The Lessor Matters of The Law
What place does the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) have in this present age?
What place does the Law of Truth have in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)? Have all of its commandments been nullified because they have been fulfilled by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)? Are the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) or anyone else subject to any of its commandments? Does the Law of Truth only have a place in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament)?
If this was really the case then there would be no punishment for doing things like homosexuality, murder, and the like in the Renewed Covenant. Instead those who do such things deserve the exact same penalty as those in the Original Covenant - death (Romans 1:26-32). In fact, those who do these kind of things have no place in the kingdom of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka The Lord) in the Renewed Covenant (Galatians 5:19-21). Sin is still defined by the Law of Truth in the Renewed Covenant (1 John 3:4). The Renewed Covenant still says that people will suffer forever for breaking these righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Revelation 21:8).
It is these righteous laws that shows whose heart has been circumcise and whose has not (Romans 2:25-27). It is only by walking after the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaKodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that people can keep these righteous commandments (Romans 8:3-5). The whole point of the Law of Truth is bring people to the Man of Truth so that they could keep these righteous commandments (Romans 10:4). The Man of Truth died and rose again because people had no power to keep these righteous commandments on their own (Galatians 2:19-21). So the commandments of the Law of Truth that define righteousness are still very much in effect under the Renewed Covenant as The Weightier Matters of The Law.
So the other commandments of the Law of Truth, like those that deal with the Temple sacrifices, keeping the Sabbath, wearing tzitzits (white cords with blue threads) on the corner of garments, circumcision of males, not eating filthy things like pigs, and the like are the lessor matters of the Law of Truth. They are not included in the long and exhaustive lists in the Renewed Covenant that define the commandments of righteousness. So what about these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth? Are they also in effect under the Renewed Covenant?
Roughly two-thirds of the 613 commandments of the Law of Truth revolve around the services of the Temple. There is no Temple in Jerusalem so it is apparent that these commandments have not been in effect since 70 AD. Have these commandments been permanently done away with?
There will be a Temple in Jerusalem during the reign of the Man of Truth that will be much larger than the Temple that was destroyed in 70 AD (Ezekiel 45:1-3). When the Temple is standing during his future reign all of the commandments concerning the services of the Temple will also be in effect (Ezekiel 45:16-18).
In fact, during his reign the Law of Truth will become the law of the entire Earth so that it may enjoy an era of peace, prosperity, righteousness and justice (Isaiah 2:2-4). This includes the commandments concerning food and keeping the Sabbath (Ezekiel 44:23-24). Everyone will celebrate the Feasts of His Father like the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) (Zechariah 14:17-19).
So the commandments concerning the Temple services have not been permanently done away with but only suspended until the Temple is rebuilt and the Man of Truth is reigning on the Earth to ensure that its services do not become polluted like they did when people ignored the weightier matters of the Law of Truth. It is also obvious that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth will be in effect when he reigns in the future. So what about these lessor matters of the Law of Truth at this at this present time? What does the Renewed Covenant say about them?
First of all, we need to determine which commandments of the Law of Truth that may or may not be in effect at this present time.
The largest part of the commandments of the Law of Truth deal with the service of the Temple and they are not in effect at this present time. So we are not talking about these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth which are definitely not in effect at this present time.
The largest part of the remainder of the commandments of the Law of Truth deal with righteousness and they never went out of effect. These commandments were even in effect in the Gentiles who did not know the Father of Truth (Romans 2:13-15). What the Father of Truth says is right existed before He ever gave the Law of Truth to Moses to spell it out with these commandments (Romans 3:21). It was breaking these commandments that brought the death penalty to every person before the Law of Truth was ever given to Moses (Romans 5:13-15). Those who continue to break these commandments will not inherit His kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So we are not talking about these weightier commandments of the Law of Truth which are definitely in effect at this present time.
This only leaves commandments about paying tithes, giving offerings, keeping the Sabbath, observing the Feasts of the Father of Truth, eating only what He calls food, circumcision, and few other things like wearing garments that have white cords with a blue thread on each corner (tallits). So we are only talking about a handful of commandments in the Law of Truth that are in question at this present time.
So we will examine the Renewed Covenant to see what it says about these remaining commandments that are a small part of the lessor matters of the Law of Truth. Does it say that these remaining commandments have been done away with?
The Man of Truth said he did come to do away with any part of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17). He said that even the smallest part of the Law of Truth would remain in effect as long as this universe exists (Matthew 5:18). He stated that no one should teach people to just ignore even the least of its commandments (Matthew 5:19). He only said that people should take care of the weightier matters of the Law of Truth before attending to the lessor matters of the Law of Truth, like giving offerings, if they want to be part of the kingdom of His Father (Matthew 5:20-24). He said that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth, like paying tithes, should still be done just like the weightier matters of the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:23). So the Renewed Covenant does not say that these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth have been done away with. Still the commandments regarding the Temple service are obviously not in effect at this time while the weightier matters of the Law of Truth obviously are still in effect. So the better question is this: Are these remaining commandments in effect at this present time?
Now I have heard many religious professionals say that the Children of Truth are not under the Law of Truth. They are right but no longer being under the Law of Truth does not mean that the Children of Truth no longer keep its commandments. They have been set free from the system of dying for breaking the commandments of the Law of Truth due to the weakness of their own flesh by being part of a new system where the Spirit of Truth works in their hearts so they can keep those commandments (Romans 8:1-2). The Children of Truth are no longer under the Law of Truth where they keep its commandments under penalty of death but rather are now adopted into the family of the Father of Truth by the Spirit of Truth being at work in their hearts (Galatians 4:4-6). Since the Spirit of Truth is living in them then they keep the commandments of the Law of Truth from their hearts instead of doing so out of religious duty to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18). These same commandments that were once written on tablets of stone are now written by the Spirit of Truth upon their hearts (2 Corinthians 3:2-4). So the Children of Truth are not under the Law of Truth because the Renewed Covenant is having those exact same commandments written on their hearts and minds so that they are able to obey them from the heart (Hebrews 8:8-19). So the Children of Truth, like myself, do not do what is written in the Law of Truth because of fear. I keep these commandments with the help of the Spirit of Truth because they are Written On My Heart.
These same religious professionals will say that the Children of Truth are obligated to pay tithes and offerings. The only commandments in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to pay tithes are found in the Law of Truth (Leviticus 27:30-32). The only commandments in the Book of Truth to give offerings are found in the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 23:23).
In the last thirty years I have heard many sermons in churches and on various media such as TV where religious professionals tell their congregations that there is no need to keep these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth because we not under the Law of Truth. Yet I have never heard one sermon urging people to stop paying tithes and giving offerings because we are no longer under the Law of Truth!
Clearly, even the most ardent opponents to keeping these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth acknowledge by their actions that people should be keeping part of the lessor matters of the Law of Truth at this present time. So the real question is this: Which of these remaining commandments are in effect today?
It must be understood that at no time was every commandment in effect for every person. For example, the commandments concerning circumcision only applied to males (Exodus 12:48). In the Renewed Covenant it is the same way with the Children of Truth. Those who become Jews thorough circumcision of the flesh are obligated to keep all of the commandments of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3). Those who remain uncircumcised Gentiles have to keep only the commandments concerning not eating blood out of these remaining commandments (Acts 21:24-25). They are not even obligated to pay tithes and give offerings!
So since these remaining commandments do not have to be kept out of obligation then does that mean that they should not be kept at all?
These remaining commandments should also be kept because doing so brings great blessings on the Children of Truth.
Their relationship with Father of Truth and each other is greatly strengthened by giving Him One Day A Week. There is greater peace from walking in the truth by keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day when they know Who Changed The Sabbath. Their understanding of the plan of the Father of Truth to save the world through the Man of Truth increases ten fold once they start keeping His Feasts that are the acts of The Greatest Play Ever. When they only eat what He calls food and avoid what He calls filth then the tangible benefits of doing so give everyone around them Food for Thought. They will live longer and stronger by keeping all of His commandments for taking care of their bodies that form a critical part to the Best Healthcare Plan Ever. Their treasures are laid up in Heaven so that their hearts will be focused on the things of Heaven instead of the things of Earth when they pay tithes and give offerings to fund His purposes on the Earth (Matthew 6:19-21). They are reminded when they see the tzitzits on the corners of their clothes that their Father knows best so that they will live holy lives (Numbers 15:38-40). So the Children of Truth should keep these remaining commandments to the best of their ability because they trust that their Father gave these commandments for their benefit!
The greatest commandments are to love the Father of Truth and other people (Matthew 22:37-40). All other commandments in the Law of Truth are the details of how to fulfill these commandments of love (Romans 13:8-10). So these remaining commandments are really about love as well. They help the Children of Truth to remain focused on All That Really Matters.
The remaining commandments should be kept because the Spirit of Truth was given to the Children of Truth so that they could keep all of the commandments of the Law of Truth that apply to them (Ezekiel 36:26-27). The remaining commandments should be kept out of love for the Man of Truth (John 14:15). The remaining commandments should be kept because the Children of Truth love their Father and do not find it hard to keep any of His commandments (1 John 5:1-3). So it is not about keeping these remaining commandments out of an obligation from being under the Law of Truth but rather it is about keeping them out of love for the One who gave the Law of Truth to Moses!
Of course, it does not matter if you keep these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth unless you first come into the House of Truth (Matthew 5:20). No one can come into the House of Truth by keeping these remaining commandments or the Man of Truth died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). You can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will begin working in your heart so that you can keep the Lessor Matters of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:27).
Come into the House of Truth.
What place does the Law of Truth have in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)? Have all of its commandments been nullified because they have been fulfilled by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)? Are the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) or anyone else subject to any of its commandments? Does the Law of Truth only have a place in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament)?
If this was really the case then there would be no punishment for doing things like homosexuality, murder, and the like in the Renewed Covenant. Instead those who do such things deserve the exact same penalty as those in the Original Covenant - death (Romans 1:26-32). In fact, those who do these kind of things have no place in the kingdom of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka The Lord) in the Renewed Covenant (Galatians 5:19-21). Sin is still defined by the Law of Truth in the Renewed Covenant (1 John 3:4). The Renewed Covenant still says that people will suffer forever for breaking these righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Revelation 21:8).
It is these righteous laws that shows whose heart has been circumcise and whose has not (Romans 2:25-27). It is only by walking after the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaKodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that people can keep these righteous commandments (Romans 8:3-5). The whole point of the Law of Truth is bring people to the Man of Truth so that they could keep these righteous commandments (Romans 10:4). The Man of Truth died and rose again because people had no power to keep these righteous commandments on their own (Galatians 2:19-21). So the commandments of the Law of Truth that define righteousness are still very much in effect under the Renewed Covenant as The Weightier Matters of The Law.
So the other commandments of the Law of Truth, like those that deal with the Temple sacrifices, keeping the Sabbath, wearing tzitzits (white cords with blue threads) on the corner of garments, circumcision of males, not eating filthy things like pigs, and the like are the lessor matters of the Law of Truth. They are not included in the long and exhaustive lists in the Renewed Covenant that define the commandments of righteousness. So what about these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth? Are they also in effect under the Renewed Covenant?
Roughly two-thirds of the 613 commandments of the Law of Truth revolve around the services of the Temple. There is no Temple in Jerusalem so it is apparent that these commandments have not been in effect since 70 AD. Have these commandments been permanently done away with?
There will be a Temple in Jerusalem during the reign of the Man of Truth that will be much larger than the Temple that was destroyed in 70 AD (Ezekiel 45:1-3). When the Temple is standing during his future reign all of the commandments concerning the services of the Temple will also be in effect (Ezekiel 45:16-18).
In fact, during his reign the Law of Truth will become the law of the entire Earth so that it may enjoy an era of peace, prosperity, righteousness and justice (Isaiah 2:2-4). This includes the commandments concerning food and keeping the Sabbath (Ezekiel 44:23-24). Everyone will celebrate the Feasts of His Father like the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) (Zechariah 14:17-19).
So the commandments concerning the Temple services have not been permanently done away with but only suspended until the Temple is rebuilt and the Man of Truth is reigning on the Earth to ensure that its services do not become polluted like they did when people ignored the weightier matters of the Law of Truth. It is also obvious that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth will be in effect when he reigns in the future. So what about these lessor matters of the Law of Truth at this at this present time? What does the Renewed Covenant say about them?
First of all, we need to determine which commandments of the Law of Truth that may or may not be in effect at this present time.
The largest part of the commandments of the Law of Truth deal with the service of the Temple and they are not in effect at this present time. So we are not talking about these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth which are definitely not in effect at this present time.
The largest part of the remainder of the commandments of the Law of Truth deal with righteousness and they never went out of effect. These commandments were even in effect in the Gentiles who did not know the Father of Truth (Romans 2:13-15). What the Father of Truth says is right existed before He ever gave the Law of Truth to Moses to spell it out with these commandments (Romans 3:21). It was breaking these commandments that brought the death penalty to every person before the Law of Truth was ever given to Moses (Romans 5:13-15). Those who continue to break these commandments will not inherit His kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So we are not talking about these weightier commandments of the Law of Truth which are definitely in effect at this present time.
This only leaves commandments about paying tithes, giving offerings, keeping the Sabbath, observing the Feasts of the Father of Truth, eating only what He calls food, circumcision, and few other things like wearing garments that have white cords with a blue thread on each corner (tallits). So we are only talking about a handful of commandments in the Law of Truth that are in question at this present time.
So we will examine the Renewed Covenant to see what it says about these remaining commandments that are a small part of the lessor matters of the Law of Truth. Does it say that these remaining commandments have been done away with?
The Man of Truth said he did come to do away with any part of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17). He said that even the smallest part of the Law of Truth would remain in effect as long as this universe exists (Matthew 5:18). He stated that no one should teach people to just ignore even the least of its commandments (Matthew 5:19). He only said that people should take care of the weightier matters of the Law of Truth before attending to the lessor matters of the Law of Truth, like giving offerings, if they want to be part of the kingdom of His Father (Matthew 5:20-24). He said that the lessor matters of the Law of Truth, like paying tithes, should still be done just like the weightier matters of the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:23). So the Renewed Covenant does not say that these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth have been done away with. Still the commandments regarding the Temple service are obviously not in effect at this time while the weightier matters of the Law of Truth obviously are still in effect. So the better question is this: Are these remaining commandments in effect at this present time?
Now I have heard many religious professionals say that the Children of Truth are not under the Law of Truth. They are right but no longer being under the Law of Truth does not mean that the Children of Truth no longer keep its commandments. They have been set free from the system of dying for breaking the commandments of the Law of Truth due to the weakness of their own flesh by being part of a new system where the Spirit of Truth works in their hearts so they can keep those commandments (Romans 8:1-2). The Children of Truth are no longer under the Law of Truth where they keep its commandments under penalty of death but rather are now adopted into the family of the Father of Truth by the Spirit of Truth being at work in their hearts (Galatians 4:4-6). Since the Spirit of Truth is living in them then they keep the commandments of the Law of Truth from their hearts instead of doing so out of religious duty to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18). These same commandments that were once written on tablets of stone are now written by the Spirit of Truth upon their hearts (2 Corinthians 3:2-4). So the Children of Truth are not under the Law of Truth because the Renewed Covenant is having those exact same commandments written on their hearts and minds so that they are able to obey them from the heart (Hebrews 8:8-19). So the Children of Truth, like myself, do not do what is written in the Law of Truth because of fear. I keep these commandments with the help of the Spirit of Truth because they are Written On My Heart.
These same religious professionals will say that the Children of Truth are obligated to pay tithes and offerings. The only commandments in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to pay tithes are found in the Law of Truth (Leviticus 27:30-32). The only commandments in the Book of Truth to give offerings are found in the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 23:23).
In the last thirty years I have heard many sermons in churches and on various media such as TV where religious professionals tell their congregations that there is no need to keep these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth because we not under the Law of Truth. Yet I have never heard one sermon urging people to stop paying tithes and giving offerings because we are no longer under the Law of Truth!
Clearly, even the most ardent opponents to keeping these remaining commandments of the Law of Truth acknowledge by their actions that people should be keeping part of the lessor matters of the Law of Truth at this present time. So the real question is this: Which of these remaining commandments are in effect today?
It must be understood that at no time was every commandment in effect for every person. For example, the commandments concerning circumcision only applied to males (Exodus 12:48). In the Renewed Covenant it is the same way with the Children of Truth. Those who become Jews thorough circumcision of the flesh are obligated to keep all of the commandments of the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:3). Those who remain uncircumcised Gentiles have to keep only the commandments concerning not eating blood out of these remaining commandments (Acts 21:24-25). They are not even obligated to pay tithes and give offerings!
So since these remaining commandments do not have to be kept out of obligation then does that mean that they should not be kept at all?
These remaining commandments should also be kept because doing so brings great blessings on the Children of Truth.
Their relationship with Father of Truth and each other is greatly strengthened by giving Him One Day A Week. There is greater peace from walking in the truth by keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day when they know Who Changed The Sabbath. Their understanding of the plan of the Father of Truth to save the world through the Man of Truth increases ten fold once they start keeping His Feasts that are the acts of The Greatest Play Ever. When they only eat what He calls food and avoid what He calls filth then the tangible benefits of doing so give everyone around them Food for Thought. They will live longer and stronger by keeping all of His commandments for taking care of their bodies that form a critical part to the Best Healthcare Plan Ever. Their treasures are laid up in Heaven so that their hearts will be focused on the things of Heaven instead of the things of Earth when they pay tithes and give offerings to fund His purposes on the Earth (Matthew 6:19-21). They are reminded when they see the tzitzits on the corners of their clothes that their Father knows best so that they will live holy lives (Numbers 15:38-40). So the Children of Truth should keep these remaining commandments to the best of their ability because they trust that their Father gave these commandments for their benefit!
The greatest commandments are to love the Father of Truth and other people (Matthew 22:37-40). All other commandments in the Law of Truth are the details of how to fulfill these commandments of love (Romans 13:8-10). So these remaining commandments are really about love as well. They help the Children of Truth to remain focused on All That Really Matters.
The remaining commandments should be kept because the Spirit of Truth was given to the Children of Truth so that they could keep all of the commandments of the Law of Truth that apply to them (Ezekiel 36:26-27). The remaining commandments should be kept out of love for the Man of Truth (John 14:15). The remaining commandments should be kept because the Children of Truth love their Father and do not find it hard to keep any of His commandments (1 John 5:1-3). So it is not about keeping these remaining commandments out of an obligation from being under the Law of Truth but rather it is about keeping them out of love for the One who gave the Law of Truth to Moses!
Of course, it does not matter if you keep these lessor commandments of the Law of Truth unless you first come into the House of Truth (Matthew 5:20). No one can come into the House of Truth by keeping these remaining commandments or the Man of Truth died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). You can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). When you come into the House of Truth then the Spirit of Truth will begin working in your heart so that you can keep the Lessor Matters of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:27).
Come into the House of Truth.