Rightly Dividing The Word
How can you understand the Book of Truth (The Bible) correctly?
If you ask two religious professionals what some passages in the Book of Truth mean, you will frequently get three answers.
Their answers may not really make much sense, and just create more questions. Two conflicting answers might both seem to be correct, but you know that they cannot both be correct. They both cannot be right, but they both can be wrong.
At other times, the religious professionals do not really know the answer to your question either, but they are just repeating what they heard in cemetery (seminary) school. It apparently seems better to them to do this, than admit that they do not know the answer either.
Looking on the internet for answers, frequently makes things worse. You will usually find people, who are repeating, whatever the religious professional that they are being taught by, teaches. Then you find other people, who have some really complicated answers, usually citing something besides the Book of Truth in their explanation, to often simple questions. Soon you can find yourself drowning in a sea of answers, but still unable to determine which one, if any of them, is right.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. You can read and understand the Book of Truth for yourself. All you need to do, is learn how to rightly divide the Word of Truth, as Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) instructed Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) to do (2 Timothy 2:15).
The first rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: If the plain sense makes sense, then seek no other sense, so you do not end up with nonsense.
For example, The Book of Truth says, "You shall make no idols" (Leviticus 26:1), The plain sense meaning, that "you shall make no idols", is what is meant by "You shall make no idols". There is nothing mysterious, or hard to understand, as long as you do not try to interpret, "You shall make no idols", to mean something other than what it plainly says. If you look for some other sense, to apply to "You shall make no idols", then you will end up with nonsense.
The second rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: A text taken out of context becomes a pretext for a proof text.
People often take the text of a verse, or even part of a verse, out of context, as a pretext, that this text is proof of what they are teaching. This is done in several ways.
The first way that people take a text out of context, is to quote only part of a verse, and not even consider the context given by the rest of the verse. For example, I have heard preachers say, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to heal His Children, and prevent them from getting sick, by quoting Him saying, "I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.". They use this text to prove, that the Father of Truth will protect His Children from disease, regardless of what they do.
However, if you read the entire verse, then it states if His Children will obey the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), then He will do this for them (Exodus 15:26). So when you take the text in the context of the verse that it is in, it shows that the promise to heal and protect from sickness, is conditional upon obedience to the Law of Truth. The fact is, that there is not a single unconditional promise in the entire Book of Truth. If you look at all of the promises in context, you will find, that they are either promised, because of some action that has already happened, or for some performing some action in the future.
The second way that people take a text out of context, is to quote a verse completely, without considering the context, of the passage that contains the verse. For example, the verse that says "Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1). This verse is frequently taken out context by people, usually as proof, that no one has a right to rebuke them for sin. Ironically, they often judge those who rebuke them for sin, as sinning by being judgmental.
Anyone who reads the entire passage, that the verse is in, and follows the first rule, of just reading the plain sense of the passage, will immediately see that the point of the verse, was not to rebuke those, who rebuke other people for sin. The point of the passage was, for people to be sure to first remove the sin from their own lives, before rebuking others for the sin in their lives, so that they do not also fall under the judgement of the Father of Truth (Matthew 7:1-5). The fact is, that no one can escape being judged by the Father of Truth for their sin, by refusing to tell others, that they are sinning. If that was the case, then the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) died for nothing, because people could have their sins overlooked by the Father of Truth, by overlooking the sins of others. Instead, the Book of Truth says, that not rebuking other people for their sin, is the worst kind of hatred. When you see other people sin, it is time for some tough love.
The third way that people take a text out of context, is to not consider the historical and cultural context, in which the verse was given. This is more often done out of ignorance than arrogance. For example, the verse that says, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26). This a case, where the plain sense meaning is obviously not the correct meaning, because it contradicts the commandment to love other people as yourself.
Anyone who does a little study, to determine the historical and cultural context, will come to understand this verse, as the Man of Truth intended for it to be understood. This was not spoken by a twenty-first century American, to a group of twenty-first century Americans. This was spoken by a first century Jew, to a group of first century Jews. As such, they would have understood that "hate" in this context, means "to put at a lower priority", because that was a common first century Jewish expression. Trying to apply a literal meaning to "hate" here, makes as much sense as applying a literal meaning to the expression, "raining cats and dogs". It was a common first century Jewish expression of priority, to contrast the thing with higher priority, to the thing with the lower priority, by saying that you love the first thing, and hate the second thing. Now that the historical and cultural context is understood, the verse can be rightly understood as saying, "If any man come to me, and does not put a lower priority his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." In other words, if you are going to follow the Man of Truth, he must have a higher priority in your life, over everyone and everything else.
So in order to rightly divide the Word of Truth, you need to consider context of any text, that you find in the Book of Truth. You have to consider the context of the verse it is in, the passage that it is in, and the historical and cultural context that it occurred in.
There is one more way, that people take a text out of context. That will be covered in the next rule for rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The third rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth.
This is what Paul the Jew did, when he preached the Good News to the Gentiles (Acts 20:25-27). It is the foundation of both the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), written by the Prophets of Truth, and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), written by the Apostles of Truth, that causes the Children of Truth, to be the dwelling place of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). It was studying all of the Book of Truth, not just the Renewed Covenant, that allowed Timothy the Jew to be able to rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) testified, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) dictated the entire Book of Truth, to the people who wrote it down, and that it was more reliable, than any experience that people might have (2 Peter 1:19-21). Peter the Jew used the entire Book of Truth, to remind the Children of Truth, what their faith is based on (2 Peter 3:1-2).
This means that the Torah is just as relevant today as the Gospels. This means that the Writings of History are just as important as the Acts. This means that the Children of Truth need to read the Writings of Wisdom as much as they need to read the Epistles. This means that it is in no way a waste of time to study the books of The Prophets.
In other words, the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant are the inseparable covenants, that together form the everlasting covenant, that is contained in the indestructible book, that I call the Book of Truth. The Renewed Covenant is like a well built house, that is built at the top of a tree of wondrous strength, called the Original Covenant.
This being the case, then it should be obvious that before you can consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that you have read the entire Book of Truth. If you read three chapters a day, for six days a week, and also read five chapters, on the remaining day of the week, then you will read the entire Book of Truth in a year. I always recommend, that people read the entire Renewed Covenant, and then read the entire Original Covenant, the first time they read the entire Book of Truth, so they do not end up putting the cart before the horse.
Of course, no one has a true eidetic memory, so you will have to read it at least twice. (I once read a US government report, that reported that the best eidetic memory, that the US government ever found, was eighty-eight percent retention. A true eidetic memory would be one hundred percent retention.) However, even if you did have a true eidetic memory, then you would still need to read the Book of Truth frequently, because your understanding grows each time you read it. The Book of Truth reads you, when you read it, because it is a living thing (Hebrews 4:12).
Now this may seem like a daunting task, but it does not mean, that you cannot start getting the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, until you have read through the Book of Truth twice. There are tools that can help you do this, even if you have never read through the Book of Truth once. Online tools like Bible Gateway are particularly helpful, in finding the original context of quotes from the Original Covenant, that are used in the Renewed Covenant.
For example, where Paul the Jew uses the expression, "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." (Romans 9:13). This verse is often used as a proof text, for the idea that the Father of Truth predestined some to life, and others to death, regardless of what they do, but is that what this verse is really saying?
First of all, the Father of Truth commands, that people do not show favoritism to other people, but to judge everyone, based on their actual actions (Leviticus 19:15). Paul the Jew, himself, had already said that there is no respect of person with the Father of Truth, so that all people would live or die based on their actions (Romans 2:10-12). Paul the Jew also wrote, that all who do what the Father of Truth calls wrong, will suffer for doing what is wrong, because there is no respect of person with the Father of Truth (Colossians 3:25). So the point of Paul the Jew in making this quote, could not have been that the Father of Truth was showing love to Jacob, regardless of his actions, while showing hate to Esau, regardless of his actions.
Secondly, the Father of Truth takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but would rather have them turn from their wicked ways, so they could live (Ezekiel 33:11). The Father of Truth has been holding back judgment for centuries, because He is not willing that any should perish, but desires that all people come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So it is not reasonable, when you consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that He would contradict His very nature, by predestining Esau, or anyone else, to suffer in Hell, regardless of what they did.
So considering the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that is found when you examine the entire Book of Truth, excludes the idea that this verse, is talking about the Father of Truth loving some people, regardless of what the do, while hating other people, regardless of what they do. So what is Paul the Jew talking about in this verse?
It will help things become more clear, if we examine the place in the Original Covenant, that Paul the Jew is quoting. Paul the Jew is quoting Malachi the Prophet of Truth, who says, that Jacob was loved, but Esau was hated, for their wicked deeds, which cause the Father of Truth to have indignation against them (Malachi 1:2-4). This is not Esau the individual, or Jacob the individual, but rather their descendants.
In particular, the wickedness of Esau that caused the Father of Truth to have indignation against him, was plundering and killing those of the two-tribe kingdom of Judah, who had escaped the hand of the Babylonians, when Jerusalem was destroyed, instead of helping them, because they belonged to Jacob, the brother of the Esau, who started the nation of the Edomites, so that the descendants of Esau would suffer punishment, for their actions (Obadiah 1:9-15). This is the very opposite of saying the Father of Truth showing favoritism, by loving Jacob, regardless of his actions, and hating Esau, regardless of his actions.
The meaning of this verse should be clear, by examining it in the context of the passage, that it is written in. Remember, that to love one and hate another, is a Jewish idiom, for giving higher priority over one than another. Jacob was given higher priority over Esau, before they were born, in that the younger would be given the birthright and blessing, instead of the elder, which was the usual custom of men, to show that the Father of Truth is in control of all things (Romans 9:11-13).
In fact, this entire passage is about, how the Father of Truth does not show favoritism, to those who are born Jews, by blessing them, regardless of their actions (Romans 9:4-8). The Father of Truth can show mercy on anyone who repents, and can bring judgment on anyone, who persists in resisting Him (Romans 9:14-19). The Father of Truth will destroy both Jews and Gentiles, who make themselves fit for destruction, by persisting in doing things that He calls evil, but will have mercy on both Jews and Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-24). The Father of Truth will save, both the remnant of Jews, and any Gentiles, who do what He says is right, and destroy the rest, who do what He says is wicked (Romans 9:25-29). The point of the passage is, that because the Father of Truth does not predestine people to life or death, then any Gentile, like a descendant of Esau, who comes into the House of Truth, will inherit life, while any Jew, who does not come into the House of Truth, will inherit death (Romans 9:30-33).
The truth is, that the answer to "Who's your daddy?", determines your actions. The answer to the question, "Whose child are you?", is shown by your actions. What are you saying, when you are say that some are predestined to life, regardless of their actions, while other are predestined to death, regardless of their actions? Where did you get that idea?
So considering a text, in the context of the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that is contained in the Book of Truth, is essential to rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The fourth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Use scripture to interpret scripture.
Similar expressions, events, patterns and images are used in the text of different books inside the Book of Truth. These texts are often explained, if there is anything at all mysterious about them, the first time that they appear in the Book of Truth. The Book of Truth itself usually interprets the things in these text itself. It is usually obvious from the explanation, (or lack of need of an explanation), whether the text is meant to be figurative, or literal. Once the original text is initially interpreted, then the interpretation can be used to interpret any other text, that contains similar expressions, events, patterns, or images. This is using scripture to interpret scripture.
For example, the expression that a man "knew" a woman. The first time that this expression is used, is about Adam knowing Eve (Genesis 4:1). The context found in the verse, makes it plain, that the interpretation of "knew", when used of a man knowing a woman, is to have sex with her, because Eve became pregnant, once Adam knew her. So we can be certain, that when the text says, that Joseph did not know Mary, until after the Man of Truth was born, that it means, that Joseph did not have sex with Mary, until after the Man of Truth was born (Matthew 1:24-25).
In the same way, similar events, have the same interpretation. In Egypt, there was such scarcity of wheat and barley, that people literally ended up giving all of their wages and livelihood, just to have food to eat (Genesis 47:13-25). A similar event happens in the Revelation, where it says, that in the future, people will end up giving all of their wages and livelihood, just to have food to eat (Revelation 6:6). ["Penny" here means the minimum wages earned in a single day. A measure of wheat and three measures of barley, are both the amount of food needed for a single day.] Since the events are similar, we can be sure that the famine in Revelation, is just as literally bad, as the one in Genesis. There is nothing mysterious about this event, that requires some sort of special anointing, or Hebrew mindset, to understand. This is verified in the passage itself, where it makes it plain, that many people will die from hunger, due to this event (Revelation 6:5-8).
In like manner, similar patterns, can be understood by applying the same interpretation to them. The Man of Truth compares the beginning of the Tribulation, when he will be revealed, to only two other events: the flood of Noah, and the destruction of Sodom (Luke 17:26-30).
In order to understand the pattern of deliverance with respect to the Tribulation, we must first examine the pattern of events, that brought about deliverance to Noah and Lot, with respect to the disasters of the Flood, and the destruction of Sodom.
Noah was lifted above the destruction, that came upon the Earth, when the destruction began (Genesis 7:17-19). Lot was taken out of Sodom, and told to go up the mountain, where he would be above the destruction, that would come upon Sodom (Genesis 19:15-17). So the pattern is, that the righteous are lifted above the area of destruction, at the beginning of the destruction. This same pattern applied to John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) when he went to Heaven, where the Man of Truth was revealed, which announced the beginning of the Tribulation, before he began to see the destruction, that would come upon all of the Earth (Revelation 4:1-2).
The pattern of these events is, that the righteous are lifted above the area of judgment, just before the judgment of the Father of Truth begins. The repeated pattern throughout the Book of Truth, shows that the Father of Truth does not take Collateral Damage. The Man of Truth confirmed this pattern, as applying to the Rapture, when he said, that those were worthy would escape the entire Tribulation, that would bring destruction to the entire Earth, and instead stand before him, like John the Jew did (Luke 21:34-36). His confirmation, that the Rapture follows this pattern, of the righteous being taken off the Earth, before the destruction begins, shows that people need to heed the warning of "People Get Ready!".
Finally, similar images can be understood, by having the same interpretation applied to them.
For example, the king of Babylon had a dream, where he saw a statue of man, made of four types of metal: gold, silver, brass, and iron, that represented four successive kingdoms, with his kingdom being the first (Daniel 2:31-40). Then during the reign of the next king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream where saw four different beasts rise up out of the sea: a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a beast of iron, that represented the same four successive kingdoms (Daniel 7:1-17). Then two years later, Daniel had a vision, where saw a ram, that represented Persia, the kingdom that would succeed Babylon, and a goat that represented Greece, the kingdom that would succeed Persia (Daniel 8:20-22). So the lion that Daniel saw in his first dream, represented the Babylonian Empire, the bear represented Persian Empire, and the leopard represented Greek Empire.
So when John the Jew saw a beast rise up out of the sea, that had the mouth of a lion, the feet of a bear, and the body of a leopard, that beast represented an empire, that will have the same strengths as the Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Empires, and control the same territory, that those empires controlled (Revelation 13:1-2).
The fifth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Sometimes you have to go deeper than the surface.
Sometimes, a verse or passage, is just not making sense, or even seems to contradict other verses, or passages. Sometimes the plain sense does not make sense, because of an a cultural expression that you are not familiar with, is being used. Some times, you may look at the same verse or passage in two separate translations, to get a better sense of the intention of the author, but discover that the two translations are at odds with each other. At times like this, you have to go deeper than the surface. Most gold comes from a lot of digging.
The first step is, ensure that you start with a good translation. Translations, where the translators did not stick to the words in the original documents, are not hard to spot, if you know what to look for. There is one disturbing sentence added to Mark 7:19 in many translations, that is not in any original language document. This causes people to come to the wrong conclusion, so that the Father of Truth would say, "I did not mean that", if they asked Him about it. In like manner, it is important that the translators translated the Renewed Covenant from Koine Greek documents, because except for the Gospel of Matthew, Koine Greek is the language of the Renewed Covenant.
The next step is begin looking into the passages, in the original languages. You can be certain that the Father of Truth has preserved documents in the original languages, through the ages, because the Word of Truth is the incorruptible word of the Father of Truth. This is not an insurmountable task, thanks to modern tools that are at your disposal on-line, at sites like Blue Letter Bible. You do not have to master ancient languages, like Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, to dig down into the original languages. You can digger deeper using this heavy machinery, instead of shovel.
This heavy machinery includes an on-line version of Strong's Concordance, which was so well done, that Eliezer ben Yehuda used it in his efforts, to bring Hebrew back from the dead. This concordance will give you the possible meanings of various Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek root words, to help you improve your understanding of the verse it is in. (Root words are like English verbs in their basic form, before being manipulated for tense and the like. For example, "be" is the root word of "was", "were", "are", and "is".) For example, the Greek word translated as "Easter" in Acts 12:4, has a root word of "Pascha", which means "Passover". This completely changes the understanding of what holiday the Children of Truth observed in the first century.
You can also get easy access to helpful study material like Thayer's Lexicon, Matthew Henry's Commentary, the explanations of first century Jewish culture by Edersheim, and the like.
This heavy machinery even includes source documents, like the Textus Receptus and the Greek New Testament, for the Renewed Covenant. It also includes similar source documents, like the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint, for the Original Covenant. The Septuagint is especially helpful, because it was translated from Biblical Hebrew to Greek, about 200 years before the Man of Truth was born, by people who spoke Hebrew every day in their own community, and who spoke Greek every day outside of their own community. Often the Greek word they chose, may have more than one possible meaning, while the Hebrew word they were translating, also may have had more than one possible meaning, but there is only possible meaning that the Greek and Hebrew words share. This gives a very precise definition of the Hebrew word, in the place where it was translated, although you do have to be able to read Biblical Hebrew, and Koine Greek, to understand that precise meaning. Fortunately, this has already been done for you, in many cases, in the previously mentioned helpful study materials.
Lastly, sometimes it helps to go outside of the Book of Truth completely, to get useful information about the historical and cultural context of things, found in the Book of Truth. For example, the writings of Josephus, give excellent insight to not only first century, Jewish, Greek and Roman cultures, but also into many historical events that preceded the time of the Renewed Covenant, including events found in the Original Covenant. There is also valuable insight in other historical writings, like those of Herodotus, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, some of the early "church fathers", and the like. Archaeological publications, like Biblical Archaeological Review, can also be very useful.
Even the writings of the Rabbis can be useful, but you have to use caution. Their writings often consists of a mix of useful and accurate historical information, false doctrine, and fables. It helps to have a thorough knowledge of the Book of Truth, before ever examining this source for explanations, because you will have to be able to distinguish between the useful information and the lies.
The Man of Truth warned us to be careful of the doctrine of the Pharisees, whom all Rabbis today came from (Matthew 16:11-12). He called them liars, who refused to believe the Word of Truth (John 8:43-45). Paul the Jew wrote that we should avoid their fables, and pay no attention to their commandments, because those things are designed to turn people away from the truth (Titus 1:14).
In other words, when using Rabbinical sources, you must be care not to be lead astray by their Rabbinic Distort of the truth. Some of their writings will even try to convince you, that they have the missing books of the Bible, as if the Father of Truth allowed some of the books, to get lost for centuries. So use this source of information with extreme caution.
The sixth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Sometimes there is more than one meaning.
Some passages and verses plainly have a literal meaning. Some are plainly figurative. However, often a passage will have more than one meaning. In fact, every story in the Original Covenant points to the Man of Truth in some manner.
For example, Abraham (Abram) was literally told to cast out Hagar and her son from the camp, because in Isaac (Yitzakh) was his seed to be called (Genesis 21:10-12). Yet this entire episode was also an allegory. about trying to be saved by keeping the Law of Truth, instead of being saved by trusting in the Man of Truth (Galatians 4:24-31).
There can even be two meaning in the same passage. For example, Ezekiel is obviously talking about the human King of Tyrus in the beginning (Ezekiel 28:1-10). Yet, Ezekiel is also talking about the Father of Lies, who empowered the King of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:11-19).
So be careful to not limit a passage to only saying something on one level. There are at least five levels of depth to some passages. The main thing to keep in mind is, that these deeper levels of understanding will never contradict the overall message of the Book of Truth, that can be understood at the most basic level, but will only deepen that understanding, and reinforce it.
The seventh rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: When in doubt, ask the Author.
It is impossible to see the deeper meanings of the Word of Truth, or even get the surface meaning correct, on human effort alone. It takes the Spirit of Truth, to correctly understand the Word of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:13).
The Spirit of Truth was given to guide the Children of Truth into all truth (John 16:13). The Spirit of Truth is the author of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:20-21). So if you are in doubt, ask the Author.
For example, I was raised to give the Father of Truth one day a week. I did everything that I knew to do, and there was no doubt about whose Sabbath I was keeping. For this reason, I was never bored on the Sabbath.
I was observing the Sabbath on Sunday, and it seemed that I had good authority to do so. I had read, that the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant took up their offerings on the first day of the week (1 Corinthians 16:2) . I had read about, how John the Jew had worshiped on the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10). I knew, that Sunday was called the Lord's Day on some calendars, and that it had been called that on Greek calendars, since 150 AD.
However, as I read the Renewed Covenant more, it just did not seem quite right somehow. It seemed like, I was doing all of the right things, on the wrong day of the week.
So I visited congregations that met on Saturday, about one ever three months, over a period of about ten years. I gave them my verses from the Renewed Covenant, and asked them to show me in the Renewed Covenant, why the Father of Truth had not moved the Sabbath, from Saturday to Sunday. Not one single religious professional, or member, of any of these congregations, could show me from the Renewed Covenant, why I was wrong about these two verses, that made it looked like the Sabbath had been moved, from Saturday to Sunday. They did, however, give me a lot answers, that were similar to ones that I had heard people use, to defend Christmas and Easter. The main difference was, that they were substituting in "The Sabbath" for "Christmas", in what was pretty much the same arguments. (Things like, "it is what our leader teaches", "it is our tradition", "it is in the Renewed Covenant somewhere" and the like.)
Finally, I asked the Spirit of Truth, to show me from the Renewed Covenant, why the Sabbath had not been moved, from Saturday to Sunday. The Spirit of Truth guided me in digging deeper, starting with reading the text of these two verses, in the original Koine Greek language. This raised more questions, but the Spirit of Truth guided me in using the internet, to find reliable resources, to give me the answers, to all of my questions. In one hour, the Spirit of Truth had done, what more than twenty Saturday congregations had not been able to do, over a period of ten years. When that hour was over, I knew that the Sabbath was still Saturday, and I knew who changed the Sabbath.
It was the Spirit of Truth, that had prompted me to start doubting what I believed, in the first place. It was the Spirit of Truth, who lead me to the truth, that was written in the Book of Truth, when no one else could. When in doubt, ask the Author.
If you have come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth lives in you (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of Truth will bear witness of the truth, when you are studying the Book of Truth (1 John 5:6). You just have to learn how to listen.
It helps you listen tremendously, if you have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so that you start producing the sound of power. When the Spirit of Truth is putting words in your mouth, then it is easier to hear what the Spirit of Truth is saying.
Of course, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, serves no purpose, unless you come into the House of Truth. When you come into the House of Truth, then you will be given the Spirit of Truth, who will tell you, that you are a Child of Truth (Romans 8:14-16). You will come into the House of Truth, when you make the Man of Truth your lord, because you believe the Word of Truth, when it tells you that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Unless you first come into the House of Truth, you will never be able to study enough, to rightly divide the Word of Truth, and come to understand the truth (2 Timothy 3:6-8). The Word of Truth is only of value, when you believe its message, and come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 4:2).
Come into the House of Truth!
If you ask two religious professionals what some passages in the Book of Truth mean, you will frequently get three answers.
Their answers may not really make much sense, and just create more questions. Two conflicting answers might both seem to be correct, but you know that they cannot both be correct. They both cannot be right, but they both can be wrong.
At other times, the religious professionals do not really know the answer to your question either, but they are just repeating what they heard in cemetery (seminary) school. It apparently seems better to them to do this, than admit that they do not know the answer either.
Looking on the internet for answers, frequently makes things worse. You will usually find people, who are repeating, whatever the religious professional that they are being taught by, teaches. Then you find other people, who have some really complicated answers, usually citing something besides the Book of Truth in their explanation, to often simple questions. Soon you can find yourself drowning in a sea of answers, but still unable to determine which one, if any of them, is right.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. You can read and understand the Book of Truth for yourself. All you need to do, is learn how to rightly divide the Word of Truth, as Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) instructed Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) to do (2 Timothy 2:15).
The first rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: If the plain sense makes sense, then seek no other sense, so you do not end up with nonsense.
For example, The Book of Truth says, "You shall make no idols" (Leviticus 26:1), The plain sense meaning, that "you shall make no idols", is what is meant by "You shall make no idols". There is nothing mysterious, or hard to understand, as long as you do not try to interpret, "You shall make no idols", to mean something other than what it plainly says. If you look for some other sense, to apply to "You shall make no idols", then you will end up with nonsense.
The second rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: A text taken out of context becomes a pretext for a proof text.
People often take the text of a verse, or even part of a verse, out of context, as a pretext, that this text is proof of what they are teaching. This is done in several ways.
The first way that people take a text out of context, is to quote only part of a verse, and not even consider the context given by the rest of the verse. For example, I have heard preachers say, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) promised to heal His Children, and prevent them from getting sick, by quoting Him saying, "I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.". They use this text to prove, that the Father of Truth will protect His Children from disease, regardless of what they do.
However, if you read the entire verse, then it states if His Children will obey the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), then He will do this for them (Exodus 15:26). So when you take the text in the context of the verse that it is in, it shows that the promise to heal and protect from sickness, is conditional upon obedience to the Law of Truth. The fact is, that there is not a single unconditional promise in the entire Book of Truth. If you look at all of the promises in context, you will find, that they are either promised, because of some action that has already happened, or for some performing some action in the future.
The second way that people take a text out of context, is to quote a verse completely, without considering the context, of the passage that contains the verse. For example, the verse that says "Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1). This verse is frequently taken out context by people, usually as proof, that no one has a right to rebuke them for sin. Ironically, they often judge those who rebuke them for sin, as sinning by being judgmental.
Anyone who reads the entire passage, that the verse is in, and follows the first rule, of just reading the plain sense of the passage, will immediately see that the point of the verse, was not to rebuke those, who rebuke other people for sin. The point of the passage was, for people to be sure to first remove the sin from their own lives, before rebuking others for the sin in their lives, so that they do not also fall under the judgement of the Father of Truth (Matthew 7:1-5). The fact is, that no one can escape being judged by the Father of Truth for their sin, by refusing to tell others, that they are sinning. If that was the case, then the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) died for nothing, because people could have their sins overlooked by the Father of Truth, by overlooking the sins of others. Instead, the Book of Truth says, that not rebuking other people for their sin, is the worst kind of hatred. When you see other people sin, it is time for some tough love.
The third way that people take a text out of context, is to not consider the historical and cultural context, in which the verse was given. This is more often done out of ignorance than arrogance. For example, the verse that says, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26). This a case, where the plain sense meaning is obviously not the correct meaning, because it contradicts the commandment to love other people as yourself.
Anyone who does a little study, to determine the historical and cultural context, will come to understand this verse, as the Man of Truth intended for it to be understood. This was not spoken by a twenty-first century American, to a group of twenty-first century Americans. This was spoken by a first century Jew, to a group of first century Jews. As such, they would have understood that "hate" in this context, means "to put at a lower priority", because that was a common first century Jewish expression. Trying to apply a literal meaning to "hate" here, makes as much sense as applying a literal meaning to the expression, "raining cats and dogs". It was a common first century Jewish expression of priority, to contrast the thing with higher priority, to the thing with the lower priority, by saying that you love the first thing, and hate the second thing. Now that the historical and cultural context is understood, the verse can be rightly understood as saying, "If any man come to me, and does not put a lower priority his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." In other words, if you are going to follow the Man of Truth, he must have a higher priority in your life, over everyone and everything else.
So in order to rightly divide the Word of Truth, you need to consider context of any text, that you find in the Book of Truth. You have to consider the context of the verse it is in, the passage that it is in, and the historical and cultural context that it occurred in.
There is one more way, that people take a text out of context. That will be covered in the next rule for rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The third rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth.
This is what Paul the Jew did, when he preached the Good News to the Gentiles (Acts 20:25-27). It is the foundation of both the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), written by the Prophets of Truth, and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), written by the Apostles of Truth, that causes the Children of Truth, to be the dwelling place of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). It was studying all of the Book of Truth, not just the Renewed Covenant, that allowed Timothy the Jew to be able to rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) testified, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) dictated the entire Book of Truth, to the people who wrote it down, and that it was more reliable, than any experience that people might have (2 Peter 1:19-21). Peter the Jew used the entire Book of Truth, to remind the Children of Truth, what their faith is based on (2 Peter 3:1-2).
This means that the Torah is just as relevant today as the Gospels. This means that the Writings of History are just as important as the Acts. This means that the Children of Truth need to read the Writings of Wisdom as much as they need to read the Epistles. This means that it is in no way a waste of time to study the books of The Prophets.
In other words, the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant are the inseparable covenants, that together form the everlasting covenant, that is contained in the indestructible book, that I call the Book of Truth. The Renewed Covenant is like a well built house, that is built at the top of a tree of wondrous strength, called the Original Covenant.
This being the case, then it should be obvious that before you can consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that you have read the entire Book of Truth. If you read three chapters a day, for six days a week, and also read five chapters, on the remaining day of the week, then you will read the entire Book of Truth in a year. I always recommend, that people read the entire Renewed Covenant, and then read the entire Original Covenant, the first time they read the entire Book of Truth, so they do not end up putting the cart before the horse.
Of course, no one has a true eidetic memory, so you will have to read it at least twice. (I once read a US government report, that reported that the best eidetic memory, that the US government ever found, was eighty-eight percent retention. A true eidetic memory would be one hundred percent retention.) However, even if you did have a true eidetic memory, then you would still need to read the Book of Truth frequently, because your understanding grows each time you read it. The Book of Truth reads you, when you read it, because it is a living thing (Hebrews 4:12).
Now this may seem like a daunting task, but it does not mean, that you cannot start getting the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, until you have read through the Book of Truth twice. There are tools that can help you do this, even if you have never read through the Book of Truth once. Online tools like Bible Gateway are particularly helpful, in finding the original context of quotes from the Original Covenant, that are used in the Renewed Covenant.
For example, where Paul the Jew uses the expression, "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." (Romans 9:13). This verse is often used as a proof text, for the idea that the Father of Truth predestined some to life, and others to death, regardless of what they do, but is that what this verse is really saying?
First of all, the Father of Truth commands, that people do not show favoritism to other people, but to judge everyone, based on their actual actions (Leviticus 19:15). Paul the Jew, himself, had already said that there is no respect of person with the Father of Truth, so that all people would live or die based on their actions (Romans 2:10-12). Paul the Jew also wrote, that all who do what the Father of Truth calls wrong, will suffer for doing what is wrong, because there is no respect of person with the Father of Truth (Colossians 3:25). So the point of Paul the Jew in making this quote, could not have been that the Father of Truth was showing love to Jacob, regardless of his actions, while showing hate to Esau, regardless of his actions.
Secondly, the Father of Truth takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but would rather have them turn from their wicked ways, so they could live (Ezekiel 33:11). The Father of Truth has been holding back judgment for centuries, because He is not willing that any should perish, but desires that all people come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So it is not reasonable, when you consider the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that He would contradict His very nature, by predestining Esau, or anyone else, to suffer in Hell, regardless of what they did.
So considering the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that is found when you examine the entire Book of Truth, excludes the idea that this verse, is talking about the Father of Truth loving some people, regardless of what the do, while hating other people, regardless of what they do. So what is Paul the Jew talking about in this verse?
It will help things become more clear, if we examine the place in the Original Covenant, that Paul the Jew is quoting. Paul the Jew is quoting Malachi the Prophet of Truth, who says, that Jacob was loved, but Esau was hated, for their wicked deeds, which cause the Father of Truth to have indignation against them (Malachi 1:2-4). This is not Esau the individual, or Jacob the individual, but rather their descendants.
In particular, the wickedness of Esau that caused the Father of Truth to have indignation against him, was plundering and killing those of the two-tribe kingdom of Judah, who had escaped the hand of the Babylonians, when Jerusalem was destroyed, instead of helping them, because they belonged to Jacob, the brother of the Esau, who started the nation of the Edomites, so that the descendants of Esau would suffer punishment, for their actions (Obadiah 1:9-15). This is the very opposite of saying the Father of Truth showing favoritism, by loving Jacob, regardless of his actions, and hating Esau, regardless of his actions.
The meaning of this verse should be clear, by examining it in the context of the passage, that it is written in. Remember, that to love one and hate another, is a Jewish idiom, for giving higher priority over one than another. Jacob was given higher priority over Esau, before they were born, in that the younger would be given the birthright and blessing, instead of the elder, which was the usual custom of men, to show that the Father of Truth is in control of all things (Romans 9:11-13).
In fact, this entire passage is about, how the Father of Truth does not show favoritism, to those who are born Jews, by blessing them, regardless of their actions (Romans 9:4-8). The Father of Truth can show mercy on anyone who repents, and can bring judgment on anyone, who persists in resisting Him (Romans 9:14-19). The Father of Truth will destroy both Jews and Gentiles, who make themselves fit for destruction, by persisting in doing things that He calls evil, but will have mercy on both Jews and Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-24). The Father of Truth will save, both the remnant of Jews, and any Gentiles, who do what He says is right, and destroy the rest, who do what He says is wicked (Romans 9:25-29). The point of the passage is, that because the Father of Truth does not predestine people to life or death, then any Gentile, like a descendant of Esau, who comes into the House of Truth, will inherit life, while any Jew, who does not come into the House of Truth, will inherit death (Romans 9:30-33).
The truth is, that the answer to "Who's your daddy?", determines your actions. The answer to the question, "Whose child are you?", is shown by your actions. What are you saying, when you are say that some are predestined to life, regardless of their actions, while other are predestined to death, regardless of their actions? Where did you get that idea?
So considering a text, in the context of the whole counsel of the Father of Truth, that is contained in the Book of Truth, is essential to rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The fourth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Use scripture to interpret scripture.
Similar expressions, events, patterns and images are used in the text of different books inside the Book of Truth. These texts are often explained, if there is anything at all mysterious about them, the first time that they appear in the Book of Truth. The Book of Truth itself usually interprets the things in these text itself. It is usually obvious from the explanation, (or lack of need of an explanation), whether the text is meant to be figurative, or literal. Once the original text is initially interpreted, then the interpretation can be used to interpret any other text, that contains similar expressions, events, patterns, or images. This is using scripture to interpret scripture.
For example, the expression that a man "knew" a woman. The first time that this expression is used, is about Adam knowing Eve (Genesis 4:1). The context found in the verse, makes it plain, that the interpretation of "knew", when used of a man knowing a woman, is to have sex with her, because Eve became pregnant, once Adam knew her. So we can be certain, that when the text says, that Joseph did not know Mary, until after the Man of Truth was born, that it means, that Joseph did not have sex with Mary, until after the Man of Truth was born (Matthew 1:24-25).
In the same way, similar events, have the same interpretation. In Egypt, there was such scarcity of wheat and barley, that people literally ended up giving all of their wages and livelihood, just to have food to eat (Genesis 47:13-25). A similar event happens in the Revelation, where it says, that in the future, people will end up giving all of their wages and livelihood, just to have food to eat (Revelation 6:6). ["Penny" here means the minimum wages earned in a single day. A measure of wheat and three measures of barley, are both the amount of food needed for a single day.] Since the events are similar, we can be sure that the famine in Revelation, is just as literally bad, as the one in Genesis. There is nothing mysterious about this event, that requires some sort of special anointing, or Hebrew mindset, to understand. This is verified in the passage itself, where it makes it plain, that many people will die from hunger, due to this event (Revelation 6:5-8).
In like manner, similar patterns, can be understood by applying the same interpretation to them. The Man of Truth compares the beginning of the Tribulation, when he will be revealed, to only two other events: the flood of Noah, and the destruction of Sodom (Luke 17:26-30).
In order to understand the pattern of deliverance with respect to the Tribulation, we must first examine the pattern of events, that brought about deliverance to Noah and Lot, with respect to the disasters of the Flood, and the destruction of Sodom.
Noah was lifted above the destruction, that came upon the Earth, when the destruction began (Genesis 7:17-19). Lot was taken out of Sodom, and told to go up the mountain, where he would be above the destruction, that would come upon Sodom (Genesis 19:15-17). So the pattern is, that the righteous are lifted above the area of destruction, at the beginning of the destruction. This same pattern applied to John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) when he went to Heaven, where the Man of Truth was revealed, which announced the beginning of the Tribulation, before he began to see the destruction, that would come upon all of the Earth (Revelation 4:1-2).
The pattern of these events is, that the righteous are lifted above the area of judgment, just before the judgment of the Father of Truth begins. The repeated pattern throughout the Book of Truth, shows that the Father of Truth does not take Collateral Damage. The Man of Truth confirmed this pattern, as applying to the Rapture, when he said, that those were worthy would escape the entire Tribulation, that would bring destruction to the entire Earth, and instead stand before him, like John the Jew did (Luke 21:34-36). His confirmation, that the Rapture follows this pattern, of the righteous being taken off the Earth, before the destruction begins, shows that people need to heed the warning of "People Get Ready!".
Finally, similar images can be understood, by having the same interpretation applied to them.
For example, the king of Babylon had a dream, where he saw a statue of man, made of four types of metal: gold, silver, brass, and iron, that represented four successive kingdoms, with his kingdom being the first (Daniel 2:31-40). Then during the reign of the next king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream where saw four different beasts rise up out of the sea: a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a beast of iron, that represented the same four successive kingdoms (Daniel 7:1-17). Then two years later, Daniel had a vision, where saw a ram, that represented Persia, the kingdom that would succeed Babylon, and a goat that represented Greece, the kingdom that would succeed Persia (Daniel 8:20-22). So the lion that Daniel saw in his first dream, represented the Babylonian Empire, the bear represented Persian Empire, and the leopard represented Greek Empire.
So when John the Jew saw a beast rise up out of the sea, that had the mouth of a lion, the feet of a bear, and the body of a leopard, that beast represented an empire, that will have the same strengths as the Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Empires, and control the same territory, that those empires controlled (Revelation 13:1-2).
The fifth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Sometimes you have to go deeper than the surface.
Sometimes, a verse or passage, is just not making sense, or even seems to contradict other verses, or passages. Sometimes the plain sense does not make sense, because of an a cultural expression that you are not familiar with, is being used. Some times, you may look at the same verse or passage in two separate translations, to get a better sense of the intention of the author, but discover that the two translations are at odds with each other. At times like this, you have to go deeper than the surface. Most gold comes from a lot of digging.
The first step is, ensure that you start with a good translation. Translations, where the translators did not stick to the words in the original documents, are not hard to spot, if you know what to look for. There is one disturbing sentence added to Mark 7:19 in many translations, that is not in any original language document. This causes people to come to the wrong conclusion, so that the Father of Truth would say, "I did not mean that", if they asked Him about it. In like manner, it is important that the translators translated the Renewed Covenant from Koine Greek documents, because except for the Gospel of Matthew, Koine Greek is the language of the Renewed Covenant.
The next step is begin looking into the passages, in the original languages. You can be certain that the Father of Truth has preserved documents in the original languages, through the ages, because the Word of Truth is the incorruptible word of the Father of Truth. This is not an insurmountable task, thanks to modern tools that are at your disposal on-line, at sites like Blue Letter Bible. You do not have to master ancient languages, like Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, to dig down into the original languages. You can digger deeper using this heavy machinery, instead of shovel.
This heavy machinery includes an on-line version of Strong's Concordance, which was so well done, that Eliezer ben Yehuda used it in his efforts, to bring Hebrew back from the dead. This concordance will give you the possible meanings of various Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek root words, to help you improve your understanding of the verse it is in. (Root words are like English verbs in their basic form, before being manipulated for tense and the like. For example, "be" is the root word of "was", "were", "are", and "is".) For example, the Greek word translated as "Easter" in Acts 12:4, has a root word of "Pascha", which means "Passover". This completely changes the understanding of what holiday the Children of Truth observed in the first century.
You can also get easy access to helpful study material like Thayer's Lexicon, Matthew Henry's Commentary, the explanations of first century Jewish culture by Edersheim, and the like.
This heavy machinery even includes source documents, like the Textus Receptus and the Greek New Testament, for the Renewed Covenant. It also includes similar source documents, like the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint, for the Original Covenant. The Septuagint is especially helpful, because it was translated from Biblical Hebrew to Greek, about 200 years before the Man of Truth was born, by people who spoke Hebrew every day in their own community, and who spoke Greek every day outside of their own community. Often the Greek word they chose, may have more than one possible meaning, while the Hebrew word they were translating, also may have had more than one possible meaning, but there is only possible meaning that the Greek and Hebrew words share. This gives a very precise definition of the Hebrew word, in the place where it was translated, although you do have to be able to read Biblical Hebrew, and Koine Greek, to understand that precise meaning. Fortunately, this has already been done for you, in many cases, in the previously mentioned helpful study materials.
Lastly, sometimes it helps to go outside of the Book of Truth completely, to get useful information about the historical and cultural context of things, found in the Book of Truth. For example, the writings of Josephus, give excellent insight to not only first century, Jewish, Greek and Roman cultures, but also into many historical events that preceded the time of the Renewed Covenant, including events found in the Original Covenant. There is also valuable insight in other historical writings, like those of Herodotus, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, some of the early "church fathers", and the like. Archaeological publications, like Biblical Archaeological Review, can also be very useful.
Even the writings of the Rabbis can be useful, but you have to use caution. Their writings often consists of a mix of useful and accurate historical information, false doctrine, and fables. It helps to have a thorough knowledge of the Book of Truth, before ever examining this source for explanations, because you will have to be able to distinguish between the useful information and the lies.
The Man of Truth warned us to be careful of the doctrine of the Pharisees, whom all Rabbis today came from (Matthew 16:11-12). He called them liars, who refused to believe the Word of Truth (John 8:43-45). Paul the Jew wrote that we should avoid their fables, and pay no attention to their commandments, because those things are designed to turn people away from the truth (Titus 1:14).
In other words, when using Rabbinical sources, you must be care not to be lead astray by their Rabbinic Distort of the truth. Some of their writings will even try to convince you, that they have the missing books of the Bible, as if the Father of Truth allowed some of the books, to get lost for centuries. So use this source of information with extreme caution.
The sixth rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: Sometimes there is more than one meaning.
Some passages and verses plainly have a literal meaning. Some are plainly figurative. However, often a passage will have more than one meaning. In fact, every story in the Original Covenant points to the Man of Truth in some manner.
For example, Abraham (Abram) was literally told to cast out Hagar and her son from the camp, because in Isaac (Yitzakh) was his seed to be called (Genesis 21:10-12). Yet this entire episode was also an allegory. about trying to be saved by keeping the Law of Truth, instead of being saved by trusting in the Man of Truth (Galatians 4:24-31).
There can even be two meaning in the same passage. For example, Ezekiel is obviously talking about the human King of Tyrus in the beginning (Ezekiel 28:1-10). Yet, Ezekiel is also talking about the Father of Lies, who empowered the King of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:11-19).
So be careful to not limit a passage to only saying something on one level. There are at least five levels of depth to some passages. The main thing to keep in mind is, that these deeper levels of understanding will never contradict the overall message of the Book of Truth, that can be understood at the most basic level, but will only deepen that understanding, and reinforce it.
The seventh rule to rightly dividing the Word of Truth is: When in doubt, ask the Author.
It is impossible to see the deeper meanings of the Word of Truth, or even get the surface meaning correct, on human effort alone. It takes the Spirit of Truth, to correctly understand the Word of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:13).
The Spirit of Truth was given to guide the Children of Truth into all truth (John 16:13). The Spirit of Truth is the author of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:20-21). So if you are in doubt, ask the Author.
For example, I was raised to give the Father of Truth one day a week. I did everything that I knew to do, and there was no doubt about whose Sabbath I was keeping. For this reason, I was never bored on the Sabbath.
I was observing the Sabbath on Sunday, and it seemed that I had good authority to do so. I had read, that the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant took up their offerings on the first day of the week (1 Corinthians 16:2) . I had read about, how John the Jew had worshiped on the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10). I knew, that Sunday was called the Lord's Day on some calendars, and that it had been called that on Greek calendars, since 150 AD.
However, as I read the Renewed Covenant more, it just did not seem quite right somehow. It seemed like, I was doing all of the right things, on the wrong day of the week.
So I visited congregations that met on Saturday, about one ever three months, over a period of about ten years. I gave them my verses from the Renewed Covenant, and asked them to show me in the Renewed Covenant, why the Father of Truth had not moved the Sabbath, from Saturday to Sunday. Not one single religious professional, or member, of any of these congregations, could show me from the Renewed Covenant, why I was wrong about these two verses, that made it looked like the Sabbath had been moved, from Saturday to Sunday. They did, however, give me a lot answers, that were similar to ones that I had heard people use, to defend Christmas and Easter. The main difference was, that they were substituting in "The Sabbath" for "Christmas", in what was pretty much the same arguments. (Things like, "it is what our leader teaches", "it is our tradition", "it is in the Renewed Covenant somewhere" and the like.)
Finally, I asked the Spirit of Truth, to show me from the Renewed Covenant, why the Sabbath had not been moved, from Saturday to Sunday. The Spirit of Truth guided me in digging deeper, starting with reading the text of these two verses, in the original Koine Greek language. This raised more questions, but the Spirit of Truth guided me in using the internet, to find reliable resources, to give me the answers, to all of my questions. In one hour, the Spirit of Truth had done, what more than twenty Saturday congregations had not been able to do, over a period of ten years. When that hour was over, I knew that the Sabbath was still Saturday, and I knew who changed the Sabbath.
It was the Spirit of Truth, that had prompted me to start doubting what I believed, in the first place. It was the Spirit of Truth, who lead me to the truth, that was written in the Book of Truth, when no one else could. When in doubt, ask the Author.
If you have come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth lives in you (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of Truth will bear witness of the truth, when you are studying the Book of Truth (1 John 5:6). You just have to learn how to listen.
It helps you listen tremendously, if you have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so that you start producing the sound of power. When the Spirit of Truth is putting words in your mouth, then it is easier to hear what the Spirit of Truth is saying.
Of course, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, serves no purpose, unless you come into the House of Truth. When you come into the House of Truth, then you will be given the Spirit of Truth, who will tell you, that you are a Child of Truth (Romans 8:14-16). You will come into the House of Truth, when you make the Man of Truth your lord, because you believe the Word of Truth, when it tells you that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Unless you first come into the House of Truth, you will never be able to study enough, to rightly divide the Word of Truth, and come to understand the truth (2 Timothy 3:6-8). The Word of Truth is only of value, when you believe its message, and come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 4:2).
Come into the House of Truth!
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