Paying Tithes
Do we need to pay tithes?
There have been a lot of conflicting teachings about paying tithes over the last few decades.
On one extreme, there have been claims that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will do anything you command, if you just pay tithes and give offerings to certain “ministries”.
On the other extreme, there have been claims that believers do not need to pay tithes at all!
The basis of these claims vary, but here are three of the most popular ones:
1. Tithes were part of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), but the Law of Truth has been done away with, so we do not need to pay tithes.
2. Tithes were only meant as payment to the Levites for their work in the Temple, but since there is no Temple standing, then we do not need to pay tithes.
3. Tithes were only paid by those who made their living in agriculture, and were paid with agriculture products. Those of us who do not make our living in agriculture do not need to pay tithes.
There are also a variety of conflicting teachings between these two extremes.
Obviously, these conflicting teachings on paying tithes cannot all be right. So, we will examine what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says about paying tithes.
We will start with the first person to pay tithes.
Who began tithing?
Abraham (Abram) was the first person to pay tithes (Genesis 14:19-20).
Paying tithes did not begin with the Law of Truth, but with Abraham
Who did Abraham pay tithes to?
Abraham paid tithes to a minister of the Father of Truth (Genesis 14:18-20). Abraham did not pay tithes to the Levites, who were his descendants (Hebrews 7:4-5). He paid tithes to a different kind of minister of the Father of Truth (Hebrews 7:6-8).
Abraham paid tithes when there was no Temple, Levites, or Priests.
What did Abraham pay tithes on?
Abraham paid tithes on ALL sources of income (Genesis 14:20).
Abraham did not pay tithes only on agricultural products.
Who else paid tithes with Abraham?
The descendants of Abraham, including the Levites, paid tithes as well to this different kind of minister of the Father of Truth (Hebrews 7:9-10).
So, the Children of Abraham also paid tithes.
What about those among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) who are not physical descendants of Abraham?
The Children of Abraham are those who do the same things that Abraham did (John 8:39). The Children of Abraham are those who act in faith like Abraham (Galatians 3:7-8). The only way to be blessed with faithful Abraham is by doing acts of faith like Abraham (Galatians 3:9).
So, we are only the Children of Abraham, if we demonstrate faith in the Father of Truth like Abraham.
We pay tithes, because we have faith in the Father of Truth. We pay tithes to another kind of minister, who is not part of the Levites. We pay tithes, because it is part of the evidence that we are the Children of Abraham.
This alone should be enough reason for us to pay tithes.
We should consider the example of Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel).
Israel paid tithes as well (Genesis 28:20-22).
The people of Israel should imitate Israel in paying tithes, like Israel imitated Abraham.
What about those among the Children of Truth, who are not physical descendants of Israel?
They have been made citizens of the commonwealth of Israel by the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-13).
The Gentile Children of Truth should also pay tithes like all the citizens of Israel.
So, paying tithes is evidence that we are part of the people of Israel.
We should consider the pattern for paying tithes in the Law of Truth.
What were tithes paid on?
The tithe was on the harvest of the crops (Leviticus 27:30). The tithe on the livestock was every tenth animal that passed under the rod, regardless of the condition of the animal (Leviticus 27:32). The Father of Truth desires to share in both the good and the bad with His people (Leviticus 27:33).
So, tithes were paid on what the tither earns.
Who was paid tithes?
The Levites, who to took care of the meeting place of the congregation received tithes (Numbers 18:23-24). They then paid tithes to the Priests, who taught the congregation and prayed on behalf of the people (Numbers 18:26-28).
So, tithes were paid to those who took care of the meeting place of the congregation and attended to the spiritual needs of the congregation.
How could the Levites pay tithes, since they grew no crops nor raised any livestock?
The Levites were to take the best part of the offerings that they had received, and pay them to the Priests (Numbers 18:29). Their tithes were paid out of what they had been paid and counted as if they had done the actual farm work (Numbers 18:30).
So, the wages of the Levites were counted as agricultural products that they had raised themselves.
Where were tithes paid?
Tithes were brought to the meeting place of the congregation (Deuteronomy 12:5-6).
So, tithes were brought to the workplace of those who earned them.
When were tithes due?
Since those in agriculture were only paid when they harvested their crops and took their livestock to market, then they were to pay their tithes at that time each year (Deuteronomy 14:22-23).
So, tithes were due when the tither was paid.
How were tithes paid when agricultural products were impractical?
In those cases, they were to sell the agriculture products, and then pay tithes out of the money they made from the sale (Deuteronomy 14:24-25).
So, tithes did not have to be paid in agricultural products.
So, the pattern in the Law of Truth is, that everyone who is part of Israel is to pay tithes.
When people are paid, then they are to bring a tenth of what they were paid, to the place where they congregate. Then they are to give their tithes to those who take care of the meeting place and instruct them in following the Father of Truth.
So, paying tithes on what we are paid, when we are paid, is required by the Law of Truth.
We should consider what the righteous in Israel did about paying tithes.
Why did they pay tithes?
The commandment to pay tithes was given, so the priests and Levites could devote themselves to the work of encouraging people in the Law of Truth (2 Chronicles 31:4). The tithes were used to provide for the physical needs of those who took care of the meeting place and taught them how to follow the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 10:37-39).
They paid tithes to take care of the physical needs of those who took care of their spiritual needs.
What did they pay tithes on?
The people brought in tithes of ALL things, not just agricultural products (2 Chronicles 31:5). Their tithes were consecrated to the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 31:6).
They paid tithes on all sources of income.
When did they pay tithes?
They brought tithes in continually, from when the barley harvest ended in the third month until the grape harvest ended in the seventh month (2 Chronicles 31:7).
Whenever they received a harvest, they brought in the tithe of that harvest.
Where did they bring their tithes to?
The righteous brought their tithes to the meeting place of their congregation (Nehemiah 10:37-38).
They did not send it to another congregation.
How did they handle the excess?
The ministers prepared storage chambers and stored all that was left over, after their immediate needs were taken care of (2 Chronicles 31:10-12). Then they appointed wise stewards over what was stored to be distributed as needed (2 Chronicles 31:12-14). The excess of the tithes were stored for later use as determined by wise and faithful ministers in charge of the finances (Nehemiah 12:44).
These ministers were the only ones in control of the finances.
In the place where the righteous congregate, they give their tithes to take care of those who take care of their meeting place and those who minister the Word of Truth to them. Wise and faithful stewards are then put in charge of the finances to ensure that the excess money is saved for future needs as they arise.
So, the righteous bring tithes of everything that they earn, as soon as they are paid, to the place where they congregate, and their tithes are overseen by responsible stewards.
We should consider what the Prophets said about paying tithes.
What about those who transgress against the Father of Truth, but still pay their tithes?
Many of the people of Israel transgressed against the Father of Truth at Bethel and Gilgal, which had became centers of idolatry, but they still were diligent to pay their tithes (Amos 4:4). That was like offering a sacrifice with leaven, which is not acceptable to the Father of Truth (Amos 4:5). So, they still came under a curse for not keeping His commandments, because they did not return to walking in ALL of His ways (Amos 4:6).
Paying tithes does not excuse us from keeping His other commandments.
How can people return to walking in all of His ways?
The Father of Truth called for the people of Israel to repent and stop robbing Him (Malachi 3:7-8). Those who do not pay their tithes and do not make offerings besides their tithes, are robbing the Father of Truth of what belongs to Him (Malachi 3:8).
If we say that we are keeping His commandments, but we are not paying tithes, then we are liars and thieves.
So not paying tithes is robbing the Father of Truth what is due Him. This robbery has to stop for people to walk in all of His ways.
Who was cursed for robbing the Father of Truth by not paying their tithes?
It was not just those involved in agriculture who were cursed for this robbery, but the entire nation (Malachi 3:9).
People of every profession were cursed for robbing Him by not paying their tithes.
How can people get the curse for robbing the Father of Truth reversed?
They must repent by bringing in all of the tithes to the storehouse at the meeting place of the congregation, so that it has an abundance (Malachi 3:10).
The solution to reversing the curse for robbing the Father of Truth is to repent by paying all of the tithes due Him.
(All of the tithes means the tithes that each person owes the Father of Truth based on every source of income they have.)
What will happen when they repent by paying their tithes?
This repentance puts an end to the curse of working in vain (Malachi 3:11). This repentance leads to a blessing that everyone can see (Malachi 3:12).
When we pay tithes under those conditions, then we come out from under the curse of working in vain. Our work will be blessed, so that everyone else can see that we are blessed.
So, paying our tithes and giving offerings brings the blessing of having everything that we need, IF we are careful to walk in all of His ways for all of our days.
We should consider what the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said about paying tithes.
What is the relative value of paying tithes?
Paying tithes is a lesser matter of the Law of Truth, so it is no substitute for judging rightly according to the Word of Truth, showing mercy to people, and having faith in the Father of Truth (Matthew 23:23).
The Father of Truth expects His people to do all four of these things.
When is paying tithes valuable to the Father of Truth?
We are to give alms to those who are reduced to begging out of what we have (Luke 11:41). We cannot pay tithes, instead of judging things rightly according to the Word of Truth, and having real love for the Father of Truth (Luke 11:42).
Paying tithes is valuable when it is part of loving people and the Father of Truth.
Paying tithes, even out of all we have, does not make us righteous (Luke 18:9-14). It is recognizing that we have sinned against the Father of Truth, and asking for mercy that makes us righteous (Luke 18:13-14).
Paying tithes is not valuable, if we are doing it to make ourselves righteous.
So, paying tithes is not valuable, if we do not we love the Father of Truth and love people. Paying tithes is very valuable, if we do it because we love the Father of Truth and love people.
In like manner, paying tithes is worthless, if we are doing it to be made righteous. However, paying tithes is very valuable, when we do it because we are humbling ourselves before the Father of Truth in repentance for transgressing the Law of Truth.
Paying tithes is part of loving the Father of Truth and loving people.
We should consider what else the Book of Truth says about paying tithes:
What motivates us to pay tithes?
We obey the commandment of the Father of Truth to pay tithes, because our hearts have been circumcised (Deuteronomy 30:6-8). We pay tithes, because we believe His promise to bless our work for our obedience (Deuteronomy 30:8-9). We have the faith to pay tithes, because we have turned to Him with all of our heart (Deuteronomy 30:10).
So, paying tithes is evidence of the faith that lives in a circumcised heart.
Why is it wise to pay tithes?
It is wise to pay tithes, because it shows honor to the Father of Truth (Proverbs 3:9). It is wise to pay tithes, because He will cause our work to prosper (Proverbs 3:10).
If we do not honor the Father of Truth with our money, then we do not honor Him at all. It is absolutely foolish to expect Him to prosper our work, if we do not pay our tithes as He commanded.
Why should we teach others to pay tithes?
Not one single commandment of the Law of Truth has been done away with (Matthew 5:17-18).
Even though paying tithes is one of the lesser commandments of the Law of Truth, if we teach people that they do not need to obey that commandment, then we will be least in His kingdom (Matthew 5:18-19). If we want to be great in His kingdom, then we must teach people to obey the commandment to pay tithes (Matthew 5:19).
So, we should teach other people to pay tithes, because we want to be great, not least, in the kingdom of the Father of Truth.
Why are we blessed if we pay tithes?
The Father of Truth takes care of our needs, because we are seeking after His kingdom and righteousness over everything else when we pay tithes (Matthew 6:31-33).
It only makes sense that the Father of Truth would want to give us everything we need for success in expanding His kingdom and doing His will.
Why is it so important that we pay tithes?
It is being trustworthy with the temporary things that we are in charge of in this world, that trains us trustworthy to be in charge of eternal things in the world to come (Luke 16:10-12).
Paying tithes is training us to be faithful in this world, so we can be given positions of authority in the world to come.
What is the purpose of our tithes?
Those who take care of our spiritual needs deserve to have their physical needs taken care of by us (1 Corinthians 9:4-7). We pay tithes to take care of those who take care of us (1 Corinthians 9:8-11).
So, paying tithes is not just a matter of loving the Father of Truth, but also a matter of loving people.
Whom do we pay our tithes to?
When the Temple stood, then tithes were the wages of those who took care of the Temple and taught the people how to obey His Commandments (1 Corinthians 9:12). In the same way, our tithes are the wages of those who take care of the meeting place of our congregation and preach the Good News of His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 9:13).
We still pay tithes to those who take care of our meeting place and lead us in walking in all of His ways. This is not money for nothing.
What should be our attitude about paying tithes?
We should never give offerings out of greed (2 Corinthians 9:5). We should be giving offerings, because we believe that YHVH will take care of us in proportion to how we give to take care of others (2 Corinthians 9:6). We should be glad to give as much as we can (2 Corinthians 9:7) We should give out of faith that He will prosper our work as He promised (2 Corinthians 9:8).
It is the same with paying tithes.
We should never be giving to get. We should be glad to pay tithes to take care of those who are working in His business. We should be glad to pay tithes, because we have faith in His promise to take care of us. We should be glad to pay tithes, because we are investing in His kingdom.
If this is not our attitude, then we cannot be a cheerful giver, who will be blessed. The Father of Truth does not want us to be a fearful giver, or a tearful giver.
What does it hurt if we do not pay tithes?
Those who devote themselves to taking care of our meeting place and preaching the Gospel have the same need to be paid as everyone else (2 Corinthians 11:7). Someone else will have to make up for their wages that we have stolen by not paying our tithes (2 Corinthians 11:8-9).
If we do not pay those who devote themselves to taking care of our meeting place and preaching the Gospel their wages, which is our tithes, then we are robbing them of their wages. We are also robbing those people, who try to make up for our robbery, when we do not pay our tithes.
How much should those we pay tithes to be paid?
They are worthy of double wages (1 Timothy 5:17). They deserve to be paid for the same reason as anyone else - because they worked hard to earn it (1 Timothy 5:18).
[The Greek word translated as "honor" can also mean “the amount paid”.]
(If you compare the number of Levites to everyone else in the census, you will find that there was a twenty to one ratio, which gave them twice the average salary. This is especially true of those who labor in the Word and doctrine, like the Priests did. Also, all of the Levites were paid the same thing, as were all the priests.)
This also precludes a minister from making an excessively high or low salary. If the average wage of the congregation is $40,000 per year, then the minister deserves $80,000 per year. The minister does not deserve $800,000 per year, nor does the minister deserve $8,000 per year.
If the congregation grows over the twenty to one ratio, then the excess tithes are to be put back for other needs, like providing health insurance, for example. Once the congregation grows to being able to support more ministers, then more ministers are added in proportion to the size of the congregation. All ministers in the same congregation deserve to be paid the same wages.
So, paying tithes is showing honor to the Father of Truth by giving His ministers what they have earned.
If we are children of Abraham, then we will pay tithes!
If we are part of the true people of Israel, then we will pay tithes!
If we are obedient to the Law of Truth, then we will pay tithes!
If we are among the righteous, then we will pay tithes!
If we believe the Prophets, then we will pay tithes!
If we are obedient to the Man of Truth, then we will pay tithes!
If we want to advance His kingdom, then we will pay tithes!
If we want to pay people what they have earned, then we will pay tithes!
We say that we have been transformed by the Man of Truth. We say that we fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth. We say that we have faith in the Father of Truth.
It is time to put our money where our mouth is.
So, it really comes down to our hearts. How we respond to the commandment to pay tithes reflects the condition of our hearts.
If our hearts are right with the Father of Truth, then we will pay tithes for the right reasons. If our hearts are not right with the Father of Truth, then we might as well not pay tithes at all.
The only way for our hearts to be made right with the Father of Truth, is to come into the House of Truth.
Then the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will enable us to fulfill the righteous commandment of the Law of Truth to pay tithes from our hearts (Romans 8:3-5). There is no other way to obey the commandment to pay our tithes from our hearts (Romans 8:6-8).
The Spirit of Truth is given to all who come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9-11). The Children of Truth overcome everything that prevents them from paying tithes by following the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:12-14).
So, surrender everything to the Man of Truth, including control of your money, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
There have been a lot of conflicting teachings about paying tithes over the last few decades.
On one extreme, there have been claims that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will do anything you command, if you just pay tithes and give offerings to certain “ministries”.
On the other extreme, there have been claims that believers do not need to pay tithes at all!
The basis of these claims vary, but here are three of the most popular ones:
1. Tithes were part of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), but the Law of Truth has been done away with, so we do not need to pay tithes.
2. Tithes were only meant as payment to the Levites for their work in the Temple, but since there is no Temple standing, then we do not need to pay tithes.
3. Tithes were only paid by those who made their living in agriculture, and were paid with agriculture products. Those of us who do not make our living in agriculture do not need to pay tithes.
There are also a variety of conflicting teachings between these two extremes.
Obviously, these conflicting teachings on paying tithes cannot all be right. So, we will examine what the Book of Truth (The Bible) says about paying tithes.
We will start with the first person to pay tithes.
Who began tithing?
Abraham (Abram) was the first person to pay tithes (Genesis 14:19-20).
Paying tithes did not begin with the Law of Truth, but with Abraham
Who did Abraham pay tithes to?
Abraham paid tithes to a minister of the Father of Truth (Genesis 14:18-20). Abraham did not pay tithes to the Levites, who were his descendants (Hebrews 7:4-5). He paid tithes to a different kind of minister of the Father of Truth (Hebrews 7:6-8).
Abraham paid tithes when there was no Temple, Levites, or Priests.
What did Abraham pay tithes on?
Abraham paid tithes on ALL sources of income (Genesis 14:20).
Abraham did not pay tithes only on agricultural products.
Who else paid tithes with Abraham?
The descendants of Abraham, including the Levites, paid tithes as well to this different kind of minister of the Father of Truth (Hebrews 7:9-10).
So, the Children of Abraham also paid tithes.
What about those among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) who are not physical descendants of Abraham?
The Children of Abraham are those who do the same things that Abraham did (John 8:39). The Children of Abraham are those who act in faith like Abraham (Galatians 3:7-8). The only way to be blessed with faithful Abraham is by doing acts of faith like Abraham (Galatians 3:9).
So, we are only the Children of Abraham, if we demonstrate faith in the Father of Truth like Abraham.
We pay tithes, because we have faith in the Father of Truth. We pay tithes to another kind of minister, who is not part of the Levites. We pay tithes, because it is part of the evidence that we are the Children of Abraham.
This alone should be enough reason for us to pay tithes.
We should consider the example of Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel).
Israel paid tithes as well (Genesis 28:20-22).
The people of Israel should imitate Israel in paying tithes, like Israel imitated Abraham.
What about those among the Children of Truth, who are not physical descendants of Israel?
They have been made citizens of the commonwealth of Israel by the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-13).
The Gentile Children of Truth should also pay tithes like all the citizens of Israel.
So, paying tithes is evidence that we are part of the people of Israel.
We should consider the pattern for paying tithes in the Law of Truth.
What were tithes paid on?
The tithe was on the harvest of the crops (Leviticus 27:30). The tithe on the livestock was every tenth animal that passed under the rod, regardless of the condition of the animal (Leviticus 27:32). The Father of Truth desires to share in both the good and the bad with His people (Leviticus 27:33).
So, tithes were paid on what the tither earns.
Who was paid tithes?
The Levites, who to took care of the meeting place of the congregation received tithes (Numbers 18:23-24). They then paid tithes to the Priests, who taught the congregation and prayed on behalf of the people (Numbers 18:26-28).
So, tithes were paid to those who took care of the meeting place of the congregation and attended to the spiritual needs of the congregation.
How could the Levites pay tithes, since they grew no crops nor raised any livestock?
The Levites were to take the best part of the offerings that they had received, and pay them to the Priests (Numbers 18:29). Their tithes were paid out of what they had been paid and counted as if they had done the actual farm work (Numbers 18:30).
So, the wages of the Levites were counted as agricultural products that they had raised themselves.
Where were tithes paid?
Tithes were brought to the meeting place of the congregation (Deuteronomy 12:5-6).
So, tithes were brought to the workplace of those who earned them.
When were tithes due?
Since those in agriculture were only paid when they harvested their crops and took their livestock to market, then they were to pay their tithes at that time each year (Deuteronomy 14:22-23).
So, tithes were due when the tither was paid.
How were tithes paid when agricultural products were impractical?
In those cases, they were to sell the agriculture products, and then pay tithes out of the money they made from the sale (Deuteronomy 14:24-25).
So, tithes did not have to be paid in agricultural products.
So, the pattern in the Law of Truth is, that everyone who is part of Israel is to pay tithes.
When people are paid, then they are to bring a tenth of what they were paid, to the place where they congregate. Then they are to give their tithes to those who take care of the meeting place and instruct them in following the Father of Truth.
So, paying tithes on what we are paid, when we are paid, is required by the Law of Truth.
We should consider what the righteous in Israel did about paying tithes.
Why did they pay tithes?
The commandment to pay tithes was given, so the priests and Levites could devote themselves to the work of encouraging people in the Law of Truth (2 Chronicles 31:4). The tithes were used to provide for the physical needs of those who took care of the meeting place and taught them how to follow the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 10:37-39).
They paid tithes to take care of the physical needs of those who took care of their spiritual needs.
What did they pay tithes on?
The people brought in tithes of ALL things, not just agricultural products (2 Chronicles 31:5). Their tithes were consecrated to the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 31:6).
They paid tithes on all sources of income.
When did they pay tithes?
They brought tithes in continually, from when the barley harvest ended in the third month until the grape harvest ended in the seventh month (2 Chronicles 31:7).
Whenever they received a harvest, they brought in the tithe of that harvest.
Where did they bring their tithes to?
The righteous brought their tithes to the meeting place of their congregation (Nehemiah 10:37-38).
They did not send it to another congregation.
How did they handle the excess?
The ministers prepared storage chambers and stored all that was left over, after their immediate needs were taken care of (2 Chronicles 31:10-12). Then they appointed wise stewards over what was stored to be distributed as needed (2 Chronicles 31:12-14). The excess of the tithes were stored for later use as determined by wise and faithful ministers in charge of the finances (Nehemiah 12:44).
These ministers were the only ones in control of the finances.
In the place where the righteous congregate, they give their tithes to take care of those who take care of their meeting place and those who minister the Word of Truth to them. Wise and faithful stewards are then put in charge of the finances to ensure that the excess money is saved for future needs as they arise.
So, the righteous bring tithes of everything that they earn, as soon as they are paid, to the place where they congregate, and their tithes are overseen by responsible stewards.
We should consider what the Prophets said about paying tithes.
What about those who transgress against the Father of Truth, but still pay their tithes?
Many of the people of Israel transgressed against the Father of Truth at Bethel and Gilgal, which had became centers of idolatry, but they still were diligent to pay their tithes (Amos 4:4). That was like offering a sacrifice with leaven, which is not acceptable to the Father of Truth (Amos 4:5). So, they still came under a curse for not keeping His commandments, because they did not return to walking in ALL of His ways (Amos 4:6).
Paying tithes does not excuse us from keeping His other commandments.
How can people return to walking in all of His ways?
The Father of Truth called for the people of Israel to repent and stop robbing Him (Malachi 3:7-8). Those who do not pay their tithes and do not make offerings besides their tithes, are robbing the Father of Truth of what belongs to Him (Malachi 3:8).
If we say that we are keeping His commandments, but we are not paying tithes, then we are liars and thieves.
So not paying tithes is robbing the Father of Truth what is due Him. This robbery has to stop for people to walk in all of His ways.
Who was cursed for robbing the Father of Truth by not paying their tithes?
It was not just those involved in agriculture who were cursed for this robbery, but the entire nation (Malachi 3:9).
People of every profession were cursed for robbing Him by not paying their tithes.
How can people get the curse for robbing the Father of Truth reversed?
They must repent by bringing in all of the tithes to the storehouse at the meeting place of the congregation, so that it has an abundance (Malachi 3:10).
The solution to reversing the curse for robbing the Father of Truth is to repent by paying all of the tithes due Him.
(All of the tithes means the tithes that each person owes the Father of Truth based on every source of income they have.)
What will happen when they repent by paying their tithes?
This repentance puts an end to the curse of working in vain (Malachi 3:11). This repentance leads to a blessing that everyone can see (Malachi 3:12).
When we pay tithes under those conditions, then we come out from under the curse of working in vain. Our work will be blessed, so that everyone else can see that we are blessed.
So, paying our tithes and giving offerings brings the blessing of having everything that we need, IF we are careful to walk in all of His ways for all of our days.
We should consider what the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said about paying tithes.
What is the relative value of paying tithes?
Paying tithes is a lesser matter of the Law of Truth, so it is no substitute for judging rightly according to the Word of Truth, showing mercy to people, and having faith in the Father of Truth (Matthew 23:23).
The Father of Truth expects His people to do all four of these things.
When is paying tithes valuable to the Father of Truth?
We are to give alms to those who are reduced to begging out of what we have (Luke 11:41). We cannot pay tithes, instead of judging things rightly according to the Word of Truth, and having real love for the Father of Truth (Luke 11:42).
Paying tithes is valuable when it is part of loving people and the Father of Truth.
Paying tithes, even out of all we have, does not make us righteous (Luke 18:9-14). It is recognizing that we have sinned against the Father of Truth, and asking for mercy that makes us righteous (Luke 18:13-14).
Paying tithes is not valuable, if we are doing it to make ourselves righteous.
So, paying tithes is not valuable, if we do not we love the Father of Truth and love people. Paying tithes is very valuable, if we do it because we love the Father of Truth and love people.
In like manner, paying tithes is worthless, if we are doing it to be made righteous. However, paying tithes is very valuable, when we do it because we are humbling ourselves before the Father of Truth in repentance for transgressing the Law of Truth.
Paying tithes is part of loving the Father of Truth and loving people.
We should consider what else the Book of Truth says about paying tithes:
What motivates us to pay tithes?
We obey the commandment of the Father of Truth to pay tithes, because our hearts have been circumcised (Deuteronomy 30:6-8). We pay tithes, because we believe His promise to bless our work for our obedience (Deuteronomy 30:8-9). We have the faith to pay tithes, because we have turned to Him with all of our heart (Deuteronomy 30:10).
So, paying tithes is evidence of the faith that lives in a circumcised heart.
Why is it wise to pay tithes?
It is wise to pay tithes, because it shows honor to the Father of Truth (Proverbs 3:9). It is wise to pay tithes, because He will cause our work to prosper (Proverbs 3:10).
If we do not honor the Father of Truth with our money, then we do not honor Him at all. It is absolutely foolish to expect Him to prosper our work, if we do not pay our tithes as He commanded.
Why should we teach others to pay tithes?
Not one single commandment of the Law of Truth has been done away with (Matthew 5:17-18).
Even though paying tithes is one of the lesser commandments of the Law of Truth, if we teach people that they do not need to obey that commandment, then we will be least in His kingdom (Matthew 5:18-19). If we want to be great in His kingdom, then we must teach people to obey the commandment to pay tithes (Matthew 5:19).
So, we should teach other people to pay tithes, because we want to be great, not least, in the kingdom of the Father of Truth.
Why are we blessed if we pay tithes?
The Father of Truth takes care of our needs, because we are seeking after His kingdom and righteousness over everything else when we pay tithes (Matthew 6:31-33).
It only makes sense that the Father of Truth would want to give us everything we need for success in expanding His kingdom and doing His will.
Why is it so important that we pay tithes?
It is being trustworthy with the temporary things that we are in charge of in this world, that trains us trustworthy to be in charge of eternal things in the world to come (Luke 16:10-12).
Paying tithes is training us to be faithful in this world, so we can be given positions of authority in the world to come.
What is the purpose of our tithes?
Those who take care of our spiritual needs deserve to have their physical needs taken care of by us (1 Corinthians 9:4-7). We pay tithes to take care of those who take care of us (1 Corinthians 9:8-11).
So, paying tithes is not just a matter of loving the Father of Truth, but also a matter of loving people.
Whom do we pay our tithes to?
When the Temple stood, then tithes were the wages of those who took care of the Temple and taught the people how to obey His Commandments (1 Corinthians 9:12). In the same way, our tithes are the wages of those who take care of the meeting place of our congregation and preach the Good News of His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 9:13).
We still pay tithes to those who take care of our meeting place and lead us in walking in all of His ways. This is not money for nothing.
What should be our attitude about paying tithes?
We should never give offerings out of greed (2 Corinthians 9:5). We should be giving offerings, because we believe that YHVH will take care of us in proportion to how we give to take care of others (2 Corinthians 9:6). We should be glad to give as much as we can (2 Corinthians 9:7) We should give out of faith that He will prosper our work as He promised (2 Corinthians 9:8).
It is the same with paying tithes.
We should never be giving to get. We should be glad to pay tithes to take care of those who are working in His business. We should be glad to pay tithes, because we have faith in His promise to take care of us. We should be glad to pay tithes, because we are investing in His kingdom.
If this is not our attitude, then we cannot be a cheerful giver, who will be blessed. The Father of Truth does not want us to be a fearful giver, or a tearful giver.
What does it hurt if we do not pay tithes?
Those who devote themselves to taking care of our meeting place and preaching the Gospel have the same need to be paid as everyone else (2 Corinthians 11:7). Someone else will have to make up for their wages that we have stolen by not paying our tithes (2 Corinthians 11:8-9).
If we do not pay those who devote themselves to taking care of our meeting place and preaching the Gospel their wages, which is our tithes, then we are robbing them of their wages. We are also robbing those people, who try to make up for our robbery, when we do not pay our tithes.
How much should those we pay tithes to be paid?
They are worthy of double wages (1 Timothy 5:17). They deserve to be paid for the same reason as anyone else - because they worked hard to earn it (1 Timothy 5:18).
[The Greek word translated as "honor" can also mean “the amount paid”.]
(If you compare the number of Levites to everyone else in the census, you will find that there was a twenty to one ratio, which gave them twice the average salary. This is especially true of those who labor in the Word and doctrine, like the Priests did. Also, all of the Levites were paid the same thing, as were all the priests.)
This also precludes a minister from making an excessively high or low salary. If the average wage of the congregation is $40,000 per year, then the minister deserves $80,000 per year. The minister does not deserve $800,000 per year, nor does the minister deserve $8,000 per year.
If the congregation grows over the twenty to one ratio, then the excess tithes are to be put back for other needs, like providing health insurance, for example. Once the congregation grows to being able to support more ministers, then more ministers are added in proportion to the size of the congregation. All ministers in the same congregation deserve to be paid the same wages.
So, paying tithes is showing honor to the Father of Truth by giving His ministers what they have earned.
If we are children of Abraham, then we will pay tithes!
If we are part of the true people of Israel, then we will pay tithes!
If we are obedient to the Law of Truth, then we will pay tithes!
If we are among the righteous, then we will pay tithes!
If we believe the Prophets, then we will pay tithes!
If we are obedient to the Man of Truth, then we will pay tithes!
If we want to advance His kingdom, then we will pay tithes!
If we want to pay people what they have earned, then we will pay tithes!
We say that we have been transformed by the Man of Truth. We say that we fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth. We say that we have faith in the Father of Truth.
It is time to put our money where our mouth is.
So, it really comes down to our hearts. How we respond to the commandment to pay tithes reflects the condition of our hearts.
If our hearts are right with the Father of Truth, then we will pay tithes for the right reasons. If our hearts are not right with the Father of Truth, then we might as well not pay tithes at all.
The only way for our hearts to be made right with the Father of Truth, is to come into the House of Truth.
Then the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will enable us to fulfill the righteous commandment of the Law of Truth to pay tithes from our hearts (Romans 8:3-5). There is no other way to obey the commandment to pay our tithes from our hearts (Romans 8:6-8).
The Spirit of Truth is given to all who come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9-11). The Children of Truth overcome everything that prevents them from paying tithes by following the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:12-14).
So, surrender everything to the Man of Truth, including control of your money, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!