Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Incorruptible Word

Has the Book of Truth (The Bible) been corrupted?

There used to be a Bible museum in Tulsa.  The main focus of this Bible museum was to tell the story of how the King James version of the Bible, commonly used in America, came into being from the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  This museum was laid out as a long pathway with the exhibits in historical order.  Each exhibit was displayed in a setting that matched the time and place where the artifact was used in real life.  You started out in the catacombs, where a Torah scroll from the 4th century AD was displayed.  Next came a copy of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament)), in a synagogue with a mosaic floor that was a little older.  Then came Greek manuscripts that covered all of the books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), in a church that looked amazingly similar to the synagogue.  These Greek manuscripts ranged in age from about the 4th century AD to about the 7th century AD.

In all of these displays the placards told that these were not the oldest copies in existence. They told the date of the oldest complete manuscript or scroll found so far as well as the oldest fragment of each book of the Book of Truth found so far.

The museum then proceeded to go forward in time, showing the Latin Vulgate translation, then the Wycliffe translation of that into the first English Bible, then the Gutenberg press that allowed for the mass production of Bibles and the Gutenberg Bible that was printed on it, then the William Tyndale translation of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts into the first English Bible derived from original source language text, then the 1611 AD King James Bible and finally the 1769 AD King James version of the Bible commonly used in America to this day.

All through this unbroken chain of evidence about the consistency of the contents of the Bible, from the original language manuscripts from the fourth century to modern times, there was also the story interweaved in the displays of the relentless efforts to corrupt the Book of Truth.

The governments of the some of the mightiest empires on Earth tried to destroy the Book of Truth but found it to be The Indestructible Book.  So instead they created corrupted "official" versions of the Book of Truth in an effort to distort its message.  However, these government sanctioned versions that had been corrupted always fell out of disuse, to the point that copies of most of them only exist in museums.

However, the efforts of governments to corrupt the Book of Truth fade into nothing, when compared to the efforts of various religious professionals across the ages, to corrupt the Book of Truth.

There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by purposely mistranslating it to support official doctrines of church and state, like the One Disturbing Sentence, that was purposely corrupted in at least one translation, and replicated in translations that were based off that translation.  There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by insisting that it was incomplete without another testimony like The Book of Mormon.  There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by including other books that they claimed were The Missing Books of the Bible, that were not in the canon of the Original Covenant handed down from the time of Nehemiah, nor in the canon of the Original Covenant handed down by the Apostles of Truth.

There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by removing books that they say were somehow slipped into the Book of Truth.  This is hardly a new phenomenon limited to leaders of modern religious cults or fringe groups.  Some of the best known religious leaders of all time have tried to remove books from the Book of Truth, that they said were somehow slipped into the Book of Truth, but really did not belong there.

For example, F.C. Bauer, a famous and very influential theologian of the early 1800s, said that the only valid Epistles were Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, and Galatians.  He sought to have all other Epistles removed from the canon of the Renewed Covenant.

The most well known religious professional, who attempted to corrupt the contents of the Book of Truth, by having some of the books removed from the Book of Truth, is undoubtedly, Martin Luther.   Martin Luther attempted to remove Esther from the canon of the Original Covenant, because it does not directly contain any name of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) anywhere in it.  He also tried to have Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation removed, because they disagreed with his doctrine. He also cast doubt among Lutherans about the validity of 2 Peter, 2 John, and 3 John as well for being "too Jewish".

However, Martin Luther was far from the first to literally seek to edit the Book of Truth by removing books from it.  There were prior attempts to remove entire books for the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  According to Eusebius, many of the founders of the False Church of Rome also tried to remove the same seven books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant, as Martin Luther had tried to have removed, for primarily the same reason - that they were somehow, "too Jewish".

These founders tried to maintain that the leaders of the Jewish Congregation in Jerusalem - James the Jew (Ya'acob aka Jacob aka The Apostle James), John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) and Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) - were somehow at odds with the leader of the mostly Gentile congregations outside of Israel - Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul).  These founders taught that Paul the Jew somehow got it right, while the Jerusalem leadership got it wrong.

These founders maintained this position, despite the fact that Paul the Jew wrote in his own writings, that he compared the doctrine he taught with the doctrine that the Jerusalem leadership taught, to make sure that he had not gotten things wrong (Galatians 2:1-2).  According to Paul the Jew, there was no disagreement between his doctrine and their doctrine, the only difference was that he was bringing this doctrine to the Gentiles, while they were bringing the same doctrine to the Jews (Galatians 2:5-10).

The champion of editing the Book of Truth had came along well before these founders.  His name was Marcion of Sinope, and he was born to the pastor of Sinope in 85 AD - ten years before the Revelation was given to John the Jew.  He tried to remove all of the books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant, except for his own edited version of the Gospel of Luke and ten of the epistles written by Paul the Jew (which he probably sought to edit as well).  He found everything else to be "too Jewish" and it contradicted his doctrine.

Marcion of Sinope did this somewhere around the the year 120 AD. This is yet more proof that the books of the Renewed Covenant, especially the Gospel of Luke and the writings of Paul the Jew, had been completed well before the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 AD.  This is undeniable proof that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had said, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, that the Jews would be scattered out of the Promised Land into all nations by the Romans more than 100 years before it happened.

This same Marcion of Sinope was also the first to call the Original Covenant by the name "The Old Testament", the first to call the Renewed Covenant by the name "The New Testament", and even coined using the word "Testament" to replace "Covenant".  He taught that the Original Covenant had become totally superseded by the Renewed Covenant and there was no reason to even include the Original Covenant in the Book of Truth.  He was among the earliest to teach that the Father of Truth found in the Original Covenant was someone different than the Father who sent the Man of Truth in the Renewed Covenant.

However, Marcion of Sinope was not the first to try to remove books out of the Book of Truth, that he accused others of somehow slipping into the Book of Truth, because those books disagreed with his doctrine.  Long before Marcion of Sinope was born, there were Jewish Rabbis, who made the same accusation concerning the Original Covenant.  In particular, various Rabbis tried to remove Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), Esther and Ezekiel from the cannon of the Original Covenant.  These efforts by Rabbis to remove these books, because these books contradicted their doctrine, did not end until about 90 AD, shortly after Marcion of Sinope was born.

The fact is that there were no books slipped into the cannon of the Original Covenant or the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  All of the books of the Original Covenant fit together to form a tree of wondrous strength while all of the books of the Renewed Covenant fit together to form a well built house.  This well built house rests is secured atop of the branches of the tree of wondrous strength by the everlasting covenant given to Abraham (Abram).  These inseparable covenants are bound together to form the Book of Truth.

Not only have there been attempts to corrupt the Book of Truth by purposely mistranslating the Book of Truth, adding books to the Book of Truth, or removing books from the Book of Truth, but there have also been attempts to corrupt the actual contents of the Book of Truth.

Some people have attempted to change the Greek composite documents used for translation into other languages by using Greek manuscripts that contradict the meaning and intent of the oldest intact codices of the Renewed Covenant. 

While there have been some minor differences in the exact wording or spelling between the oldest intact codices, there is nothing that significantly different in the meaning of their content.  In fact, after Westcott and Hort spent 28 years assembling their Greek New Testament composite document in 1881, from the oldest Greek Renewed Covenant fragments available, they declared that they found nothing significantly different than what was in the Textus Receptus composite document, that was assembled in 1516.  This is especially impressive considering that there were no Greek manuscripts available to use for parts of the Textus Receptus, and those parts had to back translated into Greek from the Latin found in the Latin Vulgate.  This is evidence that the Latin Vulgate was itself a reliable Latin translation from original Greek manuscripts.

Usually some supposed correction to the Greek composite documents is based on a single Greek manuscript, or even a single fragment of a Greek manuscript, as evidence that the meaning and intent should be changed.  The fact that more than ten thousand other ancient Greek manuscripts all agree with each other does not seem to matter.  It never seems to occur to these religious professionals that the reason why their single manuscript with the disagreement has survived is because it was not used due to the disagreement in the text with the other Greek manuscripts.

The error free manuscripts would have been used and therefore not survived through the centuries.  However, the defective Greek manuscripts would have survived longer because nobody was using them.  In fact, a lot of these Greek manuscripts, that have text that disagrees with all of the other Greek manuscripts, were actually found in ancient trash dumps.  The disagreement in those Greek manuscripts with the other Greek manuscripts is the reason that they were thrown away in the first place.  So their older age and disagreement with other Greek manuscripts actually show that they are less reliable, not more reliable, than the other Greek manuscripts.

Also, these Greek manuscripts, that disagree with the other Greek manuscripts, do not usually have any kind of marking to show who wrote them in the first place.  They could have been forgeries or even part of a codex that had been purposely changed like the one that Marcion of Sinope produced.

The other strategy used by some religious professionals, to try to get a change in the intent or meaning of a passage in the Renewed Covenant, is to uphold manuscripts written in another language such as Aramaic (Syriac) as the original language. They then assert that the Greek manuscripts have translation errors, that can be corrected by going to a supposed original language source document, like the Syriac Peshitta.

The first and foremost problem with this, is the overwhelming evidence that the Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and the rest of the Renewed Covenant was originally written in Greek as explained in the language of the Renewed Covenant.   Secondly, there is a dearth of ancient Renewed Covenant manuscripts in languages other than Greek.  Thirdly, many of these so-called original language source document, like the Syriac Peshitta, were recorded as being translated from Greek by the very people who produced them.

Any disagreement between a non-Greek language document, and the overwhelming number of Greek manuscripts, is probably the result of a mistranslation into their language from Greek.  It is also possible that the meaning of the words in this non-Greek language has changed over the centuries, or that those who are examining these non-Greek documents, are in turn mistranslating those non-Greek documents.  Lastly, there could be a disagreement between the Greek documents and the non_Greek documents, due to an intentional mistranslation into the non-Greek language by the translators to support their doctrine. This would be just like the cases of intentional translation errors in English translations of the Book of Truth by some religious professionals to support their doctrine.

Finally, the fact is there are enough quotes of the Renewed Covenant in external Greek documents written before 300 AD, to almost reproduce the entire Renewed Covenant in another Greek composite document made from just those quotes.  It is well established that such a reproduced Greek composite document would not disagree with either of the Greek composite documents discussed.  This really destroys any possibility, of any change in the intent or meaning of any passage in the Renewed Covenant, to anything other than what is conveyed in those Greek composite documents.

Of course, there have also been attempts to corrupt the contents of the Original Covenant as well.  The most notable of these are found in the Masoretic Text that was produced in the 800's AD.  There are more than twenty passages in the Masoretic Text, where there are Hebrew words cannot be reconciled with the Greek words, used in the Greek translation of the Original Covenant, known as the Septuagint.  In most of these places there is a single Hebrew word that is different, and usually by a single Hebrew letter.  All of these Hebrew words occur in passages, that clearly identify the Man of Truth as having the characteristics of the Messiah of Israel.

The explanation for the differences given by the Rabbis is that the Septuagint was mistranslated, while the Masoretic Text is correct.  However, all of the Hebrew manuscripts that are older than 400 AD, which is more than two hundred years before the Masoretic Text began to be compiled, contain a different Hebrew word in these passages than the Hebrew word in the Masoretic Text.  The Hebrew words that these older Hebrew manuscripts contain translate into the Greek words used in the Septuagint.  This not only includes manuscript written in block Hebrew (modern Hebrew), that came from the Aramaic alphabet, but also every single manuscript written in paleo-Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew), that the Original Covenant was originally written in.

For example, the end of Psalms 22:16, written in the Masoretic Text literally says: "like a lion my hands and feet", while as it is written in the Septuagint literally says: "they pierced my hands and feet".  The word "kari" in the Masoretic Text literally means: "like a lion".  There is simply no way that can be accurately translated as "they pierced".

However, all of the older Hebrew manuscripts that contain the end of Psalm 22:16, used the word "karu" instead of "kari".  The difference is the vav (transliterated as a "u") at the end of the word instead of a yod (transliterated as a "i").  So instead of a kaf  (transliterated as a "k") being added in front of "ari" (lion), to modify "lion" to "like a lion", there is a vav (transliterated as a "u") added to end of "kar" (pierced), to modify "pierced" to "they pierced".  So all of these older Hebrew manuscripts literally say: "they pierced", as translated into Greek in the Septuagint.

It is obvious that the Rabbis intentionally changed the Hebrew words in these passages, because Jewish people were reading them, and coming to the right conclusion about the Man of Truth.  This is yet another reason that the Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble.  This is yet another example of Rabbinic Distort.

Yet this Rabbinic effort to corrupt the Original Covenant has failed, because the original wording was preserved both in the Greek Septuagint and in the older Hebrew manuscripts (which all agree with the translation given in the Greek Septuagint).

So despite the unending efforts of some religions professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, since the time of the Man of Truth, the Book of Truth has remained uncorrupted.  The Hebrew and Greek composite documents that exist today, have the same contents that convey the same meaning and intent, as the day that the original manuscripts were written.  The Book of Truth contains all of the books that it should contain, only the books it should contain, and those books do not contain any corrupted text.  The Book of Truth is the incorruptible book.

Now it might be surprising that religious professionals, who claim to be teaching people about the Father of Truth, are the most prevalent force behind attempts to corrupt the Book of Truth.  Yet religious professionals, are exactly who the Book of Truth said we must be careful to examine.  Not all religious professionals among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are living in the House of Truth.  The Book of Truth tells us how to know which religious professionals are not living in the House of Truth, so we can avoid those who are attempting to corrupt the Book of Truth.

No one is allowed to change the Word of Truth by either adding to it or taking away from it (Deuteronomy 4:2). The Word of Truth is not the word of mere men, so it can be changed whenever it contradicts their doctrine (1 Thessalonians 2:13).  The Word of Truth was recorded in the Book of Truth by the Spirit of Truth through the Prophets of Truth and the Apostles of Truth (2 Peter 1:19-21).   No one who attempts to change the Word of Truth contained in the pages of the Book of Truth will live with the Father of Truth in eternity (Revelation 22:18-19).

The Man of Truth taught that religious professionals seek to corrupt the Word of Truth so they can justify their own doctrine (Mark 7:7-9). Those religious professionals who have sought to corrupt the Word of Truth are not like the Apostles of Truth (2 Corinthians 2:17).  The Apostles of Truth did not handle the Word of Truth deceitfully to corrupt it (2 Corinthians 4:2).  The Children of Truth are told to have nothing to do with these religious professionals who seek to corrupt the Book of Truth, because their pride in their own doctrine has corrupted their minds, and prevents them from being able to know the truth found in the Book of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

One of the main strategies, of those religious professionals who seek to corrupt the Book of Truth, is to make an accusation that the Book of Truth has been corrupted.  Of course, these religious professionals have "discovered" what needs to be changed to remove the corruption, so the Book of Truth can agree with their doctrine.  So ironically, the religious professionals who make the accusation that the Book of Truth has been corrupted, make this accusation, so they can corrupt the Book of Truth, by changing the contents of the Book of Truth.

It is worth noting that these religious professionals, who accuse the Book of Truth of being corrupted in some manner, are making the exact same accusation about the Book of Truth, that the Muslims make.  They are also making these accusations for the exact reasons as the Muslims.  Like the Muslims, this accusation is designed to lead people into following another Jesus, who is not the same as the Man of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  Like Muslims, these religious leaders are getting their revelations from another spirit, who is different than the Spirit of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.

This accusation of the Book of Truth being corrupted is a terrible insult to the Father of Truth.  This accusation says that the Father of Truth was unable to preserve His Word throughout the ages.  Anyone who accuses the Book of Truth of being corrupted, is accusing the Father of Truth of being weaker than both the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), and the people that he enticed to corrupt the Book of Truth.

The reason that the Book of Truth is the incorruptible book, is that it contains the Word of Truth.   The Word of Truth is the incorruptible seed that remains unchanged throughout the ages (1 Peter 1:23-25).

The Word of Truth is a written record of the very words spoken by the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1).  The Man of Truth said that these are the very words that cause those who hear them to live (Matthew 4:4).

The Father of Truth never changes and neither does the Word of Truth that He spoke (Malachi 3:5-7).   Make no mistake - the Father of Truth has not changed and neither has the Word of Truth that he uses to beget the Children of Truth (James 1:16-18).

The written Word of Truth is a record of the thoughts, intentions, dealings, and actions of the living Word of Truth, who worked with the Father of Truth to create the universe (John 1:1-3).  This living Word of Truth, lived in a flesh and blood body on this Earth as the Man of Truth, to bring about the grace of the Father of Truth that began in the Original Covenant (John 1:14-18).  Since the Man of Truth never changes, then the Word of Truth never changes, so we can avoid being lead into the Doctrine of Lies - which often depends upon corrupting the contents of the Book of Truth in some manner (Hebrews 13:7-9).

The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Word of Truth is a written record of the very words spoken by the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because human efforts will never be sufficient to corrupt the Word of Truth, since the Father of Truth is protecting it to ensure that what He ha spoken comes to pass (Isaiah 55:8-11).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Father of Truth is making sure that He does what He said (Jeremiah 1:12).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Man of Truth did not come to the Earth to change even the smallest part of a single letter in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) - so it is certain that no one else can corrupt any part of the Book of Truth by changing any part of it (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because Heaven and Earth will be changed but the Word of Truth will never be changed (Matthew 24:35).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because those who have sought to corrupt it have never been able to succeed because they are fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:38-39).

So the incorruptible word written in the Book of Truth could have never been corrupted as some religious professionals claim.

The Word of Truth was given, so that people could experience the blessing of the Father of Truth when they carry out His will (Deuteronomy 12:28).  The Word of Truth was given, so people could be saved by repenting of their disobedience to the Father of Truth after they heard it (Romans 10:14-17).  The Word of Truth was given, so the Children of Truth could fight against the attempts of the Father of Lies to deceive them (Ephesians 6:11-17).  The Word of Truth was given, so that those who accept it as the uncorrupted Word of Truth, can know the Doctrine of Truth needed to live in the House of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:11-13).  The Word of Truth was given, so the Children of Truth can discern the thoughts and intentions of the hearts of people, who seek to get them to leave the House of Truth (Hebrews 4:11-13).

For these reasons, the Father of Lies has worked through some religious professionals to attempt to corrupt the Word of Truth throughout the ages, but he has failed, because the Father of Truth is strong enough to keep the Word of Truth from being corrupted.  The main reason, that the Father of Lies has sought to corrupt the Word of Truth, is to keep people from coming into the House of Truth.

People come into the House of Truth, when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe the Word of Truth, when it says that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  It is the incorruptible word, that is the seed of the Father of Truth, which causes people to be born again, when they come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23).

Come into the House of Truth!

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