The Law Of Truth
What place does the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) have in the life of the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth to the best of their ability because they love Him)?
There is much confusion among the Children of Truth over the Law of Truth. On one extreme there are those that say that it is no longer in effect and has no place in the life of the Children of Truth. On the other extreme there are also those that say those the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth to be saved. Then there are all kinds of teachings about the Law of Truth that are somewhere in between these two extremes.
There are a number of reasons for this confusion even among those that have been following the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) for a long time. For most of these people this confusion really comes from two places.
First, the religious professionals are usually very inconsistent in their teachings about the Law of Truth. Many religious professionals will proclaim that the Children of Truth are not under any obligation to obey any of it but then will post the Ten Commandments found in it on the walls of their meeting places and will use it to show that the Children of Truth should pay tithes to support them. Yet other religious professionals will use the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) to show that the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth but then will neglect to teach the Children of Truth to do many things that the Man of Truth commanded even though the Law of Truth said that people must obey him. In short, there is a partial application of the Law of Truth and a partial application of the Renewed Covenant by most religious professionals. They only disagree on which parts of the Law of Truth and which parts of the Renewed Covenant apply to the Children of Truth in this current age. So one tells the Children of Truth one thing while another tells them another. If the teachers are mixed up then how can the students not be mixed up?
Second, the Children of Truth have been relying on religious professionals to tell them about the place that the Law of Truth is to have in their lives instead of studying the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find out for themselves. They simply are neglecting to use the only means to discern all truth when it comes to the Law of Truth. So they really have no way of knowing if a religious professional is right about the Law of Truth or not because they do not know what the Book of Truth says. If a religious professional is a persuasive speaker but is wrong about the Law of Truth then they too will believe something that is wrong about the Law of Truth.
So in order to help clear up the confusion we are going to study what the Book of Truth actually says about the Law of Truth. We are going to pay particular attention to what the Renewed Covenant says about the Law of Truth since that is the covenant that the Children of Truth are under in this current age.
The first thing to notice about the Law of Truth is that Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord) is the one that gave it (Exodus 16:4). It was not some set of laws created by Moses, the elders of Israel or the Jewish people but it came from the mouth of the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1-3). The Law of Truth is the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Exodus 24:12).
You might be wondering why people call it the Law of Moses if it really came from the Father of Truth.
The Father of Truth gave the Law of Truth to everyone else by the hand of Moses (Leviticus 26:46). Moses set the Law of Truth before the people of Israel that he had been given by the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:44). Moses passed the Law of Truth on to the elders and priests of Israel (Deuteronomy 31:9). For these reasons the Law of Truth is sometimes called the Law of Moses even though the Father of Truth is the One who wrote it (Joshua 8:30-32). So the Law of Truth was given by Moses to everyone else even though he received it from the Father of Truth (John 1:17). It would be more precise to call it "the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses" but that would be a bit wordy.
Next we need to consider that the Law of Truth is part of the Book of Truth. The Law of Truth is the only part of the entire Book of Truth that was actually written personally by the Father of Truth (Exodus 31:18). Moses only wrote what he had been given (Deuteronomy 31:24). The Law of Truth that Moses wrote down is part of the Book of Truth that was given by the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). He was moved by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to do so like everyone else who wrote any part of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).
The Law of Truth contains nothing but the truth just like everything else in the Book of Truth (Psalm 119:142). The Law of Truth was given to cause us to turn to the Father of Truth and understand His truth when trouble comes upon us for our sins (Daniel 9:13). The Law of Truth was put in the mouth of the priests to turn the people of Israel from lies (Malachi 2:5-7). The Law of Truth is the truth given to the people of Israel in the form of a set of laws that they were to use to turn the Gentiles from lies (Romans 2:17-20). That is why I call it the Law of Truth.
So what place, if any, does the Law of Truth have in the lives of the Children of Truth under the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)?
The best place to start is what the Man of Truth said about the Law of Truth. He said that he did not come to destroy it but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). He said that it will remain in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:18). He said that the Children of Truth that taught others to break any commandment of it would be the least in the kingdom of His Father while those who taught others to keep it would be the greatest (Matthew 5:19).
The Man of Truth then demonstrated how to teach people to keep the Law of Truth many times during the Sermon on the Mount. He taught about how to keep the commandment to not murder (Matthew 5:21-22). He taught about how to keep the commandment to not commit adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). He taught how to keep the commandments concerning divorce (Matthew 5:31-32). He taught how to keep the commandments concerning oaths (Matthew 5:33-37). So a good part of the Sermon on the Mount was dedicated to teaching people to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth.
In fact, the Man of Truth taught that people must keep the Law of Truth from their hearts instead only keeping outward rules like the Pharisees (Matthew 5:20). He said that the Children of Truth are those that do the will of His Father (Matthew 7:21). It is senseless to think that the Law of Truth was not the will of His Father since He is the one that wrote it.
The Man of Truth went on to say that loving His Father with all that is within a person and loving all other people as themselves shows that they are obeying the Law of Truth from their heart (Matthew 22:37-40). It is senseless to think that he was telling anyone to ignore what the Law of Truth says since it defines how to love His father and how to love people.
He said that he only spoke what His Father said (John 14:10). He said that the Children of Truth are those that obey his commandments (John 14:15). It is senseless to think that the commandments of the Man of Truth somehow contradicted the commandments of the Law of Truth since both were given by His Father.
Not only that but the Man of Truth would have been breaking the Law of Truth if he had try to do away with any of its commandments (Deuteronomy 4:2). The Man of Truth never sinned so he could be our sin sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is why he could die in the place of those that had sinned (1 Peter 3:18). He could not have saved anyone if he had broken the Law of Truth doing away with its commandments because sin is transgression of the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
It is completely senseless to believe that the Man of Truth was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.
Next, we must consider what the Paul the Jew taught about the Law of Truth as well.
Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew said that faith in the Man of Truth establishes the Law of Truth (Romans 3:31). He wrote that it is holy while its commandments are holy, just and good (Romans 7:12). He wrote that wrote he delighted in it (Romans 7:22). He wrote that faith in the Man of Truth is built upon the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) that contained the Law of Truth in written form as well as the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:20). He wrote that it is good as long as it is used as it was intended (1 Timothy 1:8). He wrote that it was the Original Covenant that contained the Law of Truth was what had Timothy had learned as a child (before the Man of Truth died) that had made him wise unto salvation by faith in the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 3:14-15).
Paul the Jew not only wrote about the Law of Truth but he practiced what he preached. He had circumcised Timothy the Jew in accordance with the Law of Truth (Acts 16:1-3). He sailed pass the church at Ephesus so he could keep Pentecost (Shavuot) in Jerusalem as commanded in the Law of Truth (Acts 20:16). When he arrived he learned that the other Jewish believers who were keeping the Law of Truth had been told that he taught that Jewish believers did not need to keep it (Acts 21:20-21). He was told to take part in a vow given in the Law of Truth to show that he still kept the Law of Truth and taught no such thing (Acts 21:22-24). He then took part in the vow because he was still keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 21:26). Paul the Jew continued to live under the Law of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20).
It is completely senseless to believe that Paul the Jew was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.
As we have already shown the Renewed Covenant is not at odds with the Law of Truth. In fact when we do what the Law of Truth calls right because of faith in the Man of Truth then we are not doing those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Romans 6:11-14). The Renewed Covenant allows us to do what is written in the Law of Truth because it is written on our hearts instead on tablets of stone (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). The Spirit of Truth gives us the ability to do this when we put our trust in the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:4-6). When we do what the Law of Truth says because the Spirit of Truth on the inside is leading us to do so then we no longer do those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18). The Renewed Covenant is the same Law of Truth that was written on stone tablets in the Original Covenant being written on our hearts by the Father of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-10). The Renewed Covenant has replaced the blood of bulls and goats with the precious blood of the Man of Truth so that we can be purged from doing what is contrary to the Law of Truth (Hebrews 9:13-15). When we keep the commandments that the Father of Truth gave in the Law of Truth because we love Him and believe that the Man of Truth died for us then we no longer find it difficult to keep those commandments (1 John 5:1-3). You can read about this process in more detail at Written On My Heart.
So what does the Renewed Covenant say is the place of the Law of Truth in the life of the Child of Truth?
A good place to start is with an examination of what does not apply to the Children of Truth.
Sin brought death before the Law of Truth was ever given (Romans 5:12-14). The Law of Truth was given so that we could understand that our sin brought us death (Romans 7:13). The problem never was the Law of Truth for it was from the Spirit of Truth but it is with us because we are prone to sin so that we cannot keep it (Romans 7:14-15). So even though the Law of Truth is good we cannot do what it demands because sin dwells in our human bodies (Romans 7:16-20). This process is the law of sin and death that we need delivering from (Romans 7:21-24). Everyone is under the curse of the Law of Truth for not doing everything it says (Galatians 3:10).
When we come into the House of Truth then another law, that of the Spirit of Truth giving us the ability to do what is right according to the Law of Truth resulting in life, sets us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2-4). The handwriting of ordinances that were against us that the Man of Truth nailed to the cross was the penalty of death for breaking the Law of Truth (Colossians 2:13-15). The Man of Truth became cursed under the Law of Truth in our place when he was crucified so we could be given the Spirit of Truth that would give us the ability to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Galatians 3:12-14). So it is the curse of the Law of Truth that does not apply to the Children of Truth.
This was illustrated by the Man of Truth and the woman caught in adultery.
The Law of Truth gave the righteous command in the ten commandments that no one should commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). The penalty for doing so was death (Leviticus 20:10). The religious professionals brought the woman caught in adultery to the Man of Truth to see if he would do what the Law of Truth demanded (John 8:3-5). Those that had two or three witnesses of their despising the Law of Truth by breaking it were to die without mercy (Hebrews 10:28). She had sinned and was about to die for doing so. She was definitely under the curse of the Law of Truth.
The Man of Truth then removed her accusers from the court by convicting them of their own sin (John 8:6-9). Without any witnesses against her she was free from paying the penalty for her sin under the Law of Truth and to begin a new life that did not have sin in it (John 8:10-11). She had been set free from the law of sin and death.
The Man of Truth could set her free because he was going to die in her place. The Man of Truth died for sinners so that they could be saved from the wrath that comes from breaking the Law of Truth (Romans 5:7-9). So she was redeemed from the curse of the Law of Truth.
So what about the rest of the Law of Truth?
The first thing to recognize is that not all parts of the Law of Truth are equally important. The Man of Truth said that the parts of the Law of Truth that dealt with justice, mercy and faith are more important than the parts that dealt with things like paying tithes (Matthew 23:23). He said the greatest commandments in the Law of Truth are those that deal with loving the Father of Truth and other people (Mark 12:30-32). We keep the most important parts of the Law of Truth when we follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth to do what it calls right (Romans 8:3-5).
If we break the commandments of the Law of Truth concerning worshiping anyone other than the Father of Truth or the commandments concerning sexual relationships, the property of other people, drunkenness, events centered around sin, and extorting people then we will not have a part in His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Those that break these commandments of the Law of Truth concerning loving the Father of Truth and loving other people will not have a part with Him in eternity (Galatians 5:19-21). Those that break those commandments of the Law of Truth will not be part of the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:5). Those that continue to break these most important parts of the Law of Truth will have their part in the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Revelation 21:8).
When we love other people as we love ourselves then we will not break those commandments in the Law of Truth that protect people from harm (Romans 13:8-10). We do what is written in the Law of Truth when we love people by treating them right (Galatians 5:14). We will still be found guilty of breaking the Law of Truth if we do not treat people right (James 2:8-11).
So what about those lessor parts of the Law of Truth?
The Man of Truth said that even though doing justice to other people and having love for the Father of Truth were the most important parts those lessor parts of the Law of Truth like paying tithes should also be done (Luke 11:42).
Most of those parts do not apply to anyone today. About two thirds of the commandments in the Law of Truth concern the Levites, the priests and the rituals of the Temple. Since there is no Temple currently standing, then it should be obvious that those parts do not apply to anyone in this current age.
Other parts of the Law of Truth will bring blessings to anyone that keeps those commandments because when they do so then they are living their life in line with the Word of Truth. For example, those that keep the commandments concerning eating the right diet and taking care of the human body as described in the Law of Truth will be blessed with better health. This is described in The Best Healthcare Plan Ever. Conversely, those that do not keep the commandments found in the Law of Truth concerning what to eat and not to eat will not experience the health benefits that are promised for doing so as explained in Does It Matter What I Eat?. In like manner, those that pay tithes to support religious professionals that are engage in bringing people to the Man of Truth and teaching them how to live in line with the Book of Truth and otherwise give to others in the manner described in the Law of Truth will experience blessing in their finances as promised in the Law of Truth. The Man of Truth said that these things should not be left undone so that people could receive the blessing that comes from doing them.
Do the remaining parts apply to everyone?
Even at the time of Moses there were Gentiles that lived among the people of Israel who were not obligated to keep certain commandments. In fact, not only were they not obligated to do those things but they were not allowed to do many of those things like eating the Passover meal unless they first became Jews through circumcision (Exodus 12:43-49). The Prophets of Truth also said that Gentiles could be righteous without first becoming Jews through circumcision (Isaiah 56:1-7). Keeping those commandments that defined the righteousness of the Law of Truth was always more important than circumcision (Romans 2:25-27). Though they were not physical descendants of Abraham and were not circumcised yet they still strived to do the more important parts of the Law of Truth because they had genuine respect for the Father of Truth (Acts 13:26).
Many of the Jewish Children of Truth had been blind to this and thought that the Gentiles had to become Jews through circumcision before they could come into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1). They understood that those who become Jews through circumcision had to take on the obligations that the Law of Truth had for Jews (Acts 15:5). Peter the Jew reminded them that the Father of Truth had reiterated tha this was not the case when the Gentiles, who were still uncircumcised, were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 15:7-11). Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew then reminded them that the Father of Truth had confirmed this by doing miracles among the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 15:12). James the Jew reminded them that this what He had spoken through the Prophets of Truth (Acts 15:13-18). So the Apostles of Truth understood that only those more importants parts of the Law of Truth that define righteousness apply to the Gentile Children of Truth although they could still learn how to benefit from other parts (Acts 15:19-21). The Apostles of Truth emphatically said that the Gentiles were under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that apply only to Jews (Acts 15:23-27). The Spirit of Truth also said that the Gentile Children of Truth are under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that only apply to Jews so long as they keep the parts that define righteousness (Acts 15:28-29).
It is still beneficial for a Gentile to become a Jew through circumcision so that they can participate in things like the Passover meal as long they still keep the more important parts of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25). However, a Gentile believer that becomes a Jew through circumcision is obligated to keep all of the commandments that apply to them including those that are only for Jews (Galatians 5:3).
So the other parts of the Law of Truth like circumcision, wearing tzitzits (tassels with a blue thread) on the corners of clothing and the like only apply to Jewish believers.
Now you might be thinking that there is no difference between Gentiles and Jews in the Renewed Covenant so why would different parts of the Law of Truth apply to them?
First of all, Paul the Jew not only wrote that there was no difference between Gentile and Jew but he also wrote that there was no difference between men and women as well (Galatians 3:28). It is obvious that some parts of the Law of Truth only applied to men, like circumcision, while other parts only applied to women, like ritual purification after child birth, so he obviously was not saying that there was no difference between people when it came to the Law of Truth.
He was saying that both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth by being born of the Spirit of Truth through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 5:5-6). It is what the Man of Truth did on the cross that saves people whether they are circumcised or not (Galatians 6:14-16). This is what causes both Jew and Gentile to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Colossians 3:8-13). So Jew and Gentile being the same in the House of Truth has nothing to do with which parts of the Law of Truth apply to them.
You might wondering about the wall of partition that was destroyed by the Man of Truth when Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth. It is not reasonable that this is the entire Law of Truth since parts of it have already been shown to still be in effect in the life of every Child of Truth. Then what is Paul the Jew referring to when he talks about the law of commandments contained in ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14-15)?
To understand what Paul the Jew is referring to you first have to know what the wall of partition is and what commandments of the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles. It is just plain silly to think that he is saying that commandments in the Law of Truth like "You shall not murder" or "You shall not commit adultery" were somehow abolished by the Man of Truth contrary to his own statements.
The Temple had a middle war of partition that separated the Jews and the Gentiles called the Soreg and the penalty for a Gentile going though it was death. Anyone that ate of the peace offering in the Temple while unclean would bring the death penalty upon himself according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 7:19-21). Anyone that was unclean in the inner court would die for defiling the Temple according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 15:31). Anyone that had touched a dead body and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:13). Anyone that was in the presence of someone that died and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:14-20). So a Gentile, particularly one that did not know the Law of Truth, was assumed to be unclean. Therefore they would be put to death for defiling the Temple if they entered it The wall of partition was there to keep them from doing so by accident. These commandments from the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles.
It was these commandments that formed the ordinances of Temple purity that Paul the Jew was accused of breaking by bringing Trophimus the Gentile from Ephesus through the wall of partition when he was finishing his vow in the Temple (Acts 21:27-29).
When Jews and Gentiles both come into the House of Truth then there is no middle wall of partition to separate them like the one in the Temple because those laws in the Law of Truth that put a strain between Jews and Gentiles have no meaning since the blood of the Man of Truth has made them both clean (Ephesians 2:11-16). Since the Man of Truth is their high priest they can come boldly into his presence together without any concern of being unclean (Hebrews 4:15-16).
So the Law of Truth has a definite place in the life of the Child of Truth but not for salvation. The Law of Truth cannot be kept perfectly because sin lives in the flesh of all people (Romans 8:3). Yet the Law of Truth demands that you keep it perfectly to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:5). So no one can come into the House of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth but only through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:15-16). Otherwise the Man of Truth died for nothing (Galatians 2:21).
The only way to come into the House of Truth is to know the one that Moses spoke of in the Law of Truth (John 1:45). If you want to come into the House of Truth then you need to listen to the Law of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). After all, the Man of Truth is who Moses said in the Law of Truth that you must obey to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:20-23).
Come into the House of Truth.
There is much confusion among the Children of Truth over the Law of Truth. On one extreme there are those that say that it is no longer in effect and has no place in the life of the Children of Truth. On the other extreme there are also those that say those the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth to be saved. Then there are all kinds of teachings about the Law of Truth that are somewhere in between these two extremes.
There are a number of reasons for this confusion even among those that have been following the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) for a long time. For most of these people this confusion really comes from two places.
First, the religious professionals are usually very inconsistent in their teachings about the Law of Truth. Many religious professionals will proclaim that the Children of Truth are not under any obligation to obey any of it but then will post the Ten Commandments found in it on the walls of their meeting places and will use it to show that the Children of Truth should pay tithes to support them. Yet other religious professionals will use the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) to show that the Children of Truth must obey everything in the Law of Truth but then will neglect to teach the Children of Truth to do many things that the Man of Truth commanded even though the Law of Truth said that people must obey him. In short, there is a partial application of the Law of Truth and a partial application of the Renewed Covenant by most religious professionals. They only disagree on which parts of the Law of Truth and which parts of the Renewed Covenant apply to the Children of Truth in this current age. So one tells the Children of Truth one thing while another tells them another. If the teachers are mixed up then how can the students not be mixed up?
Second, the Children of Truth have been relying on religious professionals to tell them about the place that the Law of Truth is to have in their lives instead of studying the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find out for themselves. They simply are neglecting to use the only means to discern all truth when it comes to the Law of Truth. So they really have no way of knowing if a religious professional is right about the Law of Truth or not because they do not know what the Book of Truth says. If a religious professional is a persuasive speaker but is wrong about the Law of Truth then they too will believe something that is wrong about the Law of Truth.
So in order to help clear up the confusion we are going to study what the Book of Truth actually says about the Law of Truth. We are going to pay particular attention to what the Renewed Covenant says about the Law of Truth since that is the covenant that the Children of Truth are under in this current age.
The first thing to notice about the Law of Truth is that Father of Truth (Yahoveh aka Yahweh aka God aka The Lord) is the one that gave it (Exodus 16:4). It was not some set of laws created by Moses, the elders of Israel or the Jewish people but it came from the mouth of the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1-3). The Law of Truth is the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Exodus 24:12).
You might be wondering why people call it the Law of Moses if it really came from the Father of Truth.
The Father of Truth gave the Law of Truth to everyone else by the hand of Moses (Leviticus 26:46). Moses set the Law of Truth before the people of Israel that he had been given by the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:44). Moses passed the Law of Truth on to the elders and priests of Israel (Deuteronomy 31:9). For these reasons the Law of Truth is sometimes called the Law of Moses even though the Father of Truth is the One who wrote it (Joshua 8:30-32). So the Law of Truth was given by Moses to everyone else even though he received it from the Father of Truth (John 1:17). It would be more precise to call it "the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses" but that would be a bit wordy.
Next we need to consider that the Law of Truth is part of the Book of Truth. The Law of Truth is the only part of the entire Book of Truth that was actually written personally by the Father of Truth (Exodus 31:18). Moses only wrote what he had been given (Deuteronomy 31:24). The Law of Truth that Moses wrote down is part of the Book of Truth that was given by the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). He was moved by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to do so like everyone else who wrote any part of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).
The Law of Truth contains nothing but the truth just like everything else in the Book of Truth (Psalm 119:142). The Law of Truth was given to cause us to turn to the Father of Truth and understand His truth when trouble comes upon us for our sins (Daniel 9:13). The Law of Truth was put in the mouth of the priests to turn the people of Israel from lies (Malachi 2:5-7). The Law of Truth is the truth given to the people of Israel in the form of a set of laws that they were to use to turn the Gentiles from lies (Romans 2:17-20). That is why I call it the Law of Truth.
So what place, if any, does the Law of Truth have in the lives of the Children of Truth under the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)?
The best place to start is what the Man of Truth said about the Law of Truth. He said that he did not come to destroy it but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). He said that it will remain in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:18). He said that the Children of Truth that taught others to break any commandment of it would be the least in the kingdom of His Father while those who taught others to keep it would be the greatest (Matthew 5:19).
The Man of Truth then demonstrated how to teach people to keep the Law of Truth many times during the Sermon on the Mount. He taught about how to keep the commandment to not murder (Matthew 5:21-22). He taught about how to keep the commandment to not commit adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). He taught how to keep the commandments concerning divorce (Matthew 5:31-32). He taught how to keep the commandments concerning oaths (Matthew 5:33-37). So a good part of the Sermon on the Mount was dedicated to teaching people to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth.
In fact, the Man of Truth taught that people must keep the Law of Truth from their hearts instead only keeping outward rules like the Pharisees (Matthew 5:20). He said that the Children of Truth are those that do the will of His Father (Matthew 7:21). It is senseless to think that the Law of Truth was not the will of His Father since He is the one that wrote it.
The Man of Truth went on to say that loving His Father with all that is within a person and loving all other people as themselves shows that they are obeying the Law of Truth from their heart (Matthew 22:37-40). It is senseless to think that he was telling anyone to ignore what the Law of Truth says since it defines how to love His father and how to love people.
He said that he only spoke what His Father said (John 14:10). He said that the Children of Truth are those that obey his commandments (John 14:15). It is senseless to think that the commandments of the Man of Truth somehow contradicted the commandments of the Law of Truth since both were given by His Father.
Not only that but the Man of Truth would have been breaking the Law of Truth if he had try to do away with any of its commandments (Deuteronomy 4:2). The Man of Truth never sinned so he could be our sin sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is why he could die in the place of those that had sinned (1 Peter 3:18). He could not have saved anyone if he had broken the Law of Truth doing away with its commandments because sin is transgression of the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
It is completely senseless to believe that the Man of Truth was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.
Next, we must consider what the Paul the Jew taught about the Law of Truth as well.
Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew said that faith in the Man of Truth establishes the Law of Truth (Romans 3:31). He wrote that it is holy while its commandments are holy, just and good (Romans 7:12). He wrote that wrote he delighted in it (Romans 7:22). He wrote that faith in the Man of Truth is built upon the Original Covenant (Tanach aka Old Testament) that contained the Law of Truth in written form as well as the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:20). He wrote that it is good as long as it is used as it was intended (1 Timothy 1:8). He wrote that it was the Original Covenant that contained the Law of Truth was what had Timothy had learned as a child (before the Man of Truth died) that had made him wise unto salvation by faith in the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 3:14-15).
Paul the Jew not only wrote about the Law of Truth but he practiced what he preached. He had circumcised Timothy the Jew in accordance with the Law of Truth (Acts 16:1-3). He sailed pass the church at Ephesus so he could keep Pentecost (Shavuot) in Jerusalem as commanded in the Law of Truth (Acts 20:16). When he arrived he learned that the other Jewish believers who were keeping the Law of Truth had been told that he taught that Jewish believers did not need to keep it (Acts 21:20-21). He was told to take part in a vow given in the Law of Truth to show that he still kept the Law of Truth and taught no such thing (Acts 21:22-24). He then took part in the vow because he was still keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 21:26). Paul the Jew continued to live under the Law of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20).
It is completely senseless to believe that Paul the Jew was somehow teaching that the Law of Truth has no place in the life of the believer.
As we have already shown the Renewed Covenant is not at odds with the Law of Truth. In fact when we do what the Law of Truth calls right because of faith in the Man of Truth then we are not doing those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Romans 6:11-14). The Renewed Covenant allows us to do what is written in the Law of Truth because it is written on our hearts instead on tablets of stone (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). The Spirit of Truth gives us the ability to do this when we put our trust in the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:4-6). When we do what the Law of Truth says because the Spirit of Truth on the inside is leading us to do so then we no longer do those things because we are under the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:18). The Renewed Covenant is the same Law of Truth that was written on stone tablets in the Original Covenant being written on our hearts by the Father of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-10). The Renewed Covenant has replaced the blood of bulls and goats with the precious blood of the Man of Truth so that we can be purged from doing what is contrary to the Law of Truth (Hebrews 9:13-15). When we keep the commandments that the Father of Truth gave in the Law of Truth because we love Him and believe that the Man of Truth died for us then we no longer find it difficult to keep those commandments (1 John 5:1-3). You can read about this process in more detail at Written On My Heart.
So what does the Renewed Covenant say is the place of the Law of Truth in the life of the Child of Truth?
A good place to start is with an examination of what does not apply to the Children of Truth.
Sin brought death before the Law of Truth was ever given (Romans 5:12-14). The Law of Truth was given so that we could understand that our sin brought us death (Romans 7:13). The problem never was the Law of Truth for it was from the Spirit of Truth but it is with us because we are prone to sin so that we cannot keep it (Romans 7:14-15). So even though the Law of Truth is good we cannot do what it demands because sin dwells in our human bodies (Romans 7:16-20). This process is the law of sin and death that we need delivering from (Romans 7:21-24). Everyone is under the curse of the Law of Truth for not doing everything it says (Galatians 3:10).
When we come into the House of Truth then another law, that of the Spirit of Truth giving us the ability to do what is right according to the Law of Truth resulting in life, sets us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2-4). The handwriting of ordinances that were against us that the Man of Truth nailed to the cross was the penalty of death for breaking the Law of Truth (Colossians 2:13-15). The Man of Truth became cursed under the Law of Truth in our place when he was crucified so we could be given the Spirit of Truth that would give us the ability to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Galatians 3:12-14). So it is the curse of the Law of Truth that does not apply to the Children of Truth.
This was illustrated by the Man of Truth and the woman caught in adultery.
The Law of Truth gave the righteous command in the ten commandments that no one should commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). The penalty for doing so was death (Leviticus 20:10). The religious professionals brought the woman caught in adultery to the Man of Truth to see if he would do what the Law of Truth demanded (John 8:3-5). Those that had two or three witnesses of their despising the Law of Truth by breaking it were to die without mercy (Hebrews 10:28). She had sinned and was about to die for doing so. She was definitely under the curse of the Law of Truth.
The Man of Truth then removed her accusers from the court by convicting them of their own sin (John 8:6-9). Without any witnesses against her she was free from paying the penalty for her sin under the Law of Truth and to begin a new life that did not have sin in it (John 8:10-11). She had been set free from the law of sin and death.
The Man of Truth could set her free because he was going to die in her place. The Man of Truth died for sinners so that they could be saved from the wrath that comes from breaking the Law of Truth (Romans 5:7-9). So she was redeemed from the curse of the Law of Truth.
So what about the rest of the Law of Truth?
The first thing to recognize is that not all parts of the Law of Truth are equally important. The Man of Truth said that the parts of the Law of Truth that dealt with justice, mercy and faith are more important than the parts that dealt with things like paying tithes (Matthew 23:23). He said the greatest commandments in the Law of Truth are those that deal with loving the Father of Truth and other people (Mark 12:30-32). We keep the most important parts of the Law of Truth when we follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth to do what it calls right (Romans 8:3-5).
If we break the commandments of the Law of Truth concerning worshiping anyone other than the Father of Truth or the commandments concerning sexual relationships, the property of other people, drunkenness, events centered around sin, and extorting people then we will not have a part in His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Those that break these commandments of the Law of Truth concerning loving the Father of Truth and loving other people will not have a part with Him in eternity (Galatians 5:19-21). Those that break those commandments of the Law of Truth will not be part of the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:5). Those that continue to break these most important parts of the Law of Truth will have their part in the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Revelation 21:8).
When we love other people as we love ourselves then we will not break those commandments in the Law of Truth that protect people from harm (Romans 13:8-10). We do what is written in the Law of Truth when we love people by treating them right (Galatians 5:14). We will still be found guilty of breaking the Law of Truth if we do not treat people right (James 2:8-11).
So what about those lessor parts of the Law of Truth?
The Man of Truth said that even though doing justice to other people and having love for the Father of Truth were the most important parts those lessor parts of the Law of Truth like paying tithes should also be done (Luke 11:42).
Most of those parts do not apply to anyone today. About two thirds of the commandments in the Law of Truth concern the Levites, the priests and the rituals of the Temple. Since there is no Temple currently standing, then it should be obvious that those parts do not apply to anyone in this current age.
Other parts of the Law of Truth will bring blessings to anyone that keeps those commandments because when they do so then they are living their life in line with the Word of Truth. For example, those that keep the commandments concerning eating the right diet and taking care of the human body as described in the Law of Truth will be blessed with better health. This is described in The Best Healthcare Plan Ever. Conversely, those that do not keep the commandments found in the Law of Truth concerning what to eat and not to eat will not experience the health benefits that are promised for doing so as explained in Does It Matter What I Eat?. In like manner, those that pay tithes to support religious professionals that are engage in bringing people to the Man of Truth and teaching them how to live in line with the Book of Truth and otherwise give to others in the manner described in the Law of Truth will experience blessing in their finances as promised in the Law of Truth. The Man of Truth said that these things should not be left undone so that people could receive the blessing that comes from doing them.
Do the remaining parts apply to everyone?
Even at the time of Moses there were Gentiles that lived among the people of Israel who were not obligated to keep certain commandments. In fact, not only were they not obligated to do those things but they were not allowed to do many of those things like eating the Passover meal unless they first became Jews through circumcision (Exodus 12:43-49). The Prophets of Truth also said that Gentiles could be righteous without first becoming Jews through circumcision (Isaiah 56:1-7). Keeping those commandments that defined the righteousness of the Law of Truth was always more important than circumcision (Romans 2:25-27). Though they were not physical descendants of Abraham and were not circumcised yet they still strived to do the more important parts of the Law of Truth because they had genuine respect for the Father of Truth (Acts 13:26).
Many of the Jewish Children of Truth had been blind to this and thought that the Gentiles had to become Jews through circumcision before they could come into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1). They understood that those who become Jews through circumcision had to take on the obligations that the Law of Truth had for Jews (Acts 15:5). Peter the Jew reminded them that the Father of Truth had reiterated tha this was not the case when the Gentiles, who were still uncircumcised, were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 15:7-11). Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew then reminded them that the Father of Truth had confirmed this by doing miracles among the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 15:12). James the Jew reminded them that this what He had spoken through the Prophets of Truth (Acts 15:13-18). So the Apostles of Truth understood that only those more importants parts of the Law of Truth that define righteousness apply to the Gentile Children of Truth although they could still learn how to benefit from other parts (Acts 15:19-21). The Apostles of Truth emphatically said that the Gentiles were under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that apply only to Jews (Acts 15:23-27). The Spirit of Truth also said that the Gentile Children of Truth are under no obligation to keep those parts of the Law of Truth that only apply to Jews so long as they keep the parts that define righteousness (Acts 15:28-29).
It is still beneficial for a Gentile to become a Jew through circumcision so that they can participate in things like the Passover meal as long they still keep the more important parts of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25). However, a Gentile believer that becomes a Jew through circumcision is obligated to keep all of the commandments that apply to them including those that are only for Jews (Galatians 5:3).
So the other parts of the Law of Truth like circumcision, wearing tzitzits (tassels with a blue thread) on the corners of clothing and the like only apply to Jewish believers.
Now you might be thinking that there is no difference between Gentiles and Jews in the Renewed Covenant so why would different parts of the Law of Truth apply to them?
First of all, Paul the Jew not only wrote that there was no difference between Gentile and Jew but he also wrote that there was no difference between men and women as well (Galatians 3:28). It is obvious that some parts of the Law of Truth only applied to men, like circumcision, while other parts only applied to women, like ritual purification after child birth, so he obviously was not saying that there was no difference between people when it came to the Law of Truth.
He was saying that both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth by being born of the Spirit of Truth through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 5:5-6). It is what the Man of Truth did on the cross that saves people whether they are circumcised or not (Galatians 6:14-16). This is what causes both Jew and Gentile to fulfill the righteousness of the Law of Truth (Colossians 3:8-13). So Jew and Gentile being the same in the House of Truth has nothing to do with which parts of the Law of Truth apply to them.
You might wondering about the wall of partition that was destroyed by the Man of Truth when Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth. It is not reasonable that this is the entire Law of Truth since parts of it have already been shown to still be in effect in the life of every Child of Truth. Then what is Paul the Jew referring to when he talks about the law of commandments contained in ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14-15)?
To understand what Paul the Jew is referring to you first have to know what the wall of partition is and what commandments of the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles. It is just plain silly to think that he is saying that commandments in the Law of Truth like "You shall not murder" or "You shall not commit adultery" were somehow abolished by the Man of Truth contrary to his own statements.
The Temple had a middle war of partition that separated the Jews and the Gentiles called the Soreg and the penalty for a Gentile going though it was death. Anyone that ate of the peace offering in the Temple while unclean would bring the death penalty upon himself according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 7:19-21). Anyone that was unclean in the inner court would die for defiling the Temple according to the Law of Truth (Leviticus 15:31). Anyone that had touched a dead body and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:13). Anyone that was in the presence of someone that died and had not went through all of the cleaning rituals described in the Law of Truth would be put to death if they entered the Temple and defiled it (Numbers 19:14-20). So a Gentile, particularly one that did not know the Law of Truth, was assumed to be unclean. Therefore they would be put to death for defiling the Temple if they entered it The wall of partition was there to keep them from doing so by accident. These commandments from the Law of Truth were the ordinances that caused enmity between Jews and Gentiles.
It was these commandments that formed the ordinances of Temple purity that Paul the Jew was accused of breaking by bringing Trophimus the Gentile from Ephesus through the wall of partition when he was finishing his vow in the Temple (Acts 21:27-29).
When Jews and Gentiles both come into the House of Truth then there is no middle wall of partition to separate them like the one in the Temple because those laws in the Law of Truth that put a strain between Jews and Gentiles have no meaning since the blood of the Man of Truth has made them both clean (Ephesians 2:11-16). Since the Man of Truth is their high priest they can come boldly into his presence together without any concern of being unclean (Hebrews 4:15-16).
So the Law of Truth has a definite place in the life of the Child of Truth but not for salvation. The Law of Truth cannot be kept perfectly because sin lives in the flesh of all people (Romans 8:3). Yet the Law of Truth demands that you keep it perfectly to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:5). So no one can come into the House of Truth by keeping the Law of Truth but only through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 2:15-16). Otherwise the Man of Truth died for nothing (Galatians 2:21).
The only way to come into the House of Truth is to know the one that Moses spoke of in the Law of Truth (John 1:45). If you want to come into the House of Truth then you need to listen to the Law of Truth and submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). After all, the Man of Truth is who Moses said in the Law of Truth that you must obey to come into the House of Truth (Acts 3:20-23).
Come into the House of Truth.