Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Rise And Fall Of Empires

How did the rise and fall of empires prepare the world for spread of the Good News?

The Man of Truth came to this earth in the fullness of time to bring the Jews, who were given the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), into the House of Truth (Galatians 4:4-7).  The Apostles of Truth then went out to the Gentiles to turn them from idol worship, and celebrating holidays to mark the seasons, like Christmas and Easter, and bring them into the House of Truth (Galatians 4:8-11).

It was the perfect time for the Good News about him to spread quickly, as the world had been prepared to have the perfect conditions for this to happen by the rise and fall of empires.

There was peace between the Roman Empire, Parthian Empire, Kushan Empire, and China.  This allowed free movement of trade along the Silk Road from Louyang, the capital of China, to Ephesus, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.  There was also an extensive road network throughout the Roman Empire.  The Parthian and Kushan road networks went as far east as the eastern edge of northern India.  This started as an extensive road network throughout the Persian Empire that went as far north as the border between China and Afghanistan.

The remains of this Persian road network even allowed a Roman legion separated from the rest of the Roman army in 53 BC, to created a Roman colony in western China.  According to the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, the Parthians captured 10,000 Roman soldiers in the Battle of Carrhae in eastern modern Turkey, and relocated them to their northwest border, near China, to fight the invading Huns.  Chinese histories say that these foreign mercenaries with Roman armor and tactics moved into the Western Regions of China, and eventually settled in a city named Li-Jien (pronounced "legion" with a Chinese accent).  This is supported by Roman coins from about that period being found in western China.  There has also been found the remains of a Roman hoist for building Roman fortifications near the site of the ancient city of Li-Jien.

Today, there are people living in the vicinity of Li-Jien, who claim to be the descendants of these Roman soldiers.  The DNA of these people in Liqian show that they are about 56% Caucasian.  They also have many facial features that consistent with descendants of a Roman colony that intermarried with the surrounding people over the centuries.

The Roman Empire also maintained an extensive system of river channels and sea lanes to make unhindered movement via ships possible throughout much of the Roman Empire.  It also established sea routes from Egpyt to India, including Barbicum (Karachi, Pakistan), the Kerala coast of India, and Ganges, where the Ganges river empties into the Bay of Bengal.  It even had sea routes along the East Coast of Africa that went as south as Raphta, which was near the border of Tanzania and Mozambique.  (Sheba (modern South Africa) had trade via land with Raphta as well.)

India had established colonies to the east of India that reached the colonies that China had established to the south of China.  This area became known as Indo-China.  They also created colonies among the Melanesian islands to the south in what is now Indonesia.

The Romans sailed along these routes as well and reached China via the sea as well.  In fact, Roman coins from about 140 AD have been found in the Jiaozhi (modern Vietnam).  Roman coins from that period have even been found in Japan.

The Parthian and Kushan Empires came from the parts of the four Greek Empires, that the Romans had not conquered.  These four Greek Empires arose from the short lived unified Greek Empire that Alexander the Great created, when he conquered the Persian Empire and beyond.  The Persian Empire was formed by conquering the Babylonian Empire and beyond.  The Babylonian Empire came from conquering the Assyrian Empire and beyond.

The common language across the Assyrian Empire became Syriac Aramaic.  The Babylonians continued to use Syriac Aramaic as the common language of their empire, after they conquered the Assyrian Empire, causing its use to spread.  The Persians used Syriac Aramaic as the common language in the western half of their Empire, after they conquered the Babylonian Empire.  Over these centuries, Aramaic became the common language of trade from the Western Regions of China to the western end of modern Turkey to south of Ethiopia.

Then the Greeks came.  Their empire stretched from the Western Regions of China, where artifacts including a tapestry showing Greek soldiers have been found, to modern Albania, to Egypt to India.  They forced everyone to learn Greek across the four Greek Empires, after the death of Alexander the Great.  Soon, Greek became not only the common language of trade, but also the language of education as well.  The well educated in the courts of kings from China to Italy to Sheba (modern South Africa) to southern India all could read, write, and speak Greek.  Anywhere that any one went in most of the known world, someone could be found who knew Greek.

When the Romans took over the western part of the four Greek Empires, they simply allowed Greek to remain as the common language of the eastern half of the Roman Empire.  Where Greek was not already the common language, they forced everyone to learn Latin.

When the remaining parts of the four Greek Empires were conquered by the Parthians, and the Kushans, they allowed Greek to remain as the common language.  All of these empires removed the restrictions on Syriac Aramaic that the Greeks had imposed.  (It had continued to be spoken as a second language, particularly in rural areas.)

So by just using just one language, Greek, a message could be given that would be understood by about half the people in the most densely populated parts of the Old World.  By translating that into just two more languages, Latin and Syriac Aramaic, almost ninety percent could be reached.

Also, the people of Israel were scattered across this same massive area, and had created a network of communities by the rise and fall of these empires.  These communities formed a system of mutual hospitality that made it possible for any of the people of Israel to travel from one community to another in long journeys.  The members of these communities always had a place to stay in other communities.  This system provided both an instant Jewish audience for wherever the Jewish Children of Truth, like the Apostles of Truth, went, and a means for the Apostles of Truth to take the Good News from Jerusalem to the most distant of these lands within two years time.

The Temple in Jerusalem was effectively a communication hub that allowed these communities to stay in contact with other communities from one end of this massive area to the other.   These communities sent people to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple for the Feasts of Truth that make up the Greatest Play Ever, where they would connect with people from other communities.  A message that began in Jerusalem could be distributed to all of these communities within a year or two.

So, everything was in place to allow those who carried the Good News, to spread their message across a large geographical area in a shorter period of time, than had ever been possible before.  These perfect conditions only remained for a period of about forty years, that began about the time that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) started his ministry in Israel and ended with the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem.  Communication between communities still existed to a much lesser degree after that, until the Romans scattered the Jews and destroyed the providence of Judea about sixty-five years later.  Even then, communications between communities were still possible, until Greek ceased to be the common language outside of the Roman Empire, about eighty-five years later.  After that, there would not be another opportunity like it until modern times.

The message of the Good News, found in the Renewed Covenant, came at the optimum time in human history.  The events of the Good News happened in the very geographical center of this vast area.  The language of the Renewed Covenant was the optimum language for a message being spread to as many people as possible in this small window of opportunity.  The message of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) spread first to places where there were people to translate it into Latin and Syriac Aramaic.  This  accelerated the spread of this message.  In fact, by 100 AD, there are records of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) already being as far west as Britain and as far east as China.  They were also in Azania (modern Tanzania) by this time.  Three of the original Apostles of Truth died in the southern most part of India.

In all of these cases, those who made all of this possible, like Alexander the Great, were doing so, 100% for their own purposes.  They had no clue that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) was giving them success, 100% for His own purposes.  They did not know that they were preparing the world to hear His great message.  This is certain, because He spoke through the Prophets of Truth about the rise and fall of these empires, hundreds of years before they existed.  These empires came and went, so the Messiah of Israel could come in the fullness of time.

The Father of Truth decides the boundaries of each nation (Deuteronomy 32:8).  He expands and shrinks empires according to His own timetable (Acts 17:24-26).

The Father of Truth knows how to motivate rulers to cause them to carry out His will, while they are in pursuit of their own will (Proverbs 21:1).  He gives success to founding rulers to create empires, and brings disaster to final rulers to destroy empires, according to His own timetable (Daniel 2:20-22).

The Father of Truth motivated the rulers of Assyria to create the Assyrian Empire (1 Chronicles 5:26).  He gave them success in creating their empire (Isaiah 20).

The Assyrian Empire then scattered the people of the northern kingdom of Israel to the east of the land of Israel (2 Kings 18:9-12).  Also, Syriac Aramaic became the common language across the Assyrian Empire (Isaiah 36:11-13).

The Father of Truth then motivated the ruler of Egypt to start the collapse of the Assyrian Empire (2 Chronicles 35:20-22).  He brought about the destruction of the Assyrian Empire (Zephaniah 2:11-13).

The Father of Truth then gave success to the ruler of Babylon to create the Babylonian Empire (Jeremiah 27:4-8).

The Babylonian Empire then scattered the people of the southern kingdom of Judah to the east of the land of Judah (Jeremiah 40:1).  The Babylonian Empire also destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple (Jeremiah 52:12-14).

The Father of Truth then brought down the Babylonian Empire and gave success to the ruler of the Medes to create the Persian Empire in a single night (Daniel 5:26-31).

The Father of Truth then caused the Persian Empire to expand through the union of first the rulers of the Medes, and then the rulers of the Persians (Daniel 8:3-4).  He gave success to these rulers (Daniel 8:20).

So, Syriac Aramaic remained the common language across the former area of the Babylonian Empire in the western half of the Persian Empire, while Persian became the common language in the eastern half (Ezra 4:5-7).

The Father of Truth then motivated the ruler of the Persian Empire to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1:1-4). Then another ruler of the Persian Empire then made a decree for Jerusalem to be rebuilt (Nehemiah 2:1-9).  This decree started the countdown to the death of the Man of Truth (Daniel 9:25).

Yet, the Jews remained scattered throughout every province of the Persian Empire (Esther 8:9-17).  They even became scattered to places outside of the Persian Empire, that traded with the Persian Empire, like China (Isaiah 49:11-13). [Sinim is the Hebrew word for China.]

The Father of Truth also set the time of the end of the Persian Empire while it was still prospering (Daniel 11:1-2).  He then brought about the end of the Persian Empire, and the beginning of the unified Greek Empire (Daniel 8:5-7).

The Father of Truth did this through Alexander the Great (Daniel 8:21).  Alexander the Great set the stage to bring about the purposes of the Father of Truth, even though, he was doing everything entirely for his own purposes (Daniel 11:3).

The Father of Truth then caused the unified Greek Empire to split into four smaller Greek empires (Daniel 8:8).  These four smaller Greek empires were never as great as the unified Greek Empire (Daniel 8:22).  He caused these four smaller Greek empires to be ruled by the generals of Alexander the Great, instead of his sons (Daniel 11:4).

The Father of Truth then brought the Romans to start coming against one of these four smaller Greek empires at His appointed time (Daniel 11:29-30). [Chittim is the father of the Italians, which included the Romans.]   He then raised up a Roman ruler to take control of the western part of these four smaller Greek empires to form the eastern half of the Roman Empire (Luke 2:1-3).  (The Persians took control of the central part to form the Parthian Empire, while the Kushan turned the eastern part to form the Kushan empire, around the same time.)

So, Aramaic continued to be commonly spoken across the territory of the former Persian Empire (Matthew 27:46).  At the same time, Latin and Greek were the common languages of the Roman Empire (Luke 23:38).

The Father of Truth raised up the Roman Empire, so the Romans would carry out His will in killing the Man of Truth for the sins of others, and then destroying Jerusalem and the Temple again (Daniel 9:26).

It is certain that the Father of Truth did this, for He spoke through the Prophets of Truth about the rise and fall of each empire, long before each empire existed.

For example, He gave the founder of the Babylonian Empire a dream (Daniel 2:28-33).  He then revealed through a Prophet of Truth, that the dream meant that the Babylonian Empire would be followed by three other empires, each one stronger, but less rich, than the previous empire (Daniel 2:36-40).  He then gave another dream to that Prophet of Truth (Daniel 7:1-7).  He then revealed through an Angel of Truth that this dream meant the same thing as the one given to the ruler of Babylon (Daniel 7:15-17).

So, the Father of Truth set up the perfect conditions in the Gentile world for the rapid spread of the Good News.  His means to accomplish this was the rise and fall of empires.

The road system, peace, trade relationships, the widespread use of Greek as the common language, the scattered Jewish communities, and the central communication hub between these communities at the Temple in Jerusalem, created the perfect conditions for rapid spread of the Good News.

These conditions made it possible for people as far away as Pontus, Persia (Elam), Egypt, and Rome to hear the Good News at the preaching of Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka Cephas) in Jerusalem (Acts 2:9-41).  They allowed a man from Ethiopia to come to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple, and take the Good News as far south as Ethiopia (Acts 8:26-39).  They allowed some of the Children of Truth from Cyrene to bring the Good News to Antioch (Acts 11:19-21).

These conditions allowed Jewish men from far away places to meet together and send out Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) to take the Good News to the Gentiles (Acts 13:1-3).  They made it possible for Paul the Jew to sail to Cyprus and preach the Good News, starting with the Jewish community there (Acts 13:4-5).

These conditions allowed Paul the Jew to sail to another Jewish community in Pisidia, and preach the Good News there (Acts 13:13-41).  They made it possible for these Paul the Jew to preach the Good News to the Gentiles there afterwards (Acts 13:42-48).

These conditions allowed a woman in the Jewish community at Philippi to provide Paul the Jew with a place to stay, so he could preach the Good News there (Acts 16:12-15).  They made it possible for Paul the Jew to escape Berea via the river to the sea, and then via the sea to Athens, when he was persecuted for preaching the Good News to the Jewish community there (Acts 17:10-15).

These conditions made it possible for Paul the Jew to sail to the Jewish community in Corinth, stay with a Jewish couple there, and preach the Good News there (Acts 18:1-4).  They allowed Paul the Jew to sail to the Jewish community in Ephesus, and preach the Good News there (Acts 19:1-10).

These conditions made it possible for Paul the Jew to sail to the Jewish community in Caesarea, and then go to the Temple in Jerusalem to report his success in preaching the Good News (Acts 21:8-19).  They allowed a Roman army to rescue Paul the Jew from Jerusalem and be taken to Caesarea, when some Jews sought to kill him in Jerusalem for preaching the Good News (Acts 23:11-33).

These conditions allowed Paul the Jew to appeal to Caesar to get to Rome (Acts 25:10-12).  They made it possible for Paul the Jew to preach the Good News to the Jews, and then the Gentiles, in Rome (Acts 28:16-31).

These conditions made it possible for Paul the Jew to plan to take the Good News as far west as Spain (Romans 15:24-28).  They made it possible for a woman from Persia to being living in Rome years later, and then come into the House of Truth (Romans 16:12).  [Persis means "woman of Persia".]

These conditions made it possible for for Peter the Jew to take the Good News as far north as Pontus (1 Peter 1:1-2).  They allowed Peter the Jew, Mark the Jew (Maccabee aka Markus), and Silas the Jew (Silvanus) to move to Babylon, and start a congregation there (1 Peter 5:12-14).

These conditions made it possible for James the Jew (Yah'acob, brother of Yah'shua (Jesus) aka the Apostle James) to send an epistle to members of the twelves tribes of Israel, who were mainly scattered across the Parthian and Kushan empires east of the Roman Empire, and even as far east as China (James 1:1).

These perfect conditions, that came from the rise and fall of empires, also made it possible for the events of the Good News to occur, so that there was a message to be spread during this short window of opportunity.

These conditions made it possible for the Magi to come from far east of the Roman Empire to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12).  They caused the Man of Truth to born in Bethlehem, instead of Nazareth (Luke 2:1-7).

The conditions allowed the Man of Truth to be falsely accused before a Roman governor (Luke 23:1-4).  They made it possible for the Man of Truth to condemned to die by crucifixion (John 19:12-16).

These conditions allowed a man from Cyrene be present in Jerusalem to carry the cross for the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:31-32).  They made it possible for the Messiah of Israel to be crucified on a Roman cross (Matthew 27:33-35).  They allowed a rich man to get permission from a Roman governor to bury the Man of Truth in his own tomb (Matthew 27:57-60).

These conditions made it possible for Roman guards to be placed in front of the tomb (Matthew 27:62-66).  They allowed these Roman soldiers to quake with fear, and fall down like dead men, when the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Matthew 28:1-7).  They made it possible for these Roman guards to be bribed into lying about the resurrection (Matthew 28:11-15).

These conditions made it possible Jerusalem and the Temple to be destroyed as proof that the Messiah of Israel had died for the sins of others (Luke 13:33-35).

So the rise and fall of empires was the work of the Father of Truth to bring about the spread of the Good News over a large area in a short amount of time.

The Father of Truth eventually split the Roman Empire in half, and then brought down both halves.  He has continued to bring about the rise and fall of empires to spread the Good News about the Man of Truth.

For example, the British Empire was raised up so large that the sun never set on it.  This made it possible for British missionaries to bring the Good News to many places where it had never been heard.  Now that it has cease to be useful for bringing the Good News to places, it has been brought down to little more than Britain itself.

In like manner, the empire called America has been instrumental in bringing the Good News to all the world through missionaries tied to its various commercial enterprises throughout the Earth.  It has also made it possible to bring the Good News to every country on Earth through the global communication systems that it has created, like radio, television, and the internet.  Since America has turned away from bringing the Good News to other places, the Father of Truth will bring it down like all other empires.  The death of America is certain.

Soon the Father of Truth will cause the kingdom of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to rise and fall (Daniel 7:23-26).  This will be to cause the global empire of the Man of Truth to rise, and never fall (Daniel 7:27).

The Father of Truth has brought about the rise and fall of empires, so you could come into the House of Truth.  You can be certain that the Good News about the Man of Truth is true, because He told about the rise and fall of empires, long before they existed.  The Good News is being given to you today, because the fall and rise of empires made it possible.

You can be part of the empire of the Man of Truth that will never fall, if you will come into the House of Truth (Mark 1:14-15).  You come into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth your king, because you believe the Good News that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  You can be part of the rise of the empire of the Man of Truth, and the fall of the empire of the Man of Lies (Revelation 19:11-21)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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