Six Shades Of Brown
Where does racism come from?
In America, we will soon be celebrating the noted Christian Zionist Martin Luther King Junior. He is best known for his efforts in the Civil Rights Movement to get the laws that institutionalized racism based on skin color removed from America by peaceful means. Although he was murdered for his actions, he ultimately triumphed in that all such laws were removed not long after his death. In fact, the violent and unjust death of this peaceful man was the final impetus needed to get these laws removed.
However, it is one thing to remove institutionalized racism from the law of a country, but it is quite another to remove racism from the hearts of people. At its core, racism is unreasonable. After all, almost all people really have skin that is one of six shades of brown.
Most people have never really seen a truly white person. Styrofoam cups are white, but people are not. Most so-called "white" people are really a pale shade of brown.
There are some people who are truly white, but that is only because they have a broken chain in their DNA sequence for controlling the production of melanin. People with this defect can have parents of any color. It is not their ancestry that is determining their skin color, but their defective DNA. In other words, a person who is truly white has a genetic defect similar to an albino.
In like manner, most people have never seen a truly black person. Crows are black, but people are not. Most so-called "black" people are really a dark shade of brown.
I saw a truly black woman once from Ethiopia. It turned out that she had been overexposed to the sun without adequate clothing for a long period of time in a shade-less desert. She was basically extremely sun-burnt. Once her health was restored, she returned to being a dark shade of brown. In short, a person who is truly black has gone through some trauma that has caused a medical condition.
In fact, even the very granular Von Luschan Scale of human skin colors, which has thirty six shades of brown, does not have a styrofoam white or crow black tile on it. These are simply not natural human skin colors.
The fact is people without a genetic defect or a medical condition are all one of six shades of brown. These six shades are really determined by the location of the melanin sites with respect to the surface of their skin and the responsiveness of those sites to sunlight.
In other words, their shade of brown is determined by their sunburning and tanning behavior. These six shades of brown defined by sunburning and tanning behavior are known as skin types one through six on the Fritzpatrick scale. Really, each skin type is a range of tones with a definite lightest and darkest brown on each end of the range.
In fact, most people do not even maintain a single shade of brown, but their shade varies depending upon their exposure to sunlight. They are often not even the same shade everywhere. For example, when someone has a farmer's tan, the lower part of their arms are noticeably darker than just above where their shirt covers their skin . This is why skin color was determined using skin that is normally covered up on the Van Luschan Scale.
However, despite the mislabeling of people as being "black" or "white", racism is not really about skin color. Most of the original colonists in America came from northern Europe and had skin type one, also known as Celtic skin. The Native Americans already here had skin type three, except in the American southwest, where many had skin type four. Today, the most common skin type among so-called "white" people in America is skin type two.
Some would claim that their descendants adapted over time due to longer exposure to the sun. This is such nonsense. There is not significantly more sunlight in New England than in England. Also over the course of a year, most places receive about the same amount of sunlight. It is just very evenly distributed at the Equator and very skewed in the Arctic Circle.
The main difference is how close to perpendicular the sun is to the surface of the Earth. The Tropics are the lines as far from the Equator where the sun is perpendicular at least one day a year. The Arctic and Antarctic circles are the lines furthest from the Poles where the sun does not rise for at lease one day per year. So, there is a difference in the angle of the sunlight from the Poles to the Equator, which does affect sunburning and tanning behavior. However, this is not what determines which shade of brown people who live in those areas have.
The Norwegians with skin type one live just as far north as the Eskimo, who have skin type three. The Cree, who look like their relatives the Apache, live almost as far north and have skin type four. People plainly do not develop their skin type based on their exposure to sunlight.
If two Norwegians have a child, then the child will have skin type one, regardless of where it is born, or where it grows up. People with parents of African descent born in Nova Scotia, are still born with skin type five, despite their ancestors having moved to Canada ten generations earlier. People are born with their skin type based on the skin type of their ancestors. Period.
Of course, the genetic factors that determine which of these six shades of brown a person is born with is not just one factor, but a combination of factors. So, while two people with many ancestors of the same skin type will always produce children of the same skin type as themselves, it is not that simple when people with different skin types have children together. The children of a skin type one parent and a skin type three parent will end up with skin type two. However, if two of these these skin type two children have children together, their children could have skin type one, two, or three, with half of them having skin type two on average. If people descending from ancestors of original skin type one and three continue to intermarry, then eventually skin type two will become almost universal, but occasionally there will be children born with skin types one or three.
So, the Great White Lie among Americans with northern European ancestors is, that they only had northern European ancestors. The predominance of skin type two among them tells a different story. Most are the descendants of both Native Americans and northern Europeans. Of course, the same is true about African Americans. Some African Americans have lighter skin than some so-called "white" people!
So, it should be evident that racism is not really about which of the six shades of brown skin that a person has. It is about ancestry. That is why the Jim Crow laws in America defined anyone with even quote "one drop" of African blood as "black", regardless of which shade of brown their skin actually was. These racial segregation laws that Martin Luther King Junior sought to end were never about skin being "black". They were about ancestry. Period.
The entire concept of race is really a sham. People do not fit into neat little groups based on superfluous things like which shade of brown their skin is. They cannot even be divided in any meaningful way by adding other physical characteristics like hair color and eye color to the definition. No matter how a race is defined by boundaries of physical characteristics, there will always either be children born in that "race" with characteristics that fall outside those boundaries, or people of another "race" that overlap those boundaries.
The physical characteristics of every African American does not fit inside of some "race" box.
I have met African Americans with every color of eyes and most hair colors. As mentioned before, African Americans come in at least the five darkest of the six shades of brown. In similar manner, European Americans come in at least the four lightest of the six shades of brown.
African Americans are no more African that European Americans are European. Both groups are more American than anything else. What they have in common is more important than their differences. This is what Martin Luther King Junior realized.
Even groups that are very similar in their physical characteristics, can still have separate identities with very sharp differences in language and culture. People are really more aligned by a shared language and culture than they are by shared physical characteristics. These groups are known as ethnic groups.
While many members of an ethnic group might have a shared set of ancestors, they do not all have to have those ancestors. For example, while many Americans have ancestors from northern Europe, primarily England, France, and Germany, not all do. Some people without any of these ancestors are Americans, simply because they grew up in the American culture.
These differences are substantial, but not unchangeable, unlike belonging to some "race" due to being a particular shade of brown. For this reason, the Book of Truth (The Bible) never groups people by "race", but rather by ethnic group, which is usually translated as "nation".
There is only one race, the Human Race, and every member of it shares the same blood made by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), even though He has been divided it into many ethnic groups, and placed each ethnic group where He has seen fit (Acts 17:24-26). That is why there really is no such thing as an inter-racial marriage.
Everyone is born into an ethnic group, but they do not have to stay in that ethnic group. People cannot change their "race", but they can change their ethnic group.
For example, many people from different ethnic groups living throughout the vast Persian Empire, became part of a different ethnic group, the Jews, in the time of Esther (Esther 8:17). They did not change their ancestry, or the shade of brown of their skin. They changed their language and culture to that of the Jews.
So, "race" is largely an artificial construct that only exists for one reason - to cause division among people based on superficial physical characteristics and ancestry. There simply cannot be any racism without this artificial division of people into "races".
Racism is just a mechanism for creating strife between people. The idea of dividing people into "races" was needed as a wedge to achieve this goal. Although not intuitively obvious, racism is the cause of "races", instead of "races" being the cause of racism.
So, where does racism come from?
On the surface, it might appear that ancestry based prejudice, called racism, came from the Book of Truth. After all, Noah (Noach) did curse Canaan (Kena'an) for his father Ham looking upon the nakedness of his grandfather (Genesis 9:24-27).
European Americans have use this as justification for their ancestry based prejudice against African Americans, since Ham was also the father of Cush (Kush aka Aethiop aka Ethiop), from whom came Africans south of the Sahara Desert (Genesis 10:6). Cush literally means "black".
However, this justification falls apart rather quickly.
First of all, it was Canaan, not Cush, who was cursed (Genesis 9:25). The descendants of Canaan did not live in Africa, but in Asia, in the modern countries of Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan (Genesis 10:15-19). So, sub-Saharan Africans were never cursed in the first place. Therefore, African Americans would not have been under such a curse as well.
Second, this curse was not unbreakable. Someone born under such a curse could come out from under the curse.
Eleven other ethnic groups came from Canaan including the Hittites (descendants of Heth), the Hivites, and Jebusites (Genesis 10:15-18). Numerous people born into these twelve ethnic groups became blessed, instead of cursed.
Shuah the Canaanite became the wife of Judah and was mother to his first three sons (Genesis 38:1-5). The mother of his other two children, including Pharez, was also a Canaanite named Tamar (Genesis 38:24-30). Tamar the Canaanite was blessed because she brought forth Pharez (Ruth 4:12). So, the entire tribe of Judah came from Canaanite women (1 Chronicles 2:3-4).
Part of the tribe of Simeon of the nation of Israel also came from a Canaanite woman (Genesis 46:10).
Yet the Canaanites, Hittites, and Jebusites, continued to be under a curse of destruction (Deuteronomy 20:17).
Still, a Canaanite woman, Rehab (Rechab) the harlot, was blessed for her actions, and her family became part of the people of Israel (Joshua 6:25). Her great-great-grandson, David, became the king of Israel (Matthew 1:5-6).
When the Canaanites band together with five of the nations that came from them to attack the people of Israel, the Hivites in Gibeah refused to join them, and made peace with the people of Israel (Joshua 9:1-15). So, they became suppliers of wood and water for the Temple, because they had faith in the Father of Truth (Joshua 9:24-27). Though they were mighty, they wanted to be among the people of Israel (Joshua 10:1-2). They became enemies of the people they came out of, when they aligned themselves with the people of Israel (Joshua 10:3-5). The Father of Truth delivered them from the people they came out of, through the people of Israel (Joshua 10:6-8).
Ahimelech the Hittite was among those that helped David when King Saul hunted for him (1 Samuel 26:6). Uriah the Hittite was one of the mighty men of King David, who fought along aside him in his wars (2 Samuel 23:8-39). One of the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon, Ismaiah, was chief among the mighty men that helped David, when he had fled from King Saul (Shual) (1 Chronicles 12:1-4).
Uriah the Hittite was too loyal to the Father of Truth and the people of Israel to go into his own house, while the Ark of the Covenant and the army of Israel were out in the battle field (2 Samuel 11:11). When King David did evil to this Hittite, the Father of Truth punished him severely to avenge this Hittite (2 Samuel 12:7-12).
No one could harm the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon without bringing judgment on their people from the Father of Truth, not even the king of Israel (2 Samuel 21:1-3)!
Ornan (Araunah) the Jebusite was so loved by the Father of Truth, that the Angel of Truth sent to judge the people of Israel was told to stop his destruction, when he reached the property of this Jebusite (2 Samuel 24:15-16). This Jebusite so loved the people of Israel, that he tried to give King David his threshing floor, oxen, and their implements, so David could use them to deliver the people of Israel from the judgment of the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 24:18-23).
One the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon, Melatiah, returned with the Jews from the exile in Babylon, and was part of those who repaired the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:7).
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) healed a Canaanite woman because she had great faith in the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:22-28).
So, there never was ancestry based prejudice endorsed by the Book of Truth. The Canaanites were under a curse for the terrible things that they did as part of their culture (Deuteronomy 9:4). When they turned from this wickedness, then they were accepted by the Father of Truth, because He never accepted or rejected people based on their ancestry (Acts 10:34-35).
The Father of Truth does not judge people based on their outward appearance, like the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (1 Samuel 16:7). In like manner, the Man of Truth does not judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (Isaiah 11:3).
In fact, the will of the Father of Truth is that all people dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1-3).
So, where does racism come from?
It comes from the same place where sickness comes from. Racism comes from a spirit similar to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
This discord over ancestry is sown by wicked people (Proverbs 6:12-14). The Father of Truth hates this sowing of discord over ancestry between people (Proverbs 6:16-19).
All such strife comes from hatred (Proverbs 10:12). It comes from angry people looking for something to fight over (Proverbs 15:18). It comes from instigators looking to create controversy (Proverbs 16:28). It comes from people who love to commit sin (Proverbs 17:19). It comes from scorners of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 22:10). It comes from contentious people (Proverbs 26:21). It comes from people with hearts full of pride (Proverbs 28:25).
All strife over ancestry, called racism, is based on lies (Proverbs 26:20).
The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is ultimately the source of every lie (John 8:44).
The Father of Lies stands up against people, to provoke others to do things to them that are contrary to the will of the Father of Truth (1 Chronicles 21:1). He resists people being restored to the dignity the Father of Truth intended for them, after they repent (Zechariah 3:1-7). He tempts people to not do what the Father of Truth wants (Matthew 4:1-4). He twists the very Word of Truth to mean something the Father of Truth never intended (Matthew 4:5-7). He deceives the whole world about everything (Revelation 12:9). He makes accusations to create division among people (Revelation 12:10).
It has already been shown that this ancestry based prejudice known as racism is not from the Father of Truth. It comes from the Father of Lies. Whenever anyone makes judgments about people based on which of the six shades of brown their skin is, or their ancestry, they are aligning themselves with the Father of Lies, and standing contrary to the Father of Truth!
So, why do people have racism in their hearts?
People are subject to temptation, because they inherently lack restraint (1 Corinthians 7:5). So, the Father of Lies looks for a means to tempt them (1 Thessalonians 3:5). He uses their own natural desires to tempt them to do what is wrong (James 1:14-15). These natural desires that fuel racism, are not from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).
Racism exists in the hearts of people, because everyone is born with a wicked and deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9). It is not natural for people to do what is good (Romans 7:18). It is not natural for the human heart to desire what the Father of Truth desires (Romans 8:6-8).
Wicked people look for ways to oppress other people, because there is pride in their hearts (Psalm 10:2-4). They do not believe that the Father of Truth will judge them for their wicked hearts (Psalm 10:11-13).
No matter how kindly they speak, there is mischief in their hearts (Psalm 28:3). They were born with a wicked heart that is set on violence, and they speak lies against people (Psalm 58:1-3). They seek to disassemble unity between people with reasonable sounding lies, because their wicked heart hates people for being different than themselves (Proverbs 26:22-26). They will eventually speak badly about people different than themselves, because that is what is in their hearts (Matthew 12:34). The words that come out of their mouths, is determined by what is in their hearts (Luke 6:45).
How can racism be removed from the hearts of people?
The only cure for racism is to supernaturally replace the wicked heart that people naturally have, with a new heart that can do what the Father of Truth desires (Ezekiel 11:19-20). When people are given a new heart, then the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) enables them to do what the Father of Truth desires (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
The Spirit of Truth will cause them to become like the Man of Truth, and not judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (Isaiah 11:2-3). The Spirit of Truth will replace their natural desires with a desire to do what the Father of Truth desires (Romans 8:3-5). They will have both the desire to do what He desires and the ability to do it (Philippians 2:13).
They will have the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) written on their heart (Jeremiah 31:33). They will have the Law of Truth written on their minds (Hebrews 8:10). They will have the desires of the Father of Truth that are written in the Law of Truth in their hearts and minds (Hebrews 10:16).
They will no longer judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart, because they will be a new person that no longer lives by their natural desires (2 Corinthians 5:16-17).
This is what happens to people when they come into the House of Truth!
People come into the House of Truth, when they put the Man of Truth in control of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). There is no room for racism in the House of Truth, for all people are invited to live there together (Romans 10:11-13). People dwell together in unity in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:10)! For there is only one race in the House of Truth (Ephesians 4:3-6)!
Come into the House of Truth!
In America, we will soon be celebrating the noted Christian Zionist Martin Luther King Junior. He is best known for his efforts in the Civil Rights Movement to get the laws that institutionalized racism based on skin color removed from America by peaceful means. Although he was murdered for his actions, he ultimately triumphed in that all such laws were removed not long after his death. In fact, the violent and unjust death of this peaceful man was the final impetus needed to get these laws removed.
However, it is one thing to remove institutionalized racism from the law of a country, but it is quite another to remove racism from the hearts of people. At its core, racism is unreasonable. After all, almost all people really have skin that is one of six shades of brown.
Most people have never really seen a truly white person. Styrofoam cups are white, but people are not. Most so-called "white" people are really a pale shade of brown.
There are some people who are truly white, but that is only because they have a broken chain in their DNA sequence for controlling the production of melanin. People with this defect can have parents of any color. It is not their ancestry that is determining their skin color, but their defective DNA. In other words, a person who is truly white has a genetic defect similar to an albino.
In like manner, most people have never seen a truly black person. Crows are black, but people are not. Most so-called "black" people are really a dark shade of brown.
I saw a truly black woman once from Ethiopia. It turned out that she had been overexposed to the sun without adequate clothing for a long period of time in a shade-less desert. She was basically extremely sun-burnt. Once her health was restored, she returned to being a dark shade of brown. In short, a person who is truly black has gone through some trauma that has caused a medical condition.
In fact, even the very granular Von Luschan Scale of human skin colors, which has thirty six shades of brown, does not have a styrofoam white or crow black tile on it. These are simply not natural human skin colors.
The fact is people without a genetic defect or a medical condition are all one of six shades of brown. These six shades are really determined by the location of the melanin sites with respect to the surface of their skin and the responsiveness of those sites to sunlight.
In other words, their shade of brown is determined by their sunburning and tanning behavior. These six shades of brown defined by sunburning and tanning behavior are known as skin types one through six on the Fritzpatrick scale. Really, each skin type is a range of tones with a definite lightest and darkest brown on each end of the range.
In fact, most people do not even maintain a single shade of brown, but their shade varies depending upon their exposure to sunlight. They are often not even the same shade everywhere. For example, when someone has a farmer's tan, the lower part of their arms are noticeably darker than just above where their shirt covers their skin . This is why skin color was determined using skin that is normally covered up on the Van Luschan Scale.
However, despite the mislabeling of people as being "black" or "white", racism is not really about skin color. Most of the original colonists in America came from northern Europe and had skin type one, also known as Celtic skin. The Native Americans already here had skin type three, except in the American southwest, where many had skin type four. Today, the most common skin type among so-called "white" people in America is skin type two.
Some would claim that their descendants adapted over time due to longer exposure to the sun. This is such nonsense. There is not significantly more sunlight in New England than in England. Also over the course of a year, most places receive about the same amount of sunlight. It is just very evenly distributed at the Equator and very skewed in the Arctic Circle.
The main difference is how close to perpendicular the sun is to the surface of the Earth. The Tropics are the lines as far from the Equator where the sun is perpendicular at least one day a year. The Arctic and Antarctic circles are the lines furthest from the Poles where the sun does not rise for at lease one day per year. So, there is a difference in the angle of the sunlight from the Poles to the Equator, which does affect sunburning and tanning behavior. However, this is not what determines which shade of brown people who live in those areas have.
The Norwegians with skin type one live just as far north as the Eskimo, who have skin type three. The Cree, who look like their relatives the Apache, live almost as far north and have skin type four. People plainly do not develop their skin type based on their exposure to sunlight.
If two Norwegians have a child, then the child will have skin type one, regardless of where it is born, or where it grows up. People with parents of African descent born in Nova Scotia, are still born with skin type five, despite their ancestors having moved to Canada ten generations earlier. People are born with their skin type based on the skin type of their ancestors. Period.
Of course, the genetic factors that determine which of these six shades of brown a person is born with is not just one factor, but a combination of factors. So, while two people with many ancestors of the same skin type will always produce children of the same skin type as themselves, it is not that simple when people with different skin types have children together. The children of a skin type one parent and a skin type three parent will end up with skin type two. However, if two of these these skin type two children have children together, their children could have skin type one, two, or three, with half of them having skin type two on average. If people descending from ancestors of original skin type one and three continue to intermarry, then eventually skin type two will become almost universal, but occasionally there will be children born with skin types one or three.
So, the Great White Lie among Americans with northern European ancestors is, that they only had northern European ancestors. The predominance of skin type two among them tells a different story. Most are the descendants of both Native Americans and northern Europeans. Of course, the same is true about African Americans. Some African Americans have lighter skin than some so-called "white" people!
So, it should be evident that racism is not really about which of the six shades of brown skin that a person has. It is about ancestry. That is why the Jim Crow laws in America defined anyone with even quote "one drop" of African blood as "black", regardless of which shade of brown their skin actually was. These racial segregation laws that Martin Luther King Junior sought to end were never about skin being "black". They were about ancestry. Period.
The entire concept of race is really a sham. People do not fit into neat little groups based on superfluous things like which shade of brown their skin is. They cannot even be divided in any meaningful way by adding other physical characteristics like hair color and eye color to the definition. No matter how a race is defined by boundaries of physical characteristics, there will always either be children born in that "race" with characteristics that fall outside those boundaries, or people of another "race" that overlap those boundaries.
The physical characteristics of every African American does not fit inside of some "race" box.
I have met African Americans with every color of eyes and most hair colors. As mentioned before, African Americans come in at least the five darkest of the six shades of brown. In similar manner, European Americans come in at least the four lightest of the six shades of brown.
African Americans are no more African that European Americans are European. Both groups are more American than anything else. What they have in common is more important than their differences. This is what Martin Luther King Junior realized.
Even groups that are very similar in their physical characteristics, can still have separate identities with very sharp differences in language and culture. People are really more aligned by a shared language and culture than they are by shared physical characteristics. These groups are known as ethnic groups.
While many members of an ethnic group might have a shared set of ancestors, they do not all have to have those ancestors. For example, while many Americans have ancestors from northern Europe, primarily England, France, and Germany, not all do. Some people without any of these ancestors are Americans, simply because they grew up in the American culture.
These differences are substantial, but not unchangeable, unlike belonging to some "race" due to being a particular shade of brown. For this reason, the Book of Truth (The Bible) never groups people by "race", but rather by ethnic group, which is usually translated as "nation".
There is only one race, the Human Race, and every member of it shares the same blood made by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), even though He has been divided it into many ethnic groups, and placed each ethnic group where He has seen fit (Acts 17:24-26). That is why there really is no such thing as an inter-racial marriage.
Everyone is born into an ethnic group, but they do not have to stay in that ethnic group. People cannot change their "race", but they can change their ethnic group.
For example, many people from different ethnic groups living throughout the vast Persian Empire, became part of a different ethnic group, the Jews, in the time of Esther (Esther 8:17). They did not change their ancestry, or the shade of brown of their skin. They changed their language and culture to that of the Jews.
So, "race" is largely an artificial construct that only exists for one reason - to cause division among people based on superficial physical characteristics and ancestry. There simply cannot be any racism without this artificial division of people into "races".
Racism is just a mechanism for creating strife between people. The idea of dividing people into "races" was needed as a wedge to achieve this goal. Although not intuitively obvious, racism is the cause of "races", instead of "races" being the cause of racism.
So, where does racism come from?
On the surface, it might appear that ancestry based prejudice, called racism, came from the Book of Truth. After all, Noah (Noach) did curse Canaan (Kena'an) for his father Ham looking upon the nakedness of his grandfather (Genesis 9:24-27).
European Americans have use this as justification for their ancestry based prejudice against African Americans, since Ham was also the father of Cush (Kush aka Aethiop aka Ethiop), from whom came Africans south of the Sahara Desert (Genesis 10:6). Cush literally means "black".
However, this justification falls apart rather quickly.
First of all, it was Canaan, not Cush, who was cursed (Genesis 9:25). The descendants of Canaan did not live in Africa, but in Asia, in the modern countries of Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan (Genesis 10:15-19). So, sub-Saharan Africans were never cursed in the first place. Therefore, African Americans would not have been under such a curse as well.
Second, this curse was not unbreakable. Someone born under such a curse could come out from under the curse.
Eleven other ethnic groups came from Canaan including the Hittites (descendants of Heth), the Hivites, and Jebusites (Genesis 10:15-18). Numerous people born into these twelve ethnic groups became blessed, instead of cursed.
Shuah the Canaanite became the wife of Judah and was mother to his first three sons (Genesis 38:1-5). The mother of his other two children, including Pharez, was also a Canaanite named Tamar (Genesis 38:24-30). Tamar the Canaanite was blessed because she brought forth Pharez (Ruth 4:12). So, the entire tribe of Judah came from Canaanite women (1 Chronicles 2:3-4).
Part of the tribe of Simeon of the nation of Israel also came from a Canaanite woman (Genesis 46:10).
Yet the Canaanites, Hittites, and Jebusites, continued to be under a curse of destruction (Deuteronomy 20:17).
Still, a Canaanite woman, Rehab (Rechab) the harlot, was blessed for her actions, and her family became part of the people of Israel (Joshua 6:25). Her great-great-grandson, David, became the king of Israel (Matthew 1:5-6).
When the Canaanites band together with five of the nations that came from them to attack the people of Israel, the Hivites in Gibeah refused to join them, and made peace with the people of Israel (Joshua 9:1-15). So, they became suppliers of wood and water for the Temple, because they had faith in the Father of Truth (Joshua 9:24-27). Though they were mighty, they wanted to be among the people of Israel (Joshua 10:1-2). They became enemies of the people they came out of, when they aligned themselves with the people of Israel (Joshua 10:3-5). The Father of Truth delivered them from the people they came out of, through the people of Israel (Joshua 10:6-8).
Ahimelech the Hittite was among those that helped David when King Saul hunted for him (1 Samuel 26:6). Uriah the Hittite was one of the mighty men of King David, who fought along aside him in his wars (2 Samuel 23:8-39). One of the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon, Ismaiah, was chief among the mighty men that helped David, when he had fled from King Saul (Shual) (1 Chronicles 12:1-4).
Uriah the Hittite was too loyal to the Father of Truth and the people of Israel to go into his own house, while the Ark of the Covenant and the army of Israel were out in the battle field (2 Samuel 11:11). When King David did evil to this Hittite, the Father of Truth punished him severely to avenge this Hittite (2 Samuel 12:7-12).
No one could harm the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon without bringing judgment on their people from the Father of Truth, not even the king of Israel (2 Samuel 21:1-3)!
Ornan (Araunah) the Jebusite was so loved by the Father of Truth, that the Angel of Truth sent to judge the people of Israel was told to stop his destruction, when he reached the property of this Jebusite (2 Samuel 24:15-16). This Jebusite so loved the people of Israel, that he tried to give King David his threshing floor, oxen, and their implements, so David could use them to deliver the people of Israel from the judgment of the Father of Truth (2 Samuel 24:18-23).
One the descendants of the former Hivites of Gibeon, Melatiah, returned with the Jews from the exile in Babylon, and was part of those who repaired the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:7).
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) healed a Canaanite woman because she had great faith in the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:22-28).
So, there never was ancestry based prejudice endorsed by the Book of Truth. The Canaanites were under a curse for the terrible things that they did as part of their culture (Deuteronomy 9:4). When they turned from this wickedness, then they were accepted by the Father of Truth, because He never accepted or rejected people based on their ancestry (Acts 10:34-35).
The Father of Truth does not judge people based on their outward appearance, like the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (1 Samuel 16:7). In like manner, the Man of Truth does not judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (Isaiah 11:3).
In fact, the will of the Father of Truth is that all people dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1-3).
So, where does racism come from?
It comes from the same place where sickness comes from. Racism comes from a spirit similar to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.
This discord over ancestry is sown by wicked people (Proverbs 6:12-14). The Father of Truth hates this sowing of discord over ancestry between people (Proverbs 6:16-19).
All such strife comes from hatred (Proverbs 10:12). It comes from angry people looking for something to fight over (Proverbs 15:18). It comes from instigators looking to create controversy (Proverbs 16:28). It comes from people who love to commit sin (Proverbs 17:19). It comes from scorners of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 22:10). It comes from contentious people (Proverbs 26:21). It comes from people with hearts full of pride (Proverbs 28:25).
All strife over ancestry, called racism, is based on lies (Proverbs 26:20).
The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) is ultimately the source of every lie (John 8:44).
The Father of Lies stands up against people, to provoke others to do things to them that are contrary to the will of the Father of Truth (1 Chronicles 21:1). He resists people being restored to the dignity the Father of Truth intended for them, after they repent (Zechariah 3:1-7). He tempts people to not do what the Father of Truth wants (Matthew 4:1-4). He twists the very Word of Truth to mean something the Father of Truth never intended (Matthew 4:5-7). He deceives the whole world about everything (Revelation 12:9). He makes accusations to create division among people (Revelation 12:10).
It has already been shown that this ancestry based prejudice known as racism is not from the Father of Truth. It comes from the Father of Lies. Whenever anyone makes judgments about people based on which of the six shades of brown their skin is, or their ancestry, they are aligning themselves with the Father of Lies, and standing contrary to the Father of Truth!
So, why do people have racism in their hearts?
People are subject to temptation, because they inherently lack restraint (1 Corinthians 7:5). So, the Father of Lies looks for a means to tempt them (1 Thessalonians 3:5). He uses their own natural desires to tempt them to do what is wrong (James 1:14-15). These natural desires that fuel racism, are not from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).
Racism exists in the hearts of people, because everyone is born with a wicked and deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9). It is not natural for people to do what is good (Romans 7:18). It is not natural for the human heart to desire what the Father of Truth desires (Romans 8:6-8).
Wicked people look for ways to oppress other people, because there is pride in their hearts (Psalm 10:2-4). They do not believe that the Father of Truth will judge them for their wicked hearts (Psalm 10:11-13).
No matter how kindly they speak, there is mischief in their hearts (Psalm 28:3). They were born with a wicked heart that is set on violence, and they speak lies against people (Psalm 58:1-3). They seek to disassemble unity between people with reasonable sounding lies, because their wicked heart hates people for being different than themselves (Proverbs 26:22-26). They will eventually speak badly about people different than themselves, because that is what is in their hearts (Matthew 12:34). The words that come out of their mouths, is determined by what is in their hearts (Luke 6:45).
How can racism be removed from the hearts of people?
The only cure for racism is to supernaturally replace the wicked heart that people naturally have, with a new heart that can do what the Father of Truth desires (Ezekiel 11:19-20). When people are given a new heart, then the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) enables them to do what the Father of Truth desires (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
The Spirit of Truth will cause them to become like the Man of Truth, and not judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart (Isaiah 11:2-3). The Spirit of Truth will replace their natural desires with a desire to do what the Father of Truth desires (Romans 8:3-5). They will have both the desire to do what He desires and the ability to do it (Philippians 2:13).
They will have the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) written on their heart (Jeremiah 31:33). They will have the Law of Truth written on their minds (Hebrews 8:10). They will have the desires of the Father of Truth that are written in the Law of Truth in their hearts and minds (Hebrews 10:16).
They will no longer judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the contents of their heart, because they will be a new person that no longer lives by their natural desires (2 Corinthians 5:16-17).
This is what happens to people when they come into the House of Truth!
People come into the House of Truth, when they put the Man of Truth in control of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). There is no room for racism in the House of Truth, for all people are invited to live there together (Romans 10:11-13). People dwell together in unity in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:10)! For there is only one race in the House of Truth (Ephesians 4:3-6)!
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Martin Luther King Junior, Race, Racism
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