The Day of Alarming
Are you ready for the Day of Alarming?
When I was a kid I watched a lot of western movies and television shows. Occasionally, a group of people would get into some sort of desperate situation where someone else was trying to kill them. Sometimes it was a tribe of Native Americans on the warpath and sometimes it was a band of outlaws. So they would take some sort of defensive action like circling their wagons or holing up in a cabin. Then they would try to fight off the hostile forces as best they could even though they knew that they were badly outnumbered and had no chance of winning.
Eventually, they would run out of ammunition or something like that. Then just when all hope was gone they would hear the sound of a bugle playing short notes in rapid succession in the distance and they knew that they were going to be saved. Those attacking them would also hear that same sound and would ride off towards the hills as fast as they could because they knew that were going to be overwhelmed by an invincible force. That bugle being played in rapid succession was the sound that announced that the cavalry was on its way. To those under attack it was the sound of rescue but to those who were attacking it was the sound of certain defeat.
The bugle is a small keyless trumpet. What gave hope to the hopeless and put fear in their tormentors was the alarm being sounded by those coming to rescue their people. For both groups the alarming of the trumpet signified the soon coming arrival of the cavalry.
This was pattern was first set in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) instructions for assembling on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) which is literally "the Day of Alarming" in Hebrew (Leviticus 23:23-25). He then gave some more instructions concerning sacrifices on the Feast of Trumpets (Numbers 29:1-6). Now it has been observed that none of the words for trumpet actually appear in the Hebrew of these two passages. In fact, these words were added by the translators for clarity. Yet an alarm was often raised by a person shouting instead of using a trumpet of some sort. So why is do people call it the Feast of Trumpets instead of the Day of Alarming?
For one thing, the Day of Alarming always falls on the day of the new moon and is one of the Feasts of Truth. The silver trumpets are always to be sounded with a blast over the sacrifices on these days (Numbers 10:10). It is worth noting that these silver trumpets were chatsotserah instead of regular shofars (Numbers 10:2). A chatsotserah was a long, straight, metal trumpet like those used in medieval movies to announce the arrival of a king with three medium blasts while banners hung from them. Josephus plainly states this and it is confirmed on the arch of Titus where it shows the Temple implements being paraded. So the Day of Alarming was originally done with long, straight, silver trumpets instead of the curved shofar made from the horns of a ram.
However, shofars are also spoken of being blasted on these days in the Psalms (Psalm 81:3-4). So either these long, straight, silver trumpets were considered to be a kind of shofar or shofars were used in conjunction with the long, straight, silver trumpets on these days. It is certain that the shofars were not used as a substitute since the long, straight, silver trumpets were in use at the Tabernacle in Shiloh, in the Tabernacle of David and in the Temple during the days of Asaph who wrote this Psalm.
So either way it is implied that the alarming is to be done with the silver trumpets at the Temple, and perhaps also with shofars, instead of shouts although it is not explicitly stated. This is why people commonly call it "the Feast of Trumpets" instead of "the Day of Alarming" as it is literally called in the Law of Truth.
Perhaps both types of alarming are meant. Many people who cannot sound the alarm on a curved shofar, a straight shofar or a metal trumpet could still sound the alarm by shouting.
It is also worth noting that no where in the instructions for the Day of Alarming does it specified how many times the alarm is to be sounded or for how long. It just says to meet together and sound the alarm. Traditionally, it is done for 100 or 101 blasts on the curved shofar to reflect the mourning of the mother of Sisera (Judges 5:28-30). There is a supposed minimal of thirty blasts on the shofar in any case.
This is a Rabbinic tradition and is no more a commandment of the Father of Truth than the tradition of hanging ornaments on Christmas trees (Mark 7:6-8). Each congregation can decide for itself how long to sound the alarm and whether to sound the alarm with their voices, curved shofars, straight shofars, trumpets, or any combination there of. The only explicit requirement stated in the Law of Truth was the blasting of the long, straight, silver trumpet at the beginning of the day with the morning sacrifices, during the day with the special sacrifices for the Feast of Trumpets and at the end of the day with the evening sacrifices when the Temple was standing. Since the Temple is not standing then we are not even required to blast these first, middle and last trumpets because we are Playing With Broken Toys.
Alarming on these long, straight, silver trumpets was supposed to be memorial to remind the Children of Truth that their Father was taking care of them (Leviticus 23:24).
It could not have been a memorial of the giving the Law of Truth at Mount Sinai as some have suggested since that happened on the Feasts of Weeks (Pentecost aka Shavuot). More than that a single yubal (the straight shofar) was used on that day instead of two long, straight, silver trumpets (Exodus 19:13). [The Hebrew word translated as "trumpet" here is "yubal".] Also alarming by nine short blasts was not sounded when this occurred but rather one long continuous blast (Exodus 19:19). The best way to understand how the Day of Alarming is a memorial is to look at the other passages where these long, straight, silver trumpets were used for alarming.
When the first long, straight, silver trumpet sounded the alarm then part of the Children of Truth were to move to meet the Father of Truth in a new place (Numbers 10:5). When the second trumpet sounded the alarm, then the rest of the Children of Truth would join them (Numbers 10:6). The day that the Children of Truth left their old location to meet the Father of Truth in a new location was a day of alarming.
The alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpet also announced that the Father of Truth was coming to save His people like the cavalry (Numbers 10:9). The day when this occurs is also a day of alarming.
There was just such a day of alarming when the Children of Truth were delivered from those who forsaken their Father when the alarming was sounded on the long, straight, silver trumpets (2 Chronicles 13:10-18).
There was another day of alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpets when the Father of Truth took revenge on the enemies of His people (Numbers 31:1-7).
All of this foreshadowed what would be done by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
The alarming like that of a trumpet was heard on the day that the Man of Truth announced that he was coming to save his people (Revelation 1:7-11). That was another day of alarming.
The Day of Alarming, often called the Feasts of Trumpets, indeed tells of another day of alarming that will soon come upon the Earth. When this future day of alarming comes then the alarming of the trumpet will be the sound of rescue for the Children of Truth and the sound of certain defeat for those who have attacked them. It is all part of The Greatest Play Ever.
When the first trumpet sounds the alarm the Children of Truth that have already died will be move off of the Earth to meet with the Man of Truth at a new location in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16). [The Greek word for trumpet here is "salpigks" which is a long, straight, metal trumpet and is the word used to translate the Hebrew word "chatsotserah" into Greek in the Septuagint.] When the second trumpet sounds the alarm then the rest of the Children of Truth will join them (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). The day that the Children of Truth leave their old location on this Earth to meet with the Man of Truth in a new location in the air will be a day of alarming (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). The Father of Truth simply does not take Collateral Damage.
During this day there will be panic on the Earth that will cause people to shout in alarm. The Earth will be full of the sound of horns, bells, klaxons, and sirens sounding the alarm in an effort to deal with all the emergencies that occur on this day. It will truly be the Day of Alarming.
This day of alarming with a sound like a trumpet will announce that the judgement of their enemies will soon begin after the Children of Truth have been taken up to meet the Man of Truth (Revelation 4:1). The Great War will soon begin.
During this war seven Angels of Truth will each be given a trumpet to sound (Revelation 8:2). Every time one of those first six trumpets sound it will be a day of alarming (Revelation 8:6-9:19). When that seventh trumpet sounds it will be a day of alarming announcing that the Man of Truth is coming to save his people like the cavalry (Revelation 11:15).
After that there will be another day of alarming when the trumpet will sound to announce the arrival of the Man of Truth will take vengeance on the enemies of his people (Matthew 24:29-31). He will be coming with the Children of Truth to deliver his people according to the flesh - Israel (Revelation 19:11-16). It will be the day when everyone on Earth will begin to submit to the Man of Truth in Total Surrender.
When the trumpets sound on the Day of Alarming in the near future because the Man of Truth has came for the Children of Truth then you will want it to be the sweet sound of rescue and not the dreaded sound of certain defeat. The only way for this to happen is to come into the House of Truth.
No one knows how long they have to come into the House of Truth before that soon future day of alarming comes just like no one can know when the Day of Alarming (Feast of Trumpets) will start due to its dependence upon the conditions of the heavens to allow the spotting of the first sliver of the new moon from the Temple (Matthew 24:36-39). More importantly you are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the rest of today so now is the time to come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:2).
You can come into the House of Truth and surrender to the Man of Truth today because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13). You will surrender to him sometime in the future whether or not you come into the House of Truth (Philippians 2:9-11). So why not come into the House of Truth where you can hear the sound of sweet rescue instead of the dreaded sound of certain defeat on the Day of Alarming?
Come into the House of Truth.
When I was a kid I watched a lot of western movies and television shows. Occasionally, a group of people would get into some sort of desperate situation where someone else was trying to kill them. Sometimes it was a tribe of Native Americans on the warpath and sometimes it was a band of outlaws. So they would take some sort of defensive action like circling their wagons or holing up in a cabin. Then they would try to fight off the hostile forces as best they could even though they knew that they were badly outnumbered and had no chance of winning.
Eventually, they would run out of ammunition or something like that. Then just when all hope was gone they would hear the sound of a bugle playing short notes in rapid succession in the distance and they knew that they were going to be saved. Those attacking them would also hear that same sound and would ride off towards the hills as fast as they could because they knew that were going to be overwhelmed by an invincible force. That bugle being played in rapid succession was the sound that announced that the cavalry was on its way. To those under attack it was the sound of rescue but to those who were attacking it was the sound of certain defeat.
The bugle is a small keyless trumpet. What gave hope to the hopeless and put fear in their tormentors was the alarm being sounded by those coming to rescue their people. For both groups the alarming of the trumpet signified the soon coming arrival of the cavalry.
This was pattern was first set in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) instructions for assembling on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah aka Shofarim) which is literally "the Day of Alarming" in Hebrew (Leviticus 23:23-25). He then gave some more instructions concerning sacrifices on the Feast of Trumpets (Numbers 29:1-6). Now it has been observed that none of the words for trumpet actually appear in the Hebrew of these two passages. In fact, these words were added by the translators for clarity. Yet an alarm was often raised by a person shouting instead of using a trumpet of some sort. So why is do people call it the Feast of Trumpets instead of the Day of Alarming?
For one thing, the Day of Alarming always falls on the day of the new moon and is one of the Feasts of Truth. The silver trumpets are always to be sounded with a blast over the sacrifices on these days (Numbers 10:10). It is worth noting that these silver trumpets were chatsotserah instead of regular shofars (Numbers 10:2). A chatsotserah was a long, straight, metal trumpet like those used in medieval movies to announce the arrival of a king with three medium blasts while banners hung from them. Josephus plainly states this and it is confirmed on the arch of Titus where it shows the Temple implements being paraded. So the Day of Alarming was originally done with long, straight, silver trumpets instead of the curved shofar made from the horns of a ram.
However, shofars are also spoken of being blasted on these days in the Psalms (Psalm 81:3-4). So either these long, straight, silver trumpets were considered to be a kind of shofar or shofars were used in conjunction with the long, straight, silver trumpets on these days. It is certain that the shofars were not used as a substitute since the long, straight, silver trumpets were in use at the Tabernacle in Shiloh, in the Tabernacle of David and in the Temple during the days of Asaph who wrote this Psalm.
So either way it is implied that the alarming is to be done with the silver trumpets at the Temple, and perhaps also with shofars, instead of shouts although it is not explicitly stated. This is why people commonly call it "the Feast of Trumpets" instead of "the Day of Alarming" as it is literally called in the Law of Truth.
Perhaps both types of alarming are meant. Many people who cannot sound the alarm on a curved shofar, a straight shofar or a metal trumpet could still sound the alarm by shouting.
It is also worth noting that no where in the instructions for the Day of Alarming does it specified how many times the alarm is to be sounded or for how long. It just says to meet together and sound the alarm. Traditionally, it is done for 100 or 101 blasts on the curved shofar to reflect the mourning of the mother of Sisera (Judges 5:28-30). There is a supposed minimal of thirty blasts on the shofar in any case.
This is a Rabbinic tradition and is no more a commandment of the Father of Truth than the tradition of hanging ornaments on Christmas trees (Mark 7:6-8). Each congregation can decide for itself how long to sound the alarm and whether to sound the alarm with their voices, curved shofars, straight shofars, trumpets, or any combination there of. The only explicit requirement stated in the Law of Truth was the blasting of the long, straight, silver trumpet at the beginning of the day with the morning sacrifices, during the day with the special sacrifices for the Feast of Trumpets and at the end of the day with the evening sacrifices when the Temple was standing. Since the Temple is not standing then we are not even required to blast these first, middle and last trumpets because we are Playing With Broken Toys.
Alarming on these long, straight, silver trumpets was supposed to be memorial to remind the Children of Truth that their Father was taking care of them (Leviticus 23:24).
It could not have been a memorial of the giving the Law of Truth at Mount Sinai as some have suggested since that happened on the Feasts of Weeks (Pentecost aka Shavuot). More than that a single yubal (the straight shofar) was used on that day instead of two long, straight, silver trumpets (Exodus 19:13). [The Hebrew word translated as "trumpet" here is "yubal".] Also alarming by nine short blasts was not sounded when this occurred but rather one long continuous blast (Exodus 19:19). The best way to understand how the Day of Alarming is a memorial is to look at the other passages where these long, straight, silver trumpets were used for alarming.
When the first long, straight, silver trumpet sounded the alarm then part of the Children of Truth were to move to meet the Father of Truth in a new place (Numbers 10:5). When the second trumpet sounded the alarm, then the rest of the Children of Truth would join them (Numbers 10:6). The day that the Children of Truth left their old location to meet the Father of Truth in a new location was a day of alarming.
The alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpet also announced that the Father of Truth was coming to save His people like the cavalry (Numbers 10:9). The day when this occurs is also a day of alarming.
There was just such a day of alarming when the Children of Truth were delivered from those who forsaken their Father when the alarming was sounded on the long, straight, silver trumpets (2 Chronicles 13:10-18).
There was another day of alarming on the long, straight, silver trumpets when the Father of Truth took revenge on the enemies of His people (Numbers 31:1-7).
All of this foreshadowed what would be done by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
The alarming like that of a trumpet was heard on the day that the Man of Truth announced that he was coming to save his people (Revelation 1:7-11). That was another day of alarming.
The Day of Alarming, often called the Feasts of Trumpets, indeed tells of another day of alarming that will soon come upon the Earth. When this future day of alarming comes then the alarming of the trumpet will be the sound of rescue for the Children of Truth and the sound of certain defeat for those who have attacked them. It is all part of The Greatest Play Ever.
When the first trumpet sounds the alarm the Children of Truth that have already died will be move off of the Earth to meet with the Man of Truth at a new location in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16). [The Greek word for trumpet here is "salpigks" which is a long, straight, metal trumpet and is the word used to translate the Hebrew word "chatsotserah" into Greek in the Septuagint.] When the second trumpet sounds the alarm then the rest of the Children of Truth will join them (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). The day that the Children of Truth leave their old location on this Earth to meet with the Man of Truth in a new location in the air will be a day of alarming (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). The Father of Truth simply does not take Collateral Damage.
During this day there will be panic on the Earth that will cause people to shout in alarm. The Earth will be full of the sound of horns, bells, klaxons, and sirens sounding the alarm in an effort to deal with all the emergencies that occur on this day. It will truly be the Day of Alarming.
This day of alarming with a sound like a trumpet will announce that the judgement of their enemies will soon begin after the Children of Truth have been taken up to meet the Man of Truth (Revelation 4:1). The Great War will soon begin.
During this war seven Angels of Truth will each be given a trumpet to sound (Revelation 8:2). Every time one of those first six trumpets sound it will be a day of alarming (Revelation 8:6-9:19). When that seventh trumpet sounds it will be a day of alarming announcing that the Man of Truth is coming to save his people like the cavalry (Revelation 11:15).
After that there will be another day of alarming when the trumpet will sound to announce the arrival of the Man of Truth will take vengeance on the enemies of his people (Matthew 24:29-31). He will be coming with the Children of Truth to deliver his people according to the flesh - Israel (Revelation 19:11-16). It will be the day when everyone on Earth will begin to submit to the Man of Truth in Total Surrender.
When the trumpets sound on the Day of Alarming in the near future because the Man of Truth has came for the Children of Truth then you will want it to be the sweet sound of rescue and not the dreaded sound of certain defeat. The only way for this to happen is to come into the House of Truth.
No one knows how long they have to come into the House of Truth before that soon future day of alarming comes just like no one can know when the Day of Alarming (Feast of Trumpets) will start due to its dependence upon the conditions of the heavens to allow the spotting of the first sliver of the new moon from the Temple (Matthew 24:36-39). More importantly you are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the rest of today so now is the time to come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:2).
You can come into the House of Truth and surrender to the Man of Truth today because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-13). You will surrender to him sometime in the future whether or not you come into the House of Truth (Philippians 2:9-11). So why not come into the House of Truth where you can hear the sound of sweet rescue instead of the dreaded sound of certain defeat on the Day of Alarming?
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Feast of Trumpets, Ozarks, Rapture, Rosh HaShanah, Second Coming, Shofarim, Tribulation, Yom Teruah