Monday, December 31, 2018

The Refining Fire

How did the Hasmoneans set the fire that refined the Children of Truth?

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) came to this earth in the fullness of time to live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), so he could bring redemption to those who could not live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth  (Galatians 4:4-7).

One reason it was the fullness of time, was that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) had been suffering persecution from those in charge of the religious institutions, since the time of the Hasmoneans.  These religious institutions included the Sanhedrin, and the courts that convened in synagogues throughout the Jewish world.  These religious institutions were controlled by the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the priests of the Temple.

The Sanhedrin carried out the unjust trial of the Man of Truth.  The Sanhedrin, and the unjust courts spread throughout the Jewish world, were one of the major persecutors of the Children of Truth until well after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.

This persecution was the refining fire that separated those truly committed to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), from those who only gave Him lip service.  It left no room for being half-committed.  The refining fire forced the Children of Truth to be all in, and everyone else to be all out.

This refining fire caused the gift of the Maccabees to continue to be the gift that keeps on giving.  This refining fire was needed, so the Children of Truth could be part of how the Maccabees help spread the Gospel.  This refining fire was so important, that the Father of Truth caused the rise and fall of empires to bring it about.  Those going through this refining fire, often could not see the hidden hand of the Father of Truth in their circumstances.

The story of how the Hasmoneans helped bring about the fullness of time is tied to the Greeks and the Maccabees.  This is just another example of Greco-Judeo wrestling.

The Father of Truth brought about the unified Greek Empire, and then split it into four smaller Greek Empires, including the Seleucid Empire (Daniel 11:2-4).

Later, an emperor of the Seleucid Empire, Antiochus Epiphanes (Antiochus IV), waged war on the Law of Truth in an effort to assimilate the Jews into the Greek culture, and many of the Jews joined him in this effort (Daniel 11:28-31).   However, the Jews loyal to the Law of Truth, were led by the Maccabees into doing great exploits to resist him to preserve the Law of Truth (Daniel 11:32).

The Hasideans (Chasidim) were the Children of Truth that became part of the Maccabees, because they accepted the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) as the complete message of the Father of Truth, until the Messiah of Israel should appear.

After the Maccabees, the refining fire came to separate out those Jews unwilling to compromise on the Law of Truth, from those Jews willing to be assimilated into Greek culture (Daniel 11:33-35).

The Hasmoneans were the rulers of Judea during those years.

During the reign of the Hasmoneans, the Pharisees came out of the Hasideans.  When the Pharisees, began adding the Oral Torah to the Original Covenant, the Hasideans did not just go along to get along.  Eventually, the Pharisees had to leave the Hasideans to form their own party.  The Hasideans ceased to exists a party at this time, but the term still applied to those, who were faithful to the Father of Truth.

The Sadducees, on the other hand, came from those Jews, who were willing to assimilate completely into Greek identity, that sided with Antiochus Epiphanes against the Maccabees.  During the reign of the Hasmoneans, they came to accept that the Law of Truth as the complete message of the Father of Truth, and rejected the rest of the Original Covenant.  They then applied Greek philosophy and logic to interpreting the Law of Truth.

The Hasmonean High Priests were corrupt, and soon corrupted most of the chief priests, as well as many of the regular priests of the Temple.  Over time, almost all of the chief priests were Sadducees.  After the last Hasmonean High Priest, all of the High Priests were Sadducees as well.

Also during the reign of the Hasmoneans, the Sanhedrin rose to power, and it was controlled by the Pharisees and Sadducees, with many of its members being chief priests.  Soon, the corrupt rulings of the Sanhedrin, became the basis for the rulings of the local courts as well.

All during this time, the Hasideans continued to be a small, and often persecuted minority.  They were often faced with the choice of persecution or compromise.  Those who chose persecution, remained Hasideans, and became separated from those, who chose compromise.  So, the Hasideans became smaller in number, but greater in commitment.  They were the first to go through the refining fire started by the Hasmoneans.

The synagogues that the Hasideans attended eventually came under control of the Pharisees.  They had little choice but to attend the synagogue, since their entire community was literally built around the synagogue.  It was the only place that gave them access to the Original Covenant, since the hand written scrolls were very expensive.

The Pharisees made things harder and harder for the Hasideans, as they added more and more of their traditions to the Law of Truth.  While some of these traditions were harmless, others were actually contrary to the Law of Truth.

Those Hasideans, who spoke against these traditions in the synagogue, were persecuted.  In some cases, they were ostracized to the point, that other members of the synagogue would not even eat with them.  In some cases, they were tried and beaten in the synagogue.  In some cases, they were put out of the synagogue, leaving them no choice but to move to an unfamiliar city, or a far away land.  In some cases, they were killed.

The struggle of the Hasideans was not in vain, for they set an example of remaining faithful to the Father of Truth in the face of fiery persecution by corrupt religious leaders.

This same refining fire that the Hasideans went through, still burned when people began following the Man of Truth.  

Like the Hasideans, corrupt religious leaders raised up persecution against the followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 13:50).  Corrupt religious leaders also stirred up other people to persecute them (Acts 14:2-5).  Corrupt religious leaders created trouble for them as well (Acts 17:5-8).  Corrupt religious leaders raised up civil unrest against them too (Acts 18:12).

Like the Hasideans, corrupt religious leaders raised up false witnesses against followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 6:11-14).  Corrupt religious leaders made false accusations against them also (Acts 21:27-29).  Corrupt religious leaders brought charges without evidence against them as well (Acts 25:7-8).

Like the Hasideans, followers of the Man of Truth were delivered up to councils of the corrupt religious leaders, and they were flogged in synagogues (Matthew 10:17).  They were also beaten in the synagogues (Mark 13:9).  They too were persecuted in the synagogues (Luke 21:12).

Like the Hasideans, followers of the Man of Truth were put out of the synagogues (John 9:22).  They were also put out of the synagogues for telling the truth (John 9:31-34).  Those, who were rulers of the synagogues, were put out of the synagogues as well (John 12:42).

Like the Hasideans, followers of the Man of Truth were not only put out of the synagogues, but killed by corrupt religious leaders (John 16:2).  They too were killed by corrupt religious leaders (Acts 7:58-60).  Corrupt religious leaders stirred up those worshiping in the Temple to kill them also (Acts 21:30-31).

Like the Hasideans, corrupt religious leaders looked for opportunities to kill the followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 9:23-24).  Corrupt religious leaders laid in wait to kill them also (Acts 20:3).  Corrupt religious leaders conspired to kill them too (Acts 23:12-15).

Like the Hasideans, followers of the Man of Truth were handed over to be killed by their own families (Matthew 10:21).  They were also betrayed by their own families (Mark 13:12).  They too were betrayed by their friends (Luke 21:16).

Like the Hasideans, followers of the Man of Truth were forced to flee to different cities to escape this persecution (Matthew 10:23).  Corrupt religious leaders pursued them into other cities, to bring persecution there as well (Acts 14:19).  Corrupt religious leaders also pursued them into other cities, to stir up those cities against them (Acts 17:13).

Like the Hasideans, this persecution was the refining fire that forced the Children of Truth to be completely committed to following the Man of Truth.   The Hasmoneans shaped the Jewish world to leave no room for compromise by setting the refining fire.

This fire refined some of the Pharisees.

Not all of the Pharisees were enemies of the Man of Truth, for some of them warned him to escape, when Herod Antipas (Antipas II) sought to kill him (Luke 13:31-33).

("Herod" had became a title by this point of those claiming the right to rule as a descendant of Herod the Great.  This was similar to the Hasmoneans adopting the title Hasmonean to show that they came from Matthias the Priest.  None of the descendants of Herod the Great were given the name of "Herod" as a baby, except for Herod the Great.)

Some of the Pharisees, believed that the miracles that the Man of Truth did, showed that he was the Messiah of Israel sent by the Father of Truth, even though he did them on the Sabbath, contrary to the Oral Torah (John 9:16).

There were Pharisees, who believed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, in the congregation of the Children of Truth in Jerusalem, but thought that Gentiles had to be circumcised to be saved (Acts 15:4-6).  These Pharisees were later convinced by the writings of the Prophets of Truth that this was not the case, and were part of the entire congregation that sent out messengers confirming this (Acts 15:13-22).

Among these believing Pharisees, was Paul the Jew, who still identified himself as a Pharisee, after he completed his third mission to the Gentiles to tell them about the hope and resurrection that came from the Man of Truth (Acts 23:6).  It was the Pharisees in the Sanhedrin, who sought to release Paul the Jew in the trial, because he was a Pharisee (Acts 23:9).

Paul the Jew had learned to live by the strict requirements of a Pharisee from a young age (Acts 26:4-5).

Paul the Jew had learned to fast often, as all Pharisees did (Matthew 9:14).  In fact, he had learned to fast twice every week (Mondays and Thursdays), besides fasting for certain holidays (Luke 18:11-12).  He continued to keep up the useful disciplines required of Pharisees, like fasting often, the entire time that he spent going on missions to tell people the Good News about the Man of Truth being the Messiah of Israel (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).

Paul the Jew had learned to keep the Law of Truth as a Pharisee (Philippians 3:3-5).  When he came into the House of Truth, he threw out useless things that he had learned as a Pharisee, like the Oral Torah, which had blinded him from seeing that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, but still kept the useful things for spreading the Good News that he had learned (Philippians 3:6-9).

Paul the Jew continued to live as a Pharisee, in order to bring the Good News to Jews everywhere he went (1 Corinthians 9:20-23).

Since Paul the Jew had continued to dress and live as a Pharisee, he was invited to speak whenever he visited a synagogue, and then used that opportunity to tell the people there the Good News about the Man of Truth (Acts 13:14-39).  Since he was a Pharisee, the Jewish people in Rome came to hear his explanation of how the Man of Truth fulfilled what was written about the Messiah of Israel in the Original Covenant (Acts 28:16-23).  For this reason, people continued to come to his house to hear him for two more years (Acts 28:29-31).

This fire refined some of the priests.

Zacharias the priest and his wife, the daughter of a priest, were obedient in every way to the Father of Truth, even though they were old and never been given children (Luke 1:5-7).  This priest was faithful to carry out his duties in the Temple in the way commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 1:8-10).

His son, John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikvah Man), was the Faithful Priest that prepared the people of Israel for the Messiah of Israel.

After the Apostles of Truth resumed teaching in the Temple, many of the priests came into the House of Truth (Acts 6:7).

This fire refined some in the Sanhedrin.

Joseph of Arimathaea was also a follower of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:57).  He was one of the leaders of the Sanhedrin (Mark 15:43).  He had voted against condemning the Man of Truth in his unjust trial before the Sanhedrin (Luke 23:50-51).  He had kept his relationship with the Man of Truth a secret, out of fear of the Sanhedrin, until he asked Pilate for the body of the Man of Truth, so he could bury it in his own tomb (John 19:38-42).

Nicodemus was a Pharisee, and part of the Sanhedrin that ruled over the Jews in religious matters, but he sought out the Man of Truth secretly, to learn what he needed to do to be in right standing with the Father of Truth (John 3:1-21).  He spoke up for just treatment of the Man of Truth, when other members of the Sanhedrin were plotting against him (John 7:45-51).  He helped give the Man of Truth an honorable burial (John 19:39-42).

After the resurrection of the Man of Truth, Gamaliel, a Pharisee, and possibly the head of the Sanhedrin at the time, warned against mistreating the Apostles of Truth, when the Sanhedrin sought to kill them (Acts 5:33-39). This famous Pharisee, and member of the Sanhedrin, was the teacher of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 22:3).  (While Gamaliel is revered by some Rabbinic Jews, his name has been blotted out by others, who contend that he became a follower of the Man of Truth.)

This fire refined some in the synagogues.

Multitudes from the synagogues followed the Man of Truth (Matthew 4:23-25).  So many from the synagogues followed him, that he told his disciples to pray for more laborers (Matthew 9:35-38).

Everyone gave glory to the Man of Truth when he operated in the power of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in the synagogues (Luke 4:14-15).  The people of the synagogue rejoiced when the Man of Truth healed on the Sabbath, even though the corrupt religious leader was angry about it (Luke 13:14-17).

The ruler of a synagogue sought out the Man of Truth to heal his daughter (Mark 5:22-23).  This ruler of a synagogue had faith that the Man of Truth would raise his daughter from the dead (Mark 5:35-43).

Many of the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue at Antioch in Psidia believed Paul the Jew, when he preached that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Acts 13:14-43).  Many of the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue at Iconium believed the Good News (Acts 14:1).  Some of the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue at Thessaloniki believed Paul the Jew, when he preached that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Acts 17:1-4).  Many of the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue at Berea believed, that the Man of Truth fulfilled what was written in the Original Covenant about the Messiah of Israel (Acts 17:10-12).  Many of the Jews and Greeks in the synagogue at Corinth were persuaded by Paul the Jew (Acts 18:1-4).  The Jews at synagogue of Ephesus desired to hear more about the Man of Truth (Acts 18:19-21).  The people at synagogue of Ephesus listened as Apollos the Jew spoke boldly about the Man of Truth (Acts 18:24-26).

The chief ruler and the angel of the synagogue of Corinth believed, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, and were baptized as a public witness of their faith (Acts 18:7-8).

This fire refined some in the Temple.

Simeon prophesied in the Temple, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:25-35).  Annas the Prophetess of Truth in like manner testified in the Temple, that he was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:36-38).

The blind and the lame were healed by the Man of Truth in the Temple, because they recognized that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:14-15).

The people of Israel were very attentive to hear the Man of Truth teaching in the Temple (Luke 19:47-48).   They came early in the morning to the Temple to hear him (Luke 21:37-38).  They sat in the Temple to hear his teachings (John 8:1-2).

The disciples of the Man of Truth were continually praising the Father of Truth in the Temple for his resurrection and ascension back to Heaven (Luke 24:51-53).  They praised Him in the Temple for the signs and wonders, which confirmed the message of the Apostles of Truth about the Man of Truth (Acts 2:42-47).

When the lame beggar at the gate of the Temple began dancing in the Temple after being healed, then many people in the Temple ran to hear Peter the Jew and John the Jew tell them about the Man of Truth  (Acts 3:8-11).  Multitudes in the Temple came into the House of Truth, when signs and wonders confirmed the message of the Apostles of Truth in the Temple (Acts 5:12-14).

This fire refined some in other places.

Many people in Israel believed the preaching of John the Baptist to repent of breaking the Law of Truth, and were baptized, even though the corrupt religious leaders sought to be baptized without repenting (Matthew 3:1-8).  They believed that he was a Prophet of Truth, even though the corrupt religious leaders of the Temple did not (Matthew 21:23-27).  They believed that he was that Prophet of Truth, who would prepare people for the Messiah of Israel (Mark 1:2-5).

The corrupt religious leaders knew, that many people in Judea came to the Man of Truth to be baptized (John 4:1-3).

The lame man testified to the corrupt religious leaders in Jerusalem, that he had been healed by the Man of Truth (John 5:8-15).  The man born blind also testified to the corrupt religious leaders in Jerusalem, that he had been healed by the Man of Truth (John 9:13-15).

Many of the people of Israel came to hear the Man of Truth in Bethany, because they believed that he was the Messiah of Israel, after he had raised Lazarus from the dead, even though the corrupt religious leaders wanted to kill Lazarus (John 12:9-11).

Multitudes near Jerusalem rejoiced, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:8-11).  They rejoiced, that he would restore the kingdom of David (Mark 11:8-10).  They rejoiced, that he was the King promised by the Father of Truth, even though it displeased the corrupt religious leaders (Luke 19:37-39).  They rejoiced, that he was the Savior sent by the Father of Truth, despite the opposition of the corrupt religious leaders (John 12:12-19).

About three thousand people in Jerusalem came into the House of Truth, when Peter the Jew preached about the resurrection, after the corrupt religious leaders had the Man of Truth crucified (Acts 2:31-41).  The Gentiles with Cornelius the Italian were also baptized, when they believed the same Good News about the Man of Truth overcoming the corrupt religious leaders (Acts 10:44-48).

When the unbelieving Jews persecuted Paul the Jew at the synagogue in Ephesus, the believing Jews and Greeks left the synagogue to hear him in the yeshiva (school of disputing) of Tyrannus (Acts 19:8-10). 

When Paul the Jew returned to Jerusalem, there were many thousands of Jews following the Man of Truth while keeping the Law of Truth, despite the false accusations of the corrupt religious leaders against Paul the Jew (Acts 21:17-24).

All of these chose to follow the Man of Truth whole-heartedly, because the refining fire of persecution by the corrupt religious leaders left them no option of following him half-heartedly.

By the time that John the Jew was on the isle of Patmos, twenty-five years after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the refining fire had accomplished its purpose for that time.

The true Jews are Jews in their heart, not only in their flesh (Romans 2:28-29).  The synagogues ran by the corrupt religious leaders had driven out the followers of the Man of Truth, so that they had no more true Jews in them (Revelation 2:9).  So, these synagogues were ruled by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), instead of the Father of Truth (Revelation 3:9).

However, the refining fire started by the Hasmoneans has been continued by the corrupt religious leaders of the False Church of Rome since that time.  This has forced people to choose to be committed to the Man of Truth or the False Church of Rome over the centuries.  Those refined by the fire even died to keep the incorruptible Word found in the Book of Truth from being corrupted.  People like John Wycliffe chose the Man of Truth, and were killed by the False Church of Rome for doing so.  Others, like the Pilgrims, completely separated themselves from every custom of the False Church of Rome to the point of fleeing to first an unfamiliar city, and then a far away land, just like many of the Hasideans.

The refining fire continues to burn in many places today, where the Children of Truth face persecution from corrupt religious leaders of various religions.  The fire has been refining them in places dominated by Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Animistic religions.  Ironically, one of the few countries where such persecution has greatly lessened over the last century is Israel, where the Hasmoneans started the refining fire.

In countries historically dominated by the False Church of Rome, like those in Europe, the refining fire has largely gone out.  The corrupt religious leaders have adopted a different tactic in most of these countries.  They have been following the successful model of corrupt religious leaders in America.

Corrupt religious leaders are the hidden danger, that has Americans deceived into believing that following the Man of Truth half-heartedly is an option.  They have spread the great deception in American churches, that people can be followers of the Man of Truth, without following the instructions of the Man of Truth  They have American church members unaware of the danger they are in, like those who were sleeping in Galveston.  They are the reason, that those Americans following the Man of Truth whole-heartedly, feel like they are drowning in a lukewarm sea

Corrupt religious leaders have changed the American Spirit to be another spirit besides the Spirit of Truth.  They have worked through a subtle influence to change the laws of America to no longer be based on the Law of Truth.  They are the reason that the death of America is certain. 

Corrupt religious leaders in countries without the refining fire have done this subtly, like a snake in the leaves.  They have thrown a global Christmas party as part of their efforts to redefine what a Christian is.  They have been quietly attacking the Doctrine of Truth, and casting doubt in the minds of congregations about the integrity of the Book of Truth.  They have called for a "Christian unity", which relies on the Children of Truth compromising the teachings of the Man of Truth, so they can unite with the False Church of Rome.

The truth is that people can only be saved by being completely committed to the Man of Truth.  He would rather have people completely committed to the Father of Lies, than half-committed to himself (Revelation 3:14-16).

For this reason, the refining fire is soon going to cover the Earth, to force everyone to either be completely committed to the Father of Truth or completely committed to the Father of Lies!

There will be no option of half-commitment, when people have to either accept the mark of worship of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), OR die for the Man of Truth (Revelation 20:4)!

The Man of Truth is coming to take away only those completely committed to obeying him, before the refining fire engulfs the world (Luke 21:36).  It is only those, who heed the warning of "People get ready!", who will escape the refining fire that is coming!

You must come into the House of Truth now, in order to not be on the earth, when the refining fire spreads over the entire globe!

You must make a commitment to follow the Man of Truth whole-heartedly, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)!  You must come into the House of Truth now, to avoid going through the refining fire later (2 Corinthians 6:2)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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