Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Role Of Women In The Church

What is the role of women in the church?

Lately, I have witnessed a lot of disagreement among believers over the role of women in the church (the called-out ones).  Sometimes even congregations split over this question.

The extreme on one side says that women have basically no role.  They are to be seen and not heard like some people treat their children.

They are to be focused only on taking care of their children and the like.  They are not even to talk to each other in the congregation.

The extreme on the other side says that women have basically every role.  They can fill every role that men can fill.

They can relegate having their children taken care of to someone else.  They can dominate the congregation completely with every matter needing their approval.

Most people are somewhere between these extremes.  However, they are by no means in agreement.

Some people will say women can perform one set of roles, while another will say that women can perform a completely different set of roles.

So, they will end up agreeing that women can perform certain roles and agreeing that they cannot fulfil certain roles.  However, they vehemently disagree with each other about the remaining roles.

Needless to say, this creates a lot of confusion that distracts congregations from doing their part to fulfill the Great Commission.  This is exactly what the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) wants.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is not the author of confusion and wants congregations to work together in peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).  Such confusion is a work of the Father of Lies that comes from envy and strife (James 3:16).

This strife will vaporize if people will just rightly divide the Word of Truth about it.  It is mostly a matter of deciding that they are going to determine the role of women by using the Book of Truth (The Bible), the whole Book of Truth, and nothing but the Book of Truth.

If people do this and remember that context is king, then there would be no more disagreement or strife.  The role of women in the church will be very plain.

Understanding the role of women in the church begins with understanding the role of women in the family.

It was not good for man to be alone in his work, so the Father of Truth decided to make a suitable helper to assist him (Genesis 2:15-18).  So, the Father of Truth made a woman for the man, and then brought His gift to the man (Genesis 2:21-22). 

The man called this gift made of his bones and flesh “woman” - because the Father of Truth had taken her out of him (Genesis 2:23).  So, when a man married a woman, then he was to stop living with his parents and go live with the one created to help him in his work (Genesis 2:24).

Men were created for the glory of the Father of Truth, but women were created for the glory of their husbands (1 Corinthians 11:7).  Women were literally created for the benefit of their husbands (1 Corinthians 11:8-9).

The main benefit is to help her husband is by having children and guiding her household (1 Timothy 5:14).  They are to make sure that the house is kept clean and to use discretion to keep the family business in the family as much as possible (Titus 2:4-5).

Those benefits also include taking care of all kinds of things so that her husband can focus on his own work without distraction (Proverbs 31:10-12).  The wife is not only to be managing the affairs of the household, but she is also to be engaged in business outside of the house as well (Proverbs 31:13-19).

The wife is not only to help provide for her own household, but also for the needs of others (Proverbs 31:20-21).  She is to dress herself in a way that brings honor to her husband (Proverbs 31:22-23).  She is to use the money from her business to prepare for the future needs of her family (Proverbs 31:24-25). 

Since she is to work tirelessly to take care of her family, then her husband and children are to praise her (Proverbs 31:26-29).  Her husband is to let her have some of the money that she has earned to spend on herself and let others praise her for her good works as well (Proverbs 31:30-31).

This does not mean that the man does not need to work, for the husband is to provide his wife with food, clothing, and sex (Exodus 21:10).  He is worse than an idol worshiper if he does provide for his own household (1 Timothy 5:8).

In fact, the woman should only be bringing in about three fifths of the money that her husband brings into the household (Leviticus 27:2-4).  This is because her first priority is taking care of her husband – even saving him from his own stupidity (1 Samuel 25:14-19)!  Therefore she has less time for earning money outside of the home than her husband.

Also, a man and his wife are to take care of all sexual needs of each other, so that they do not need to have this taken care of by someone else (1 Corinthians 7:2).   They owe this to each other and gave up all rights to tell their spouse “no” when they were married (1 Corinthians 7:3-4).

Of course, we have to consider the entire Book of Truth in this matter.  This only applies when it is the right time for love and sex must be avoided at all other times.

Also, a man and a woman must have a marriage that is the right partnership for love.  Otherwise, they could end up married in adultery.

So as the Man of Truth is the boss of every man, every man is the boss of his wife (1 Corinthians 11:3).  She is to obey him even to the point of calling him “Lord”, for this submission to the will of the Father of Truth is greatly valuable to Him (1 Peter 3:4-6).

In fact, the man can nullify the promises of his wife when he learns of them (Numbers 30:10-13).  However if he says nothing, then his silence is consent and if he later prevents her from fulfilling them, then the guilt is his – not hers (Numbers 30:14-15).

Therefore, the woman is to submit to her husband in everything and he is to love her even to the point of being willing to die to protect her (Ephesians 5:22-25).  A woman must submit to her husband and he must love her without being bitter against her (Colossians 3:18-19). 

So the woman is the vessel of her husband, but he is to treat her with the utmost respect because she is a gift to him from the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).  He must remember that the woman was made more fragile than him and that she was made to assist him in carrying out the work that the Father of Truth gave him (1 Peter 3:7).

Now, we can look at what is required to help their husbands carry out their work.

When Abraham (Abram) left the city of Ur to go to the land of Canaan, then his wife went with him (Genesis 11:31).  When the Father of Truth told Abraham to leave everything that was familiar to go to a land where he would live as a foreigner, then his wife went with him (Genesis 12:1-5).   Everywhere Abraham went, his wife went with him (Genesis 20:13).

When the Father of Truth called Moses (Moishe) to return to Egypt, then his wife went with him (Exodus 4:18-20).  Even though Moses had to send her back to Midian, she later left everything that she knew to go with him into the wilderness (Exodus 18:2-6).

When Peter the Jew (Sh’mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) was following the Man of Truth, then his wife was taking care of the household until he returned (Matthew 8:14-15).  The wives and children of the company of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka Paulus aka The Apostle Paul) went with them on his mission trips (Acts 21:1-5).  In like manner, the wives of Peter the Jew and the wives of the other men were led by their husbands away from everything that was familiar to live another land as foreigners to support their husbands in carrying out the will of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:5).

So, wives are to follow their husbands in their endeavors.  They must be physically with their husbands to fulfill their role in the family and to fulfill their marriage covenant.

Wives are meant to support the dreams of their husbands – and their husbands are not meant to support their dreams.  Wives are not to tie their husbands down to nest in a location but are to pull up roots anytime their husbands need to relocate for any reason.   They were made to assist their husbands in carrying out the work that the Father of Truth gave them.

Wives are to give up their own will to do the will of their husbands, just as their husbands are to give up their own will to do the will of the Father of Truth.  Wives were made for the benefit of their husbands, but their husbands were made for the benefit of the Father of Truth!

What is the role of unmarried women?

A woman is under the authority of her father until she is married, so he can nullify any promise she makes (Numbers 30:3-5).  However, if she is  a widow or is divorced without a new husband, then no one can nullify her promises and she must keep them (Numbers 30:9).

However, a woman is to not leave her husband to be free from being under his authority (1 Corinthians 7:10). If she does this, then she needs to return to her husband and she is not free to marry another man (1 Corinthians 7:11).

So, unmarried women and widows need to marry rather than burn with sexual desire that will cause them to later burn in Hell (1 Corinthians 7:8-9).  If they are experiencing the pleasure of sex without being married, then they are dead in sin (1 Timothy 5:6).

Therefore, younger women need to be married and running their own household, instead of being lazy, gossiping, and meddling in the business of other households (1 Timothy 5:13-14).  Otherwise, they can turn aside from following the Man of Truth to follow the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (1 Timothy 5:15).

However, if a widow is at least sixty and was a good wife to her husband, then she can make a promise to devote herself completely to serving the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 5:9-10).  However, a younger widow may not make such a promise, because when she finds herself wanting sex, then she will remarry and bring judgment on herself for breaking her promise to the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 5:11-12).

Finally, if the Father of Truth has given a woman the gift of not needing sex, then she can remain unmarried (1 Corinthians 7:7-8).  Such a woman can fully devote herself to serving the Father of Truth, because she does not have to focus on helping her husband (1 Corinthians 7:34).

In conclusion, the role of most unmarried women is to get married for this is what they were made for.  This limits what they can do for the Father of Truth. 

In like manner, unmarried women that have not left the house of their fathers are also limited by what their fathers will allow.  This does not change until they either get married or their father dies.

However, some women may be free to serve the Father of Truth without distraction. This includes women who are no longer in the house of their father and have been given a gift to not need sex.  This also includes unmarried widows of at least sixty years of age.

Does this mean that some women can perform every role in the church?

Only Aaron and his sons could be priests that went into the Holy Place (Exodus 28:43).  Only the men of the tribe of Levi could help them in the courtyard of the altar (Numbers 18:6-8).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of priest or the role of a helper in the courtyard of the altar.

All of the elders of the congregation of Israel were men (Numbers 11:24-25).  In like manner all the elders of the congregation of the Man of Truth were men (Acts 15:4-7).  In fact, the elders cannot be married to more than one wife (Titus 1:5-6).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of elder.

In like manner, a bishop that oversees the business of the congregation must also be a man that is married to only one wife (1 Timothy 3:1-5).  The same is true of the deacons that serve under him (1 Timothy 3:12-13).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of bishop or deacon.

Only a man could be a shepherd over the congregation (Numbers 27:15-17).  This began with Moses (Isaiah 63:11).

Like the priests, it was men who were bad pastors (shepherds) that caused the congregation to sin against the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 2:8).  In the future, the Father of Truth will place pastors (shepherds) after his own heart to help take care of the congregation of Israel (Jeremiah 3:14-18).  

[“Shepherd” and “Pastor” are different translations of the same Hebrew word and mean both words mean the same thing.  This is why the congregation that a pastor is over is called a flock.]

Another man, David, will be the shepherd over the entire congregation of Israel (Ezekiel 34:23-24).  In like manner, the Man of Truth is the shepherd of over the larger congregation of all believers (John 10:14-16).

Paul the Jew placed a man to act as pastor over Ephesus (1 Timothy 1:2-4).  He left another man to act as pastor over the congregations in Crete (Titus 1:4-5).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of pastor.

Also, it would be the feet of a man would be beautiful because he published the Good News (Isaiah 52:7).   It would be a man that would bring the message of peace (Nahum 1:15).

The Man of Truth told some of the men that were following him that the Good News must be published to all ethnic groups (Mark 13:3-10).  It was men that first published the Good News of his resurrection in Israel (Acts 10:37-43).  Then other men began publishing the Good News outside of Israel (Acts 13:46-49).

It was a man that preached the Good News to the Samaritans and brought revival there (Acts 8:5-8).  This man traveled through many cities preaching the Good News (Acts 8:40).

This man who published the Good News to other people was called an evangelist (Acts 21:8).  Then another man was told to endure hardship in carrying out this work of an evangelist (2 Timothy 4:5).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of evangelist.

All of the twelve Original Apostles were men (Matthew 10:2-4).  Only a man could replace Judas the Traitor as one of the twelve Restored Apostles (Acts 1:21-26).

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) later selected two more men for this work (Acts 13:1-3).  It was these two men that demonstrated the power of the Good News and endured the persecution that comes upon apostles (Acts 14:11-20).

Later, another man became an apostle as well (1 Corinthians 4:6-9).  The physical brothers of the Man of Truth also became apostles (1 Corinthians 9:5-6).

The Father of Truth has never placed a woman in the role of apostle.

So, we can see that the Father of Truth has roles in the church that only men can fulfill.  Some of these roles are positions of authority while others involve a lot of travel and enduring hardships. 

Women were not created to perform these roles.  They were created to provide the support needed for their husbands to perform these roles.

A man cannot be even so much as a deacon unless his wife is a woman of good character that is faithfully fulfilling her role of wife, so he can focus on the work that the Father of Truth has called him to do (1 Timothy 3:10-11).

Are there other roles that a woman can perform in the church?

There are many other roles beyond those discussed so far, including the ministry of helps (1 Corinthians 12:28). 

Women helped with providing and creating the materials needed to make the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:21-29). 

A widow sustained the Prophet of Truth Elijah (Eliyahu) for many days during a time of famine (1 Kings 17:8-151 Kings 17:8-15).  Another woman fed and housed the Prophet of Truth Elisha (Elishah) (2 Kings 4:8-12).

The mother-in-law of Peter the Jew took care of the needs of the Man of Truth and his disciples (Mark 1:29-31).  Other women helped them with their needs as they preached the Good News (Luke 8:1-5). 

A woman in Capernaum helped the Man of Truth by anointing his tired feet with her hair and washing them with her tears at the end of a long day to show her gratitude (Luke 7:44-47).  

Martha also provided food and lodging to help the Man of Truth and his men carry out their work in Bethany (Luke 10:38).  Six days before Passover, Martha once again provided food to help him while her sister anointed his feet with her hair to help prepare him for his burial (John 12:1-7).

Then two days before Passover, another woman in Bethany anointed the feet of the Man of Truth with very expensive perfume using her hair to also help prepare him for his burial (Mark 14:1-8).

A large number of women continued to help the Man of Truth until the day of his crucifixion (Mark 15:40-41).  Some even stayed to comfort him as best they could until he took his last breath (John 19:25-30).

When his body was hastily laid in a grave, these women began preparing to give the Man of Truth a more fitting burial - until they had to stop for the Sabbath (Luke 23:50-56).  They then came very early in the morning on the day following the Sabbath to do this for him (Luke 24:1).

It was the mother of Mark the Jew (The Apostle Mark) who hosted a prayer meeting for Peter the Jew in her home (Acts 12:11-12).  Lydia the Jew, the first person to come into the House of Truth in Europe, was also the first person to provide food and lodging for those who brought the Gospel to Europe (Acts 16:12-15).  The mother of Rufus later took care of Paul the Jew in Greece as if he was her own son (Romans 16:13).

So, women can help men carry out the work of the Gospel in many of the same ways that they help their own families.

A woman helped save Israel from the Midianites (Judges 5:24-27).  A wise woman saved her city from the treachery of Abimelech (Judges 9:50-54).  A wise woman saved her city from the wrath of Joab (2 Samuel 20:15-22).

So, women can help men carry out the work of the Gospel by providing wisdom in times of crisis like some wives do for their husbands.

A wise woman spoke the words of Joab to soften the heart of King David towards his son (2 Samuel 14:1-3).

A Samaritan woman helped the Man of Truth reach the men of her city by testifying to them what she had seen and heard (John 4:25-30).  This provided the Man of Truth and his disciple lodging for two days resulting in many others coming to faith when they heard his words (John 4:39-43).

Some women arrived at the rising of the sun to give the Man of Truth a more fitting burial only to find the stone had already been rolled away from the tomb (Mark 16:1-4).

One of them, Mary Magdalene, arrived while it was still dark and saw this first (John 20:1).  She then ran ahead to tell Peter the Jew and John the Jew (Yochanon aka John the son of Zebedee) (John 20:2).

An Angel of Truth told the other women to tell the men that the Man of Truth had risen from the dead (Mark 16:5-7).  However, they became afraid and fled from the tomb without telling anyone what they had seen and heard (Mark 16:8). 

Then, these women went back again to the tomb, where two Angels of Truth reminded them of how the Man of Truth had said he would be crucified and then rise again on the third day (Luke 24:5-7).  When they remembered his words, they also went to tell what they had seen and heard, but the men did not believe their testimony (Luke 24:8-11).

However, Peter the Jew went to the empty tomb and saw for himself (Luke 24:12).  The other men were astonished at the testimony of the women concerning the Angels of Truth and the Man of Truth being raised from the dead, but did see the Man of Truth when they also went to the tomb (Luke 24:22-24).

After the men left, Mary Magdalene returned and two angels asked her why she was crying, so she replied that someone had taken the body of the Man of Truth (John 20:10-13). 

Then she saw the Man of Truth but did not recognize him, so she asked him where the body of the Man of Truth had been laid (John 20:14-15).  Then the Man of Truth told her that it was him, but not to touch him until after he had ascended (John 20:16-17).

So, the Man of Truth appeared to Mary Magdalene before anyone else (Mark 16:9).  However, when she told them what she had seen and heard, they did not believe her testimony (Mark 16:10-11).  Still, she faithfully told them the message that the Man of Truth had told her to pass on to them (John 20:15-16).

When the women returned to the tomb, an Angel of Truth told them that the Man of Truth had risen and instructed them to tell his disciples, so they left to do so (Matthew 28:5-7).  On their way, the Man of Truth appeared to them as well and this time they held him by his feet in worship (Matthew 28:8-9).  So, he told these women to tell the men to meet him in Galilee (Matthew 28:10).

So, women can help men carry out the work of the Gospel with their words.  However, they are not doing the work of an evangelist in publishing the Good News to people that they do not know in unfamiliar places. 

Their part is to help by carrying messages from men to other men.  Their part is to testify to those they already know of what they have seen and heard.

Paul the Jew had to take the grace offering that had been gathered by the Gentiles in Greece to Jerusalem to help the poor persecuted Jewish believers there before he could come to Rome (Romans 15:26-27).  He sent a woman to Rome ahead of him to oversee gathering this offering there because she had been a faithful helper to him in Greece (Romans 16:1-2).

Priscilla had also helped Paul the Jew – even risking her life for him (Romans 16:3-4).  Another woman named Mary had also worked tirelessly in helping his ministry team in Greece and had also been sent ahead to Rome (Romans 16:6). 

Other women who had helped in carrying out the work of the Good News were also sent ahead to Rome (Romans 16:12).  This included the sister of Nereus (Romans 16:15).

Euodias and Syntyche were among the women who had labored to help Paul the Jew in carrying out the work of the Gospel (Philippians 4:2-3).

The Father of Truth has used women many times in the ministry of helps.  That help is similar to the help that wives are to give their husbands.  This is their primary role in the church.

What other roles can a woman perform in the church?

Moses wanted all the congregation, including the women, to be Prophets of Truth (Numbers 11:29).  These spokespersons would pass on messages that the Father of Truth revealed to them in dreams or visions (Numbers 12:6).

These Prophets of Truth would never be given a dream or vision that is contrary to the commandments of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).  A Prophet of Truth would only speak words to turn people back to walking in all of His ways (Deuteronomy 18:16-22).

So, the Father of Truth spoke to Hulda the Prophetess of Truth in dreams and visions about the destruction of the kingdom of Judah for turning away from His commandments, but the mercy that would be shown their king for seeking to keep them (2 Kings 22:12-20).  The wife of the Prophet of Truth Isaiah (Yeshayahu) was also a Prophetess of Truth that was used to show the destruction of the kingdom of Israel for turning away from His commandments (Isaiah 8:1-8).

The Father of Truth also told Amos the Prophet of Truth that the days were coming when there would be a long famine of messages from Him (Amos 8:8-11).  That famine ended when the Father of Truth began to speak to Anna the Prophetess of Truth in dreams and visions to confirm her testimony in the Temple that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 2:36-38).

The Father of Truth has used women at times in the ministry of the Prophet of Truth.

Moses also desired that the Spirit of Truth would come upon all of the congregation, including the women, so that they prophesied (Numbers 11:25-29). 

Centuries later, Samuel the Prophet of Truth told King Saul (Shaul) that the Spirit of Truth came upon Saul (Shaul) and he would prophesy (1 Samuel 10:6).  So, the Spirit of Truth came upon King Saul, and he prophesied like a Prophet of Truth – but without a dream or vision (1 Samuel 10:10-11). 

Centuries later the Father of Truth gave a message to Joel the Prophet of Truth that the desire of Moses would one day be fulfilled where even the women among the congregation would prophesy messages from the Father of Truth – without a dream or vision (Joel 2:28-29).

Centuries later, the Man of Truth told all those gather to him on the Mount of Olives to wait for the Spirit of Truth in Jerusalem to give them power to carry out the work of spreading the Good News (Acts 1:2-8).  So, after he returned to Heaven, a hundred and twenty of them, including women, waited in an upper room in Jerusalem for the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:9-15).

When Pentecost (Shavuot) was fully come, the Spirit of Truth came upon them and they began to speak messages from the Father of Truth in languages that they did not even know (Acts 2:1-11)!  Peter the Jew told everyone that this was the desire of Moses being fulfilled as Joel the Prophet of Truth had said would happen – where even women would prophesy messages from the Father of Truth when they were not Prophetesses of Truth (Acts 2:16-18).

The four daughters of Philip the Evangelists prophesied messages but did not have messages given to them in dreams and visions like Agabus the Prophet of Truth (Acts 21:8-12).  When they prophesied, they spoke messages to the congregation like had happened at Pentecost – except the messages were in a language they knew, so their was no need for them to be interpreted (1 Corinthians 14:1-5).

These messages were given in the congregation to cause unbelievers to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:23-25).  However, these messages are to be given in an orderly manner with no more than three speakers per service, because confusion is not the work of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:26-33).

So, the congregation is to desire that all in the congregation, including women, prophesy like Moses desired and not forbid speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:39).  However, it must be done in a decent and orderly manner (1 Corinthians 14:40).

The Father of Truth has used women at times to pass on messages from Him.

Moses was the only judge over all of the congregation of Israel to make them know the ways of the Father of Truth (Exodus 18:13-16).  However, his father-in-law told him that he needed help in teaching them (Exodus 18:17-20).

His father-in-law told Moses to appoint lower judges to teach the simpler things to resolve disputes and that he would be the supreme judge that would decide the greater matters that the lower judges could not resolve (Exodus 18:21-23).  So, Moses did as his father-in-law advised and became the first Judge of Truth (Exodus 18:24-26).

When the congregation of Israel took possession of the Promise Land, then these lower judges were to sit in the gates of their cities to resolve disputes (Deuteronomy 16:18-20).  However, the Judge of Truth was to work with the High Priest of Truth in the Tabernacle to resolve the greater matters, so people would learn how to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 17:8-13).

After the time of Moses, Joshua became the Judge of Truth that would teach the congregation to walk in all the ways of the Father of Truth (Numbers 27:15-17).  However, Joshua would also be the supreme commander of the army of Israel to bring judgment on the enemies of the Father of Truth in the Promise Land (Deuteronomy 31:3-4).

After the time of Joshua, the Father of Truth raised up more Judges of Truth who would also deliver the congregation of Israel from their enemies (Judges 2:16-18). During this time, Deborah the Prophetess of Truth acted as the Judge of Truth outside of the Tabernacle and taught the people of Israel how to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth under a palm tree (Judges 4:4-5).  However, Barak was the Judge of Truth that delivered the congregation of Israel from their enemies (Judges 4:6-10).

The same Hebrew word that is used of Moses being the Judge of Truth is used of all these people.  So, without question the Father of Truth had a woman teaching the congregation how to walk in all of His ways. 

Older women can also without question teach the younger women in the congregation how to be good wives to their husbands and walk in the ways of the Father of Truth (Titus 2:3-5).

However, Deborah was the wife of Lapidoth (Judges 4:4).  She could not judge matters concerning him nor teach him since she was in subjection to his authority (1 Timothy 2:11-13).

The Father of Truth has used women at times to teach the congregation how to walk in His ways, but never their own husbands.

Mose was the first to lead the congregation in praise and worship (Exodus 15:1-2).  However, Miriam the first Prophetess of Truth was the first to pick up a music instrument and lead the women of the congregation (Exodus 15:20-21). 

The Prophets of Truth then used musical instruments centuries later at the time of King Saul (1 Samuel 10:5).

Afterwards, King David organized men to lead worship in the Temple with musical instruments and prophesying (1 Chronicles 25:1).  Among those under them in the Temple singers were the daughters of Heman the Prophet of Truth (1 Chronicles 25:5-6).

The Father of Truth has used women at times to be part of praise and worship.

Women can be Prophetesses of Truth and give messages to the congregation that the Father of Truth gave them in dreams and visions.  They can give messages that the Spirit of Truth gives them for the congregation either by prophesying or speaking in tongues.

Women can be teachers in the congregation - except to a man who is in authority over them.  They can be part of the praise and worship team.

How can women do any of these things while being silent?

So, women are commanded to be silent in the service instead causing confusion by asking their husbands questions during the service, but need to wait until they are home to ask their questions (1 Corinthians 14:33-35).

The conclusion of the matter is this:

There are five main ministries in the church (Ephesians 4:11-12).  Of those ministries, the Father of Truth will never use women to be an apostle, evangelist, or pastor, but He might use them to be a Prophetess of Truth or teacher.

However, women have been used to testify to those they knew of what they had seen and heard.  They have also been active in the music ministry.

Also, women have never been used by the Father of Truth for governing the congregation, but they have been used often in the ministry of helps (1 Corinthians 12:27-28).  This includes delivering messages for men and conducting important business such as collecting offerings for the poor on behalf of a man.

The Man of Truth said that believers would speak in tongues as well as lay hand on the sick and perform miracles (Mark 16:15-18).  Still, there are no examples of women working miracles or exercising gifts of healing in the Book of Truth, but they have been used to give messages from the Spirit of Truth by speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:29-30). 

So, the Spirit of Truth could use women to work miracles or exercise gifts of healing since they have been used in all the other gifts of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:8-11).  In fact, only women have been given the faith to receive back their dead to life, even though a man was used to work the miracle (Hebrews 11:35).

The problem with Noadiah the Prophetess of Lies was that she gave messages that were opposed to the will of the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 6:14-16).  The problem with the Prophetesses of Lies in the days of Ezekiel the Prophet of Truth was that they prophesied out of their own hearts instead of by the Spirit of Truth (Ezekiel 13:17).  The problem with the woman the Man of Truth called Jezebel, was that she called herself a Prophetess of Truth but taught men to break the commandments of the Father of Truth (Revelation 2:20).

The problem with these women was not that they were speaking or teaching, but that they were speaking and teaching lies.  Women are required like men to do all things faithfully.

A lot of contention over these matters has come from people who are puffed with pride over their role – as if it was not the Spirit of Truth working through them (1 Corinthians 4:6-7).  Some of them have even turned against the Father of Truth in order to keep themselves above other people (3 John 1:9-11).

They have lorded it over others due to their role – even though the Man of Truth warned them to not do so, but for us to serve another like he did (Luke 22:23-27).  They have been warned to not think more highly of themselves than others because the Father of Truth gave them the ability to fulfill their role (Romans 12:3).

They are only one small member of the body of the church and their role was given to them to be performed faithfully out of sincere love for the other members of the body (Romans 12:4-9).  Every member of the body is needed and every role is important (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).  The Man of Truth is the only head of the body that is above other members (Colossians 1:18).

The building of the church is ultimately the work of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 3:5-11).  Since it is His work, each person will be rewarded according to how faithful they were to perform their role - and not according to what their role was (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).

So, the woman who helps the Prophet of Truth will receive the same reward as the Prophet of Truth (Matthew 10:41-42).  They will be rewarded for being a faithful servant to the Lord – not for the roles that the Father of Truth gave them (Matthew 25:20-23).

So, women have been given very important roles to fulfill in the church by the Father of Truth.   The church simply cannot carry out the mission of bringing the Gospel to all ethnic groups without them fulfilling those roles.

Of course, before a man or woman can have any role in the church, they must make the Man of Truth their lord by doing what he commands them (Luke 6:46-49).  They must do this because they believed the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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