A Middle East Peace Plan That Works
There has almost never been peace in the Middle East. The inhabitants of the Middle East have been at war with each other for as long as war has existed. In fact the first recorded war in history was in the Middle East and there are currently several wars going on in the Middle East.
Some people have said that there is no peace because the Middle East is too large to go for very long without a war. Almost half of the recorded wars in human history have happened in an area in the Middle East that is about the size of the state of Texas. Areas much larger, for example, the combined areas of Mexico, the United States and Canada have not experienced war within their combined borders for about 100 years. This lack of peace has nothing to do with the size of the Middle East.
Some have thought that the lack of peace in the Middle East is because of the Jews. The Jews were almost completely expelled from the Middle East by the Romans in 135 AD and did not begin to return from their exile until 1870 AD. There as never any time during that entire 1735 years that the Middle East had peace. This lack of peace has nothing to do with the presence of Jews in the Middle East.
Some claim that the nation of Israel is the cause of unrest in the Middle East. There was no nation called Israel between 722 BC and 1948 AD. Yet there was never peace in the Middle East during that entire time. It is obvious that Israel has not taken away peace from the Middle East.
Some have thought that the solution is to have the Middle East ruled by a single Muslim empire. This actually happened first under the Rashidun Caliphate and then under the Umayyad Caliphate. These Caliphates were the only empires that ever controlled the entire Middle East. They were the direct successors of the Caliphate of Mohammed. They each ruled the Middle East as a single Muslim empire. Their combined rule lasted from 632 AD to 750 AD. There was never peace in Middle East under their rule. In fact, they had at least five civil wars in their combined 118 year history. More than that, there has been constant war between different Muslim groups in the Middle East since that time. Muslim rule never brought peace to the Middle East.
Some have thought that the solution is to have outsiders rule the Middle East. The Middle East, except for most of the Arabian Peninsula, has been ruled by the Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Turks, French and English. (There were no Turks in Turkey during the time of the Apostles - the first century AD. The Turks were called the Xiongnu by the Chinese at that time and lived in Mongolia and north west China. The oldest Turkish writing in the world is on a monument in the Orkhon Valley in central Mongolia. Much of Turkey was inhabited by Gauls and Celts at this time. These are who the French and English came from.) There was almost always some sort of war going on in the Middle East during the rule of all of these outsiders. Foreign rule has never brought peace to the Middle East.
There have been land for peace deals to bring peace to the Middle East every since the British gave British Mandate Palestine to the Jews as a reward for Chaim Weizmann saving Britain from certain defeat during World War I (WWI). The British had won this land from the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty of Versailles that ended WWI. The Rothschilds also paid the Ottoman Empire more than a billion dollars of gold currency (worth about 50 billion in today's market) for the entire British Mandate that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River. Britain then gave the entire area east of the Jordan River to the Arabs in exchange for peace with the Jews that were to live on the entire area west of the Jordan River. The Arab rulers accepted the deal and then used the land as an area to launch wars against the Jews. This pattern has continued every time that the Jews have tried to trade land for peace since that time. Trading land for peace has not worked any better for the Jews than it did for the Cherokee. No peace plan that relies on Israel giving up land will ever bring peace to the Middle East.
So is there a Middle East Peace Plan that works?
Yes there is. To understand this plan and why it will work we have to begin with why there has never been peace in the Middle East. We have to understand what peace is and what destroys peace.
What is peace?
The Hebrew word for peace in the Book of Truth (The Bible) is "Shalom". "Shalom" literally means "the peace that comes from being whole - nothing broken, nothing out of place, nothing missing, nothing extra". A good example of this is the human body. Your body is not at peace when you break a bone. You body is not at peace if your shoulder gets moved out of place. Your body is not a peace if part of it is missing like a limb. Your body is not at peace if you have something extra like a tooth growing in where there is no space for another tooth. Your body is at peace when everything is working, everything is in the right place, everything is present and there is nothing unneeded getting in the way. In short, peace is everything being as it should be.
Adam had peace in the Garden of Eden. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) put part of Himself in Adam when He gave Adam life so Adam could know Him (Genesis 2:7). He gave Adam a place of his own that had everything that Adam needed (Genesis 2:8-9). He gave Adam a meaningful job and the right of self determination for his own future (Genesis 2:15-17). Adam was given human companionship so that he would not be lonely (Genesis 2:18-22). Adam had peace in his family (Genesis 2:23-25). Adam had peace in the Garden of Eden because he was following the peace plan of the Father of Truth who gave Adam everything he needed for peace (James 1:17). The same is true for anyone that accepts the peace plan of the Father of Truth.
The Garden of Eden was in the Middle East (Genesis 2:10-14). (Havilah is Kuwait. All of these rivers and their lands are in the Middle East.) There was peace in the Middle East because they were following the only Middle East peace plan that works.
The peace that Adam had in the Middle East was destroyed when Adam left off following the peace plan of the Father of Truth. The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) came to the companion of Adam to look for a weakness in her understanding of the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 3:1-3). When he found a weakness in her understanding then he offered his own peace plan instead that claimed to give them more power than the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 3:4-5). So Adam and his companion accepted the peace plan of the Father of Lies (Genesis 3:6). Immediately, the peace in their family was destroyed although they tried to cover it up (Genesis 3:7). The peace that they had with the Father of Truth was destroyed (Genesis 3:8-10). The peace in their conversations was destroyed (Genesis 3:11-13). The health of their bodies was destroyed and they lost their cushy jobs (Genesis 3:16-19). The very nature of their relationship with each other was changed (Genesis 3:20). The peace of all creation was destroyed and death entered into their lives (Genesis 3:21). They were kicked out of their beautiful home for accepting the peace plan of the Father of Lies (Genesis 3:23-24). This is what happens to anyone that accepts a peace plan created by the Father of Lies.
However, all was not lost. The Father of Truth promised to provide someone to destroy the Father of Lies so that people could have a second chance to accept His peace plan (Genesis 3:14-15). He had to put them out of the Garden of Eden so that people could later have a second chance to accept His peace plan (Genesis 3:22).
War soon began in the Middle East to stop the peace plan of the Father of Truth. It began when someone rejected the religion of peace that came from the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:3-5). It was started by someone that would not accept the peace plan of the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:6-7). It was started against those that accepted religion of peace that came from the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:8-10). The first war in the Middle East was a Jihad.
This first Jihad brought a curse upon the one that waged it (Genesis 4:11-13). This first Jihad was the cause of the first landless refuge in the Middle East (Genesis 4:14-16). This first Jihad produced an entire society that practiced a religion other than the one created by the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:17-22). This other religion lead to more violence in the Middle East that was falsely attributed as the will of the Father of Truth (Genesis 4:23-24). Still these fanatics were not able to stop people from worshiping the Father of Truth as He intended (Genesis 4:25-26). This corrupt religion that fostered violence eventually spread out from the Middle East to cover the whole Earth (Genesis 6:11-12).
The Father of Truth finally warned that He would destroy every single person that would not accept His peace plan (Genesis 6:13). He also promised to save those that would accept His peace plan (Genesis 6:14-22). He destroyed everyone that followed this religion of violence that masqueraded as a religion of peace but saved those that followed His religion of peace (Genesis 7:21-23). He gave the whole Earth to those that followed His peace plan (Genesis 8:15-17). Once again there was peace in the Middle East.
Soon there arose another man that rejected the religion of the Father of Truth and persecuted those that followed it (Genesis 9:22-24). Those that accepted religion of peace were blessed while those that rejected it were cursed (Genesis 9:25-27).
The family of this man gave birth to the next man, Nimrod, that started war in the Middle East (Genesis 10:6-8). (The term "mighty man" indicates a man of violence.) Nimrod started a religion that was different than the religion of peace that comes from the Father of Truth (Genesis 10:9). [The phrase "before the Lord" is literally "in the face of YHVH" in Hebrew meaning in open rebellion against the Father of Truth.] Again there was a Jihad against those that accepted the religion of peace given by the Father of Peace that produced another society that followed a religion of violence in the Middle East (Genesis 10:10-12). It was the end of peace in the Middle East.
This family that rejected the peace plan of the Father of Truth gave birth to the Philistines (Palestinian is Latin for Philistine) that still live in Gaza Strip today (Genesis 10:15-19). This man was the ancestor of the original inhabitants most of modern Israel (Genesis 10:15-19) who were the ancestors of the terrorists with have no desire for peace that live in the West Bank today. (Heth mean "terror" and his descendants are called Hittites "sons of terror". This is an idiom for terrorists in the Book of Truth. The name of another of his sons means that he will not keep any agreement that he makes. This is why no peace agreement will ever work with these people.)
The Father of Truth promised to give this same land to Abraham and his descendants as part of His Middle East peace plan (Genesis 15:18-21). The Children of Truth were to drive out those that rejected His religion of peace from this land (Exodus 23:31). They were to not to make any peace agreement with these Middle East terrorists because these terrorists would not keep any agreement that they made (Exodus 23:32). Those that live in this land would cause the Children of Truth to depart from His religion of peace if they were allowed to practice their religion of violence in the land of Israel (Exodus 23:33). Those lived in this land practice a religion of violence that committed terrible sexual acts and even violence against their own children (Leviticus 18:21-23). For these reasons the Father of Truth commanded the Children of Truth to drive these people out of the land of Israel instead of reaching a peace agreement with them (Leviticus 18:24-25). These nations were only driven out of the land of Israel because of their wickedness in following the religion of violence (Deuteronomy 9:4-5).
Make no mistake, this plan for peace in the Middle East is not about race but rather about religion. The Father of Truth promised that He would put the descendants of Israel out of the land of Israel if they left the religion of peace to follow the religion of violence (Leviticus 18:26-28). Solomon was reminded that the descendants of Israel would be cast out of the land of Israel unless they continued in the religion of peace (1 King 9:6-7). They eventually did worse than the original inhabitants so He reminded them again that He would put them out of the land of Israel if they did not return to the religion of peace (2 Chronicles 33:7-10). He finally put them out of the land of Israel for their deeds (2 Kings 24:2-4). The Father of Truth rejects anyone that rejects His peace plan (2 Chronicles 19:7).
On the other hand, whenever anyone, including the original inhabitants, who left the religion of violence to follow the religion of peace then they were to be retained in the land of Israel (Leviticus 19:33-34). The Father of Truth provided a way for Rahab the Canaanite to join the people of Israel because she was willing to leave the religion of violence (Joshua 6:24-25). King David was severely punished for killing Uriah the Hittite and taking his wife because Uriah had came into the religion of peace (2 Samuel 12:9-12). Ornan the Jebusite still lived in Jerusalem after David conquered it because he had came to worship the Father of Truth (1 Chronicles 21:23-25). The Father of Truth accepts anyone that accepts His peace plan (Acts 10:34-35).
The Father of Truth has once again gathered Israel back to their land to complete His Middle East peace plan (Ezekiel 11:17). Another religion of violence has arisen among those that hate the Father of Truth (Psalm 83:1-3). Those that practice this religion will seek to destroy Israel in a Jihad (Psalm 83:4-5). These Middle Eastern nations are those that have joined themselves to the Palestinians of Gaza and the so-called Palestinians of the West bank through this religion of violence (Psalm 83:6-8). They will join together because they will seek to remove the soon to be rebuilt Temple from the Temple Mount just as their ancestors did (Psalm 83:11-12). The Father of Truth will destroy many of them (Psalm 83:13-15). Those that He spares will no longer say that their so-called god is greatest and people of all nations will know that His name is greatest (Psalm 83:16-18).
The Father of Truth will also remove all from among the people of Israel that will not accept His peace plan. The nation of Israel will be saved when they finally accept the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) as His king (Zechariah 12:9-10). Before that two out of three in Israel will die because their refusal to accept His peace plan (Zechariah 13:8-9). There will be no peace in the Middle East without the Prince of Peace (Luke 13:35).
Every Gentile that lives in the land of Israel will be given an equal inheritance with the Jews and will be counted as belonging to the tribe of Israel where they dwell (Ezekiel 47:21-23). The Palestinians that will turn from the religion of violence to the religion of peace shall be treated as if they were one of the children of Israel (Zechariah 9:5-7). The rest of the nations will follow the religion of peace when the Prince of Peace rules (Micah 4:1-3). Everyone in the Middle East and the rest of the world will enjoy the fruits of their own labor without anyone taking them away when the Man of Truth rules the Middle East (Micah 4:4-7). This is the only Middle East peace plan that works.
Peace in the Middle East will be of no value to you if you do not have peace with the Father of Truth. You can experience peace in your own Middle East today by coming into the House of Truth. Whatever area of your life has never known peace can know peace because the Father of Truth has sent the Man of Truth as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). All people are descendants of Adam who He promised to give his children a second chance to accept His peace plan by coming into the House of Truth (Acts 17:26). It does not matter if you are a Jew, or a Palestinian or some other race for the Father of Truth is not a racist (Romans 2:9-11). You can begin to follow the religion of peace when you into the House of Truth by you making the Prince of Peace your king because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Anyone can experience His peace plan today when they come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: End Times, History, Middle East, Peace