Salvation From The Temple
How did the Maccabees make salvation possible?
Every December billions of people celebrate the birth of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). They do this even though the Book of Truth makes it plain that this is not the month when he was born.
It is not just Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) that celebrate his birthday in December. There is a global Christmas party being thrown - even in countries where people are killed for being followers of the Man of Truth!
One reason for this is that the world wants an inoffensive Jesus. There is nothing offensive about a cute baby lying in a manger surrounded by people of diverse economic and social statuses as well as diverse ethnicities.
Then there is “Good Ole Saint Nick”. Millions of the Children of Truth use the Satan Clause each year to perpetrate a fraud upon their own children – all in the name of celebrating the birthday of the Man of Truth!
These same Children of Truth love to tell “The Christmas Story” – even if it contradicts the facts given in the Book of Truth. They are certainly unaware of the story behind the story that made everything the Man of Truth did possible.
They should heed the warning of the Mensch who killed Christmas. They should be cleaning up the Christmas mess.
They can escape the Christmas trap. They can do what the Man of Truth did in December.
He celebrated the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) (John 10:22). They can do what he did because it is not just a Jewish thing.
What was so important about Chanukah that the Man of Truth walked for two or three days in the cold weather - likely through snow - each way to celebrate it in Jerusalem? Why did he make sure that he was in the Temple for Chanukah (John 10:23)?
He understood how important Chanukah is for the Children of Truth!
Chanukah is more than just the Festival of Lights. It is about dedicating the Temple!
The Temple was dedicated due to the dedication of Matthias – the Faithful Priest. He led those who did exploits to ensure that the Temple was dedicated.
The Temple was dedicated because the Maccabees understood that resistance is essential! The Book of Daniel foretold these events long before they happened!
Four Persian Emperors ruled as Daniel had foretold, and then Alexander the Great led the Greeks in overrunning the Persian Empire to create the Macedonian Empire (Daniel 11:1-3). After he died suddenly, the Macedonian Empire was split into four smaller Greek empires that were ruled by his four generals instead of his son (Daniel 11:3-4).
Two of these empires fought back and forth for control of the land of Israel for centuries until one of the emperors of the Greek empire north of Israel died unexpectedly (Daniel 11:5-19). His legitimate successor died unexpectedly as well soon after becoming the new emperor and an illegitimate usurper took his place as the emperor of the Greek empire north of Israel (Daniel 11:20-21).
This illegitimate usurper then killed the rightful High Priest of Israel and replaced him with a usurper High Priest that helped him in gaining firmer control of the land of Israel (Daniel 11:22-23). After that, he gained the loyalty of the army of his empire through gifts (Daniel 11:24).
This illegitimate usurper then used his enlarged northern Greek empire army to attack the Greek empire south of Israel and was able to defeat the greater army of the southern Greek empire due to the plots of the generals of the southern empire (Daniel 11:25).
The plots of the generals of the southern empire caused many to be slain and eventually caused their emperor to be assassinated (Daniel 11:26). However, before that happened the two Greek emperors made a peace treaty that neither intended to keep (Daniel 11:27).
Then the illegitimate usurper returned to the land of Israel with the great treasure that he got in the peace treaty and decided to wage war on the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) by doing many things against those who kept it, but first returned to his capital north of Israel (Daniel 11:28). Then he broke his peace treaty and came again to conquer the southern Greek empire (Daniel 11:29).
However, the generals of the southern Greek empire had made a defense treaty with the Romans and the illegitimate usurper was not prepared to fight them as well, so he returned to Israel to take out his anger on the those who obeyed the Law of Truth with the help of those Jews that had forsaken it through the influence of the usurper High Priest (Daniel 11:30). With the help of these Jews and his army, the illegitimate usurper polluted the Temple, took away the daily sacrifice, and desecrated the Temple by setting up an idol in it that they sacrificed pigs on the altar to (Daniel 11:31).
These many Jews and Greeks rose up against the Law of Truth, but the Maccabees led those who knew the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to fight against them (Daniel 11:32). They taught many how to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth while constantly fighting against a much larger army because they would not forsake the Law of Truth (Daniel 11:33).
Some of the Greeks joined them in their fight, but many others took no action other than voicing their support (Daniel 11:34). After many of the Maccabees died in fighting against the illegitimate usurper, they were able to regain control of the Temple and rededicate it (Daniel 11:35).
Why was dedicating the Temple so important that the Maccabees fought and suffered so much to do so?
Without the Temple, Zacharias could not have performed his duties.
The Law of Truth said that a sanctuary had to be in place for the Father of Truth to dwell among the people of Israel (Exodus 25:8-9).
Zacharias the Priest was carrying out his duty in the Temple when the angel came to announce the birth of a son who would prepare the people of Israel for their Messiah (Luke 1:9-17). It was in the Temple that Zacharias the Priest was given the sign of deafness until the birth of this son because he doubted the message of the angel (Luke 1:18-23).
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
Without the Temple, the Man of Truth could not have been redeemed as required by the Law of Truth to be the redeemer of Israel.
The Law of Truth said that every first-born son had to be redeemed by the priests (Exodus 34:19-20). They had to be redeemed after they were a month old (Numbers 18:15-16).
The mother was not able to come into the Temple to redeem the first-born son until forty days after she gave birth (Leviticus 12:1-4). Then she had to bring a lamb and a dove so the priests could make atonement for herself first - unless she was really poor and was required to bring two doves instead (Leviticus 12:6-8).
So, forty days after the Man of Truth was born, they went to Jerusalem to redeem him and to make atonement for his mother with two doves as required by the Law of Truth (Luke 2:21-24). While they were in the Temple to fulfill these requirements of the Law of Truth, the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) led Simeon to come to them (Luke 2:25-27).
Simeon pronounced by the Spirit of Truth that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel and the Light of the Gentiles (Luke 2:28-33). He then prophesied that the people of Israel would be divided over the Man of Truth and that his mother would have her heart wounded by his death (Luke 2:34-35).
An ancient prophetess named Anna was also continually in the Temple praying and fasting (Luke 2:36-37). She also confirmed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel to everyone in the Temple (Luke 2:38).
After the parents of the Man of Truth were done fulfilling these commandments of the Law of Truth, they returned to their home in Nazareth (Luke 2:39). The Man of Truth was now qualified to be the Messiah of Israel since he was born unto a woman who fulfilled what was required under the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4-5).
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
Without the Temple, the Man of Truth could not have stood before the Father of Truth during the required feasts.
The Law of Truth said that every man in Israel had to appear before the Father of Truth at the Temple during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles (Deuteronomy 16:16).
The parents of the Man of Truth went to the Temple every year for Passover, which began the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Luke 2:41). The Man of Truth astonished the teachers at the Temple with his knowledge when he went there for this feast when he was twelve (Luke 2:42-47).
Years later, the Man of Truth did not go with his brothers keep the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2-9). However he went there secretly after they left, so he could teach in the Temple during this time (John 7:10-14).
When the Man of Truth taught in the Temple during this time, many people came to believe that he was sent from the Father of Truth (John 7:28-31). When he told them in the Temple on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles that he would send living water – the Spirit of Truth – to live in them, many more believed that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 7:37-40).
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
Without the Temple, the Man of Truth could not have demonstrated that he was consumed with zeal for the Temple.
It was written in the Psalms that the Messiah of Israel would be consumed with zeal for the Temple (Psalm 69:9).
At the beginning of the ministry of the Man of Truth, he demonstrated this zeal at Passover when the drove the money changers out (John 2:13-17). He then proclaimed that if his enemies destroyed the Temple of his body, then he would raise it up in three days (John 2:18-21).
Two years later, he demonstrated this zeal shortly before Passover by driving out the money changers again (Matthew 21:12-16). He told his enemies that the Temple was meant to be a house of prayer for all ethnic groups (Mark 11:15-18). He told them that they had turned it into a den of thieves (Luke 19:45-46).
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
Without the Temple, the Man of Truth could have demonstrated that he was the righteous Judge of Israel.
The Law of Truth said the Judge of Israel was to teach people how to rightly obey the Law of Truth in the Temple (Deuteronomy 17:9-11).
The Man of Truth went to Jerusalem for Purim (John 5:1) (This was a month before the second Passover of his ministry (John 6:1-4)).
The Man of Truth healed a lame man and told him to carry his mat (John 5:2-8). When the religious leaders confronted the healed man for carrying his mat on the Sabbath, he could not tell them who had healed him (John 5:9-13).
The Man of Truth then came to the healed man in the Temple and told him to sin no more, so the man told the religious leaders that it had been the Man of Truth (John 5:14-15). Then they sought to kill the Man of Truth in the Temple by finding him guilty of breaking the Law of Truth (John 5:16-18).
Months later, the Man of Truth demonstrated in the Temple how to keep the Law of Truth correctly when he delivered the woman caught in adultery from being stoned (John 8:2-11). Then he announced that he was the Light of the World while he taught in the Temple (John 8:12-20). Finally, he left the Temple after telling everyone that he was the one who Abraham had talked with (John 8:54-59).
The next day, also during the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah), the Messiah of Israel returned to the Temple and announced that he was the Messiah of Israel and they tried to kill him again (John 10:22-31). But he escaped out of their hands and left Jerusalem (John 10:32-39).
A few months later, the Man of Truth taught people daily in the Temple after cleansing it of the money changers (Luke 19:47-48).
His enemies demanded to know who gave him the authority to act as the Judge of Israel by teaching in the Temple (Matthew 21:23-27). He said that he got his authority to teach in the Temple from the same place that John the Baptist got his authority to baptize outside of the Temple (Mark 11:27-33). He asked them if John the Baptist got his authority from the Father of Truth or men, but they refused to answer him (Luke 20:1-8).
So, the Man of Truth continued to teach in the Temple (Mark 12:35-40). He taught about how the poor widow gave more than the rich men to the Temple treasury (Mark 12:41-44). He taught that the Father of Truth is measuring giving by how little one keeps for themselves – not how much they put in (Luke 21:1-4).
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
Without the Temple, the Man of Truth could not have died to bring salvation to the human race.
Daniel had said that the Messiah of Israel had to die for the sins of others before the Temple was destroyed (Daniel 9:24-26).
The disciples of the Man of Truth were amazed by the beauty of the Temple (Matthew 24:1-3). However, he told them that soon not one stone would be left standing upon another (Mark 13:1-4).
So, they asked the Man of Truth when this was going to happen (Luke 21:5-7). After answering their question, he resumed teaching in the Temple each day (Luke 21:37-38).
A few nights later, the Man of Truth asked his enemies why they came out at night with weapons to arrest him outside the walls of Jerusalem (Mark 14:48-49). He reminded them that he had been teaching daily in the Temple (Luke 22:52-53).
When the Man of Truth was tried at the courtyard of the High Priest, he was struck on the mouth for telling the High Priest that his doctrine was no secret since he had been teaching daily in the Temple (John 18:19-23).
Afterwards, false witnesses accused the Man of Truth of saying that he would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days (Matthew 26:59-61). However, other false witnesses accused him of saying that he would destroy the Temple built with human hands and build another without using human hands (Mark 14:57-59).
After he was condemned to death, Judas the Traitor cast the thirty pieces of silver he was paid to betray the Man of Truth in the Temple and then hung himself (Matthew 27:3-5).
While the Man of Truth was hanging on the cross, his enemies mocked him for supposedly claiming that he would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days (Matthew 27:39-44). Even the thieves that he was crucified with mocked him for this claim that he never made (Mark 15:29-32).
When the Man of Truth died, the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51). When the centurion in charge of the crucifixion saw this, he proclaimed that the Man of Truth was indeed the son of the Father of Truth (Mark 15:37-39). The centurion acknowledged that a righteous man had been killed, but not for his own sins (Luke 23:45-47).
After the Man of Truth rose from the dead and returned to Heaven, his disciples were continually in the Temple praising the Father of Truth for his salvation (Luke 24:51-53)!
None of this would have been possible if the Maccabees had not rededicated the Temple.
The Man of Truth set the example of celebrating Chanukah because it is about salvation from the Temple!
There was no sacrifice for sin without the Temple (Deuteronomy 12:5-6).
Each sacrifice in the Temple spoke of the sacrifice that the Man of Truth would make on a tree to bring salvation. The Maccabees made salvation from the Temple possible!
Salvation from the Temple is the gift of the Maccabees. It is part of how the Maccabees helped spread the Gospel.
So, have you experienced salvation from the Temple? Are you able to rejoice in the sacrifice that the Maccabees made to make salvation from the Temple possible?
Have you been able to receive gifts from the tree?
If not, then come into the House of Truth and experience salvation from the Temple!
You will experience salvation from the Temple when you make the Man of Truth your king because you believe that that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Then you can be like the Maccabees by never giving into the world, so that others can experience salvation from the Temple (Hebrews 11:34-40).
Come into the House of Truth!