Gomer And His Bands
Who are Gomer and his bands?
The Book of Truth (The Bible) says that a coalition of many nations will be lead by a man called Gog, who is the leader of Meshech and Tubal, to wage war on Israel (Ezekiel 38:1-9). These nations will invade Israel to plunder the wealth that is there, while Israel is unprepared to defend itself (Ezekiel 38:10-13). However, Israel will not be as defenseless as these nations thought, because the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will rise up to fight against them, until they are destroyed, so that all the Earth will know that He is the Lord (Ezekiel 38:14-23).
The Father of Truth will destroy Gog, and all but one sixth of this massive army, on the mountains of Israel, before this army even reaches the plains of Israel, so that the Gentiles as well as the people of Israel will know that He is the Lord (Ezekiel 39:1-7). The people of Israel will then plunder the Gentiles, who came to plunder them (Ezekiel 39:8-10). The people of Israel will spend seven months burying Gog and the massive army that he will lead (Ezekiel 39:11-16). This massive army of the enemies of Israel will not understand that they will only being gathering themselves together to be destroyed in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 39:17-21). All of this is so that both the people of Israel and the Gentiles will understand, that the Father of Truth scattered the people of Israel for their rebellion against Him, and He gathered them back to the land of Israel to pour out the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) upon them, so He could bring an end to their wandering away from Him (Ezekiel 39:22-29).
Who are these nations that will follow Gog to their graves in the land of Israel?
Most are very specific and are not hard to determine.
The first three are the land of Magog, Tubal, and Meshech, lead by a common leader called "Gog" (Ezekiel 38:2-3).
The land of Magog includes modern Kazakhstan and perhaps some of the surrounding countries that were once part of the Soviet Union in Asia.
Moscow is named after Meshech, and it has long been the capital of Russia (the land of Rus), which is the part of modern Russia that is in Europe. Meshech also includes most, if not all, of the countries in Europe that were part of the former Soviet Union. The languages of most of the former Soviet block countries like Poland and the Czech Republic are Slavic languages that came from the same original language as Russian. So, Meshech refers to the entirety of these countries with languages related to Russia and not just Russia.
Tobolsk, the capital of Siberia, which is the part of modern Russia in Asia, is named after Tubal. The Tobol River, where Tobolsk is located, is also named after Tubal.
So, the man called "Gog" is the leader of an army composed of people from the largest parts of the former Soviet Union.
The next three nations in this coalition are Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya (Ezekiel 38:5).
Persia is modern Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran was called Persia until 1937 AD, when Aryans (Iranians), the descendants of the Medes (the descendants of Madai), came down from the Soviet Union, and regained control from the Persians. Persia also included modern Afghanistan and at least the part of Pakistan west of the Indus River. (The Indus River was the border between Persia and India for most of history.)
Ethiopia is not just modern Ethiopia, but also Sudan, Djibouti, and Eritrea. It likely includes Somalia, and possibly Kenya. Ethiopia could refer to a much larger piece of sub-Sahara Africa, since the inhabitants all of those countries were descendants of Kush, called Ethiop by the Greeks. (Both words mean black or sun charred skin.)
Libya is modern Libya, but it could also include Tunisia.
All of these are primarily Muslim countries ran by Muslim dictators with ties to Russia.
There are two remaining smaller coalitions comprised of Gomer and his bands, plus Togarmah of the north quarters and his bands that will place their forces under the command of Gog (Ezekiel 38:6).
The second of these, Togarmah and his bands is not too difficult to determine. Directly north of Israel is Syria, then Turkey, and then Russia.
The people of the country of Syria came from Shem and the people of Syria are closely related to the people of Israel. It is for this reason that Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel) is called a Syrian (Deuteronomy 26:5). So, Togarmah is not Syria.
Togarmah is from Japheth (Yafet) and is related to Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and Madai (Genesis 10:2-3). Since, Meshech is Russia, then that leaves Turkey.
Indeed, the Turkish people testify that they are the descendants of Togarmah. However, the Turkish people do not just live in Turkey, but also occupy the southern lands of the former Soviet Union in Asia, including places like Turkmenistan. These lands are also controlled by Muslim dictators that are aligned with Russia. These nations that make up the bands of Togarmah.
So, the coalition that will be lead by Gog will consist of the countries that made up the former Soviet Union, the Eastern Block countries controlled by the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia. However, this is not the entire coalition. There is still Gomer and his bands.
So, who are Gomer and his bands?
Identifying Gomer and his bands requires a good understanding the descendants of Japheth, just like people need that to understand about Greece rising.
Gomer came from Japheth and is related to Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Madai, as well as Javan (Yevan) and Tiras (Genesis 10:2).
All people have skin that is one of six shades of brown. It is evident that the descendants of Japheth are those with the lightest two shades. So, determining what is meant by Gomer and his bands begins by identifying the other descendants of Japheth.
The Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, and Cretans all came from Javan and settled the isles of the Mediterranean Sea as well as the lands around it, particularly the northern coasts of it (Genesis 10:4-5).
The descendants of Tiras originally inhabited central modern Turkey, and then migrate to Thrace (named after Tiras). Later they migrated north from there until they reached the Bug River. They then followed the Bug River until they reached the Baltic Sea. They went west along the Baltic Sea until they reached modern Denmark. They settled there as well as the island across the Baltic Sea, and continued northward until they spread out to include Sweden and Norway. In short, they are the Scandinavians.
So, Gomer consists of the descendants of Japheth, who originally settled in the rest of Europe and northern Asia, who are not Kazakhs, Iranians, Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, Cretans, Siberians, Russians, or Scandinavians (Genesis 10:2-5).
However, three ethnic groups came from Gomer: the descendants of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah (Genesis 10:3).
Togarmah and his bands are distinguished from Gomer and his bands, so they are not included in this term. Togarmah is the Turkish people, completing the descendants of Japheth, who settled in Asia. His bands are the neighboring people belonging to other ethnic groups, who banded together with the descendants of Togarmah politically, religiously, linguistically, and culturally.
This leaves the remaining two descendants of Gomer.
According to Josephus, the descendants of Riphath first migrated to the northern shore of the Black Sea. According to Hippolytus they spread out from there to the Riphean Mountains ("Mountains of Riphath"), although some went west to modern Hungary. Pliny the Elder identified these mountains as the Ural Mountains. The descendants of Riphath then spread out generally northward and westward from there. Riphath includes the people of Finland and Estonia. The descendants of Riphath also include those who live in the northern most Russian Oblasts (states) in Europe as well the northern most parts of Norway and Sweden. This area is sometimes called Lapland.
This leaves the other descendant of Gomer, Ashkenaz (Ashchenaz). So, who is Ashkenaz?
Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for Germany. This is why Jews from northern Europe are called Ashkenazi Jews.
The Assyrians called the Ashkenazi (descendants of Ashkenaz), "the Ashkuzai", and recorded that they first lived in the area of modern Armenia south of the Caucus mountains. The Ashkenazi were called to attack the Babylonians with the Armenians (descendants of Aram) of Ararat and the Medes (descendants of Madai) of Minni (Jeremiah 51:27).
After that, they migrated west to the Anatolia peninsula (modern Turkey). From there they spread out into the northwestern part of Europe. They appear of have first came into the area of Germany, when an exiled Assyrian prince founded Trier in 750 BC, near the border of modern Luxemburg and not far from modern France, as the inhabitants of that city. Trier was well established as a city of Celts by 400 BC.
So, Ashkenaz is the rest of the people of Europe. This include the people of modern France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, the British Isles, and two of the four cantons of Switzerland.
Ashkenaz was the oldest son of Gomer, just like Elishah was the oldest son of Javan (Genesis 10:4).
Javan sometimes refers primarily the Greeks, instead of all of the descendants of Javan, because Elisha was the oldest son (Daniel 11:2). [The word translated as "Grecia" in this verse is "Yavan". It can be confirmed as meaning "Greece" by examining the Septuagint, where it is translated as "Ellenon", the Greek world for "Greece".]
So, Gomer can refer particularly to Ashkenaz in the same way.
Josephus said, that the Galatians in modern Turkey were first called Gomerites (descendants of Gomer). The Gomerites was also called "Germamya" in ancient times. Indeed, Jerome recorded that the Galatians of Galatia spoke the same language as the people of Germania (Roman Germany).
The Celts also came from the same people as the Gauls, and were originally called Gaels. They first began forming their separate identity in modern Turkey in Cilicia. Cilicia is "Kilikia", literally "the land of the Kelts (Celts)" in ancient Greek. Their language was first called Goidel but later came to be called Gaelic.
Now that Gomer has been identified, we still need to identify the bands of Gomer.
In order to understand Gomer and his bands, you have to understand what happened in Europe, especially among the Celts.
So, how did Gomer end up living in northern and western Europe?
It all began with the Chinese.
Chinese history records that before the Chinese invaded Manchuria, the Xiebei (Mongols) lived in Manchuria and the Xiongnu (Turks) lived in modern Mongolia. In fact, the oldest Turkish writing in the world is in the Orkhon valley in the center of modern Mongolia.
Their history records that when they invaded Manchuria, the Xiebei migrated westward and invaded the land of the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu then developed a nomadic lifestyle and began migrating westward until they were beyond the Aral Sea.
The Mongols called the Xiongnu, "the Hunnu". ("Hunnu", the origin of word "Hun", is the Mongolian word for Turks.)
So about 370 AD, the Huns began invading the Roman Empire and the adjoining lands to the east of it.
Most of the Gauls and Celts were forced out of modern Turkey when the Huns invaded. So, there were no Turks in Turkey until the Huns invaded it, and force out the Gauls and the Celts.
These Gauls and Celts fled northwest into Europe, where they joined other Gauls and Celts in repelling the Huns. They brought the Good News with them and it began to transform the Gauls and Celts inside of the Roman Empire. The Good News soon spread among the adjoining tribes east of the Roman Empire as well.
Other Gauls and Celts then joined various Germanic tribes like the Visigoths and Ostrogoths. These tribes, as well as other tribes like the Alani, began invading the Roman Empire as the Huns continued to push them westward.
The Romans gave the Visigoths Moesia (parts of modern Serbia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria) but they could not be civilized to live under Roman rule. So, they first invaded Greece, then Italy, and finally invaded Rome itself. After plundering Rome, they wandered into southwest modern France, where the Romans gave them Aquitaine in exchange for help in protecting the Roman Empire from other invaders.
The Ostrogoths also invaded the Roman Empire around this same time. They were given land in Pannonia (parts of modern Serbia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria). They eventually formed the country of Austria (land of the Ostrogoths).
Around that same time, the Franks, a Germanic tribe from outside the Roman Empire, invaded Gaul. They were given Gaul by the Romans in exchange for help in protecting the Roman Empire from other invaders. The name of Gaul was eventually changed to France (land of the Franks).
So, the Romans began leaving Britannia (Roman Britain) in 383 AD to deal with these Germanic tribes. They withdrew their last garrison in 407 AD, so those Roman soldiers could defend Rome against some of these Germanic tribes. They did not return after the Huns were repelled and expelled from Europe in 450 AD.
After the Romans left Britannia in 407 AD, the Good News began slowly spreading throughout the
British Isles, with much resistance from the Druids.
It is certain that Celtic Christianity, in its original form, was already being practiced by a few people scattered among the Celts of the British Isles, even parts of Ireland, before Saint Patrick was continuing his great work as apostle in northern Ireland in 432 AD.
It was more than the luck of the Irish that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) was born in the land of the Celts (Cilicia), and raised there until he was old enough to learn from Gamaliel in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3).
It is certain from the documents left by very ancient sources, that before 100 AD a disciple of Paul the Jew, or a disciple of his disciple, brought the Good News to Britannia. In fact, the earliest credible source says that the first disciple reached Britannia was during the reign of Emperor Claudius, who died in 54 AD.
Yet, the British Isles, outside of Britannia, were largely still practicing the religion of the Druids. These areas were outside of the Roman Empire in what the Romans called Caledonia (Scotland) and Hibernia (Ireland). There had been very little success in reaching the Celts outside of the Roman Empire before Saint Patrick.
Northern Ireland was still almost exclusively under the spell of the Druids, until Saint Patrick arrived and completely transformed northern Ireland. By the time of his death in 493 AD, Celtic Christianity had almost completely replaced the religion of the Druids, in not just northern Ireland, but all of the British Isles.
This Celtic Christianity had nothing to do with the hi-jacked house that has been placed on a foundation of pagan customs, instead of Biblical customs. These early Celtic Christians did not celebrate holidays from the Druids like Halloween. Saint Patrich did not teach them to wish each other "Happy Easter", but rather "Happy Firstfruits!". They did not need to be escaping the Christmas trap.
These early Celtic Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) completely demolished the religion of the Druids that neo-paganism seeks to restore. They had nothing resembling the new anti-Semitism that brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger.
This spread of the Good News, primarily by descendants of Gomer, continued to spread throughout Europe using the pattern set by Saint Patrick among the Celts. It acted as the civilizing force among the various warring tribes that inhabited Europe. It was also the destroyer of the idolatrous religions among these Germanic tribes.
Some of these tribes stilled lived outside the boundaries of the Roman Empire, but many of these tribes had invaded inside the boundaries of the Roman Empire when the western Roman Empire came to an end in 476 AD.
The Anglos, a Germanic tribe, along with the Saxons, another Germanic tribe, began invading Briton (the name of Britannia by the Celts before the Roman conquest in 43 AD) and setting up small kingdoms in Briton . Briton became known as England (land of the Anglos). (The word "English" came from the Gaelic word for "Anglo", which was used for all Germanic people by the Celts.)
The Visigoths soon took control of the Hispania (modern Spain and Portugal). They were forced out of most of it, when the Moors took control of their kingdom in 711 AD. However, the Visigoths soon took back control of a small part of Hispania and established the Kingdom of Asturias. They continued to retake more and more of northern Hispania to form the Kingdom of the Castile (land of the castles). Eventually, all of the ruling families of modern Spain and Portugal came from these descendants of the Visigoths.
Various Germanic tribes took over Italy starting with the Visigoths and ending with the Lombards. Finally, Italy came under the rule of Franks in 774 AD. So, the descendants of Chittim came under the rule of the descendants of Gomer.
During the next four hundred years, Germanic tribes took over much of Europe, with more and more of them first coming into the House of Truth, and then falling away to become part of the False Church of Rome. So, the descendants of Gomer, through the descendants of Ashkenaz, came to rule over all of the countries of western Europe, south of Scandinavia.
The spread of the Good News, primarily by descendants of Gomer, continued until the last of the Nordic tribes, the descendants of Tiras and Riphath in Scandinavia, Finland, and the northern most reaches of Russia, abandoned the idolatrous religions of their ancestors by 1200 AD.
The False Church of Rome had sought to suppress the Children of Truth by allowing only churches to have copies of the Book of Truth, and all of those copies were to be written only in Latin in western Europe. They could not corrupt the Incorruptible Word nor get rid of the Indestructible Book, so they sought to keep people from reading it for themselves. Since Latin had fallen out of use in western Europe, except among the clergy and the highly educated, they could tell people that the Book of Truth said whatever they wanted, and most people could not dispute what they said.
However, not everyone who could read Latin, was willing to go along with this scheme. Among the Children of Truth that could read Latin was John Wycliffe in England. This descendant of Gomer started writing an English translation to be read by the barely educated people of England in 1374 AD. It was finished shortly after his death in 1388 AD by his friends.
This set off a revolution in Europe for freedom from the False Church of Rome. Around this same time, there were people translating the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) into German.
By the time that Jon Hus was executed in 1415 AD for following the path laid out by Wycliffe, the Book of Truth had been translated into the Czech language as well. This lead to the first Protestant country, Moravia, which later became the modern Czech Republic, to be formed in 1436 AD.
Then Gutenberg, another descendant of Gomer, invented the movable type printing press in 1439 AD. He began printing the Book of Truth in Latin in 1454 AD. It was not long before his invention was being used to print the Book of Truth in English, German, and Czech as well.
Then some of the Children of Truth from Moravia began sending missionaries across Europe in 1457 AD, especially to England and Germany, to encourage these descendants of Gomer to read the Book of Truth for themselves.
Then in 1469 AD, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, married. These were both descendants of the Visigoths. This put the descendants of Tarshish, the Spaniards, under the rule of the descendants of the Gomer.
So by this time, Gomer and his bands included almost all of western Europe. However, Gomer and his bands were about to grow a lot larger. The descendants of Gomer were still on the move as they had been constantly since their earliest days. With nowhere else left in Europe, they began looking for new places outside of Europe to occupy and control.
So, in 1486 AD the Portuguese traveled down the coast of Africa looking for a route to India until they reached the eastern coast of modern South Africa. They did not set up a colony there, but they did leave markers of their claim to the land.
Then in January of 1492 AD, Ferdinand and Isabella captured Granada and the rule of the Moors in Europe came to an end. With Spain finally stable, they sent Columbus sailing west to find a sea route to China before the Portuguese found one. In October of the same year, Columbus instead discovered the New World on the day when worlds collided. He left a few men there to establish the first New Word colony before returning to Spain with the news.
So, the Portuguese again set out to find a route to India by going around Africa in 1497 AD. This time they managed to arrive in India in 1498 AD, where they left a few men to set up a small trading post. This was the first European colony in India since the Yuezhi (descendants of Tubal who had lived in western China) brought the Greco-Indian empire to an end in 30 AD to form the Kushan Empire.
Columbus finished his exploration of the New World for Spain in 1502 AD, creating the beginnings of European conquest and colonization of the New World.
Soon, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the British, the Dutch, and even the Russians, (who were ruled by descendants of Gomer at this time as well), set up colonies in the New World.
In 1519 AD, Magellan set out from Spain with five ships and 270 men towards the coast of South America to find a route to sail around the world.
In 1521 AD, Portuguese explorers of the Torres Straight reported seeing what was probably the coast of Australia. The Dieppes maps made by the French in 1540 AD show a large, but misshaped land mass south of Indonesia.
In truth, this was technically not a discovery for the Europeans, for the Romans had heard of Australia from traders from India, who told of a large land south of Indonesia. The Romans called this land "Australia" (the southern land). So, the Portuguese were only confirming what the Romans had learned from these traders from India.
In 1522 AD, Elcano, the captain of the only surviving ship from the Magellan voyage, returned to Spain with a crew of 18 men. They had not only found a route around the world, but also brought news of the previously unknown islands of the South Pacific. This eventually lead to other European powers, all ruled by descendants of Gomer, to explore and colonize these islands.
The Dutch soon followed the Portuguese route to India, but established a better strategy for trading. They created the first European colony in South Africa in 1542 AD to act a supply point for ships going to India and returning from India. They then established their first colony in India in 1605 AD. They then proceeded to set foot on the coast of Australia in 1606 AD, but they did not establish a colony there.
In 1621 AD, the Pilgrims arrived to create their British colony at Plymouth. They used the Saint Patrick model to reach the Wampanoag tribes with the Good News to create brotherhood between Wampanoags and Pilgrims. They set the pattern for all future American missionaries in giving hope to the Almodadi. (The Almodadi are called Native Americans today.)
In time, the French, the British, and even the Germans started colonizing these rediscovered Old World regions as well. (The map of Ptolemy made about 200 BC showed most of the coast of Africa, with gaps, so that parts might have been interpreted as islands, instead Africa as unified continent.)
They came to colonize most of Africa as well, although their descendants do not effectively rule most of Africa, with some noticeable exceptions like South Africa.
The British also created colonies in India as well. The Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch, and the British all created colonies east of India and south of China as well. This included colonies on the coast of China as well as the islands east of China like the Philippines.
The Dutch began exploring the islands of the South Pacific as well. They were the first Europeans to set foot on New Zealand in 1642 AD.
Finally, the British created a colony in Australia in 1788 AD, after they lost their thirteen colonies in the American Revolutionary War. Soon, the British, and the French followed the Spanish and Portuguese, in exploring and colonizing the South Pacific Islands as well. The British established the first European colony in New Zealand in 1814 AD.
So, all this colonial empire building by the countries populated by, or ruled by, descendants of Gomer were just another example of the Father of Truth bringing about the rise and fall of empires for His own reasons. One of those reasons was to help the Children of Truth fulfill the Great Commission by bring the Good News to every nation on Earth.
During this entire four hundred year period, the Children of Truth sent missionaries on all of these expeditions. While the False Church of Rome used fear and intimidation, particularly by the Spanish, to force people into their religion, the Children of Truth used the same tactics that Saint Patrick used in northern Ireland to bring native people across the globe into the House of Truth.
The sun never sat upon the British Empire when it reached its greatest reach. The Americans, who were also primarily descendants of Gomer, also engaged in colonization across North America and into the South Pacific to create the United States of America. Like everyone else, missionaries were sent by the British and American Children of Truth to bring native peoples into the House of Truth using the Saint Patrick model. This was essential to the success of these colonization efforts.
These descendants of Gomer also followed the lead of John Wycliffe in translating the Book of Truth into the native languages of these native peoples - even when that meant creating a written form of those native languages and teaching the native peoples how to read that written language.
However, there was another reason for the Father of Truth giving success to all of these colonization efforts. That was to expand Gomer and his bands to include people groups of faraway lands in the future invasion lead by Gog, so that all the world will experience His protection of Israel.
Today, the descendants of Gomer rule over every country in the New World as well as Australia and New Zealand. They also are very influential in southern Africa, particularly in South Africa.
So, Gomer and his bands does not just include western European countries where the descendants of Gomer settled, but also countries where the descendants of Gomer are the majority and the rest are banded with them. This includes Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The bands of Gomer could also include those that are ruled by the descendants of Gomer, or influenced by the descendants of Gomer, like Spain, Portugal, Italy, the rest of the countries of the New World, the island nations of the South Pacific, the nations off the coast of China, and the nations of southern Africa, particularly South Africa. It could even include countries highly influenced by the Americans like Japan or highly influenced by the British like India.
The bands of Gomer includes people belonging to other ethnic groups, who are banded together with the descendants of Gomer politically, religiously, linguistically, and culturally.
So, when Gog leads a coalition of the countries of the former Soviet Union, the Eastern Block countries controlled by the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, and Turkey in invading Israel, this coalition will also include the countries that make up Gomer and his bands: Germany, France, Luxemburg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. It could also include armies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy, countries of the New World south of the US border, South Africa, the countries of southern Africa, and the countries of the South Pacific, that are also tied to Gomer.
This will be a terrible day for all of these countries, for they will find themselves fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:39)! All people should be afraid to be found to be fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 23:9)!
The Father of Truth does not want this for people, but has provided the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), so that all people can have peace with Him (Romans 5:1). He wants people to have peace with Him so much that He sent the Man of Truth to die for their sins (Romans 5:6-8). The blood of the Man of Truth was shed on a cross, so that the enemies of the Father of Truth could be reconciled to Him (Romans 5:9-10).
The Father of Truth is commanding all people to repent and avoid His judgment on His enemies, which He raised the Man of Truth from the dead as proof that it is coming (Acts 17:30-31). He does not desire to destroy people of any nation, but has patiently been waiting for people of every ethnic group to come into the House of Truth and have peace with Him (2 Peter 3:9).
So, come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
The Book of Truth (The Bible) says that a coalition of many nations will be lead by a man called Gog, who is the leader of Meshech and Tubal, to wage war on Israel (Ezekiel 38:1-9). These nations will invade Israel to plunder the wealth that is there, while Israel is unprepared to defend itself (Ezekiel 38:10-13). However, Israel will not be as defenseless as these nations thought, because the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will rise up to fight against them, until they are destroyed, so that all the Earth will know that He is the Lord (Ezekiel 38:14-23).
The Father of Truth will destroy Gog, and all but one sixth of this massive army, on the mountains of Israel, before this army even reaches the plains of Israel, so that the Gentiles as well as the people of Israel will know that He is the Lord (Ezekiel 39:1-7). The people of Israel will then plunder the Gentiles, who came to plunder them (Ezekiel 39:8-10). The people of Israel will spend seven months burying Gog and the massive army that he will lead (Ezekiel 39:11-16). This massive army of the enemies of Israel will not understand that they will only being gathering themselves together to be destroyed in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 39:17-21). All of this is so that both the people of Israel and the Gentiles will understand, that the Father of Truth scattered the people of Israel for their rebellion against Him, and He gathered them back to the land of Israel to pour out the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) upon them, so He could bring an end to their wandering away from Him (Ezekiel 39:22-29).
Who are these nations that will follow Gog to their graves in the land of Israel?
Most are very specific and are not hard to determine.
The first three are the land of Magog, Tubal, and Meshech, lead by a common leader called "Gog" (Ezekiel 38:2-3).
The land of Magog includes modern Kazakhstan and perhaps some of the surrounding countries that were once part of the Soviet Union in Asia.
Moscow is named after Meshech, and it has long been the capital of Russia (the land of Rus), which is the part of modern Russia that is in Europe. Meshech also includes most, if not all, of the countries in Europe that were part of the former Soviet Union. The languages of most of the former Soviet block countries like Poland and the Czech Republic are Slavic languages that came from the same original language as Russian. So, Meshech refers to the entirety of these countries with languages related to Russia and not just Russia.
Tobolsk, the capital of Siberia, which is the part of modern Russia in Asia, is named after Tubal. The Tobol River, where Tobolsk is located, is also named after Tubal.
So, the man called "Gog" is the leader of an army composed of people from the largest parts of the former Soviet Union.
The next three nations in this coalition are Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya (Ezekiel 38:5).
Persia is modern Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran was called Persia until 1937 AD, when Aryans (Iranians), the descendants of the Medes (the descendants of Madai), came down from the Soviet Union, and regained control from the Persians. Persia also included modern Afghanistan and at least the part of Pakistan west of the Indus River. (The Indus River was the border between Persia and India for most of history.)
Ethiopia is not just modern Ethiopia, but also Sudan, Djibouti, and Eritrea. It likely includes Somalia, and possibly Kenya. Ethiopia could refer to a much larger piece of sub-Sahara Africa, since the inhabitants all of those countries were descendants of Kush, called Ethiop by the Greeks. (Both words mean black or sun charred skin.)
Libya is modern Libya, but it could also include Tunisia.
All of these are primarily Muslim countries ran by Muslim dictators with ties to Russia.
There are two remaining smaller coalitions comprised of Gomer and his bands, plus Togarmah of the north quarters and his bands that will place their forces under the command of Gog (Ezekiel 38:6).
The second of these, Togarmah and his bands is not too difficult to determine. Directly north of Israel is Syria, then Turkey, and then Russia.
The people of the country of Syria came from Shem and the people of Syria are closely related to the people of Israel. It is for this reason that Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel) is called a Syrian (Deuteronomy 26:5). So, Togarmah is not Syria.
Togarmah is from Japheth (Yafet) and is related to Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and Madai (Genesis 10:2-3). Since, Meshech is Russia, then that leaves Turkey.
Indeed, the Turkish people testify that they are the descendants of Togarmah. However, the Turkish people do not just live in Turkey, but also occupy the southern lands of the former Soviet Union in Asia, including places like Turkmenistan. These lands are also controlled by Muslim dictators that are aligned with Russia. These nations that make up the bands of Togarmah.
So, the coalition that will be lead by Gog will consist of the countries that made up the former Soviet Union, the Eastern Block countries controlled by the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia. However, this is not the entire coalition. There is still Gomer and his bands.
So, who are Gomer and his bands?
Identifying Gomer and his bands requires a good understanding the descendants of Japheth, just like people need that to understand about Greece rising.
Gomer came from Japheth and is related to Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Madai, as well as Javan (Yevan) and Tiras (Genesis 10:2).
All people have skin that is one of six shades of brown. It is evident that the descendants of Japheth are those with the lightest two shades. So, determining what is meant by Gomer and his bands begins by identifying the other descendants of Japheth.
The Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, and Cretans all came from Javan and settled the isles of the Mediterranean Sea as well as the lands around it, particularly the northern coasts of it (Genesis 10:4-5).
The descendants of Tiras originally inhabited central modern Turkey, and then migrate to Thrace (named after Tiras). Later they migrated north from there until they reached the Bug River. They then followed the Bug River until they reached the Baltic Sea. They went west along the Baltic Sea until they reached modern Denmark. They settled there as well as the island across the Baltic Sea, and continued northward until they spread out to include Sweden and Norway. In short, they are the Scandinavians.
So, Gomer consists of the descendants of Japheth, who originally settled in the rest of Europe and northern Asia, who are not Kazakhs, Iranians, Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, Cretans, Siberians, Russians, or Scandinavians (Genesis 10:2-5).
However, three ethnic groups came from Gomer: the descendants of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah (Genesis 10:3).
Togarmah and his bands are distinguished from Gomer and his bands, so they are not included in this term. Togarmah is the Turkish people, completing the descendants of Japheth, who settled in Asia. His bands are the neighboring people belonging to other ethnic groups, who banded together with the descendants of Togarmah politically, religiously, linguistically, and culturally.
This leaves the remaining two descendants of Gomer.
According to Josephus, the descendants of Riphath first migrated to the northern shore of the Black Sea. According to Hippolytus they spread out from there to the Riphean Mountains ("Mountains of Riphath"), although some went west to modern Hungary. Pliny the Elder identified these mountains as the Ural Mountains. The descendants of Riphath then spread out generally northward and westward from there. Riphath includes the people of Finland and Estonia. The descendants of Riphath also include those who live in the northern most Russian Oblasts (states) in Europe as well the northern most parts of Norway and Sweden. This area is sometimes called Lapland.
This leaves the other descendant of Gomer, Ashkenaz (Ashchenaz). So, who is Ashkenaz?
Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for Germany. This is why Jews from northern Europe are called Ashkenazi Jews.
The Assyrians called the Ashkenazi (descendants of Ashkenaz), "the Ashkuzai", and recorded that they first lived in the area of modern Armenia south of the Caucus mountains. The Ashkenazi were called to attack the Babylonians with the Armenians (descendants of Aram) of Ararat and the Medes (descendants of Madai) of Minni (Jeremiah 51:27).
After that, they migrated west to the Anatolia peninsula (modern Turkey). From there they spread out into the northwestern part of Europe. They appear of have first came into the area of Germany, when an exiled Assyrian prince founded Trier in 750 BC, near the border of modern Luxemburg and not far from modern France, as the inhabitants of that city. Trier was well established as a city of Celts by 400 BC.
So, Ashkenaz is the rest of the people of Europe. This include the people of modern France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, the British Isles, and two of the four cantons of Switzerland.
Ashkenaz was the oldest son of Gomer, just like Elishah was the oldest son of Javan (Genesis 10:4).
Javan sometimes refers primarily the Greeks, instead of all of the descendants of Javan, because Elisha was the oldest son (Daniel 11:2). [The word translated as "Grecia" in this verse is "Yavan". It can be confirmed as meaning "Greece" by examining the Septuagint, where it is translated as "Ellenon", the Greek world for "Greece".]
So, Gomer can refer particularly to Ashkenaz in the same way.
Josephus said, that the Galatians in modern Turkey were first called Gomerites (descendants of Gomer). The Gomerites was also called "Germamya" in ancient times. Indeed, Jerome recorded that the Galatians of Galatia spoke the same language as the people of Germania (Roman Germany).
The Celts also came from the same people as the Gauls, and were originally called Gaels. They first began forming their separate identity in modern Turkey in Cilicia. Cilicia is "Kilikia", literally "the land of the Kelts (Celts)" in ancient Greek. Their language was first called Goidel but later came to be called Gaelic.
Now that Gomer has been identified, we still need to identify the bands of Gomer.
In order to understand Gomer and his bands, you have to understand what happened in Europe, especially among the Celts.
So, how did Gomer end up living in northern and western Europe?
It all began with the Chinese.
Chinese history records that before the Chinese invaded Manchuria, the Xiebei (Mongols) lived in Manchuria and the Xiongnu (Turks) lived in modern Mongolia. In fact, the oldest Turkish writing in the world is in the Orkhon valley in the center of modern Mongolia.
Their history records that when they invaded Manchuria, the Xiebei migrated westward and invaded the land of the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu then developed a nomadic lifestyle and began migrating westward until they were beyond the Aral Sea.
The Mongols called the Xiongnu, "the Hunnu". ("Hunnu", the origin of word "Hun", is the Mongolian word for Turks.)
So about 370 AD, the Huns began invading the Roman Empire and the adjoining lands to the east of it.
Most of the Gauls and Celts were forced out of modern Turkey when the Huns invaded. So, there were no Turks in Turkey until the Huns invaded it, and force out the Gauls and the Celts.
These Gauls and Celts fled northwest into Europe, where they joined other Gauls and Celts in repelling the Huns. They brought the Good News with them and it began to transform the Gauls and Celts inside of the Roman Empire. The Good News soon spread among the adjoining tribes east of the Roman Empire as well.
Other Gauls and Celts then joined various Germanic tribes like the Visigoths and Ostrogoths. These tribes, as well as other tribes like the Alani, began invading the Roman Empire as the Huns continued to push them westward.
The Romans gave the Visigoths Moesia (parts of modern Serbia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria) but they could not be civilized to live under Roman rule. So, they first invaded Greece, then Italy, and finally invaded Rome itself. After plundering Rome, they wandered into southwest modern France, where the Romans gave them Aquitaine in exchange for help in protecting the Roman Empire from other invaders.
The Ostrogoths also invaded the Roman Empire around this same time. They were given land in Pannonia (parts of modern Serbia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria). They eventually formed the country of Austria (land of the Ostrogoths).
Around that same time, the Franks, a Germanic tribe from outside the Roman Empire, invaded Gaul. They were given Gaul by the Romans in exchange for help in protecting the Roman Empire from other invaders. The name of Gaul was eventually changed to France (land of the Franks).
So, the Romans began leaving Britannia (Roman Britain) in 383 AD to deal with these Germanic tribes. They withdrew their last garrison in 407 AD, so those Roman soldiers could defend Rome against some of these Germanic tribes. They did not return after the Huns were repelled and expelled from Europe in 450 AD.
After the Romans left Britannia in 407 AD, the Good News began slowly spreading throughout the
British Isles, with much resistance from the Druids.
It is certain that Celtic Christianity, in its original form, was already being practiced by a few people scattered among the Celts of the British Isles, even parts of Ireland, before Saint Patrick was continuing his great work as apostle in northern Ireland in 432 AD.
It was more than the luck of the Irish that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) was born in the land of the Celts (Cilicia), and raised there until he was old enough to learn from Gamaliel in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3).
It is certain from the documents left by very ancient sources, that before 100 AD a disciple of Paul the Jew, or a disciple of his disciple, brought the Good News to Britannia. In fact, the earliest credible source says that the first disciple reached Britannia was during the reign of Emperor Claudius, who died in 54 AD.
Yet, the British Isles, outside of Britannia, were largely still practicing the religion of the Druids. These areas were outside of the Roman Empire in what the Romans called Caledonia (Scotland) and Hibernia (Ireland). There had been very little success in reaching the Celts outside of the Roman Empire before Saint Patrick.
Northern Ireland was still almost exclusively under the spell of the Druids, until Saint Patrick arrived and completely transformed northern Ireland. By the time of his death in 493 AD, Celtic Christianity had almost completely replaced the religion of the Druids, in not just northern Ireland, but all of the British Isles.
This Celtic Christianity had nothing to do with the hi-jacked house that has been placed on a foundation of pagan customs, instead of Biblical customs. These early Celtic Christians did not celebrate holidays from the Druids like Halloween. Saint Patrich did not teach them to wish each other "Happy Easter", but rather "Happy Firstfruits!". They did not need to be escaping the Christmas trap.
These early Celtic Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) completely demolished the religion of the Druids that neo-paganism seeks to restore. They had nothing resembling the new anti-Semitism that brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger.
This spread of the Good News, primarily by descendants of Gomer, continued to spread throughout Europe using the pattern set by Saint Patrick among the Celts. It acted as the civilizing force among the various warring tribes that inhabited Europe. It was also the destroyer of the idolatrous religions among these Germanic tribes.
Some of these tribes stilled lived outside the boundaries of the Roman Empire, but many of these tribes had invaded inside the boundaries of the Roman Empire when the western Roman Empire came to an end in 476 AD.
The Anglos, a Germanic tribe, along with the Saxons, another Germanic tribe, began invading Briton (the name of Britannia by the Celts before the Roman conquest in 43 AD) and setting up small kingdoms in Briton . Briton became known as England (land of the Anglos). (The word "English" came from the Gaelic word for "Anglo", which was used for all Germanic people by the Celts.)
The Visigoths soon took control of the Hispania (modern Spain and Portugal). They were forced out of most of it, when the Moors took control of their kingdom in 711 AD. However, the Visigoths soon took back control of a small part of Hispania and established the Kingdom of Asturias. They continued to retake more and more of northern Hispania to form the Kingdom of the Castile (land of the castles). Eventually, all of the ruling families of modern Spain and Portugal came from these descendants of the Visigoths.
Various Germanic tribes took over Italy starting with the Visigoths and ending with the Lombards. Finally, Italy came under the rule of Franks in 774 AD. So, the descendants of Chittim came under the rule of the descendants of Gomer.
During the next four hundred years, Germanic tribes took over much of Europe, with more and more of them first coming into the House of Truth, and then falling away to become part of the False Church of Rome. So, the descendants of Gomer, through the descendants of Ashkenaz, came to rule over all of the countries of western Europe, south of Scandinavia.
The spread of the Good News, primarily by descendants of Gomer, continued until the last of the Nordic tribes, the descendants of Tiras and Riphath in Scandinavia, Finland, and the northern most reaches of Russia, abandoned the idolatrous religions of their ancestors by 1200 AD.
The False Church of Rome had sought to suppress the Children of Truth by allowing only churches to have copies of the Book of Truth, and all of those copies were to be written only in Latin in western Europe. They could not corrupt the Incorruptible Word nor get rid of the Indestructible Book, so they sought to keep people from reading it for themselves. Since Latin had fallen out of use in western Europe, except among the clergy and the highly educated, they could tell people that the Book of Truth said whatever they wanted, and most people could not dispute what they said.
However, not everyone who could read Latin, was willing to go along with this scheme. Among the Children of Truth that could read Latin was John Wycliffe in England. This descendant of Gomer started writing an English translation to be read by the barely educated people of England in 1374 AD. It was finished shortly after his death in 1388 AD by his friends.
This set off a revolution in Europe for freedom from the False Church of Rome. Around this same time, there were people translating the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) into German.
By the time that Jon Hus was executed in 1415 AD for following the path laid out by Wycliffe, the Book of Truth had been translated into the Czech language as well. This lead to the first Protestant country, Moravia, which later became the modern Czech Republic, to be formed in 1436 AD.
Then Gutenberg, another descendant of Gomer, invented the movable type printing press in 1439 AD. He began printing the Book of Truth in Latin in 1454 AD. It was not long before his invention was being used to print the Book of Truth in English, German, and Czech as well.
Then some of the Children of Truth from Moravia began sending missionaries across Europe in 1457 AD, especially to England and Germany, to encourage these descendants of Gomer to read the Book of Truth for themselves.
Then in 1469 AD, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, married. These were both descendants of the Visigoths. This put the descendants of Tarshish, the Spaniards, under the rule of the descendants of the Gomer.
So by this time, Gomer and his bands included almost all of western Europe. However, Gomer and his bands were about to grow a lot larger. The descendants of Gomer were still on the move as they had been constantly since their earliest days. With nowhere else left in Europe, they began looking for new places outside of Europe to occupy and control.
So, in 1486 AD the Portuguese traveled down the coast of Africa looking for a route to India until they reached the eastern coast of modern South Africa. They did not set up a colony there, but they did leave markers of their claim to the land.
Then in January of 1492 AD, Ferdinand and Isabella captured Granada and the rule of the Moors in Europe came to an end. With Spain finally stable, they sent Columbus sailing west to find a sea route to China before the Portuguese found one. In October of the same year, Columbus instead discovered the New World on the day when worlds collided. He left a few men there to establish the first New Word colony before returning to Spain with the news.
So, the Portuguese again set out to find a route to India by going around Africa in 1497 AD. This time they managed to arrive in India in 1498 AD, where they left a few men to set up a small trading post. This was the first European colony in India since the Yuezhi (descendants of Tubal who had lived in western China) brought the Greco-Indian empire to an end in 30 AD to form the Kushan Empire.
Columbus finished his exploration of the New World for Spain in 1502 AD, creating the beginnings of European conquest and colonization of the New World.
Soon, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the British, the Dutch, and even the Russians, (who were ruled by descendants of Gomer at this time as well), set up colonies in the New World.
In 1519 AD, Magellan set out from Spain with five ships and 270 men towards the coast of South America to find a route to sail around the world.
In 1521 AD, Portuguese explorers of the Torres Straight reported seeing what was probably the coast of Australia. The Dieppes maps made by the French in 1540 AD show a large, but misshaped land mass south of Indonesia.
In truth, this was technically not a discovery for the Europeans, for the Romans had heard of Australia from traders from India, who told of a large land south of Indonesia. The Romans called this land "Australia" (the southern land). So, the Portuguese were only confirming what the Romans had learned from these traders from India.
In 1522 AD, Elcano, the captain of the only surviving ship from the Magellan voyage, returned to Spain with a crew of 18 men. They had not only found a route around the world, but also brought news of the previously unknown islands of the South Pacific. This eventually lead to other European powers, all ruled by descendants of Gomer, to explore and colonize these islands.
The Dutch soon followed the Portuguese route to India, but established a better strategy for trading. They created the first European colony in South Africa in 1542 AD to act a supply point for ships going to India and returning from India. They then established their first colony in India in 1605 AD. They then proceeded to set foot on the coast of Australia in 1606 AD, but they did not establish a colony there.
In 1621 AD, the Pilgrims arrived to create their British colony at Plymouth. They used the Saint Patrick model to reach the Wampanoag tribes with the Good News to create brotherhood between Wampanoags and Pilgrims. They set the pattern for all future American missionaries in giving hope to the Almodadi. (The Almodadi are called Native Americans today.)
In time, the French, the British, and even the Germans started colonizing these rediscovered Old World regions as well. (The map of Ptolemy made about 200 BC showed most of the coast of Africa, with gaps, so that parts might have been interpreted as islands, instead Africa as unified continent.)
They came to colonize most of Africa as well, although their descendants do not effectively rule most of Africa, with some noticeable exceptions like South Africa.
The British also created colonies in India as well. The Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch, and the British all created colonies east of India and south of China as well. This included colonies on the coast of China as well as the islands east of China like the Philippines.
The Dutch began exploring the islands of the South Pacific as well. They were the first Europeans to set foot on New Zealand in 1642 AD.
Finally, the British created a colony in Australia in 1788 AD, after they lost their thirteen colonies in the American Revolutionary War. Soon, the British, and the French followed the Spanish and Portuguese, in exploring and colonizing the South Pacific Islands as well. The British established the first European colony in New Zealand in 1814 AD.
So, all this colonial empire building by the countries populated by, or ruled by, descendants of Gomer were just another example of the Father of Truth bringing about the rise and fall of empires for His own reasons. One of those reasons was to help the Children of Truth fulfill the Great Commission by bring the Good News to every nation on Earth.
During this entire four hundred year period, the Children of Truth sent missionaries on all of these expeditions. While the False Church of Rome used fear and intimidation, particularly by the Spanish, to force people into their religion, the Children of Truth used the same tactics that Saint Patrick used in northern Ireland to bring native people across the globe into the House of Truth.
The sun never sat upon the British Empire when it reached its greatest reach. The Americans, who were also primarily descendants of Gomer, also engaged in colonization across North America and into the South Pacific to create the United States of America. Like everyone else, missionaries were sent by the British and American Children of Truth to bring native peoples into the House of Truth using the Saint Patrick model. This was essential to the success of these colonization efforts.
These descendants of Gomer also followed the lead of John Wycliffe in translating the Book of Truth into the native languages of these native peoples - even when that meant creating a written form of those native languages and teaching the native peoples how to read that written language.
However, there was another reason for the Father of Truth giving success to all of these colonization efforts. That was to expand Gomer and his bands to include people groups of faraway lands in the future invasion lead by Gog, so that all the world will experience His protection of Israel.
Today, the descendants of Gomer rule over every country in the New World as well as Australia and New Zealand. They also are very influential in southern Africa, particularly in South Africa.
So, Gomer and his bands does not just include western European countries where the descendants of Gomer settled, but also countries where the descendants of Gomer are the majority and the rest are banded with them. This includes Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The bands of Gomer could also include those that are ruled by the descendants of Gomer, or influenced by the descendants of Gomer, like Spain, Portugal, Italy, the rest of the countries of the New World, the island nations of the South Pacific, the nations off the coast of China, and the nations of southern Africa, particularly South Africa. It could even include countries highly influenced by the Americans like Japan or highly influenced by the British like India.
The bands of Gomer includes people belonging to other ethnic groups, who are banded together with the descendants of Gomer politically, religiously, linguistically, and culturally.
So, when Gog leads a coalition of the countries of the former Soviet Union, the Eastern Block countries controlled by the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, and Turkey in invading Israel, this coalition will also include the countries that make up Gomer and his bands: Germany, France, Luxemburg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. It could also include armies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy, countries of the New World south of the US border, South Africa, the countries of southern Africa, and the countries of the South Pacific, that are also tied to Gomer.
This will be a terrible day for all of these countries, for they will find themselves fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:39)! All people should be afraid to be found to be fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 23:9)!
The Father of Truth does not want this for people, but has provided the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), so that all people can have peace with Him (Romans 5:1). He wants people to have peace with Him so much that He sent the Man of Truth to die for their sins (Romans 5:6-8). The blood of the Man of Truth was shed on a cross, so that the enemies of the Father of Truth could be reconciled to Him (Romans 5:9-10).
The Father of Truth is commanding all people to repent and avoid His judgment on His enemies, which He raised the Man of Truth from the dead as proof that it is coming (Acts 17:30-31). He does not desire to destroy people of any nation, but has patiently been waiting for people of every ethnic group to come into the House of Truth and have peace with Him (2 Peter 3:9).
So, come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Druids, False Church Of Rome, Gomer, History, Prophecy, Saint Patrick