Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Holy Spirit Relational Experiences

What experiences come from the Spirit of Truth?

Lately, I came across several different groups of people arguing over what experiences were and were not from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  The people on the various sides of this were basically the same in the defense of their position -  it was based on what they had been taught by someone else.

Each group gave scant - if any - scripture to back up their positions.  The scripture that they did give was almost aways taken out of context.

It was foolish of them to argue about something when they had not investigated the matter for themselves first (Proverbs 18:13).  It is fitting for the Children of the King to spend the time to search out what the Father of Truth has placed in His Word for themselves (Proverbs 25:2).

The Book of Truth should be their ultimate source for determining this and many other matters.  The experiences that come from the Spirit of Truth are plain to see when we rightly divide the Word of Truth.

So, I am going to show from scripture what experiences come from the Spirit of Truth.  I encourage everyone to not just take my word for it, but to be like the Bereans who were more noble for searching the scriptures for themselves to verify what  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka Paulus aka The Apostle Paul) told them about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Acts 17:10-11).

So, I am providing scripture that shows each of my points.  I am even providing links to make it easy for you to see for yourself.

I am also providing links to allow you to see the original language where appropriate as well.  These links will take you to tools to let you verify each word for yourself.

I encourage you to investigate everything I say thoroughly.  The links are provided to make that easier, but please delve deeper that what they provide if you are still unsure.

We will begin with the Greek words used to describe these experiences.

There are five Greek words used to describe these experiences.  Three of those are related, although they have very different meanings.

They are often translated into English as words that are similar in meaning like fill, filled, and full.  Sometimes, two of these Greek words are translated into the same English word in different places.

So if we examine the various passages about the Spirit of Truth that these English words occur in, then we will come to conflicting and confusing conclusions.  However, if we examine the various passages about the Spirit of Truth based on which Greek word is used, then these conflicts disappear and so does the confusion.

Therefore, we will identify each Greek word and define it according to how it was used in Greek literature at the time that the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) was written.  Then we look at the result that occurs in each passage where that Greek word is used in connection with Spirit of Truth.

The first of these Greek words is “Oikeo”.

Oikeo” means “to dwell”.  It is used in ancient Greek literature of a woman coming to dwell in the house of her husband when she is married.

In the Renewed Covenant it is either suffixed by or followed by the Greek word “en”, which means “in” in English.  So, the compound word “Enoikeo” means “indwell” while the prepositional phrase ”Oikeo En” means “dwell in”. 

So, both the compound word and the prepositional phrase express the same relationship.  Therefore, we will look at passages that convey this relationship with the Spirit of Truth to determine the experience produced by that relationship.

This relationship is one that every Child of Truth must have (Romans 8:9).  Their bodies will not be raised from the dead to eternal life without it (Romans 8:11).

This relationship causes the Children of Truth to be the temple of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 3:16).  It causes them to be able to keep the good thing that was committed to them (2 Timothy 1:14).

Now we will look at this relationship in the context of the whole Book of Truth.  That will clarify what experience is produced by that relationship.

The Children of Truth must be born again through the Spirit of Truth (John 3:5-8).  They are born of the seed of the Father of Truth when this happens (1 Peter 1:23).

The Man of Truth spoke of the Spirit of Truth flowing out of the Children of Truth, but this could not happen until after his resurrection (John 7:38-39).  He told them at the last supper that the Spirit of Truth had been with them but would later be in them (John 14:17). 

So after his resurrection, the Man of Truth breathed on the Children of Truth and they received the Spirit of Truth (John 20:22).  It is receiving the Spirit of Truth that causes people to be adopted into the family of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:15). 

So, this relationship produces adoption into the family of the Father of Truth.  This adoption causes the Children of Truth to live for Him in this  present world and will cause them to live with Him in the world to come.

The second of these Greek words is “Baptizo”.

Baptizo” means “to completely cover”.  It is used in ancient Greek literature of sunken ships being submerged underwater and making pickles by cucumbers being immersed in vinegar. 

English translations often retain an English form of the Greek word such as “baptized”, but a word like “immersed” or “submerged” would better convey the literal meaning.  So, when you see a word like “baptized” remember that it means “completely covered”.

So, the relationship expressed by this word is being completely covered on the outside by the Spirit of Truth.  Therefore, we will look at passages that convey this relationship with the Spirit of Truth to determine the experience produced by that relationship.

Just as John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) immersed people in water, so also would the Man of Truth completely cover people in the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 3:11).   The Man of Truth is the only one who can do this (Mark 1:8).

This is because the Man of Truth was greater than John the Baptist (Luke 3:16).  The Spirit of Truth rested on him after he was completely covered in water by John the Baptist to show that the Man of Truth would be the only one that could completely cover people in the Spirit of Truth (John 1:33).

So right before returning to Heaven, the Man of Truth told his disciples that they would soon be completely covered in the Spirit of Truth just as people had been completely covered in water by John the Baptist (Acts 1:5).  Years later, Peter the Jew (Sh’mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) remembered these words when Cornelius had the same experience (Acts 11:16).

Then Paul the Jew wrote this about the importance of being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth: “Yet as we are united as one in being covered completely in the Spirit of Truth, all are united as one united as one in being completely covered in the body” (1 Corinthians 12:13).  This is not how the first part of this verse is usually translated, but it is what it literally says.

The Greek word “eis” that appears in this verse three times is the word used in the Septuagint for the Hebrew word “echad” – which means “united as one”.  It is also worth noting that “eis” appears only once concerning being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth but twice in a row concerning being completely covered in the body.

This doubling indicates that being completely covered in the body (of Messiah) is much more important than being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth.  So, being part of the family of the Father of Truth by the Spirit of Truth dwelling on the inside is much more important than being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth on the outside.  It is like how drinking water is more important than bathing.

The Apostles of Truth received the indwelling of the Spirit of Truth after the resurrection of the Man of Truth but had to wait until after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven to be completely covered in the Spirit of Truth.  It should be obvious that these are two different relationships.

Now we will look at this relationship in the context of the whole Book of Truth.  That will clarify what experience is produced by that relationship.

The Man of Truth told his disciples that being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth after he returned to Heaven was the promise of the Father of Truth that they were to wait in Jerusalem for (Acts 1:4-5).  Their wait was over at Pentecost when the Spirit of Truth caused them to speak in languages that they did not know but other people understood (Acts 2:4-11). 

Peter the Jew told those who witnessed this, that it was proof the Spirit of Truth had been poured out on the disciples of the Man of Truth as foretold by Joel the Prophet of Truth (Acts 2:12-18).   He told them that if they would repent and be completely covered in water to show their faith in the Man of Truth, then they too would receive the gift of the Spirit of Truth that had been promised by the Father of Truth (Acts 2:38-39).

Later, the Spirit of Truth began dwelling in people at Samaria after they had come to believe as evidenced by being completely covered in water to show their faith in the Man of Truth (Acts 8:12-13).   Yet, Peter the Jew and John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka John the son of Zebedee aka The Apostle John) were sent to Samaria to lay hands upon these new believers, so they could receive the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:14-15).

The Spirit of Truth had not rained down upon any of these new believers when they had been completely covered in water, but this happened when these apostles laid their hands on them (Acts 8:16-17).  Simon the Samaritan saw proof that these believers had received the Spirit of Truth outwardly as well as inwardly when this happened (Acts 8:18-19).

After that, the Spirit of Truth rained down on Cornelius and the other Gentiles when they believed (Acts 10:44).  Peter the Jew and the Jews with him were convinced these Gentiles had received the gift of being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:45).

The proof of this was that these Gentiles were speaking in languages that they did not know (Acts 10:46).  So, these Gentiles were then completely covered in water to show their faith in the Man of Truth (Acts 10:47-48).

When the Spirit of Truth rained down on the Gentiles, Peter the Jew remembered that the Man of Truth had said that believers would be completely covered in the Spirit of Truth just as John the Baptist had completely covered people in water (Acts 11:15-16).  The Father of Truth had given the Gentiles the same gift of being completely covered in the Spirit of Truth to show that Gentiles had also been given the opportunity to come into the House of Truth (Acts 11:17-18).

Years later, Paul the Jew met disciples who had been completely covered in water by John the Baptist but had not received the Spirit of Truth (Acts 19:1-3).  So, he told them about the Man of Truth and then completely covered them in water in the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 19:4-5).  After that, when he laid hands on them the Spirit of Truth rained down on them and they began speaking languages that they did not know (Acts 19:6).

Paul the Jew later wrote that believers speaking in languages that they did not know when only other believers were present did not help anyone unless someone could interpret what they said (1 Corinthians 14:2-5).  He said that believers have to pray for an interpretation so they will understand what they said after they spoke in a language that they do not know (1 Corinthians 14:13-14).

Paul the Jew explained that he would pray and sing with the Spirit of Truth in languages he did not know, but he would also do these things in languages that he understood (1 Corinthians 14:15).  He said that believers must do these things in a language that the hearers understand for the benefit of the hearers (1 Corinthians 14:16-17).  So, even though he spoke in languages that he did not know more often than the entire congregation, he spoke in languages that the congregation understood when he was among them (1 Corinthians 14:18-19).

Paul the Jew explained that believers speaking in languages that they did not know was foretold in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) as a sign to those who did not yet believe the Good News that it was from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:21-22).  However, if the entire congregation spoke in languages that neither they nor the hearers understood, then those who had not yet believed the Good News would think that they were crazy (1 Corinthians 14:23).

Paul the Jew explained that for this reason, only two or three believers were to speak in languages that they did not know in the congregation one at a time while another interpreted what they said (1 Corinthians 14:27).  If there was no one that could interpret in the congregation, then they were to wait until they were not in the congregation to speak to the Father of Truth in languages that they did not know (1 Corinthians 14:28).  He concluded that people were not to be forbidden from speaking in languages that they did not know in the congregation, but it must be done in a decent and orderly manner (1 Corinthians 14:39-40).

Paul the Jew first explained how the Spirit of Truth dwelling in believers was much more important than the Spirit of Truth completely covering them.  Later, he explained to this same congregation about believers speaking in languages that they did not know.   

When believers are covered completely in the Spirit of Truth, they might even speak in groanings that are not even a language, but the Spirit of Truth understands the meaning of these groanings (Romans 8:26-27).  They might even speak in the language of angels instead of human language that they do not know (1 Corinthians 13:1).

So, this relationship produces believers speaking in languages that they do not know.  This is the sound of power that is so important that the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start this fire.

The third of these Greek words is “Pimplemi”.

Pimplemi” means “to mostly fill”.  It is used in ancient Greek literature of filling a glass to a little below the brim. 

So, the relationship expressed by this word is being mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth.  Therefore, we will look at passages that convey this relationship with the Spirit of Truth to determine the experience produced by that relationship.

John the Baptist was mostly filled with Spirit of Truth before birth (Luke 1:15).  His mother Elizabeth also became mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth when Mary the wife of Joseph came to visit her (Luke 1:41).  His father Zacharias the Priest of Truth also became mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth after he was born (Luke 1:67).

The believers at Pentecost were mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth as well as being covered in the Spirit of Truth as proved by speaking in languages that they did not know (Acts 2:4).  Peter the Jew was again mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth when asked by what power or name that the lame man at the gate of the Temple had been healed (Acts 4:8).  After that, the believers that had been mostly filled at Pentecost were again mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth along with the other believers when they all congregated together (Acts 4:31).

Later, Paul the Jew was mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth when Ananias the Jew laid hands upon him to end his blindness (Acts 9:17).  Thirteen years after that, he was once again mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth when he stood against Elymas the Sorcerer (Acts 13:9).

So, people were able to be mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth before the Man of Truth was even born.  The Spirit of Truth dwelling in people or completely covering them was not possible until after his resurrection.

Also, the same believer can be mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth more than once and on different occasions.  The indwelling of the Spirit of Truth only happens once at the time someone is born again, and people are only completely covered in the Spirit of Truth once - being able to speak in languages that they do not know after that.

These difference should make one thing clear:  A person being mostly filled with Spirit of Truth is not the same as the Spirit of Truth dwelling in a person nor the same as a person being covered with the Spirit of Truth.

Now we will look at this relationship in the context of the whole Book of Truth.  That will clarify what experience is produced by that relationship.

This relationship caused John the Baptist to have the boldness of Elijah (Eliyahu) the Prophet of Truth to prepare people for the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:16-17).  It caused his mother to boldly prophesy that Mary the wife of Joseph was pregnant with the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:42-43).

This relationship caused Zechariah the Priest of Truth to boldly prophesy that the God of Israel was coming to visit the people of Israel as the son of David – the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:67-69).  It caused him to boldly proclaim that his son John the Baptist would prepare the people of Israel to hear the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:76-79).

This relationship caused Peter the Jew to raise his voice and boldly tell the crowd that the believers speaking in languages that they did not know was the sign of salvation predicted by Joel the Prophet of Truth (Acts 2:14-21).  It caused him to boldly tell the crowd that they had killed the son of David – the Messiah of Israel – but the Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead as foretold by King David (Acts 2:22-32).

This relationship caused Peter the Jew to boldly tell the crowd the Man of Truth had returned to Heaven as King David had foretold and had rained down the Spirit of Truth to show that the Father of Truth had made him absolute ruler of the human race (Acts 2:33-36).  It caused him to boldly tell the crowd to repent and they would also be saved as well as have the Spirit of Truth rained down on them (Acts 2:37-40).

This relationship caused Peter the Jew to boldly answer the High Priests and those with him that they had killed the Messiah of Israel (Acts 4:9-13).  It caused the entire assembly to speak the Word of Truth with the boldness that they had prayed for (Acts 4:29-31).

This relationship caused Paul the Jew to boldly preach the Man of Truth in the synagogues of Damascus instead of destroying his disciples (Acts 9:20-21).   It caused him to boldly dispute with the Greek-speaking Jews in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-29).

This relationship caused Paul the Jew to boldly confront Elymas the Sorcerer years later (Acts 13:10-11).  It caused him to boldly rebuke those Jews who reject the Man of Truth and tell them that he had been commissioned to cause the Good News to be preached to the Gentiles throughout the entire Earth (Acts 13:45-47).

So, this relationship produces boldness in telling people about the Man of Truth.  This boldness can lessen over time, so people sometimes need to be mostly filled again with the Spirit of Truth just like they need to drink water again after the refreshment has lessened.

The fourth of these Greek words is “Pleroo”.

Pleroo” means “to fill completely”.  It is used in ancient Greek literature of filling a glass with wine to the point where it cannot hold another drop.

So, the relationship expressed by this word is someone being filled completely with the Spirit of Truth.  Therefore, we will look at passages that convey this relationship with the Spirit of Truth to determine the experience produced by that relationship.

The believers in the house at Jerusalem were filled completely with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:2).  In like manner, the believers in Iconium were filled completely with the Spirit of Truth (Act 13:52).

Paul the Jew desired the believers in Rome to be filled completely with the Spirit of Truth (Romans 15:13).  He also desired that the believers in Ephesus  to be filled completely with the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 3:19).  He said that they should do this instead of getting drunk on wine (Ephesians 5:18).

So, filling completely is not the same as mostly filling.  Filling completely leaves no room for more, while mostly filling leaves room for a little more.

Now we will look at this relationship in the context of the whole Book of Truth.  That will clarify what experience is produced by that relationship.

When some mockers saw the believers filled completely with the Spirit of Truth in Jerusalem, they thought that those believers had to be drunk on wine (Acts 2:13).  However, Peter the Jew told the mockers that these believers were not drunk on wine as they thought, but what they saw came from the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:14-17).

The believers filled completely with the Spirit of Truth in Iconium became filled completely with joy (Act 13:52).  Also the believers that filled completely with the Spirit of Truth in Rome became filled completely with peace (Romans 15:13).  Moreover, the believers filled completely with the Spirit of Truth in Ephesus became filled completely with love (Ephesians 3:16-19).

So, Paul the Jew told those in Ephesus not to be unwise by getting drunk on wine, but to live in line with the will of the Father of Truth by being filled completely with the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 5:18-19).  Then the Spirit of Truth would cause them to break out in singing (Ephesians 5:20).

In order to understand this correctly, we have to look at what Ephesians 5:18  literally says – even though not usually translated this way.  It literally says, “And be drunk – not drunk on wine in which is unsavedness – but be filled completely in the Spirit”.  So, being filled completely with the Spirit of Truth leads to being drunk on the Spirit of Truth. 

Indeed, there are some similarities on the effect on behavior of both being drunk on the Spirit of Truth and being drunk on wine.  This is why the mockers thought that the believers in Jerusalem were drunk on wine.

When some people are drunk on wine they are overcome with joy like the believers in Iconium.  Others become peaceful without concern about anything like the believers in Rome.  Yet others just go around telling everyone that they love them like the believers in Ephesus.

This effects their behavior in other ways as well.  They do things like breaking out in singing like Paul the Jew told the believers in Ephesus.

Also, since Paul the Jew told the believers in Ephesus to get drunk on the Spirit of Truth instead of getting drunk on wine, then believers must be able to choose when to do this.  That is another way that being drunk on the Spirit of Truth is like being drunk on wine.

However, being drunk on the Spirit of Truth is in line with the will of the Father of Truth while  being drunk on wine is contrary to His will.  People who are drunk on the Spirit of Truth will never do stupid things to endanger themselves or others like walking in front of traffic on a busy highway at night or sinful things like engaging in sex with people that are not their spouse.

So, this relationship produces behavior similar to being drunk.  Yet this behavior will never include foolish or sinful things that the unsaved do when they who get drunk on wine.

The last of these Greek words is “Pleres”.

Pleres” means “completely full”.  It is used in ancient Greek literature of something being so completely full that there is no room left.

So, the relationship expressed by this word is someone being completely full of the Spirit of Truth.  Therefore, we will look at passages that convey this relationship with the Spirit of Truth to determine the experience produced by that relationship.

The Man of Truth was completely full of the Spirit of Truth when he was led into the wilderness (Luke 4:1).  Also those who distributed the food after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven had to be completely full of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 6:3).

Steven the Jew was one of those who were completely full of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 6:5).  He was completely full of the Spirit of Truth when he saw the glory of the Father of Truth (Acts 7:55). 

Barnabas the Jew (Levi) was also completely full of the Spirit of Truth years later (Acts 11:24).

So, the Spirit of Truth filling completely a believer is not the same as a believer being completely full of the Spirit of Truth.  It is like the difference between someone growing up and someone being a grown up.

Now we will look at this relationship in the context of the whole Book of Truth.  That will clarify what experience is produced by that relationship.

After the Man of Truth returned from the wilderness, he was full of the power of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 4:14).  Not long after that, he demonstrated power to confirm his message by casting a demon out of a man (Luke 4:31-36).

Stephen the Jew was also full of power to do signs and wonders to confirm the message about the Man of Truth (Acts 6:8).  Afterwards, he saw the Man of Truth standing at the right hand of the Father of Truth (Acts 7:55).

Barnabas the Jew caused much people to come to the Man of Truth and sought out Paul to help him in Antioch (Acts 11:24-26).  He also did signs and wonders to confirm the Good News about the Man of Truth (Acts 15:12).

So, this relationship produces the power to do signs and wonders.  This power confirms the Good News about the Man of Truth.

So, let us review all five Spirit of Truth relationships and the experiences they produce.

All believers have the Spirit of Truth dwelling on the inside.  This happens when they are born-again and causes them to be adopted into the family of the Father of Truth.

Some believers are completely covered on the outside by the Spirit of Truth.  When this happens they begin speaking in a language that they do not know – human, angel, or one that only the Father of Truth understands.

Some believers are mostly filled with the Spirit of Truth.  When this happens they become bold beyond their own ability in telling people about the Man of Truth.

Some believers are filled completely with the Spirit of Truth.  When this happens they behave similarly to someone who is drunk on wine – but without doing anything stupid or sinful.

Some believers are completely full of the Spirit of Truth.  When this happens they are full of the power of the Spirit of Truth to perform signs and wonders to confirm the Good News about the Man of Truth.

These things are for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38-39).  So, surrender control of everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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