The Story Behind The Story
What does Chanukah have to do with The Christmas Story?
Many of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) do not know that The Christmas Story that they grew up with, is not the full story given in the Book of Truth (The Bible) about the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). They also do not know anything about Chanukah, other than it is some holiday celebrated by Jewish people around the same time as Christmas. So for these reasons, they do not know what Chanukah has to do with the story of the birth of the Man of Truth.
The first thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Man of Truth celebrated Chanukah in Jerusalem (John 10:22-23).
They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth opened the eyes of the man born blind (John 9:1-10:22). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth confirmed, that he was the light of the world (John 9:4-5). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth declared, that he was the door of the sheep (John 10:7-10). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth explained, that he was the good shepherd (John 10:11-16).
The second thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is what Chanukah is celebrating. They do not know, that Chanukah is celebrating the dedication of the Temple, after it was cleansed of the abomination that made it desolate, spoken by Daniel, the Jewish Prophet of Truth (Daniel 11:30-32).
The third thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Christmas Story, that they know about, would have never happened, if the Chanukah story that they know nothing about, had not happened first. When you consider the full story given in the Book of Truth about the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Man of Truth, you realize that it's a Jewish thing about the Messiah of Israel. The connection with Chanukah becomes apparent, when you consider the significance of the Chanukah story.
If there was no Chanukah story, then Zacharias (Zechariyah) would have never been burning incense in the Holy Place of the Temple, to fulfill his course as a priest (Luke 1:5-9). There would have been no place for the multitude to be praying at, while the angel Gabriel told him about his son, that would prepare the Jewish people for the Man of Truth (Luke 1:10-21). There would have been have been no place for Zacharias to come out of, and return home from, so his wife, Elisabeth (Elisheba), could become pregnant (Luke 1:22-25).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Elisabeth would have never became pregnant, and there would be no example, that the angel Gabriel could give to Mary (Miriam), so she would have faith, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) would cause her to become pregnant with the Man of Truth, even though she was a virgin (Luke 1:26-38). Mary never would have went to see Elisabeth, who confirmed that she was pregnant with the Man of Truth (Luke 1:39-45). Mary would have never magnified the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), for fulfilling His promises to the Jewish people through the Man of Truth, whom Elisabeth had confirmed as being in her womb (Luke 1:46-55). Mary would have never needed to return to her own house, after helping Elisabeth for three months (Luke 1:56).
If there was no Chanukah story, then John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) would have never been born to Zacharias and Elisabeth, to do all that the angel Gabriel had said, that he would do (Luke 1:57-66). Zacharias never would have prophesied, that the Man of Truth was being raised up to bring deliverance to the people of Israel, as the Father of Truth had promised through the Prophets of Truth (Luke 1:67-75). Zacharias never would have prophesied, that his son, John the Baptist, would prepare the people of Israel to accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:76-79). John the Baptist would have never grown up to complete his mission (Luke 1:80).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph (Yosef) could have never perform all of the rituals in the Temple, that were commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 2:22-24).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Simeon (Sh'mon) could have never came into the Temple to confirm, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:25-32). Simeon could have never blessed Mary and Joseph (Luke 2:33-34). Simeon could have never told Mary, that the Man of Truth would divided the Jewish people, to reveal who had a heart to obey the Law of Truth, by surrendering to the Messiah of Israel, and who had a heart to not obey the Law of Truth, by killing the Man of Truth (Luke 2:34-35).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Anna (Hannah) could have never told everyone, who came into the Temple, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:36-38).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph could have never returned to Nazareth, after performing all of the rituals commanded in the Law of Truth, to raise the Man of Truth (Luke 2:39-40).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph could have never taken the Man of Truth to observe Passover at the Temple every year, as commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 2:41-42). The Man of Truth could have never shown in the Temple, when he was growing up, that he had came to carry out the mission of the Father of Truth (Luke 2:43-50). The Man of Truth would have never grown up to complete his mission (Luke 2:51-52).
If there was no Chanukah story, then the Man of Truth could never came in the fullness of time, been born to a woman, and raised under the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4).
If there was no Chanukah story, then there would be no Christmas story. There would be no gifts from the tree, if there had not been first been a Chanukah story. It is the story behind the story.
The fourth thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that Chanukah is all about their walk with the Father of Truth.
The Father of Truth has commanded the Children of Truth to walk in truth (2 John 1:4). The Children of Truth should be walking in truth.
The truth is, that the Man of Truth never celebrated Christmas. Christmas day is not even close to when he was born. Christmas is not based on the truth found in the Book of Truth, but instead came from the same place as Ash Wednesday.
Instead the Man of Truth celebrated Chanukah. Does it not makes sense, for those who follow the Man of Truth, to celebrate what he celebrated?
Chanukah is the Festival of Lights, where an exalted servant candle shares its light with one lower candle at a time, for eight days, until their combined light has cast out the darkness completely. It is a picture of what the exalted servant of the Father of Truth, the Man of Truth, has done for the Children of Truth, by bringing them out of darkness and into the marvelous light of His Father, so they can bring light to their world.
Chanukah is about dedicating the Temple. It is a picture of the Children of Truth dedicating their bodies, so they can live a life that is holy before the Father of Truth.
The Chanukah story demonstrates that resistance is essential. It is a picture of the Children of Truth refusing to allow the world to squeeze them into its mold.
So it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate Chanukah. It is a Book of Truth thing to celebrate Chanukah. The Children of Truth just need avoid Rabbinic Distort when doing so.
The fifth thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Chanukah story is incomplete, without the rest of the story of the Man of Truth.
The Chanukah story happened, so the Man of Truth could complete his mission on this Earth. The Man of Truth could not die for the sins of all people, unless the Temple was back in full operation (Daniel 9:26).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to go into the Temple, and demonstrate that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:11-16). It made it possible, for him to demonstrate, that he had authority to teach in the Temple (Matthew 21:23-27). It made it possible, for him to prophesy, that the Temple would be completely destroyed, as proof that he had been sent by the Father of Truth, when it came to pass (Matthew 24:1-2).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to be arrested for teaching in the Temple by the High Priest (Matthew 26:55-58). It made it possible, for him to be condemned to die for speaking blaspheme, when he declared in the Temple, that he would rise again in three days, and sit at the right hand of the Father of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:59-66). It made it possible, for Judas Iscariot to cast the thirty pieces of silver in the Temple, when he saw that the Man of Truth was condemned to die, and for the chief priests to use that silver to by the potters field, as foretold by Jeremiah (Yeramayahu) the Prophet of Truth (Matthew 27:1-10).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for him to be mocked, while he died on the cross between two thieves, for using the Temple to illustrate, that he would rise from the dead on the third day, because he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 27:38-44). It made it possible, for the Temple veil to be torn into when he died, so that the Centurion could declare, the he was truly the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 27:50-54). It made it possible, for the Apostles of Truth to testify in the Temple, that the Father of Truth had raised him from the dead, to sit on His right hand, because he is the Messiah of Israel (Acts 5:25-32).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to die, and the Father of Truth to raise him from the dead, so people could come into the House of Truth (Acts 5:30-32). It made it possible, for anyone who will make the Man of Truth the king of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Many of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) do not know that The Christmas Story that they grew up with, is not the full story given in the Book of Truth (The Bible) about the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). They also do not know anything about Chanukah, other than it is some holiday celebrated by Jewish people around the same time as Christmas. So for these reasons, they do not know what Chanukah has to do with the story of the birth of the Man of Truth.
The first thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Man of Truth celebrated Chanukah in Jerusalem (John 10:22-23).
They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth opened the eyes of the man born blind (John 9:1-10:22). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth confirmed, that he was the light of the world (John 9:4-5). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth declared, that he was the door of the sheep (John 10:7-10). They do not know, that it was during Chanukah when the Man of Truth explained, that he was the good shepherd (John 10:11-16).
The second thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is what Chanukah is celebrating. They do not know, that Chanukah is celebrating the dedication of the Temple, after it was cleansed of the abomination that made it desolate, spoken by Daniel, the Jewish Prophet of Truth (Daniel 11:30-32).
The third thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Christmas Story, that they know about, would have never happened, if the Chanukah story that they know nothing about, had not happened first. When you consider the full story given in the Book of Truth about the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Man of Truth, you realize that it's a Jewish thing about the Messiah of Israel. The connection with Chanukah becomes apparent, when you consider the significance of the Chanukah story.
If there was no Chanukah story, then Zacharias (Zechariyah) would have never been burning incense in the Holy Place of the Temple, to fulfill his course as a priest (Luke 1:5-9). There would have been no place for the multitude to be praying at, while the angel Gabriel told him about his son, that would prepare the Jewish people for the Man of Truth (Luke 1:10-21). There would have been have been no place for Zacharias to come out of, and return home from, so his wife, Elisabeth (Elisheba), could become pregnant (Luke 1:22-25).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Elisabeth would have never became pregnant, and there would be no example, that the angel Gabriel could give to Mary (Miriam), so she would have faith, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) would cause her to become pregnant with the Man of Truth, even though she was a virgin (Luke 1:26-38). Mary never would have went to see Elisabeth, who confirmed that she was pregnant with the Man of Truth (Luke 1:39-45). Mary would have never magnified the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), for fulfilling His promises to the Jewish people through the Man of Truth, whom Elisabeth had confirmed as being in her womb (Luke 1:46-55). Mary would have never needed to return to her own house, after helping Elisabeth for three months (Luke 1:56).
If there was no Chanukah story, then John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) would have never been born to Zacharias and Elisabeth, to do all that the angel Gabriel had said, that he would do (Luke 1:57-66). Zacharias never would have prophesied, that the Man of Truth was being raised up to bring deliverance to the people of Israel, as the Father of Truth had promised through the Prophets of Truth (Luke 1:67-75). Zacharias never would have prophesied, that his son, John the Baptist, would prepare the people of Israel to accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:76-79). John the Baptist would have never grown up to complete his mission (Luke 1:80).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph (Yosef) could have never perform all of the rituals in the Temple, that were commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 2:22-24).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Simeon (Sh'mon) could have never came into the Temple to confirm, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:25-32). Simeon could have never blessed Mary and Joseph (Luke 2:33-34). Simeon could have never told Mary, that the Man of Truth would divided the Jewish people, to reveal who had a heart to obey the Law of Truth, by surrendering to the Messiah of Israel, and who had a heart to not obey the Law of Truth, by killing the Man of Truth (Luke 2:34-35).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Anna (Hannah) could have never told everyone, who came into the Temple, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:36-38).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph could have never returned to Nazareth, after performing all of the rituals commanded in the Law of Truth, to raise the Man of Truth (Luke 2:39-40).
If there was no Chanukah story, then Mary and Joseph could have never taken the Man of Truth to observe Passover at the Temple every year, as commanded in the Law of Truth (Luke 2:41-42). The Man of Truth could have never shown in the Temple, when he was growing up, that he had came to carry out the mission of the Father of Truth (Luke 2:43-50). The Man of Truth would have never grown up to complete his mission (Luke 2:51-52).
If there was no Chanukah story, then the Man of Truth could never came in the fullness of time, been born to a woman, and raised under the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4).
If there was no Chanukah story, then there would be no Christmas story. There would be no gifts from the tree, if there had not been first been a Chanukah story. It is the story behind the story.
The fourth thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that Chanukah is all about their walk with the Father of Truth.
The Father of Truth has commanded the Children of Truth to walk in truth (2 John 1:4). The Children of Truth should be walking in truth.
The truth is, that the Man of Truth never celebrated Christmas. Christmas day is not even close to when he was born. Christmas is not based on the truth found in the Book of Truth, but instead came from the same place as Ash Wednesday.
Instead the Man of Truth celebrated Chanukah. Does it not makes sense, for those who follow the Man of Truth, to celebrate what he celebrated?
Chanukah is the Festival of Lights, where an exalted servant candle shares its light with one lower candle at a time, for eight days, until their combined light has cast out the darkness completely. It is a picture of what the exalted servant of the Father of Truth, the Man of Truth, has done for the Children of Truth, by bringing them out of darkness and into the marvelous light of His Father, so they can bring light to their world.
Chanukah is about dedicating the Temple. It is a picture of the Children of Truth dedicating their bodies, so they can live a life that is holy before the Father of Truth.
The Chanukah story demonstrates that resistance is essential. It is a picture of the Children of Truth refusing to allow the world to squeeze them into its mold.
So it's not just a Jewish thing to celebrate Chanukah. It is a Book of Truth thing to celebrate Chanukah. The Children of Truth just need avoid Rabbinic Distort when doing so.
The fifth thing that most of the Children of Truth do not know, is that the Chanukah story is incomplete, without the rest of the story of the Man of Truth.
The Chanukah story happened, so the Man of Truth could complete his mission on this Earth. The Man of Truth could not die for the sins of all people, unless the Temple was back in full operation (Daniel 9:26).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to go into the Temple, and demonstrate that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:11-16). It made it possible, for him to demonstrate, that he had authority to teach in the Temple (Matthew 21:23-27). It made it possible, for him to prophesy, that the Temple would be completely destroyed, as proof that he had been sent by the Father of Truth, when it came to pass (Matthew 24:1-2).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to be arrested for teaching in the Temple by the High Priest (Matthew 26:55-58). It made it possible, for him to be condemned to die for speaking blaspheme, when he declared in the Temple, that he would rise again in three days, and sit at the right hand of the Father of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:59-66). It made it possible, for Judas Iscariot to cast the thirty pieces of silver in the Temple, when he saw that the Man of Truth was condemned to die, and for the chief priests to use that silver to by the potters field, as foretold by Jeremiah (Yeramayahu) the Prophet of Truth (Matthew 27:1-10).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for him to be mocked, while he died on the cross between two thieves, for using the Temple to illustrate, that he would rise from the dead on the third day, because he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 27:38-44). It made it possible, for the Temple veil to be torn into when he died, so that the Centurion could declare, the he was truly the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 27:50-54). It made it possible, for the Apostles of Truth to testify in the Temple, that the Father of Truth had raised him from the dead, to sit on His right hand, because he is the Messiah of Israel (Acts 5:25-32).
The Chanukah story made it possible, for the Man of Truth to die, and the Father of Truth to raise him from the dead, so people could come into the House of Truth (Acts 5:30-32). It made it possible, for anyone who will make the Man of Truth the king of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
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