Monday, April 6, 2020

Passover 2.0

What should you do if you cannot properly observe Passover?

Every year there are people who cannot observe Passover at the specified time for various reasons.

Those reasons often include illnesses, hospitalization, becoming unclean for some reason, being unable to travel, and not being able to get the required elements to observe Passover.

This is usually a small percentage of people who observe Passover, but this year COVID-19 is making this percentage much larger.

Thanks to COVID-19, many more observers than normal are unable to observe Passover due to illness and hospitalization.  There is also a greater chance for those with a family member who has been afflicted with COVID-19, to be made unclean from being in the same room as someone who has died.

Really, even going to the hospital can do that, because it is near impossible to know rather or not a dead person has been wheeled down the hospital corridors since the previous sunset.

Thanks to the COVID-19 Panic, many people are not able to travel due to being locked down in their homes.  In Israel, people have been told that they must observe Passover in their own homes, even if that means observing it completely alone.

Obviously, these shelter-in-place, and even more extreme quarantine measures, along with recovering from sickness, make it impossible for people to really remove the leaven from their homes.  Especially, if they normally make a focused effort for a week to clean their house like the mother of the Reluctant Jew

In like manner, the COVID-19 Panic has disrupted the availability of Passover essentials like Matzah.  Local stores that normally caring them did not get their usual supply.  It is hard to find Matzah on-line that will arrive in time for Passover.  Fresh vegetables and herbs used on the Seder Plate are not even available in many areas.  Meat sections of local stores have been picked clean, making it impossible to get so much as a lamb shank this year.

So, what are people to in these circumstances?  Go ahead and have a Passover Observation without properly removing the leaven from their homes and without all of the required elements?  What other option is there?

The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) provides a better option for times like these.

If you are hindered from observing Passover in the first month due to circumstances like these, then you are to observe it in the second month, in the exact same way that you normally would have observed it in the first month (Numbers 9:10-12).  My family calls this Passover 2.0.

(Hospitalizations have forced us to celebrate Passover 2.0 with the Impossible Girl many times.)

King Hezekiah (Chizquiyah) had all of Israel celebrate Passover 2.0, because they were unable to make the preparations in time for Passover 1.0, and it turned out to be one of the best Passovers ever (2 Chronicles 30).

So, there is no reason to partially observe Passover this month due to not be able to prepare properly.  Instead, just wait until next month.  It will give you time to get properly prepared. 

You might be wondering, why would good Christians be participating in the observance of Passover?

Passover was not just for the Jewish people, but also anyone who has joined themselves to the Jewish people (Numbers 9:14).  Passover is not just a Jewish thing.

Passover is the first act in the Greatest Play Ever, which tells the story the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  Passover is all about the death of the Lamb.  There would be no Resurrection Sunday without Passover.  The Man of Truth is our Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7).

You might be thinking, what does the Savior of the Gentiles have to do with Jews?

The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of IsraelIt is a Jewish thing to follow him.

The better Passover can only be celebrate when you have had the better circumcision that is not made by human hands.  This is the real Passover 2.0.

This is what Moses (Moishe) foretold (Deuteronomy 30:6).  This is what the Man of Truth made possible (Colossians 2:11).

So, come into the House of Truth, where your heart will be circumcised (Romans 2:29).  This will be your best Passover ever!

You will be able to celebrate Passover 2.0, when you submit the Messiah of Israel, because you believe that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10).  Both Jews and Gentiles are invited to celebrate Passover 2.0 (Romans 10:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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