A Resolution That You Can Keep
Would you like to make a resolution that you can keep this year?
Every New Year's Day millions of Americans make New Year's resolutions. They resolve that something in their life is going to be different starting with this year than it was in prior years. Many times these resolutions involve some area of their life where they would like to have more discipline than they had in the previous year. So they make resolutions to do things like lose weight, get more exercise, save more money, spend more time with their family and less time at work, stop smoking and the like. These are among the most popular New Year's resolutions.
The problem with New Year's resolutions is that people are almost never able to keep them. Studies show that on average people have already broken their New Year's resolutions within ten days of making them and that most New Year resolutions are completely abandoned by February first.
The reason for this is that the other changes in their lives necessary to carry out their resolutions rarely happen. They still have the same issues to deal with on January 2 of the new year that they had on December 31 of the old year. The calendar changing from one year to another on January 1 did not change anything significant in their lives. They still have the same job that they had before. They still have the same friends that they had before. They still have the same family that they had before. They still have the problems that they had before. They still have the same things that drive their behavior.
The fact is they often do not have the will power to change even if that was all that was needed. When they face the same temptations they fall back into the same patterns of behavior. Even if they push everything out of their lives that might tempt them they are still the same on the inside. Once they find themselves in those same circumstances they end up making the same choices. They are simply slaves that cannot free themselves no matter how much they want to be free.
Then there are all of those unexpected and unforeseeable things that prevent them from carrying out their resolutions even if they have the will power. They get injured or fall ill so that they cannot exercise and consequently gain weight. They are laid off through no fault of their own and no longer have money to save. They survive a lay off (which is sometimes worse than being laid off) only to find that they are now expected to make up some of the work that was being performed by those that were laid off on top of their own work. They suffer a calamity of some sort like an accident or serious illness that devours their money. In other words, life happens to them.
So in short they cannot make the changes that they would like to make even if they have the will power to do so because will power alone is not enough to bring about those changes. Everything in their life is not in their control no matter how much they wish it was so . They are making resolutions that they cannot keep.
Would it not be better to make a resolution that you can keep instead of making one that is probably doomed to failure?
The good news is that there is a resolution that you can keep. This resolution will bring about all kinds of changes in your life when you keep it. When you keep this resolution then you will find that you will gain the power to keep those other resolutions. When you keep this resolution then you will be set free from the prison that your habits have built. When you keep this resolution then you will be able to rise above every circumstance that would otherwise prevent you from making the kinds of changes that you want in your life.
A resolution that you can keep is one that does not rely upon your will power and external circumstances to be kept. You can keep this resolution long after other resolutions are abandoned because it deals with the root cause of those things that you want out of your life instead of just the symptoms.
A resolution that you can keep is total surrender to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
This resolution will bring about the resolution of the sin problem in your life. All of those things that you want to change in your life are the result of only one root cause and that root cause is sin.
The first thing to understand about sin is that sin is a universal problem throughout the human race. There is no one that has not sinned (1 Kings 8:46). No one in the entire world is good (Psalm 14:2-3). There is not one person that has enough understanding in their own strength to avoid sin (Romans 3:10-12). Anyone that thinks that they have never sinned is self-deceived (1 John 1:8).
Before people can avoid sin they have to know what sin is. People can sin without knowing that they are sinning (Numbers 15:29). People can be so ignorant of what defines sin that it is like not knowing the difference between left and right (Jonah 4:11).
The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was given to Moses so that people could know what was sin (Romans 3:20). The Law of Truth revealed the sin that had already existed before it was ever given (Romans 5:13). Only no one knew what was sin until the Law of Truth was given (Romans 7:7). Since the Law of Truth tells what sin is then doing anything that is contrary to what is commanded in the Law of Truth is sin (1 John 3:4).
However, knowing what is sin does not keep anyone from committing sin. Those that have been given the Law of Truth so they could know what was sin have done no better at avoiding sin than those that did not have the Law of Truth (Romans 2:12). The Jews are just as guilty as the Gentiles (Romans 3:9).
So the Law of Truth is not enough to keep people from sin. The Law of Truth is holy, just and good (Romans 7:12). The problem is that we are not (Romans 7:14-16).
We cannot be good on our own because sin lives in our bodies (Romans 7:17-18). It is the sin that lives in our bodies which keeps us from making those changes that we want to make in our lives (Romans 7:19-21). So no matter how much we want to change to live in line with the Law of Truth we end up breaking it anyways because we are slaves to sin (Romans 7:22-23). We simply cannot live in line with the Law of Truth on our own strength due to the sin that lives in our bodies (Romans 8:6-8).
Even worse the sin that lives in our bodies always brings death. Our bodies die because sin lives in them (Romans 5:12). This why people still died before the Law of Truth was ever given to Moses (Romans 5:14). This is why we continue in behavior that we know is self destructive and will lead us to death (Romans 7:5). The Law of Truth was given so that we could see how terrible sin really is (Romans 7:13).
Since sin is universal, lives in our bodies and always results in death then we need someone to deliver us from our hopeless state (Romans 7:24).
The obedience to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) by the Man of Truth has made him able to bring a resolution to our sin problem (Romans 5:19-21). We have earned death with our actions that are the result from the sin that lives in our bodies but He has given us the gift of eternal life through the Man of Truth (Romans 6:23).
There is deliverance from slavery to sin when you submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth (Romans 7:25). It is keeping your resolution of total surrender to the Man of Truth that sets you free from the sin that leads to death (Romans 8:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Man of Truth has already done all of the heavy lifting. The Man of Truth died to pay for your sins and rose again so you could be counted as sinless (Romans 4:23-25). When you had no ability to save yourself the Man of Truth died to resolve your sin problem (Romans 5:6). The Man of Truth suffered the terrible brutality of the cross so you could be free from being controlled by the sin that lives in your body (1 Peter 4:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Man of Truth will live in you to make you strong enough to keep this resolution. If you will live in the Man of Truth then He will live in you so that you can keep this resolution (John 15:4-5). He is strong enough to enable you to keep this resolution when he is living in you (Colossians 1:27-29). If he is living you then you can live like he did, free from the sin, in this world (1 John 4:17).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because of the Word of Truth will give you the ability to do so. It is continuing to obey the Word of Truth that sets you free from the sin that lives in your body (John 8:31-32). When you live in the Man of Truth and the Word of Truth lives in you then you will be able to keep this resolution (John 15:7-8). The Word of Truth will renew your mind so that you can keep this resolution (Romans 12:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help you to keep this resolution. The Spirit of Truth is given to everyone that makes a resolution of total surrender to the Man of Truth (John 14:15-17). The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth so that you know how to keep this resolution (John 16:13). The Spirit of Truth will give you the strength to keep your resolution because you will not be relying on your own strength (Romans 8:3-5).
This resolution that you can keep begins when you are born again as a Child of Truth. You must born again to keep this resolution (John 3:3-5). Those that are born again are born as a spirit to the Spirit of Truth just as they were born as a body to a human mother (John 3:6-8). The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone that is born again, just like they carry the DNA of their mother in their bodies when they were born the first time, so that they can keep this resolution (Romans 8:9-10). The Spirit of Truth living on the inside makes total surrender to the Man of Truth to be a resolution that you can keep (Romans 8:12-14). The Spirit of Truth will tell you on the inside that this is a resolution that you can keep (Romans 8:15-16). The Spirit of Truth living on the inside of you will produce outside behavior that is pleasing to the Father of Truth as naturally as apple trees produce apples (Galatians 5:22-23).
When you are born again you are born as a baby. It is like a riddle that I had in a set of riddle cards when I was seven years old. Question : "How many big men were born in New York City?" Answer: "None - just little babies were born there". You start out as a baby Child of Truth and grow up from there. It is a process whereby you become more and more like the Man of Truth day by day.
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep if you decide to make it because the Father of Truth will help you to keep it. The Father of Truth has given other people that have made the same resolution to help you keep your resolution so that you can grow up to be like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-15).
Make no mistake I am not saying that you do not have to do anything and your life will get better overnight without any effort on your behalf. This is the Father of Truth working with you to make changes in your life. He has a part that He began when He sent the Man of Truth but you also have a part. He sent the Man of Truth into this world so that He could work with you to keep this resolution (Matthew 1:22-23).
It is not all up to the Father of Truth.
You are the one that has to decide that you are going to obey the Man of Truth in total surrender to the best of your ability and understanding because you love him (John 15:9-11). You are the one that has to decide that you are going to be the friend of the Man of Truth by making a resolution to submit to him in total surrender (John 15:14-15). You are the one that has to reject what is evil and desire the Word of Truth like a baby desires milk so that you can grow up (1 Peter 2:1-3).
It is not all up to you either.
It is the Man of Truth and you working together that makes it possible for you to keep your resolution to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender. The Man of Truth began the process and he will finish it but it is up to you to look to him for strength as you run your leg of the race (Hebrews 12:1-3). The Man of Truth did his part to help you overcome every obstacle when he shed his blood on the cross and you do your part when you learn to say the same thing as the Word of Truth about your situation (Revelation 12:11). It is a partnership.
There are no circumstances that can prevent you from keeping this resolution. No one can pry you from the hand of the Father of Truth once you make this resolution (John 10:29). There are no circumstances that can separate you from the love of the Man of Truth (Romans 8:35-37). No one can separate you from the love of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:38-39).
What if you should slip in your resolve? You can still keep your resolution by getting back up and keep trying again (Proverbs 24:16). You can judge yourself and change your behavior or you will be chastised by the Father of Truth so that you will not continue to slip (1 Corinthians 11:31-32). The Father of Truth will chastise you for your disobedience but you will still be His child (Hebrews 12:5-7). He will chastise you so that you will learn to be like Him (Hebrews 12:8-10).
As you learn how to keep this resolution then you will learn how to avoid everything that is defined as sin in the Law of Truth (Romans 3:31). This resolution is a long war that lasts for your entire life against everything that would lead you into sin (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). When you keep this resolution and win this war you will become like the Man of Truth in every way (1 John 3:2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep. The only way to lose this war is to quit fighting. You have all the help you need to keep this resolution but you must stay in the House of Truth to do so (Matthew 24:13). You must not leave the House of Truth like Judas did or you will also fail to keep your resolution (Acts 1:25). You must not leave the House of Truth or you will fall from the grace that makes it possible to keep this resolution (Galatians 5:4-5). You must not leave the House of Truth or you will fail to receive the help that you need to keep this resolution (Hebrews 12:14-16). It would be better to never come into the House of Truth than to leave the House of Truth (2 Peter 2:20-22).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep. You make this resolution when come into the House of Truth. You come into the House of Truth when call the Man of Truth the boss of every area of your life because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth.
Every New Year's Day millions of Americans make New Year's resolutions. They resolve that something in their life is going to be different starting with this year than it was in prior years. Many times these resolutions involve some area of their life where they would like to have more discipline than they had in the previous year. So they make resolutions to do things like lose weight, get more exercise, save more money, spend more time with their family and less time at work, stop smoking and the like. These are among the most popular New Year's resolutions.
The problem with New Year's resolutions is that people are almost never able to keep them. Studies show that on average people have already broken their New Year's resolutions within ten days of making them and that most New Year resolutions are completely abandoned by February first.
The reason for this is that the other changes in their lives necessary to carry out their resolutions rarely happen. They still have the same issues to deal with on January 2 of the new year that they had on December 31 of the old year. The calendar changing from one year to another on January 1 did not change anything significant in their lives. They still have the same job that they had before. They still have the same friends that they had before. They still have the same family that they had before. They still have the problems that they had before. They still have the same things that drive their behavior.
The fact is they often do not have the will power to change even if that was all that was needed. When they face the same temptations they fall back into the same patterns of behavior. Even if they push everything out of their lives that might tempt them they are still the same on the inside. Once they find themselves in those same circumstances they end up making the same choices. They are simply slaves that cannot free themselves no matter how much they want to be free.
Then there are all of those unexpected and unforeseeable things that prevent them from carrying out their resolutions even if they have the will power. They get injured or fall ill so that they cannot exercise and consequently gain weight. They are laid off through no fault of their own and no longer have money to save. They survive a lay off (which is sometimes worse than being laid off) only to find that they are now expected to make up some of the work that was being performed by those that were laid off on top of their own work. They suffer a calamity of some sort like an accident or serious illness that devours their money. In other words, life happens to them.
So in short they cannot make the changes that they would like to make even if they have the will power to do so because will power alone is not enough to bring about those changes. Everything in their life is not in their control no matter how much they wish it was so . They are making resolutions that they cannot keep.
Would it not be better to make a resolution that you can keep instead of making one that is probably doomed to failure?
The good news is that there is a resolution that you can keep. This resolution will bring about all kinds of changes in your life when you keep it. When you keep this resolution then you will find that you will gain the power to keep those other resolutions. When you keep this resolution then you will be set free from the prison that your habits have built. When you keep this resolution then you will be able to rise above every circumstance that would otherwise prevent you from making the kinds of changes that you want in your life.
A resolution that you can keep is one that does not rely upon your will power and external circumstances to be kept. You can keep this resolution long after other resolutions are abandoned because it deals with the root cause of those things that you want out of your life instead of just the symptoms.
A resolution that you can keep is total surrender to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
This resolution will bring about the resolution of the sin problem in your life. All of those things that you want to change in your life are the result of only one root cause and that root cause is sin.
The first thing to understand about sin is that sin is a universal problem throughout the human race. There is no one that has not sinned (1 Kings 8:46). No one in the entire world is good (Psalm 14:2-3). There is not one person that has enough understanding in their own strength to avoid sin (Romans 3:10-12). Anyone that thinks that they have never sinned is self-deceived (1 John 1:8).
Before people can avoid sin they have to know what sin is. People can sin without knowing that they are sinning (Numbers 15:29). People can be so ignorant of what defines sin that it is like not knowing the difference between left and right (Jonah 4:11).
The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was given to Moses so that people could know what was sin (Romans 3:20). The Law of Truth revealed the sin that had already existed before it was ever given (Romans 5:13). Only no one knew what was sin until the Law of Truth was given (Romans 7:7). Since the Law of Truth tells what sin is then doing anything that is contrary to what is commanded in the Law of Truth is sin (1 John 3:4).
However, knowing what is sin does not keep anyone from committing sin. Those that have been given the Law of Truth so they could know what was sin have done no better at avoiding sin than those that did not have the Law of Truth (Romans 2:12). The Jews are just as guilty as the Gentiles (Romans 3:9).
So the Law of Truth is not enough to keep people from sin. The Law of Truth is holy, just and good (Romans 7:12). The problem is that we are not (Romans 7:14-16).
We cannot be good on our own because sin lives in our bodies (Romans 7:17-18). It is the sin that lives in our bodies which keeps us from making those changes that we want to make in our lives (Romans 7:19-21). So no matter how much we want to change to live in line with the Law of Truth we end up breaking it anyways because we are slaves to sin (Romans 7:22-23). We simply cannot live in line with the Law of Truth on our own strength due to the sin that lives in our bodies (Romans 8:6-8).
Even worse the sin that lives in our bodies always brings death. Our bodies die because sin lives in them (Romans 5:12). This why people still died before the Law of Truth was ever given to Moses (Romans 5:14). This is why we continue in behavior that we know is self destructive and will lead us to death (Romans 7:5). The Law of Truth was given so that we could see how terrible sin really is (Romans 7:13).
Since sin is universal, lives in our bodies and always results in death then we need someone to deliver us from our hopeless state (Romans 7:24).
The obedience to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) by the Man of Truth has made him able to bring a resolution to our sin problem (Romans 5:19-21). We have earned death with our actions that are the result from the sin that lives in our bodies but He has given us the gift of eternal life through the Man of Truth (Romans 6:23).
There is deliverance from slavery to sin when you submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth (Romans 7:25). It is keeping your resolution of total surrender to the Man of Truth that sets you free from the sin that leads to death (Romans 8:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Man of Truth has already done all of the heavy lifting. The Man of Truth died to pay for your sins and rose again so you could be counted as sinless (Romans 4:23-25). When you had no ability to save yourself the Man of Truth died to resolve your sin problem (Romans 5:6). The Man of Truth suffered the terrible brutality of the cross so you could be free from being controlled by the sin that lives in your body (1 Peter 4:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Man of Truth will live in you to make you strong enough to keep this resolution. If you will live in the Man of Truth then He will live in you so that you can keep this resolution (John 15:4-5). He is strong enough to enable you to keep this resolution when he is living in you (Colossians 1:27-29). If he is living you then you can live like he did, free from the sin, in this world (1 John 4:17).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because of the Word of Truth will give you the ability to do so. It is continuing to obey the Word of Truth that sets you free from the sin that lives in your body (John 8:31-32). When you live in the Man of Truth and the Word of Truth lives in you then you will be able to keep this resolution (John 15:7-8). The Word of Truth will renew your mind so that you can keep this resolution (Romans 12:1-2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep because the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help you to keep this resolution. The Spirit of Truth is given to everyone that makes a resolution of total surrender to the Man of Truth (John 14:15-17). The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth so that you know how to keep this resolution (John 16:13). The Spirit of Truth will give you the strength to keep your resolution because you will not be relying on your own strength (Romans 8:3-5).
This resolution that you can keep begins when you are born again as a Child of Truth. You must born again to keep this resolution (John 3:3-5). Those that are born again are born as a spirit to the Spirit of Truth just as they were born as a body to a human mother (John 3:6-8). The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone that is born again, just like they carry the DNA of their mother in their bodies when they were born the first time, so that they can keep this resolution (Romans 8:9-10). The Spirit of Truth living on the inside makes total surrender to the Man of Truth to be a resolution that you can keep (Romans 8:12-14). The Spirit of Truth will tell you on the inside that this is a resolution that you can keep (Romans 8:15-16). The Spirit of Truth living on the inside of you will produce outside behavior that is pleasing to the Father of Truth as naturally as apple trees produce apples (Galatians 5:22-23).
When you are born again you are born as a baby. It is like a riddle that I had in a set of riddle cards when I was seven years old. Question : "How many big men were born in New York City?" Answer: "None - just little babies were born there". You start out as a baby Child of Truth and grow up from there. It is a process whereby you become more and more like the Man of Truth day by day.
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep if you decide to make it because the Father of Truth will help you to keep it. The Father of Truth has given other people that have made the same resolution to help you keep your resolution so that you can grow up to be like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-15).
Make no mistake I am not saying that you do not have to do anything and your life will get better overnight without any effort on your behalf. This is the Father of Truth working with you to make changes in your life. He has a part that He began when He sent the Man of Truth but you also have a part. He sent the Man of Truth into this world so that He could work with you to keep this resolution (Matthew 1:22-23).
It is not all up to the Father of Truth.
You are the one that has to decide that you are going to obey the Man of Truth in total surrender to the best of your ability and understanding because you love him (John 15:9-11). You are the one that has to decide that you are going to be the friend of the Man of Truth by making a resolution to submit to him in total surrender (John 15:14-15). You are the one that has to reject what is evil and desire the Word of Truth like a baby desires milk so that you can grow up (1 Peter 2:1-3).
It is not all up to you either.
It is the Man of Truth and you working together that makes it possible for you to keep your resolution to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender. The Man of Truth began the process and he will finish it but it is up to you to look to him for strength as you run your leg of the race (Hebrews 12:1-3). The Man of Truth did his part to help you overcome every obstacle when he shed his blood on the cross and you do your part when you learn to say the same thing as the Word of Truth about your situation (Revelation 12:11). It is a partnership.
There are no circumstances that can prevent you from keeping this resolution. No one can pry you from the hand of the Father of Truth once you make this resolution (John 10:29). There are no circumstances that can separate you from the love of the Man of Truth (Romans 8:35-37). No one can separate you from the love of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:38-39).
What if you should slip in your resolve? You can still keep your resolution by getting back up and keep trying again (Proverbs 24:16). You can judge yourself and change your behavior or you will be chastised by the Father of Truth so that you will not continue to slip (1 Corinthians 11:31-32). The Father of Truth will chastise you for your disobedience but you will still be His child (Hebrews 12:5-7). He will chastise you so that you will learn to be like Him (Hebrews 12:8-10).
As you learn how to keep this resolution then you will learn how to avoid everything that is defined as sin in the Law of Truth (Romans 3:31). This resolution is a long war that lasts for your entire life against everything that would lead you into sin (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). When you keep this resolution and win this war you will become like the Man of Truth in every way (1 John 3:2).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep. The only way to lose this war is to quit fighting. You have all the help you need to keep this resolution but you must stay in the House of Truth to do so (Matthew 24:13). You must not leave the House of Truth like Judas did or you will also fail to keep your resolution (Acts 1:25). You must not leave the House of Truth or you will fall from the grace that makes it possible to keep this resolution (Galatians 5:4-5). You must not leave the House of Truth or you will fail to receive the help that you need to keep this resolution (Hebrews 12:14-16). It would be better to never come into the House of Truth than to leave the House of Truth (2 Peter 2:20-22).
Total surrender to the Man of Truth is a resolution that you can keep. You make this resolution when come into the House of Truth. You come into the House of Truth when call the Man of Truth the boss of every area of your life because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Grace, New Year's Day, Resolution