthew 22:36-40). They will not be keeping these laws because they love Him with all of their being and love their neighbor as much as they love themselves (Mark 12:29-31). They have will not have allowed there to be an inward change that is more important than their outward actions (Mark 12:32-33). They will be able to fool other people who can only see their outward actions but not He that looks upon their hearts (1 Samuel 16:7). They will have never really completely submitted to the King of All Kings in total surrender.
The one last gathering together at the end of the seventh act, the Grand Finale, is a picture of the end of all trouble. The Father of Lies will be released for a short space to deceive and gather together everyone who inwardly despises the rule of the King of Kings (Revelation 20:7-8). When all of the troublemakers among the Gentiles have been gathered together around Jerusalem then they will be destroyed completely (Revelation 20:9). All rebels among the Gentiles will have been purged from the Earth.
The end of all trouble will come when the Father of Truth puts an end to all troublemakers. There can be no trouble when there are no troublemakers as surely as there cannot be any fire without something to burn (Proverbs 26:20). The Father of Lies will be cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever so that he can never cause trouble again (Revelation 20:10). All of the troublemakers that rejected the love of the Father of Truth to follow the Father of Lies, the Children of Lies, will live with him forever in the Lake of Fire so that they can never cause trouble again (Revelation 20:11-15).
After the Grand Finale of the Greatest Play Ever there is a long period of time of unknowable length (due to leap months in some years) that is that finishes out the Biblical year. In the same way there will be an eternity of joy after the end of all trouble. Everything will be changed.
There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth with no more oceans to separate people from each other (Revelation 21:1). This current Earth will be completely forgotten (Isaiah 65:17). Those that live in the New Earth will remain forever (Isaiah 66:22). This current universe that has been polluted by sin will be completely destroyed by fire and replaced with a new universe that will never be polluted by sin (2 Peter 3:11-13). There will never be any more sin for it will be the end of all trouble (Revelation 22:14-15).
The Father of Truth will come down to the New Earth and live among people, both Jews and Gentiles, Himself just as the Man of Truth will have lived among people on this current Earth during the reign of the King of Kings (Revelation 21:2-3). All of the inhabitants of the New Earth, both Jews and Gentiles, will gather before Him to worship Him continually (Isaiah 66:23).
The Father of Truth will wipe away every tear from the eyes of those that love Him after the end of all trouble (Revelation 21:4). They will be blessed because all their trouble will be forgotten like a bad dream (Isaiah 65:16). There will never again be sorrow in Jerusalem for it is the end of all trouble (Isaiah 65:19).
They will find pleasures forever in His presence (Psalm 16:11). Since these Jews and Gentiles, the Children of Truth, had put their trust in Him then they will be satisfied and filled with pleasure (Psalm 36:7-9). These pleasures are beyond anything that people have ever experienced (Isaiah 64:4). There will be continual rejoicing in Jerusalem (Isaiah 65:18). These pleasures are beyond the current ability of people to experience but the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) can reveal them in some degree to the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11). The Children of Truth can only understand to to some degree like they are looking through a dirty window made of fractured glass (1 Corinthians 13:12).
The Father of Truth will make all things new for the Children of Truth (Revelation 21:5-7). They will each be given a new name that is only known to Him and them (Revelation 2:17). They will be marked with the new name that will be given to the Man of Truth and live in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12).
The Children of Lies, the troublemakers, will remain in the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 21:8). The Children of Truth will be able to see the torment of these troublemakers forever (Isaiah 66:24). While the Children of Truth will be known forever the names of these troublemakers will not be even remembered (Psalm 34:16).
It will be the end of all trouble.
You do no want to be one of the troublemakers when the end of all trouble comes. These troublemakers will never have a rest from trouble (Isaiah 57:20-21).
You want to be among those that have came into the House of Truth so that you will inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5). You want to be come into the House of Truth where you can learn to love the Father of Truth will all that is in you and you can learn to truly love your neighbor as yourself as required by the Law of Truth (Luke 10:26-28). It is only those that live their lives by faith in the Word of Truth now that will come into the House of Truth and rejoice at the end of all trouble (Galatians 3:11). You cannot come into the House of Truth in your own strength no matter how hard you try because nothing good lives in your current body (Romans 7:18). You will not have a second chance to come into the House of Truth after you die but will instead face certain judgment (Hebrews 9:27). You will only be in the House of Truth after you die if you have came into the House of Truth and remained there before you died (Revelation 22:10). You need to come into the House of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). You need to come into the House of Truth today so you can rejoice at the end of all trouble (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: America, End Times, Eternal Kingdom, Feast of Tabernacles, History, Israel, Millennial Kingdom, Sukkot, WWI, WWII