What are the best gifts that anyone can ever get from a tree?
The answer to this question can be understood, by a story about a kind and generous man, who gave gifts from a tree.
There was once a kind and generous man, who gave out gifts to everyone in town. The kind and generous man knew everyone well enough, to know what each person was made to do. So the kind and generous man gave each person, some gifts that helped them, do what they were made to do. The kind and generous man enjoyed it, when people used their gifts as they were intended.
Some people used their gifts to help other people, as the kind and generous man, had intended. The kind and generous man was very happy, when this happened.
Other people abused their gifts, which made the kind and generous man sad. Some people abused their gifts, by using them to hurt other people. Some people abused their gifts, by hiding them away, instead of using them. Some people did not even bother to open their gifts, to find out what they had been given.
Some people appreciated the kind and generous man for giving them their gifts, but others did not even acknowledge, that their gifts had been given to them, by the kind and generous man.
The kind and generous man did not try to take back their gifts, when they did not use the gift as intended, because each gift belong to whomever, he had given it to. Each person could do whatever they wished with their gifts, but the kind and generous man had warned them, that they would have to one day give an account, for how they had used their gifts.
The kind and generous man also had one priceless gift, that he hung on a tree. The kind and generous man wanted more than anything, to have more children, so he gave this priceless gift, so that anyone could become a child, of the kind and generous man. This priceless gift was available to everyone regardless of who they were, what they had done, or how they looked. All they had to do was come to the tree, and receive the priceless gift. The kind and generous man was able, to make whoever came to the tree, to be worthy to receive an inheritance, from him.
The kind and generous man also had some special gifts, that were for only his children, that he placed in his house. The priceless gift gave his children, the right to come into the house, so they could obtain to all the other special gifts, that were meant for them. There was no way to obtain the special gifts, without coming into the house, and the only way to come into the house, was to receive the priceless gift. These special gifts were also gifts from the tree, because they could only be obtained by first coming to the tree.
The kind and generous man then eagerly waited in the house, to give out
these gifts from the tree, to anyone who would come in.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is like that kind and generous man. The Father of Truth created each person (
Genesis 1:27). The Father of Truth gave each person, what they needed to accomplish His will in the Earth (
Deuteronomy 8:18) Not everyone has been given the same gifts, but everyone has received the gifts, that they need to accomplish what they were created to do (
1 Corinthians 7:7). The Father of Truth created good works for each person to do (
Ephesians 2:10). The Father of Truth has given each person gifts, to help them do what He created them to do (
James 1:17).
No one has accomplished anything without the gifts, that they were given by the Father of Truth, and no one had any say, on what gifts that they were given. If you were born smart, it is no credit to you. If you were born strong, it is no credit to you. If you were born beautiful, it is no credit to you. If you were born talented, it is no credit to you. If you were born wealthy, it is no credit to you. Like Solomon, you were given these things, even though you did not ask for them (
1 Kings 3:13). Your part is to unwrap the gifts, that the Father of Truth has given you, and to put them to use in the way, that He intended (
Ecclesiastes 5:19). If the Father of Truth has given you much, then He is also expecting you to do much ,with what you were given (
Luke 12:48).
Although the Father of Truth has given everyone gifts, not everyone uses the gifts as He intended, nor even acknowledges, that everything that they have, came from Him. Some people say that everything that they have, they got by their own power alone, even though they had no say, in what gifts they were given, by the Father of Truth (
Deuteronomy 8:17). Some people will be like Solomon, and use their gifts to do evil, instead of good, as the Father of Truth intended (
1 Kings 11:6). Some people will not even bother, to find out what they have been given (
Proverbs 21:25). Some people will hide their gifts, instead of using them as the Father of Truth intended, because they are afraid of failure (
Matthew 25:25).
The Father of Truth does not take back the gifts, that He gave in this life, when people do not use them as He intended, because the gifts belong to those, who He gave the them to (
Romans 11:29). However, the Father of Truth will hold everyone accountable, for how they use their gifts, for a day of reckoning is coming (
Matthew 25:19). Those who have done what is pleasing to the Father of Truth, with their gifts, will be rewarded in His presence (
Matthew 25:20-23). Those that hid their gifts, because they were afraid of failure, are lazy and wicked, so they will lose their gifts, when they are cast out from His presence (
Matthew 25:24-30). Those who have used their gifts for evil, will be rewarded according to their works as well (
John 5:28-29). Life is a test and you will be graded.
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is the priceless gift of the Father of Truth (
2 Corinthians 9:15). This priceless gift was hung on a tree, to take away the curse, that comes from not using the gifts, that the Father of Truth gave us, as He intended (
Galatians 3:13). This priceless gift was given, so that anyone could become a Child of Truth, and live with the Father of Truth, in the House of Truth, forever (
John 3:16). This priceless gift is available to everyone, regardless of who they are, what they had done, or how they look (
Romans 10:13). All that is needed, is to come to the tree, and receive the priceless gift (
Matthew 16:24). Those that receive the priceless gift, are made worthy to receive an inheritance, from the Father of Truth (
Colossians 1:12-14).
The Father of Truth also has special gifts in the House of Truth, that are only for the Children of Truth. The Father of Truth has gifts, that He wants to give to anyone, who comes into the House of Truth, and asks Him for them (
Matthew 7:11).
The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is available to anyone, who comes into the House of Truth, and asks the Father of Truth, for this gift (
Luke 11:13). When the gift of the Spirit of Truth is received ,then the Children of Truth will speak in a language, that they cannot speak on their own power (
Acts 11:15-17). When the gift of the Spirit of Truth is received, then the Spirit of Truth can pray through the Children of Truth, with groanings that do not sound like human speech, when the Children of Truth do not know how to pray, on their own (
Romans 8:26-27). When the gift of the Spirit of Truth is received, then the Children of Truth can speak in the language of angels, when they pray (
1 Corinthians 13:1). When the gift of the Spirit of Truth is received, then the Children of Truth can speak in a human language, that they do not know, when they pray (
1 Corinthians 14:14-15).
The Father of Truth gives some of the Children of Truth, the ability to lay hands on other children of Truth, so they can receive the gift of the Spirit of Truth (
Acts 8:14-17). The ability to lay hands on other Children of Truth, so that they can receive the gift of the Spirit of Truth, is a gift that cannot be bought in stores (
Acts 8:18-20).
Once the Children of Truth receive the gift of the Spirit of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth gives them even more gifts. The Father of Truth does not want the Children of Truth, to be ignorant of these gifts (
1 Corinthians 12:1). These gifts are different from each other, are administered differently from each other, and work differently from each other, but they are all given by the Spirit of Truth, they are all administered by the Man of Truth, and they are all the work of the Father of Truth (
1 Corinthians 12:4-6). These gifts are given to the Children of Truth, to benefit others in the House of Truth (
1 Corinthians 12:7). Some of these gifts, let people know what to do, so they can make wise decisions, and tell people things, that they could not know on their own (
1 Corinthians 12:8). Some of these gifts give people, a faith that is way beyond the strength of their own faith, and the ability to bring healing, to those that are sick (
1 Corinthians 12:9). Some of these gifts, give people the ability to work miracles, to give messages from the Father of Truth, in their own language, to see angels and demons at work, as well as know what spirits are at work, even when they are not seen, to give messages from the Father of Truth, in a language that they do not understand, and to interpret the messages, in a language that they do not understand, that were given to others, by the Father of Truth (
1 Corinthians 12:10). The Spirit of Truth has selected several of these nine gifts, to give to each Child of Truth, to help them fulfill their purpose in the House of Truth (
1 Corinthians 12:11).
There was no way to obtain these special gifts, without coming into the House of Truth, and the only way to come into the House of Truth, is to receive the priceless gift (
Acts 2:38). These special gifts are also gifts from the tree, because they can only be obtained, by first coming to the tree (
Luke 14:27).
The Father of Truth is eagerly waiting in the House of Truth, to give out
these gifts from the tree, to anyone that will come in. The only way to come into the House of Truth, is to give control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth, raised him from the dead, after this priceless gift was hung on a tree (
Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth.