John The Jew
What did John the Jew teach and do?
John the Jew (Yochanon aka John - son of Zebedee aka The Apostle John) wrote one of the Gospels, three of the Epistles, and the Revelation.
There were numerous other books attributed to John the Jew including The Acts of John, The Apocryphon of John, and The Second Apocalypse of John. The earliest one was written about seventy years after John the Jew died and the latest one more than three hundred years after his death!
In the art of the False Church of Rome, the Eastern Leg often shows John the Jew as an old man with a white beard whose appearance is like that of Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher. This is meant to associate Greek philosophy and the Greek worldview with John the Jew.
The Western leg often shows him as a young beardless man with a somewhat feminine face. This is meant to make it easier for women to identify with John the Jew.
Some scholars have argued that John the Jew was three different people - one wrote the Gospel of John, another wrote the epistles of John, and another wrote the Revelation. Their main argument is that the Koine Greek is at a very basic level in the Gospel of John, while the epistles are written in average Koine Greek, and the Revelation is written in advanced Koine Greek.
However, this is what one would expect. The Koine Greek used by John the Jew improved as he continued to use it for communication.
John the Jew had only been using Koine Greek as his primary language of communication for only a few years when he wrote his Gospel after being outside of Israel in 63 AD. When he wrote his first epistles in 74 AD, he had been communicating in Koine Greek for over a decade. By the time he wrote the Revelation in 95 AD, he had been using it for more than thirty years.
Irenaeus says that he was a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of John the Jew. Irenaeus also said that Polycarp was a correspondent with Ignatius of Antioch.
However, there is no proof of any of this other than the testimony of Irenaeus. Ignatius mentions Polycarp in his epistles but give no information about him being a disciple of John the Jew.
The works of Polycarp were destroyed, except for the Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. This appears to be a fraud since the author tells first of the martyrdom of Ignatius years earlier and then says that this epistle was written as a response to a letter that he just received from Ignatius about his upcoming execution.
The earliest mention of the martyrdom of Polycarp was by Eusebius about two hundred years after Polycarp died. It tells of a supposed miracle where Polycarp would not burn went set of fire but died when a sword stabbed him, and his spilled blood put out the fire.
Eusebius contributes this story to founders of the False Church of Rome, but it is not founded in any of their writings. This would have certainly been something that Irenaeus would have mentioned if he really was the disciple of Polycarp.
Tertullian, the father of the Western leg of the False Church of Rome, decreed that all churches had to produce records that showed the succession of their bishops from one of the Apostles of Truth.
According to him, the church of Smyrna said that Polycarp had been appointed as the bishop of the church there by John the Jew.
In like manner, Tertullian had said that Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simeon aka Simon aka Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) had appointed Clement as the first bishop of Rome - contrary to the
record in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)
that Peter the Jew never went to Rome.
So, the connection of Polycarp to John the Jew was only meant to connect John the Jew to False Church of Rome by having his supposed disciple die there.
Irenaeus and Tertullian both state the Papias also knew John the Jew as well and learned from him.
Papias supposedly wrote five books that contained stories about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) and the Apostles of Truth that were not included in the Gospels. However, these books were also destroyed and only supposed quotes from them remain in the works of Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Eusebius.
In these quotes, Papias himself wrote that he only talked with those who knew John the Jew. He never said that he met any of the Apostles of Truth himself, but only conferred with those who did.
He also said that he learned from others what John the Elder said. While some have maintained that John the Jew and John the Elder were the same man, Papias says that they were not. He reports that each had their own tomb in Ephesus.
Eusebius reported that those tombs still existed in Ephesus about two hundred years later.
However, Papias was called a disciple of John the Elder and a companion of Polycarp by Irenaeus - contrary to the very writings of Papias himself. So, any supposed quotes from Papias that he learned from John the Jew are also frauds.
So, there has been an effort to connect John the Jew to the False Church and its doctrines, but all these things have been proven to be lies.
So, according to the Renewed Covenant what did John the Jew teach and do?
[NOTE: The Gospel of Luke is written as a history and has events in chronological order. The Gospel of John generally has events in the order that they occurred as well. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark are not strictly chronological but are arranged to bring out certain aspects of the Man of Truth in their main sections. They both have a prologue that explains events proceeding the main section, a main section that is composed of divisions that each contain related events and teachings to emphasize a certain aspect, and an epilogue that explains the events that follow the main section.
This is important to understand when creating a comprehensive timeline of anything found in The Gospels. There is no conflict between them, but they work together like a four part harmony to highlight different aspects of the life of the Man of Truth.]
[NOTE: In the Gospel of John, John the Jew never identifies himself by name. However, it is a firsthand eye-witness account like the Gospel of Matthew, so John the Jew was at most of the events that he wrote about. So, references like "other disciple" and "disciple that Jesus loved" in the Gospel of John are almost certainly references to John the Jew.]
29 AD (Israel):
John the Jew was one of the disciples following John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) who began to follow the Man of Truth the day after John the Baptist identified him as the Messiah of Israel (John 1:29-37). John the Jew and Andrew the Jew (The Apostle Andrew) were the first two disciples to follow the Man of Truth and camp with him (John 1:38-40).
After John the Baptist was thrown into prison, the Man of Truth went to Galilee and began preaching repentance (Matthew 4:12-22). At that time, he called John the Jew to leave off his fishing to follow him, so John the Jew did (Mark 1:14-20).
John the Jew was there when the Man of Truth healed the mother-in-law of Peter the Jew of her fever (Mark 1:29-31).
John the Jew was washing his fishing nets when the Man of Truth had Peter the Jew put his boat out into the Sea of Galilee, so the Man of Truth could preach to the crowd on the shore (Luke 5:1-3). He then took his boat out to help Peter the Jew with the great haul of fish that were caught at the command of the Man of Truth (Luke 5:4-7). John the Jew also finally forsook all to follow the Man of Truth, when the Man of Truth told Peter the Jew to follow him to become a fisher of men (Luke 5:8-11).
So, John the Jew did not forsake everything to follow the Man of
Truth until many days after the Man of Truth first called him to stay with him. He was drawn to the manly work of fishing and it was the promise to fish for men that finally got him to fully commit to following the Man of Truth.
A while after that, the Man of Truth chose twelve of his disciples to cast out Spirits of Lies and heal disease (Matthew 10:1-4). He called them to come up to him on the mountain where he was and called John the Jew a son of thunder (Mark 3:13-19). He had spent all night on the mountain praying, before calling John the Jew and eleven other disciples to become the Twelve Original Apostles of Truth (aka The Twelve) (Luke 6:12-16).
When the Man of Truth went into the house of the ruler of the synagogue, the people were mourning (Matthew 9:23-25). John the Jew was one of only three Apostles of Truth that went in with him (Mark 5:35-43). John the Jew was there when the Man of Truth raised the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue from the dead (Luke 8:49-56).
30 AD (Israel):
Months later, the Man of Truth took John the Jew and two other Apostles of Truth with him up a mountain and turned completely white, shining like the sun (Matthew 17:1-9). Then John the Jew saw Moses (Moishe) and Elijah (Eliyahu), two Prophet of Truths, appear and talk with the Man of Truth (Mark 9:1-10). He heard the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) announced from a bright cloud that the Man of Truth was His Son (Luke 9:28-35). He suddenly saw the Man of Truth become normal and alone, but the Man of Truth told him and the other two Apostles of Truth to not tell anyone what they saw on the mountain until after his resurrection (Luke 9:36).
Months later, John the Jew told the Man of Truth that the Twelve had rebuked a man for casting out demons in the name of the Man of Truth but was not part of their group (Mark 9:38-41). The Man of Truth told John the Jew to not forbid anyone from doing anything that showed that they were on the side of the Man of Truth (Luke 9:49-50).
When the Man of Truth began to make his journey towards Jerusalem the Samaritans of one village did not want him to stay with them (Luke 9:51-53). Then John the Jew and his brother asked if they should call down fire from Heaven to destroy them like Elisha (Elias) did (Luke 9:54). So, the Man of Truth rebuke them for having a wrong spirit, because he had come to save people, not to destroy people, and then he went to the next village (Luke 9:55-56).
The Man of Truth recognized that John the Jew was loud and had a fiery temper that he struggled to control when he called John the Jew to become an Apostle of Truth. He was hardly feminine or mild tempered as he followed the Man of Truth.
John the Jew tried to stop anyone outside of his little group from doing anything in the name of the Man of Truth. He wanted to burn an entire village of Samaritans for not welcoming the Man of Truth to stay with them.
31 AD (Israel):
When the Man of Truth was going to Jericho on his way up to Jerusalem, he told the Twelve that after they arrived in Jerusalem he would be betrayed, beaten, crucified, and rise from the dead (Matthew 20:17-19). They were already afraid and dismayed by his teachings before he told them this (Mark 10:32-34).
The mother of John the Jew asked the Man of Truth if her sons could sit at his right and left when he comes to rule (Matthew 20:20-21). John the Jew and his brother also asked for the same thing (Mark 10:35-37).
The Man of Truth then asked them if they could suffer like he would suffer and they said that they could (Matthew 20:22-23). So, he told them that they would, but it was up to the Father of Truth who sat at his left and right when he comes to rule (Mark 10:38-40).
The rest of the twelve were indignant with John the Jew and his brother for trying to secure the best positions for themselves (Matthew 20:24-28). So, the Man of Truth told all of them that the way to become great in his kingdom was to follow his example of serving others (Mark 10:41-45).
31 AD (Jerusalem):When the Man of Truth came back to Jerusalem, his disciples told him how
beautiful the Temple was, but he said that it would be completely
destroyed (Matthew 24:1-31). John the Jew and some other Apostles of Truth then asked him when this
would be as well as the signs of the end of this present age (Mark 13:1-27).
He replied with a long list of signs leading up the destruction of the
Temple and the Tribulation that will bring about the end of this present
age (Luke 21:5-28).
John the Jew was ambitious and sought to secure a position above the other Apostles of Truth in the kingdom of the Man of Truth. John the Jew wanted to know when the kingdom of the Messiah would begin. John the Jew was very focused on Jewish concerns with no concern for Greek philosophy.
As Passover (Pesach) approached, the Man of Truth told John the Jew and Peter the Jew to prepare the Passover meal at the place he described, and they did (Luke 22:7-13).
As they ate, Peter the Jew signaled John the Jew to ask the Man of Truth who was going to betray him, and the Man of Truth gave a sign that it was Judas Iscariot (John 13:21-26).
When they came to the Garden of Gethsemane after eating, the Man of Truth took John the Jew with two other Apostles of Truth a little further than the
rest, and then told them to watch and pray (Matthew 26:36-46).
Three times, he then went a further by himself and then prayed in agony
for his upcoming suffering to be taken away if possible, but if not,
then he would do the will of the Father of Truth (Mark 14:32-42).
Each time after he prayed, he came back and found John the Jew asleep
with the others, until he woke them because his betrayer was about to
arrive (Luke 22:39-46).
John the Jew, who followed the Man of Truth to his trial with Peter the Jew, was known to the High Priest, so he got the girl who kept the door to let Peter the Jew into the courtyard (John 18:12-16).
As the Man of Truth was dying on the cross, John the Jew stood with the mother of the Man of Truth, so the Man of Truth told him to take care of his mother, which John the Jew did (John 19:25-27).
The mother of John the Jew was there as well when the Man of Truth died on the cross (Matthew 27:50-56).
John the Jew was the only one of the Apostles of Truth who had the courage to stand with the Man of Truth every step of the way on the worst day of his life. He was a rock that the mother of the Man of Truth and his own mother could lean upon in the time of their great grief. He was the manliest of the Apostles of Truth on that day.
When Mary Magdalene first found the empty tomb, she ran to John the Jew and Peter the Jew to tell them that someone had taken the body of the Man of Truth (John 20:1-2).
So, Peter the Jew ran to the tomb with John the Jew, but John the Jew got there first and then stopped at the doorway of the tomb (John 20:3-5). However, Peter the Jew ran right into the tomb and saw the grave clothes neatly arranged on the tomb slab (John 20:6-7).
When John the Jew afterwards peered into the tomb, he also believed that the body of the Man of Truth was no longer there (John 20:8-9).
When the Twelve arrived Galilee, John the Jew was one of those who went fishing with Peter the Jew, but they caught nothing after fishing all night (John 21:1-3). When a man told them to cast their net on the other side and it was full of fish, John the Jew said that it was the Man of Truth, and then Peter the Jew jumped out of the boat to get to him quickly (John 21:4-7). Then John the Jew brought the ship ashore and went with the others to eat with the Man of Truth (John 21:8-14).
When the Man of Truth told Peter the Jew that he would die as a martyr for him when he was old, Peter the Jew asked the Man of Truth about what would happen to John the Jew (John 21:18-21). The Man of Truth said that even if John the Jew should live until he returned, Peter the Jew still needed to follow him to the death (John 21:22).
So, a rumor started that John the Jew would not die - even though this was not what the Man of Truth said (John 21:23). For this reason, John the Jew became famous among all of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (2 Corinthians 8:18).
However, John the Jew did record some of what he saw the Man of Truth do while he was on the Earth in the Gospel of John (John 21:24-25).
So, again John the Jew showed that he was a manly man focused on the Messiah of Israel and his kingdom promised to Israel - not Greek philosophy.
After the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, John the Jew and the other disciples all stayed together in Jerusalem to wait for the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) as the Man of Truth had instructed (Acts 1:4-14).
Days after being baptized in the Spirit of Truth, Peter the Jew and John the Jew went to the Temple, where they encountered a lame beggar outside the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:1-3). They got his attention, and then Peter the Jew told the beggar that he had no money to give him, but instead commanded him to walk in the name of the Man of Truth and the beggar then began to stand on his own (Acts 3:4-7).
Then the beggar went leaping and jumping into the Temple with them until they arrived at Solomon's porch where a great crowd assembled looking at Peter the Jew and John the Jew in wonder (Acts 3:8-11).
When Peter the Jew and John the Jew stood on trial before the council of the High Priest the next day, Peter the Jew told him that the beggar had been healed in the name of the Man of Truth - the Messiah of Israel that the High Priest had condemned to death - but the Father of Truth had raised from the dead (Acts 4:6-12). The council was amazed at their boldness, particularly since they were not well educated, and could not dispute that a miracle had been done, but they still commanded Peter the Jew and John the Jew to no longer preach or teach in the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 4:13-18). However, Peter the Jew and John the Jew responded that they would continue to preach and teach in the name of the Man of Truth, but the council could nothing but threaten them some more and let them go without risking a riot breaking out in the Temple (Acts 4:19-21).
33 AD (Israel):
When Peter the Jew and John the Jew came to Samaria from Jerusalem to baptize the new believers in the Spirit of Truth, Simon the Samaritan offered them money for the ability to baptize people in the Spirit of Truth by laying hands on them (Acts 8:14-19).
44 AD (Jerusalem):
When King Herod Antipas began persecuting the Children of Truth, he killed the brother of John the Jew (Acts 12:1-5). His brother suffered martyrdom as the Man of Truth had said that he would (Matthew 20:22-23).
48 AD (Jerusalem):
Then John the Jew, James the Jew, and Peter the Jew, the Three Pillars of the church, confirmed that Paul the Jew had been preaching the same Gospel that they had been preaching, and that they would bring the Good News to the Jews, while Paul the Jew would bring the Good News to the Gentiles and have the Gentile Children of Truth help the poor persecuted Jewish Children of Truth in Israel (Galatians 2:6-10).
51 AD (Jerusalem):
Then John the Jew remained in Jerusalem to continue to take care of the mother of the Man of Truth until she died (John 19:25-27).
Twenty years after the Man of Truth rose from the dead, John the Jew remained in Jerusalem. He endured hardship like a man. He was in no way educated in Greek philosophy like the Jewish leadership who ran the Temple. Instead, he as one of the Three Pillars at the world-wide headquarters of the mostly Jewish church. He continued bring the Good News to the Jews of Israel while taking care of the mother of the Man of Truth.
53 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Ephesus, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 2:1).
55 AD (Smyrna):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Smyrna, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 2:8).
55 AD (Pergamos):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Pergamos, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 2:12).
55 AD (Thyatira):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Thyatira, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 2:18).
55 AD (Sardis):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Sardis, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 3:1).
55 AD (Philadelphia):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Philadelphia, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 3:7).
55 AD (Laodicea):
John the Jew went with Paul the Jew and helped him establish the church at Laodicea, which he would later be sent to with a letter from the Man of Truth (Revelation 3:7).
56 AD (Macedonia):
John the Jew was with Paul the Jew in Macedonia when Paul the Jew promised to send him with Titus to Corinth to help collect the offering to help the poor persecuted believers in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8:18-21).
56 AD (Corinth):John the Jew came with his wife to Corinth and was supported by the congregation there (1 Corinthians 9:5-6). He came with Titus to Corinth to help collect the offering to help the poor persecuted believers in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8:18-21).
57 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew brought many Jews in Corinth into the House of Truth, who he later called his children (1 John 2:1). Only James the Jew (brother of the Man of Truth) was there when Paul the Jew delivered the offering collected to help the poor persecuted believers in Jerusalem (Acts 21:18).
62 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew remained in Corinth to oversee the congregation after Paul the Jew returned to Jerusalem (Hebrews 13:24).
So, after the mother of the Man of Truth died, John
the Jew left Jerusalem with Paul the Jew to help collect an offering to
help the poor persecuted believers in Jerusalem. During that time, he
worked with Paul the Jew in starting seven cities in Asia with Jewish
populations. He then stayed in Corinth after working with the Jews who
made up half the population to keep the congregation there grounded and
growing. He acted like a man in the face of hardship. His focus continued to be
on bringing the Gospel to Jews - not learning Greek philosophy.
63 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew wrote his gospel to give an eye-witness account about the Man of Truth and the things that he said would soon come to pass in Israel to the many Jews who lived in Corinth by this time (John 21:24-25).
66 AD (Israel):
The religious leaders increased their persecution of the believers as the Man of Truth said they would (John 15:20-21). They began putting believers out of their synagogues, destroying the synagogues of the believers, and killing them because they thought that it would please the Father of Truth as the Man of Truth had predicted (John 16:2-3).
67 AD (Ephesus):
Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) left Ephesus to go to Rome to be with Paul the Jew in his final days (2 Timothy 4:19-21). When John the Jew learned this, he left those in Corinth, who he later called his children in his epistle from Ephesus, to go to Ephesus to help keep that congregation stable (1 John 2:1).
68 AD (Israel):The same religious leaders in Israel who had hated the believers without a cause as the Man of Truth had warned, began to reap what they had sown by the same senseless hatred (sinat chinam) that caused many Jews to kill other Jews throughout Israel (John 15:23-25).
70 AD (Israel):
The worship the Father of Truth on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Jews and on Mount Gerizim in Samaria both came to an end as the Man of Truth had said, when the Romans destroyed both temples (John 4:20-21). The Romans came and destroyed both the Temple and Jerusalem as Caiaphas the High Priest had unwittingly prophesied by the Spirit of Truth (John 11:48-52).
73 AD (Israel):The Jews who had cried for the crucifixion of the Man of Truth were themselves crucified by the Romans and many more Jews died than Romans in the Great Revolt as punishment by the Father of Truth like the Man of Truth had said (John 19:10-11). After they were scattered from the land of Israel across the Roman Empire, they truly had no king except Caesar as they had chosen (John 19:12-15).
So, John the Jew wrote his Gospel for Greek speaking Jews who lived outside of Israel. His Gospel included things that soon came to pass in Israel as proof that his testimony was true and the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. He then went back to Ephesus despite his age to help with the problems there after Timothy the Jew left to go to Rome to be with Paul the Jew. He continued to show himself to be a man who focused on bringing the Gospel to Jews throughout the world - not learning Greek philosophy.
74 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew was among the few eyewitnesses of the Man of Truth who were still in contact with the congregations of Ephesus and Corinth that contained many Greek speaking Jews (1 John 1:1-4).74 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew wrote to the many Greek speaking Jews in Corinth that he had brought to faith (1 John 2:1). He also wrote to the leaders of the congregation in Corinth (1 John 2:12-14).
John the Jew warned them against those with in their own congregation who had left to start new congregations to teach that the Man of Truth was something other than the Messiah of Israel (1 John 2:18-22). He warned them against these false prophets who claimed the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) had revealed to them that the Man of Truth had not been born as a real human being (1 John 4:1-3). He warned them because the Man of Truth had came as the Messiah of Israel to not anyone to draw them into worshiping idols (1 John 5:20-21).
John the Jew warned them that people could not be part of the Children of Truth without doing what the Father of Truth said was right (1 John 3:7-10). He warned them that no one can hate anyone and be part of the Children of Truth (1 John 4:20-21).
81 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew wrote to the congregation in Corinth while he continued to strengthen the congregation in Ephesus (2 John 1:1).
81 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew wrote to the congregation in Corinth to continue in truth and love (2 John 1:1-3). He had found many of them walking in truth by obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 John 1:4-6).
John the Jew warned them to beware of the many deceivers who taught that the Man of Truth had not come as the Messiah of Israel (2 John 1:7-8). He warned them to have nothing to do with anyone who taught that people could not be part of the Children of Truth without doing what the Father of Truth said was right (2 John 1:9-11).
82 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew went visit to them by making as sea voyage when he was around eighty-years old (2 John 1:12-13).
87 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew continued to strengthen the congregation in Ephesus when he sent people to Gaius the Jew and his congregation in Corinth (3 John 1:1-3). Those sent by John the Jew were also Jews who took nothing from the Gentile believers because they only sought to make the Man of Truth known (3 John 1:5-7).
John the Jew had sent them to take a letter that he had written to the congregation at Corinth, but Diotrephes the Greek had taken over the congregation as the first monarchical bishop refused to let the letter be read (3 John 1:9). Diotrephes the Greek then cast out of the congregation those sent by John the Jew and everyone who received the brethren to hear his letter (3 John 1:10).
John the Jew was delighted that Gaius the Jew had continued walking in truth by obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth as well as the congregation that he led (3 John 1:1-4). Gaius the Jew had helped the Jews sent by John the Jew (3 John 1:6-8).
88 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew sent Demetrius the Greek to Corinth to bring them his letter to Gaius the Jew (3 John 1:12).88 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew warned them that only those who do what the Father of Truth says is good are the Children of Truth (3 John 1:11).
John the Jew promised the congregation in Corinth that he would come there and deal with Diotrephes the Greek himself (3 John 1:10). John the Jew told them that he would be seeing them real soon (3 John 1:13-14).
89 AD (Corinth):
John the Jew apparently went to Corinth to deal with Diotrephes the Greek himself despite being about ninety years old (3 John 1:10).
89 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew apparently returned to oversee the congregation in Ephesus located not far from the isle of Patmos (Revelation 1:9).
So, John the Jew continued to work with Greek speaking Jews to tell Greek speaking Jews that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. The disciples that he trained to be apostles and evangelists by sending them out were Jews. He withstood against those who sought to make the Man of Truth out to be anything less than the Messiah of Israel.
John the Jew stood against Diotrephes the Greek who had put out of the congregation in Corinth all who continued to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth as taught by these Jews. He finally confronted Diotrephes the Greek to put a stop to his desire to lord over the congregation and teach them a different doctrine that incorporated Greek philosophy.
John the Jew was tough as nails and manly in every sense. John the Jew fought to keep Christian doctrine free from the influence of Greek philosophy.
90 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew soon handed oversight of the congregation in Ephesus to someone else so he could strengthen the churches of the Roman providence of Asia when Domitian began his universal persecution (Revelation 2:1).
92 AD (Pergamos):
Antipas ("against the fathers") was martyred for doing as John the Jew had taught by resisting "The Fathers" who laid the foundation of the False Church of Rome (Revelation 2:13).
95 AD (Patmos):
John the Jew wrote to the seven churches of the Roman providence of Asia on behalf of the Man of Truth (Revelation 1:4-8). He had suffered years of persecution and had finally been exiled to the Isle of Patmos under the universal persecution of Domitian when the Man of Truth told him to write these letters on the Sabbath (Revelation 1:9-11). [Sunday was not called "The Lord's Day" until 150 AD.]
The Man of Truth referred to the pastors of the seven churches as angels (messengers) according to the Jewish custom of referring those in the synagogue responsible for delivering the message as angels, which John the Jew understood (Revelation 1:20).
The Man of Truth told John the Jew to commend the church at Ephesus for resisting false doctrine, but also to warn it to return to doing things out of love instead out of ritual like the False Church of Rome would do later (Revelation 2:1-7). He told John the Jew to commend the church of Smyrna for remaining faithful while suffering persecution under the hands of the uncircumcised false Jews from the synagogue there - who blamed his followers for the failure of the Jews to prevent the Romans from destroying Jerusalem - and to encourage them to remain faithful unto death (Revelation 2:8-11).
The Man of Truth told John the Jew to commend the church of Pergamos for remaining loyal to him, even when Antipas was martyred, but also to warn it to stop tolerating the things that would later form the foundation of the False Church of Rome (Revelation 2:12-17). He told John the Jew to commend the church of Thyatira for the good works it did, but also to warn it to stop tolerating practices that came from the feasts of idol worship that would later become part of the religion of the False Church of Rome, and to encourage those who had not participated in these practices (Revelation 2:18-29).
The Man of Truth told John the Jew to warn the church at Sardis that it was dead for not pursuing his kingdom despite having a reputation of lively worship, but also to commend those few members who had not lost sight of his kingdom (Revelation 3:1-6). He told John the Jew to commend the church of Philadelphia for obeying his commandments and not denying his name while suffering persecution under the hands of the uncircumcised false Jews from the synagogue there - who blamed his followers for the failure of the Jews to prevent the Romans from destroying Jerusalem (Revelation 3:7-13).
The Man of Truth told John the Jew to warn the church at Laodicea that the temporary wealth it possessed had blinded it to how poor it was in eternal things and to repent of its lukewarm attitude in following him (Revelation 3:14-22).
95 AD (Heaven):
The Man of Truth then called John the Jew with the voice of a trumpet to meet him in Heaven to show him the things that would come to pass after the time of the churches (Revelation 4:1). John the Jew was there with the Man of Truth in the twinkling of an eye (Revelation 4:2).
The Man of Truth showed John the Jew how a religious system based on idolatry that would continue to persecute the Children of Truth until the last days, and how it would be headquartered in a place of seven hills like those of Rome (Revelation 17:4-9). He also showed John the Jew that ten rulers who would ally themselves to the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) while this religious system united all people into a universal religion (Revelation 17:12-15). He then showed John the Jew that these ten rulers would destroy this religious system based in the city that ruled the Roman world in time of John the Jew (Revelation 17:16-18).
John the Jew then finished writing the final book of the Book of Truth (The Bible) (Revelation 22:16-21).
95 AD (Patmos):
John the Jew had truly seen the Man of Truth coming into his kingdom before he died (Matthew 16:28). He truly did not taste death until after he saw the kingdom of the Father of Truth come in power (Mark 9:1). He truly saw these things before dying (Luke 9:27).
97 AD (Patmos):
John the Jew was released from his exile after Domitian died, so he could deliver the letters to the seven churches of the Roman providence of Asia (Revelation 1:9-11).
97 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 2:1-7).
97 AD (Smyrna):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 2:8-11).
97 AD (Pergamos):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 2:12-17).
97 AD (Thyatira):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 2:18-29).
97 AD (Sardis):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 3:1-6).
97 AD (Philadelphia):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 3:7-13).
97 AD (Laodicea):
John the Jew delivered the letter written to this church (Revelation 3:14-22).
98 AD (Ephesus):
John the Jew returned to Ephesus to finish out his days because the Man of Truth never said that John the Jew would live until he returned (John 21:23-24).
John the Jew truly had drunk of the cup of suffering during his long life as the Man of Truth had said he would (Mark 10:38-39). He had truly been an Apostle to the Jews (Galatians 2:9).
So, John the Jew had resisted the efforts to create a religion that mixed Greek philosophy with the message of the Man of Truth until the end. He remained Jewish in every way until his last breath. He had showed himself to be a man even in his old age.
John the Jew in the Renewed Covenant is nothing like he is portrayed by the False Church of Rome. He was very persistent in resisting those who laid the foundation of the False Church of Rome.
John the Jew taught people to have nothing to do with the doctrine of the False Church of Rome. He wrote of the eventual destruction of the False Church of Rome during the Tribulation.
Almost all the disciples of John the Jew mentioned in the Book of Truth were also Jews. He had taught even the Gentile believers to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth that applied to them. The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was the basis of these commandments (Matthew 5:17-19).
There is nothing in the Renewed Covenant to support the idea that Polycarp was his disciple. It is certain that the doctrine that the False Church of Rome says Polycarp and Papias taught did not come from John the Jew.
So, come into the House of Truth and do what John the Jew taught people to do.
Let the Man of Truth rule over your life because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Then like John the Jew, you will say bring on whatever trouble is necessary for the Man of Truth to come to rule in his kingdom (Revelation 22:18-20).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: False Church Of Rome, History, Renewed Covenant
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