Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Jim Among Men

What is the best way to honor the memory of a friend?

My wife and I were looking for a new congregation in 2011 AD.  We wanted to attend one that met on the actual Sabbath, but the pastor had to be committed to following the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible.  Our search went on for months. 

We thought that we had run out of options when I learned about HalleluYah Messianic Fellowship on the internet.  The webpage said that it was ran by Jim and Connie King.  Their congregation met at one in the afternoon on the Sabbath, which worked out well for us, but we were not sure what to expect.

We arrived at the address, but there was no meeting place, just a house.  We wondered if we had went to the wrong place, but someone informed us that the meeting place was behind the house.

When we arrived in the meeting place, it was like nothing we had ever seen before.

When we stepped in there were about fifty people packed into the small space almost up to the stage.  Most of the men in the congregation were wearing belt loop tzitzits (tassles).  A few of the people were Jewish, but most were not.

(My kids say that I have Jew radar.  I have informed many people that they have Jewish ancestry.  Some admitted it, but others denied it.  The deniers all later found out that it was true when they investigated their genealogy.)

The stage had an American and Israeli flag near the front of the stage on the right hand side. Next to the flags were a few people that formed a small choir.  Some of them had tambourines and other small hand instruments.  Next to them were shofars in a shofar rack.  Next to the shofar rack was a rather large speaker on a speaker stand.

There was an Ark for the Torah Scroll on the left hand wall near the front of the stage.   Next to it was a Torah stand.  Behind the Torah stand was a five foot tall menorah (seven branch candelabra) with an oil wick burning at the top of each branch.  In front of the stage, was a box that held a tallit gadol (a great tallit). Behind that, in the left hand corner of the stage, was a rather large speaker on a speaker stand.  Next to the speaker was a pull down video screen like people use for slide projectors.

In the center, on the left hand side, was a couple of guitar stands.  In the center, on the right hand side, was a stand with several computers and sound boards. However, most striking of all was the man in the center of the stage, just behind the pulpit.

The man was wearing a tallit gadol (large prayer shawl) with an electric guitar strapped around his body and tzitzits were hanging from his belt loops.  On his face, there was a large beard, and an even larger welcoming smile.  He said that he was Jim King, and welcomed everyone to HalleluYah Messianic Fellowship.

On the screen there was a slide show with interesting quotes and questions.

Then the slide show changed to a slide that said, "Call to Worship".

Soon, the shofars sounded to call everyone to worship.  We then proceed to face Jerusalem and recite the Sh'ma that was on a banner on the east wall in highly Okie-ized Hebrew.  (Okie means "belonging to Oklahoma".)

Then Jim King lead everyone in reciting a statement in English about the Torah being a tree of life to everyone who obeys it, that was displayed on the screen.

Then the screen switched to "Torah procession".

Next, the Torah scroll was taken out of the Ark by two men.  It was inside a velvet me'il with decorative embroidery.  (A me'il is a Torah Mantle - a cloth covering with a wooden top that has holes for the Torah staves to stick out.)  The two staves of the Torah scroll had a silver Torah crown on each end.

The first man took the silver Torah breastplate off the me'il. (A shield shape ornament on a chain that hangs over the top of the Torah staves and drapes in front of the me'il.)

The second man then proceeded to parade the Torah scroll, still in the me'il, through the meeting room.  He held it out, so everyone could touch the me'il or the top of the staves of the Torah scroll with either their tzitzits or their Bibles or their fingers.  Some of them then kissed whatever they touched the Torah scroll with.

Once the Torah procession was over, the first man then removed the me'il and the second man carefully unrolled the Torah scroll using the staves and placed it on the Torah stand.

Then Jim King lead everyone in reciting the following from the screen: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

The screen then showed a slide that said, "Praise and worship".

After that, Jim King began laying down some righteous blues riffs, and the small choir on the stage began singing back ground vocals while Jim King lead the congregation in singing praise and worship songs, some in Hebrew and some in English.  The lyrics to each song appeared on the screen, so everyone could sing along.

Some people on stage and some people in the audience took shofars off of the shofar stand and blew them as well during praise and worship.  Others shook their tambourines and other small hand instruments to the beat.  Some of the people moved some chairs to create some space and danced Davidic dances in a circle.  All the while Jim King continued to use his impressive blues skills on the guitar and lead the singing.

After praise and worship ended, the screen changed to show the Sabbath Prayer.

Two men took the tallit gadol out of the box, unfolded it, and held it up as high as they could to form a canopy.  Then everyone under twenty years of age gathered under the canopy formed by the tallit gadol.  Jim King then played his guitar and lead us in singing the Sabbath Prayer over them.  After the Sabbath Prayer was over, the two men folded the tallit gadol and put it back in the box.  The younger children were then dismissed to go to Sabbath school.

After that, a clock appeared on the screen with 15 minutes on it and began counting down. This signaled a fifteen minute break.

During the break, people went to back of the meeting room to get snacks and coffee.  People also used the small restroom during the break.  Mostly, they discussed the Book of Truth (The Bible) and related topics.

After thirteen minutes, a small bell was sounded by Jim King.  Someone explained that this was the two minute warning for everyone to wrap up their conversations and return to their seats.

After the countdown reached zero, the screen changed to show a funny picture with the words "Laughter does good like medicine" below it.

Jim King proceeded to tell a clean joke.  His delivery was perfect and the room roared in laughter.

Then the screen changed to show the lesson for the day.

Jim King began to preach and teach about the subject at hand.  His sermon was very centered on the Book of Truth and he was careful to show each verse on the screen.   The sermon started off with a parashah (portion) from the Torah, a parashah from the Haftorah, and a parashah from the B'rit Chadashah.

He would often take time to explain the context of each verse, including its context in the passage where it appeared, its context in view of the entire Book of Truth, and the historical and cultural context when it was written.  It was obvious that he took the Book of Truth very serious.  It was apparent that he had spent significant time to study and research when he prepared his sermon.

After the sermon was over, the screen changed to show a big yellow button with the words "Life Application" in the center.

Jim King then gave a brief explanation of how to apply the main passage of the sermon to help us live a life that was more pleasing to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

Next, the screen changed to say, "Return the Torah Scroll".

The two men that had taken the Torah out of the Ark, returned to the Torah stand.  One of them rolled the Torah scroll back together and the other placed the me'il over it, and then placed the Torah breastplate back over the Torah staves and draped it in front of the me'il.  They then returned the Torah scroll back to the Ark.

Next, the screen showed the Aaronic Blessing in Hebrew.

Another man went up on the stage and cantored the Aaronic Blessing in Hebrew.  Both of his hands were lifted up and spread out with the two smallest fingers join together, a space between the next two fingers that were joined together, and a space between them and the thumb.

(Holding the hands like this forms a menorah with the human body.  The head is the shamash (servant) in the center and the hands form three branches on the left and right of the head.

This is also where Leonard Nimoy (Spock on Star Trek) got the "Vulcan peace sign" from.  "Live long and prosper" was also from the synagogue service.)

Then the screen changed to show the Aaronic Blessing in English.

Jim King returned to the stage and recited the Aaronic Blessing in English over the congregation while doing the same thing with his hands.

Jim King then dismissed us to participate in Oneg (eating together) and Midrash (discussion).

We had not brought any food since it was our first time, but everyone insisted that we eat with them anyways.  This was not a problem since they knew what is for dinner according to the Book of Truth.  While we ate, my wife and I asked Jim King and his wife some questions about the beliefs of their congregation.

While Jim King had incorporated many elements from the synagogue service, he was very careful to not include anything contrary to the Book of Truth.  For example, he went by the title of Pastor, because the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that we were not to call each other, "Rabbi " (Matthew 23:8).

He also told us that before he was saved, he, his wife, and her sister (also part of the choir) used to perform together in blues clubs.  He would tell jokes during his shows as well.  So, he just decided to use those talents in spread the Good News.

We had to leave before Midrash got started, but we soon started attending every Sabbath.  Our long search was over.

Still, I was leery to become friends with Jim King.  My former friendships with previous pastors had not ended well.

I had been given the left foot of fellowship at our two previous congregations.  I was at both congregations for eleven years, and had even helped start one of them.  The root of the problem both times was that I was simply more committed to changing my life to conform to what I learned from the Book of Truth than the pastors were.

Sometimes, they would agree with things like Christmas was not when the Man of Truth was born according to the Book of Truth.  They would even agree that Christmas customs came from idolatry like the Mensch who killed Christmas warned.  They even knew who changed the Sabbath to Sunday.  Still, they were unwilling to lead their congregation into walking in truth more fully by meeting on the actual Sabbath and abandoning these customs from Babylonian idol worship.

Of course, this same willful disobedience to the Book of Truth eventually spread into other areas of both the congregation and their families.  When someone starts disobeying the Father of Truth in one area, it makes it easier to disobey Him in another area.  Disobedience and justification of that disobedience becomes an ingrained habit.

However, my wife, Julie, thought that Jim King was different and I should give him a chance.  So, I did.

I am so glad that I listened to Julie!  The more that I came to know Jim, the more I liked him.  I finally found a pastor that was as willing to make changes to conform to what he learned from the Book of Truth as I was.  Finding Jim was like finding a rare gem.

Jim King was a gem among men!

Over the next seven years, our friendship only grew stronger.  We went to men's fellowships on Sunday together.  I celebrated the Feasts of Truth and similar holidays with Jim and the rest of the congregation.  (I had been doing this with just my family, or sometimes alone, since Chanukah of 2002 AD.  It was so much better to have other people to celebrate them with.)

Jim, his wife Connie, and her sister Sonya were such a great blessing to us over the years.

Jim talked to my Hindu and Muslim friends about the Man of Truth when they came to see this congregation that I had told them about.  Jim was glad they came, because he understood that we should be a friend of sinners like the Man of Truth.  Jim baptized my friend Narender when he came into the House of Truth.  When my daughter, the Impossible Girl, became really ill, Jim lead our entire congregation in a one day fast for her recovery.   Jim married my other daughter Miranda to my friend Narender.

Jim King was a gem among men!

Friends are like diamonds - the real ones have flaws.  Jim was not perfect, and neither am I.

However, Jim had a gentle way of getting my attention to an area where I could improve.  He would listen to my sometimes long winded explanations, then give me wise counsel, based on the Book of Truth.  I learned to be more gentle in my approach from Jim among other things.

In like manner, Jim would really listen when I saw something that he could improve.  I never felt the need to speak louder to be heard when I was talking to Jim, for it was evident that he was hearing what I was saying and giving it serious thought.  Sometimes, he would ask for some time to think it over, and I was never hesitant to give him the time, because I knew that his request was sincere.  He would eventually get back to me and tell me that he could see what I meant.  Then he would listen to my solution to the problem and implement it.

For example, when I started going to Midrash, I found that it soon devolved into a chaotic melee where multiple people were each trying to shout to get their voice heard over the rest of the noise.  Midrash would end with a lot of people upset with each other and nobody having learned anything.

I suggested a set of rules to Jim for conducting Midrash, so it would be an orderly and effective discussion of the lesson that he had taught and preached in the sermon, followed by discussions of other things in the Book of Truth.  The next week, there was a list of these rules on the slide before Midrash started, and Jim explained to everyone the benefit of these rules.  Jim then began leading each Midrash by these rules.  People quit leaving Midrash upset so much and started learning from each other.

Jim and I would also discuss everything in the light of the Book of Truth.  Jim ceased many Rabbinic customs over the years, after he came to realize that the Rabbis are liars.  He later shaved his beard with a clear conscience when he learned what the Book of Truth said about what is on your head.

So, Jim and I were able to help each other improve in so many ways.  Jim loved me too much to say nothing when I needed correction, and was too humble to not listen when I saw something that he needed to improve upon.

Jim King was a gem among men!

A friend loves at all times and a brother was born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17).  This was certainly the case between Jim and myself.

Jim did all that he could to encourage me during two years of unemployment.  He read most of these posts of this blog and encouraged me to continue, even though I felt like I was drowning in a lukewarm sea.

When Jim was your friend, he was really your friend.  He was your friend in the good times and in the bad times.  He knew when to give me a pat on the back and when to give me a swift kick in the seat of the pants.

Jim King was a gem among men!

At times, various conflicts arose in our small congregation that began splitting it.

In some cases, it was simply a misunderstanding, that people could have resolved.  They just chose to remain offended, instead.  They simply had too much pride, so they left.

In other cases, there were people who just stirred up strife and controversy over unimportant matters.  Jim gently asked them to either stop doing this or leave.  He protected his congregation from such people (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

When they left, things would calm down, and eventually new members would come in to replace them.

Lastly, there were cases where there were genuine disagreements over how to proceed or things like that.

These were mostly peaceful separations that ended up creating new congregations that could reach people in other parts of Oklahoma far away from Jenks.  These new congregations were ran by people who had learned from Jim.  It was all for the better.

(Two people cannot walk together when they do not agree on the destination (Amos 3:3).  Sometimes ministers just have to separate because they cannot come to an agreement (Acts 15:36-39).  This can lead to two groups going to different places to reach more people (Acts 15:39-41).)

Through it all, I stood by Jim.

After all, Jim King was a gem among men!

Jim was a friend to me like I was to him.  The general rule in my life has been the same as that of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) - the more I love people, the less that they love me back (2 Corinthians 12:15).  Still, I love them anyways, because love believes all things and never gives up on people (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

Jim was different.  It was like we were in a contest to see who could show the most love to the other person.  About two years ago, the strength of that love began to shine.

The turmoil over the years took a toll on our congregation.  It became smaller and smaller.  Then we came to another turning point.

I was celebrating Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) with Jim and Connie. (This holiday is the source of the camp meetings and county fairs.)  We were there only ones there, but we still enjoyed ourselves.  Jim played his acoustic guitar and we sang songs around the camp fire.  It was a time of great fellowship.

Suddenly, I had this sensation that this was the last time that I would celebrate this holiday with my friend.  This had happened to me twice before, first with my grandmother, and then with my father-in-law.  They both died before that holiday came around again.  So, I asked the Father of Truth for a little more time with Jim.

After all, Jim King was a gem among men.

Not long after that, Jim had a stroke.  There was concern that the end was near for Jim.

Jim, Connie, and the members of our congregation stood together and trusted the Father of Truth for a full recovery.  Month after month, Jim got progressively better until he was back to being able to play guitar, sing, and preach.

However, some of our congregation left during this time.  Connie was under a lot of stress and would sometimes say things that she normally would not have said.  She would apologize the next week, but it was not enough for some people.  So, they left.

Also, people came into our congregation during this time, who only seemed to want to bring division and strife.  It seemed as if they were being sent in by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), while Jim was too overwhelmed to defend his congregation.  However, our congregation was not defenseless.

Jim was my friend and it was my turn to help him.  Jim had taught me what to do in these situations, and I did it. 

I met with the individuals alone after our service was over.  I listened to what they had to say.  Then I showed them from the Book of Truth the error of their ways.  They could not refute what I said, so they just left - sometimes mad.

I did my best to be as gentle as Jim would, but I know that I did not always succeed.  I was a little concerned that I had not handled the situation right. 

However, Jim set my mind at ease by thanking me for running off one couple.  They had came before and stirred division then as well.  He said that it seemed like they were sent to our congregation by the Father of Lies for that purpose.

Jim was kind and gentle, but he never let that come in front of protecting his congregation from the doctrine of lies.  He loved people, but he loved the Father of Truth more.

Jim King was a gem among men!

Then in May of last year, Jim was diagnosed with bulbar ALS.

Connie called me as soon as she could.  Immediately the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) reminded me of Wendy Moore.

I had seen Wendy Moore once on the 700 Club seventeen years earlier.  She had been diagnosed with ALS and was on the verge of death, when the Man of Truth healed her of ALS.  I investigated on the internet and found that she was still alive with no symptoms.  I immediately told Jim about her.

Jim and Connie now had hope. 

Jim did some of his own research and told me about Danny Cox.  Danny had also been healed of ALS in the same way as well.

Jim also told me about a medical research doctor, who had studied case after case of people diagnosed with ALS, what they had tried, and the results of their efforts.  These cases covered the gamete of possible cures including medical treatments, stem cells, herbal cures, wonder diets, energy healers, and just about anything else you could think of.   This man had been compiling these cases for over twenty years, because he wanted to find a cure to help save people with ALS.  In those twenty years, the best results that any of these cures had produced was a year and a half reversal of the symptoms, but then the patients returned to their downward spiral to death.

The only cases where anyone had actually been healed of ALS was through the power of the Spirit of Truth in the name of the Man of Truth.  I found ten different people who had been healed of ALS this way, and none of them never had the symptoms come back.  I started calling Jim, "Number eleven".

Our congregation had became very small again.  However, I had been praying for new members to join our congregation, who knew where sickness comes from, and who knew that there is a doctor in the house, who can cure incurable diseases. 

(People being healed by the power of the Spirit of Truth begins with believing the report that they can be healed through faith in the Man of Truth.  However, faith is not the only factor involved, so it is often a matter of removing the roadblocks, which involves renewing the mind as much as anything.  This takes time that Jim did not have.)

Soon, our small congregation consisted only of people with faith for Jim to be healed.  There was hope for more time with Jim!

I was committed to standing with Jim until he was healed or with the Man of Truth in Heaven.  I was going to be with Jim until the end.

After all, Jim King was a gem among men!

When the Feast of Tabernacles came around again, I was so happy that Jim was still with us and able to celebrate it.  This time there was about a dozen of us around the fire pit at his house.  We cooked and ate camping food.  We sang some songs.  We talked about the goodness of the Father of Truth.

Then Jim put on some music.  I felt like I was going to burst with joy.  I just had to get up and dance!

I danced like I had not danced in a long time.  I danced so hard that I fell over.  People thought I was hurt, but I would get back up and dance some more.  Some young kids danced with me, but I was still dancing when they were too tired to dance.

The Father of Truth had answered my prayer and gave me another year with Jim!  It was the best Feast of Tabernacles of my life!

I was blown away by the goodness of the Father of Truth in answering my prayer. 

After all, Jim King was a gem among men!

After that, Jim and Connie continued to do everything that they could keep Jim alive.  There was nothing that Connie was not willing to give up to have some more time with Jim.  They also took serious steps to grow their faith.

It was not just them, but our entire congregation.  Our congregation studied what the Book of Truth had to say about healing and miracles.  Our congregation had prayer sessions for Jim.

Still, it was hard on everyone as Jim continued to deteriorate, especially Connie.  Eventually, the stress got to her and she said things that she regretted.  She apologized, but some of our members left anyways.

Also, some of our members got into strife with each other.  Some of them began to speak badly about the other party to other members.  This strife divided our small congregation.  More members left.

Others began during our Midrash asking questions about what the Book of Truth said about some things that they were going through.  When I told them what it said, they did not like the answer.  They also left.

Still I was determined to stay with Jim until he was healed or with the Man of Truth in Heaven.  I was going to be with Jim until the end.

After all, Jim King was a gem among men!

Shortly after Independence Day, Jim asked me via a letter carried by Connie to run the services for him.  He also asked me to do what I could to keep our congregation going if he was not healed.

I do not really have the disposition to be a pastor.  I am more of the fiery prophet type.  I am more of a teacher than a preacher.  Still, I promised to do everything that I could.

After all, Jim King was a gem among men!

The hospice people and doctors told Connie and Jim that he had a few months to live.  Jim was almost out of time.  He had to be healed soon, if he was going to be healed.  It was show time.

I had read all about ALS and knew that the last few months of life could be terrible.  I did not want Jim to go through that.  So, I asked the Father of Truth to either heal Jim quickly, or for him to soon die peacefully.

Jim had gotten so ill that he could not even come to our service for a few minutes.  I could run the equipment and defend our congregation from the hidden danger that has crept into so many congregations, but I was no Jim King.  We needed his quiet strength and gentle leadership.

Our congregation continued to fall apart.

One Sabbath, there was only me and one other man.  We still sang the songs and watch the sermon that Jim had selected.  We still had a good time at oneg and midrash.  The Man of Truth is wherever two or more gather together in his name (Matthew 18:20).  I thought this had to be the low point, but I was wrong.

It got so bad, that I thought that I would be the only person to show up for service Sabbath before last.  I was resigned to just spending the Sabbath by myself praying for Jim.

However, I did not expect what happened next.

I had forgotten that I asked for one more great service with Jim.  The Father of Truth answered that prayer as well.

Several of our congregants came in.  We had children, so we could sing the Sabbath Prayer.

Then Sonya brought Jim into our meeting place and we all cheered wildly.  Jim clinched his fists together in and shook them like the returning champion that he was.  Jim was led to the lift chair that had been donated, so he enjoy our services.  I gave him the clicker for changing the slides, letting him know that it was still his congregation, despite my help.

Then during the break, I got a call on my phone with another pleasant surprise.  When the door to our meeting place opened later, I paused the sermon that I was playing.  In came in Miranda and Narender to see Jim.  Jim was almost beside himself with happiness.

Even though Jim had to go to the restroom a few times, he was there for the entire service.  It was the happiest I had seen him in months.

We had let Jim King know that he was a gem among men.

I was blown away by the goodness of the Father of Truth in answering my prayer. 

Last Sabbath, I was uncharacteristically running early.  I was half way to the meeting place when my wife Julie called me.  She said that Connie had sent a text cancelling our service, because Jim had a rough night and everyone was worn out.  Not long after I got home, I got a text from Sonya saying that Jim was gone.

Our members were believing for the Father of Truth to raise Jim from the dead, but it did not happen.  It simply was not His will, or else He would have done it when we asked (1 John 5:13-15).

When I talked to Connie at the viewing, she told me about how peaceful Jim left this world.  He was so tired of fighting ALS, but was concerned about Connie.  She told him that it was alright for him to go home.  It was her final act of love for Jim while he was on this Earth.  He died quietly and peacefully about a minute later.

This was only fitting for a gem among men.

Once again, I was blown away by the goodness of the Father of Truth in answering my prayer.

I have felt no real sense of grief for my dear friend Jim, because he left no room for doubt that I will see him again, unlike my mother-in-lay who died shortly before Mother's Day.   I have had nothing but an overwhelming joy every time I think about my mother, because she took the deal offered by the Father of Truth before she died on Resurrection Sunday.

You see there was no fear of death for Jim King because of the death of the Lamb.  He knew that he was better off dead.  The moment he took his last breath was the moment he became alive!

Jim has fought good fight and awaits his crown (2 Timothy 4:7-8)!

So, what is the best way to honor the memory of my friend?

By doing what I can to continue where Jim left off.  It remains to be seen what will become of our congregation.  I might be the entire board at this time, but it is ultimately up to Connie.

No matter what Connie decides, I will continue to do what Jim and I did together.  My comrade-in-arms may have fallen, but I will continue the fight.

I will continue to wage war against the Father of Lies (Ephesians 6:11-13).  I will continue to wage the same war that Jim waged (1 Timothy 1:17-19).

I will continue to bring people into the House of Truth.  I will continue to follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth.  I will continue to tell people about the Man of Truth.  I will continue to obey the Father of Truth.  I will continue to walk in all of His ways for all my days.

If I never find another like minded partner, I will not be fighting alone.  The Father of Truth will never leave me nor forsake me, so that I can continue to carry on the fight until my last breath (Hebrews 13:5-6).

However, I will not be carrying on this work alone, for I am asking for the Father of Truth to send more laborers to help me in the work, as the Man of Truth commanded (Luke 10:2).

Ultimately, the efforts of Jim and I to build anything were useless, unless the Father of Truth was building with us (Psalm 127:1).  One of us may have planted the seeds, and the other one may have taken care of the plants, but the Father of Truth gave us the harvest (1 Corinthians 3:7).

The best thing that you can do to honor the memory of this gem among men, if you are among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), is to do your part in carrying out the Great Commission.  You may have to give that last full measure of devotion, but you nothing to fear, because you only die once!

The best thing that you can do to honor the memory of this gem among men, if you have not came into the House of Truth, is to come into the House of Truth.

You need make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Book of Daniel

Does the Book of Daniel belong in the Prophets or the Writings?

The Christian ordering of the books of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) places the book of Daniel in the Prophets.  The Rabbinic ordering of the books of the Original Covenant places the book of Daniel in the Writings.  Which is correct?

The Book of Daniel is placed in the Historical section of the Writings in the Tenakh, instead of the Prophets, because the Talmud says that Daniel was not a Prophet of Truth, but a mere recipient of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  It also points out that the first six chapters of the book of Daniel deal with the court life in the Babylonian, and Medo-Persian empires.  Therefore, the Talmud says that it is a historic writing and not a prophetic book.

However, almost all of the books of the Prophets contain some history as well.  For example, Isaiah 36-39 is entirely a history of the interactions between Isaiah and King Hezekiah.

So, the inclusion of history in a book alone is not enough to make the book belong in the Historical Writings.

The Rabbis also maintained that the book of Daniel was compiled during the time of the Maccabees, since Daniel describes events celebrated by the Festival of Lights, when the Faithful Priest Matthias showed that resistance is essential, when a tyrant like Antiochus Epiphanes tried to extinguish the light of the Law of Truth (Daniel 11:21-35).  Since the book of Daniel does not describe the final end of Antiochus Epiphanes, they says that it must have been finished being compiled between the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees, the last historical event in the Book of Daniel according to the Talmud, and the death of Antiochus Epiphanes.

So, one of their arguments that it is part of the Historical Writings, instead of part of the Prophets, is that the events it described were too clear and accurate!

In reality, the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees is not the last historical event in the Book of Daniel.  The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple is a historical event in the book of Daniel, which happened about two hundred years after the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees (Daniel 9:26).  The book of Daniel was plainly written before then, since it was quoted by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) about forty years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (Matthew 24:15).  
In fact, parts of the Book of Daniel, including this passage, were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written more than one hundred years before Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed.  The Dead Sea Scrolls also contain the sections concerning the Maccabees more than thirty years before they occurred.

Daniel could have only written history beforehand if he was a prophet like the Man of Truth says (Mark 13:14).

In fact, the history of the Maccabees in Daniel was written beforehand.  It was written during the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede, several hundred years before the time of the Maccabees (Daniel 11:1).

This argument is no different than the arguments that the skeptics of the Book of Truth (The Bible) used to make about Isaiah 53 and Psalms 22.  These skeptics used to claim that these chapters had to have been written by Christians after the crucifixion of the Man of Truth, because they were so accurate!

These chapters too were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls!   These chapters were also history written before hand!

So, the clearness and accuracy of the events of the Maccabees in the book of Daniel only goes to show that Daniel was a Prophet of Truth, who wrote history beforehand.

The other argument of the Rabbis is, that the far reaching nature of the prophecies in the book of Daniel are unprecedented in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and the Prophets.

The fact is that the Law of Truth foretold the entire history of the people of Israel from the time that they entered into the Promised Land to their ejection from the Promised Land for rebellion against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to their scattering to the ends of the Earth to their regathering back to the Promised Land.  This is more than four thousand years of history written before hand, which is way more than the two thousand two hundred years of history written before hand found in the Book of Daniel.

In fact, the Law of Truth and many of books of the Prophets tell about how the people of Israel went from the Promised Land to the ends of the Earth and back again, long before these events occurred.

Also, other books of the Prophets include the Return of the King to begin the Messianic Age in the aftermath of the Great War that ends this age.  The book of Isaiah even goes further, until the Eternal Age that follows the Messianic Age, when a new Heaven and new Earth will replace the current Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 66:22-24)!

The book of Daniel however, only goes to the end of the Messianic Age, when the wicked that have died are raised to face judgement, and the righteous that have died are raised to enter the Eternal Age  (Daniel 12:1-3).

So, the book of Daniel is not more far reaching than the Law of Truth or the Prophets.  The Law of Truth and the Prophets set a precedence to which the book of Daniel adheres.

So by the every measure, the Book of Daniel belongs in the Prophets.

So, why all of this effort in the Talmud to discredit the book of Daniel as belonging in the Prophets?

The book of Daniel makes it very plain that the Messiah of Israel would die and when he would die!  This removes all doubt about the identity of the Messiah of Israel!

The decree to rebuild Jerusalem would mark the beginning point for determining the time of the death of the Messiah, 483 years after the decree was given (Daniel 9:25-26).  (Each week represents a period of seven years.  A period of seven weeks (49 years) to complete the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and then another period of sixty-two years (434 years) after the rebuilding of Jerusalem was completed until the Messiah was killed.)

This decree was given in the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, emperor of the Persian Empire (Nehemiah 2:1-8).  This was 453 BC.

The walls of Jerusalem were finished that same year, but the city was mostly empty of houses, streets, and people (Nehemiah 7:1-4).  The city was finished being built internally and populated forty-nine years later.  This would be 404 BC, the year that Darius II took the throne and Johanan was recorded as the High Priest (Nehemiah 12:22-23).

(Johanan was still the high priest in Jerusalem in 387 BC, the seventh year of the reign of Darius II according to the Elephantine papyri.)

The Man of Truth was crucified on the day of preparation, in the month of Nisan, in 31 AD (John 19:13-15).  (The year of the death of the Man of Truth is certain since he was born in the first month on the Biblical calendar in 2 BC.)   This was exactly to the month, and possibly to day, 483 years after the decree was given to rebuild Jerusalem!

(Passover is in the first month of the Biblical Year (Leviticus 23:5).  Nisan the Babylonian name for the first month of the Biblical year (Esther 3:7) ).

Thirty-nine years later, in 70 AD, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans as written beforehand in the book of Daniel.

So, everything in the book of Daniel came to pass in the manner that it was written beforehand.  Jerusalem was rebuilt in 49 years, the Messiah of Israel was killed 434 years later, and then Jerusalem was destroyed after that.  This removes any possibility that the Man of Truth is not the Messiah of Israel.  That is the real reason that the book of Daniel is not counted as part of the Prophets by the Rabbis.

The Rabbis are liars about the book of Daniel!  This is just another example of Rabbinic Distort! 

So, all that remains is whether or not you are going to accept the truth about the identity of the Messiah of Israel, which is made plain by the book of Daniel!

The Father of Truth did not just leave the Messiah of Israel dead to decay in the grave, but raised him from the dead as foretold in more history written beforehand (Psalm 16:10).  

The Man of Truth was was raised from the dead, as King David had written beforehand, to let the people of Israel know that he is the Messiah of Israel (Acts 2:25-36).  As King David had written beforehand, the Man of Truth was slain through the efforts of the people of Jerusalem, but the Father of Truth raised him from the dead to provide forgiveness for sins (Acts 13:27-38).

The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people can know for certain that he is the Messiah of Israel, who will judge every person at the end of the Messianic Age (Acts 17:31).

Therefore come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of your life to the Messiah of Israel, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


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