Sunday, July 7, 2019

Make America Great Again!

Can America be made great again?

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, President Trump ran under a slogan of "Make America Great Again".  He maintained that America was not in some irreversible downward spiral, but could reverse its direction to rise to even greater heights than before, if Americans just would stop doing stupid things that were contrary to the best interests of America.

President Trump had a strategy to accomplish this that could be summed up as "putting America first".  He rightly stated that it is the duty of the leader of every country to look out for the good of their own country in front of other countries.

When President Trump took office, the US economy was in the second worse shape that it ever been in, since the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower.  Unemployment was only worse during the Great Depression.  Without a doubt, there was a loss of power for America during the rule of President Obama.

Within one year, unemployment was at a record low.  There can be no doubt that the American economy has greatly rebounded since Trump took office.

Indeed, America has greatly improved in almost every objectively measurable area, since President Trump set out to make America great again.

Not only is the US military ranked higher based on objective data than that of number two Russia and number three China combined, but each of its branches is similarly ahead of the same branch of the next two countries.  While it has been number one for a long time, the gap between it and number two has grown noticeably under President Trump.  This has happened despite the efforts of its nearest rivals, Russia and China to improve and modernize their militaries.

The US military is no longer in a stalemate in the war on terror.  It is decisively winning, with ISIS being completely destroyed since Trump took office.

However, not everyone is happy with President Trump.  It is not surprising that Russia, China, North Korea, and militant Islamic extremists are not happy.  It is surprising that the majority of Americans are unhappy with President Trump.  It is like they really do not want America to be made great again.

For many Americans, this is actually true.  They are globalists, who believe that there needs to be a one-world government to deal with global problems effectively.  A strong, independent, America that leads the world in terms of real power, and puts its own interest first, makes a one-world government impossible.

However, for other Americans, it is not so much that do not want for America to be made great again, as it is that they do not want to do what is necessary to make America great again.  They want get President Trump results with President Obama policies.

At the root of this dilemma, it is not a political problem, but rather a spiritual problem.  The best way to make America great again, is do what made it great in the first place.  As Alexis De Tocqueville observed in his landmark 1835 AD book about the rise of America to greatness, entitled "Democracy In America", there was only one thing that accounted for the greatness of America: Christianity.

Tocqueville made it very plain that American Christianity was nothing like European "Christianity", which came from the False Church of Rome.  Tocqueville observed that the leaders of American Christianity mostly lacked any seminary training, but instead based their teachings exclusively on the Book of Truth (The Bible) to the best of their own studies.

America was made great by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), because it based its laws on the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) found in the Book of Truth.  At times when America has moved away from that standard, like in the Roaring Twenties, it soon found itself in trouble, like the Great Depression.  When it returned to that standard, like it did during the end of the Great Depression, it rose back to greatness, like it did during World War II and the aftermath of that war.

So, America can only made great again, by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) once again becoming the American Spirit.  After all, the meaning of liberty in America was literally defined by the Book of Truth.  America needs to once again live up to the ideas of Independence Day.

America has been being made great again to the degree that President Trump has moved America back in alignment with those principles.  This is what is really upsetting so many Americans.

For example, President Trump has been the most pro-Israel president in American history, and President Obama was the most anti-Israel president by far.

However, around three quarters of  American Jews voted for the the most anti-Israel president in American history, while making about one half of the monetary contributions to his political party.  At the same time, only about one quarter of American Jews voted for the most pro-Israel president in American history, while making about one tenth of the monetary contributions to his political party.

It is a demonstrable fact that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) in the US are the most ardent supporters of Israel.  It is also demonstrable that they are the most ardent opponents in America of abortion and people living like they were married in Sodom.  Their positions on these issues come from the Book of Truth.

The same correlation exists on the other side.  The most ardent opponents of Israel are also the most ardent supporters of abortion and homosexual marriage.

This explains the strange rejection of the most pro-Israel President in history by most American Jews.

Three quarters of American Jews have ended up rejecting supporting Israel in order to continue to support abortion and homosexual marriage.  When force to choose between defending the Jewish homeland and defending the abortion industry, they pick defending the serial killers.  Their opposition to living in line with the Law of Truth is greater than their desire to get the results of living in line with the Law of Truth.

This is not limited to Jewish Americans, but is true of Americans of all ethnic backgrounds.

For example, Republicans introduced the first civil rights legislation in 1866 AD to grant fair treatment of African Americans, and then tried again in 1875 AD and 1957 AD.  Their efforts for almost one hundred years were thwarted by Supreme Court decisions, starting in 1883 AD, during times when the Supreme Court had a majority of Democrat appointees on the bench.  Yet, the majority of African Americans kept voting for these oppressors of African Americans year after year, because the Republicans also wanted to make other changes to bring America more back in line with Law of Truth that they did not like.

This does not mean that all Republicans are Christians, only that they want to bring America back in line with the Law of Truth in some area, because they desire to get the results of living in line with the Law of Truth in that area.  They may have never read the Book of Truth, but they can see what they need to do to get the desired results.

So, many Republicans are willing to put up with some things that Father of Truth calls righteous, but they disagree with, in order to do other things that the Father of Truth calls righteous.  In like manner, many Democrats are willing to put up with some things that Father of Truth calls wicked, but they disagree with, in order to do other things that the Father of Truth calls wicked.

Whoever does what the Book of Truth says will bring about a blessing, will experience that blessing, even if they do not know that the Book of Truth says to do it to be blessed.  Whoever does what the Book of Truth says will bring about a curse, will experience that curse, even if they do not know that the Book of Truth says to do it to be cursed.

For example, the Father of Truth promised to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  Unemployment and ISIS lowered under President Trump, because he blessed Israel.  Conversely, unemployment and ISIS rose under President Obama because he cursed Israel.

This promise is laid out in the Book of Truth.

The Father of Truth promised the land of Canaan to Abraham, as well as to bless those that blessed Abraham (Abram) and to curse those that cursed Abraham, because Abraham was His means of bringing blessing to all the families of the Earth (Genesis 12:1-5).  This promise was passed down to the descendants of Abraham, who would use to bring blessings to all the families of the Earth (Genesis 22:16-18).  This promise was passed down to Isaac (Yitzaq) as the descendant that would be used to bless all the families of the Earth (Genesis 26:3-6).  Isaac then passed this promise down to Israel (Yish'rael aka Yah'acov aka Jacob) (Genesis 27:28-30).  Then the Father of Truth confirmed that this promise belonged to Israel (Genesis 28:13-15).  Then the twelve sons of Israel became the twelve tribes of Israel, which were blessed with this promise (Genesis 49:1-28).

So, President Trump does not need to be a Christian to make America great again.  This will happen automatically, if America returns to being a Christian nation.  However, President Trump has brought some blessing upon America by some of his policies, because he is leading America to do some of the things that the Father of Truth promised to bless those who do them.

However, there is only so much even the greatest leader can do.

The Father of Truth said better things about the rule of King Josiah than any other king, including King David (2 Kings 23:21-25).  Nonetheless, judgement was determined upon the kingdom of Judah, because the people still wanted to live like they had under King Manasseh, the grandfather of Josiah (2 Kings 23:26-27).

King Manasseh had increased evil in the kingdom of Judah, like the murder of babies and homosexual marriage that made judgment upon Judah certain (2 Kings 21:1-16).  So, as soon as the unpopular King Josiah was dead, the people of Judah returned to living like they had under the popular King Manasseh, until there was no remedy other than judgment (2 Chronicles 36:1-17).

So, even though the best leader of any of the kingdoms that came from the twelve tribes of Israel, did all that he could to make Judah great again, it was not enough.  The only way for Judah to have been made great again, was for the people of Judah to return to doing what made Judah great in the first place.

In the same way, no matter how sincere the desire of President Trump to make America great again, no matter how much he does to cause America to do the things that the Father of Truth blesses, it will not be enough.  America will not be made great again, unless the people of America return to doing what made America great in the first place.

So, making America great again is spiritual problem that can only be solved with a spiritual solution.

This spiritual problem has been a long time in the making.  There has been people working through a subtle influence to turn American from the Father of Truth since about 1870 AD.  All these people needed was for the American church to be distracted from hindering them to make their next move.

Around 1980 AD, these distractions came in the form of two new "revelations" in the American church.

A "prosperity message" began being preached in mega churches, that got people seeking bigger, better, newer stuff, instead of seeking the Father of Truth.  At the same time, a "grace message" began being preached in smaller churches, which was the Great Deception that believers did not need to strive to live in obedience to the Man of Truth, because they were the Chosen Few.

Without the American church hindering them, these enemies of America began working to make things like homosexuality accepted as normal in America.  Their efforts to spread their culture of death in the form of abortion clinics was largely unopposed by religious professionals and church boards, who were more afraid of losing their charitable tax exemption for endorsing political candidates that opposed this murder of children, than losing the Spirit of Truth moving in their services.

This greatly grieved the Children of Truth like myself.  The Spirit of Truth began telling them to warn America, especially the American church, to take action to return America to the Father of Truth to avoid His judgment.  The Spirit of Truth began revealing parts of the upcoming judgment to various Children of Truth like myself.

So for four years, starting in 1997 AD, I warned people that the Father of Truth was going to use Muslims in an attack inside the United States as judgement for our murders (abortion), our fornications (heterosexual activities outside of marriage, homosexuality, pornography), our witchcraft (pharmakia - use of hallucinogenic drugs), and other sins - unless we repented.  I was called an Islamaphobe by those in the workplace. (Ironically, I was the only American that would be friends with Muslims in the workplace.)  I was called a false prophet by those in the American church, because I was going against "the prosperity message" and "the grace message".

All of my detractors were strangely silent on the morning of September 11, 2001.  Instead, people were swarming my cube at work wanting to know how I knew, that Muslims were going perpetrate an attack like that.

The next day, I was given this message by the Spirit of Truth, "This is what the Lord is saying, since America will not repent of its sexual immorality, drunkenness, witchcraft, murder, and idolatry, the days are coming when they will say, 'Remember when it was just a few buildings' ".

For the next six weeks, America had record church attendance as people sought to understand how this could happen, contrary to "the prosperity message", and "the grace message" that had been preached in most churches for years.  I scanned through television, radio, and the internet, to see what these preachers would say.

All of them went to the same verse, 2 Chronicles 7:14, and then proceeded to tell people this lie, "The Bible says pray and God will heal our land".

I am proud to say that there was one exception that I heard, my own pastor in his sermon entitled, "Why?".

My pastor told people that we had brought this judgment upon ourselves because our murders, fornications, sorceries, and disobedience to the Father of Truth.  He told them the truth about what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says.  He told them, that it is believers, who are called by the name of the Father of Truth, who have to humble themselves by admitting that they have been sinning against Him.  He told them, that believers have seek the face of the Father of Truth by committing to return to walking in His ways to the best of their ability.  He told them, if the believers would pray after doing those two things, then the Father of Truth would hear their prayers, forgive their rebellion against Him, and He would heal America for their sake.  If only more pastors had had a spine like his!

Instead, these other preachers gave people a false promise that did not come from the Father of Truth.  People tried praying and our land was not healed.  So, people returned to their sin with hardened hearts.

The Father of Truth has promised judgment upon these liars that gave this false message, like He promised to bring judgment upon the Prophets of Lies in Judah that gave a message of prosperity, instead of a message of judgment for sin (Jeremiah 14:13-16).  Like the kingdom of Judah, it is evident that the message of prosperity in the American church has not came to pass, but the message of judgment for sin has came to pass (Jeremiah 28:7-9).  Like those who opposed the message of the Prophet of Truth in Judah were judged for teaching rebellion against the Father of Truth in Judah, so will these deceivers be judged for teaching rebellion against the Father of Truth in America (Jeremiah 28:10-17).

The Father of Truth is against them, just like He was against those who spoke lying messages of prosperity in Judah (Ezekiel 13:16-17).  The Father of Truth is against them and will end their deception, because they have grieved the Children of Truth and strengthened others to become more wicked, by promising them eternal life without turning from their sin, just like it happened in Judah (Ezekiel 13:22-23).

The Father of Truth will make their sin known to all, when He brings the judgment upon them, because they made themselves rich by giving a message that no evil would come upon people for continuing to do evil, just like it happened in Judah (Micah 3:5-11).

Since that time, church attendance has been on a steady decline, while evil has only grown.  In just eighteen years time, the number of abortions have grown, homosexual marriage has become legal and common, there is legal marijuana in most states in the United States as well as an opioid epidemic, and a general rise in sins like drunkenness, and violent crime.

On top of that, the number of idols in America has greatly multiplied.  Idols for most of American history were almost entirely those erected by the False Church of Rome.  (Renaming an idol "Mary" or "Jesus", does not cause it to stop being an idol.)  However, in the last eighteen years, temples of idols, by primarily Hindus, have been built all over the land, especially in the larger cities.  Many Americans have turned to joining in the feasts like "Holi", that honor these idols.  This is just like what happened in the kingdom of Judah in days leading up to its destruction.

Indeed, America has not repented of its sexual immorality, drunkenness, witchcraft, murder, and idolatry. America has plainly not heeded the call of 9-11.

Like in the days of King Josiah, wickedness might be too ingrained into American society to avoid judgment, but like King Josiah, we can at least delay judgment by leading our country into national repentance.  When America has wholesale national repentance, it is called a Great Awakening.

America has had two Great Awakenings.

The First Great Awakening occurred from about 1730 AD to 1755 AD.  The Second Great Awakening occurred from about 1790 AD to 1840 AD.  No one disputes that these were periods of wholesale national repentance.

America has also had two Great Rifts.

Some have also argued that there were also two other Great Awakenings, but these were not periods of wholesale national repentance, but rather periods of a large scale shift of focus inside the American church, which created large rifts inside it.  Therefore, they would be more accurately labeled as Great Rifts.

The First Great Rift occurred from 1855 AD to 1930 AD, and was more focused on social justice than national repentance.  During this time, many came to follow another Gospel of some sort, including a so-called "Social Gospel".  This was also when "modern" thought-for-thought translations were created, which said things that were not meant in the original text, including the one disturbing sentence that added to the end of Mark 7:19.

There was at the same time a counter-reaction of others calling for action to bring about the will of the Father of Truth including greater missionary activity, getting people ready for the return of the Man of Truth, and Christian Zionists pursuing the Impossible Dream by preparing the land of Israel for the people of Israel.

The Second Great Rift occurred from 1960 AD to 1980 AD, and was more focused on reforms within the American church than national repentance.  During this time there was a shift by many back towards the Doctrine of Truth based on the Word of Truth, leading to a rise in social conservatism.

There was at the same time a counter-reaction of others towards politics, where they became so Earthly minded that they were no Heavenly good.

Eventually this led to the preaching of "the prosperity message" and "the grace message", as well as great growth in the number of people deceived by the Book of Mormon.

The death of America is certain, unless America has a Third Great Awakening.

Make no mistake, a Great Awakening is very disruptive to the status quo, will cause people to take sides that will divide America into two camps, and will no doubt cause a war between those camps.

The Founding Fathers attended the First Great Awakening as young men, where repentance was preached mostly by religious leaders without seminary training.  This led to these political leaders calling for action and civil disobedience to end British tyranny, when they were older men.  America ended up divided into three equal size camps: Patriots, Tories, and those that did not care.  This resulted in the American Revolution, where the Patriots prevailed and many Tories came to ruin.  (100,000 Tories ultimately had to leave the Colonies and start over.)  Many people in both camps lost their lives in that war.  The process was messy but the result was America becoming great.

Abraham Lincoln and other abolitionist attended the Second Great Awakening as young men, where repentance was preached mostly by religious leaders without seminary training.  This led to these political leaders calling for action and civil disobedience to end slavery, when they were older men.  America ended up divided into three equal size camps: Anti-slavery, Pro-slavery, and those that did not care.  This resulted in the American Civil War, where the Anti-slavery camp prevailed, and the the Pro-slavery camp came to ruin.  (Many of the Pro-slavery camp ultimately had to move to the territories west of the existing states and start over.)  Many people in both camps lost their lives in that war.  The process was messy but the result was America becoming even greater.

It would be no different with a Third Great Awakening.

Young men would be attending a Third Great Awakening now, where repentance would be preached mostly by religious leaders without seminary training.  This will lead these political leaders to make calls for action and civil disobedience to end abortion, when they become older men in the future.  America will end up divided into three equal size camps: Anti-abortion, Pro-abortion, and those that do not care.  This will result in another American Civil War, where the Anti-abortion camp will prevail, and the Pro-abortion camp will come to ruin.  (Many of the Pro-abortion camp will have to leave the United States and start over.)  Many people in both camps will lose their lives in this war.  The process will be messy, but the result will be America being made great again.

The real question is, will there be a Third Great Awakening that makes America great again?  Will those who truly love America have the courage to preach repentance?  Will those who truly love America have the courage to take action?  Will they recognize that once again, it is a time for civil disobedience?

Whatever happens to America, you can have your own great awakening.

All of us have been enslaved by sin (John 8:33-34).  All of us have lived under the tyranny of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) through the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15).

The Father of Truth has raised the Man of Truth from the dead to assure you that His judgment on sin will come (Acts 17:31).

Therefore, heed the message of repentance (Acts 17:30).  This is no salvation without repentance and there is no repentance without total surrender to the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 7:10).

If you come into the House of Truth, then you will be free (John 8:31-32).  The Man of Truth will make you truly free (John 8:35-36).

However, your great awakening will bring division between you and those who reject the Man of Truth (Matthew 10:34-36).  You will be hated by other people (Mark 13:13-14).  Some of your friends will turn on you (Luke 6:22).  You will be hated by those who hate the Man of Truth and the Father of Truth (John 15:18-23).

You will be in a war to bring about change (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).  You will have to wage this war relentlessly (1 Timothy 1:18-19).  You will have to endure hardship to win this war (2 Timothy 2:3-4).

The process will be messy, but the result will be that you will be made great (Revelation 2:26-27).

The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, to make him great again (Ephesians 1:20-21).  You will be like the Man of Truth, who overcame the grave to be made great again (1 John 3:1-2).

So, no matter where you live, you can experience your own Independence Day.  You will be set free, if you come to the Man of Truth in total surrender.

You will be made great, if you will start obeying the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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