Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dreams from God

How does God speak to people in dreams?

Everyone dreams every night, whether they remember it or not.

However, most dreams are not from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

Most dreams disappear as if they had never occurred (Job 20:8).  They vanish as soon as the dreamer awakens (Psalm 73:20).

Most dreams are not remembered, even if they troubled the dreamer (Daniel 2:1-5).  They disappear and are forgotten as soon as the dreamer wakes up (Isaiah 29:7).

Some dreams are nightmares that bring terror to the dreamer (Job 7:13-15).   Other dreams can bring great joy to the dreamer (Psalm 126:1-3).

Dreams can come from being too busy (Ecclesiastes 5:3).  These are mostly empty dreams (Ecclesiastes 5:7).  These empty dreams do not help the dreamer (Isaiah 29:8).

However, some dreams are from the Father of Truth.

A dream from the Father of Truth is a vision that He gives someone while they sleep, where He gives instructions to their spirit (Job 33:14-17).

Some of the dreams given by the Father of Truth bring terror to the dreamer (Job 4:12-19).

Dreams can come from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) being poured out on people (Joel 2:28-29).  Even old men have have been given dreams by the Father of Truth, ever since the Spirit of Truth started being poured out on all people (Acts 2:17).

So, the Father of Truth still speaks to people though dreams and visions.

His brothers conspired against Joseph (Yousef), after he had told them the dream that the Father of Truth had given him (Genesis 37:18-20).

So, dreams from the Father of Truth should not to be shared with everyone.

Dreams from the Father of Truth will lead people into His will.

The Father of Truth speaks to the Prophets of Truth through dreams (Numbers 12:6).

However, the dreams that He gives the Prophets of Truth will never lead people away from keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

So, the Father of Truth speaks to the Prophets of Truth in dreams to lead people to walk in His ways.

The Prophets of Lies will have dreams, but those dreams are not from the Father of Truth (Jeremiah 23:25-27).  The dreams from the Father of Truth will never lead people away from the Word of Truth (Jeremiah 23:28-30).  The Father of Truth will never send a dream that leads people into the error of disobeying His commandments (Jeremiah 23:31-32).

So, any dream that is contrary to the Word of Truth is not from the Father of Truth.

The dreams of the Prophets of Lies will lead people into disaster (Jeremiah 27:9-10).  The Prophets of Lies tell about dreams, which were not from the Father of Truth, to give false comfort to unrepentant sinners (Zechariah 10:2).

Not everyone who says that the Father of Truth has spoken to them in a dream is telling the truth (Jeremiah 29:8-9).  There are still Prophets of Lies today, who tell about dreams that were not from the Father of Truth, to lead people away from the Father of Truth for their own profit (Jude 8-11).

So, test every dream that someone says is from the Father of Truth to see if it was.

The Father of Truth sends instructions in dreams to all kinds of people to bring about His will.

The first person to have the Father of Truth speak to them directly in a dream was Abimelech, the king of Gerar (Genesis 20:3-7).  However, the people of Gerar did not fear the Father of Truth (Genesis 20:8-11).

So, the Father of Truth will even speak directly in dreams to those who do not know Him.

The Father of Truth later spoke to Jacob (Ya'acov aka Israel) directly in dream as well (Genesis 28:10-15).  However, Jacob was a worshiper of the Father of Truth (Genesis 28:16-22).

So, the Father of Truth also speaks directly in dreams to those who know Him.

The Father of Truth warned Laban in a dream to do no harm to Jacob (Genesis 31:24).  So, Laban was careful to do no harm to Jacob (Genesis 31:25-29).  He heeded the warning, even though he worshiped idols (Genesis 31:30-35).

The Father of Truth also gave the wife of Pilate a dream to warn Pilate that they would suffer greatly, if he continued to put the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) on trial, when he knew that he was innocent (Matthew 27:17-19).

So, the Father of Truth will use dreams to warn those who do not know Him to not harm the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).

The Father of Truth sends instructions in dreams to help the Children of Truth.

Jacob used rods to have the stronger livestock to be born with coats that showed they belonged to him (Genesis 30:37-42).  He did this to follow the instructions that the Father of Truth gave him in dream, so he would be paid the wages that Laban had tried to take away from him by deceit (Genesis 31:7-13).

So, the Father of Truth will give instructions in dreams to prosper the Children of Truth.

The Father of Truth told Jacob to go down to Egypt in a dream (Genesis 46:2-4).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to guide the Children of Truth to where they should live.

However, the Father of Truth does not give wisdom in dreams to everyone, even if they seek Him for it (1 Samuel 28:6).  He will not give wisdom in dreams to those who refuse to obey Him (1 Samuel 28:15-18).  However, He will give wisdom in dreams to those who obey Him and seek him for wisdom (1 Kings 3:3-12).

So, the Father of Truth can give wisdom in dreams to the Children of Truth, when they ask Him for it.

The Father of Truth also gives dreams of wealth and long life that bring gladness to those who obey Him (1 Kings 3:13-15).

So, the Father of Truth can give encouragement to obey Him in dreams.

The Father of Truth instructed Joseph (Yousef) in a dream to take Mary (Mariam) as his wife, because the Spirit of Truth had caused her to conceive, and to give her son, the Man of Truth, the name that had been spoken by the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 1:20-23).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to assure people that strange events are from Him.

The Father of Truth instructed the Wise Men in a dream to not return to King Herod (Herod the Great) but to go home by a different route in a dream (Matthew 2:7-12).

The Father of Truth then sent His Angel in a dream to instruct Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and the Man of Truth to fulfill the words of the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 2:13-15).

After Herod the Great died, the Father of Truth sent His Angel in a dream to instruct Joseph to return to the land of Israel (Matthew 2:19-20).  The Father of Truth instructed Joseph in another dream to flee to Galilee to fulfill the words of the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 2:22-23).

So, the Father of Truth uses dreams to protect the Children of Truth.

Some dreams from the Father of Truth require interpretation.

The first people to interpret a dream sent by the Father of Truth were the brothers of Joseph (Genesis 37:5-8).  Jacob interpreted the next dream sent by the Father of Truth to his son Joseph (Genesis 37:9-11).

So, any worshiper of the Father of Truth can be given the interpretation of dreams from Him.

Joseph looked to the Father of Truth to interpret the dreams of others (Genesis 40:5-8).  Joseph then interpreted the message of the dreams sent by the Father of Truth correctly (Genesis 40:9-22).

So, dreams from the Father of Truth can be interpreted by seeking Him for the interpretation.

When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dreams, Joseph told Pharaoh that the Father of Truth would interpret the dreams that He had sent (Genesis 41:15-16).  Joseph then told Pharaoh the interpretation of the dreams sent by the Father of Truth (Genesis 41:17-32).  Afterwards, Pharaoh acknowledged that the Spirit of Truth had given Joseph the ability to interpret the dreams sent by the Father of Truth (Genesis 41:38-39).

So, the Spirit of Truth gives the Children of Truth the ability to interpret dreams sent by the Father of Truth.

Later, the Father of Truth sent a dream to one of the Midianites, who was coming against Gideon, and gave the interpretation of the dream to another Midianite, who was coming against Gideon (Judges 7:13-15).

So, even those who do not know the Father of Truth can be given the interpretation of a dream from Him.

The Father of Truth gave Daniel (Belteshazzar) the ability to understand all dreams (Daniel 1:17). 

So, the Father of Truth can give people a gift to interpret dreams.

King Nebuchadnezzar promised Daniel great wealth and power, if he could tell him what he dreamed and what his dream meant (Daniel 2:6).

Still, Daniel had to seek the Father of Truth for the dream and the interpretation, even when it was impossible for any human being to do so (Daniel 2:7-18).  The Father of Truth gave Daniel both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:19-23).

So, even when the Father of Truth has given the gift of interpreting dreams to people, they still have to seek Him to use that gift.

Daniel made sure that Nebuchadnezzar understood that the Father of Truth had given him both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:24-30).  Daniel then told Nebuchadnezzar both the dream and the interpretation (Daniel 2:31-45).  Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that this ability could have only came from the Father of Truth (Daniel 2:46-47).

When someone gives the correct interpretation of a dream from the Father of Truth, it will always bring glory to Him.

Later, Nebuchadnezzar called for Daniel to interpret another dream that came to him from the Father of Truth (Daniel 4:4-18).  Daniel gave Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of his dream and told him to heed the warning of the dream (Daniel 4:19-27).  Nebuchadnezzar did not heed the warning of the dream, and a year later, the interpretation of the dream came to pass (Daniel 4:28-36).

So, the interpretation of dreams can make a warning from the Father of Truth known.

Daniel was known for his gift of interpreting dreams (Daniel 5:10-12).

Anyone given the gift of interpreting dreams will be known by their demonstrations of that gift.

Later, Daniel had a dream, and someone in the dream had to give him the interpretation of the dream (Daniel 7).

So, even someone with the gift of interpreting dreams from the Father of Truth, can still need to have their own dreams interpreted by someone else .

However, the days are coming when there will be no more dreams to interpret.

Today, the Children of Truth get a blurry view of the face of the Father of Truth in a dream, but the day is coming when they will see Him face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12).

The day is coming when they will no longer need to see the Man of Truth in their dreams, because they will be like him when he comes to rule the Earth and they will see him as he really is (1 John 3:2).

They will be living the dream, when the Father of Truth comes down to live among them in the Renewed Heaven and Renewed Earth (Revelation 21:1-4).  They will be living the dream because they came into the House of Truth to be His children (Revelation 21:5-7).

However, everyone who does not come into the House of Truth will be experiencing an unending nightmare (Revelation 21:8).

So, come into the House of Truth, and start living the dream today (John 17:3).  Surrender your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

