Judas The Traitor
What did Judas really do?
Judas the Traitor has held a special place in all of history and society in general. In much of the world, to call someone a “Judas” is to call them someone who would betray their closest friend. This term has come to take this meaning even in countries that largely reject the Book of Truth (The Bible) like China.
Yet not everyone has taken this view. There is indeed a great range of teachings about what Judas the Traitor really did.
These teachings go beyond what he did during the Last Supper and the following hours. They go from his childhood until eternity.
The False Church of Rome in the past has stated that it had copies of many documents containing many teachings concerning the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) beyond those in the Book of Truth. This includes documents that teach various things about Judas the Traitor.
Papias of Hierapolis, one of the earliest founders of the False Church of Rome, around 105 AD wrote this about Judas the Traitor:
After betraying the Man of Truth, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) afflicted Judas the Traitor with a horrible disease. Judas swelled so large that he could not pass through a street with buildings on both sides.
The face of Judas the Traitor was so swelled that a doctor could not locate his eyes. His genitals swelled to enormous size from puss and were full of worms.
He killed himself on his cutting open his abdomen and spilling out his bowels on the land he had bought. The smell was so terrible that people still could not stand to be there at the time of Papias – more than seventy years later.
The Gospel of Judas written shortly before 180 AD says the following about Judas the Traitor:
Judas the Traitor was the only disciple that really understood the teachings of the Man of Truth. The rest of the Twelve taught false doctrines like the resurrection of the body and communion.
Judas the Traitor was acting under the instructions of the Man of Truth when he took money and handed him over to his enemies. The rest of the Twelve thought that he had betrayed the Man of Truth because these instructions were kept hidden from them.
Judas the Traitor then is shown in a vision that the rest of the Twelve are going to stone him.
Judas the Traitor was the only one who continued to exist in the imperishable realm when he died. The rest of the Twelve ceased to exist when they died.
The Gospel of Nicodemus written after 300 AD says the following about Judas the Traitor:
Judas the Traitor fills remorse that he betrayed the Man of Truth, goes home to tell his wife that he is going to kill himself because he is afraid that the Man of Truth is going to punish him after he is resurrected. His wife tells him that the Man of Truth could no more rise from the dead than the chicken that she is cooking could come back to life.
The chicken immediately comes back to life and crows. Judas the Traitor hangs himself.
The Syriac (Arabic) Infancy Gospel written around 600 AD says the following about Judas the Traitor:
It includes stories about the Man of Truth encountering Judas the Traitor as a child.
In one of these stories, Judas the Traitor is possessed by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) as a child and bites other people at other opportunity. When no one else is available, he bites himself.
One day, Judas the Traitor meets the Man of Truth and bites him in the side. When he bites the Man of Truth, Satan is immediately cast out of him.
After the Man of Truth dies on the cross, he is pierced with a lance in the exact place where Judas the Traitor bit him as a child.
The Gospel of Barnabas written after 1300 AD says the following about Judas the Traitor:
Judas the Traitor betrays the Man of Truth for thirty pieces of silver. When this happens the Man of Truth is taken to Heaven by several Angels of Truth after the rest of the Twelve fall asleep.
Judas the Traitor returns to the house unaware that his face and voice have changed to exactly like that of the Man of Truth. The Romans come to the house and arrest Judas the Traitor who they believe to be the Man of Truth.
Judas the Traitor is crucified and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Three days later, his body is stolen from the tomb and people are told that the Man of Truth rose from the grave.
The Man of Truth learns of this and asks the Father of Truth to return to Earth to tell his mother, Mary the Jew, what really happened. He is allowed to do so.
The Man of Truth tells Barnabas the Jew to write down what really happened. He then sends out the rest of the Twelve to tell everyone that Judas the Traitor died instead of him.
Islam teaches the following about Judas the Traitor:
The Koran (Quran) also agrees with some of these sources.
It contains most of the material concerning what happened during the flight of the Man of the Man of Truth to Egypt found in the Syriac (Arabic) Infancy Gospel. Using this as evidence that the Koran is correct infers that the story of Judas the Traitor biting the Man of Truth as a child is also accepted as true.
Most in Islam agree with the events concerning Judas the Traitor that were written over a thousand years after the fact in the Gospel of Barnabas. However, there are other Islamic scholars who do not support this since the Koran does not say so itself but contend that Judas the Traitor played no role other than betraying the Man of Truth.
So, according to the Book of Truth what did Judas the Traitor do?
[NOTE: The Gospel of Luke is written as a history and has events in chronological order. The Gospel of John generally has events in the order that they occurred as well. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark are not strictly chronological but are arranged to bring out certain aspects of the Man of Truth in their main sections. They both have a prologue that explains events proceeding the main section, a main section that is composed of divisions that each contain related events and teachings to emphasize a certain aspect, and an epilogue that explains the events that follow the main section.
This is important to understand when creating a comprehensive timeline of anything found in The Gospels. There is no conflict between them, but they work together like a four part harmony to highlight different aspects of the life of the Man of Truth.]
29 AD (Galilee):
Judas the Traitor ate grain from the field on the Sabbath with the Man of Truth (Matthew 12:1-8). He was there when the Pharisees accused the Man of Truth of breaking the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). He heard the Mano of Truth correct their wrong teaching about what could be done on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-5).
29 AD (Capernaum):
Judas the Traitor went to the synagogue with the Man of Truth on the next Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-14). He saw the Man of Truth heal the man with the withered hand (Mark 3:1-6). He heard the Man of Truth justify his healing on the Sabbath and saw the reaction of his enemies (Luke 6:6-11).
29 AD (Galilee):
The Man of Truth called Judas the Traitor up to the mountain from among his many disciples (Matthew 10:1-4). He gave Judas the Traitor power to cast out demons and cure all kinds of diseases (Mark 3:13-19). He made Judas the Traitor one of the Twelve (Twelve Original Apostles) (Luke 6:12-16).
30 AD (Galilee):
Later, the Man of Truth asked his disciples if his teachings offended them, including his teaching that he would return to Heaven where he had been before being born (John 6:61-62). Many of them left off following him over these teachings, but he was not surprised because he knew who believed his words and who would betray him (John 6:63-66).
So, the Man of Truth asked the Twelve if they were also going to leave him, but Peter the Jew spoke up and asked where would they go since they knew that his teachings would give them life (John 6:67-69). Then he told them that one of them was a devil because he knew that Judas the Traitor would betray him (John 6:70-71).
So, Judas the Traitor had been chosen to be an Apostle of Truth with the same power to confirm the message that he proclaimed that the Man of Truth had demonstrated. Yet, the Man of Truth knew that Judas the Traitor was not satisfied with that office and would betray him.
31 AD (Bethany):
Judas the Traitor watched the Man of Truth raise Lazarus from the dead after decay had set in (John 11:39-44). Many people then believed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, but some of them told his enemies (John 11:45-46).
His enemies then took council to execute the Man of Truth (John 11:47-53). They then put out word for people to let them know if they saw the Man of Truth during Passover (John 11:54-57).
Six days before Passover, the Man of Truth went to eat dinner with Lazarus and his sister Mary washed his feet with expensive perfume (John 12:1-3). Judas the Traitor was upset that she had not instead given money to take care of the poor, because he had been stealing from the poor fund (John 12:4-6). However, the Man of Truth said that she was preparing him for burial, but the poor would still be here after he was gone (John 12:7-8).
Two days before Passover, the Man of Truth told Judas the Traitor and the rest of his disciples that he would be betrayed and crucified (Matthew 26:1-2). Then his enemies met to form a plan to kill him (Matthew 26:3-5). They decided that it could not be on Passover because that could cause a riot (Mark 14:1-2).
Then the Man of Truth went to eat with Simon the Leper and another woman anointed his head with expensive perfume (Matthew 26:6-9). This time all of his disciples complained that the cost of the perfume would have been better spent on the poor (Mark 14:3-5).
Again, the Man of Truth said that this woman was preparing him for burial, and they could give to the poor after he was gone (Matthew 26:10-13). He then told them that her gift would be remembered wherever the Good News was preached (Mark 14:6-9).
Right after this, Judas the Traitor went to his enemies and made an agreement to betray the Man of Truth for money (Matthew 26:14-16). Then he began looking for a convenient opportunity to do so (Mark 14:10-11). The Father of Lies () had entered Judas the Traitor, so that he began looking for a time when the Man of Truth was away from the multitudes, so his enemies could arrest the Man of Truth without causing a riot (Luke 22:1-6).
31 AD (Jerusalem):
The next day when the Man of Truth rode into Jerusalem for Passover, many people greeted him as the Son of David – the Messiah of Israel – because he had raised Lazarus from the dead (John 12:12-18). Judas the Traitor heard the Father of Truth glorify the Man of Truth when he said that he would soon die in the Temple (John 12:24-33).
During the five days before the Last Supper, Judas the Traitor had witnessed indisputable proof that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. Yet, his love for money caused him to make an agreement with the enemies of the Man of Truth to betray him.
31 AD (The Upper Room in Jerusalem):
When the Man of Truth broke the bread at the Last Supper, he said that one of the Twelve would betray him and each disciple asked if it was them (Matthew 26:20-24). He told them that it was one of them eating bread with him, but the one who did so would suffer terribly (Mark 14:17-21).
When Judas the Traitor asked if it was himself, the Man of Truth confirmed that Judas the Traitor knew it was (Matthew 26:25).
After the Supper was eaten, when the last glass of wine was shared, the Man of Truth again announced that one of them would betray him, and again each of Twelve, including Judas the Traitor, asked if it was him (Luke 22:20-23).
After that, the Man of Truth washed the feet of the Twelve, but said that they were not all clean because he knew that the Father of Lies had entered into the heart of Judas the Traitor (John 13:2-11). He then sat back down and told them one of those who had been chosen because they would betray him after eating with him to fulfill scripture (John 13:12-18).
The Man of Truth then told them again that one of them would betray him and all of the Twelve looked at each other (John 13:21-22). So, Peter the Jew asked John the Jew to ask the Man of Truth who it was (John 13:23-24).
The Man of Truth told John the Jew that it would be the one that he gave a piece of matzah dipped in bitter herbs to and then he gave it to Judas the Traitor (John 13:25-26). The Father of Lies took control of Judas the Traitor when he ate the matzah and the Man of Truth told Judas the Traitor to take care of his business quickly (John 13:27).
The rest of them did not know what was going on, but thought that Judas the Traitor was buying some more food for the feast since he carried the money bag (John 13:28-29). After Judas the Traitor left, then the Man of Truth said that he would soon be returning to the Father of Truth (John 13:30-33).
31 AD (The Garden of Gethsemane outside of Jerusalem):
When the Man of Truth led the rest of the Twelve to the Garden of Gethsemane and asked them to pray for him (Matthew 26:36-47). They fell asleep while he went off to pray in agony for the Father of Truth to find another way (Mark 14:32-43). After he confirmed for the third time that he would do the will of the Father of Truth, he woke them up because Judas the Traitor had come to betray him (Luke 22:39-47). Judas the Traitor knew that this is where the Man of Truth went to pray when he was in Jerusalem (John 18:1-3).
Judas the Traitor had told the enemies of the Man of Truth that he would identify him with a kiss (Matthew 26:48-50). So, he kissed the Man of Truth and called him master (Mark 14:44-46). The Man of Truth first asked Judas the Traitor if he was going to betray him with a kiss (Luke 22:48). The Man of Truth then confirmed to his enemies that Judas the Traitor had led them to one that they were looking for (John 18:4-5).
So, the Man of Truth let Judas the Truth know three times that he knew of his plan to betray him. He warned Judas the Traitor what would happen if he carried out his plan. Yet Judas the Traitor still betrayed the Man of Truth.
31 AD (Jerusalem):
After Judas the Traitor realized that the Man of Truth was going to be killed, he deeply regretted betraying him and threw back the money to the enemies of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:1-3). He confessed that he had betrayed an innocent man and then hung himself (Matthew 27:4-5).
The enemies of the Man of Truth knew that the money was blood money so they used it to buy a field for a graveyard since they could not put it back in the Temple treasury as the Prophets of Truth had said that they would (Matthew 27:6-10). The bloated dead body of Judas the Traitor afterwards fell into the field bought with his money that he earned by betraying the Man of Truth and his bowels burst open spilling his blood on it (Acts 1:16-19).
So, Judas the Traitor lost his place in the kingdom of the Man of Truth and went to his place of eternal torment in the place prepared for the Father of Lies (Acts 1:20-25).
So, Judas the Traitor wished that he had never been born after he betrayed the Man of Truth. The price of betrayal will never be paid in full by Judas the Traitor.
Judas the Traitor never met the Man of Truth until he began following him. Afterwards, the Man of Truth made him a real Apostle of Truth.
Judas the Traitor had witnessed every evidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. He was warned by the Man of Truth to not betray him and was given every opportunity to not do so.
Yet, Judas the Traitor betrayed the Man of Truth for money. He then killed himself by hanging himself before the Man of Truth was hung upon a cross.
The body of Judas the Traitor only became bloated after his death. It only burst open after it fell from where he had hung himself.
It landed in the field that had bought with the money that the enemies of the Man of Truth would not let Judas the Traitor return to the Temple treasury. That field was known for being bought with the blood money given to Judas the Traitor as well as the place where his blood was spilled.
Judas the Traitor lost his place in Heaven and gained a place in Hell instead. His torment will never end, and it would have been better for him to have never been born.
However, all of us are like Judas the Traitor.
All of us are guilty of the blood of the Man of Truth because our sin caused him to die on a cross (Revelation 1:5).
Any of us who do not do the will of the Father of Truth will not have a place in His kingdom – even if we operated in the power from the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:21-23)! We will have a place in the place prepared for the Father of Lies (Matthew 25:41).
Like Judas the Traitor, we will lose our place in the kingdom of the Father of Truth if we do not continue in righteousness (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Like him, we can be a real follower of the Man of Truth but turn from the way of righteousness for money (Jude 1:11).
So, follow the Man of Truth for all of your days because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Otherwise, it would have been better for you to have never been born (2 Peter 2:20-21).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Islam, The False Church Of Rome