Liars And Theives
What is the most common type of theft?
Most people think of a thief as someone who takes something that belongs from someone else by stealth. They perhaps think of a burglar who breaks into a house to steal things from the house. They perhaps think of a shoplifter who goes through a store and hides small items in their clothing to avoid paying for them. They perhaps think of a mugger who beats up an unsuspecting victim to get their wallet. They perhaps think of someone like a bank robber, who holds a bank teller at gunpoint while demanding that their bag be filled with cash. They perhaps think of a jewel thief who skillfully takes carefully guarded jewels from a museum.
While all of these are indeed forms of theft, they are no where the most common type of theft. The frequency and damage of this kind of theft is minuscule compared to the frequency and damage of the most common kind of theft.
The most common type of theft is not performed by people that have a charge of theft on their criminal records. The most common type of theft is not performed by people that most people would think of as criminals. The most common type of theft is not performed by people with extraordinary dexterity.
The most common type of theft is performed countless times every day by what would appear to be law abiding citizens. The most common type of theft is even performed by people who say that they are part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). The most common type of theft is performed so effortlessly, that those who perform it do not even sometimes realize, that they are thieves. The most common type of theft is performed by lying in order to not give someone else what is due to them, or to get something from someone else that they do not owe.
When someone robs someone else of what they promised to give them, when they are able to give it - no matter how costly it will be to do so - then they are defrauding them. When someone promises to give something that they know that they will not be able to give, in order to get something from someone else, they are defrauding them. When people misrepresent their ability to do what they promised to do, in order to get people to take less than what was promised, then they are defrauding them. When people lie about what someone else owes them, then they are defrauding someone else. Fraud is lying to someone to not give them what is due them, or to get from them what they do not owe. Those who so defraud people are liars and thieves.
Those who lie about anything, in order to hold back what is due to someone else, are liars and thieves (Leviticus 19:11-13).
So what are some of the ways that people defraud other people, and become liars and thieves?
Perhaps the most common way that people defraud other people, is in their marriages.
Those who are in a right partnership for love, must do what they promised when it is the right time for love. Otherwise, they are liars and thieves.
Husbands and wives owe sex to each other (1 Corinthians 7:2-3). It is not alright for a husband to neglect having sex with his wife, because he is too busy traveling for his job. It is not alright for a wife to neglect having sex with her husband, because she is not in the mood. They both agreed to meet each others need for sex when they got married (1 Corinthians 7:4).
They need to make whatever adjustments are necessary to keep their agreement. Spouses, who neglect having sex with their spouses, are not doing what they agreed to do, and they are not giving to their spouses what is due to them (1 Corinthians 7:5).
They must continue to have sex together at the right time, unless there are circumstances beyond their control, that makes it physically impossible to do so.
One of these circumstances is being physically unable to have sex. A man and his wife might be unable to physically have sex when they become old (Genesis 18:11-13). Their ability to have sex may have died when they become old (Romans 4:16-19). Their bodies might have become too weak to have sex (Hebrews 11:11).
One of these circumstances is a disaster. A man may have to focus on making preparations to protect his wife from a disaster (Genesis 32:6-8). A man may have to separate from his wife to protect her from a disaster (Genesis 32:22-24). A man may have go away from his wife to get relief from a disaster in order to save her (Genesis 42:3-5). A man may go away from his wife in order to save his own life from a disaster, once she is safe (1 Samuel 19:10-12).
One of these circumstances is war. A man is not go to war if he is engaged to get married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 20:7). A man is not go to war until a year after he has married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 24:5). A man has to be physically separated from his wife during war to keep her safe (Numbers 32:25-27). A man needs to be with his fellow soldiers during war (2 Samuel 11:11).
One of these circumstances is captivity. David could not have sex with his wives as long as they were in captivity (1 Samuel 30:3-5). He had to rescue his wives before he could resume having sex with them (1 Samuel 30:18). The men in the days of King Hezekiah (Chez'qiah) could not have sex with their wives as long as their wives were held in captivity (2 Chronicles 29:6-9).
One of these circumstances is prison. Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) had a wife (Matthew 8:14). He could not have sex with his wife during the week when he was in prison (Acts 12:3-6). He was still married to his wife many years later (1 Corinthians 9:5). Despite not being able to have sex with his wife when he was in prison, he was a pillar among the Children of Truth, and was the chief Apostle of Truth to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9).
So anyone who cannot have sex with their spouse due to circumstances beyond their control, which makes it physically impossible to do so, is not robbing their spouse of what is due to them.
However, anyone who neglects having sex with their spouse for any other reason, is not doing what they vowed to do when they married, and is robbing their spouse of what is due to them. They are liars and thieves.
Perhaps the next most common way that people defraud other people, is in their workplace.
Employers are not to change the wages that they agreed to give their employees, after they have performed the work (Genesis 31:7). Employers are not to give their employees anything less than what was promised (Genesis 31:41-42). Employers are to pay their employees at the time that they promised (Leviticus 19:13). Employers are not to withhold the wages of their employees, so that can increase their own wealth (Jeremiah 22:13-16). Employers are to give to their employees wages equal to what they have justly earned (Colossians 4:1). Employers are not to give to their employees less than what they have earned, so the employer can live in luxury (James 5:1-5). Employers who do not pay everything that was promised to their employees, are liars and thieves.
Employers are to give their employees all of the time off that is due them (Exodus 20:8-10). Employers are to give their employees time off to observe holidays (Leviticus 23:7-36). Employers are to give their employees off at least one day a week (Deuteronomy 5:12-14). Employers who do not give all of the time off that is due to their employees, are liars and thieves.
Employers are not to demand more from the disadvantaged than others (Exodus 22:21-24). Employers are not to take advantage of any foreigner who works for them (Exodus 23:9). Employers are to treat foreigners the same way as everyone else (Leviticus 19:33-34). Employers are treat the disadvantaged fairly (Deuteronomy 10:18-19). Employers are not to take advantage of the poor and needy who works for them (Deuteronomy 24:14-15). Employers are not to rob the disadvantaged of what is due them (Ezekiel 22:29). Employers are not to oppress the disadvantaged by paying them less wages than others for the same work (Malachi 3:5). Employers are do good to their employees without threatening them (Ephesians 6:8-9). Employers who exact more work for less pay from the disadvantaged, are liars and thieves.
Employees are to serve their employer with all of their ability (Genesis 31:6). Employees should perform their work with all of their might (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Employees should perform work that is worth what they are being paid (Luke 10:7). Employees are to work hard all of the time, and not just when their employers are watching (Ephesians 6:5-8). Employees should never do nothing when they are being paid to do something (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9). Employees who do less work than they agreed to provide to their employers, are liars and thieves.
Employees should not seek to get more wages than what they agreed to work for (Matthew 20:8-14). Employees are to be content with the wages that they have earned (Luke 3:12-14). Employees are to provide honest labor so that they may help others, instead of stealing (Ephesians 4:28). Employees who look for ways to get more from their employers than the wages they agreed upon, are liars and thieves.
Employees are to follow the rules of their employer at all times, so they can provide what their employer expects (Colossians 3:22-24). Employees owe respect to their employers (1 Timothy 6:1-2). Employees are to follow the rules of their employers without bickering, and show their employers that they are trustworthy (Titus 2:9-10). Employees are to follow the rules of their employers, even if their employers do not treat them well (1 Peter 2:18-20). Employees who do not provide the respect that is due to their employers by obeying the rules of their employer, as they agreed to do when they became employed, are liars and thieves.
Employers should not promote employees who do not deserve promotion, for it robs a deserving employee of the promotion that they deserve (Psalm 73:3-16). The employee that has wisely developed the gift that was given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to benefit the employer should be promoted, instead of the employer just believing whatever story another employee told them (Proverbs 18:15-17). Employees who do not work hard to carry out the orders of their employer should be fired, not promoted (Jeremiah 12:1-3). Employees who make false claims to get promoted by employers. who do not investigate those claims, are liars and thieves.
The employee who is diligent in carrying out the orders of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 10:4). The employee that is seeking after the good of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 11:27). The employee that is diligent in their work should be promoted over those who are not (Proverbs 12:24). Faithful and gifted employees should be set over other employees by their employer (Daniel 6:1-4). Employees who are honest in everything they do should be promoted (3 John 1:2-4). Employers, who do not promote those employees who they know deserve promotion, so they can promote someone else instead, are liars and thieves.
So anyone who does not treat employees or employers fairly, by not keeping the work agreement that they made to provide honest wages for honest work, or by participating in an undeserved promotion, are liars and thieves.
Another common way that people defraud other people, is in their loans.
Whenever someone defaults on a loan, without first selling everything they can to raise money to repay the loan, then they are lying about their ability to repay the loan (Psalm 15:4). They simply are not willing to part with their stuff in order to repay the loan (Psalm 37:21). They are keeping the money that is due to the lender, while claiming that they cannot get the money to repay the lender (Proverbs 3:27-28). If they are not giving what is due to the lender, when they have the means to get it, then they are liars and thieves.
The borrower is to pay back the loan that they made an oath to pay back (Numbers 30:2). They are do whatever they promised to do, even if they did not make an oath (Matthew 5:33-37). They do not need an oath to do what they promised (James 5:12). If they do not pay back what they promised, when they have the ability to do so, then they are liars and thieves.
So those who do not repay a loan, by claiming that they do not have the means to do so, when they actually have the means to repay the loan, are liars and thieves.
Another common way that people defraud others, is in their taxes.
The government has a right to collect taxes from people to prepare for disaster (Genesis 41:34-36). The government has a right to collect taxes from people since it owns the land that they live on (Genesis 47:23-26).
The government has a right to force people into military and civilian service (1 Samuel 8:11-13). The government has a right to tax people and take their land for the needs of the government (1 Samuel 8:14-15). The government has a right to tax people and force them into its service because the government rules over them (1 Samuel 8:16-17). People gave these rights to the government when they consented to be governed (1 Samuel 8:18-22).
The government has a right to tax the people that it governs (Luke 2:1-5). Tax money belongs to the government since it created the money (Luke 20:22-25). Taxes are the wages that are owed to the government for providing things like law and order (Romans 13:3-7).
People owe taxes to pay the wages of those who govern them. People owe taxes to help pay the expenses of the country where they are living. Whenever someone cheats on their taxes, they are really just lying about their finances to the government, so they can keep money that belongs to the government. They are liars and thieves.
One last common way that people defraud others, is in tithes and offerings.
The Children of Abraham are those who do what Abraham (Abram) did (John 8:39). The Children of Truth are the children of Abraham by demonstrating the same faith that Abraham had before he was circumcised (Romans 4:11-13). Abraham is the father of everyone who lives in the same faith that he lived in (Galatians 3:7-9). Those who have the faith of Abraham will do the works of Abraham (James 2:21-24).
Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Maleki-tzedek aka Melchisedec) of everything he had, because Melchizedek was a priest of the Father of Truth (Genesis 14:18-20). When Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, it was the same as paying tithes to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Hebrews 7:1-3). Abraham paid tithes to someone who was greater than himself or the Levites (Hebrews 7:4-7). In fact, the Levites themselves paid tithes to the Man of Truth, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:8-10). The Levites paid tithes to someone, who was not part of those who received tithes in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), because he represented the Man of Truth (Hebrews 7:11-14).
Jacob (Yah'akob aka Israel) promised to give ten percent of everything to the Father of Truth as a sign that they were in covenant together (Genesis 28:20-22). Tithes belong to the Father of Truth (Leviticus 27:30-32). Tithes go to religious professionals, like the Levites, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (Numbers 18:21-24). Even religious professionals, like the Levites, are to pay tithes (Numbers 18:25-26). Religious professionals are to also pay tithes, even though they do not have a secular job, because it is a sign that they are in covenant with the Father of Truth (Numbers 18:27-30).
In like manner, the Ministers of Truth today, have a right to be supported by the Children of Truth, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (1 Corinthians 9:4-7). Tithes belong to these religious professionals as their wages for the services that they provide, because they represent the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:8-11). The Father of Truth has ordained that the Ministers of Truth be given wages by collecting tithes, just like the Levites (1 Corinthians 9:12-14).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to build and maintain the place where they meet as well (Exodus 25:1-8). They are to give offerings to send out Ministers of Truth to tell people outside of their congregation and their community the Good News (Romans 10:13-15). They are to continually give offerings to support Ministers of Truth in other places so they can grow new congregations there (Philippians 4:14-16).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the poor, because the Father of Truth has promised to repay them for doing so (Proverbs 19:17). They are to give offerings to help the poor among them (alms) (Matthew 6:1-4). They are to give generously, because the Man of Truth has promised that others will give to them generously for doing so (Luke 6:38).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the Jewish Children of Truth in Israel, who face daily persecution from other Jews who have not came into the House of Truth (Romans 15:25-27). They are to give offerings to show their love for the Father of Truth and to show love for other people like the Man of Truth did (2 Corinthians 8:5-9). Those Children of Truth, who have not been reduced to begging, are to give offerings to share what they have with the Children of Truth who are in extreme need (2 Corinthians 8:13-15).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings willingly from their heart because these offerings belong to the Father of Truth (Exodus 25:2). Not only are the rich among the Children of Truth are to be generous in giving offerings, but also the poor (2 Corinthians 8:1-4). They are to give offerings in accordance to what they have been given by the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 8:10-12).
The Children of Truth are to give these offerings cheerfully because they know that the Father of Truth loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:5-7). They are to give these offerings because it will cause others to give glory to the Father of Truth, when they see the generosity of people who have come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:11-13).
The Children of Truth are to give these offerings, because the Father of Truth has promised to cause them to have everything that they will need, to carry out His will for their lives (2 Corinthians 9:8-10). They are to give these offerings sacrificially, because they trust that the Father of Truth will give them everything that they need (Philippians 4:17-19).
So those who do not give tithes and offerings, are not keeping the covenant that they made with the Father of Truth, which makes them liars and thieves (Malachi 3:7-8). They are liars and thieves because they do not trust the Father of Truth to do what He promised (Malachi 3:9-12). Those who claim to have faith in the Father of Truth, but do not trust the Father of Truth enough to give Him the tithes and offerings that are due to Him, are liars and thieves (James 2:14-20).
So it should be apparent that the most common type of theft is that done by lying, which is called fraud. People commit fraud in their marriages, by withholding sex that they promised to their spouse. People commit fraud in their workplaces, by not giving their employer, or employee, what they are due. People commit fraud in their loans, by not doing everything in their power to pay back what they promised. People commit fraud in their taxes, by giving inaccurate information, so they can pay less taxes than they owe. People even commit fraud against the Father of Truth, by not giving the tithes and offerings that they owe Him.
The Man of Truth warned, that those who want to gain eternal life should never defraud others, for that makes them liars and thieves (Mark 10:17-19). Those who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, will have no part in the kingdom of his Father (1 Corinthians 6:8-10). The Father of Truth will takes vengeance on all who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, because those who do such things despise Him (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8). Liars and thieves will have their part in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
However, the Father of Truth does not treat ignorance in the same way as He treats rebellion. Some people may not have realized that they owed some of these things before now. They might have been told that they were not obligated to pay some of these obligations. However, now that they know better, the Father of Truth is demanding that they no longer be liars and thieves, since He has raised the Man of Truth from the dead as proof that he will judge liars and thieves (Acts 17:30-31).
The Good News is that people can repent from being liars and thieves. Those who are really the Children of Truth, completely abandon defrauding others, because they are no longer liars and thieves (1 Corinthians 6:8-11). The Apostles of Truth never became liars and thieves, by defrauding others (2 Corinthians 7:2).
Anyone can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of their life to the Man of Truth, because they believed that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11). The Father of Truth will cause those who come into the House of Truth, to both desire and be able to do what they promised, so that they are no longer liars and thieves (Philippians 2:13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Most people think of a thief as someone who takes something that belongs from someone else by stealth. They perhaps think of a burglar who breaks into a house to steal things from the house. They perhaps think of a shoplifter who goes through a store and hides small items in their clothing to avoid paying for them. They perhaps think of a mugger who beats up an unsuspecting victim to get their wallet. They perhaps think of someone like a bank robber, who holds a bank teller at gunpoint while demanding that their bag be filled with cash. They perhaps think of a jewel thief who skillfully takes carefully guarded jewels from a museum.
While all of these are indeed forms of theft, they are no where the most common type of theft. The frequency and damage of this kind of theft is minuscule compared to the frequency and damage of the most common kind of theft.
The most common type of theft is not performed by people that have a charge of theft on their criminal records. The most common type of theft is not performed by people that most people would think of as criminals. The most common type of theft is not performed by people with extraordinary dexterity.
The most common type of theft is performed countless times every day by what would appear to be law abiding citizens. The most common type of theft is even performed by people who say that they are part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). The most common type of theft is performed so effortlessly, that those who perform it do not even sometimes realize, that they are thieves. The most common type of theft is performed by lying in order to not give someone else what is due to them, or to get something from someone else that they do not owe.
When someone robs someone else of what they promised to give them, when they are able to give it - no matter how costly it will be to do so - then they are defrauding them. When someone promises to give something that they know that they will not be able to give, in order to get something from someone else, they are defrauding them. When people misrepresent their ability to do what they promised to do, in order to get people to take less than what was promised, then they are defrauding them. When people lie about what someone else owes them, then they are defrauding someone else. Fraud is lying to someone to not give them what is due them, or to get from them what they do not owe. Those who so defraud people are liars and thieves.
Those who lie about anything, in order to hold back what is due to someone else, are liars and thieves (Leviticus 19:11-13).
So what are some of the ways that people defraud other people, and become liars and thieves?
Perhaps the most common way that people defraud other people, is in their marriages.
Those who are in a right partnership for love, must do what they promised when it is the right time for love. Otherwise, they are liars and thieves.
Husbands and wives owe sex to each other (1 Corinthians 7:2-3). It is not alright for a husband to neglect having sex with his wife, because he is too busy traveling for his job. It is not alright for a wife to neglect having sex with her husband, because she is not in the mood. They both agreed to meet each others need for sex when they got married (1 Corinthians 7:4).
They need to make whatever adjustments are necessary to keep their agreement. Spouses, who neglect having sex with their spouses, are not doing what they agreed to do, and they are not giving to their spouses what is due to them (1 Corinthians 7:5).
They must continue to have sex together at the right time, unless there are circumstances beyond their control, that makes it physically impossible to do so.
One of these circumstances is being physically unable to have sex. A man and his wife might be unable to physically have sex when they become old (Genesis 18:11-13). Their ability to have sex may have died when they become old (Romans 4:16-19). Their bodies might have become too weak to have sex (Hebrews 11:11).
One of these circumstances is a disaster. A man may have to focus on making preparations to protect his wife from a disaster (Genesis 32:6-8). A man may have to separate from his wife to protect her from a disaster (Genesis 32:22-24). A man may have go away from his wife to get relief from a disaster in order to save her (Genesis 42:3-5). A man may go away from his wife in order to save his own life from a disaster, once she is safe (1 Samuel 19:10-12).
One of these circumstances is war. A man is not go to war if he is engaged to get married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 20:7). A man is not go to war until a year after he has married, because war could keep him from fulfilling his duty of sex that he owes his wife (Deuteronomy 24:5). A man has to be physically separated from his wife during war to keep her safe (Numbers 32:25-27). A man needs to be with his fellow soldiers during war (2 Samuel 11:11).
One of these circumstances is captivity. David could not have sex with his wives as long as they were in captivity (1 Samuel 30:3-5). He had to rescue his wives before he could resume having sex with them (1 Samuel 30:18). The men in the days of King Hezekiah (Chez'qiah) could not have sex with their wives as long as their wives were held in captivity (2 Chronicles 29:6-9).
One of these circumstances is prison. Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) had a wife (Matthew 8:14). He could not have sex with his wife during the week when he was in prison (Acts 12:3-6). He was still married to his wife many years later (1 Corinthians 9:5). Despite not being able to have sex with his wife when he was in prison, he was a pillar among the Children of Truth, and was the chief Apostle of Truth to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9).
So anyone who cannot have sex with their spouse due to circumstances beyond their control, which makes it physically impossible to do so, is not robbing their spouse of what is due to them.
However, anyone who neglects having sex with their spouse for any other reason, is not doing what they vowed to do when they married, and is robbing their spouse of what is due to them. They are liars and thieves.
Perhaps the next most common way that people defraud other people, is in their workplace.
Employers are not to change the wages that they agreed to give their employees, after they have performed the work (Genesis 31:7). Employers are not to give their employees anything less than what was promised (Genesis 31:41-42). Employers are to pay their employees at the time that they promised (Leviticus 19:13). Employers are not to withhold the wages of their employees, so that can increase their own wealth (Jeremiah 22:13-16). Employers are to give to their employees wages equal to what they have justly earned (Colossians 4:1). Employers are not to give to their employees less than what they have earned, so the employer can live in luxury (James 5:1-5). Employers who do not pay everything that was promised to their employees, are liars and thieves.
Employers are to give their employees all of the time off that is due them (Exodus 20:8-10). Employers are to give their employees time off to observe holidays (Leviticus 23:7-36). Employers are to give their employees off at least one day a week (Deuteronomy 5:12-14). Employers who do not give all of the time off that is due to their employees, are liars and thieves.
Employers are not to demand more from the disadvantaged than others (Exodus 22:21-24). Employers are not to take advantage of any foreigner who works for them (Exodus 23:9). Employers are to treat foreigners the same way as everyone else (Leviticus 19:33-34). Employers are treat the disadvantaged fairly (Deuteronomy 10:18-19). Employers are not to take advantage of the poor and needy who works for them (Deuteronomy 24:14-15). Employers are not to rob the disadvantaged of what is due them (Ezekiel 22:29). Employers are not to oppress the disadvantaged by paying them less wages than others for the same work (Malachi 3:5). Employers are do good to their employees without threatening them (Ephesians 6:8-9). Employers who exact more work for less pay from the disadvantaged, are liars and thieves.
Employees are to serve their employer with all of their ability (Genesis 31:6). Employees should perform their work with all of their might (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Employees should perform work that is worth what they are being paid (Luke 10:7). Employees are to work hard all of the time, and not just when their employers are watching (Ephesians 6:5-8). Employees should never do nothing when they are being paid to do something (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9). Employees who do less work than they agreed to provide to their employers, are liars and thieves.
Employees should not seek to get more wages than what they agreed to work for (Matthew 20:8-14). Employees are to be content with the wages that they have earned (Luke 3:12-14). Employees are to provide honest labor so that they may help others, instead of stealing (Ephesians 4:28). Employees who look for ways to get more from their employers than the wages they agreed upon, are liars and thieves.
Employees are to follow the rules of their employer at all times, so they can provide what their employer expects (Colossians 3:22-24). Employees owe respect to their employers (1 Timothy 6:1-2). Employees are to follow the rules of their employers without bickering, and show their employers that they are trustworthy (Titus 2:9-10). Employees are to follow the rules of their employers, even if their employers do not treat them well (1 Peter 2:18-20). Employees who do not provide the respect that is due to their employers by obeying the rules of their employer, as they agreed to do when they became employed, are liars and thieves.
Employers should not promote employees who do not deserve promotion, for it robs a deserving employee of the promotion that they deserve (Psalm 73:3-16). The employee that has wisely developed the gift that was given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to benefit the employer should be promoted, instead of the employer just believing whatever story another employee told them (Proverbs 18:15-17). Employees who do not work hard to carry out the orders of their employer should be fired, not promoted (Jeremiah 12:1-3). Employees who make false claims to get promoted by employers. who do not investigate those claims, are liars and thieves.
The employee who is diligent in carrying out the orders of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 10:4). The employee that is seeking after the good of their employer should be promoted (Proverbs 11:27). The employee that is diligent in their work should be promoted over those who are not (Proverbs 12:24). Faithful and gifted employees should be set over other employees by their employer (Daniel 6:1-4). Employees who are honest in everything they do should be promoted (3 John 1:2-4). Employers, who do not promote those employees who they know deserve promotion, so they can promote someone else instead, are liars and thieves.
So anyone who does not treat employees or employers fairly, by not keeping the work agreement that they made to provide honest wages for honest work, or by participating in an undeserved promotion, are liars and thieves.
Another common way that people defraud other people, is in their loans.
Whenever someone defaults on a loan, without first selling everything they can to raise money to repay the loan, then they are lying about their ability to repay the loan (Psalm 15:4). They simply are not willing to part with their stuff in order to repay the loan (Psalm 37:21). They are keeping the money that is due to the lender, while claiming that they cannot get the money to repay the lender (Proverbs 3:27-28). If they are not giving what is due to the lender, when they have the means to get it, then they are liars and thieves.
The borrower is to pay back the loan that they made an oath to pay back (Numbers 30:2). They are do whatever they promised to do, even if they did not make an oath (Matthew 5:33-37). They do not need an oath to do what they promised (James 5:12). If they do not pay back what they promised, when they have the ability to do so, then they are liars and thieves.
So those who do not repay a loan, by claiming that they do not have the means to do so, when they actually have the means to repay the loan, are liars and thieves.
Another common way that people defraud others, is in their taxes.
The government has a right to collect taxes from people to prepare for disaster (Genesis 41:34-36). The government has a right to collect taxes from people since it owns the land that they live on (Genesis 47:23-26).
The government has a right to force people into military and civilian service (1 Samuel 8:11-13). The government has a right to tax people and take their land for the needs of the government (1 Samuel 8:14-15). The government has a right to tax people and force them into its service because the government rules over them (1 Samuel 8:16-17). People gave these rights to the government when they consented to be governed (1 Samuel 8:18-22).
The government has a right to tax the people that it governs (Luke 2:1-5). Tax money belongs to the government since it created the money (Luke 20:22-25). Taxes are the wages that are owed to the government for providing things like law and order (Romans 13:3-7).
People owe taxes to pay the wages of those who govern them. People owe taxes to help pay the expenses of the country where they are living. Whenever someone cheats on their taxes, they are really just lying about their finances to the government, so they can keep money that belongs to the government. They are liars and thieves.
One last common way that people defraud others, is in tithes and offerings.
The Children of Abraham are those who do what Abraham (Abram) did (John 8:39). The Children of Truth are the children of Abraham by demonstrating the same faith that Abraham had before he was circumcised (Romans 4:11-13). Abraham is the father of everyone who lives in the same faith that he lived in (Galatians 3:7-9). Those who have the faith of Abraham will do the works of Abraham (James 2:21-24).
Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Maleki-tzedek aka Melchisedec) of everything he had, because Melchizedek was a priest of the Father of Truth (Genesis 14:18-20). When Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, it was the same as paying tithes to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Hebrews 7:1-3). Abraham paid tithes to someone who was greater than himself or the Levites (Hebrews 7:4-7). In fact, the Levites themselves paid tithes to the Man of Truth, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:8-10). The Levites paid tithes to someone, who was not part of those who received tithes in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), because he represented the Man of Truth (Hebrews 7:11-14).
Jacob (Yah'akob aka Israel) promised to give ten percent of everything to the Father of Truth as a sign that they were in covenant together (Genesis 28:20-22). Tithes belong to the Father of Truth (Leviticus 27:30-32). Tithes go to religious professionals, like the Levites, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (Numbers 18:21-24). Even religious professionals, like the Levites, are to pay tithes (Numbers 18:25-26). Religious professionals are to also pay tithes, even though they do not have a secular job, because it is a sign that they are in covenant with the Father of Truth (Numbers 18:27-30).
In like manner, the Ministers of Truth today, have a right to be supported by the Children of Truth, so they can carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth without distraction (1 Corinthians 9:4-7). Tithes belong to these religious professionals as their wages for the services that they provide, because they represent the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:8-11). The Father of Truth has ordained that the Ministers of Truth be given wages by collecting tithes, just like the Levites (1 Corinthians 9:12-14).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to build and maintain the place where they meet as well (Exodus 25:1-8). They are to give offerings to send out Ministers of Truth to tell people outside of their congregation and their community the Good News (Romans 10:13-15). They are to continually give offerings to support Ministers of Truth in other places so they can grow new congregations there (Philippians 4:14-16).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the poor, because the Father of Truth has promised to repay them for doing so (Proverbs 19:17). They are to give offerings to help the poor among them (alms) (Matthew 6:1-4). They are to give generously, because the Man of Truth has promised that others will give to them generously for doing so (Luke 6:38).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings to take care of the Jewish Children of Truth in Israel, who face daily persecution from other Jews who have not came into the House of Truth (Romans 15:25-27). They are to give offerings to show their love for the Father of Truth and to show love for other people like the Man of Truth did (2 Corinthians 8:5-9). Those Children of Truth, who have not been reduced to begging, are to give offerings to share what they have with the Children of Truth who are in extreme need (2 Corinthians 8:13-15).
The Children of Truth are to give offerings willingly from their heart because these offerings belong to the Father of Truth (Exodus 25:2). Not only are the rich among the Children of Truth are to be generous in giving offerings, but also the poor (2 Corinthians 8:1-4). They are to give offerings in accordance to what they have been given by the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 8:10-12).
The Children of Truth are to give these offerings cheerfully because they know that the Father of Truth loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:5-7). They are to give these offerings because it will cause others to give glory to the Father of Truth, when they see the generosity of people who have come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:11-13).
The Children of Truth are to give these offerings, because the Father of Truth has promised to cause them to have everything that they will need, to carry out His will for their lives (2 Corinthians 9:8-10). They are to give these offerings sacrificially, because they trust that the Father of Truth will give them everything that they need (Philippians 4:17-19).
So those who do not give tithes and offerings, are not keeping the covenant that they made with the Father of Truth, which makes them liars and thieves (Malachi 3:7-8). They are liars and thieves because they do not trust the Father of Truth to do what He promised (Malachi 3:9-12). Those who claim to have faith in the Father of Truth, but do not trust the Father of Truth enough to give Him the tithes and offerings that are due to Him, are liars and thieves (James 2:14-20).
So it should be apparent that the most common type of theft is that done by lying, which is called fraud. People commit fraud in their marriages, by withholding sex that they promised to their spouse. People commit fraud in their workplaces, by not giving their employer, or employee, what they are due. People commit fraud in their loans, by not doing everything in their power to pay back what they promised. People commit fraud in their taxes, by giving inaccurate information, so they can pay less taxes than they owe. People even commit fraud against the Father of Truth, by not giving the tithes and offerings that they owe Him.
The Man of Truth warned, that those who want to gain eternal life should never defraud others, for that makes them liars and thieves (Mark 10:17-19). Those who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, will have no part in the kingdom of his Father (1 Corinthians 6:8-10). The Father of Truth will takes vengeance on all who become liars and thieves, by defrauding others, because those who do such things despise Him (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8). Liars and thieves will have their part in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
However, the Father of Truth does not treat ignorance in the same way as He treats rebellion. Some people may not have realized that they owed some of these things before now. They might have been told that they were not obligated to pay some of these obligations. However, now that they know better, the Father of Truth is demanding that they no longer be liars and thieves, since He has raised the Man of Truth from the dead as proof that he will judge liars and thieves (Acts 17:30-31).
The Good News is that people can repent from being liars and thieves. Those who are really the Children of Truth, completely abandon defrauding others, because they are no longer liars and thieves (1 Corinthians 6:8-11). The Apostles of Truth never became liars and thieves, by defrauding others (2 Corinthians 7:2).
Anyone can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of their life to the Man of Truth, because they believed that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11). The Father of Truth will cause those who come into the House of Truth, to both desire and be able to do what they promised, so that they are no longer liars and thieves (Philippians 2:13).
Come into the House of Truth!
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