Mary the Jew
What did Mary the Jew do?
Mary the Jew (mother of the Man of Truth) is a very controversial figure. She is mentioned in many religions. Some malign her, some revere her, and others only mention her.
Islam (teaches that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was a Prophet but not the Savior) teaches the following about Mary the Jew:
Mary the Jew is highly exalted in the Koran.
Mary the Jew is the only woman mentioned by name in the Koran and her name is mentioned fifty times. She is also the only woman to be given the same title given to the prophets in the Koran. She alone possesses the title "Our Lady" (the feminine equivalent of "Our Lord").
Two chapters are devoted to her and her family in the Koran. She has more said about her in the Koran than in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
Here is the story told about Mary the Jew in the Koran:
The Father of Mary the Jew was promised by Allah have a son. This son would perform miracles and be sent as an apostle of Allah to the children of Israel. However, instead of a son, his wife gave birth to Mary the Jew.
Mary the Jew was chosen by Allah to give birth to the son promised to her father. So, she was called a Sign of God to humanity. Satan was not allowed to touch her at birth. So, she was born sinless, so her son could also be born sinless.
She was then raised by Zachariah the Priest (Zacharias aka Zachariyah) in the Temple and fed by an Angel of Truth. She was also allowed to into the Holy of Holies any time she wanted due to her being sinless.
When she was grown up, Zachariah the Priest was visited in his old age by an Angel of Truth. The Angel of Truth then told him that his wife would give birth to son to be named John. John would prepare people to listen to the prophet that Mary the Jew would give birth to.
Mary the Jew then conceived by a word spoken by Allah as his spirit was breathed into her. Then she gave birth to the Man of Truth while still a virgin. She then continued to live a sinless life and remained a virgin until her death in Jerusalem.
She was then buried near Jerusalem.
Due to her sinless nature and be chosen to give birth to the Man of Truth, mosques have been named after the Mary the Jew. Her tomb is also considered to be a holy site in Islam.
The Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome teaches the following about Mary the Jew:
Mary the Jew is even more exalted by the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome than she is by Islam.
The story of the childhood of Mary the Jew is like the one told by Islam with a few differences.
Joachim the Jew and Anne the Jew were old without children. So, Anne the Jew made a vow that if the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave her a child, then she would consecrate the child to Him.
Mary the Jew was taken to the Temple when she was three to be consecrated to the Father of Truth like Samuel (Sh'muel) had been.
When Mary the Jew arrived, Zachariah the Priest prophesied that she would be exalted above all women. He then took her up to the third step of the Altar, where the Father of Truth filled her with grace. Any sin that might have been in her was removed at that time.
Mary the Jew was then raised by Zachariah the Priest in the Temple. She spent her childhood days weaving the curtain of the Holy of Holies. She was fed every day by an Angel of Truth.
When Mary the Jew was twelve, she needed to leave the Temple before she became unclean from her monthly period. At time, the Angel of Truth told Zacharias the Priest that a widower had been selected as a husband for her. (This widower was the father of James the Jew.)
The story of the conception of Mary the Jew and the birth of the Man of Truth are also similar to the story told by Islam with only a few differences.
Afterwards, Zacharias the Priest was visited in his old age by an Angel of Truth. The Angel of Truth then told him that his wife would give birth to son to be named John. John would prepare people to listen to the prophet that Mary the Jew would give birth to.
Mary the Jew was sinless and so conceived the Man of Truth by the operation of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost). She continued to be a sinless virgin for the rest of her life.
However, the story of Mary the Jew after the Man
of Truth began his ministry is very different from the story told by Islam.
Mary the Jew accompanied the Man of Truth during his ministry and was the source of information for much of what is written in the Gospels.
After the resurrection of the Man of Truth, she continued to secretly lead the Church from Jerusalem.
However, the story of the last days of Mary the Jew is not completely clear. It is also very different from the one told by Islam.
In one version, Mary the Jew died in Jerusalem where a church has been built on the site where her tomb was located. Then the following happened:
Three days after her death, Mary the Jew was resurrected and ascended
into Heaven in a resurrected body to join the Man of Truth in ruling
over all Angels of Truth and all Saints. Thomas the Jew arrived late,
so she dropped her girdle to him as she ascended like Elijah (Eliyahu)
had dropped his mantle to Elisha when he ascended in a chariot of fire.
Apostles of Truth were then instantly transported from the ends of the
Earth to her empty tomb to bear witness of her resurrection.
Afterwards, they were transported back to where they were before to tell
others about the resurrection of Mary the Jew.
In another version, the same things happened after she died, but the events and location of her death are different:
Later, Mary the Jew left Jerusalem with John the Jew. She then lived with him in Ephesus.
Mary the Jew then died in Ephesus, where a church has been built on the site where her tomb was located.
Neither of these versions is the official version. The details of where these events occurred are not considered critical
The sum of these stories is the basis for the veneration of Mary the Jew that is expressed as follows:
She is called "Theotokos", which is literally "God offspring", but better translated as "whose offspring is God". (The second word is the subject, while the first one is the object - the reverse of English.). For this reason, "Theotokos" is usually translated as "Mother of God".
However, "Theotokos" is used the same way by the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome that "Madonna" is used by the western leg. ("Our Lady is the feminine equivalent of "Our Lord".)
There are other Greek titles that literally mean "Mother of God" and "Mother of God Incarnate" that are also applied to Mary the Jew.
For this reason, hymns are sung by the congregation to Mary the Jew during the services of the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome. In the liturgy, she is placed above everyone except for the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth.
Mary the Jew is exalted above all Angels, Prophets, Apostles, Fathers, and Martyrs. She is called the Lady of the Angels (meaning all Angels are subject to her).
There are also icons (paintings) of Mary the Jew that are paraded during feasts dedicated to her. The claim is that Luke the Jew (Lukas aka the Apostle Luke) created the first icon of her that was the basis for all that followed. However, this was not claimed until about six hundred years after Luke the Jew died.
Five of the twelve yearly feast on the calendar of the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome are devoted to Mary the Jew.
Mary the Jew also has titles of "Perpetual Virgin" and "All Holy". These are given to her to indicate that she continued to be a sinless virgin for the rest of her life.
Mary the Jew is also called the Queen of Heaven.
The Western leg of the False Church of Rome teaches the following about Mary the Jew:
Mary the Jew is even more exalted by the Western leg of the False Church of Rome than she is by the Eastern leg.
The story of the childhood of Mary the Jew is almost identical to the one told by Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome with these notable differences:
1) Anne the Jew conceived even without having sex with her husband and gave birth to Mary the Jew.
2) Mary the Jew was born sinless, so her son could also be born sinless.
3) Mary the Jew did not have any trace of sin to be removed when Zacharias
the Priest
then took her up to the third step of the Altar.
The story of the conception of Mary the Jew and the birth of the Man of Truth is identical to the
one told by Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome.
The story of the story of Mary the Jew after the Man
of Truth began his ministry is identical to the
one told by Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome.
The story of the story of the last days of Mary the Jew is sometimes different than the one told by the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome.
There is a variation of both the versions told by the Eastern leg of the False Church of Rome.
In these variations, Mary the Jew did not die at all. She was ascended without dying first, like Elijah did when he went up in a chariot of fire. However, her body was transformed to a resurrected body like that of the Man of Truth.
None of these versions is the official version. Each version has been declared as the correct version at different times, but the details of where Mary the Jew died - or even if she died at all - are not considered important.
The sum of these stories is the basis for the veneration of Mary the Jew by the Western leg of the False Church of Rome that is expressed as follows:
Mary the Jew has a more central role in the teachings and beliefs of the Western leg of the False Church of Rome than in any other group. They have an entire branch of study devoted to her called Mariology. She is mentioned in far more in their formal prayers than any other group.
The Western leg of the False Church of Rome have more festivals, devotionals, and acts of veneration towards Mary the Jew than any other group. Two whole months out of twelve on the religious calendar are devoted to her. Ten festival days are devoted to her each year.
Mary the Jew is central to the religion of the Western leg of the
False Church of Rome. Their doctrine states that Christian worship
depends upon devotion to her. She is called co-redeemer with the Man of Truth and deserves equal devotion. There simply is no means of salvation
without devotion to her.
The Western leg of the False Church of Rome teaches that people are to pray to Mary the Jew as the intercessor between them and the Man of Truth. The Man of Truth then acts as intercessor between her and the Father of Truth.
The Western leg of the False Church of Rome further teaches when someone prays to any Angel, Prophet, Apostle, Father, or Saint, that these heavenly beings also must have Mary the Jew act as an intermediary between them and the Man of Truth. There is simply no access to the Man of Truth except through her.
Moreover, often members of the laity must go to one of the priests, or other clergy, of the Western leg of the False Church of Rome to act as an intercessor between them and any heavenly being including Mary the Jew.
Mary the Jew is called the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven. Some groups of the clergy also wear a pair of scapulars to show their devotion to Mary the Jew. One has an image of her holding the Man of Truth as a baby on it to indicate that she is the Mother of God. The other one has an image of a crown above a throne that she is on to indicate that she is the Queen of Heaven.
Mary the Jew is called the Queen of Heaven because she is the mother of the King of Kings, the Man of Truth - making her the Queen mother. In like manner she is called the Queen of Peace because her son is the Prince of Peace.
Mary the Jew is also called the Madonna which means the Lady - the feminine counterpart of the Lord. This makes her equal in authority with the Man of Truth.
Since Mary the Jew is the mother of the Man of Truth, then he will do whatever she asks. So, she has authority over all who follow him and all heavenly beings. This makes her to be their Lady that they must obey her in the same way that her son is their Lord who they must obey.
Mary the Jew is also called the Mother of the Church. She gave birth to the Man of Truth, so she must give birth to all who are part of his spiritual family. People cannot be part of his spiritual family unless they are born of her.
Mary the Jew is also called the Our Lady of Sorrows. This is due to seven times she experienced sorrow during the time of the Man of Truth upon the Earth. She is acquainted with sorrows so that she can relate to the sorrow of those who seek her to intercede on their behalf to the Man of Truth.
Mary the Jew is called the Second Eve as well. The reason is that Eve was a sinless virgin who by disobedience brought sin into the world while Mary the Jew was a sinless virgin who by obedience brought the remover of sin into the world.
For these reasons, Mary the Jew is worshiped by the Western leg of the False Church of Rome. Hymns are not just sung about her but also to her. Not only are intercessory prayers made to her, but also formal written prayers are lifted to her at regularly scheduled times.
Images of Mary the Jew are worshiped. The most popular image of her is the Madonna image where she is holding the Man of Truth - usually as a small child, but sometimes as grown man in miniature size - on her lap. This is to emphasize her authority over the Man of Truth as his mother.
These images of Mary the Jew are often paraded through the streets for worshipers to view and pray to during as part of a processional on festival days devoted to her.
Statues of Mary the Jew are also worshiped. These statues are often found in gardens of churches, schools, and other religious institutions of the Western leg of the False Church of Rome.
In fact, shrines devoted to the worship of Mary the Jew have been built by the Western leg of the False Church of Rome all over the world. This is besides the numerous pilgrimage sites devoted to her like the House of Mary in Ephesus.
Mary the Jew comes the followers of the Western leg of the False Church of Rome in dreams and visions. Sometimes, she comes to visit to guide their path like the Man of Truth did with Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) on the road to Damascus. Sometimes, entire congregations have reported seeing Mary the Jew appear as a spirit to them during their worship of her.
These events are touted as proof that this worship of is Mary the Jew is approved by the Father of Truth. The Western
leg of the False Church of Rome says this shows that the worship of images and statues of Mary the Jew is not idolatry.
So, missionaries have been sent out to bring followers of the Man of Truth into worshiping his mother as well as him. They believe that there is no salvation without worshiping Mary the Jew.
Anglicans teach the following about Mary the Jew:
Since the Reformation, there was scant mention of Mary the Jew, other than when read from the Book of Truth. However, that has slowly changed over the last two hundred years by forces within the Anglican Church who want to reunite it with the Western leg of the False Church of Rome.
As a result, the Anglicans now have a wide range of teachings on Mary the Jew. On one extreme is those who continue to only mention her when she appears in a passage in the Book of Truth that they are reading.
On the other extreme, there is the following occurring:
They teach most of the same things about the life of Mary the Jew
that the Western
leg of the False Church of Rome teaches. However, they do not teach
that she was sinless from birth or ascended to Heaven in a resurrected
body. (Although, there are some who are trying to get these doctrines accepted.)
They call Mary the Jew the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven.
Mary the Jew is appealed to in written prayers in prayer books. Ancient feasts to her like Lady Day have been revived. Shrines to her have been reopened as places of worship. Rosary necklaces are being used to ensure that the proper number of prayers to her are recited. Hymns are sung to her.
They have formed societies to revive these acts of worship among other Anglicans.
They do not teach that Mary the Jew must act as intermediary between people and the Man of Truth. They only worship her to show honor to her as the mother of the Man of Truth.
Lutherans teach the following about Mary the Jew:
On one extreme, one Lutheran denomination makes scant mention of Mary the Jew, other than when read from the Book of Truth. On the other extreme, one Lutheran denomination embraces everything thing that the Western leg of the False Church of Rome teaches and does concerning Mary the Jew.
However, most take a middle ground that Martin Luther taught.
(Although he changed his teachings considerably from when he first broke off from the Western leg of the False Church of Rome and his death. This has created disagreement among Lutherans with some adhering to his earlier teachings and other adhering to his later teachings.)
These teachings and practices could be summarized as this:
They teach most of the same things about the life of Mary the Jew that the Western leg of the False Church of Rome teaches, with some main differences:
Most reject that Mary the Jew was sinless from birth and ascended into Heaven in a resurrected body. They are split over whether Mary the Jew remained a virgin for the rest of her life.
They firmly reject any idea of Mary the Jew acting as an intercessor between anyone and the Man of Truth. They call any acts of worship towards her, including mentioning her in prayer, as idolatry.
However, Mary the Jew is the subject of some hymns, but the hymns are not directed in worship to her. They hold her up as an example of Godliness like songs that mention Elijah.
Most acknowledge her as the Mother of God but not the Queen of Heaven.
Other groups that call themselves followers of the Man of Truth have different teachings about Mary the Jew:
They generally teach the following:
Mary the Jew was not born sinless or made sinless as a young child. She gave birth to the Man of Truth through the work of the Spirit of God though she remained a virgin. She did not remain a virgin until death. She did not ascend into heaven in a resurrected body.
Mary the Jew is not to be worshiped in any manner whatsoever. This includes calling her by titles like The Mother of God or The Queen of Heaven.
Some of these groups have some variations to these basic teachings such as these:
Some Methodists teach that Mary the Jew was born sinless and did ascend into heaven in a resurrected body. A smaller percentage of those also teach that she did remain a virgin until death.
The Book of Mormon teaches that Mary the Jew was the most beautiful of all women.
Baha'i (teaches that the Man of Truth was a Prophet but not the Savior) teaches the following about Mary the Jew:
the Jew was the most beautiful of all women. She was sinless and so
conceived the Man of Truth by the operation of the Spirit of Truth. She
continued to be a sinless virgin for the rest of her life.
Despite these differences, why do so many religions, even ones that do not claim to follow the Man of Truth, share so many common beliefs about Mary the Jew?
These beliefs came from three main sources. Some like the False Church of Rome got them directly from these sources, one of which they created.
Islam got information indirectly via the False Church of Rome. (Mohammad studied with both the Rabbis and the False Church of Rome before he encountered an Angel of Truth who gave him the Koran according to his own testimony.) The details about Mary the Jew after the Man of Truth began his ministry were not being widely taught at that time, so he did not learn them and could not include them in the Koran.
Baha'i came also got information indirectly from the False Church of Rome. These doctrines were well established when Bab claimed around 1850 AD that the Father of Truth would soon send another prophet like the Man of Truth or Mohammad to bring people back to true worship of Him.
These three main source are as follows in the order that they were written.
The story of the announcement that Mary the Jew would give birth to
the Man of Truth while remaining a virgin, beginning with announcement
to Zechariah the Priest came from the Renewed Covenant. It was the only source written by people who actually knew Mary the Jew. It was finished by 97 AD.
In fact, the
passage about this in Sura 19:16-34 of the Koran is almost word-for-word
identical to the same passage in the Renewed Covenant (Luke 1:5-80). (The Gospel of Luke was written in 59 AD.)
The story of the childhood of Mary the Jew comes from the Gospel of James, allegedly written by James the Jew (brother of the Man of Truth). However, James the Jew died in 67 AD, and it was written about 100 years later. It cannot be his work.
The story of Mary the Jew from the time when the Man of Truth went into ministry until her death is based on the Life of Mary. This was allegedly written by Maximus around 650 AD - about six hundred years after Mary the Jew died. However, there is no mention of its existence until about 1050 AD - four hundred years after Maximus supposedly wrote it.
Rabbinic Judaism (teaches that the Man of Truth was a false prophet) teaches the following about Mary the Jew:
Mary the Jew was raped by a Roman soldier named Panthera, who was the father of the Man of Truth. Then her husband, Joseph the Jew, and her made up a story about becoming pregnant by the Spirit of Truth to hide the truth and keep her from shame.
The source for this is the Teledot Yeshu written around 850 AD. This story in the Teledot Yeshu is from "The True Word" written by the Greek philosopher Celcus in 175 AD.
However, the source that Celcus got this story from were men sent out by the Rabbis throughout the Roman Empire around 150 AD to start rumors to discredit the Man of Truth. These men knew nothing about Mary the Jew and only repeated what the Rabbis told them to say.
So ultimately, the source of this story was the Rabbis themselves. It is just another case of Rabbinic Distort and more proof that the Rabbis are liars.
So, according to the Renewed Covenant what did Mary the Jew do?
[NOTE: The Gospel of Luke is written as a history and has events in chronological order. The Gospel of John generally has events in the order that they occurred as well. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark are not strictly chronological but are arranged to bring out certain aspects of the Man of Truth in their main sections. They both have a prologue that explains events proceeding the main section, a main section that is composed of divisions that each contain related events and teachings to emphasize a certain aspect, and an epilogue that explains the events that follow the main section.
This is important to understand when creating a comprehensive timeline of anything found in The Gospels. There is no conflict between them, but they work together like a four part harmony to highlight different aspects of the life of the Man of Truth.]
23 BC (Nazareth):
Mary the Jew was the daughter of Joseph the Jew (Matthew 1:16). She was a descendant of King David, as required to be the mother of the Messiah of Israel and could prove this lineage (Matthew 1:6-17). In fact, this was one of the main reasons that she was chosen to be the mother of the Man of Truth.
[The Greek word translated as husband does mean husband, but the Greek manuscripts of the Gospel of Matthew are themselves a translation from Hebrew originals. The Hebrew word in the originals is "father", not "husband".
Every single historian before 400 AD who mentions the Gospel of Matthew says that it was written in Hebrew. In fact, one of these historians went to India, where Matthew the Jew (The Apostle Matthew) worked among exiled Jews until his death, to retrieve a copy that Matthew the Jew had written while there and placed in the library of Alexandria.
According to Eusebius, there was great difficulty in translating it into Greek because the translators were not native Hebrew speakers. This is why the Gospel of Matthew is the most varied among the Greek manuscripts of all the books of the Renewed Covenant.
While most of the Gospel of Matthew was translated correctly, there are a few errors in the Greek manuscripts. One of them is where "father of Mary" was translated "husband of Mary".
While difficult to find, there are at least two known Hebrew copies of the Gospel of Matthew that were made from an older Hebrew copy of the Gospel of Matthew. They both have "father" which is the original word.
We can be certain that father is correct for two reasons.
First, there is the issue of two different lineages given for Joseph.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph the father of Mary the Jew is a descendant of King David through his son King Solomon (Matthew 1:6-16). In the Gospel of Luke, Joseph the husband of Mary the Jew is a descendant of King David through his son Nathaniel (Luke 3:23-31).
It is impossible for one man to have a paternal lineage from two different men. So these are plainly the lineages of two different men.
Second, there are not enough generations for the lineage of the Man of Truth to be that of Joseph the husband of Mary the Jew.
In the Gospel of Matthew, it says that there were 42 generations from Abraham (Abram) and the Man of Truth (Matthew 1:17).
However, arriving at 42 generations requires that Joseph be the father of Mary the Jew, so that he is number 40, Mary the Jew is number 41 and the Man of Truth is number 42 (Matthew 1:2-16). However, if Joseph the husband of Mary the Jew was meant, then he would be number 40 and the Man of Truth would only be number 41.
Since the days of Nehemiah (Nechemyah) a registry of the genealogy of all the descendants of Israel that returned from the captivity was kept in the Temple (Nehemiah 7:5-6). Those not found in the registry were not counted as verified descendants because the High Priest could no longer ask the Father of Truth to settle the matter through the Thummim and Urim (Nehemiah 7:61-65).
The genealogy of the Man of Truth is included in those who returned from the captivity through Mary the Jew (Matthew 1:12-17). The same would be true of Joseph the husband of Marry the Jew.
So, these discrepancy created by Joseph being translated as the husband of Mary the Jew, instead of the father of Mary the Jew in the genealogy given in Matthew, could not have existed. If they had, then the enemies of the Man of Truth would have used them to disqualify his claims to be the Messiah of Israel. Instead, the Rabbis have always been forced to acknowledge that the Man of Truth is a Jew and has the genealogy required of the Messiah of Israel.]
It was common for idol worshipers to marry off their daughters as soon as they hit puberty, as early as twelve. As often is the case, Jewish records from the time that some Jews had adopted this custom like other customs of the idolators that surrounded them.
However, those who kept themselves pure from the practices of idolatry, like the family of Mary the Jew, did not have their daughters marry until they were twenty. The reason was that the Father of Truth had said that people were not adults until the age of twenty (Numbers 14:29-33).
So, Mary the Jew would not have been espoused to Joseph until she was near twenty and not carrying the Man of Truth until she was twenty. This was another reason for her to have been selected to give birth to him.
So, Mary the Jew was not selected to give birth to the Man of Truth because she was sinless or beautiful, but because she was one of the few virgins of the right age who lived in the land of Israel who had proof in the Temple that they had the right ancestry.
While Herod the Great was king over Judaea (which covered all the land of Israel during his reign), Zachariah the Priest and his wife Elizabeth the Jew had lived a life of obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Luke 1:5-6). Yet, they still had no children by the time that they were old (Luke 1:7).
3 BC (Jerusalem):
While Zachariah the Priest was performing his duty during his course at the Temple, an Angel of Truth appeared who told him that his wife would give birth to his son, who would prepare the people of Israel for the arrival of the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:8-17)
Zachariah the Priest asked for a sign that this would really happen, so the Angel of Truth revealed that his name was Gabriel and that Zachariah the Priest would not be able to speak until all these things came to pass since he asked for a sign (Luke 1:18-20).
3 BC (Judea):
After Zachariah the Priest went home, his wife Elizabeth the Jew became pregnant (Luke 1:23-24). She then hid herself away for five months and thanked the Father of Truth for taking away her reproach (Luke 1:24-25).
3 BC (Nazareth):
When Elizabeth was in her six month of pregnancy, Gabriel the Angel of Truth appear to Mary the Jew, who was already reserved to be the wife of Joseph the Jew (Luke 1:26-27). He then told her that she was highly favored by the Father of Truth and the most blessed of all women, but it puzzled her why he said this (Luke 1:28-29).
So, Gabriel the Angel of Truth told Mary the Jew that she was going to give birth to the Messiah of Israel, who was to be named Jesus (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Iesus) (Luke 1:30-33). So, she asked him how this could be since she was still a virgin (Luke 1:34).
So, Gabriel the Angel of Truth told Mary the Jew that she would become pregnant with the Messiah of Israel by working of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 1:35). He then reminded her that the Father of Truth had recently caused her relative Elizabeth the Jew to become pregnant when she was way past childbearing age (Luke 1:36-37). So, she said let what he said be done until her and he departed (Luke 1:38).
Mary the Jew then left to visit Elizabeth the Jew as quickly as she could (Luke 1:39)
3 BC (Judea):
When Mary the Jew arrived and saluted Elizabeth the Jew, the Spirit of Truth filled Elizabeth the Jew causing her baby to leap in her womb (Luke 1:39-41). Elizabeth the Jew then gave a prophetic message that Mary the Jew would give birth to the Messiah of Israel because she believed the message that the Father of Truth had sent to her (Luke 1:42-45).
Then Mary the Jew also spoke by the Spirit of Truth that she all generations would call her blessed for giving birth to the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:46-55).
Three months later, Mary the Jew left (Luke 1:56).
3 BC (Nazareth):
Mary the Jew returned home from her visit with Elizabeth the Jew (Luke 1:56).
3 BC (Judea):
Elizabeth the Jew soon gave birth to the son promised to Zachariah the Priest and there was great rejoicing (Luke 1:57-58).
A week later their son was circumcised, and Zachariah the Priest wrote that he was to be named John contrary to the custom of the day (Luke 1:59-63). Immediately, he was able to speak again and everyone realized that this was a sign that his son John was no ordinary child (Luke 1:64-66).
Zachariah the Priest then prophesied that the Messiah of Israel would soon arrive and that his son John would be the Prophet of Truth promised to prepare the people of Israel for his arrival (Luke 1:67-79).
2 BC (Nazareth):
Mary the Jew was showing that she was pregnant, so Joseph the Jew planned to divorce her privately (Matthew 1:18-19).
Then an Angel of Truth appeared to Joseph the Jew in a dream and told him to marry Mary the Jew because she was pregnant by the power of the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 1:20). She would give birth to the Man of Truth, and he was to name him Jesus since this all happened to fulfill what was foretold by the Prophet of Truth (Matthew 1:21-23).
So, Joseph the Jew awoke from his dream and married her (Matthew 1:24).
So, Mary the Jew became pregnant through an act of the Spirit of Truth while remaining a virgin.
2 BC (Rome):
August Caesar issues a decree that everyone across the Roman Empire must return to the town of their ancestors to be taxed (Luke 2:1-3)
2 BC (Bethlehem):
Joseph the Jew took Mary the Jew with him to Bethlehem, the city of his ancestor King David, to pay his taxes (Luke 2:4-5). While they were there, she gave birth to the Man of Truth, whom she wrapped in grave cloth and placed in a manger, since there was nowhere else for them to stay (Luke 2:6-7).
Afterwards shepherds arrived, who had been instructed by an Angel of Truth to look for the Messiah of Israel wrapped in grave cloth laying in a manger in Bethlehem (Luke 2:8-16). The shepherds then told everyone they could find that the Messiah of Israel had been born in Bethlehem before returning to their sheep, but Mary the Jew pondered in her heart the meaning of all this (Luke 2:17-20).
So, the only people to visit the Man of Truth at his birth by Mary the Jew were the shepherds. These shepherds maintained the flocks needed to ensure there was always lambs for the Temple. It was their job to inspect the newborn lambs to see if they were pure and spotless. They were to report all the pure and spotless lambs that they found.
2 BC (Persia):
The Wise Men saw the star that signaled the arrival of the King of the Jews appear when the Man of Truth was born, so they began making their journey to see him (Matthew 2:1-2).2 BC (Bethlehem):
Later, Joseph the Jew named the Man of Truth "Jesus" as the Angel of Truth had instructed him (Matthew 1:25). This happened a week after his birth when the Man of Truth was circumcised (Luke 2:21).
2 BC (Jerusalem):
Six weeks after his birth, when Mary the Jew was able to go into the Temple, she and her husband presented the Man of Truth to the Father of Truth and redeemed him with the offering required of the poorest people in Israel (Luke 2:22-24).
While they were there doing what the Law of Truth required, Simeon the Jew, who had been promised that he would not die until he saw the Messiah of Israel, was led by the Spirit of Truth to where they were in the Temple (Luke 2:25-27). When they let him hold the Man of Truth, he prophesied that he could now die in peace because he was looking at the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:28-32).
Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew stood there stunned by what Simeon the Jew had prophesied about the Man of Truth (Luke 2:33). Then Simeon the Jew prophesied that the Man of Truth would cause much division among the Jewish people and that her heart would be pierced as well (Luke 2:34-35).
Then Anna, a Prophetess of Truth of great age, also came in giving praise to the Father of Truth that the Messiah of Israel was there with them in the Temple (Luke 2:36-38).
When they were finished doing what the Law of Truth required, they left the Temple to head home (Luke 2:39).
So, Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew were finally able to fulfill their marital duty to have sex with each other (Matthew 1:25).
So, Mary the Jew remained a virgin until six weeks after the Man of Truth was born. After that, she performed what she had promised in her marriage vows.
2 BC (Nazareth):
Mary the Jew and Joseph the Jew then began to raise the Man of Truth, who began to grow in body and spirit (Luke 2:40).
1 AD (Jerusalem):
The Wise Men asked King Herod the Great where the King of the Jews was, whose star appeared when he was born, which greatly troubled King Herod and everyone in Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1-3). So, they told King Herod when they had seen the star appear and left for Bethlehem, with instructions to tell him exactly where they found the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 2:4-9).
1 AD (Bethlehem):
The star then appeared again to the Wise Men, and it stood over the house where the toddler was (Matthew 2:9-10). When they arrived at the house, they saw the toddler with Mary the Jew and fell before the Man of Truth in worship before offering gifts to him (Matthew 2:11).
As soon they left, an Angel of Truth warned Joseph the Jew to flee with Mary the Jew and the Man of Truth to Egypt, so he immediately fled with the toddler and his mother to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-14).
That same night, the Father of Truth warned the Wise Men in a dream to not return to King Herod the Great, so they left to go home by a different route (Matthew 2:12).
1 AD (Egypt):
Joseph the Jew soon arrived with Mary the Jew and the Man of Truth in Egypt (Matthew 2:15).
1 AD (Jerusalem):
When King Herod the Great realized that the Wise Men were not going to tell him where to find the Messiah of Israel, he ordered that all of the boys two years and younger, based on when the Wise Men had seen the star, that were within twenty miles of Bethlehem to be killed (Matthew 2:16-18).
1 AD (Egypt):
However, the Man of Truth was safe in Egypt with Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew in Egypt for the rest of the life of King Herod the Great (Matthew 2:15).
When King Herod the Great died, an Angel of Truth told Joseph the Jew to take Mary the Jew and their toddler back to Israel, because those who sought to kill the Man of Truth were dead (Matthew 2:19-20). So, he left with the toddler and his mother (Matthew 2:21).
1 AD (Judea):
When they returned, Joseph the Jew was afraid to remain in Judea under the rule of King Archelaus, the favorite son of Herod the Great, so the Father of Truth warned him in a dream to go to Galilee instead, where King Archelaus did not rule (Matthew 2:21-22).
1 AD (Nazareth):
So, Joseph the Jew returned to Nazareth with Mary the Jew and her toddler, so the Man of Truth would be known as a Nazarene (the Branch) as foretold by the Prophet of Truth (Matthew 2:22-23).
So, the Wise Men did not bow down in worship before Mary the Jew while she held the Man of Truth in her lap as a baby in the sheep cote. They bowed down before the Man of Truth who stood before them as a toddler in a house.
11 AD (Jerusalem):
Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew took the Man of Truth to Jerusalem every year for Passover as commanded in the Law of Truth including when he was twelve (Luke 2:41-42). However, when they left to go home, he stayed in Jerusalem, but they did not know it (Luke 2:43).
11 AD (Judea):
When Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew looked for the Man of Truth in the caravan at the end of the first day of travel, they could not find him, so they headed back to Jerusalem (Luke 2:44-45).
11 AD (Jerusalem):
On the third day after they had originally left, Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew found the Man of Truth in the Temple discussing the Word of Truth with the Jewish doctors of religion, who were astounded by him (Luke 2:46-47).
They were also astounded, so Mary the Jew asked the Man of Truth why he had caused herself and his father (Joseph the Jew) all this grief (Luke 2:48). So, he asked them how they could not know where to find him since he had to be about the business of his Father (the Father of Truth) (Luke 2:49)?
Neither Mary the Jew nor her husband understood what the Man of Truth answered them, but he returned home with them (Luke 2:50-51).
11 AD (Nazareth):
The Man of Truth continued to obey them in everything, but his mother kept everything he said in her heart, while he continued to grow up in every way (Luke 2:51-52).
So, Mary the Jew and her husband raised the Man of Truth to follow the Law of Truth in every way, but she did not understand what he came to do.
29 AD (Cana):
Mary the Jew told the Man of Truth that they had run out of wine at the wedding (John 2:1-3). He called her woman and told her that his time had not yet come, but she told the wedding attendants to do whatever he told them to do (John 2:4-5).
So, the Man of Truth told the wedding attendants to fill six large pots with water and he turned the water into wine (John 2:6-10). After he performed this miracle, Mary the Jew left with him to go to Capernaum (John 2:11-12).
29 AD (Capernaum):
A few days later the Man of Truth left to go to Jerusalem for the Passover, and Mary the Jew probably left with him (John 2:12-13).
29 AD (Near the Sea of Galilee):
Those near him, the family of the Man of Truth, sought to lay hold of him because they thought that he was out of his mind (Mark 3:21).
[The Greek phrase translated "his friends" is not the word for friends, but literally "those near him" - which would mean his family. This is confirmed by what happens afterwards.]
Mary the Jew and her children - the brothers and sisters of the Man of Truth - sought to enter the house to speak with him (Matthew 12:46-50). When his followers told him this, he asked them who was his mother, brothers, and sisters (Mark 3:31-35)? Then he answered that his mother, brothers, and sisters were those who did the will of his Father - his followers (Luke 8:19-21).
[In these passages the Greek word translated as "brethren" is "adelphos" - which literally means "from the same womb". It was the womb of Mary the Jew that the brothers of the Man of Truth came from.]
29 AD (Nazareth):
When the Man of Truth taught in their synagogue, the people could not understand where his wisdom and power to work miracles came from (Matthew 13:54-56). Mary the Jew and her children still lived among them - unlike his followers who came with him for a visit (Mark 6:1-3).
[In these passages the Greek word translated as "brethren" is "adelphos" - which literally means "from the same womb". The Greek word translated as "sisters" is "adelphe" - which also literally means "from the same womb". It was the womb of Mary the Jew that the brothers and sisters of the Man of Truth came from.]30 AD (Capernaum):
When the Man of Truth taught in their synagogue around the time of Passover that he came down from Heaven, they could not believe it since they knew Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew had raised him as their son (John 6:38-42).
30 AD (Nazareth):
When it came time for the Feast of Tabernacles, the brothers of the
Man of Truth still did not believe that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 7:2-5).
So, Mary the Jew was not one of the followers of the Man of Truth during his ministry. Like the children that she had borne to Joseph the Jew, she did not understand what he was doing and did not believe in him during that time.
31 AD (Golgotha - outside Jerusalem):
The heart of Mary the Jew was pierced as Simeon had prophesied (Luke 2:35). This came from the hands and feet of her son - the Man of Truth - being pierced when he was crucified (John 19:23).
When the Man of Truth was dying on the cross at Passover, he told Mary the Jew that John the Jew would take care of her in his place (John 19:25-26). Then he told John the Jew to take care of her in his place and John the Jew took her into his home (John 19:27).
(Mary of Cleophas was apparently the mother of James the less and Joses. The sister of Mary the Jew was apparently Salome, since Salome was with Mary Magdalene and Mary of Cleophas later when the Man of Truth died. Salome was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of his children - John the Jew and his brother James. So, there were four women at foot of the cross - plus John the Jew.
When John the Jew took Mary the Jew to his home, the other three women continued to watch from a distance. It was these three who had followed the Man of Truth during his ministry in Galilee - unlike Mary the Jew.)
There is not one indication that Mary the Jew believed in the Man of Truth when he died on the cross. She did not have any clue that he would rise again.
31 AD (Near Jerusalem):
Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb first day of the week and found the stone rolled away, so she ran to tell Peter the Jew (John 20:1-2). Peter the Jew and John the Jew ran to the tomb and found it empty as she had said, then they went back home (John 20:3-10).
Afterwards, Mary Magdalene and Mary of Cleophas were instructed by an Angle of Truth to tell the remaining eleven of The Twelve, including John the Jew, that the Man of Truth was risen and that he would meet him in Galilee (Matthew 28:1-8). Salome, the mother of John the Jew, was there as well and sent to tell them (Mark 16:1-8). There were other women as well that were sent to tell them (Luke 24:1-8).
On the way to tell the remaining eleven of The Twelve, they came across the Man of Truth, who told them the same thing (Matthew 28:9-10).
He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, who got to the remaining eleven of The Twelve first, but they did not believe her (Mark 16:9-10). He appeared to her when she went back to the tomb to weep some more (John 20:11-17).
The remaining eleven of The Twelve first, but they did not believe Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:11). Even though she told them of everything the Man of Truth had said to her (John 20:18).
The other women, including Joanna, soon followed and verified the same thing that Mary Magdalene had said, but they did not believe these women either (Luke 24:9-11).
Peter the Jew then went to look for the Man of Truth but found only an empty tomb (Luke 24:12). Then the Man of Truth appeared to him, before showing himself to the rest of the remaining eleven of The Twelve (1 Corinthians 15:4).
The Man of Truth then appeared to two men who followed him in the countryside (Mark 16:12). Cleopas along with his companion walked and talked with him as they traveled for miles until he revealed that he had risen from the dead (Luke 24:13-32).
When these two told the remaining eleven of The Twelve, they did not believe them either (Mark 16:13). They did not believe them, even though Peter the Jew, one of them, said that the Man of Truth had appeared to him as well (Luke 24:33-35).
The Man of Truth finally appeared to the remaining eleven of The Twelve and upbraided them for not believing the witnesses of his resurrection that he had sent (Mark 16:14). They even did not believe it when he appeared unto them and showed them his wounds until he ate some food (Luke 24:36-43). He finally rebuked them for not believing what was written in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) concerning his death, burial, and resurrection (Luke 24:44-46).
The Man of Truth first appeared to ten of those remaining of The Twelve when they were sitting down to eat at the evening that ended the first day of the week (John 20:19-23). But Thomas the Jew was not there when he first appeared, so he appeared again, when Thomas the Jew did not believe the witness of the other remaining ten of The Twelve (John 20:24-29).
Not all people ate and drank with the Man of Truth on the third day when he rose from the dead, but only some of his followers (Acts 10:38-41).
The Man of Truth then did many other things to show his followers that he had risen from the dead (John 20:30-31).
So, the Man of Truth did not even appear to Mary the Jew on the day of his resurrection, even though he appeared to John the Jew. John the Jew undoubtedly told her that her son had risen from the dead after the Man of Truth appeared to him. She still did not believe in him.
31 AD (Galilee):
The Man of Truth met with seven of those remaining of The Twelve by the Sea of Galilee, where he ate with them again (John 21:1-14). He then told Peter the Jew to take care of his followers like he had told John the Jew to take care of his mother (John 21:15-17).
After The Man of Truth told Peter the Jew that he would one day die as a martyr for him, Peter the Jew asked him what about John the Jew (John 21:18-21). He told Peter the Jew that it did not matter if John the Jew lived until he returned, which started a false rumor that made John the Jew famous as never dying (John 21:22-24).
The remaining eleven of The Twelve later met the Man of Truth on a mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16-17). He then gave them instructions to teach all people to follow his commandments (Matthew 28:18-20).
After this, more than five hundred people saw the Man of Truth at one time, which probably included Mary the Jew (1 Corinthians 15:5).
Then the Man of Truth was seen by James the son of Mary, as well as other people who soon became Apostles of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:6).
The Man of Truth did so many things to prove that he was the Messiah of Israel that it would not be possible to write about all of them (John 21:25).
So, Mary the Jew and her children did not believe in the Man of Truth until many days after he rose from the dead. Not only did he not appear to her first, but he did not even appear to her until after he appeared to the remaining eleven of the Twelve several more times.
31 AD (Jerusalem):
The Man of Truth continued giving proof that he really had risen from the dead to his followers and speaking to them about the kingdom of the Father of Truth until forty days had passed (Acts 1:3).
The Man of Truth then gave his followers instructions to go into all the world to preach his message to all people and to baptize those who believe (Mark 16:15-16). He told them to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name to all ethnic groups, starting with Jerusalem, because they had witnessed the things he had done (Luke 24:47-48).
The Man of Truth also gave other commandments to the Apostles of Truth through the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:1-2).
Then the Man of Truth promised them that supernatural signs would confirm his message that they preached (Mark 16:17-18). He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they were given power to do this from Heaven (Luke 24:49). He told them that they would be baptized in the Spirit of Truth there and they would have the power needed to spread his message to the ends of the Earth until it was time for his kingdom to come to Earth (Acts 1:4-8).
31 AD (The Mount of Olives, near Bethany):
The Man of Truth then led his followers to the vicinity of Bethany where he raised his hands and blessed his followers (Luke 24:50)
The Man of Truth then ascended into Heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father of Truth (Mark 16:19). He did this as he was blessing his followers (Luke 24:51). He did this because he had given them his final instructions (Acts 1:9).
Then two Angels of Truth appeared and assured his followers that the Man of Truth would one day return to the same place (Acts 1:10-11).
31 AD (Jerusalem):
The followers of the Man of Truth then returned to Jerusalem and continually gave praise to the Father of Truth in the Temple (Luke 24:52-53). They also met with remaining eleven of the Twelve in the upper room to continue in prayer together with many of their women, including Mary the Jew (Acts 1:12-14).
During this time, Mary the Jew was one of the 120 followers of the Man of Truth present when Matthias the Jew filled the vacancy in the Twelve that Judas the Traitor had left empty (Acts 1:15-26).
When Pentecost (Shavuot) arrived on the fiftieth day of the resurrection of the Man of Truth, his followers were continuing in prayer together (Acts 2:1). Suddenly they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth as evidenced by these Galileans, including Mary the Jew, speaking in languages that they did not know to Jews visiting from other countries (Acts 2:2-11).
This was the first supernatural sign given to confirm the message of the Man of Truth that his followers preached in his name (Acts 2:12-36). As a result, three thousand of the hearers repented and were baptized (Acts 2:37-41).
Then these new followers of the Man of Truth were taught his commandments (Acts 2:42).
The Apostles of Truth continued to preach the message of the Man of Truth with signs and wonders causing even more Jews to become his followers, who continued to live and learn together (Acts 2:43-47).
Mary the Jew was part the company that Peter the Jew and John the Jew return to be with (Acts 4:23-30). She was one of those filled with the Spirit of Truth who spoke with great boldness when their meeting place was shaken (Acts 4:31). She also shared all she had with the rest of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Acts 4:32-35).
32 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew was part of the congregation that great fear fell upon after Ananias and Sapphira died for lying to the Spirit of Truth (Acts 5:5-11). She was in the Temple when signs and wonders were done at the hands of the Apostles of Truth (Acts 5:12-14). Her house was one of those that the Apostles of Truth taught in after being persecuted in the Temple (Acts 5:40-42).
Mary the Jew was part of the multitude of believers who were pleased when Stephen the Jew was selected as one of the seven to administer food to the widows (Acts 6:1-6). She witnessed the congregation continued to grow greatly in size as Stephen the Jew performed signs and wonders (Acts 6:7-8).
33 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew heard of the unjust trial and stoning of Stephen the Jew (Acts 7:57-60).
Persecution from Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) caused the believers to be scattered from Jerusalem, except for the Apostles of Truth - including John the Jew who Mary the Jew lived with (Acts 8:1). She was among those who made great lamentation when Stephen the Jew was buried (Acts 8:2).
33 AD (Israel):
Persecution from Paul the Jew, then caused them to be scattered out of Israel, where they preached the message of the Man of Truth (Acts 8:3-4).
33 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed John the Jew leave with Peter the Jew to baptize the Samaritans in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:14-16). She was waiting for them when they returned from preaching to the Samaritans (Acts 8:25).33 AD (The World):
The followers of the Man of Truth were now taking his message everywhere and it was being confirmed with signs and wonders (Mark 16:20). This came about because of the persecution that arose after Stephen the Jew was stoned (Acts 11:19).
34 AD (Damascus):
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) went to extend his persecution outside of Israel - but met the Man of Truth and became his follower instead (Acts 9:1-6). He was the last person that the Man of Truth showed himself to as proof that he had risen from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:7).
37 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed Barnabas the Jew bring Paul the Jew to the Apostles of Truth in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-28). She might not have met Paul the Jew at this time since the only Apostles of Truth Paul the Jew met with was Peter the Jew and James the son of Mary (Galatians 1:18-19).
She watched as Paul the Jew had to flee to Tarsus and the congregations in Israel entered into a period of rest from persecution (Acts 9:29-31).
42 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed Peter the Jew tell the Apostles of Truth in Jerusalem about how the Gentiles had come into the House of Truth (Acts 11:1-17). She heard them declared that the Gentiles had been allowed to come into the House of Truth without being circumcised (Acts 11:18).
Mary the Jew witnessed Barnabas the Jew being sent out to Antioch to help organize Jews and Gentiles into a single congregation (Acts 11:20-23).
43 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed Agabus the Jew and the other Prophets of Truth go down to Antioch to warn the Children of Truth to prepare for a famine that would come across the entire Roman Empire (Acts 11:27-28).44 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew partook of the relief that the congregation in Antioch sent to Jerusalem by Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew (Acts 11:29-30).
Mary the Jew witnessed the persecution of the congregation in Jerusalem by King Herod Agrippa I that included arresting and killing James the son of Zebedee (Acts 12:1-2).
Mary the Jew was among those praying for the release of Peter the Jew when he was also arrested by King Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12:3-5). She was told that their prayers were answered by an Angel of Truth freeing Peter the Jew from the prison (Acts 12:11-17). She heard about how King Herod Agrippa I blamed the soldiers for his escape and killed them before leaving Jerusalem (Acts 12:18-19).
Mary the Jew witnessed Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew leave Jerusalem with Mark the Jew (Acts 12:25). She saw Mark the Jew return to Jerusalem after abandoning the mission (Acts 13:13).
48 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew return to Jerusalem to get a ruling concerning whether the Gentiles had to be circumcised to be saved and to tell them about how the Gentiles had responded to the Good News (Acts 15:1-4). She heard the accusation of the Pharisee Children of Truth who said that the Gentiles had to be circumcised and keep the whole Law of Truth to be saved when the Apostles of Truth met to decide the matter (Acts 15:5-6).
Mary the Jew heard the testimony of Peter the Jew concerning the Gentiles being baptized by the Spirit of Truth without being circumcised (Acts 15:7-11). She heard the testimony of Barnabas the Jew and Paul the Jew concerning how the Father of Truth had confirmed the Gospel that they preached to the Gentiles with signs and wonders (Acts 15:12). She heard the ruling of James the son of Mary that the Gentiles did not need to be circumcised and keep the whole Law of Truth to be saved, but only the moral part (Acts 15:13-21).
Mary the Jew witnessed Paul the Jew also verify that the Gospel he had learned from the Man of Truth was the same as that taught by the Twelve (Galatians 2:1-6).
John the Jew, who Mary the Jew lived with, was one of the three pillars at confirmed that Paul the Jew should continue to preach to the Gentiles, while they preached to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9). These three pillars only asked that Paul the Jew take up collections from the Gentiles to help the poor persecuted followers of the Man of Truth in Israel, which he was eager to do (Galatians 2:10).
Mary the Jew witnessed Paul the Jew leave Jerusalem with Barnabas the Jew, Judas Barsabas, and Silas with a letter that contained the ruling on the Gentiles to distribute to all the congregations (Acts 15:22-29).
Mary the Jew witnessed Peter the Jew leave to go to Antioch and then James the son of Mary send other Jewish Children of Truth to Antioch as well (Galatians 2:11-13).
49 AD (Jerusalem):
Mary the Jew witnessed Mark the Jew leave to go with Barnabas the Jew to help deliver the letter with the ruling on the Gentiles to the congregations in Cyprus (Acts 15:37-39). (Paul the Jew and Silas the Jew delivered the letter with the ruling on the Gentiles to the other congregations (Acts 16:4-6)).Mary the Jew witnessed everything that happened in Jerusalem while she lived with John the Jew. However, she was in no manner advising the Apostles of Truth at the
world-wide headquarters of the church. She was not one of the three pillars
there, she was not consulted, and she is not even mentioned.
52 AD (Jerusalem):
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) came up to Jerusalem after his second mission trip and reported what he had accomplished (Acts 18:21-22).
52 AD (Antioch):
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) then returned to Antioch and soon left to begin his third mission trip (Acts 18:22-23). John the Jew went with him to oversee the gathering of the collections from the Gentile congregations to the help the poor persecuted followers of the Man of Truth in Israel (2 Corinthians 8:18-21).
Mary the Jew apparently was still alive in 48 AD in Jerusalem, when Paul the Jew came there before starting his second mission trip. John the Jew could not go with Paul the Jew to oversee the gathering of the collections at that time because he had to take care of her as the Man of Truth had commanded.
However, Mary the Jew apparently had died in Jerusalem by 52 AD, when Paul the Jew came there before starting his third mission trip. John the Jew was able to go with Paul the Jew to oversee the gathering of the collections at that time because he no longer had to take care of Mary the Jew.
If Mary the Jew had went with John the Jew to Ephesus, then there would have been some mention of her as well. So, she lived with John the Jew in Jerusalem until she died between 48 AD and 52 AD.
So, Mary the Jew in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) is nothing like she is portrayed by the False Church of Rome and those influenced by it.
They teach that Mary the Jew gave birth to the Man of Truth by the power of the Spirit of Truth. This is about the only thing that they teach about her that is not a lie.
The father of Mary the Jew was named Joseph, just like her husband, not Joachim.
Mary the Jew was selected to give birth to the Man of Truth, because there were only few candidates to select from. There could not have been very many other women who had her qualifications.
Mary the Jew had the right ancestry. She had proof of this ancestry in the Temple. She lived in the right city in right country. She was the right age to still be a virgin, but old enough to give birth at the right time.
Mary the Jew was not born sinless so she could give birth to the Man of Truth. There is nothing to indicate that she was particularly beautiful.
The only thing noted as beautiful about her was her willingness to be used by the Father of Truth to give birth to the Man of Truth. This is the only reason given for her being the most blessed of all women.
Mary the Jew did refrain from sex until six weeks after the Man of Truth was born as required by the Law of Truth. After that, she fulfilled her marriage vowels to Joseph the Jews. They had at least six other children after the Man of Truth was born.
Mary the Jew was not a liar and a thief like the False Church of Rome has accused her of being. She did rob Joseph the Jew of the sex promised to him by marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2-5).
The Wise Men did not bow down before Mary the Jew in worship as she held the Man of Truth as an infant on her lap. No one ever called her the Queen of Heaven. Nothing like that ever happened to her.
Mary the Jew raised the Man of Truth to obey the Law of Truth and keep the customs of it. She never taught the Man of Truth or anyone else to keep any of the customs of the False Church of Rome.
Mary the Jew did not follow the Man of Truth while he was on this Earth like the False Church of Rome teaches. In fact, she and her children tried to stop him because they thought he was crazy. None of them believed that he was the Messiah of Israel.
Mary the Jew did see the Man of Truth hanging on the cross, but then John the Jew took her home with him before the Man of Truth died. She was heart-broken because she did not believe that her son would rise again.
When the Man of Truth rose from the dead, he did not even appear to Mary the Jew. He only appeared to some of his followers, including John the Jew.
Mary the Jew and her children did not believe John the Jew when he told them that the Man of Truth had risen from the dead. They finally believed the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel after the Man of Truth appeared to them in Galilee and did things to prove that he really had risen from the dead.
Mary the Jew had no power to perform miracles as reported by the False Church of Rome. This only changed when she was baptized in the Spirit of Truth just like other believers in Jerusalem. Even after that, there is no record of her performing any miracles.
Mary the Jew did speak in tongues when she was baptized in the Spirit of Truth - which is forbidden by the doctrine of the False Church of Rome. This is the only supernatural act that she ever did after giving birth to the Man of Truth.
Mary the Jew did not guide the Apostles of Truth as they preached the Good News as taught by the False Church of Rome. Instead, she worked as part of the community that supported them in their efforts. She learned the commandments of the Man of Truth from the Apostles of Truth just like everyone else.
Mary the Jew was not consulted by the Apostles of Truth like the False Church of Rome claims. She is not even mentioned as being present whenever they had their counsels to decide important matters. They settle things quickly by the Spirit of Truth opening their eyes to the Word of Truth.
Mary the Jew died in Jerusalem in an ordinary way. Her death was so ordinary, that it is not even mentioned. Mary the Jew certainly did not ascend into Heaven in a resurrected body as the False Church of Rome reports.
The record of Mary the Jew in the Renewed Covenant makes it clear that there is no justification for the way that the False Church of Rome worships Mary the Jew.
Nowhere is there a commandment to pray to Mary the Jew by repeating the same words over and over.
Instead, we are commanded to pray to the Father of Truth without using vain repetitions (Matthew 6:6-7). We are to ask in the name of the Man of Truth (John 14:13-14).
When we ask in his name, the Man of Truth mediates between us and the Father of Truth (John 16:26-27). The Man of Truth is the only mediator that anyone is to pray to (1 Timothy 2:3-5).
Neither are we to worship Angels of Truth or do acts of humility regarding food and drink to get them to mediate to Mary the Jew on their behalf (Colossians 2:18-23). We are to seek the Man of Truth because all Angels of Truth and other beings in Heaven, including Mary the Jew, are subject to him (1 Peter 3:21-22).
The False Church of Rome seeks to replace the Man of Truth with his mother.
It was the Man of Truth, not his mother, who acts as our sympathetic priest in Heaven, because he was touched with our weakness (Hebrews 4:14-15). It was him, not his mother, who was tempted in every way, yet never sinned, so we can go boldly before the Father of Truth (Hebrews 4:15-16).
People are not to give the worship that belongs to the incorruptible Father of Truth to an image of a corruptible person, like Mary Jew, because that shows that they do not know Him (Romans 1:21-25). The Father of Truth demands that the Children of Truth have nothing to do with idols - even one named Mary the Jew (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
People are not to have feasts dedicated to these idols - even an idol of Mary the Jew (Acts 15:28-29). People are not to observe months and days in a yearly cycle to honor Mary the Jew like they honored the Queen of Heaven when they worshiped idols (Galatians 4:8-11).
The False Church of Rome seeks to replace the Spirit of Truth with Mary the Jew.
People are not born again into the Spiritual family of the Man of Truth through Mary the Jew, but through the Spirit of Truth (John 3:5-7). It is the Spirit of Truth that gives people power to confirm the preaching of the Good News with signs and wonders - not apparitions of Mary the Jew (Romans 15:18-20).
So, the False Church of Rome and those influenced by it have greatly dishonor Mary the Jew by worshiping her in the place of the Man of Truth. They have borne false witness against her.
So, be like Mary the Jew by being committed to obeying the Father of Truth. Like Mary the Jew, you need to realize that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel and learn to put your faith in him.
So, come into the House of Truth and learn to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth.
You just need to make him your King because you believe the report that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Then follow the commandments of the Man of Truth that were recorded by the Apostles of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:37). He is the cornerstone of the church - not Mary the Jew (Ephesians 2:19-22).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: False Church Of Rome, Islam, Mary The Jew
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