Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dreams from God

How does God speak to people in dreams?

Everyone dreams every night, whether they remember it or not.

However, most dreams are not from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

Most dreams disappear as if they had never occurred (Job 20:8).  They vanish as soon as the dreamer awakens (Psalm 73:20).

Most dreams are not remembered, even if they troubled the dreamer (Daniel 2:1-5).  They disappear and are forgotten as soon as the dreamer wakes up (Isaiah 29:7).

Some dreams are nightmares that bring terror to the dreamer (Job 7:13-15).   Other dreams can bring great joy to the dreamer (Psalm 126:1-3).

Dreams can come from being too busy (Ecclesiastes 5:3).  These are mostly empty dreams (Ecclesiastes 5:7).  These empty dreams do not help the dreamer (Isaiah 29:8).

However, some dreams are from the Father of Truth.

A dream from the Father of Truth is a vision that He gives someone while they sleep, where He gives instructions to their spirit (Job 33:14-17).

Some of the dreams given by the Father of Truth bring terror to the dreamer (Job 4:12-19).

Dreams can come from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) being poured out on people (Joel 2:28-29).  Even old men have have been given dreams by the Father of Truth, ever since the Spirit of Truth started being poured out on all people (Acts 2:17).

So, the Father of Truth still speaks to people though dreams and visions.

His brothers conspired against Joseph (Yousef), after he had told them the dream that the Father of Truth had given him (Genesis 37:18-20).

So, dreams from the Father of Truth should not to be shared with everyone.

Dreams from the Father of Truth will lead people into His will.

The Father of Truth speaks to the Prophets of Truth through dreams (Numbers 12:6).

However, the dreams that He gives the Prophets of Truth will never lead people away from keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

So, the Father of Truth speaks to the Prophets of Truth in dreams to lead people to walk in His ways.

The Prophets of Lies will have dreams, but those dreams are not from the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 23:25-27).  The dreams from the Father of Truth will never lead people away from the Word of Truth (Jeremiah 23:28-30).  The Father of Truth will never send a dream that leads people into the error of disobeying His commandments (Jeremiah 23:31-32).

So, any dream that is contrary to the Word of Truth is not from the Father of Truth.

The dreams of the Prophets of Lies will lead people into disaster (Jeremiah 27:9-10).  The Prophets of Lies tell about dreams, which were not from the Father of Truth, to give false comfort to unrepentant sinners (Zechariah 10:2).

Not everyone who says that the Father of Truth has spoken to them in a dream is telling the truth (Jeremiah 29:8-9).  There are still Prophets of Lies today, who tell about dreams that were not from the Father of Truth, to lead people away from the Father of Truth for their own profit (Jude 8-11).

So, test every dream that someone says is from the Father of Truth to see if it was.

The Father of Truth sends instructions in dreams to all kinds of people to bring about His will.

The first person to have the Father of Truth speak to them directly in a dream was Abimelech, the king of Gerar (Genesis 20:3-7).  However, the people of Gerar did not fear the Father of Truth (Genesis 20:8-11).

So, the Father of Truth will even speak directly in dreams to those who do not know Him.

The Father of Truth later spoke to Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel) directly in dream as well (Genesis 28:10-15).  However, Jacob was a worshiper of the Father of Truth (Genesis 28:16-22).

So, the Father of Truth also speaks directly in dreams to those who know Him.

The Father of Truth warned Laban in a dream to do no harm to Jacob (Genesis 31:24).  So, Laban was careful to do no harm to Jacob (Genesis 31:25-29).  He heeded the warning, even though he worshiped idols (Genesis 31:30-35).

The Father of Truth also gave the wife of Pilate a dream to warn Pilate that they would suffer greatly, if he continued to put the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) on trial, when he knew that he was innocent (Matthew 27:17-19).

So, the Father of Truth will use dreams to warn those who do not know Him to not harm the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).

The Father of Truth sends instructions in dreams to help the Children of Truth.

Jacob used rods to have the stronger livestock to be born with coats that showed they belonged to him (Genesis 30:37-42).  He did this to follow the instructions that the Father of Truth gave him in dream, so he would be paid the wages that Laban had tried to take away from him by deceit (Genesis 31:7-13).

So, the Father of Truth will give instructions in dreams to prosper the Children of Truth.

The Father of Truth told Jacob to go down to Egypt in a dream (Genesis 46:2-4).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to guide the Children of Truth to where they should live.

However, the Father of Truth does not give wisdom in dreams to everyone, even if they seek Him for it (1 Samuel 28:6).  He will not give wisdom in dreams to those who refuse to obey Him (1 Samuel 28:15-18).  However, He will give wisdom in dreams to those who obey Him and seek him for wisdom (1 Kings 3:3-12).

So, the Father of Truth can give wisdom in dreams to the Children of Truth, when they ask Him for it.

The Father of Truth also gives dreams of wealth and long life that bring gladness to those who obey Him (1 Kings 3:13-15).

So, the Father of Truth can give encouragement to obey Him in dreams.

The Father of Truth instructed Joseph (Yousef) in a dream to take Mary (Mariam) as his wife, because the Spirit of Truth had caused her to conceive, and to give her son, the Man of Truth, the name that had been spoken by the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 1:20-23).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to assure people that strange events are from Him.

The Father of Truth instructed the Wise Men in a dream to not return to King Herod (Herod the Great) but to go home by a different route in a dream (Matthew 2:7-12).

The Father of Truth then sent His Angel in a dream to instruct Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and the Man of Truth to fulfill the words of the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 2:13-15).

After Herod the Great died, the Father of Truth sent His Angel in a dream to instruct Joseph to return to the land of Israel (Matthew 2:19-20).  The Father of Truth instructed Joseph in another dream to flee to Galilee to fulfill the words of the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 2:22-23).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to protect the Children of Truth.

Some dreams from the Father of Truth require interpretation.

The first people to interpret a dream sent by the Father of Truth were the brothers of Joseph (Genesis 37:5-8).  Jacob interpreted the next dream sent by the Father of Truth to his son Joseph (Genesis 37:9-11).

So, any worshiper of the Father of Truth can be given the interpretation of dreams from Him.

Joseph looked to the Father of Truth to interpret the dreams of others (Genesis 40:5-8).  Joseph then interpreted the message of the dreams sent by the Father of Truth correctly (Genesis 40:9-22).

So, dreams from the Father of Truth can be interpreted by seeking Him for the interpretation.

When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dreams, Joseph told Pharaoh that the Father of Truth would interpret the dreams that He had sent (Genesis 41:15-16).  Joseph then told Pharaoh the interpretation of the dreams sent by the Father of Truth (Genesis 41:17-32).  Afterwards, Pharaoh acknowledged that the Spirit of Truth had given Joseph the ability to interpret the dreams sent by the Father of Truth (Genesis 41:38-39).

So, the Spirit of Truth gives the Children of Truth the ability to interpret dreams sent by the Father of Truth.

Later, the Father of Truth sent a dream to one of the Midianites, who was coming against Gideon, and gave the interpretation of the dream to another Midianite, who was coming against Gideon (Judges 7:13-15).

So, even those who do not know the Father of Truth can be given the interpretation of a dream from Him.

The Father of Truth gave Daniel (Belteshazzar) the ability to understand all dreams (Daniel 1:17). 

So, the Father of Truth can give people a gift to interpret dreams.

King Nebuchadnezzar promised Daniel great wealth and power, if he could tell him what he dreamed and what his dream meant (Daniel 2:6).

Still, Daniel had to seek the Father of Truth for the dream and the interpretation, even when it was impossible for any human being to do so (Daniel 2:7-18).  The Father of Truth gave Daniel both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:19-23).

So, even when the Father of Truth has given the gift of interpreting dreams to people, they still have to seek Him to use that gift.

Daniel made sure that Nebuchadnezzar understood that the Father of Truth had given him both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:24-30).  Daniel then told Nebuchadnezzar both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:31-45).  Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that this ability could have only came from the Father of Truth (Daniel 2:46-47).

When someone gives the correct interpretation of a dream from the Father of Truth, it will always bring glory to Him.

Later, Nebuchadnezzar called for Daniel to interpret another dream that came to him from the Father of Truth (Daniel 4:4-18).  Daniel gave Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of his dream and told him to heed the warning of the dream (Daniel 4:19-27).  Nebuchadnezzar did not heed the warning of the dream, and a year later, the interpretation of the dream came to pass (Daniel 4:28-36).

So, the interpretation of dreams can make a warning from the Father of Truth known.

Daniel was known for his gift of interpreting dreams (Daniel 5:10-12).

Anyone given the gift of interpreting dreams will be known by their demonstrations of that gift.

Later, Daniel had a dream, and someone in the dream had to give him the interpretation of the dream (Daniel 7).

So, even someone with the gift of interpreting dreams from the Father of Truth, can still need to have their own dreams interpreted by someone else .

However, the days are coming when there will be no more dreams to interpret.

Today, the Children of Truth get a blurry view of the face of the Father of Truth in a dream, but the day is coming when they will see Him face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12).

The day is coming when they will no longer need to see the Man of Truth in their dreams, because they will be like him when he comes to rule the Earth and they will see him as he really is (1 John 3:2).

They will be living the dream, when the Father of Truth comes down to live among them in the Renewed Heaven and Renewed Earth (Revelation 21:1-4).  They will be living the dream because they came into the House of Truth to be His children (Revelation 21:5-7).

However, everyone who does not come into the House of Truth will be experiencing an unending nightmare (Revelation 21:8).

So, come into the House of Truth, and start living the dream today (John 17:3).  Surrender your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!



Monday, July 13, 2020

Visions From God

Does the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) still give people visions today?

The best place to begin is with an explanation of the three different types of vision

An open vision is when the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) causes someone to see something that cannot be seen by others - while they are wide awake (Numbers 24:2-4).

A person might also fall into a trance, where they able to move or see the natural world, when they are given a vision (Numbers 24:15-16).

A person can also have their eyes opened to see both the spiritual world and the natural world at the same time (2 Kings 6:15-17).

We will now examine how visions operated under the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).

The Father of Truth spoke to the Prophets of Truth in visions (Numbers 12:6).  The Father of Truth revealed Himself to the Prophets of Truth through visions (1 Samuel 3:19-21). The Father of Truth has spoken to Israel by giving visions to the Prophets of Truth (Hosea 12:10). 

The first person to have the Father of Truth speak to them in a vision was Abraham (Abram), where He promised to give Abraham a multitude of descendants (Genesis 15:1-5).  Abraham was also the first person to be called a prophet (Genesis 20:7-9).

The Prophets of Truth did not always discern that they were being called by the Father of Truth, because they did not recognize His voice the first time they heard it (1 Samuel 3:4-8).  They did not have a vision, until they answer the call from the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 3:9-10).

Often, the vision concerned judgment for sin (1 Samuel 3:11-14).  The Prophets of Truth were usually given visions about judgment for sin (2 Chronicles 9:29).   Prophets of Truth, like Isaiah, were given grievous visions of judgment, which were called the burden of the subject of the vision (Isaiah 21:1-3).

The Father of Truth gave Obadiah, a Prophet of Truth, a vision of judgment upon the Edomites (Obadiah 1:1-2).  He also gave another Prophet of Truth, Nahum, the burden of Nineveh - a vision of coming judgment on Nineveh (Nahum 1:1-2).

Prophets of Truth had understanding in visions from the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 26:5).  These visions were plain and true - unlike those from the Prophets of Lies, which they saw while they were drunk (Isaiah 28:1-7).  Yet, people were unable to understand the visions of the Prophets of Truth, when they did not love the Father of Truth with their whole hearts (Isaiah 29:11-14).

The Prophets of Truth often did not want to share the vision with those who faced judgment, but they were compelled to share it (1 Samuel 3:15-18). 

The Father of Truth sometimes spoke to a Prophet of Truth about something in a first vision (2 Samuel 7:4-17).  Then He confirm it with a second similar vision (1 Chronicles 17:3-15).

However, the details were slightly different to show that the vision would come to pass in two different ways.

For example, consider the two visions concerning the son of David.

First, there was a vision, which had the promise that the son of David, Solomon (Shlomo), would reign over Israel after him, even though Solomon would be punished for his own sins (2 Samuel 7:12-16).  Then there was a second vision, which had the promise that the Son of David, the Messiah of Israel, would reign over Israel after him, even though the Messiah of Israel would be punished - but not for his own sins (1 Chronicles 17:11-14).

Some Prophets of Truth had so many visions from the Father of Truth that they had to be written in a book (2 Chronicles 32:32).  These visions have been written down, so the Children of Truth could take action and live by faith (Habakkuk 2:2-4).

The Book of Isaiah, one of the ten longest books in the Book of Truth, is a collection of the many visions given to Isaiah (Yeshayahu), along with the historical context of the visions (Isaiah 1:1).  

Many of these visions occurred in the Kidron valley just outside of Jerusalem, so it is referred to as the valley of visions (Isaiah 22:1-10).

The visions from the Father of Truth gave to the Prophets of Truth were often spread over a period of many years.

In the captivity of Judah, Ezekiel (Yechezqel), a Priest of Truth, also was given a vision from the Father of Truth (Ezekiel 1:1-3).  He saw a vision of judgment upon Jerusalem that none could escape, because they still had not repented of their wickedness (Ezekiel 7:13).  There would be no vision given to a Prophet of Truth to help them escape judgment (Ezekiel 7:26-27).

Then Ezekiel, the Prophet of Truth, was given another vision from the Father of Truth, where the people he sat with disappeared from his sight, but instead he saw the Messiah of Israel, and was shown the wickedness that was continuing in Jerusalem by the Spirit of Truth (Ezekiel 8:1-6).  After the vision was over, Ezekiel told those in the captivity what he had seen (Ezekiel 11:24-25).

Then Ezekiel was told that the visions of judgment would come to pass shortly - within the lifetime of the scoffers of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 12:21-28).  This wrath would come to make it plain that the visions of peace were not from the Father of Truth, but from the wicked hearts of the Prophets of Lies (Ezekiel 13:15-17).

The Prophets of Lies claimed to be from the Father of Truth, but He did not send them and their visions were lies (Jeremiah 14:14).  Their visions came from their own hearts, - not from the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 23:16).  Since the visions of these Prophets of Lies were not from the Father of Truth, Jerusalem was destroyed (Lamentations 2:8-10).

After Jerusalem was destroyed, then Ezekiel was given another vision of a rebuilt Jerusalem to tell to the Children of Israel (Ezekiel 40:1-3).  He was to tell them all that he saw of this better Jerusalem, which would be ruled by the Messiah of Israel (Ezekiel 43:3-7).

Years later, Daniel, the Prophet of Truth had a vision of a warring ram and goat, followed by a little horn that came out of one of the four horns of the goat and became great (Daniel 8:1-10).   This little horn then desecrated the Temple and caused it to be desolate of the Children of Truth for 2,300 days (Daniel 8:11-14). 

Then Gabriel the Angel of Truth appeared to him in the vision and explained that ram and the goat were the Medo-Persian and Greek Empires that were to come after the Babylonian Empire (Daniel 8:15-22).  He also explained to Daniel that the little horn was the Man of Lies, who would oppress many before being destroyed by the Messiah of Israel, far in the future (Daniel 8:23-27).

After, the Babylonian Empire fell, and the Medo-Persian Empire rose, Gabriel was sent again to Daniel to expand upon the vision concerning the Messiah of Israel and the Man of Lies (Daniel 9:21-27).

Years after that, Daniel had another vision after three weeks of mourning (Daniel 10:1-3).  The Messiah of Israel appeared to him, but no one else with him saw the vision (Daniel 10:4-7).  The vision took away the strength of Daniel, causing him to fall asleep, until the Messiah of Israel raised him up (Daniel 10:8-11).

Then the Messiah of Israel told Daniel that he had been sent to show Daniel another vision inside this vision as soon as Daniel had began his mourning, but had been opposed by the Angel of Lies who ruled over the Medo-Persian Empire in the unseen world (Daniel 10:12-15).  The Messiah of Israel promised to show Daniel the vision of what would happen to Israel, and then return to fighting the Angel of Lies who ruled over the Medo-Persian Empire in the unseen world, so the Angel of Lies who ruled over the Greeks could raise up the Greek Empire in its place (Daniel 10:16-21).

So, the only people to have a vision from the Father of Truth in the Original Covenant were the Prophets of Truth.

Then came a time without visions!

During times when people are not keeping the commandments of the Father of Truth, there were often be no open visions given to the Prophets of Truth (1 Samuel 3:1).   The Prophet of Truth Amos had warned that there would a famine of the Word of Truth, which had been delivered by the Prophets of Truth (Amos 8:11-12).

Indeed, for over four hundred years after the last of the Prophets of Truth gave their last messages concerning the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple, there was not a vision or message given to a Prophet of Truth.  The writings of the Prophets in the Original Covenant were complete and so was the era of the Prophets of Truth being given visions.

However, the famine of visions from the Father of Truth came to an end in an unexpected way.

Joel the Prophet of Truth, had said that the day was coming when visions would be given to all kinds people when the Spirit of Truth was poured out - not just the Prophets of Truth (Joel 2:28)!

An old Priest of Truth, Zacharias (Zachariyah), had a vision where Gabriel, the same Angel of Truth that had visited Daniel, told him that he would have a son named John (Yochanon) - who would be the Prophet of Truth sent to prepare the way for the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:11-22).

The famine of visions from the Father of Truth was over, but it ended with someone besides a Prophet of Truth being given a vision.  This signaled that a new era was beginning.

The vision also promised that the long famine of the Word of Truth not being given would soon end.

Soon, three of the Apostles of Truth saw the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) transfigured into a being of light and talking with Moses (Moishe) and Elias (Elijah aka Eliyahu) in a vision (Matthew 17:1-9).

Later, the unthinkable happened - a group of ordinary Jewish women had a vision of Angels of Truth, who had told them that the Man of Truth had risen from the dead (Luke 24:22-24).

The Father of Truth had given visions three times to people who were not Prophets of Truth.  First a Priest of Truth, similar to Ezekiel, then three Apostles of Truth, but now to ordinary women who no extraordinary calling or office.  The age of only the Prophets of Truth being given visions was plainly over.

Afterwards the Spirit of Truth was poured out on the day of Pentecost and the words of Joel the Prophet of Truth concerning all kinds of people having visions began to come to pass (Acts 2:16-18).

After that, Ananias - an ordinary follower of the Man of Truth outside of the land of Israel - had a vision where he talked to the Man of Truth (Acts 9:10).  The only thing extraordinary about Ananias was that he was very respected Jew, who was careful to always obey the Law of Truth (Acts 22:12).

All of those that had been given visions by the Father of Truth since the end of the famine, had been very devout followers of the Man of Truth, or at least knew the Messiah of Israel was coming soon.

However, the Father of Truth also gave a vision to a Jew who was known for persecuting the Children of Truth (Acts 9:11-14).  This new born among the Children of Truth was chosen to be shown future visions of the Man of Truth (Acts 22:13-14).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) had his first vision when the Man of Truth turned him from persecuting the Children of Truth and commissioned him to help other people become part of the Children of Truth (Acts 26:13-19).

So, visions were no longer for given to only those Jews who had been keeping the Law of Truth as the Father of Truth intended.  They were even given to those with misguided zeal and devotion to Him.

Next, a devout Gentile named Cornelius was given a vision of an Angel of Truth, who told him to send for Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simeon aka Simon aka Cephas aka the Apostle Peter), so he did as instructed (Acts 10:1-8).

The Father of Truth had given a devout Gentile, who was still uncircumcised, a vision.  The scope of who were candidates to be given visions would even include those outside of the people of Israel!

While the men sent by Cornelius were on the way to meet Peter the Jew, he fell into a trance and had a strange vision about being commanded to eat unclean animals (Acts 10:9-18).  While he pondered what the vision meant, the Spirit of Truth told him to go with those sent by Cornelius, so he did (Acts 10:19-23).  Peter the Jew finally understood that the vision had nothing to do with food, but rather was about treating Gentiles as being unclean (Acts 10:24-28).  This entire vision had been about the Father of Truth accepting the Gentiles into the House of Truth without requiring them to become Jews through circumcision, as proven by these Gentiles being baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 11:3-18).

It was indisputable that the Spirit of Truth being poured out on all flesh included the uncircumcised flesh of the Gentiles!  Every Child of Truth - Jew or Gentile - was a candidate to be given visions from the Father of Truth!

However, like Peter the Jew, someone can see an Angel without it being a vision from the Father of Truth, even though a vision can be so real that it is hard to tell the difference (Acts 12:7-11).

A vision can also happen at night while someone is still awake, like when Paul the Jew had a vision of a man from Macedonia asking for help (Acts 16:9-10).  He was also given a vision at night telling him to not be afraid to preach the Good News in Corinth, for he would be protected there (Acts 18:9-10).

Paul the Jew was given many visions by the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 12:1).  His visions were so real, that he could not be sure whether or not that some events had been visions or had really happened (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).

John the Jew (Yochanon aka the Apostle John (brother of James)) also had a really long and real vision that covers most of the Book of Revelation (Revelation 9:17).

So, we have seen examples of all kinds of people being given visions from the Father of Truth. 

Of these, only Paul the Jew might have been a Prophet of Truth (Acts 13:1).  At most, one of them was called a Prophet of Truth, even though there will still be Prophets of Truth under the Renewed Covenant until we all become perfect like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-13).

They were all kinds of people.  Men and women, Jews and Gentiles, Apostles of Truth and regular Children of Truth.  The only thing that they had in common was that they were very devoted to the Father of Truth.

We are under the Renewed Covenant until the Man of Truth returns to rule the Earth (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

So, even today the Father of Truth gives visions to all kinds of people who are devoted to Him.  He continues to gives visions to the Children of Truth until the end of this age!

Then the end of all visions will come.

A vision was also given to King David, another Prophet of Truth, concerning both himself and the Messiah of Israel, who was yet to come and reign (Psalm 89:19-21).  When that day comes, there will be no more need for prophets or visions (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)!

The Father of Truth will one day keep the Prophets of Lies from having any more visions (Micah 3:5-7).  When the Man of Truth rules over Israel, there will be no more prophets or visions (Zechariah 13:1-5).

Until that day, anyone who comes into the House of Truth can be given a vision from the Father of Truth!

The Father of Truth promises that He will make Himself known to everyone who seeks Him with their whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13).  Everyone who comes into the House of Truth will know Him (Jeremiah 31:33-34).  This is what is promised in the Renewed Covenant to everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-11).

Some of those who come into the House of Truth will even see the Man of Truth in visions (1 John 3:5-6)!

You just need to surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Then you will one day no longer need a vision to see the Man of Truth, because you will be like him and see him as he really is (1 John 3:1-2)!

Come into the House of Truth!
