The Worst Kind of Hatred
What is the worst kind of hatred?
The first thing that might pop into the minds of many people would be the hatred that Hitler and the Nazis had for the Jews. After all, they developed and implemented a plan designed to take everything that the Jews owned, then start gathering Jewish people into concentration camps, force those Jews to perform work that made it possible to gather more Jewish people into more such camps, and then systematically start killing them off, starting with those who were the least useful in continuing the operation. They planned on continuing this operation until every single Jew in Europe was dead and then take over the world so that they could kill every single Jew on Earth. The hatred that the Nazis had for the Jews was undoubtedly strong.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
Yet other people would argue that there has been another form of hatred that is even greater as that of the Nazis for the Jews. Whereas the hatred of the Nazis was active and vocal this other form of hatred is passive and silent. Yet for many people in many places it has similar effects on their lives as the concentration camps had on the Jews. This passive hatred leads to the young and the old dying slowly over a period of days or years from many of the same causes of death among Jews in the concentration camps such as starvation and treatable diseases. This passive hatred allows the slavery, rape and death of young girls and boys to continue through its inaction similar to what happened to many Jews. This passive hatred is not a hatred whereby one group goes out of its way to harm another group, like the Nazis did with the Jews, but is a hatred whereby one group goes out it way to ignore the suffering of those in another group, like many people in modernized countries do with many people in undeveloped countries. This passive hatred is one whereby those who possess it are simply indifferent to the suffering of others.
This passive hatred of indifference finds any sacrifice to relieve the suffering of others to be too great - no matter how small of a sacrifice it really is. This passive hatred of indifference will never give anything to help those who are suffering unless there is something in it for the giver. This passive hatred of indifference is not spread by stirring speeches of brilliant orators but by the allure of pursuing momentary pleasure. This passive hatred of indifference does not arise from an anger that seeks to hurt others but from a myriad of self-centered pursuits that take away the ability to help others. This passive hatred of indifference is found among people of every religion, race and creed in the world. More people have suffered through this passive hatred of indifference than could fit into all of the concentration camps that have ever been built. The suffering caused by this passive hatred of indifference cannot be put to an end by military intervention like the suffering caused by the Nazis came to an end when the Allies captured their concentration camps.
This passive hatred of indifference is often fueled by the endless pursuit of bigger, better, newer stuff as explained more thoroughly in Bigger, Better, Newer. Those who possess this passive hatred of indifference may give at times to help with the suffering of others but it is only because they believe that they will benefit in some fashion as explained in Giving To Get.
What is the worse kind of hatred?
Of course, active hatred and passive hatred often work together to create suffering for others. The Nazis could have never carried out their program of active hate against the Jews if it were not for the passive hatred of most of the rest of Germany that allowed it. The actual original members of the Nazi party were less than one percent of the population of Germany in the beginning but the Nazi party was able to grow to the point of taking over because most of the other ninety-nine percent of the Germans were indifferent. The one percent of active haters were able bully the 98 percent of passive haters into co-operation. (About one percent of the population actually made efforts of resistance.) The madness of the holocaust happened due more to the indifference of the many than the actions of the few.
In the same way, the famines, starvation and treatable diseases, which is often brought on by the military action of evil dictators, could never kill so many people if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to provide food and medicine to these people while destroying the evil dictators. There would be no sex trade if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to destroy the sex traders and their customers from the face of the Earth. Yet the suffering continues due to the actions of the active haters working with the indifference of the passive haters.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
Still there is another kind of passive hatred that is even worse than these other two kinds of hatreds working together. The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells about the worst kind of hatred.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
That of not warning people to turn from their sins when you see them committing them. Some people will tell you that love does not say anything to other people when they sin. However, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) says that saying nothing to other people when you see them sin is actually hating them in your heart (Leviticus 19:17)! Those who refuse to confront others about their sin despise those people that He made (Matthew 18:10)!
It is for this reason that the Father of Truth said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Lies to turn from their sins then the blood of those who sinned would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:18). In like manner, He said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to turn from their sins when they backslide then the blood of the backslider would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:20).
It is for this reason that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that whenever one of the Children of Truth see one of them backslide then they must confront the one who is sinning by themselves (Matthew 18:15). He said that if the backslider will not listen to them by themselves then they must proceed to confront the backslider again with one or two more of the Children of Truth (Matthew 18:16). He said that if the backslider still persists in their sinful behavior then they must be confronted in front of the entire congregation and if the sinful behavior continues then the congregation must stop treating the backslider as if they were still living in the House of Truth (Matthew 18:17). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that this means that none of the Children of Truth must not even so much as eat with the backslider who continues their sinful behavior while calling themselves one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11). This treatment of the backslider may seem harsh but love makes it necessary as explained in It Is Time For Some Tough Love.
Why is indifference towards the sin of others the worse kind of hatred?
It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred is so bad that it would be better for a person to lose parts of their body than to experience it (Matthew 18:8-9). It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred never ends (Mark 9:47-48). It is the worst of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred that is way beyond anything people can experience on Earth (Luke 16:23-25). It is the worst kind of hatred because the terrors of Hell are so much worse than anything that can happen to someone on Earth as told in more detail in Chamber of Horrors.
It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth suffered and died to prevent people for experiencing this suffering (Matthew 18:11-13). It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth is not willing that anyone should perish (Matthew 18:14). It is the wost kind of hatred because the eternal destiny of people is determined by rather or not anyone cares enough about them to confront them about their sin (Matthew 18:18).
It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth will help the two or three of the Children of Truth who gather together to confront the backslider so that they will repent instead of suffering (Matthew 18:19-20). It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth commanded the Children of Truth to preach repentance from sin as part of the Good News (Luke 24:45-47). It is the worst kind of hatred because repenting from sin to escape this terrible suffering is the foundation of the Good News that the Man of Truth taught (Hebrews 6:1-2).
It is the worst kind of hatred because it does not require money, influence, military might, power or special talents to in order to prevent this terrible suffering from ever beginning. It is the worst kind of hatred because all that it takes to help others escape this horrible suffering is to care enough about others to speak up so that they might believe the Good News (1 Corinthians 1:21).
What hinders people from caring enough about others to confront them when they sin?
Some people will say that the Man of Truth said that no one should judge what anyone else is doing as wrong. The truth is that he said no such thing as explained in Taken Out Of Context. The truth is that saying nothing to someone who is putting themselves in danger of Hell by continuing in sin is worse than not warning them to leave a burning building as explained in The Burning House. Anyone that does not warn people to repent of sin is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been religiously brainwashed by religious professionals into believing that there is no need to confront the Children of Truth if they return to sinful behavior because they will not suffer the consequences. This has already been shown to be a lie and is proven so in more depth in Where Did You Get That Idea? People must not just come into the House of Truth to be saved but they must stay there as shown in Stay In The House. Anyone that does not warn the Children of Truth to remain in the House of Truth is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been told that Jews do not need to come into the House of Truth to be saved. Some people have been told that Jews cannot come into the House of Truth to be saved. Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep Jewish people from being saved by coming into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth first told only the Jews that they must repent of their sins to be saved (Matthew 10:5-7). The Jews will suffer in Hell just like Gentiles unless they come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-11). Any Jew who comes into the House of Truth will be saved just the Gentiles who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). Anyone that does not tell Jews about the Man of Truth is hating Jews with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been told that some people are just born gay so they will not suffer for their actions. Some people have been told that telling homosexuals to repent of their homosexuality is hate. Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep homosexuals from being saved by coming into the House of Truth. We must love the homosexuals enough to tell them the truth that they were not born gay as proven in My DNA Made Me Do It. We must tell them to repent because those who continue in homosexuality will suffer both in this life and in Hell as explained in Married In Sodom. Anyone who does not tell the homosexual to repent of their homosexuality is hating homosexuals with the worst kind of hatred.
What is behind these lies that keep those who claim to be part of the Children of Truth from confronting others when they sin?
The most common reason is that they are afraid is that they will be persecuted by those who are sinning. They do not want others to accuse them of being judgmental (Genesis 19:7-9). They surely do not want to confront others if they still need to repent of the sin that is in their own lives (Matthew 7:3-5). They know that they will be separated from family members if they obey the Man of Truth by rebuking others for their sin (Luke 12:51-53). They know that they will be hated like the Man of Truth was hated if they tell others that they must repent (John 7:7). They do not confront others about sin because they love the praises of other people than more than the praise of the Father of Truth (John 12:42-43). Since they care more about their own comfort than the eternal suffering of others they say nothing when they see others sin which is the worst kind of hatred.
The Children of Truth are those who obey the Man of Truth (John 14:15). The Children of Truth love others enough to warn them to repent from sin because they obey the Father of Truth (1 John 5:1-3). This is what it means to live in the House of Truth.
The Father of Truth never told you to go along to get along. You must love other people even more than your job as explained in Are You Wearing A Costume.
You may have came into the House of Truth at some point but now find that you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred. You may have been paralyzed from action by the lies of others. You may have been afraid to act before but now you understand that you must. If you continue to deny the Man of Truth before people by ignoring his commandment to preach repentance then he will deny you before His Father (Matthew 10:32-33).
If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you have been living in darkness (1 John 2:9-11). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you are no better than a murderer (1 John 3:15). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you really do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 4:20-21). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you need to repent right now.
Perhaps you have been a victim of the worst kind of hatred and no one has ever told you that you must repent of your sins to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be made into a brand new person with new desires if you come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be able to stop sinning because the Man of Truth will be living in you when you come into the House of Truth (Colossians 1:27).
Come into the House of Truth.
The first thing that might pop into the minds of many people would be the hatred that Hitler and the Nazis had for the Jews. After all, they developed and implemented a plan designed to take everything that the Jews owned, then start gathering Jewish people into concentration camps, force those Jews to perform work that made it possible to gather more Jewish people into more such camps, and then systematically start killing them off, starting with those who were the least useful in continuing the operation. They planned on continuing this operation until every single Jew in Europe was dead and then take over the world so that they could kill every single Jew on Earth. The hatred that the Nazis had for the Jews was undoubtedly strong.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
Yet other people would argue that there has been another form of hatred that is even greater as that of the Nazis for the Jews. Whereas the hatred of the Nazis was active and vocal this other form of hatred is passive and silent. Yet for many people in many places it has similar effects on their lives as the concentration camps had on the Jews. This passive hatred leads to the young and the old dying slowly over a period of days or years from many of the same causes of death among Jews in the concentration camps such as starvation and treatable diseases. This passive hatred allows the slavery, rape and death of young girls and boys to continue through its inaction similar to what happened to many Jews. This passive hatred is not a hatred whereby one group goes out of its way to harm another group, like the Nazis did with the Jews, but is a hatred whereby one group goes out it way to ignore the suffering of those in another group, like many people in modernized countries do with many people in undeveloped countries. This passive hatred is one whereby those who possess it are simply indifferent to the suffering of others.
This passive hatred of indifference finds any sacrifice to relieve the suffering of others to be too great - no matter how small of a sacrifice it really is. This passive hatred of indifference will never give anything to help those who are suffering unless there is something in it for the giver. This passive hatred of indifference is not spread by stirring speeches of brilliant orators but by the allure of pursuing momentary pleasure. This passive hatred of indifference does not arise from an anger that seeks to hurt others but from a myriad of self-centered pursuits that take away the ability to help others. This passive hatred of indifference is found among people of every religion, race and creed in the world. More people have suffered through this passive hatred of indifference than could fit into all of the concentration camps that have ever been built. The suffering caused by this passive hatred of indifference cannot be put to an end by military intervention like the suffering caused by the Nazis came to an end when the Allies captured their concentration camps.
This passive hatred of indifference is often fueled by the endless pursuit of bigger, better, newer stuff as explained more thoroughly in Bigger, Better, Newer. Those who possess this passive hatred of indifference may give at times to help with the suffering of others but it is only because they believe that they will benefit in some fashion as explained in Giving To Get.
What is the worse kind of hatred?
Of course, active hatred and passive hatred often work together to create suffering for others. The Nazis could have never carried out their program of active hate against the Jews if it were not for the passive hatred of most of the rest of Germany that allowed it. The actual original members of the Nazi party were less than one percent of the population of Germany in the beginning but the Nazi party was able to grow to the point of taking over because most of the other ninety-nine percent of the Germans were indifferent. The one percent of active haters were able bully the 98 percent of passive haters into co-operation. (About one percent of the population actually made efforts of resistance.) The madness of the holocaust happened due more to the indifference of the many than the actions of the few.
In the same way, the famines, starvation and treatable diseases, which is often brought on by the military action of evil dictators, could never kill so many people if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to provide food and medicine to these people while destroying the evil dictators. There would be no sex trade if the majority of people in the world would simply make the effort to destroy the sex traders and their customers from the face of the Earth. Yet the suffering continues due to the actions of the active haters working with the indifference of the passive haters.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
Still there is another kind of passive hatred that is even worse than these other two kinds of hatreds working together. The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells about the worst kind of hatred.
What is the worst kind of hatred?
That of not warning people to turn from their sins when you see them committing them. Some people will tell you that love does not say anything to other people when they sin. However, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) says that saying nothing to other people when you see them sin is actually hating them in your heart (Leviticus 19:17)! Those who refuse to confront others about their sin despise those people that He made (Matthew 18:10)!
It is for this reason that the Father of Truth said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Lies to turn from their sins then the blood of those who sinned would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:18). In like manner, He said that if anyone did not warn the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) to turn from their sins when they backslide then the blood of the backslider would be on the hands of those who did not issue the warning (Ezekiel 3:20).
It is for this reason that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that whenever one of the Children of Truth see one of them backslide then they must confront the one who is sinning by themselves (Matthew 18:15). He said that if the backslider will not listen to them by themselves then they must proceed to confront the backslider again with one or two more of the Children of Truth (Matthew 18:16). He said that if the backslider still persists in their sinful behavior then they must be confronted in front of the entire congregation and if the sinful behavior continues then the congregation must stop treating the backslider as if they were still living in the House of Truth (Matthew 18:17). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that this means that none of the Children of Truth must not even so much as eat with the backslider who continues their sinful behavior while calling themselves one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11). This treatment of the backslider may seem harsh but love makes it necessary as explained in It Is Time For Some Tough Love.
Why is indifference towards the sin of others the worse kind of hatred?
It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred is so bad that it would be better for a person to lose parts of their body than to experience it (Matthew 18:8-9). It is the worst kind of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred never ends (Mark 9:47-48). It is the worst of hatred because the suffering caused by this hatred that is way beyond anything people can experience on Earth (Luke 16:23-25). It is the worst kind of hatred because the terrors of Hell are so much worse than anything that can happen to someone on Earth as told in more detail in Chamber of Horrors.
It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth suffered and died to prevent people for experiencing this suffering (Matthew 18:11-13). It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth is not willing that anyone should perish (Matthew 18:14). It is the wost kind of hatred because the eternal destiny of people is determined by rather or not anyone cares enough about them to confront them about their sin (Matthew 18:18).
It is the worst kind of hatred because the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth will help the two or three of the Children of Truth who gather together to confront the backslider so that they will repent instead of suffering (Matthew 18:19-20). It is the worst kind of hatred because the Man of Truth commanded the Children of Truth to preach repentance from sin as part of the Good News (Luke 24:45-47). It is the worst kind of hatred because repenting from sin to escape this terrible suffering is the foundation of the Good News that the Man of Truth taught (Hebrews 6:1-2).
It is the worst kind of hatred because it does not require money, influence, military might, power or special talents to in order to prevent this terrible suffering from ever beginning. It is the worst kind of hatred because all that it takes to help others escape this horrible suffering is to care enough about others to speak up so that they might believe the Good News (1 Corinthians 1:21).
What hinders people from caring enough about others to confront them when they sin?
Some people will say that the Man of Truth said that no one should judge what anyone else is doing as wrong. The truth is that he said no such thing as explained in Taken Out Of Context. The truth is that saying nothing to someone who is putting themselves in danger of Hell by continuing in sin is worse than not warning them to leave a burning building as explained in The Burning House. Anyone that does not warn people to repent of sin is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been religiously brainwashed by religious professionals into believing that there is no need to confront the Children of Truth if they return to sinful behavior because they will not suffer the consequences. This has already been shown to be a lie and is proven so in more depth in Where Did You Get That Idea? People must not just come into the House of Truth to be saved but they must stay there as shown in Stay In The House. Anyone that does not warn the Children of Truth to remain in the House of Truth is hating them with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been told that Jews do not need to come into the House of Truth to be saved. Some people have been told that Jews cannot come into the House of Truth to be saved. Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep Jewish people from being saved by coming into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth first told only the Jews that they must repent of their sins to be saved (Matthew 10:5-7). The Jews will suffer in Hell just like Gentiles unless they come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-11). Any Jew who comes into the House of Truth will be saved just the Gentiles who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). Anyone that does not tell Jews about the Man of Truth is hating Jews with the worst kind of hatred.
Some people have been told that some people are just born gay so they will not suffer for their actions. Some people have been told that telling homosexuals to repent of their homosexuality is hate. Both of these ideas are lies designed to keep homosexuals from being saved by coming into the House of Truth. We must love the homosexuals enough to tell them the truth that they were not born gay as proven in My DNA Made Me Do It. We must tell them to repent because those who continue in homosexuality will suffer both in this life and in Hell as explained in Married In Sodom. Anyone who does not tell the homosexual to repent of their homosexuality is hating homosexuals with the worst kind of hatred.
What is behind these lies that keep those who claim to be part of the Children of Truth from confronting others when they sin?
The most common reason is that they are afraid is that they will be persecuted by those who are sinning. They do not want others to accuse them of being judgmental (Genesis 19:7-9). They surely do not want to confront others if they still need to repent of the sin that is in their own lives (Matthew 7:3-5). They know that they will be separated from family members if they obey the Man of Truth by rebuking others for their sin (Luke 12:51-53). They know that they will be hated like the Man of Truth was hated if they tell others that they must repent (John 7:7). They do not confront others about sin because they love the praises of other people than more than the praise of the Father of Truth (John 12:42-43). Since they care more about their own comfort than the eternal suffering of others they say nothing when they see others sin which is the worst kind of hatred.
The Children of Truth are those who obey the Man of Truth (John 14:15). The Children of Truth love others enough to warn them to repent from sin because they obey the Father of Truth (1 John 5:1-3). This is what it means to live in the House of Truth.
The Father of Truth never told you to go along to get along. You must love other people even more than your job as explained in Are You Wearing A Costume.
You may have came into the House of Truth at some point but now find that you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred. You may have been paralyzed from action by the lies of others. You may have been afraid to act before but now you understand that you must. If you continue to deny the Man of Truth before people by ignoring his commandment to preach repentance then he will deny you before His Father (Matthew 10:32-33).
If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you have been living in darkness (1 John 2:9-11). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you are no better than a murderer (1 John 3:15). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you really do not love the Father of Truth (1 John 4:20-21). If you have been guilty of the worst kind of hatred then you need to repent right now.
Perhaps you have been a victim of the worst kind of hatred and no one has ever told you that you must repent of your sins to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be made into a brand new person with new desires if you come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17). Perhaps no one has ever told you that you will be able to stop sinning because the Man of Truth will be living in you when you come into the House of Truth (Colossians 1:27).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Hatred, Love, Rebuking, Repentance, Sin