Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Spirits of Lies

Do you know what is really going on behind the scenes?

Have you every heard it said that someone has not been themselves lately?  Have you ever heard it said of someone after they have done something wrong that it is so not like them?  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known someone, who followed the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), who suddenly found themselves, doing what no one would have ever imaged them doing?   How could they be doing the very things that they hated?  What brought them to that place?  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known someone that seemed like a good person even though they were of a different religion than the one prescribed in the Book of Truth (The Bible)?  Have you ever found that once you got to know them better that they were not near as good as they first seemed?  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known someone to be suddenly overtaken by some strong emotion for no apparent reason?  I am not talking about suddenly becoming sad a few months after the lost of someone they were really close to or about someone becoming enraged after someone provoked them.  I am talking about someone being so overwhelmed by one emotion when there is no apparent cause for such a strong onset of that emotion.  Again I am not talking normal feeling of sadness after a tragic event nor about feelings of anger after someone did something to make them mad.  I am talking about suddenly being overwhelmed by emotion to the point that it completely dominates their thoughts and actions.  When this emotion comes on them they lose all ability to reason and their normal personality is completely obscured by the emotion.  I am talking about people that are going along doing one thing, say attending a sporting event, and then they suddenly going into a fit of anger or despair or the like for no good reason.  Then just as suddenly, again for no good reason, it will be over and they will be back in their normal frame of mind.  Sometimes they cannot even remember the event occurring.  It seems as if they were someone other than themselves for a short while.  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever read about or known someone that has had multiple personalities?  This is beyond unpredictable periods of their personality being taken over by some emotion.  This is where suddenly the person will start going by a different name and display a different personality.  They often will have different talents and abilities than the person normally has.  They will have different taste in food, music, movies and about everything else than the person normally has.  They will even have a different sounding voice.  Then just as suddenly the person will return to their normal personality.  Usually they cannot even remember what occurred when the other personality had taken over.  It was as if they were someone other than themselves for a short while.  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known someone that went insane and was eventually institutionalized?  Have you ever met or seen a video of someone like Charles Manson that does not even seem human when he talks?  Is there any hope at all for people like David Berkowitz who many people know as the Son of Sam killer because he shot thirteen people at the command of his neighbor's dog named Sam?  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known an animal that start behaving strangely for no known reason?  Have you ever been around an animal that just seemed creepy to be around even though it looked harmless?  Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Have you ever known someone that has some part of their body that does not work but medical science cannot find a reason for it to not be working?  Have you ever known someone that sickness just seems to hang on to for no apparent reason?   Have you ever wondered what was really going on?

Fortunately, we do not have be left in the dark wondering about what is really going.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells us.  While people are accountable to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for their own actions there are other entities that are contributing to their actions.  In all the cases above there were entities that worked to bring about the destructive behavior or circumstances.

What are these entities?

These entities are Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods). A Spirit of Lies can only move forward in time (Matthew 8:29).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) says that a Spirit of Lies does not need a body to live in this world (Matthew 12:43).  He says that a spirit does not have a body of its own (Luke 24:39). 

A spirit is an energy being without a physical body to host it.  Since it has no physical body of its own a spirit has no physical mass and takes no physical space although it is bound by time.

How do Spirits of Lies operate?

Spirits of Lies can do nothing to people without getting people to carry out their desires.

The Spirits of Lies operate under the direction of their prince (Matthew 9:34).  The name of their prince is Beelzebub (Ba'al Zebub), the Lord of the Flies, because flies flourish on things that are dead or filthy (Matthew 12:24).  They operate under the direction of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) (Luke 11:18).  They work on behalf of the Father of Lies to bring people into disobedience to the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:2).

The primary way that the Spirits of Lies influences people is by telling them lies (2 Chronicles 18:21).  They lead people who will cooperate with them to give other people false information (Micah 2:11).  They cause all who will listen to them to turn from the Father of Truth (Hosea 4:12).  They will always cause people who will listen to them to err from the truth so that they will not listen to the Father of Truth (1 John 4:6).  That is why I call them "Spirits of Lies".

The Spirits of Lies operate by appealing to the wrong desires of the bodies of people.  The desires of the body are at war with the desires of the Spirit of Truth so they appeal to those desires (Galatians 5:17).  They know that everyone who allows the desires of their flesh to control their behavior will be destroyed by the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:3).  They appeal to the desires of the flesh with what brings pleasure to the flesh, the desires of the eyes with what is pleasant to see and to the pride of life with what inflates the egos of people because those things are from the world of darkness instead of the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16).

The Spirits of Lies operate through every religion that keeps people from the Father of Truth.  They are the ones who people make sacrifices to when they sacrifice to anyone other than the Father of Truth (Leviticus 17:7).  They are who people are really worshiping when they worship any god other than the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:17).  They are who people worship when they are lead in worship by anyone other than those who the Father of Truth ordained to lead them in worship (2 Chronicles 11:15).  They will demand sacrifices other than those commanded by the Father of Truth (Psalm 106:37).  They demand these sacrifices so that people will be in the House of Lies instead of the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:20-21).  They keep people worshiping them so that people will not repent from rebelling against the Father of Truth no matter what they suffer for their rebellion (Revelation 9:20).

The Spirits of Lies work through people to carry out their religions. They work through people that become familiar with them to lead others from the Father of Truth by carrying out their religion (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).  They speak lies through every prophet that was not sent by the Father of Truth (1 Kings 22:22).  They will produce counterfeits of the Children of Truth that work in counterfeits of the prophetic gifts of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 16:16).  They will work miracles through people they control to deceive other people into remaining in rebellion to the Father of Truth (Revelation 16:14).

The Spirits of Lies are not confined to idol temples and places like houses of prostitution where the activities of their worship are carried out.  They will operate right in the midst of where ever people congregate to worship the Father of Truth by infecting their doctrine.  They will seek to confuse people about the Man of Truth by giving witness that the Man of Truth is the Son of the Father of Truth so so that people will be unable to tell their doctrine from the doctrine of the Man of Truth (Luke 4:41).  They will come in with anyone in the congregation who they have gained control of (Luke 4:33).  They will try to confuse people about the Children of Truth by giving witness that the Children of Truth belong to the Father of Truth so that people will be unable to tell their doctrine from the doctrine of the Father of Truth (Acts 16:16-17).  They seek to seduce people to leave the House of Truth through doctrines that are not from the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1).  They will try to influence a congregation that calls itself a place for worshiping the Father of Truth so much that it is really comes under the complete control of the Father of Lies (Revelation 3:9).

Each Spirit of Lies has its own personality and some are pretty much all one emotion to the exclusion of everything else including reason and logic.  Some of them produce unreasonable jealousy over their wife in men who listen to them (Numbers 5:14).  Some of them produce a haughty attitude in those who listen to them (Proverbs 16:18).  Some of them produce unreasonable fear in those who listen to them (2 Timothy 1:7).   There are Spirits of Lies for every emotion that can bring ruin to people when that emotion takes someone completely over.

Every Spirit of Lies wants to produce some sort of behavior in people.  Some of them produce perversion in those who listen to them (Isaiah 19:14).  Some of them cause those who listen to them to be asleep to the danger that they are in (Isaiah 29:10).  Some of them produce fornication in those who listen to them (Hosea 5:4).  There are Spirits of Lies for every behavior that can bring ruin to people when someone does it.

The Spirits of Lies seeks to take complete control of a person by joining themselves to the spirit of the person so that they are living in the body of the person and can take control of it.  A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person will cause the person can cause the person to speak in a voice that is not their own because it is the Spirit of Lies who is actually speaking (Luke 8:28).  They can cause the person to display different personalities as different Spirits of Lies take control of the body of the person that they are living in because more than one Spirit of Lies is living in the person (Luke 8:30).

A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person can cause the person to harm other people (Matthew 8:28).  A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person can cause the person to have unnatural strength (Mark 5:2-4).  A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person can cause the person to hurt themselves (Mark 5:5).  A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person can cause the person to be out of their mind (Luke 8:27).  A Spirit of Lies will live in a human body if it gets the opportunity (Luke 11:24-26).

A Spirit of Lies who takes control of the body of a person can cause part of the body to not function right for no apparent reason (Matthew 12:22).  If a Spirit of Lies cannot take control of the body of a person it can still hang around the person to afflict the person with sickness (Luke 13:11).  A Spirit of Lies can afflict the person with sickness as long as it hangs around the person (Acts 5:16).

A Spirit of Lies will live in the body of an animal in order to harm people.  A Spirit of Lies will seek out the body of an animal to live in if no humans are available (Mark 5:12).  A Spirit of Lies can enter the body of animal and take over the animal (Mark 5:13).  A Spirit of Lies will use the body of an animal to bring harm to people (Luke 8:32-34).

Every Spirit of Lies seeks to keep people from every good thing that the Father of Truth has for them in the House of Truth.  Each one brings people into bondage as slaves to the Father of Lies instead of becoming Children of Truth that live with the Father of Truth in the House of Truth (Romans 8:15).  They will say that the Man of Truth never even lived in this world as a man to prevent people from coming into the House of Truth (1 John 4:3).

So is this any way to fight these Spirits of Lies?  Is there any hope of rescuing those that are being harmed by these Spirits of Lies?  Can those that have been taken over by a Spirit of Lies be brought back to their right mind?

The first thing to recognize is that the Father of Truth gave people control of the Earth and everything in it (Genesis 1:28).  The Spirits of Lies can only operate in the lives of people where they have gained some sort of legal right to operate by the choices that people make (1 Kings 22:5-7).  They can only do anything to people because people have not kept the Father of Truth in control of every area of their lives (Romans 1:28-32).

The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth to save people from being slaves to the Father of Lies (John 3:17).  Those that come into the House of Truth will be set free from the bondage that comes from the Spirits of Lies (John 8:31-32).  The Man of Truth sets free those whose choices that brought them into bondage to the Father of Lies when they come into the House of Truth (John 8:34-36).  The Spirit of Truth forces out every Spirit of Lies that belong to this world when anyone becomes a Child of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:12).  The Children of Truth have the Spirit of Truth living in their body so that the Spirits of Lies cannot live in their bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19).

The Children of Truth are sent by the Man of Truth to teach people to obey the Man of Truth so that they can be free from the Spirits of Lies (Matthew 28:19-20).  The Children of Truth are sent by the Man of Truth to set people free from every form of bondage that is brought about by the Spirits of Lies (Mark 16:17-18).  The Children of Truth come in the power that comes from the baptism of the Spirit of Truth to set people free from the Spirits of Lies (1 Thessalonians 1:5-6).

Those that come into the House of Truth will be set free from the Spirits of Lies and returned to their right minds no matter how many Spirits of Lies had taken control of their bodies (Mark 5:15).  This is what happened to David Berkowitz after he went to prison.  He is now a Child of Truth and he works from prison to set others free from the Spirits of Lies.  You can find freedom from the Spirits of Lies if you will believe and the Man of Truth will help you have enough faith to be set free if you will be honest with him and seek his help (Mark 9:23-25).

The House of Truth is your shelter from every Spirit of Lies.  If you have not came into the House of Truth, then you can by submitting every area of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Home Invasion

Do you know how to prevent the worst kind of home invasion?

Has your home ever been invaded?  If so, what did you do about it?  If not, what can you do to prevent it?

When I was about three and a half years old, a man with a knife invaded our home, while we slept.  My dad was awakened, before the man could hurt anyone, and he fought off the man.  The man ended up fleeing from our house into the night, badly wounded from the sound thrashing that my dad gave him.  Good thing for him, that my dad had not had time to get his hands on a gun. I don't know if his intentions were to rob us, or kill us, but he definitely picked the wrong home to invade.

We never really worried about that man returning.  We knew that we were safe as long as our father was in the house.  Our father was not going to let our home be invaded.

About twenty years later, my cousin had his home invaded by thieves, who ransacked his house, and stole his property, while he was at work.  It was more than his property, that they took.  They took away his sense of security, and well-being for a while.  However, they were not able to take away his most valuable possession.  My cousin had the greatest security system in the world to keep his greatest possession safe, and no one in world can beat that security system.

About ten years after that, someone invaded almost every house on our block, ransacked those houses and stole property from those houses, while the owners were at work.  The houses, that were continually occupied, were the only ones that were not invaded.

However, as bad as having your home invaded by thieves is, there is something even worse - squatters.  These people find a house that is currently empty, while the owners are occupied else where, and simply move in.  They use the owners utilities, and eat the owners food.  They sell the owners stuff.  Sometimes, they even try to get listed as the legal owners of the property.  They do all of this, while knowing the whole time, that they do not really have a right to live there.

The only thing worse than having your home invaded by squatters, is trying to get them to leave.  You cannot put them out by physical force in many states without going to jail.  Your only recourse is to turn to someone stronger than yourself, that has the legal standing to physically remove them, like the county sheriff.  Even then, they will often try to throw up roadblocks, to delay their removal.

Until the squatters are removed by a stronger entity, that has the legal standing to do so, you really only have two choices.  You can let the squatter have complete control of your home, until the squatters are removed.  This is the situation that happened to a couple in Littleton, Colorado in 2012.  The other choice is to share your home with the squatters, as happened to a woman in Detroit, Michigan in 2012.

Once the squatters have been removed, then you still have to deal with the damage, that they have done to your home, just like you have to do something about the property, that was stolen by thieves, who have invaded your home.

While stolen property can be replaced, and the damage to your home can be prepared, the best course of action is to prevent your home, from every being invaded in the first place.  The surest way to do that is to have a strong protector, like my dad, in the home at all times.

There is another kind of home invasion, that is even worse than any of those. 

You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body.  While you are on this Earth, your body is your home.  When someone has that home invaded, then they have a real problem.  This brings up some questions that must be answered.

Who invades that home?

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave people the right to make their own choices and will never invade that home because He made them in his own image (Genesis 1:26-28).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka Holy Spirit aka Holy Ghost) requires voluntary cooperation from the Prophets of Truth when they are used by the Spirit of Truth to speak the Word of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:32).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will not come into your home unless you invite him in (Revelation 3:20).  Those from the world of truth will never invade that home.

It is a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god) that invades that home.   Sometimes a Spirit of Lies invades for a while and then leaves after he has what he wants like a thief (Matthew 12:43).  Other times a Spirit of Lies invades a home and takes possession of the home like a squatter (Mark 1:32).  It is those from the world of darkness that invade that home.

How is that home invaded?

That home can be invaded when people make sacrifices to do what is pleasing to a Spirit of Lies instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:17).  That home can be invaded when people go to a place dedicated to a Spirit of Lies to worship (2 Chronicles 11:15).   The home of the children can be invaded when the parents have handed over their children to a Spirit of Lies (Psalm 106:37).

You might be thinking that no one does these things in this day and age in a country like the US.  While the literal idols are missing, the same activities of worship are very present.  People cannot find time and money to do the things that please the Father of Truth like spreading the good news about the Man of Truth because they have sacrificed those things to pursue things that are pleasing to a Spirit of Lies like getting drunk.  People go to a place like a strip club where Aphrodite, the Spirit of Lies that leads people into fornication, is worshiped to join others in that worship.  Parents hand their children over to the very same Spirit of Lies when they indulge themselves in whatever sin that Spirit of Lies leads them into for they have invited that Spirit of Lies that seeks to harm their children into their home instead of  protecting their children.

Those that have any kind of relationship with a Spirit of Lies are subject to having that home invaded.  That home is invaded because doing the things the please a Spirit of Lies joins your spirit to the Spirit of Lies just like have sexing with a harlot joins your body to her body (1 Corinthians 6:15-17).  Since your spirit lives in your body you give a Spirit of Lies the ability to invade your home when you do what is pleasing to that Spirit of Lies.

What happens when that home is invaded?

A Spirit of Lies will find more Spirits of Lies to invade that home with it (Matthew 12:45).  Sometimes there can be only one Spirit of Lies that has invaded the home (Matthew 17:18).  Some times this can lead to a few Spirits of Lies that have invaded the home (Mark 16:9).  Sometimes this can lead to thousands of Spirits of Lies, like a Roman Legion of six thousand men, that have invaded the home (Luke 8:30).

A Spirit of Lies will take control of some aspect of that home.  Some Spirits of Lies can cause parts of that home to not function like speech (Matthew 9:32).  The senses of a person like sight can be shutdown by some Spirits of Lies (Matthew 12:22).  Some Spirits of Lies will cause fits of madness in the home that they have invaded (Mark 9:17-18).  Some Spirits of Lies will try to destroy the home that they have invaded (Mark 9:21-22).  If there are enough Spirits of Lies that have invaded the home, then they will completely take over the home to the point that complete madness sets in as if the true owner was living somewhere else (Luke 8:27-29).

How are the invaders removed from the home?

A Spirit of Lies are evicted from the home by the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 12:28).

The Spirit of Lie can only be evicted by someone that is strong enough to bind them up against their will and destroy the junk that they brought into the home (Matthew 12:29).  The Man of Truth is that strong man that has the legal authority and strength to cast a Spirit of Lies out of the home that has been invaded (Mark 1:27).  Every Spirit of Lies know that the Man of Truth can cast them out because he is the son of the Father of Truth (Mark 3:11).

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have been given the legal authority by the Man of Truth to cast Spirits of Lies out of homes that has been invaded (Mark 16:17).  The Children of Truth that are baptized in the Spirit of Truth and full of the Spirit of Truth have the strength that come from the Spirit of Truth (Acts 6:3-5).  The Children of Truth that have the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit can cast Spirits of Lies out of the homes that they have invaded by the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:5-7).  The Children of Truth can cast Spirits of Lies out of the homes that they have invaded because they are children of the Father of Truth like the Man of Truth (Romans 8:14).

A Spirit of Lies can leave a home that it has invaded on its own accord (Matthew 12:44).  Some Spirits of Lies will only leave a home that they have invaded if the Child of Truth has strengthened their faith enough in the Man of Truth through fasting before commanding them to leave in the name of the Man of Truth (Mark 9:28-30).  Some Spirits of Lies are so afraid of the Man of Truth that they will leave a home that they have invaded when they are told to do so in the name of the Man of Truth rather or not the one telling them is a Child of Truth (Mark 9:38-39).  Some Spirits of Lies will attack anyone that is not a Child of Truth who tries to cast them out of the home that they have invaded by using the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).

Some Spirits of Lies will use the home that they have invaded to talk to the one that has came have came to cast them out (Matthew 8:28-31). Some Spirits of Lies will put on a show when someone that can force them to leave the home that they invaded shows up (Mark 9:19-20).  Some Spirits of Lies will put up a fight before they leave the home that they invaded (Mark 9:25-27).

What happens when the invaders are removed from the home?

When a Spirit of Lies leaves the home that it invaded the problems that it caused leaves with it.   The parts of the home that it caused to not function, like speech, will resume functioning (Matthew 9:33) when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded.  The senses like sight that it shut down will resume working when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Matthew 12:22).  The fits of madness and destructive behavior will end when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Luke 9:42).  The person will return to their right mind when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Luke 8:35).

How do can you prevent your home from being invaded?

When a Spirit of Lies leaves a home that it invaded for any reason it might return to invade the home with other Spirits of Lies after the home has been cleaned up if it is still empty (Matthew 12:44).  This is why people will sometimes be able to appear to overcome an addition of something like alcohol for a little while only to later find themselves addicted to drugs, fornicating, gambling and other destructive behaviors that they did not have before they got cleaned up from alcohol.  The home must not be left empty if you want to prevent it from being invaded again.

Just as there is a place in the body of a woman so a man can join his body to her body so also there is a place in the human spirit so that another spirit can join that spirit.  Everyone has this hole in their spirit so that they can join their spirit to the Spirit of Truth so that they can be one spirit with the Man of Truth in the same way that a man joined to a woman is one body with the woman (1 Corinthians 6:16-17).  So if you do not want your home invaded, you must not provide any space to the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) to live in your life (Ephesians 4:27).

Once a Spirit of Lies leaves a home for any reason it will look for another home to invade in the same type of place that it found the last one it invaded.  If you return to a place where people worship a Spirit of Lies with their actions to rejoin them in their worship activities like drinking alcohol and viewing naked women, then you are befriending those same Spirits of Lies instead of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:20-21).  You cannot live in the House of Truth and the House of Lies at the same time. 

You prevent your home from being invaded by coming into the House of Truth and staying there.  When you are in the House of Truth you live with the Father of Truth and no one can take away your most valuable possession, your place in the House of Truth because you have the greatest security system in the world (John 10:29).  You come into the House of Truth by submitting yourself to everything that the Man of Truth tells you to do because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you are in the House of Truth the Spirit of Truth dwells in your home so any Spirits of Lies that are there will have to leave your home and your home will not be found empty by any Spirits of Lies that comes to it after it has been cleaned (1 Corinthians 3:16).  As long as you stay in the House of Truth your home is safe from invasion because the Father of Truth is strong enough to keep your home from being invaded (1 John 4:4).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chasing Aphrodite

What does it really take to be attractive?

Ladies, are you tired of the never ending struggle, to be that perfect woman?  You go through waxing and other tortures to meet some ever changing standard of beauty.  You work out and starve yourself to get one dress size smaller but it just gets harder every year.  You squish your innards to make your waist seem smaller.  The clothes, that retailers told you, that you had to have last year, are no longer good enough to die in, according to those same retailers this year.  You constantly worry yourself over your hair and nails.  You squeeze your feet into shoes that are too tight in the toes, and that are damaging to your ankles just so your legs will appear to be a little smoother.  You constantly spend money to have the latest fashion, the newest make up and the rarest perfume.  You just can never seem to be good enough.  Would you like to get off of the hamster wheel?  Are you tired of chasing Aphrodite?

Gentlemen, are you tired of women, who never seem as good a few years after, you first become involved with them?  You meet a woman that seems perfect, but somehow she always deteriorates into someone, that you cannot stand to be around.  Then you meet another woman, and the same thing happens again.  This pattern seems to continue with no end in sight.  You might even think, that you need to up your game, so you start trying to improve yourself, so that you can obtain that perfect woman.  You go to the gym to become more buff.  You work long hours, and do whatever it takes to become richer.  You drive the nicest cars, and wear the best suits.  Then you spend, spend, spend, on what you have been lead to believe, is a better class of woman.  Still, it is all in vain.  No matter how classy the woman that you find, in the end the pattern still holds true. You just can never seem to be good enough.  Would you like to get off of the hamster wheel?  Are you tired of chasing Aphrodite?

Ladies and Gentlemen, you are not the first generation to chase Aphrodite.  In fact, chasing Aphrodite was the root of marital and sexual dissatisfaction among the Corinthians that Shual (aka Paul) had to address in his letters to them. You see Aphrodite was the principle deity that was worshiped in Corinth.  She was literally a sex goddess.  Every night, more than a thousand harlots (temple prostitutes) would descend upon Corinth from the temple of Aphrodite that was on the high hill that over shadowed Corinth.  These women were chasing Aphrodite in order to be seen as among the most beautiful women in the world.  They would engage in every imaginable sexual activity, often right in the middle of the street, with any man that was willing.  In first century Greek culture, to call a woman a Corinthian was the same as calling her a harlot.  These men were chasing Aphrodite in order to be seen as a man that could obtain a perfect woman.  The man had to promise to make an offering to Aphrodite at the Temple and give an offering to the harlot if he could although an oath to do so was sometimes accepted.  A young man might not have to even pay anything for his first encounter.  Of course, the men were also encouraged to drink wine to lose their inhibitions.  The men would soon be hooked on the harlots and making frequent offerings to Aphrodite.  In first century Greek culture, to call a man a Corinthian was the same as calling him a drunkard.   Those who were chasing Aphrodite made Las Vegas look like Disney Land compared to first century Corinth.

Although those who ran the temple of Aphrodite had promised satisfaction to their adherents, inevitably those who were chasing Aphrodite found themselves to be miserable.  Why is that chasing Aphrodite is never leads to long term satisfaction?

Aphrodite is like a woman that I heard speak at a church one time.  This woman had been a model for a well known pornographic magazine and later went on to model for fashion magazines.   She explained that they would spend hours preparing her and the setting for a shoot, including rubbing oil all over her body to accentuate every nuance.  They would then have her pose in dozens of positions and shoot a photo of each position from more than fifty camera shots adjusting the camera angle and lighting for each shot.  After it was over, they would have sometimes have a thousand photos, of which they would use one for the magazine.  This woman stated that not even she could look as good as she looked in the final photo all of the time.  She could never be good enough.  So one day she got off the hamster wheel.  She was done chasing Aphrodite.  How was she able to stop chasing Aphrodite?

She had been reading the Book of Truth (The Bible) and discovered the truth about chasing Aphrodite.  She also discovered how to stop chasing Aphrodite.

She realized that she could never be as good enough for those that are chasing Aphrodite because Aphrodite is not real.  Those that are chasing Aphrodite are chasing after the unrealistic imaginations of men instead of the truth that comes from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (2 Kings 17:14-16).   [Aphrodite is known by different names in different cultures.  Some of those names are Asherah, Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, Ishtar, Esther and Easter.]  Aphrodite was an idol and idols have no basis in reality (Jeremiah 10:14-15).  Those who are chasing Aphrodite, are being lead about by an idol that can never help them to become good enough (Habakkuk 2:18-19).  Aphrodite was the chief idol that carried away the people in Corinth to a state of continual dissatisfaction (1 Corinthians 12:2).

In like manner, men can never measure up when they are chasing Aphrodite.  Her lovers are often shown with begetters (those things men use to beget children) the size of a horse (Ezekiel 23:20).   I saw pictures of the lovers of Aphrodite on ancient pottery when I used to live in Greece and their begetter was literally shown to be that size in the pictures.

She realized that chasing Aphrodite is destructive. The Father of Truth divided Israel into two kingdoms because Solomon was chasing Aphrodite (1 Kings 11:31-33).   Those in Corinth that were Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) would lose their salvation if they left the House of Truth to return to chasing Aphrodite (1 Corinthians 6:9).  Chasing Aphrodite can even destroy your health (1 Corinthians 6:18).  Chasing Aphrodite caused those that once followed the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to be destroyed (1 Corinthians 10:6-8).

She realized that chasing Aphrodite was a spiritual thing.  You probably are not literally bowing down to an idol made of white marble like the Corinthians but that does not mean that you are not chasing Aphrodite.  Aphrodite is a spirit that leads to whoredom whose goal is to separate you from the Father of Truth (Exodus 34:13-16).   Aphrodite is a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god) that keeps you from giving yourself to the purposes of the Father of Truth because you sacrifice so much to chase after what Aphrodite represents (Deuteronomy 32:17).  Aphrodite is a spirit that leads to fornication (2 Chronicles 21:11). [Fornication comes from the same Greek root word as pornography and means ANY sex other than between a husband and his wife.]   Aphrodite is a spirit that leads to adultery (Jeremiah 7:8-10).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that if a man lusts after any woman other than his wife then he is committing adultery which is chasing Aphrodite (Matthew 5:27-28).  The Man of Truth said that the actions that come from chasing Aphrodite starts in the spirit of the person (Matthew 15:19).  Any time a man joins his body to a harlot he is chasing Aphrodite because he has joined his spirit to Aphrodite (1 Corinthians 6:15-17).  Any sacrifice that you make in chasing Aphrodite is a sacrifice to a Spirit of Lies (1 Corinthians 10:19-21).  If you are coveting another person other than your spouse as a sex partner or coveting being lusted after as a sex partner by any person other than your spouse then you an idolater that is chasing Aphrodite (Ephesians 5:5).

She stopped chasing Aphrodite when she started pursuing the things that the Father of Truth said were worth pursuing.  Husbands stop chasing Aphrodite when they look to satisfy the sexual needs of their own wife and wives stop chasing Aphrodite when they look to satisfy the sexual needs of their own husband (1 Corinthians 7:2-4).  Single people stop chasing Aphrodite when they learn to be content with pursuing the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:7-9).  Single men stop chasing Aphrodite when they seek to dress and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:32).  Married men stop chasing Aphrodite when they seek to dress and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to their wife.  (1 Corinthians 7:33)  Likewise married women stop chasing Aphrodite when they seek to dress and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to their husband while single women stop chasing Aphrodite when they seek to dress and conduct themselves in a manner that is pleasing to the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:34).  The Children of Truth stop chasing Aphrodite when they no longer seek to be joined to those that are not following the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).  The Children of Truth stop chasing Aphrodite when they decide to separate themselves from those that do not are not in the family of the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).

The truth is that you are more than good enough the way that the Father of Truth made you so you do not need to be chasing Aphrodite (Psalm 139:14).   A woman who does what is pleasing to the Father of Truth will want to marry a man that seeks to please the Father of Truth (Ruth 3:9-11).  A man who does what is pleasing to the Father of Truth highly values a woman that seeks to please the Father of Truth (Proverbs 31:10).  Those who seek to please the Father of Truth no longer find themselves chasing Aphrodite (Proverbs 31:30).  People are freed from the hamster wheel when they come to know the truth by coming into the House of Truth (John 8:31-32).

Are you tired of chasing Aphrodite?

You can come into the House of Truth by seeking to please the Man of Truth in all you do because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Power of The Dark Side

Do you know the power of the dark side?

"You don't know the power of the dark side".  This is the line that Darth Vader used to try to persuade Luke Skywalker to join the dark side in the movie "Return of The Jedi".  However, in reality it was Darth Vader that did not understand the power of the dark side.  The truth is Darth Vader was a slave to the power of the dark side.  Darth Vader needed someone with the power of the light side to deliver him from the power of the dark side.

Do you know the power of the dark side?

Those who operate in the power of the dark side can do things beyond human ability.  Those who operate in the power of the dark side can do many of the same things as those that operate in the power of the light side (Exodus 7:10-12).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can hold captive the hearts of kings by displays of their power (Exodus 7:21-23).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can bring trouble upon the land of a nation (Exodus 8:7).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can talk to the dead (1 Samuel 28:8-11).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can interpret dreams (Daniel 2:1-3). Those that operate in the power of the dark side can do amazing things that are beyond human ability (Matthew 24:24).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can have superhuman strength (Mark 5:2-4).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can have great influence over everyone around them (Acts 8:9-11).   Those that operate in the power of the dark side can turn people from those that operate in the power of the light side (Acts 13:6-8).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can know future events before they occur (Acts 16:16).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can recover from deadly wounds (Revelation 13:3).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can call fire down from the sky (Revelation 13:13).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can bring an idol to life (Revelation 13:13).

Do you understand the power of the dark side?

The power of the dark side does not come from some dark side of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side operate by the power of Spirits of Lies (demons aka devils aka unclean spirits aka gods) (1 Samuel 28:8-13).  The Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) do not operated in the power of the dark side (John 8:12).   The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) came to deliver people from the power of the dark side (John 12:46).  The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the source of the power of the dark side (Acts 26:18).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side operate in the power of the Father of Lies (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10).  The Father of Truth has no dark side (1 John 1:5).

Are you a slave to the power of the dark side?

Everyone that operates in the power of the dark side is a slave to the Father of Lies.  Those that operate in the power of the dark side can be driven to madness by the Father of Lies (Luke 8:27-29).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side belong to the Father of Lies (Acts 13:9-10).  Those that operate in the power of the dark side are under the control of Spirits of Lies and have no superhuman powers that belong to them (Acts 16:16-19).

Are you ready for someone with the power of the light side to deliver you from the power of the dark side?

The power of the dark side is no match for the power of the light side.  The power of the dark side is swallowed up by the power of the light side (Exodus 7:12).  Those who operate in the power of the dark side do not have as much power as those who operate in the power of the light side (Exodus 8:17-19).  Those who operate in the power of the dark side are under the curse of the Father of Truth (Leviticus 20:6).  Those who operate in the power of the dark side have brought a death sentence upon themselves (Leviticus 20:27).  Those who have anything to do with those operate in the power of the dark side have made themselves to be an abomination to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).  The Man of Truth has the power of the light side to deliver people from the power of the dark side (Mark 1:27).  The Children of Truth have been given the power of the light side to deliver those held hostage to the power of the dark side (Mark 16:17).  Those who operate in the power of the dark side can leave the dark side and come to the light side by putting their trust in the Man of Truth (Acts 8:13).  Those who operate in the power of the dark side can be made helpless by those who operate in the power of the  light side (Acts 13:11).  The power of the light side that comes from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka Holy Spirit aka Holy Ghost) is greater than the power of the dark side that comes from the Father of Lies (1 John 4:2-4).  The Father of Truth will use the power of the light side to destroy the power of the dark side completely by destroying the Father of Lies (Revelation 20:10).

Are you ready to leave the dark side?

Perhaps you have been operating in the power of the dark side and you want to operate in the power of the light side instead.  You may have even made some sort of deal with the Father of Lies.  Or perhaps you  have never done anything like that.  Whatever the case, if you have not came into the House of Truth then you can come into the House of Truth to be kept safe from the power of the dark side. The Spirit of Truth destroys the power of the dark side that has been enslaving you so you can come into the House of Truth (Isaiah 10:27).  The Man of Truth came to destroy the power of the dark side so everyone can come into the House of Truth and operate in the power of the light side (1 John 3:8).  If you come into the House of Truth then you belong to the Father of Truth and the Father of Lies no longer has any claim on you (Colossians 1:13).  You come into the House of Truth by submitting to the Man of Truth in everything because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Are you ready to know the power of the light side?

You can start to operate in the power of the light side by being baptized in the Spirit of Truth in the House of Truth (Acts 1:8).  The Spirit of Truth will operate the power of the light side if you will remain in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

Come into the House of Truth.

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