The Great War
World War I is often referred to as the Great War especially in England. One of the reasons for this is the sheer number of casualties that England had in that war. In fact, England, France and Italy all lost more people in World War I than any other war including World War II.
Worse yet they did not heed the warning of American General Pershing, who was the General of the Armies, that the Germany had to be completely defeated or the next generation would be back fighting Germany again.
They wanted Germany to be able to pay for their expenses of fighting the Great War. It had been the custom in Europe for centuries that the losing side had to pay the expenses of the winning side in a war. A Germany that was completely defeated would be unable to pay those expenses. So instead of heeding the saged advice of General Pershing to completely defeat Germany they created the terrible Treaty of Versailles.
This treaty called for Germany to pay the expenses of the war incurred by Great Britain, France and Italy. It created such terrible economic hardship in Germany that a generation of fatherless men were created. These fatherless men were soon under the sway of a man of lies that called himself "the Fuhrer" (literally "the Father"). This father figure soon convinced them that they had been wronged and that they were the rightful rulers of Europe. The result of not completely defeating Germany in the World War I was World War II.
As bloody and terrible as World War I and World War II were they pale in comparison with the Great War that will soon be fought on the Earth.
The countries participating in World War I represented every continent and covered about 80 percent of the Earth. In World War II the participating covered about 95 percent of the Earth. Still there were neutral countries including Switzerland that were strategically located in the center of the main area of combat.
The Great War that is coming will involve every nation on Earth (Isaiah 34:2).
In World War II there was a man of lies who called himself "the father" who sought to enslave the whole world and fought against the Allies. In the Great War that is coming the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will fight against the Angels of Truth (Revelation 12:7-9). In the Great War the Man of Lies (The Anti-Christ aka The Beast) will fight against the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Revelation 19:19).
In the Great War peace will be taken from the entire Earth (Revelation 6:4). The Man of Lies will gather all nations to fight against the Man of Truth (Habakkuk 2:5). These nations will form an alliance to fight against the Man of Truth and His Father (Psalm 2:1-3).
Russia lost many people in World War I and World War II but these casualties are small compared to those that will happen in the Great War. In the Great War Russia will attack Israel with an alliance of European and Muslim nations (Ezekiel 38:2-8). Russia will bring its entire army to fight on the mountains of Israel and five out six of its soldiers will die there (Ezekiel 39:1-4). It will take seven years to completely clean up the mess (Ezekiel 39:8-10). It will take seven months just to bury all of the dead soldiers from Russia (Ezekiel 39:11-15).
In the Great War these nations will not know nor understand that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has allowed the Man of Lies to prosper in destroying others so that His enemies can be completely destroyed (Daniel 8:23-25). They will not understand that He is the one that will bring them to Jerusalem to capture half of its inhabitants (Zechariah 14:2). They will not consider that they are only His instruments to destroy the unrepentant from among the Jews of Jerusalem so that Jerusalem can be rebuilt as a city that is inhabited by those that dwell in holiness (Amos 9:9-11).
In the Great War they will not know that they are unwitting pawns used to get the Jews of Jerusalem to accept the One that their political and religious professionals rejected as their King (Psalm 118:21-23). They will not understand that the great purpose of the Great War is get the Jews to call out to the Man of Truth to save them (Psalm 118:25-26). The Great War will soon end after the Jews accept their King (Matthew 23:39).
Then the Man of Truth will fight for Jerusalem and rescue its survivors (Zechariah 14:3-5). The Man of Truth will come with all of the armies of the resurrected saints (Jude 1:14-15). The surviving men of Jerusalem will also arise to fight when they see him and they will be like David when he fought Goliath while David and the other saints will be like the Father of Truth in this battle (Zechariah 12:7-9).
The Father of Truth will then bring all nations into a single large battlefield as surely as He has brought the Jews back to the Land of Israel (Joel 3:1-2). Then He shall destroy the armies of all nations on that battlefield (Isaiah 34:1-3). So many will perish in this battle that the entire 186 mile (300 km) long valley will be filled with blood that is more than three feet (one meter) deep (Revelation 14:20). (This would require a death toll of about one billion soldiers.) The Great War will be over.
In the aftermath of the Great War justice will be dealt out to everyone based on what they did during the Great War.
Everyone among the survivors of the Great war shall be gathered together and divided into two groups by the Man of Truth (Matthew 25:31-33). Those people that are on his right shall be brought into his kingdom because they took care of him during the Great War (Matthew 25:34-36). They will want to know when they gave him food and drink, clothed him and visited him in his afflictions (Matthew 25:37-39). The King will tell them whenever they did these things to any of the Jews during the Great War that they did those things to him (Matthew 25:40). Those people that are on his left shall be completely destroyed because they did not take care of him during the Great War (Matthew 25:41-43). They will want to know when they neglected to give him food and drink, or to clothe him or to visited him in his afflictions during the Great War (Matthew 25:44). The King will tell them whenever they neglected to do any of these things for any of the Jews during the Great War that they neglected to do those things for him (Matthew 25:45). So everyone that does not help the Jews in the Great War will be destroyed like those that fought against the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth in the Great War while the those that helped the Jews in the Great War will live (Matthew 25:46).
The Great War will really be the war to end all wars. After it is over people will turn their weapons into farm equipment and never go to war again and the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses will be the law of the entire Earth (Isaiah 2:3-5). Instead of war peace will cover the Earth (Zechariah 9:10).
The good news is that you do not have to wait until the Great War is over to experience peace! The Man of Truth has already came once to this Earth so that people of all nations could come into the House of Truth and find peace (Luke 2:10-14). He has already won the war so you can come into the House of Truth and live in real peace (Colossians 1:19-21). The war was won when the Father of Truth brought him back from the dead so that you could come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 13:20-21). All that is left for you do to come into the House of Truth is to surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His father did this (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Armageddon, End Times, History, Israel, Russia, Tribulation, WWI, WWII