A Nation Of Fools
How did America become a nation of fools?
America has become a nation of fools.
This year, 2022, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked to define what a woman was. She answered that she could not define what a woman was because she was not a biologist. My male dogs were not biologists but were still able to identify a female of their own species, yet this judge could not.
Did the US Senate decide that this judge was too stupid to be on the Supreme Court? No, they voted for her confirmation by a 53 to 47 margin with all Demoncrats and three closet Demoncrats voting yes.
Was this a racist vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson because she was an African-American woman (I know the difference)? No, for she was not the only African-American woman judge in America.
It was not knowing how to define what a woman was that carried the day for her. After all, someone who could define what was a woman would be too smart and honest to pervert justice in the Supreme Court.
America has become a nation of fools.
Lia Thomas also is too stupid to know what a woman is. Lia Thomas wants to compete as a woman in athletics because the competition is easier.
Lia Thomas was one of those who could not determine this by the feel test – feeling the area at the bottom of their torso between their legs for a bulge. If there is a bulge then they are a man, otherwise they are a woman – barring some sort of tragic event.
Lia Thomas was one of those who could not determine this by the visual test – looking at the area at the bottom of their torso to see if they had an outtie or an innie. If there is an outtie then they are a man, otherwise they are a woman – barring some sort of tragic event.
Lia Thomas was one of those who could not determine this by the DNA test – checking for the presence of a Y chromosome. If there is a Y chromosome then they are a man, otherwise they are a woman – even if there was some sort of tragic event.
DNA does not lie, but people like Lia Thomas do. Yet, the supposedly educated people at the University of Pennsylvania – including their biologists- cannot define what is a woman.
America has become a nation of fools.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the US Senate, Lia Thomas, and the University of Pennsylvania are not alone in being too stupid to know what a woman is. There is a great multitude of people and organizations too stupid to know this.
However, stupid does not stop there. Those who are smart enough to know whether they have a begetter or a baby factory, but they do not know what to do with it.
Men – those with a begetter – do not know where to put it. They are not sure if it should go in a woman, another man, an animal, or a house plant.
Women – those with a baby factory – do not know what goes in there. They are not sure if it is some part of a man, another woman, an animal, or house plant that goes in there.
University educated minds cannot solve this mystery. Yet pigs and donkeys have this figured out.
Those with begetter have figured out that their begetter goes into those with baby factories to produce babies. Those with baby factories have figured out that the begetter of one of their own species goes in there to produce babies.
America has become a nation of fools.
What about those who have solved the mystery of who is a man and who is a woman? What about those who have solved the mystery of how their parts fit together to beget children?
Do all of them recognize how stupid those who cannot figure out these things really are? Do they help those too stupid to figure out these things on their own to solve the mystery?
No, they do not make any attempt to educate those too stupid to know these things. Instead, they celebrate the stupidity of these people.
They overshadow celebrating the end of slavery for one day during Juneteenth. Instead, they devote the entire month of June to celebrating those who are too stupid to know what a woman is and what part a woman plays in producing children.
America has become a nation of fools.
What about those try to help those who have not figure out what is a woman and what part a woman plays in producing children to solve the mystery? They are called “haters”.
In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people how to determine if they are a man or a woman. In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people how the parts of men and women fit together to beget children.
In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people that operations to try to undo the natural results of their DNA will cause them lifelong problems. In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people that they can never play a part that they were not given the equipment to fulfill.
In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people that those who misuse their begetters and baby factories end up destroying their own health. In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people that those who do such things have higher rates of depression, higher suicide rates, higher rates of murder by others like them, and shorter lifespans.
In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people to pull their heads out of the woodchipper before it is turned on. In this nation of fools, it is “hate” to tell people that the smell of freshly chipped wood is only bait to lead them to a gruesome death.
America has become a nation of fools.
However, that is not the only form of “hate” speech in this nation of fools.
It is also “hate speech” to tell men and women that they need to be married before putting their parts together. It is “hate speech” to tell them to only do so with the one they married. It is “hate speech” to tell adults to not change sex partners as casually as they change their socks.
Even little children know these things until their parents teach them otherwise. Yet it is “hate speech” for an adult to say so.
In this nation of fools the problem is not the unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases and broken hearts that this culture of premarital sex has produced that is the problem. It is the “haters” that warn people how to avoid all of this pain.
It is “hate speech” that marriage lasts “unto death do you part” and that “for better or worse” means exactly that. It is “hate speech” to tell them they are not free to divorce for any reason other than their spouse putting their part together with someone else’s part.
It is “hate speech” to tell them that the government can never put apart what the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has joined together. It is “hate speech” to warn them they must not remarry if they divorced for any reason other than sexual unfaithfulness.
In this nation of fools the problem is not the broken homes and broken-hearted children that this culture of “marriage is until one of us is unhappy” has produced. The “haters” are those who warn those who are part of this culture that they will be judged by the Father of Truth for the evil that they are doing.
America has become a nation of fools.
That is not all that is called “hate speech” in this nation of fools.
It is “hate speech” to tell the drunkard that they must put an end to their drinking to be saved. It is “hate speech” to tell those taking hallucinogenic drugs that they must stop taking these drugs to be saved.
It is considered to be lacking in compassion to tell those whose lives are being ruined by these things that they can be set free from them completely if they will come to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in total surrender. It is “lacking compassion” to tell them they need the one step program that works so much better than celebrate recovery.
What is next in this nation of fools? Serial Killers Anonymous (SKA), where murderers are allowed to continue to live among everyone else - as long as they are working on their twelve steps?
It makes as much sense to say that serial killers were “born that way” as any of these other groups. In this nation of fools some have already gotten away with murder because their defense was “My DNA made me do it”.
America has become a nation of fools.
It is likewise considered lacking in compassion to demand that those who took things that did not belong to them back to their rightful owners. It is considered to be lacking in compassion to refuse to give food or money to those who are able to work but refuse to do so.
In fact, it is considered mean-spirited and hateful to require any kind of financial accountability of anyone. The “loving thing” is to steal money from the wise to pay the debt of the fools.
It is “hateful” to make someone who borrowed money to support a lifestyle of alcoholism, drug use, and sexual immorality while going to college in pursuit of the degree that required the least amount of effort to repay their debt. The only “loving” thing to do is take money away from those who made good decisions to pay the bill of those who made bad decisions.
So in this nation of fools, those who work hard and save money are punished for doing so. In this nation of fools those who live destructive lifestyles are entitled to the money of those who don’t.
America has become a nation of fools.
In like manner, only one color of lives apparently matters in this nation of fools. It is “racist” to say that all lives matter.
In this nation of fools, we are not all one of six shades of brown - for some people are “people of color” while others are not. Apparently, only people of color have problems while those without a color have none. It is “hateful” to call this hypocrisy “racism”.
In this nation of fools, it is “racist” for people with the lightest two skin colors to take pride in their heritage. Yet, it is “empowering” for people with the darker four skin colors to do the same. It is “hateful” to call this hypocrisy “racism”.
In this nation of fools, it is “racist” for people with the lightest two skin colors to blame the results of their own bad decisions on those of other skin colors. However, every problem that those of the darker four skin colors is the fault of those with the lightest two skin colors and certainly not the results of their own bad decisions. It is “hateful” to call this hypocrisy “racism”.
In this nation of fools, racism has been removed from all institutions by law, but people still speak of “institutional racism”. What they mean is systemic racism – racism continuing contrary to the law due to a system set up by racists to ensure that other racists of their race get promoted over others.
In this nation of fools, only people with the lightest two skin colors are credited with being smart enough to maintain systemic racism. Otherwise, it is something that people of all skin colors are doing.
America has become a nation of fools.
In this nation of fools, not all lives matter equally. It is certain that unborn lives don’t matter at all.
It is alright for people to shun those with physical disabilities or avoid the working poor or anyone else that cannot help them advance their own goals and aspirations. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of their neighbors – preferably with tax money collected from someone else.
This nation of fools complains about continually needing to hire foreigners to do jobs that their own people refused to learn how to do in college because those classes were hard. They do not help their own people -even their next-door neighbor -with physical disabilities or just lacking skills to get the education needed to do those jobs.
This nation of fools wonders what happened to all of the native-born doctors, engineers, and the like in the current generation. They suffer from a national amnesia that they aborted those people.
This nation of fools has become three hundred million plus special interest groups. They blame the foreigner for working hard to get the jobs that they are unwilling to do, but somehow do not see that as being racist.
This nation of fools needs to look no further than a mirror to find those responsible for most of their problems. Of course saying this, like anything else that might hurt someone’s feeling – no matter how true and necessary it is, is “hate speech” in this nation of fools.
America has become a nation of fools.
In this nation of fools, the unborn are killed by the most inhumane means possible – either burned to death in an acid solution or are literally ripped limb from limb – while it is inhumane to kill someone that shoots a nine-year old girl by lethal injection. In this nation of fools, a botched execution is not one that the murderer survived but one where the murderers felt any of the pain that they afflicted on their victims.
In this nation of fools, petty criminals are put into institutions where they learn how to become better criminals from those guilty of more serious crimes. In this nation of fools, people learn from the media how to become better criminals that are harder to catch and convict.
In this nation of fools, a poor person convicted of dealing drugs is sent to the penitentiary while those with enough money to pay the state are sent to a rehabilitation center instead. In this nation of fools, bribes paid directly to the state are legal and not everyone is equal under the law.
In this nation of fools, crime is not lowered by making criminals afraid of breaking the law. In this nation of fools, crime is lowered by decriminalizing crimes.
In this nation of fools, people loot and destroy their own neighborhood while blaming people outside their neighborhood for the destruction are not considered to be criminals. In this nation of fools, crime is not defined by their actions, but by how they felt when they were performing those actions.
This nation of fools is like the owner of a cemetery filled with unburied bodies throwing more flowers on the rotting corpses instead of burying them. It is like the people around the cemetery complementing the owner for his bold action when they see all the flowers while ignoring the stench of the rotting corpses.
America has become a nation of fools.
How did those who nominated and then confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson come to power? Were they elected by the American voters or were they selected by the American Media?
As soon as the polls were closed, the American Media began to call somewhat close races in favor of their favorite candidates but said even closer races where their favorite candidates were losing “too close to call”. This continued until about a few hours after the polls closed - when suddenly the reporting precincts just all froze their reporting at once.
When the polls froze, some things were obvious based on a simple analysis of the numbers when the freeze occurred. The numbers were there without changing and it was simple to determine how many uncounted votes each candidate in each race would need to get to beat their opponent by one vote. That number could then be compared to the total number of uncounted votes to get the percentage of the uncounted votes each candidate would need to win that state or race.
It was obvious that President Trump would carry enough of the states to win by such an analysis, although Nevada truly was too close to call since only 75% of the precincts had reported when the freeze occurred. However, the margin of victory in some of those states were close and if his opponent won all of those states plus Nevada, then he would have one more electoral college vote than President Trump.
However, that was the best that the opponent of President Trump could do. In particular, his opponent needed 85% of the remaining votes in Pennsylvania to win that state – and neither candidate had won 85% of the votes in a single precinct.
In like manner, the two uncalled Senate races for the state of Georgia would be split between the two parties and were really far from being too close to call. It was only a formality of waiting for the remaining less than 2% of the votes to be counted.
The next morning the votes were still frozen, but the American Media began calling states for the opponent of President Trump that were not possible for him to win – including Pennsylvania. They soon declared him the next President of the United States and that both Demoncrat candidates had won in the state of Georgia.
Well over half of the people in the United States had consistently for months said that the American Media was a bunch of liars who reported Fake News and could not be trusted. Yet these same people began accepting the report of the American Media that President Trump had lost the election – even though the vote counting was still frozen where it had been the night before!
America has become a nation of fools.
In fact, the vote counting remained frozen for ten days. When it unfroze the numbers looked very different than when it had frozen and President Trump suddenly lost Pennsylvania by a larger margin than the previous total number of uncounted votes.
Those who were paying attention noticed this of course. Many of them had documented the before and after numbers that showed that the data had been tampered with to produce results that were not possible.
Among those who had collected such data was the legal team of President Trump, who petitioned the US Supreme Court to see for itself that voter fraud had been committed by the company responsible for collecting and counting the votes. This was entered as facts in evidence for that case.
I went to US Supreme Court website, looked up the case, and downloaded the facts in evidence to examine it for myself – as anyone could do. Being a Software Engineer, I scrutinized how the data was gathered to verify that it was not skewed by the gathering process and that it was accurate.
There was no doubt from examining the data that President Trump not only won all of the states that my previous analysis showed that he would win but had won several other states as well. In fact, the data showed that a number of close races had actually been won by the Republicans that had been declared for the Demoncrats by the American Media.
How did the US Supreme Court respond to this case? Did they bring in experts to determine if the data was accurate and correct?
No, they refused to even look at the data. One reason given was that doing so “would cause civil unrest”.
So, the highest court in America refused to examine the evidence to see if the greatest act of voter fraud in American history had occurred or not. They hoped that the American people would just forget the whole thing had ever occurred.
It was largely a good bet on their behalf as most Americans just went along with it. Such a thing would have caused massive civil unrest if America had not become a nation of fools.
America has become a nation of fools.
So now, America has an unelected occupant in the White House and unelected majority in control of congress. Although many American let this happened, they know that these occupants do not legitimately hold their positions.
Other nations like Russia were also monitoring the elections. They too could go to the US. Supreme Court website, look up the case, pull down the facts in evidence and analyze the data.
These nations can see that no one is steering the ship. This has emboldened them to do things like invade Ukraine that were unthinkable before President Trump left the White House.
Civil unrest also soon spread throughout America as well. The inaction of the Supreme Court made it obvious that America no longer deals effectively with crime – no matter how large the crime and how much evidence there is that the crime was committed.
America has not always been a nation of fools.
At the start of 1960, America was the greatest lender nation in history. It had the lowest crime rate in the world. It had a standard of living that was far above any other on Earth. It had the highest amount of real disposable income per capita (money left over after paying taxes and regular living expenses) in its history. Divorce was virtually non-existent as was abortion. Drug abuse was unheard in most places.
By the start of 1980, America was the greatest debtor nation in history. It no longer had the lowest crime rate in the world. It no longer had the commanding lead in standard of living that it once had. It had the second lowest amount of real disposable income per capita in its history. The divorce rate was over 50% and there were abortion clinics everywhere. Half of a generation was addicted to drugs.
What happened in those twenty years? Did some enemy nation infiltrate America? Was this the result of some sort of conspiracy?
America stopped doing the things that made it great in the first place. America stopped acting in wisdom and became a nation of fools.
This seeds for this started being sown as soon as WWII came to an end. Where were these seeds first sown? In the education systems? In the government? In the businesses?
They were sown in the churches of America from the pulpit. Those in the pews did not see the hidden danger in the sermons they heard.
Instead of preaching against racism, preachers began preaching against anything from any other culture. So, by 1955 Rock Music was the great evil that believers had to be protected from according to many European-American preachers.
They ignored that the contents of the secular Rock songs were not any more evil than the contents of the secular songs of other genres at that time. The problem that they had with Rock Music was that it came from the African-American church.
Instead of seeking to end the injustices that were being done to Native Americans and African-Americans, they sought to keep European-Americans away from all other Americans. Of course, the same was true in many African-American churches as well concerning European-Americans.
Protecting the culture of the ethnic group became the new mission of the Hyphenated-American church. Preaching a Gospel that called all American believers equal members of the same family of the Father of Truth somehow became “Unamerican”.
This was reinforced inside the congregations. Like a snake in the leaves, there were those with this poison in their mouths scattered throughout the pews.
Soon, another Gospel was being preached that was given by another spirit. This new Gospel no longer had a Jewish Jesus but had another Jesus that was of the same culture as the Hyphenated-American church where he was preached.
In order to justify these actions, a new Gospel was developed that did not require people to live according to the teachings of the Book of Truth to be saved. The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was no longer the American Spirit.
During this time, leaders were elected who did not disturb the status quo of this doctrine of lies. These leaders eventually placed people in the Supreme Court who were against the Man of Truth and his teachings.
So, by 1960 the seeds were sown to systematically remove the Father of Truth from America. Like unplugging a laptop, American seemed fine at first even though it had begun to experience a loss of power.
So, America began to become a nation of fools.
In 1962, prayer to the Father of Truth was removed from public schools by a Supreme Court order. In 1968, the US Supreme Court made teaching evolution in public schools mandatory and children began believing the greatest fairy tell ever told.
In 1969, no-fault divorce was first legalized in the state of California and soon there was confusion over “whose wife is she?”. In 1971, prostitution became a licensed business in Nevada.
In 1973, adultery and fornication (sex between an unmarried man and unmarried woman) were legalized in Pennsylvania leading people to no longer know when the right time for love was. That same year, abortion was legalized throughout America and serial killers began operating all across the land.
Also in 1973, Oregon was the first state to decriminalize marijuana. In 1980, the US Supreme Court began issuing orders to remove displays of the Ten Commandments from schools.
How did most church respond to these changes during this twenty-year span? Did they take action to resist these movements?
Some did, but many of those were very inconsistent. For example, they might protest abortion while remaining silent about fornication and adultery – which caused of most of the unwanted pregnancies.
However, the circle of things contrary to the teachings of the Book of Truth that they taught people could continue to do and still be saved was expanded to include these things that were legalized as well. This circle was no longer restricted to effectively nullifying only commandments in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that dealt with treating people of other ethnic groups justly.
At the same time, the efforts to enforce cultural correctness in each Hyphenated-American congregation grew. Even as young people turned away from these legalized sins in response to Christian Rock evangelists and the like, those who reached these people were attacked from the pulpit for going outside of the culture of the Hyphenated-American church that the young people were perceived as belonging to.
Since 1980, the trend of the US and state governments to enact more laws contrary to the teachings of the Man of Truth has continually grown. Each time, those teaching this “once saved, always saved” doctrine have expanded the circle of what people can continue to do and still be saved to agree with those laws. Now the circle includes just about everything.
So, now there are mainline denominational churches performing gay marriage ceremonies. However, they have shed their efforts to enforce the culture of their particular Hyphenated-American church to be “seeker friendly” and “relevant”.
They would never tell people that there is a right partnership for love and all other options are wicked. They will not warn people that if they live like that they were married in Sodom, then they are burn like the people of Sodom.
They now preach a Gospel of Inclusion. In fact, some have gone so far as to state that all people are saved – even if they do not believe that the Father of Truth even exists!
So, America became a nation of fools because American Churches taught compromise instead of repentance.
Judgement begins in the House of the Father of Truth (1 Peter 4:17-18). How shall America cease to be a nation of fools without the American church first repenting of ALL of these things – including the wrong treatment of people of other Hyphenated-American churches?
The beginning of all wisdom is fear of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 9:10). The fool lives like the Father of Truth does not exist (Psalm 14:1).
These “ministers” who teach that people can do things like smoke marijuana, get drunk, engage in homosexually, exploit other people – including those of another ethnic groups (races), have sex outside of marriage, be involved in fornication, murder children in the womb, etcetera, and still be saved are deceivers (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Yet, the Book of Truth says that it makes as much sense to tell people that they can continue to do these things and be saved as it does tell them that they can continue to be serial killers and be saved (Galatians 5:19-21).
Most American congregations certainly will not teach what the Man of Truth said about divorce and remarriage. As result, many of their members are in adulterous marriages because one of them divorced for causes other than adultery and then married another person (Matthew 19:9). They will not tell their congregants that Herodias had a legal divorce from Philip and remarriage to Herod Agrippa under Roman Law, but their marriage was illegal under the Law of Truth (Mark 6:17-18).
These “ministers” will not be like the Man of Truth, who told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more (John 8:10-11). They will not tell their congregants that they are either sinners who continue to do these things OR they are saved people who no longer do these things (1 Corinthians 6:11).
In the past, these “ministers” did not accept any musical style where the Word of Truth is set to music as acceptable to the Father of Truth (1 Chronicles 25:4-6). Now they have gone the opposite direction.
Now, these “ministers” incorporate music in their worship services with lyrics that glorify all kinds of things that are contrary to the Book of Truth and are performed by musicians who are opposed to everything that the Man of Truth teaches. These songs glorify the things belong to the world – the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life – that the Father of Truth hates (1 John 2:15-17)!
These “ministers” do not teach that pure religion not only requires caring for the poor, but also separating from the things that belong to this world (James 1:27). They deceive their congregations into believing that they can be friends with the world without becoming the enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4).
Most American churches simply do not teach that people must repent to be saved like the Man of Truth taught (Matthew 11:20-23). They certainly do not teach that people must work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).
What good is the American church at impacting American culture when it has become like salt that has lost all flavor (Matthew 5:13)? How can the rest of America not become a nation of fools when the American church refuses to be a city on a hill that shows them the wisdom of the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:14-15)?
What must be done to save this nation of fools from destruction?
The same things happened to the people of Israel, and they are the example for all other nations what must be done to turn from destruction (1 Corinthians 10:6-11).
Like the people of Israel, America became a great and wise nation by laws that were based on the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:5-9). However, they also eventually turned from those laws given by the Father of Truth and legalized even homosexuality (1 Kings 14:21-24).
Like ancient Israel, this came from rejecting the fear of the Father of Truth by listening to fools who despised His wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7). America became divided between the wisdom of the right and the foolishness of the left (Ecclesiastes 10:2).
Like ancient Israel, those who fear the Father of Truth hate everything that He calls evil and everything that defines the character of those who do not fear Him (Proverbs 8:13). They follow after His wisdom that will raise their nation up to new heights, while the fools that oppose them lead America to a destructive end that comes from breaking the laws of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 14:33-34).
Like ancient Israel, America has become a land of fools who have deceived themselves into believing that the Father of Truth does not exist (Psalm 53:1). These fools are leading the stupid to destruction and will soon be destroyed by their prosperity (Proverbs 1:29-32).
Like ancient Israel, wisdom is calling out to America to leave these foolish ways and return to living wisely (Proverbs 9:1-6). Wisdom is calling for America to return to her, but this nation of fools scorns wisdom because they hate her knowledge (Proverbs 1:20-23).
Like ancient Israel, America has foolish women in power who loudly stir up contention to lure ignorant people into a death trap, so they can spend eternity in Hell with these foolish women (Proverbs 9:13-18). The only hope for America is those who fear the Father of Truth is to separate themselves from the fools who call the laws of the Father of Truth foolish (Proverbs 14:7-9).
Like ancient Israel, America needs a leader who fears the Father of Truth enough to remove all these foolish women from positions of power and wicked people like homosexuals out of the land (1 Kings 15:9-14). It needs leaders who will continue to do so until this wickedness has been completely purged from America (1 Kings 22:41-46).
Like ancient Israel, America needs a leader who will again make the commandments of the Father of Truth the law of the land (2 Kings 23:1-3). It needs a leader who will lead the Unhyphenated-American church in removing everything wicked from it and removing those who taught compromise out of the ministry (2 Kings 23:4-5).
Like ancient Israel, America needs a leader who will destroy everything that is contrary to the Word of Truth and make it clear that the homosexual has no place in the kingdom of the Father of Truth (2 Kings 23:6-8). It needs a leader who will follow the Father of Truth with all his heart and remove everything that is contrary to the Word of Truth from America (2 Kings 23:24-25).
This nation of fools has reached the point that only drastic action can save it from destruction.
The Father of Truth will judge all nations that do what is wicked in His eyes (Psalm 9:16-17). America cannot do the things that brought destruction to the nation of Israel without also being destroyed for doing those things (Jeremiah 25:29-31).
America has gotten far away from the legacy of the Pilgrims. In the struggle between Pilgrims and Strangers, the constant influx of European immigrants has moved America constantly away from the Father of Truth.
The death of America is certain if it does not turn from this wickedness. It did not become a nation of fools in one generation, but over many generation though a subtle influence of those who reject ways of the Father of Truth gaining control of American churches.
There is no way to make America great again without returning to the Father of Truth. Like the Founding Fathers, we need to recognize that a time of civil disobedience has arrived. Otherwise Independence Day is meaningless because America no longer knows the meaning of liberty.
An even more radical change is coming that will end America and every nation on Earth being a nation of fools.
The refining fire of the Tribulation will bring about this change. The Greater Exodus will end with Israel no longer being a nation of fools.
The so-called “haters” who warned people to obey the Man of Truth will be coming back with him when he comes to rule over every nation of fools (Revelation 2:24-27). The Man of Truth will come to rule over all nations and His Word will be obeyed by everyone (Revelation 19:11-16).
Every single Jew on Earth who will not submit to the Man of Truth will be destroyed in the wilderness (Ezekiel 20:33-38). Those who come into the land of Israel from the wilderness will bring their tribute to Jerusalem and Israel will no longer be a nation of fools that rejects the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 20:40-43).
Then the armies of Israel will be sent out to all cities outside of Israel to bring them under tribute as well (Deuteronomy 20:9-11). All the men of every city that will not submit to the Man of Truth will be killed (Deuteronomy 20:12-15).
So, every nation of fools will be smashed into small nations and the rulers of those smaller nations will all submit to the Man of Truth (Psalm 2:8-12). Every nation of fools that will not serve him will be complete destroyed (Isaiah 60:11-14).
The Man of Truth will rule over all nations from Jerusalem and Israel will no longer be a nation of fools that refuses to obey the Law of Truth (Isaiah 2:1-5). All nations will have peace and prosperity when the Law of Truth is the law of the whole world and none of them is a nation of fools (Micah 4:1-4).
You do not have to be part of a nation of fools.
Those who will obey the Law of Truth will become part of a holy nation (Exodus 19:5-6). Like the Jews who will be brought back into the Land of Israel, the Spirit of Truth can come to live in you so that you can keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:24-27).
The people of Israel will come into a Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) with the Father of Truth where the Law of Truth will be written in their hearts so that they no longer disobey it (Jeremiah 31:31-34). The Man of Truth has made that Renewed Covenant available to everyone, so they can obey the Law of Truth now (Hebrews 8:6-10).
You will no longer find the Law of Truth impossible to obey when the Spirit of Truth dominates your mind instead of your body (Romans 8:4-10). You will no longer live like the rest of the world when you have the same mind as the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:12-16).
Both those who are circumcised and those who are not circumcised will be able to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth that apply to them (1 Corinthians 7:18-20). If you are not circumcised, then you will not have keep the commandments that are only for those who are circumcised (Galatians 5:3).
The blood of the Man of Truth will make you part of a wise nation (Ephesians 2:10-13). You will be called out being part of a nation of fools to be part of that holy nation that obeys the Law of Truth (1 Peter 2:9-10).
So, do not wait for the Tribulation to come into the House of Truth.
Come into the House of Truth today, by making the Man of Truth your king today because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, you will no longer be part of a nation of fools (Romans 10:11-12).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: America, Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, Marriage, Millennial Kingdom, Racism, Repentance