It Is Time For Some Tough Love
How far should the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) go to keep each other from sin?
Am I my brother's keeper? People have been asking this every since Cain was confronted by The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for killing Abel (Genesis 4:9). What does it mean to keep your brother? The Hebrew word translated as "keeper" literally means "one that guards from harm". So does the Father of Truth expect each and every Child of Truth to guard each Child of Truth that they know from harm?
We are to love the Father of Truth will all our spirit, soul and body (Deuteronomy 6:5). We are to love those in the House of Truth as we love ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18) All that is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible) is to help us carryout these two commandments (Matthew 22:37-40). It is our love for one another that shows that we are the Children of Truth (John 13:35). If we love the Father of Truth then we must love each and every Child of Truth (1 John 4:21).
So the Father of Truth expects us to guard each other from harm. We must warn every Child of Truth that we see sinning to avoid sinning against the Father of Truth ourselves (2 Chronicles 19:10). We must warn them to keep their blood from being on our hands (Ezekiel 3:21).
How are the Children of Truth to keep guard over their fellow Children of Truth? How far are we to go in guarding our brother (or sister) from harm?
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) uses some tough love to bring those that leave the House of Truth back into the House of Truth and he commands us to do the same.
The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to confront their fellow Child of Truth one on one whenever their fellow Child of Truth has sinned against them and to warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:15). What if they refuse to hear the warning and continue in their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to take one or two more and then again confront their fellow Child of Truth and warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:16). What if they still refuse to hear the warning and continue in their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to confront their fellow Child of Truth in front of the entire congregation and warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:17).
What if despite all of this the Child of Truth continues in the sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth says that the Children of Truth are to then to treat them as if they are no longer a Child of Truth because they have left the House of Truth (Matthew 18:17). What are we to do so they know they are still in danger?
We have an example of how to put this tough love into action (1 Corinthians 5:1-2). We are to not intercede to the Father of Truth to protect them from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) from physical harm so that they will come back into the House of Truth and be saved from eternal death (1 Corinthians 5:3-5). We are to not spend time with them even to the point of refusing to eat at the same table with them (1 Corinthians 5:11-13). We are to treat them this way because we love them and we want them to come back into the House of Truth (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15). We are not to offer them any help as long as they remain outside of the House of Truth even to the point of refusing to say to them "God Bless You" (2 John 1:9-11).
What if they finally repent after all of this? We are to forgive them and once again show that we love them as part of the family (2 Corinthians 2:6-8). If we will show the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth some tough love so that they come back into the House of Truth then we will have saved them from death and we are to never mention their sin again (James 5:19-20).
What if they want to come back to us without repenting of their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth says that we must confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth because we demonstrate what is allowed and forbidden in Heaven by what we allow and forbid on Earth (Matthew 18:18). You might think that marking them as unacceptable and avoiding them when they persist in sin is too harsh but this is to prevent them from will leading other people out of the House of Truth (Romans 16:17-18). You might think that handing them over to the Father of Lies is too extreme but this must be done to prevent their disobedience to the Father of Truth from spreading throughout the entire congregation (1 Corinthians 5:6). You might think that the public humiliation of confronting them in front of the entire congregation is too tough but this must be done to protect others in the congregation from going into the same sin (1 Timothy 5:20). We must not allow them to poison the entire congregation by refusing to confront them or the Man of Truth will not be pleased with us despite our other good works (Revelation 2:19-20).
What if we are not strong enough and wise enough to apply this tough love to the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth?
The Father of Truth will give us the strength and wisdom that we need to in bring the wandering Child of Truth back into the House of Truth if we ask him (Matthew 18:19). The Man of Truth will be with us to give us the strength to in bring the wandering Child of Truth back into the House of Truth if we gather together in his name to intercede for the wandering Child of Truth (Matthew 18:20). We can be tough enough to love them because the Man of Truth is tough enough and he lives in us if we will live in the House of Truth (John 15:4-7). We can have a love that is strong enough if we will spend time with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Galatians 5:22).
What if you do not apply this tough love to the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth?
It is time for some tough love. If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you hate them in your heart (Leviticus 19:17). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are still in darkness (1 John 2:9). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are a murderer and the life of the Man of Truth is not in you (1 John 3:15). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are a liar and you do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 4:20).
You might think that hate is too strong of a word to use for your avoiding a confrontation, but it is not. If you do not speak up against what they are doing then your silence is consent to their sin (Numbers 30:14). If you do not warn them then the Father of Truth will require their blood from your hand (Ezekiel 3:20). If you stand to the side to avoid getting involved instead of doing all that you can to rescue them from destruction then you are the same as one that sought their destruction (Obadiah 1:11). If they do not repent on their own, then the Man of Truth will be forced to destroy them to protect the congregation, to cast those who they deceived into great tribulation to bring them to repentance, and even kill their family to put fear in the churches but he will hold you responsible (Revelation 2:21-23).
It is time for some tough love. They first came into the House of Truth when they called the Man of Truth their absolute ruler and believed that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You must have a love for them that is tough enough to cause them as much sorrow as it takes so that they repent and come back into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:9). They cannot be saved if they do not repent to the point of returning to the House of Truth and never doing that thing again (2 Corinthians 7:10). You must be willing to be an instrument of the chastisement for the Father of Truth to use when they leave the House of Truth so that they might live (Hebrews 12:7-9).
Come into the House of Truth.
Am I my brother's keeper? People have been asking this every since Cain was confronted by The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for killing Abel (Genesis 4:9). What does it mean to keep your brother? The Hebrew word translated as "keeper" literally means "one that guards from harm". So does the Father of Truth expect each and every Child of Truth to guard each Child of Truth that they know from harm?
We are to love the Father of Truth will all our spirit, soul and body (Deuteronomy 6:5). We are to love those in the House of Truth as we love ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18) All that is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible) is to help us carryout these two commandments (Matthew 22:37-40). It is our love for one another that shows that we are the Children of Truth (John 13:35). If we love the Father of Truth then we must love each and every Child of Truth (1 John 4:21).
So the Father of Truth expects us to guard each other from harm. We must warn every Child of Truth that we see sinning to avoid sinning against the Father of Truth ourselves (2 Chronicles 19:10). We must warn them to keep their blood from being on our hands (Ezekiel 3:21).
How are the Children of Truth to keep guard over their fellow Children of Truth? How far are we to go in guarding our brother (or sister) from harm?
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) uses some tough love to bring those that leave the House of Truth back into the House of Truth and he commands us to do the same.
The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to confront their fellow Child of Truth one on one whenever their fellow Child of Truth has sinned against them and to warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:15). What if they refuse to hear the warning and continue in their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to take one or two more and then again confront their fellow Child of Truth and warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:16). What if they still refuse to hear the warning and continue in their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth commands the Children of Truth to confront their fellow Child of Truth in front of the entire congregation and warn them of the danger that they are in (Matthew 18:17).
What if despite all of this the Child of Truth continues in the sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth says that the Children of Truth are to then to treat them as if they are no longer a Child of Truth because they have left the House of Truth (Matthew 18:17). What are we to do so they know they are still in danger?
We have an example of how to put this tough love into action (1 Corinthians 5:1-2). We are to not intercede to the Father of Truth to protect them from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) from physical harm so that they will come back into the House of Truth and be saved from eternal death (1 Corinthians 5:3-5). We are to not spend time with them even to the point of refusing to eat at the same table with them (1 Corinthians 5:11-13). We are to treat them this way because we love them and we want them to come back into the House of Truth (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15). We are not to offer them any help as long as they remain outside of the House of Truth even to the point of refusing to say to them "God Bless You" (2 John 1:9-11).
What if they finally repent after all of this? We are to forgive them and once again show that we love them as part of the family (2 Corinthians 2:6-8). If we will show the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth some tough love so that they come back into the House of Truth then we will have saved them from death and we are to never mention their sin again (James 5:19-20).
What if they want to come back to us without repenting of their sin?
It is time for some tough love. The Man of Truth says that we must confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth because we demonstrate what is allowed and forbidden in Heaven by what we allow and forbid on Earth (Matthew 18:18). You might think that marking them as unacceptable and avoiding them when they persist in sin is too harsh but this is to prevent them from will leading other people out of the House of Truth (Romans 16:17-18). You might think that handing them over to the Father of Lies is too extreme but this must be done to prevent their disobedience to the Father of Truth from spreading throughout the entire congregation (1 Corinthians 5:6). You might think that the public humiliation of confronting them in front of the entire congregation is too tough but this must be done to protect others in the congregation from going into the same sin (1 Timothy 5:20). We must not allow them to poison the entire congregation by refusing to confront them or the Man of Truth will not be pleased with us despite our other good works (Revelation 2:19-20).
What if we are not strong enough and wise enough to apply this tough love to the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth?
The Father of Truth will give us the strength and wisdom that we need to in bring the wandering Child of Truth back into the House of Truth if we ask him (Matthew 18:19). The Man of Truth will be with us to give us the strength to in bring the wandering Child of Truth back into the House of Truth if we gather together in his name to intercede for the wandering Child of Truth (Matthew 18:20). We can be tough enough to love them because the Man of Truth is tough enough and he lives in us if we will live in the House of Truth (John 15:4-7). We can have a love that is strong enough if we will spend time with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Galatians 5:22).
What if you do not apply this tough love to the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth?
It is time for some tough love. If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you hate them in your heart (Leviticus 19:17). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are still in darkness (1 John 2:9). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are a murderer and the life of the Man of Truth is not in you (1 John 3:15). If you do not confront the Child of Truth that leaves the House of Truth then you are a liar and you do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 4:20).
You might think that hate is too strong of a word to use for your avoiding a confrontation, but it is not. If you do not speak up against what they are doing then your silence is consent to their sin (Numbers 30:14). If you do not warn them then the Father of Truth will require their blood from your hand (Ezekiel 3:20). If you stand to the side to avoid getting involved instead of doing all that you can to rescue them from destruction then you are the same as one that sought their destruction (Obadiah 1:11). If they do not repent on their own, then the Man of Truth will be forced to destroy them to protect the congregation, to cast those who they deceived into great tribulation to bring them to repentance, and even kill their family to put fear in the churches but he will hold you responsible (Revelation 2:21-23).
It is time for some tough love. They first came into the House of Truth when they called the Man of Truth their absolute ruler and believed that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You must have a love for them that is tough enough to cause them as much sorrow as it takes so that they repent and come back into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:9). They cannot be saved if they do not repent to the point of returning to the House of Truth and never doing that thing again (2 Corinthians 7:10). You must be willing to be an instrument of the chastisement for the Father of Truth to use when they leave the House of Truth so that they might live (Hebrews 12:7-9).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Eternal Security, Grace, Hate, Love, Rebuking, Repentance
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