Monday, March 31, 2014

The Law Of Truth

What place does the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) have in the life of the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth to the best of their ability because they love Him)?

There is much confusion among the Children of Truth over the Law of Truth.   On one extreme there are those that say that it is no longer in effect and has no place in the life of the Children of Truth.  On the other extreme there are also those that say those the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth to be saved.  Then there are all kinds of teachings about the Law of Truth that are somewhere in between these two extremes.

There are a number of reasons for this confusion even among those that have been following the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) for a long time.  For most of these people this confusion really comes from two places. 

First, the religious professionals are usually very inconsistent in their teachings about the Law of Truth.  Many religious professionals will proclaim that the Children of Truth are not under any obligation to obey any of it but then will post the Ten Commandments found in it on the walls of their meeting places and will use it to show that the Children of Truth should pay tithes to support them.  Yet other religious professionals will use the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) to show that the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth but then will neglect to teach the Children of Truth to do many things that the Man of Truth commanded even though the Law of Truth said that people must obey him.  In short, there is a partial application of the Law of Truth and a partial application of the Renewed Covenant by most religious professionals.  They only disagree on which parts of the Law of Truth and which parts of the Renewed Covenant apply to the Children of Truth in this current age.  So one tells the Children of Truth one thing while another tells them another.  If the teachers are mixed up then how can the students not be mixed up?

Second, the Children of Truth have been relying on religious professionals to tell them about the place that the Law of Truth is to have in their lives instead of studying the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find out for themselves.  They simply are neglecting to use the only means to discern all truth when it comes to the Law of Truth.  So they really have no way of knowing if a religious professional is right about the Law of Truth or not because they do not know what the Book of Truth says.  If a religious professional is a persuasive speaker but is wrong about the Law of Truth then they too will believe something that is wrong about the Law of Truth.

So in order to help clear up the confusion we are going to study what the Book of Truth actually says about the Law of Truth.  We are going to pay particular attention to what the Renewed Covenant says about the Law of Truth since that is the covenant that the Children of Truth are under in this current age.

The first thing to notice about the Law of Truth is that Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord) is the one that gave it (Exodus 16:4).  It was not some set of laws created by Moses, the elders of Israel or the Jewish people but it came from the mouth of the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1-3).  The Law of Truth is the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Exodus 24:12).

You might be wondering why people call it the Law of Moses if it really came from the Father of Truth.

The Father of Truth gave the Law of Truth to everyone else by the hand of Moses (Leviticus 26:46).  Moses set the Law of Truth before the people of Israel that he had been given by the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:44).   Moses passed the Law of Truth on to the elders and priests of Israel (Deuteronomy 31:9).  For these reasons the Law of Truth is sometimes called the Law of Moses even though the Father of Truth is the One who wrote it (Joshua 8:30-32).  So the Law of Truth was given by Moses to everyone else even though he received it from the Father of Truth (John 1:17).  It would be more precise to call it "the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses" but that would be a bit wordy.

Next we need to consider that the Law of Truth is part of the Book of Truth.  The Law of Truth is the only part of the entire Book of Truth that was actually written personally by the Father of Truth (Exodus 31:18).  Moses only wrote what he had been given (Deuteronomy 31:24).  The Law of Truth that Moses wrote down is part of the Book of Truth that was given by the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  He was moved by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to do so like everyone else who wrote any part of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).

The Law of Truth contains nothing but the truth just like everything else in the Book of Truth (Psalm 119:142).  The Law of Truth was given to cause us to turn to the Father of Truth and understand His truth when trouble comes upon us for our sins (Daniel 9:13).  The Law of Truth was put in the mouth of the priests to turn the people of Israel from lies (Malachi 2:5-7).  The Law of Truth is the truth given to the people of Israel in the form of a set of laws that they were to use to turn the Gentiles from lies (Romans 2:17-20).  That is why I call it the Law of Truth.

So what place, if any, does the Law of Truth have in the lives of the Children of Truth under the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)?

The best place to start is what the Man of Truth said about the Law of Truth.  He said that he did not come to destroy it but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17).  He said that it will remain in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:18).  He said that the Children of Truth that taught others to break any commandment of it would be the least in the kingdom of His Father while those who taught others to keep it would be the greatest (Matthew 5:19).

The Man of Truth then demonstrated how to teach people to keep the Law of Truth many times during the Sermon on the Mount.  He taught about how to keep the commandment to not murder (Matthew 5:21-22).  He taught about how to keep the commandment to not commit adultery (Matthew 5:27-28).  He taught how to keep the commandments concerning divorce (Matthew 5:31-32).  He taught how to keep the commandments concerning oaths (Matthew 5:33-37).  So a good part of the Sermon on the Mount was dedicated to teaching people to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth.

In fact, the Man of Truth taught that people must keep the Law of Truth from their hearts instead only keeping outward rules like the Pharisees (Matthew 5:20).  He said that the Children of Truth are those that do the will of His Father (Matthew 7:21).  It is senseless to think that the Law of Truth was not the will of His Father since He is the one that wrote it. 

The Man of Truth went on to say that loving His Father with all that is within a person and loving all other people as themselves shows that they are obeying the Law of Truth from their heart (Matthew 22:37-40).  It is senseless to think that he was telling anyone to ignore what the Law of Truth says since it defines how to love His father and how to love people.

He said that he only spoke what His Father said (John 14:10).  He said that the Children of Truth are those that obey his commandments (John 14:15).  It is senseless to think that the commandments of the Man of Truth somehow contradicted the commandments of the Law of Truth since both were given by His Father.

Not only that but the Man of Truth would have been breaking the Law of Truth if he had try to do away with any of its commandments (Deuteronomy 4:2).  The Man of Truth never sinned so he could be our sin sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21).  This is why he could die in the place of those that had sinned (1 Peter 3:18).  He could not have saved anyone if he had broken the Law of Truth doing away with its commandments because sin is transgression of the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).

It is completely senseless to believe that the Man of Truth was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.

Next, we must consider what the Paul the Jew taught about the Law of Truth as well.

Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew said that faith in the Man of Truth establishes the Law of Truth  (Romans 3:31). He wrote that it is holy while its commandments are holy, just and good (Romans 7:12).  He wrote that wrote he delighted in it (Romans 7:22).  He wrote that faith in the Man of Truth is built upon the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) that contained the Law of Truth in written form as well as the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:20).  He wrote that it is good as long as it is used as it was intended (1 Timothy 1:8).  He wrote that it was the Original Covenant that contained the Law of Truth was what had Timothy had learned as a child (before the Man of Truth died) that had made him wise unto salvation by faith in the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 3:14-15).

Paul the Jew not only wrote about the Law of Truth but he practiced what he preached.  He had circumcised Timothy the Jew in accordance with the Law of Truth (Acts 16:1-3).  He sailed pass the church at Ephesus so he could keep Pentecost (Shavuot) in Jerusalem as commanded in the Law of Truth (Acts 20:16).  When he arrived he learned that the other Jewish believers who were keeping the Law of Truth had been told that he taught that Jewish believers did not need to keep it (Acts 21:20-21).  He was told to take part in a vow given in the Law of Truth to show that he still kept the Law of Truth and taught no such thing (Acts 21:22-24). He then took part in the vow because he was still keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 21:26).  Paul the Jew continued to live under the Law of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20).

It is completely senseless to believe that Paul the Jew was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.

As we have already shown the Renewed Covenant is not at odds with the Law of Truth. In fact when we do what the Law of Truth calls right because of faith in the Man of Truth then we are not doing those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Romans 6:11-14).  The Renewed Covenant allows us to do what is written in the Law of Truth because it is written on our hearts instead on tablets of stone (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). The Spirit of Truth gives us the ability to do this when we put our trust in the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:4-6).  When we do what the Law of Truth says because the Spirit of Truth on the inside is leading us to do so then we no longer do those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18).  The Renewed Covenant is the same Law of Truth that was written on stone tablets in the Original Covenant being written on our hearts by the Father of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-10).  The Renewed Covenant has replaced the blood of bulls and goats with the precious blood of the Man of Truth so that we can be purged from doing what is contrary to the Law of Truth (Hebrews 9:13-15).  When we keep the commandments that the Father of Truth gave in the Law of Truth because we love Him and believe that the Man of Truth died for us then we no longer find it difficult to keep those commandments (1 John 5:1-3).  You can read about this process in more detail at Written On My Heart.

So what does the Renewed Covenant say is the place of the Law of Truth in the life of the Child of Truth?

A good place to start is with an examination of what does not apply to the Children of Truth. 

Sin brought death before the Law of Truth was ever given (Romans 5:12-14).  The Law of Truth was given so that we could understand that our sin brought us death (Romans 7:13).  The problem never was the Law of Truth for it was from the Spirit of Truth but it is with us because we are prone to sin so that we cannot keep it (Romans 7:14-15).  So even though the Law of Truth is good we cannot do what it demands because sin dwells in our human bodies (Romans 7:16-20).  This process is the law of sin and death that we need delivering from (Romans 7:21-24).  Everyone is under the curse of the Law of Truth for not doing everything it says (Galatians 3:10).

When we come into the House of Truth then another law, that of the Spirit of Truth giving us the ability to do what is right according to the Law of Truth resulting in life, sets us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2-4).  The handwriting of ordinances that were against us that the Man of Truth nailed to the cross was the penalty of death for breaking the Law of Truth (Colossians 2:13-15).  The Man of Truth became cursed under the Law of Truth in our place when he was crucified so we could be given the Spirit of Truth that would give us the ability to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Galatians 3:12-14). So it is the curse of the Law of Truth that does not apply to the Children of Truth.

This was illustrated by the Man of Truth and the woman caught in adultery. 

The Law of Truth gave the righteous command in the ten commandments that no one should commit adultery (Exodus 20:14).  The penalty for doing so was death (Leviticus 20:10).  The religious professionals brought the woman caught in adultery to the Man of Truth to see if he would do what the Law of Truth demanded (John 8:3-5).  Those that had two or three witnesses of their despising the Law of Truth by breaking it were to die without mercy (Hebrews 10:28).  She had sinned and was about to die for doing so. She was definitely under the curse of the Law of Truth.

The Man of Truth then removed her accusers from the court by convicting them of their own sin (John 8:6-9).  Without any witnesses against her she was free from paying the penalty for her sin under the Law of Truth and to begin a new life that did not have sin in it (John 8:10-11).  She had been set free from the law of sin and death.

The Man of Truth could set her free because he was going to die in her place.  The Man of Truth died for sinners so that they could be saved from the wrath that comes from breaking the Law of Truth (Romans 5:7-9).  So she was redeemed from the curse of the Law of Truth.

So what about the rest of the Law of Truth?

The first thing to recognize is that not all parts of the Law of Truth are equally important.  The Man of Truth said that the parts of the Law of Truth that dealt with justice, mercy and faith are more important than the parts that dealt with things like paying tithes (Matthew 23:23).  He said the greatest commandments in the Law of Truth are those that deal with loving the Father of Truth and other people (Mark 12:30-32).  We keep the most important parts of the Law of Truth when we follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth to do what it calls right (Romans 8:3-5). 

If we break the commandments of the Law of Truth concerning worshiping anyone other than the Father of Truth or the commandments concerning sexual relationships, the property of other people, drunkenness, events centered around sin, and extorting people then we will not have a part in His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Those that break these commandments of the Law of Truth concerning loving the Father of Truth and loving other people will not have a part with Him in eternity (Galatians 5:19-21).  Those that break those commandments of the Law of Truth will not be part of the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:5).  Those that continue to break these most important parts of the Law of Truth will have their part in the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Revelation 21:8).

When we love other people as we love ourselves then we will not break those commandments in the Law of Truth that protect people from harm (Romans 13:8-10).  We do what is written in the Law of Truth when we love people by treating them right (Galatians 5:14).   We will still be found guilty of breaking the Law of Truth if we do not treat people right (James 2:8-11).

So what about those lessor parts of the Law of Truth?

The Man of Truth said that even though doing justice to other people and having love for the Father of Truth were the most important parts those lessor parts of the Law of Truth like paying tithes should also be done (Luke 11:42). 

Most of those parts do not apply to anyone today. About two thirds of the commandments in the Law of Truth concern the Levites, the priests and the rituals of the Temple.  Since there is no Temple currently standing, then it should be obvious that those parts do not apply to anyone in this current age.

Other parts of the Law of Truth will bring blessings to anyone that keeps those commandments because when they do so then they are living their life in line with the Word of Truth.  For example, those that keep the commandments concerning eating the right diet and taking care of the human body as described in the Law of Truth will be blessed with better health.  This is described in The Best Healthcare Plan Ever.  Conversely, those that do not keep the commandments found in the Law of Truth concerning what to eat and not to eat will not experience the health benefits that are promised for doing so as explained in Does It Matter What I Eat?.  In like manner, those that pay tithes to support religious professionals that are engage in bringing people to the Man of Truth and teaching them how to live in line with the Book of Truth and otherwise give to others in the manner described in the Law of Truth will experience blessing in their finances as promised in the Law of Truth.  The Man of Truth said that these things should not be left undone so that people could receive the blessing that comes from doing them.

Do the remaining parts apply to everyone?

Even at the time of Moses there were Gentiles that lived among the people of Israel who were not obligated to keep certain commandments.  In fact, not only were they not obligated to do those things but they were not allowed to do many of those things like eating the Passover meal unless they first became Jews through circumcision (Exodus 12:43-49).  The Prophets of Truth also said that Gentiles could be righteous without first becoming Jews through circumcision (Isaiah 56:1-7).  Keeping those commandments that defined the righteousness of the Law of Truth was always more important than circumcision (Romans 2:25-27).  Though they were not physical descendants of Abraham and were not circumcised yet they still strived to do the more important parts of the Law of Truth because they had genuine respect for the Father of Truth (Acts 13:26).

Many of the Jewish Children of Truth had been blind to this and thought that the Gentiles had to become Jews through circumcision before they could come into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1).  They understood that those who become Jews through circumcision had to take on the obligations that the Law of Truth had for Jews (Acts 15:5).  Peter the Jew reminded them that the Father of Truth had reiterated tha this was not the case when the Gentiles, who were still uncircumcised, were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 15:7-11).  Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew then reminded them that the Father of Truth had confirmed this by doing miracles among the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 15:12).  James the Jew reminded them that this what He had spoken through the Prophets of Truth (Acts 15:13-18).  So the Apostles of Truth understood that only those more importants parts of the Law of Truth that define righteousness apply to the Gentile Children of Truth although they could still learn how to benefit from other parts (Acts 15:19-21).  The Apostles of Truth emphatically said that the Gentiles were under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that apply only to Jews (Acts 15:23-27).  The Spirit of Truth also said that the Gentile Children of Truth are under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that only apply to Jews so long as they keep the parts that define righteousness (Acts 15:28-29).

It is still beneficial for a Gentile to become a Jew through circumcision so that they can participate in things like the Passover meal as long they still keep the more important parts of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25). However, a Gentile believer that becomes a Jew through circumcision is obligated to keep all of the commandments that apply to them including those that are only for Jews (Galatians 5:3).

So the other parts of the Law of Truth like circumcision, wearing tzitzits (tassels with a blue thread) on the corners of clothing and the like only apply to Jewish believers.

Now you might be thinking that there is no difference between Gentiles and Jews in the Renewed Covenant so why would different parts of the Law of Truth apply to them?

First of all, Paul the Jew not only wrote that there was no difference between Gentile and Jew but he also wrote that there was no difference between men and women as well (Galatians 3:28).  It is obvious that some parts of the Law of Truth only applied to men, like circumcision, while other parts only applied to women, like ritual purification after child birth, so he obviously was not saying that there was no difference between people when it came to the Law of Truth.

He was saying that both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth by being born of the Spirit of Truth through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 5:5-6).  It is what the Man of Truth did on the cross that saves people whether they are circumcised or not (Galatians 6:14-16).  This is what causes both Jew and Gentile to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Colossians 3:8-13). So Jew and Gentile being the same in the House of Truth has nothing to do with which parts of the Law of Truth apply to them.

You might wondering about the wall of partition that was destroyed by the Man of Truth when Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth.  It is not reasonable that this is the entire Law of Truth since parts of it have already been shown to still be in effect in the life of every Child of Truth.  Then what is Paul the Jew referring to when he talks about the law of commandments contained in ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14-15)?

To understand what Paul the Jew is referring to you first have to know what the wall of partition is and what commandments of the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles.  It is just plain silly to think that he is saying that commandments in the Law of Truth like "You shall not murder" or "You shall not commit adultery" were somehow abolished by the Man of Truth contrary to his own statements.

The Temple had a middle war of partition that separated the Jews and the Gentiles called the Soreg and the penalty for a Gentile going though it was death.  Anyone that ate of the peace offering in the Temple while unclean would bring the death penalty upon himself according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 7:19-21).  Anyone that was unclean in the inner court would die for defiling the Temple according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 15:31).  Anyone that had touched a dead body and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:13).  Anyone that was in the presence of someone that died and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:14-20).  So a Gentile, particularly one that did not know the Law of Truth, was assumed to be unclean.  Therefore they would be put to death for defiling the Temple if they entered it  The wall of partition was there to keep them from doing so by accident.  These commandments from the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles.

It was these commandments that formed the ordinances of Temple purity that Paul the Jew was accused of breaking by bringing Trophimus the Gentile from Ephesus through the wall of partition when he was finishing his vow in the Temple (Acts 21:27-29). 

When Jews and Gentiles both come into the House of Truth then there is no middle wall of partition to separate them like the one in the Temple because those laws in the Law of Truth that put a strain between Jews and Gentiles have no meaning since the blood of the Man of Truth has made them both clean (Ephesians 2:11-16).   Since the Man of Truth is their high priest they can come boldly into his presence together without any concern of being unclean (Hebrews 4:15-16).

So the Law of Truth has a definite place in the life of the Child of Truth but not for salvation.  The Law of Truth cannot be kept perfectly because sin lives in the flesh of all people (Romans 8:3).  Yet the Law of Truth demands that you keep it perfectly to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:5).  So no one can come into the House of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth but only through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:15-16).  Otherwise the Man of Truth died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). 

The only way to come into the House of Truth is to know the one that Moses spoke of in the Law of Truth (John 1:45).   If you want to come into the House of Truth then you need to listen to the Law of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  After all, the Man of Truth is who Moses said in the Law of Truth that you must obey to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:20-23).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Written On My Heart

Why is the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) better than the Old Covenant?

When I was growing up in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas there was not much that people did not eat or try.   We knew almost nothing about what the Book of Truth (the Bible) said that people should and should not eat.  We were basically told that there had been rules for Jewish people but that they did not apply to Christians.  We were not even sure what those rules were except that Jews were not suppose to eat pigs.  For the most part, my grandparents on the farm ate meat from "normal" animals like cows, chickens and turkeys.  They were actually pretty close to eating only animals that the Book of Truth says are food except they ate pigs.  In fact, my grandfather loved pickled pig's feet.  Also my grandmother loved catfish even though my grandfather would not eat fish of any kind.

Then there was the family of my dad.  They ate everything that my grandparents ate plus a whole lot of other things.  They ate rabbits, squirrels, deer, frog legs, fish, crawdads, quail, ducks and perhaps some other game animals.  They liked to hunt and my brother David learned to hunt from them.  We pretty much ate whatever they said was good to eat.  One of my favorites was barbequed bunny and another was squirrel brains with eggs.

Then there were some of our neighbors.  If it moved someone was probably eating it.  Well, except for skunks because there is just no way to get the stink out of a skunk.  They would eat opossums, raccoons, groundhogs, snakes, and just about anything else that they could manage to kill.  One of my neighbors was so excited when Stove Top stuffing came out that she promptly used it to stuff a groundhog and served it for dinner.  In the winter, there was always some sort of critter in their stew pot.  We would simply call it mystery meat.  If you really wanted to know what it was then you had to go out to the back porch and try to figure out which of the skins was freshest.

When I got a job at a restaurant in Fayetteville I was introduced to yet more mysterious meats.  I am talking about crab, shrimp, clam and other types of things from the ocean.  The only time that I seen people eat these things was when I went to Gulf of Mexico when I was twelve and I thought that it was disgusting that people ate them at the time.  It did not take me long to be persuaded to try them and I found that I liked shrimp as long as it was deveined, coated and fried.  During this time I came into the House of Truth, then I was baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and soon my life began to change.

I joined the US Air Force and was soon I was living in Greece.  While in Greece I ate goat, sheep, prawns, squid (usually with spaghetti), shark, swordfish and just about anything else the Greeks could manage to cook for me.  My landlord had been a professional chef and he sure could cook.  In fact, I really loved Greek food and do not remember trying anything that the Greeks cooked that I did not like.  I even liked vegetables when the Greeks cooked them.  Apparently, slicing, coating and frying was not the best way to cook every vegetable like the family of my dad seemed to believe nor just boiling them like the family of my mother usually did.  All during this time I kept spending tremendous amount of time and effort to get closer to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka The Lord).

When I left the Air Force and moved back home something strange happened.  I went to visit my brother Jerry and he asked me if I wanted some barbequed bunny.  When he did I felt sick to my stomach and told him no thank you.  When I was driving home I thought, "Where did that come from? I love barbequed bunny.".

Over the next decade or so, this just kept happening over and over again as I kept pursuing hard after the Father of Truth.  I went to a place to eat catfish but I about threw up when I smelled catfish.  I went to eat Cajun food and could not bring myself to eat anything except the chicken.  When I saw someone eating a plate full of shrimp it might as well have been a plate full of cockroaches.  This continued on with one meat after another until I was left with only fish with scales, chickens, turkeys, quails, pheasants, deer, cows, goats, sheep and pigs.

Actually I did not really like pig meat anymore but I kept eating it because it was cheap.  Its taste could be disguised with enough seasoning either when it was processed into things like sausage and pepperoni or cured (From what? I always wondered.) like ham or bacon or just plain covered up when it was cooked like barbequed ribs.

Then one fateful night I went camping with a scouting group.  The adult leaders would take turns watching over the camp at night to keep the boys safe.  During my shift one of the leaders came over and told me that the Father of Truth did not want His Children eating what He called filth.  This really riled me up.  I proceeded to tell him, how I knew my rights according to the Renewed Covenant.  I told him, how I could eat anything I wanted, and still be in the House of Truth.  After I said my piece, he started telling about things in the Renewed Covenant, that I had never noticed.  He started explaining, how eating what the Father of Truth called filth, was wrecking my health.  Well, I start telling him, about why I thought, that he was wrong.  We went back and forth, all through my two hour shift, and then all through his two hour shift.  Finally, when his relief came, he said, that he was going to bed, and that the only reason, that I was so riled up, was because the Spirit of Truth, was dealing with me about my diet.  I laid down to go to bed, and thought, "Maybe he is right".

I got up the next morning to the smell of breakfast.  I went to get my Little Smokies and eggs when I smelled something so foul that I thought I was going to vomit right there in the camp.  I left the camp to get away from that smell as quickly as I could and barely kept my stomach contents in my stomach.  I soon realized that the horrible smell was the Little Smokies.  From that day, even the smell of pig meat can make me feel like vomiting.

I found this all very confusing.  I thought one thing with my mind but was experiencing something else completely different in my body and spirit.  I prayed in tongues until I reached the point where I could clearly hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth without distraction and finally asked what on Earth was going on.

The Spirit of Truth told me that the Law of Truth was being written on my heart so that eating those things that it called filth was now repulsive to me.  I was stunned.

I had thought that the Law of Truth had been done away with and that it had no application for the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) in the Renewed Covenant.  I had thought since we were under a better covenant built upon better promises that we could eat anything and still enjoy the health benefits promised in the Law of Truth.  In fact, even though I found eating those things that were called filth to be absolutely repulsive, I still thought it did not matter what other people ate.  It took a long time of looking into this in the Renewed Covenant, even in some cases having to read the source Greek manuscripts when translations disagreed, to find out that I was only partly right about that as explained in Does It Matter What I Eat.

This really should not have been so surprising.  The Spirit of Truth was given to the Children of Truth to guide them into all truth (John 16:13).   This same Spirit revealed everything that is written in the entire Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:20-21).

The Word of Truth found in the Book of Truth is what brings us to faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (John 17:17).  Faith in the Man of Truth is built upon the writings of the Prophets contained in the Original Covenant  (Tanach aka The Old Testament) as well as the writings of the Apostles contained in the Renewed Covenant and both came from the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).

The Law of Truth given in the Original Covenant only contains the truth (Psalm 119:142).  The Law of Truth came from the Spirit of Truth just like everything else in the Book of Truth (Romans 7:14).  The Law of Truth was added because of the transgressions of people that continued until the Man of Truth appeared (Galatians 3:19).  Before the Man of Truth came people were under the Law of Truth so it could bring them to him so they could have faith in him (Galatians 3:23-25).

The Man of Truth did not do away with the Law of Truth when he came but said that it is in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:17-18).  Faith in the Man of Truth does not do away with the Law of Truth but rather gives us the ability to do what it says (Romans 3:31).  No one can do what the Law of Truth says in their own strength (Romans 7:13-15).  However we do the things contained in the Law of Truth when we follow the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:3-5).  When we follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth and do what the Law of Truth says from our hearts then we are not under it to try vainly to do those same things in our own strength out of obligation (Galatians 5:18).

In fact, the Renewed Covenant was promised in the Original Covenant to those under the Law of Truth because they could not keep it out of obligation (Jeremiah 31:32-34).  The Renewed Covenant is nothing more than the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth on our hearts so we can do what it says from the heart (Hebrews 8:8-11).  The same Law of Truth that was once written on tablets of stone in the Original Covenant is now being written on our hearts in the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 10:15-17).

This is the circumcision of the heart that the Father of Truth promised in the Law of Truth so that we could love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 30:6).  This is the circumcision that is made inwardly in the heart that makes people into Jews on the inside instead of the circumcision made outwardly in the flesh that only makes people into Jews on the outside (Romans 2:28-29).  This circumcision that comes from faith in the Man of Truth causes us to no longer to desire do what is sinful (Colossians 2:10-11).  The sinful desires that are removed from this circumcision are those things that lead people to transgress what is written in the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).

It is having the Law of Truth written on our hearts that makes it possible to love the Father of Truth with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-6).  This is what the Man of Truth called the greatest commandment of the Law of Truth (Matthew 22:36-38).  This will cause us to also love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31).  So when the Law of Truth is written on our hearts then we fulfill it by doing what it commands to show love to our neighbor (Romans 13:8-10).

So the Renewed Covenant is way better than the Original Covenant because having the Law of Truth written on our hearts is much better than having it written on tablets of stone.

The Law of Truth began being written on my heart when I surrendered all control of my life to the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth is the one that has set me free from sinful desires when I decided to keep obeying Him in every area of my life to the best of my understanding (John 8:31-32).  He sent the Spirit of Truth to teach me the will of the Father of Truth (John 14:26).  He baptized me in the Spirit of Truth when I did not even know anything about speaking in tongues (Acts 11:15-17).  When I did not know what to pray but prayed in tongues then the Spirit of Truth gave me the words to seek after the will of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:26).  The Father of Truth is now working in me to give me the desire and ability to do His good pleasure because the Law of Truth is being written on my heart (Philippians 2:13).

You see the Law of Truth is being written on my heart because knowing the Man of Truth has caused me to seek hard after His Father with my whole heart in prayer and fasting.  The Father of Truth promised in the Law of Truth that everyone who seeks after Him with their whole heart will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29).  His promise is those who pursue after Him in prayer will find Him (Jeremiah 29:12-13).  The Man of Truth said anyone who seeks after Him will find Him (Matthew 7:7-9).  The Law of Truth will be written on the heart of anyone who seeks after Him with their whole heart.

In like manner the Law of Truth is being written on my my heart because knowing the Man of Truth has caused me to examine the Book of Truth so I can find out how to do what is pleasing to His Father.  Like the Jews at Berea I have looked into the Book of Truth for myself to find out what His will is (Acts 17:10-12).  I have studied the Book of Truth so I could do what He approves of by rightly understanding the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).  It was being born again that caused me to desire to know the Word of Truth like a baby desires milk (1 Peter 2:1-3).  Everything in the Book of Truth, both the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant, was given by the Father of Truth so His Children could know how to please Him (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  It pleases Him when the Children of Truth live according to the truth (3 John 1:4).  We live according to the truth when the Law of Truth is written on our hearts.

Lastly the Law of Truth is being written on my heart because knowing the Man of Truth has caused me to reject the traditions of men.  The religious professionals had rejected the commandments in the Law of Truth so they could keep their own traditions just like the Pharisees (Mark 7:7-9).  It was their traditions that I had been taught that had made me resistant to what the Law of Truth said (Mark 7:10-13).  Then my mind was renewed by the Word of Truth so I could know the will of the Father of Truth (Romans 12:2).  I did not find the commandments of the Father of Truth to be too hard to carry out because I love Him (1 John 5:2-4).  We obey the Father of Truth because we love him when the Law of Truth is written on our hearts.

It is also important to understand that the Law of Truth being written on my heart is an ongoing process.  Just as a book is not written all at once on paper so also the Law of Truth has not been written all at once on my heart. I have been becoming more like the Father of Truth with each new line of the Law of Truth that is written on my heart (2 Corinthians 3:18).  This will continue until I am finally just like the Man of Truth (1 John 3:2).

It is also important to understand how this process progresses.  The Man of Truth said that some parts of the Law of Truth were more important than others and those were the first to be written on my heart (Matthew 23:23).  He also said that the other parts still need to be done but only after the more important parts are done (Luke 11:42).  The commandments that define what is righteousness in the Law of Truth are the most important parts (Romans 2:25-27).  If these commandments of the Law of Truth were not written on my heart then I would not remain in of the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  Taking someone off the road to becoming a serial killer needs to be done before fixing their diet.

This process is not just about what you eat but breaking the power of any addiction in your life.  It is first and foremost about those things in your life that must change if you want to live with the Father of Truth.

You might want to do what is right but keep finding yourself doing the opposite even though you do not want to (Romans 7:15).  You cannot do what the Law of Truth says even if you agree with it because of you have no defense against your own flesh (Romans 7:16-18).  So you cannot do what is right and cannot cease to do what is wrong (Romans 7:19-21).  You are miserable because no matter how much you want to obey the Law of Truth you are a slave to sin even though you know that it will kill you (Romans 7:22-24).  The Good News is that the Man of Truth can set you free from this death spiral by causing the Law of Truth to be written on your heart (Romans 7:25-8:2)).

You must come into the House of Truth so that the Law of Truth can begin to be written on your heart (John 15:4-6).  You come into the House of Truth by submitting in total surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  When you come into the House of the Truth then the Spirit of Truth begins writing the Law of Truth on your heart so that you are changed from the inside out instead of writing it on stone to change you from the outside in (2 Corinthians 3:2-4).  When you come into the House of Truth your desires will change because the Law of Truth is being written on your heart (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Does It Matter What I Eat?

Does it matter what Christians eat?

There has been much controversy throughout the ages among the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) over what to eat and what not to eat.  The ideas on this cover the entire spectrum of possibilities.  On the one extreme, there are those who say, that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) made everything that moves, clean to eat.  On the other extreme, there are those who say, he never did any such thing, and that the Children of Truth must eat only, what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) says is food, to be saved. There are all kinds of positions between these extremes.   These positions are all attempts to answer one question: does it matter what I eat?

The reasons for all of the disagreement over the answer to such a simple question are many.

First of all, there is the problem that most people cannot read Hebrew and Greek so they must rely on a translation.  This is a problem because even though the original source texts have no significant differences in their words there can still be a significant difference between translations of those same source texts into another language.  A Hebrew and Greek word can have more than one meaning and sometimes a translator might pick the wrong one when translating.  This is a smaller problem since it happens infrequently.

The bigger problem is using a translation process that can lead to a misleading translation based on a preconceived notion of the translator.  If a translator uses the wrong translation process then the translation is certain to be wrong.  A wrong translation can only lead the readers to come to a wrong conclusion. This is why translators must be careful to use a translation process that gives as accurate of a translation as possible.  After all, they are translating the very words of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) and not some ancient government document from some long forgotten country that has disappeared in the dust of history.

Some translators attempt to stick as closely as possible with a word for word translation process while others will even use a paraphrase instead of an actual translation in a thought for thought translation process.  The thought for thought translators will even go so far as to add an entire sentence in their translation that was not in the original text because they believe that it should have been there.  So if you are reading a thought for thought translation of Mark 7:19 like the one in the NIV (New International Version) then you read an entire sentence like "(In saying this, Jesus declared all food clean.)" that is not in all translations.  This can lead you to a different conclusion than if you read Mark 7:19 in a word for word translation like the 21st Century King James translation used in this blog.  The fact is that this sentence  "(In saying this, Jesus declared all food clean.)" is not in the original text of any manuscript.  It was added to give false support to a viewpoint of that the translators already had before they translated Mark 7:19.  This has all kinds of other disturbing implications beyond just defining food.  You can learn more about this by reading One Disturbing Sentence.

Yet even when people use a good word for word translation like the 21st Century King James they can still come to different conclusions based on what other people have taught them regarding what the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) says about food.  Some people often use verses in the Renewed Covenant to show that what was called filth in the Law of Truth is now being called food while yet others point to other verses to say that there has been no such change.  The disagreements usually center around three verses where it can appear when each verse is taken out of context that Man of Truth or the Father of Truth have now called food what they called filth in the Law of Truth.  These disagreements can be resolved if people will actually look at what is actually being said in plain English in the passages that contain these verses.  It is plain when the context of the verse is considered that they did not mean any such thing.  You can see for yourself by reading I Did Not Mean That.

Then people will point to still yet other passages to show that what the Law of Truth called filth is now considered to be food in the Renewed Covenant.  Some of them will even say that Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew got some sort of special revelation that no one else got about food because he was being sent to the Gentiles.  The truth is there is not one verse in the Renewed Covenant when taken in the context of the entire passage ever says that what the Law of Truth called filth is now food.  You can read about every single one of these verses and the passages that they appear in to see for yourself in Food For Thought.

Still there are other cases where people do not even know for themselves what the Book of Truth (The Bible) actually calls food and what it calls filth. Some say that the Children of Truth should only eat vegetables because that is what Daniel did when he was in Babylon.  Others have just some vague idea that it means that they should not dine on swine.  Yet others believe that they need to follow the kashruth laid out by the Rabbis of Judaism to be sure that they are not eating filth.  The Book of Truth spells out exactly what is food and what is filth in plain terms that do not require any special training to understand.  You can know for yourself what it says is food and what it says is filth by reading What's For Dinner?.

Even though the Renewed Covenant never called food the things that the Law of Truth called filth and it is the Book of Truth that defines what is food and what is filth there still remains controversy.  Some people say that the Children of Truth must stop eating filth to be saved.  Others say that it does not really matter if the Children of Truth are eating filth because they are saved.  Yet others say that the Renewed Covenant is a better covenant than the Original Covenant (Tanak'h aka Old Testament) so it really does not impact the day to day life of the Children of Truth when they eat filth.  The question still needs to be answered: does it matter what I eat?

The best way to answer this question accurately is to break it down to three other questions.  The answers to these questions will provide a complete answer for the question: does it matter what I eat?

Does what I eat have any impact on my salvation?

The Man of Truth said that not everything in the Law of Truth has equal weight because justice, mercy and faith are the most important parts of it (Matthew 23:23).  It is loving the Father of Truth above everything else and loving your neighbor as yourself that fulfills the righteous demands of the Law of Truth (Mark 12:29-31).  It is fulfilling these righteous demands that is necessary to be counted as one of the Children of Truth (Romans 2:25-27).  It is breaking these weightier commandments that prevent people from being counted as one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:8-10).  Eating filth is not one of these weightier commandments that will cause people to be put out of the House of Truth (Galatians 5:19-21).

In fact, keeping the Law of Truth cannot make anyone righteous (Romans 3:19-20).  The Law of Truth testifies that only faith in the Man of Truth can make anyone righteous (Romans 3:21-23).  The entire point of the Law of Truth is to bring people to faith in him so that they can fulfill its righteous demands (Romans 10:4).  If people could have been made righteous by the Law of Truth then he died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). 

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) is given to every Child of Truth to help them fulfill the righteous demands of the Law of Truth because of what he did on the cross (Romans 8:3-5).  Those that have faith in the Man of Truth can now keep the righteous demands of the Law of Truth because His Father is writing those laws on their hearts (Hebrews 10:16).

For these reasons the Apostles of Truth said that the Gentiles did not need to avoid eating filth to be saved even though they could learn more about the Law of Truth later (Acts 15:19-21).  The Spirit of Truth said that the only things they needed to avoid eating to be saved were things offered to idols, strangled animals and blood (Acts 15:28-29).  Even though Paul the Jew and the other Jewish Children of Truth continued to observe the less weighty matters of the Law of Truth, like not eating filth, they never gave any such commandment to the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 21:24-26).  Who do we think we are to do so?

There is no commandment in the Renewed Covenant for people to not eat what it still calls filth.  There is no penalty for eating filth in the Renewed Covenant.  In fact, there is not even a penalty given in the Law of Truth for doing so.  No one comes into the House of Truth by eating only what the Law of Truth calls food .  They come into the House of Truth by doing what is right through faith in the Man of of Truth (Romans 14:16-18).  Eating filth or not eating filth has absolutely no impact on salvation.

Does what I eat have any impact on my life?

This does not mean that eating filth will have absolutely no impact on any other part of your life.  Just because you are allowed to eat filth does not mean that it is wise to do so (1 Corinthians 10:23).

It is not wise because you cannot gain the promised benefits without keeping the commandments. What commandments come with promises?

Out of the ten commandments there is only one that comes with a promise (Deuteronomy 5:7-22).  Paul the Jew said that the promise for obeying the commandment in the Law of Truth for people to honor and obey their parents is still valid and that this was this was the first commandment to come with a promise (Ephesians 6:1-3).  Since the other nine commandments did not come with a promise and he said this one was the first commandment to come with a promise then there must be other commandments in the Law of Truth that come with a promise.

The commandments to not eat filth, even though there is no punishment given for breaking them, are part of a set of commandments that come with a set of promises.  There is a promise of healing instead being afflicted with disease (Exodus 15:26).  There are promises to also resolve all reproductive issues, have no miscarriages and for no one to die young for those that only eat what He calls food (Exodus 23:24-26).  There are even promises for no one having any genetic issues or birth defects (Deuteronomy 7:13-15).  He promises that keeping His commandments will add days to your lifespan so that you live a long and healthy life (Proverbs 3:1-2).  These promises are still for today because the Father of Truth still desires for the Children of Truth to be in health if they will just do what He has revealed in the Word of Truth (3 John 1:2-4).  The promises for keeping these commandments are part of the healthcare plan that is given by the Father of Truth.  You can read about more about these promises in The Best Healthcare Plan Ever.

You might be wondering if it is really necessary to avoid eating filth to obtain better health in the Renewed Covenant.  There has long been a line of thought among the Children of Truth that they can somehow get the benefits that are promised in the Original Covenant for doing things like not eating filth while they continue to do things like eat filth because of something that is in the Renewed Covenant.  Although there have been various reasons given they have been best summarized in one expression:  The Renewed Covenant is a better covenant based on better promises so we should be able to get benefits that are least as good as those promised in the Original Covenant without meeting the conditions that were laid out for getting those benefits in the Original Covenant.

Were these various teachers right?

Since the thought is that they should be getting at least equal benefits without having to meet the conditions then a good place to start would be a brief overview of the benefits promised in the Original Covenants.

As already shown, these benefits basically amount to never being sick and living a long life.  How many years is a long life?  When people became wicked before the flood the Father of Truth announced that he was reducing the normal lifespan of people to 120 years of age (Genesis 6:3).  Moses, to whom was given the Law of Truth, demonstrated this when he died at 120 years of age in full strength with good eyesight (Deuteronomy 34:7).

Yet they have tried to obtain the promises in the Law of Truth without meeting the conditions given in the Law of Truth for those promises.  So how did that work out for them?

The proof is in the pudding.  Of the strongest modern proponents of this view the best any of them has done is to live to eighty six years of age.  Then he died from disease - a stroke and a heart attack (heart disease).  Others who believed this did not even live unto sixty years of age but died from cancer and the like.  In other words, they all died of sickness and disease while not even being close to 120 years of age.  They did not die at 120 years of age in full strength like Moses.   They were not able to get the promised benefits of the Law of Truth without meeting the conditions given in the Law of Truth.

Still it is true that the Renewed Covenant secured by the blood of the Man of Truth is a better covenant built upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6).  It has many better promises that are based on the promise of the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth internally upon the hearts of the Children of Truth instead of being written externally on tablets of stone (Hebrews 8:8-10).  It has the promise that everyone can know Him for themselves instead of needing to go to select individuals to have access to Him (Hebrews 8:11).  It has the promise of sin being removed instead of just covered up (Hebrews 8:12).

However, there is not one promise in the Renewed Covenant that says people can now eat what the Law of Truth called filth and still get all the benefits of health promised in the Law of Truth.  This has never worked.  It is nothing more than a man made tradition that has blinded many of the Children of Truth from the truth of what the Renewed Covenant says about food.  In the words of one of those teachers, "people have been religiously brainwashed instead of being New Testament taught".

Do not get me wrong.  I am in no way saying that these men were false prophets or false teachers or any such thing.  I have greatly benefited from many things that they did teach. However, even the greatest among the Children of Truth are sometimes wrong.

Elisha was a great prophet that operated in twice the power of the Spirit of Truth as Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-12).  He healed a woman of barrenness even though she had no faith to get well (2 Kings 4:14-17).  He even raised the dead (2 Kings 4:32-36).  Yet he died from sickness (2 Kings 13:14).  Even the greatest among the Children of Truth can fail to obtain everything that is promised.

The Father of Truth gave a better testimony of the reign of King Josiah than even that of  King David (2 Kings 22:1-2).  Yet he died at thirty eight years of age because he did not discern the will of the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 35:21-24).  Even the greatest among the Children of Truth are sometimes wrong.

So it matters what you eat because it will impact your health.

Does what I eat have any impact on my relationship with the Father of Truth?

Even though eating filth will not keep you out of the House of Truth, I am in no way advocating that you should go ahead and eat what the Law of Truth calls filth.  What you eat still has importance after you come into the House of Truth.

The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth and said that it would remain in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:17-18).  He said those that teach others to break the least of its commandments will be called least in his kingdom (Matthew 5:19). He said that even though you must attend to the weightier matters of the Law of Truth first it does not mean that you should not also take care of the other matters also (Luke 11:42).  Faith in the Man of Truth is not contrary to the Law of Truth but give us the ability to do what it says (Romans 3:31).

It is the traditions of men that have caused the Children of Truth to eat what the Father of Truth calls filth in His Law (Mark 7:9).  The one behind those traditions has been the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) who creates all lies (John 8:44).  This thief wants to rob the Children of Truth of the health that they are promised for eating only what the Law of Truth says is food (John 10:10).

For this reason there has been a fight centered around the definition of food that has been going on since man was created. The Father of Truth has His definition of food and filth while the Father of Lies has a different definition.  You can read about this fight in greater detail in the The Biggest Food Fight Ever.

Letting the Father of Truth decide what is food and what is filth is a matter of faith in His promises.  Abraham was circumcised to show faith in His promises for being made into a great nation (Genesis 17:5-11).  In the same way when you avoid eating filth then you show faith in His promises for health (James 2:20-24).

The Father of Truth said that those that are willing to let Him decide what they can eat are being holy like He is holy (Leviticus 11:45-47).  The Father of Truth has not changed (James 1:17).  He still wants us to be holy in every area of our lives (1 Peter 1:14-16).

If you have already trusted the Father of Truth with your life so why not trust Him with your diet? He wants you to not just have faith in what He says about the larger things like righteousness but also about the smaller things like eating.

So while what you eat is not as important as some other things what you eat is not altogether unimportant either.  It is part of a larger pattern of who you let define what is fit for your life and what is too filthy to be in your life.  When you choose to eat only what the Father of Truth calls food then you are denying the Father of Lies even that small place in your life.  The Father of Truth does not want you to give the Father of Lies even the smallest place in your life (Ephesians 4:25-27).

If you are a Child of Truth then you are already in the House of Truth.  However when you decide to eat only what the Father of Truth says is food then you stop eating the filth from the garbage can on the porch and start eating the food from His table in the dining room.  So it matters what you eat because eating only what the Father of Truth calls food involves Him in even the smallest details of your life and deepens your relationship with Him.

If you have never came into the House of Truth then what you eat is not really that important.  You will gain some health benefits by not eating filth but that is all.  What good does it really do for you to live to a hundred and twenty years old, die in full strength to only spend eternity in Hell (Mark 8:36)?  You need to come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of every area of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  You need to come into the House of Truth so that you can have the filth of sin removed from your life (1 John 1:9).

Come into the House of Truth.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Death of the Celtic Tiger

Why is modern Ireland like ancient Egypt?

From 1995 to 2000 Ireland had one of the fastest growing economies in the world.  In fact, Ireland reached the second highest per capital income in the world (close behind the USA) at one point.  This period of unprecedented growth in the Irish economy is known as the Celtic Tiger.

The Celtic Tiger was more than just growth of the Irish economy.  It was the explosive growth of everything Irish.  The influence of Ireland also grew to an unprecedented level in its long history.  It seemed like almost overnight Irish culture took the world by storm.  Shows featuring Irish entertainment like river dancing and Celtic music from Ireland had sold out crowds in large venues all over the world.  Ireland, Irish people and Irish culture became featured in many movies like "Titanic".  A book about how Ireland saved Western Civilization became an international best seller.  Irish pubs featuring Irish food popped up in places where they had never been before.

The Celtic Tiger was also the beginning of a rare period of peace in Ireland. The almost 35 years long guerrilla war called “The Troubles” that was fought between mostly Protestant Loyalists and mostly Catholic Republicans quickly collapsed soon after the Celtic Tiger began to rise.

The Celtic Tiger began to slow down considerably during the early 2000's.  The rate of economic growth fell to about half of what it had been.  Irish culture began to wane in popularity.  Ireland began to lose its influence in European and world politics.

Then suddenly it all came to an end in 2008.  The interest of the world in Irish culture ended as well as the influence of Ireland.  It was the death of the Celtic Tiger.

Irish people everywhere would like to see the Celtic Tiger resurrected.  If this is to be done then one has to determine what caused the Celtic Tiger to be born, what caused it to grow, what caused it to decline and, most importantly of all, what brought about the death of the Celtic Tiger.

Some people have said that the Celtic Tiger happened in Ireland because of a low tax rate on corporations there, its trade advantages that came from it belonging to the EU, English being the common language of Ireland, its lower wages and its timezone advantage for dealing with problems early compared to the US.  However, all of these things were true from 1973 to the present and cannot account for the birth, growth and death of the Celtic Tiger.  Nor can the favorable industry polices that Ireland adopted at the start of the Celtic Tiger to attract companies like Dell, Intel and Microsoft because those policies are still in effect.

There obviously has to be another factor that caused things to change in Ireland in direct response to it.  So while there are many threads that weave together the story of the Celtic Tiger real understanding can only come from finding the thread that tied everything else together.  Fortunately there is one single thread of the story of Celtic Tiger that when followed reveals the answer to all of these questions.

This thread begins with the double taxation treaty of 1995 between Israel and Ireland that opened up the markets for Irish exports to not just Israel but indirectly to many of the trading partners of Israel in the Middle East.  Ireland was one of the most pro-Israel nations in the world in 1995 and went out of its way to ensure a fair trading policy with Israel when other European nations were moving towards boycotts of products from Israel.  This treaty that was created to show solidarity with Israel brought about the birth of the Celtic Tiger.

As trade with Israel expanded so did the relationship between the two countries.  Israel used its influence with American tech companies, often headed by American Jews, to demonstrate the advantages of Ireland over other EU countries for European operations.  Ireland kept buying more products and services from Israel that were needed to make it into a viable headquarters for the European operations of tech companies and as a leading center for American companies to use for off shoring information technology work.  Of course, there was a lot more than just information technology being exchanged.

Ireland would buy Israel products and use them to make Irish products to resell to other EU countries that were boycotting Israel.  Ireland would buy products from these same EU countries, use them to make Irish products and resell them to Israel.   Israel could then resell these products to other Middle Eastern countries.  In effect, Ireland acted as a broker to make Israeli products available in EU countries that were boycotting Israeli products and Israel acted as a broker to make Irish products avail to countries in the Middle East that had no direct ties to Ireland.

The same dynamics applied to cultural products such as Celtic music and river dancing.  The connections that Jews in Israel had with Jews in the American entertainment industry made it possible to introduce America and the world to these treasures.

These types of mutually beneficial relationships spread across all areas of the economy so that Ireland and Israel went from about 75 million dollars of trade with each other when the agreement was signed in 1995 to over 400 million dollars of trade with each other in 2000.  The Celtic Tiger had enjoyed a five year long growth spurt that took it from being a cub to being a fierce competitor in the business world. 

This friendship grew deeper and deeper so that by the year 2000 Ireland had became the number one tourist destination for Israelis vacationing abroad.  However, this would soon change due to forces that already been at work in the underbelly of Irish society.

When "The Troubles" ended with the Belfast Agreement in 1998, there were suddenly a lot of out of work terrorists in Ireland.  The heads of these various terrorist organizations had managed to profit quite nicely from "The Troubles", but many had lost their influence when peace broke out.  They had strong ties to Libya and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) until about 1987.  They lost favor with the PLO when they turned down an offer of weapons and training, because they were certain that it was impossible for weapons to be smuggled out of the area without alerting Israeli intelligence.  So the PLO began working with the Irish government instead.  Israeli intelligence was also suspected in helping to end the supply of weapons from Libya in 1987 as well.  Without these Muslim sources of arms, money, and training, the Irish terrorists would eventually lose their ability to wage an effective terrorist campaign.  They had little choice but to accept a cease fire in 1997, and negotiate for the best deal that they could get in 1998.

As these heads of terrorist organizations moved from terrorism to politics, they began to court favor with the PLO, who was now in cahoots with many of the politicians in Ireland, particularly from the opposition party Fianna Fail, when the double taxation treaty had been signed with Israel in 1995.  The Fine Gael party that was in power when the trade treaty with Israel was negotiated and signed, had a long history of being in total opposition to achieving Irish Republicanism by violence.  The Fianna Fail party that took over in 1997, had a long history of working with political parties that supported such terrorist tactics.  So when the Belfast Agreement was signed in 1998, these Irish terrorists began a new tactic to restrengthen their ties with the PLO and other Islamic terrorist organizations.  They began to stir up public sentiment for the PLO, their fellow terrorists, and against Israel, who they painted as being like the British.  They waged an effective campaign to convince the Irish people that the PLO really just wanted peace, but the Israelis had came and taken away their land.

Of course, this was an obvious lie, being that there never was a country called Palestine, to begin with.  Palestine was what the Romans renamed the providence of Judaea, after the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, when they expelled most of the Jews from it in 135 AD, to add insult to injury.  Between then, and when the state of Israel was born in 1948 AD, one foreign power after another ruled the land of Israel.  Not once, during that entire time, was there ever an Arab country called Palestine.

In fact, when Mark Twain went diagonally across the country of modern Israel from Haifa to Jerusalem in 1867, he said, the land was totally empty to the point that he did not see so much as a goat for three or four days.  When he arrived in Jerusalem, he was very disappointed.  It had a very small population, and was about 75 percent Jewish, with the remainder being composed mostly of professionals from various religions, who took care of their particular religious sites.  There simply were never millions of Arabs living in present day Israel for the Jews to push out.  Most of the Arabs of British Mandate Palestine had immigrated into Israel, to seek employment from the Jews, when the Jews made the place livable again, after they had began returning in 1870 AD.

These facts did not seem to matter to the Irish public.  Many of them still resented the British being in the six northern most counties of Ireland, which is known as Northern Ireland.  They still held up the Irish terrorists as the heroes of Ireland, and simply wanted to believe their stories about the struggle of the PLO against Israel - no matter how far fetched they were.   They simply wanted to believe these stories, which had no more validity than stories of leprechauns leading people to pots filled with gold.

This campaign to sell the Irish public on this faerie tale was very effective.  The Fianna Fail party had long managed to be a mainstay of Irish politics, because it responded to the mood of the Irish public.  The Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland) Bertie Ahern formally announced in September of 2000, the support of Ireland for the PLO against Israel.  This was the beginning of the decline of the Celtic Tiger.

The next Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, also from Fianna Fail, took things even a step further.  He visited Yasir Arafat and snubbed Israel in 2003, even though Palestinian terrorism against Israel was at its height, and virtually no one believed that Yasir Arafat wanted peace.  The same Irish government in that year openly opposed Israel building the security wall, which effectively ended that phase of Palestinian terrorism.  In 2004, it began working inside of the EU, to effect an EU wide boycott of Israel.  In 2006, it blocked the US from using the Shannon airport to deliver military equipment to Israel, during the war to end terror attacks originating from Lebanon.  All during this time, the economic growth of Ireland that had been fueled by its cooperation with Israel, continued to wane with short periodic relapses.  The Celtic Tiger was being destroyed by a cancer from within.

Then, in May 2008, an outright boycott of Israeli goods and services across Ireland was initiated by IMPACT (the Irish Municipal, Public And Civil Trade union).  Shortly after that, Ireland had its first economic collapse since 1983.  The lifeblood of the Celtic Tiger had been trade with Israel, and the influence of Israeli business men with Jewish business men across the world, to do business with Ireland.  This boycott ended most of the main economic advantages that Ireland had over other EU countries, which had previously boycotted Israel.  Israel would now have to look for another country to provide, what Ireland had provided since 1995.  It was the death of the Celtic Tiger.

Now this synchronization of events in the Ireland-Israel relationship with the birth, growth, decline, and death, of the Celtic Tiger might seem to be just a strange set of coincidences, if taken by itself.  After all, since Israel was vital in helping Irish economy rise in the first place, then it only makes sense that Irish economy would fall, once they pushed Israel out of it.  However, this is not an isolated incidence, nor a historical glitch, but rather only one of hundreds of similar stories.  These stories all follow a similar pattern: the Jews are helped and things begin to prosper, then the Jews are resented and things begin to decline, finally the Jews are mistreated and things come to ruin.

For example, consider the British Empire that had been headquartered just across the Irish Sea from Ireland.  England had become a safe haven for Jews that were being expelled or persecuted in other countries in Europe.  These Jews brought their talents with them and the British Empire began to be revitalize after a long period of stagnation.  The only Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli, created a foreign policy that significantly expanded the British Empire.  As this policy was followed by successive Prime Ministers the British Empire continued to grow until it wrapped around the Earth.  It was literally true that the sun never set on the British Empire.

Then came WWI (World War I).  The Germans blockaded Brazil and cut off England's main supply of saltpeter which was necessary to create gunpowder.  A Jewish chemist named Chaim Weizmann discovered a way to create gunpowder without saltpeter.  The British were saved from certain defeat and went on to win WWI.  The British got British Mandate Palestine from the Ottoman Turks along with other assets from the Axis powers as part of the treaty of Versailles.  The British Empire was now at its peak.

The British King, George V, offered Weizmann anything that he wanted as a reward for saving the British Empire.  Weizmann asked for all of British Mandate Palestine to be given to the Jewish people for a homeland since many of the British had came to resent the Jews being in Britain despite their various contributions to British society.  The British agreed and issued the Balfour Declaration. 

Then the British began taking back parts of British Mandate Palestine from the Jews contrary to their agreement.  They gave everything east of the Jordan River to the Arabs - which was about 70 percent of the land that they had promised.  They then cut out one piece after another until the Jews were left with a bunch of small enclaves that were not even connected together.  Finally, the British left them in these enclaves with General Cunningham remarking that without British protection the Arabs would push the Jews into the sea.  He was wrong and on May 14, 1948 Israel was born a nation in a single day.

During this same time the British lost a piece of their empire each time they took away a piece of what they had promised to the Jews.  By the time Israel became a nation they had lost about everything except their homeland.  They had went from ruling over 700 million people outside of Britain when the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917 to ruling about 5 million foreign subjects in 1948.  Their entire infrastructure had been destroyed by German bombs in WWII (World War II).  They were completely bankrupt and only saved from starvation by a massive loan from the US that they did not finish paying back until 2006.  The sun had set on the British Empire.

There are hundreds of examples of this exact same pattern that happened with the Celtic Tiger and the British Empire that has played out over and over again in history whether it is an empire, an country, a city, or even a business.  If history has only one lesson to learn it is this: Don't screw with the Jews.

What causes this pattern that was demonstrated by the Celtic Tiger?  Are the Jews just so clever and smart that they somehow manage to always get the upper hand?  Do they run some sort of global clandestine operation that manages to control the destiny of anything they come across?  Do the Jews possess some sort of better DNA that makes them more fit than everyone else?  Are Jews just somehow lucky?

There is an outside force that orchestrates the events that bring this pattern to pass time after time.  This outside force and the pattern shown by the Celtic Tiger is explained completely in the Book of Truth (The Bible).

This outside force is the Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord).   The Celtic Tiger was born, grew, declined and died due to a promise that He had made.  He promised Abraham (Abram) that He would bless those that blessed Abraham and curse those that curse Abraham if Abraham would move to Canaan (modern Israel) (Genesis 12:1-3).  Abraham took Him up on the deal (Genesis 12:4-6).  The Father of Truth then extended this promise to his descendants if Abraham would be circumcised (Genesis 17:7-11). He promised to provide these descendants through a son that his old and barren wife would bear named Isaac (Yitzhak) (Genesis 17:19-21).  Abraham took Him up on this deal as well (Genesis 17:24-26).  The Father of Truth then announced that Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) would be the one to start the nation that this promise would come upon (Genesis 25:23-26).  Isaac then passed this promise to Jacob (Genesis 25:27-30).  The Father of Truth confirmed that his descendents were the one chosen to receive this promise and to be given the land of Canaan when He changed the name of Jacob to Israel (Genesis 35:10-12).

This pattern demonstrated in the Celtic Tiger can be plainly seen in the history of ancient Egypt.

A Jew named Joseph (the son of Israel) told Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, that the Father of Truth was telling him that the economy was about to have a major boom followed by a terrible depression (Genesis 41:29-32).  He then told the Egyptians how to prepare for a coming disaster (Genesis 41:33-36).  Pharaoh and all the leaders recognized that the Father of Truth was with Joseph the Jew (Genesis 41:37-39).  Joseph the Jew became the prime minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:40-43).  Joseph the Jew was treated as a national hero throughout Egypt and called "savior of the world" (Zaphnath Paaneah) for saving Egypt from ruin (Genesis 41:44-46).  (After he died the Egyptians deified him and called him Imhotep.)  This was like the birth of the Celtic Tiger.

Not only Joseph, but all the Jews were held in high esteem by the government of Egypt for their industrious work (Genesis 47:4-6).  The king of Egypt was blessed when Israel was around (Genesis 47:7-10).  When Israel died the Egyptians mourned for him as one of the great men of Egypt (Genesis 50:2-3).  The Egyptians had a massive burial procession when he was buried because they recognized how much his family, the Jews, had blessed Egypt (Genesis 50:7-9).  The Jews continued to grow in number and influential in the society of Egypt long after the initial Jewish immigrants had died off (Exodus 1:5-7).  The years that the Jews, the family of Israel, were appreciated Egypt enjoyed great prosperity like the growth of the Celtic Tiger.

Then new leadership arose that made baseless accusations against the Jews because he resented them (Exodus 1:8-10).  So the heart of the people of Egypt were turned against the Jews and they began to oppress them (Exodus 1:11-13).  This was the beginning of the decline of Egypt just like the beginning of the decline of the Celtic Tiger.

Since the king of Egypt refused to cease oppressing the Jews the Father of Truth brought disaster after disaster upon the land of Egypt (Exodus 7:4).  These disasters were so terrible that the people of Egypt were in awe of the Jews (Exodus 11:1-3).  However, the king still refused to recognize that these disasters came upon Egypt for oppressing the Jews (Exodus 11:8-10).  Finally, the Father of Truth brought a disaster that killed at least one person in each Egyptian home (Exodus 12:28-30). The kingdom of Egypt was in decline like the decline of the Celtic Tiger.

The Egyptians begged the Jews to leave them and go to the land of Israel (Exodus 12:31-33).  The Jews took the wealth that the Egyptians owed them for their labor when they left (Exodus 12:35-36). Without the Jews the Egyptians soon realized that their economy was doomed so they tried to force the Jews to return to Egypt (Exodus 14:5-7).  When they did this they lost their political leaders and their army (Exodus 14:28-30).  So Egypt came to economic ruin and lost its influence just like the death of the Celtic Tiger.

So modern Ireland is like ancient Egypt because its prosperity was also determined by how it treated the Jewish people and Israel.

You might be wondering why the Father of Truth has based the prosperity of everyone that Jews encounter on how they treat the Jewish people and Israel.

There is nothing special or superior about the Jewish people.  They were not chosen to be the instrument of blessing and cursing because they were the strongest or best (Deuteronomy 7:6-7).  It is not because they were more more willing to obey Him for they were stiffnecked and provoked Him to almost destroy them (Deuteronomy 9:6-8).` The Jews are no better than the Gentiles (Romans 3:9).

This protection of the Jewish people and Israel is to fulfill the promises that the Father of Truth made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Deuteronomy 9:5).  He is as sure to keep these promises as day and night are to continue (Jeremiah 33:25-26).  The Jews are still loved and protected even after most of them have rejected the Man of Truth (Yah'shua aka Yeshua aka Jesus aka Mashiach aka Messiah aka Christ) because that is what His Father promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Romans 11:28-29).  The Father of Truth must keep this promise because He cannot lie (Titus 1:2).

This promise of protection was first made to Abraham as part of a plan to save the entire human race (Genesis 12:3).  Abraham was not chosen to be used to save the human race in some willy-nilly fashion but because the Father of Truth knew that he would command his descendents and those that were joined to his house to obey His commandments (Genesis 18:17-19).  Despite their many weaknesses and flaws, Isaac and Jacob continued to follow Him as well (Genesis 31:53).  So in due time the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) was given to Moses so that the people of Israel could be taught His commandments (Exodus 24:12).  So even though most of Israel did not keep His commandments there was always a remnant that did so which He spared from judgment so that His plan to save the human race could continue (Isaiah 1:7-9).   He committed the Word of Truth to them even if most of them did not believe it (Romans 3:1-3).  He committed everything to them because they were the people of THE JEW - the Man of Truth (Romans 9:3-5).  He has never cast off the people of THE JEW and taken away this promise of protection but has continued to use Jews like Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew to carry out His plan (Romans 11:1-2).  It was Jews like Paul that have been used to bring the Gentiles (non-Jews) back to the Father of Truth and when Israel returns to Him it will be life from the dead for the entire human race (Romans 11:13-15).  The Jews and Israel continue to be protected because the salvation of the entire human race depends upon all of Israel accepting THE JEW as their king so that they will all be saved (Romans 11:25-27).  The promise of protection will never end because this promise depends upon the faithfulness of the Father of Truth to their fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) instead of their faithfulness to Him (Romans 11:28).

The good news is that this promise of protection is available to anyone that will come into the House of Truth.  Since Abraham did not withhold his only son from the Father of Truth he was promised a two part seed, one part that was of the Earth like sand, the Jews and Israel, while the other part was of heaven like the stars, the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) (Genesis 22:16-18).  Both Jews and Gentiles will be treated according to whether or not they came into the House of Truth (Romans 2:5-11).  Both those that are Jews and Gentiles by their ancestry are elevated to being part of that heavenly seed when they come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:32).  Both Jews and Gentiles can can only be saved by coming into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:14-16).  The Father of Truth gave His Son so that the blessing of Abraham can come upon the Gentiles as well as the Jews that come into the House of Truth (Galatians 3:12-14).  The Gentiles can only come into the House of Truth by the Father of Truth keeping his promise to THE SEED OF ABRAHAM of protection for the Jews and Israel (Galatians 3:15-18).

THE SEED OF ABRAHAM, the Man of Truth, was given by the Father of Truth to be lifted up on a cross so that you can come into House the Truth (John 3:14-16).  You can come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth and remain there then you too will inherit the promises given to Abraham (Hebrews 6:10-12).

Come into the House of Truth

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