Sunday, April 30, 2023

Context Is King!

Why is context king?

My son gave me a coffee mug that says “I can do all things through a verse taken out of context”.  He gave me this mug because I am always saying “Context is king!”.

Rightly dividing the Word of Truth is done by applying the seven rules of interpretation found in the Book of Truth (The Bible) itself.  Of these seven rules, context is king because applying this rules allows you to see the other six rules clearly.

People have come to the wrong conclusions about all kinds of things when a verse is taken out of context.  They have the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) saying, “I did not mean that” about the verse.

People can only come to a right understanding of a verse by considering the complete context of the verse.  The complete context of the verse is the context of the verse in the passage it is in, the context of the verse in the book it is in, and the context of the verse in the entire Book of Truth.

Context is king and the doctrine of lies relies upon people not knowing or considering the complete context of a verse.  So people can come to all kinds of wrong conclusions about things like the Sermon on the Mount and  the Greater Exodus.

However, picking a good translation is also important when considering the complete context of a verse.  Faithless translations usually contain one disturbing sentence that is not found in any faithful translation or ancient text.

Often those who preach another gospel rely on a faulty translation of a single verse that “proves” their doctrine. However, their doctrine will not stand up to close scrutiny even in their faulty translation of choice when the complete context is considered.

So, context is king.  It will always lead to the right understanding of any verse when the complete context of the verse is considered in a faithful translation. Let us consider a couple of examples of how to use the complete context to rightly understand a verse.

Consider Revelation 20:4

This verse says that the martyrs of the Tribulation will reign as priests and kings with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) during the Millennium (Revelation 20:4).  This has caused some people to conclude that only the martyrs of the Tribulation will reign with the Man of Truth during the Millennium, but let us consider the complete context of the verse, starting with the passage that it is in.

The next verse says that the rest of the dead will not live again until after the Millennium is over and this is the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:5).  The verse after that says that everyone in the First Resurrection will reign with the Man of Truth during the Millennium and will not be part of the Second Death (Revelation 20:6).

So, if only the Tribulation martyrs are reigning with the Man of Truth during the Millennium and those who are part of the First Resurrection are reigning with the Man of Truth during the Millennium, then only the Tribulation martyrs are part of the First Resurrection.

What about everyone one else according to this passage?  What about those who are not part of the First Resurrection?

The passage goes on to tell us when the Millennium is over that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will be let loose to deceive those who do not want to be reigned by the Man of Truth into gathering to attack his capital, but all of these rebels will be killed by the Father of Truth (Revelation 20:7-9).  Then the Father of Lies will be cast into the Lake of Fire and the current universe will disappear (Revelation 20:10-11).

Then the rest of the dead, those that were not part of the First Resurrection, will be judged by the Father of Truth and cast into the Lake of Fire – which is the Second Death (Revelation 20:12-14).  None of these had their names written down in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:15).

So, according to this passage those who died, but were not part of the First Resurrection that reigned with the Man of Truth during the Millennium, will not be found in the Book of Life and be cast into the Lake of Fire where they will experience the Second Death.  This would include John the Jew who was told to write this down since he died long before the Tribulation began, if the First Resurrection only included the Tribulation martyrs.

Does this make any sense?  No, it is obviously wrong when you consider the verse in the context of the entire passage that it is in.

What does make sense is that the Tribulation martyrs are the last group to be given resurrected bodies as part of the First Resurrection.  It makes sense that the First Resurrection includes all of the believers that were given resurrected bodies – including the Man of Truth.

Context is king!

Next, let us consider what the rest of the book of Revelation says about those ruling with the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth was the beginning of the First Resurrection (Revelation 1:5).  He will cause all of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to reign with him when he sets up his kingdom on the Earth (Revelation 1:6-7).

The twenty-four elders that will not be part of the Tribulation martyrs, but will already in Heaven as part of those that had been redeemed from the Gentiles (Revelation 5:8-9).  They will also reign with the Man of Truth when he sets up his kingdom on the Earth (Revelation 5:10).

In like manner, the hundred and forty-four thousand Israelites will be sealed on the Earth to carry out the will of the Father of Truth (Revelation 7:3-4).  These same hundred and forty-four thousand Israelites will later appear alive in Heaven as the Firstfruits of the Tribulation believers (Revelation 14:1-4).

Also the two witnesses will come down to Earth from Heaven to prophecy of the coming reign of the Man of Truth (Revelation 11:3-6).  These two witness will be mortal men who will be killed by the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) in Jerusalem (Revelation 11:7-10). 

On the third day, they will be resurrected and ascend up to Heaven again (Revelation 11:11-12).  After this, it will be announced again that the Man of Truth will reign over the Earth soon and reward all of the Children of Truth, including the Prophets of Truth (Revelation 11:13-18).

So, the rest of the book of Revelation reveals that all of the Children of Truth will reign with the Man of Truth, who was the first to be part of the First Tribulation, during the Millennium.  It also reveals that the twenty-four elders who were resurrected before the Tribulation will also rule with him during the Millennium.

In like manner, the one hundred and forty-four thousand are revealed as being the first to be part of the First Resurrection during the Tribulation, even though they are never called martyrs.  After that, the two witnesses will be resurrected as part of the First Resurrection as well before the Man of Truth returns to begin his reign during the Millennium.

So, when you consider the verse in the context of the entire book of Revelation it becomes apparent that the Tribulation martyrs are the last group to be part of the First Resurrection.  It becomes apparent all of the Children of Truth that will reign with the Man of Truth during the Millennium.

Context is king!

Finally, let us consider what the rest of the Book of Truth says about those ruling with the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth will use the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to reign over the whole Earth from Jerusalem during the Millennium and all disputes between Gentile nations will be settled in his court instead of by war (Isaiah 2:1-4).  All of the Gentiles will live in peace and prosperity under his rule (Micah 4:1-4).

The people of Israel will walk in his light as well (Isaiah 2:5).  They will be gathered from all nations to form a strong kingdom that the Man of Truth will rule over the Earth from (Micah 4:6-7).

Every Gentile kingdom will bring tribute to the kingdom of Israel or it will be destroyed (Isaiah 60:11-14).  The kingdom of Israel will be above all Gentile kingdoms in the global kingdom of the Man of Truth during the Millennium (Micah 4:8).

When the Tribulation ends the people of Israel will be gathered to form the kingdom of Israel and King David will be their king (Jeremiah 30:7-10).  King David will lead the kingdom of Israel in obedience to the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 37:21-24).

King David will rule over the kingdom of Israel and build the Millennium Temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 37:21-24).  The days of people of Israel living outside of the kingdom of Israel and Jerusalem being without the Temple will be over when King David comes with the Man of Truth to rule over them (Hosea 3:4-5).

The twelve original Apostles of Truth will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel as well during the Millennium (Matthew 19:27-28).  Each one of them will rule over a one tribe kingdom under King David during the Millennium (Luke 22:28-30)

All those who die as followers of the Man of Truth will also live again and reign with him when he sets up his kingdom (2 Timothy 2:11-12).  They will make up a royal priesthood and a holy nation during his reign (1 Peter 2:9).

Everyone who ever died will be either be part of the First Resurrection to eternal life or part of a Second Resurrection to eternal punishment (Daniel 12:1-2).  Jew and Gentile alike will be resurrected to either everlasting life or everlasting punishment (Romans 2:5-10).

This First Resurrection began with the Man of Truth (Acts 26:23).  He was the first fruits of those resurrected to rule during the Millennium (1 Corinthians 15:20-25).

After the Man of Truth was resurrected, many of the dead Children of Truth near Jerusalem were resurrected as well (Matthew 27:52-53).  In like manner, all of the dead Children of Truth shall be resurrected to be with him when he comes from Heaven to set up his kingdom on Earth (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).

So, all of the dead Children of Truth will be resurrected to be with the Man of Truth in Heaven before he returns to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 4:15-16).  Then the living Children of Truth will be given a resurrected body without dying first and will be snatched up to meet the Man of Truth in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

So, when you consider the context of the entire Book of Truth, those who rule with the Man of Truth during the Millennium include King David and the original twelve Apostles of Truth.  Without controversy, they were not part of the Tribulation Martyrs.

Indeed, all of the Children of Truth will be part of the First Resurrection and rule with the Man of Truth during the Millennium.  The First Resurrection occurs in seven phases, beginning with the Man of Truth and ending with the Tribulation martyrs.

Context is king!

Most importantly, context is king to being part of the First Resurrection and not of part of the Second Resurrection.

You will not be fall for the Great Deception if you consider the complete context of every verse.  You will be protected from the Partial Deception as well when you do this.

You will know that the Man of Truth meant exactly what he said when he told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more (John 8:11).  You will understand that the Man of Truth expects the same of those who come into the House of Truth (Romans 6:12-16).

You will understand that you will be able to keep the commandments of righteousness in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) if you let the Spirit of Truth rule your mind instead of your flesh (Romans 8:4-8).  You will have the mind of the Man of Truth if you listen to the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:10-16).

You will know that you will not give into the evil desires of your flesh if you walk after the Spirit of Truth instead of trying to obey the Law of Truth in your own strength (Galatians 5:16-18).  The Spirit of Truth will cause you to never do anything contrary to the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:22-23).

You will not be deceived into believing that you can continue to break the commandments of righteousness in the Law of Truth and still be part of the First Resurrection (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  You will know that if you cannot live according to the evil desires of your flesh and still be saved (Galatians 5:19-21).

You will know that even though you are expected to sin no more, that if you do sin again then you can still repent again (1 John 2:1-2).  You will want to keep the commandments of the Father of Truth because you love him (1 John 2:3-5).

You will understand that that calling the Man of Truth your lord is not enough to ensure that you are part of the First Resurrection, but you must also do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 7:21). You will not love this world that is contrary to the Father of Truth, but you will do His will so you can be part of the First Resurrection (1 John 2:15-17).

You will realize that there is no salvation without true repentance and there is no true repentance without total surrender.  You will know that it is how you end that matters.

So, give the Man of Truth control of your entire life because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  You will not have a part in the Second Resurrection if you overcome sin by surrendering control to the Man of Truth (Revelation 21:5-8).

Come into the House of Truth!
