Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Spirit of Truth

Is there a personal guide to help you win in life?

When I was in school I always did well in math.  However, some of my classmates had trouble with math, particularly as the math became more advanced.  They would often ask me to help them with their homework and I never turned anyone down. My goal was to get them to understand the principles that were needed so they could solve any similar math problem on their own.  After all, I would not be able to help them when they had to take a test.

I found the best way to help them was to explain the problem and how to solve it in a way that made sense to them.  Invariably, the moment would come when they suddenly understood.  When that moment came, they almost always asked the same question.  "That was easy after you explained it, why didn't the book or the teacher explain it like that?"

The truth is that the book had explained the problem and how to solve it in a broad way to make sense to teachers and to lay down a foundation that made sense to some of the students in class rooms everywhere.  The teacher explained the problem in a more specific way to make sense to as many of the students as possible in that class by building on top of the foundation laid down by the book.  There was nothing wrong with their explanations but those explanations had to be targeted at a group.  On the other hand I was able to tailor an explanation for the individual that I was helping by completing the explanation that the book and the teacher had already built.  My explanation only needed to make sense to one person while the book and the teacher need to build something that made sense to as many people as possible.

We were a small school and I knew each of my classmates.  I knew how they thought, what their interests were, and how to tailor an explanation for that person.  This is why my classmate found that they could understand the math that had previously seemed impossible for them to understand.  All they needed was for someone could bridge the gap between the foundation laid down by the book, what the teacher had built upon that foundation and how they thought about things.  They were perfectly capable of performing any math that was required of them if they had someone to guide them.

In like manner, the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has sent the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to live with you forever to help you understand the truth and the Spirit of Truth will never turn you down.  The Spirit of Truth can help you at all times because the Spirit of Truth is not only with the Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) but the Spirit of Truth lives in the Child of Truth (John 14:16-17).  The Spirit of Truth was sent from the Father of Truth, at the request of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to tell you about the Man of Truth in a way that makes sense to you (John 15:26).  The Spirit of Truth was sent to help you because that is better than the Man of Truth still being on the Earth (John 16:7).  The Spirit of Truth is truth that always agrees with the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth because all three are joined together as one (1 John 5:6-7).  This is why this spirit is called "the Spirit of Truth".

You cannot really understand the Book of Truth (the Bible) without the help of the Spirit of Truth.  The Book of Truth explains truth in a broad sense to make sense to those that the Father of Truth has commissioned to be teachers of truth and to lay down a foundation for readers everywhere.  The teachers of truth explain truth from the Book of Truth in a more specific way to make sense to as many people as possible in their audience by building on top of the foundation laid down in the Book of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth is able to tailor an explanation that will make sense to you.  The Spirit of Truth knows how you think, what your interests are and how to tailor an explanation for you. You can understand a truth that you might have found impossible to understand before.  All you need is the Spirit of Truth to bridge the gap between the foundation laid down by the Book of Truth, what the teacher of truth had built upon that foundation and how you think about things.  You are perfectly capable of grasping any truth if you have the Spirit of Truth to guide you.

The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth written in the Book of Truth, even to the point of showing you future events, in a way that makes sense to you (John 16:13).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by teaching you everything that you need from the Book of Truth and helping you to remember everything that is written in the Book of Truth (John 14:26).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by making the Book of Truth new to you each time you read it (Romans 7:6).  The Spirit of Truth helps you find life in the Book of Truth where you would find only death on your own (2 Corinthians 3:6).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to be able to live out the truth found in the Book of Truth (Ephesians 5:9).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to obey the truth written in the Book of Truth so that you to be able to really love other people with a clean heart (1 Peter 1:22).

Why is the Spirit of Truth able to do this?

The Spirit of Truth told men what to write in the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).  The Spirit of Truth will cause you to be able to understand what was written in the Book of Truth by those men in a way that makes sense to you (1 John 4:6).

The Spirit of Truth will not only help you to understand the truth found in the Book of Truth but the Spirit of Truth will help you to find practical ways to put that truth into practice. You need the Spirit of Truth to win the fight by living out the truth found in the Book of Truth ten minutes at a time.

How does the Spirit of Truth help you win the fight?

The Spirit of Truth helps you to worship the Father of Truth in the way that He must be worshiped. (The Book of Truth, John 4:23-24)  The Spirit of Truth helps you by causing life to flow out of your inner most being like a river (John 7:38-39).  The Spirit of Truth helps you over come every argument of those that reject the truth (Acts 6:9-10).  The Spirit of Truth helps you know who is ready to hear the truth and how to talk to them about the truth (Acts 8:28-39).  The Spirit of Truth will help you understand the truth of any vision or dream given to you by the Father of Truth (Acts 10:19-20).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by warning you of trouble before it comes so you can be prepared (Acts 11:28-29).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by keeping you from going to the wrong places (Acts 16:7).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by warning you of decisions that will lead to trouble (Acts 20:23).  The Spirit of Truth helps you by telling others to tell you the same thing that you were told (Acts 21:4).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to pray the will of the Father of Truth by causing sounds that do not sound like any human language to come out of your mouth when you pray (Romans 8:26-27).  The Spirit of Truth will help you to understand the deep truths of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:10).

In other words the Spirit of Truth helps you to be like the Man of Truth so you can be a Child of Truth.

The Spirit of Truth helps you to live out the righteousness found in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) like the Man of Truth by helping you to be spiritually minded (Romans 8:4-6).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to live in righteousness like the Man of Truth by helping you to put to death the wrong desires of your body (Romans 8:10-13).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to demonstrate the power of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).  The Spirit of Truth helps you to demonstrate the character of the Man of Truth (Galatians 5:22-25).

Perhaps you want the Spirit of Truth living in you so you can be like the Man of Truth, but you do not know how to begin.  It all starts when you come into the House of Truth.  You only need to surrender your will completely to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Man of Truth rose from the dead after dying for your disobedience to the Father of Truth (Romans 10:9).

The Spirit of Truth will cause you to be born again in your spirit in the same way that your mother caused you to be born in your body when you come into the House of Truth (John 3:5-7).  The Spirit of Truth will live in you when you come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9).  The Spirit of Truth will lead you in living as a Child of Truth and tell your spirit that you are a Child of Truth when you come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:14-16).  The Spirit of Truth will justify you so you can be a Child of Truth when you come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:11).  The Spirit of Truth is the seal that you are a Child of Truth when you come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 1:13).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Book Of Truth

Is there a manual for winning in life?

I was recently given a new DVR / DVD Recorder with a built in digital tuner.   On the surface, it seemed to be similar in operation to my VCR with an analog tuner.  It did not take very long to realize that I could not just start using it like the last time I got a new VCR.  While some tasks were pretty straight forward and easy to figure out how to do them, other tasks were not obvious at all on how to do them.  For example, connecting the DVR to my antenna and television was pretty much the same as connecting my VCR had been.  However, my DVR remote was needed to do just about everything else and it was only similar in appearance to my VCR remote.  Some of the buttons that I was used to seeing were not on it.  Some of the buttons that I was used to were on it but they did not do the same thing.  There were other buttons that were not on my VCR remote and their labels did not really explain anything to me.  Not only that the box had features listed on it that my VCR never had, but of course there was no explanation of what those features did exactly or how to use them.  It looked like putting this gift to use was going to be a frustrating experience, instead of being the blessing that the giver intended.

However, in the bottom of the box was this wonderful book (about 130 pages long) called the manual.  By reading the manual I learned the purpose of all those buttons on the remote.  By reading the manual I learned how those mysterious features listed on the box worked and how they would benefit me. By reading the manual I learned that there were more benefits than I had imagined.  By reading the manual it became obvious that after I mastered using this new DVR that I would never want to go back to using a VCR again.  By reading the manual and doing what it told me to do, the DVR would be the blessing that the giver had intended.

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave you a tremendous gift - life.  Perhaps you have been trying to figure out on your own how to live life.  You probably have managed to get some of the easier things right and you may have managed to figure out some other things.  However, you know that you are not getting everything out of life that you should be getting.  You know that there must be something more than being born, growing up, working, retiring and then dying.  You may have heard of other people experiencing some really good things from the Father of Truth but they never happen to you.  You have found that putting the gift of life to use has been a frustrating experience, instead of the blessing that the giver intended.

Do you wish there was a manual for life?

There is a wonderful book that often sits unread at the bottom of some place like a desk drawer that is the manual for life called the Book of Truth (The Bible).  By reading the Book of Truth you will learn the purpose of everything that is in your life.  By reading the Book of Truth you will learn about all of these mysterious features that you have heard the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) talk about and how they will benefit you.  By reading the Book of Truth you will learn that there are more benefits than you ever imagined. By reading the Book of Truth it will become obvious that once you learn how to live a new life in the House of Truth that you will never want to return to living your old life in the House of Lies.  By reading the Book of Truth and doing what it tells you to do, your life will be the blessing that the giver had intended.

The Book of Truth contains that which was written about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) before he came as a man (Luke 24:44).  The Book of Truth only contains truth because it came from the Father of Truth (John 17:17).  The Book of Truth was first sent to the Jews (Acts 10:36).  The Book of Truth can be received by Gentiles (Acts 11:1).  The Book of Truth was entrusted to the Jews by the Father of Truth (Romans 3:1-2). The Book of Truth did not come from men but from the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:13).  The Book of Truth contains the writings of the prophets and the writings of the apostles (Ephesians 2:20).  The Book of Truth is alive and powerful - not dead and useless (Hebrews 4:12).  The Book of Truth was given to men by the inspiration of the Father of Truth and every word of it is useful to help you win the fight (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  The Book of Truth was given to men by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (2 Peter 1:21).  The Book of Truth has been completely written (Revelation 22:18-19).  Nothing that is needed to live in the truth was left out and nothing that is not needed to live in the truth was added. The Book of Truth contains only the Word of Truth that is needed for living in the will of the Father of Truth.  The Book of Truth contains all of the Word of Truth that is needed for living in the will of the Father of Truth.  That is why I call the Bible "the Book of Truth".

The Book of Truth contains the Word of Truth.  The Man of Truth became the Word of Truth in the flesh to demonstrate how to live by the Word of Truth (John 1:14).  The Children of Truth that taught others about the Man of Truth demonstrated how to live by the Word of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:7).  The Word of Truth allows us to put our trust in the Man of Truth (Ephesians 1:13).  The Word of Truth allows us to have a hope of receiving a reward in Heaven from the Father of Truth after we die (Colossians 1:5).  The Word of Truth must be studied to be correctly understood (2 Timothy 2:15).  The Word of Truth is how the Father of Truth begins the process of us being born again as the Children of Truth (James 1:18).

The Book of Truth contains the the word of the Father of Truth.  The word of the Father of Truth can teach you how to really live instead of just occupying space and sucking air (Luke 4:4).  His Word will cause you to be a Child of Truth if you will do what it says (Luke 8:21).  His Word will cause you to blessed by the Father of Truth if you will do what it says (Luke 11:28).  His Word is heard by the Children of Truth (John 8:47).  His Word is what brings you confidence that leads to action (Romans 10:17).  His Word is the sword of the Spirit of Truth to help you win the fight against disobedience (Ephesians 6:17),  His Word can cause you to understand the difference between your spirit and your soul, separates things for you that are hard to separate and will show you why you do what you do (Hebrews 4:12).  His Word that will cause you to be born again because it lives forever and will live in you forever (1 Peter 1:23),  His Word will cause you to love like He loves if you obey it (1 John 2:5).  His Word will cause you to be strong enough to defeat the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) if you let it live in you (1 John 2:14).

You need the Book of Truth to come into the House of Truth and win in life.  You come into the House of Truth by you surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe the Book of Truth when it says that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-11).

Come into the House of Truth


Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Man of Truth

Why is important to always speak the truth?

In 2003 I saw a movie poster for "The Gospel of John".  It seemed every time I prayed or thought about going to the movies or anything like that this movie poster kept coming back to my memory.  As time went on I found that was being led by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to go see this movie.

The truth is that I thought "The Gospel of John" would be boring to watch. After all, I had read the Gospel of John many times in the Book of Truth (The Bible) and I already knew what happened.  Also I had watched a number of "Jesus" movies and none had seemed to have been done right.   Their inconsistencies with the Book of Truth and history stood out to me to the point of being a distraction.  Their presentation of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) usually made the Man of Truth seem wimpy and somewhat unmanly in his mannerisms.  The Book of Truth showed the Man of Truth as never backing down from those that did evil and being literally tougher than nails.

I finally went to see "The Gospel of John" with my son and the six other people that were in the theater.  I was dead wrong about it being boring.  It was a word for word dramatization of the Gospel of John taken directly from the Book of Truth that the makers had taken great pains to get everything as accurate as possible.  It turned out that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is a really good story teller when you let Him do the telling.  In fact, "The Gospel of John" became my all-time favorite movie.

When the movie was over I was so shaken that I could barely walk.  My son thought that he was going to have to drive me home.  I could not figure out why I was so shaken by watching this movie but I knew that the Father of Truth was telling me something.

Not long after that, my family gave me the entire movie gift pack for my birthday.  I got the sound track CD, the tee-shirt (which I still wear), and the DVD set which also had all of the "behind the scenes" stuff on a separate DVD.  I began watching "The Gospel of John" every chance I got.  I had to find out what it was about this movie that had shaken me up so bad.

During the fourth viewing, it finally clicked.  In the movie, the Man of Truth says "I tell you the truth" or "I am telling you the truth" or something very similar over and over again.  (He says it 24 times for those of you that are counting.)  The Man of Truth is full of truth (John 1:14).  The Man of Truth spoke the truth at all times (John 8:45-46).  This is what was shaking me up.

The Man of Truth never said anything that was not true, even in jest.  The Man of Truth never told something that was not true to pull a joke on others like people do on April Fools Day.  The Man of Truth never said something that was not true and then later say something like "Psyche" or "Bazinga" or "Just Joking".  The Man of Truth never said something that was not true in order to be sarcastic.  The Man of Truth never spoke something that was not true to make others feel better.  The Man of Truth never spoke something that was not true to get a reaction from others.  The Man of Truth never spoke something that was not true to make peace.  The Man of Truth never said something that was not true as part of a game.  This is why I call him "the Man of Truth".

I could not truthfully say the same about myself.  I had taken great pains to be honest in all of my business dealings and to never purposely lie to others.  I never told people lies on April Fools Day.  I never played games like Balderdash that involved lying.  I did not say things, whether they were true or not, to get a reaction out of other people.  Still I did not only speak the truth like the Man of Truth.

I did say things that I did not mean and then say "Just joking".  That was not speaking only the truth like the Man of Truth.  I did say things that were not true to be sarcastic, in a sarcastic voice, believing that others would know that I meant the opposite of what I said. That was not speaking only the truth like the Man of Truth.  I suddenly understood that doing these things was not alright and they needed to come to an end.

There were other areas that I would have to be on guard if I was to only speak the truth like the Man of Truth.  I realized how easy it is to tell others something that is not true to make them feel better when they are hurting but that was not speaking only the truth like the Man of Truth.   I realized that the temptation to make peace with others can make it hard to only speak the truth like the Man of Truth.

Why was it so important that I was made aware of this and that I learned to only speak the truth?  Why is it never alright to ever say anything that is not true, even in jest or to make others feel better when they are hurting?

The Man of Truth says that all truth comes from the Father of Truth (John 8:40).  The Man of Truth is the truth that brings us to the Father of Truth (John 14:6).   If it is truth then it is from the Father of Truth.  The Father of Truth wants the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to walk in the truth (3 John 1:4).

The Man of Truth says that all lies come from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) (John 8:44).  If it is not truth, it is from the Father of Lies.  The Father of Truth wants us to having nothing in us that belongs to the Father of Lies just as there was nothing that belonged to the Father of Lies in the Man of Truth (John 14:30).

The Man of Truth said that we must worship His Father in truth (John 4:24).  The Man of Truth sent us the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to show us the truth about all things (John 16:13).  The Man of Truth does not want us to have any space in our lives for anything that is from the Father of Lies (Ephesians 4:27).

So whoever is are going to come into the House of Truth must learn to only speak the truth like the Man of Truth.  We come into the House of Truth when we surrender our lives over to the Man of Truth because believe the truth that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  The Man of Truth circumcises our hearts when we come in the House of Truth (Romans 15:8).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

You can learn how to be a winner.

How can you win the fight against sin?

When I was a young driver, I slid my first car off the road and flipped it on its roof.  Not long after that I slid a second car off the road and flipped it on its roof.  That was when the state of Arkansas decided that I needed to go to defensive driving class.  Since taking defensive driving class I have become a much safer driver.  In fact, I have not caused an accident in more than twenty years.  I learned how to be a winner.

At the beginning of the first day of defensive driving class, the instructor asked everyone in the class that could drive ten feet without breaking a law or causing an accident to raise their hand.  Everyone in the class raised their hand.  The instructor then told us all that we really needed to do to learn to drive safely was to drive ten feet at a time for the rest of our lives.  The instructor pointed out that every trip, no matter how long, was really just one ten foot drive after another.

The instructor was making a point that everyone of us could learn how to be a winner in the driving game by constantly being on guard for the behaviors and hazards that caused accidents.  The rest of the two week class was just learning two things.  First, how to identify as early as possible the behaviors in ourselves and others along with the external hazards that could lead to an accident.  Second, how to adjust our driving as soon as we identified the danger so that we could avoid the accident.

In the same way, everyone that decides to pay the cost of total surrender to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) so that they can become a Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him), can learn how to be a winner in the obedience game from the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  Once you learn how to go ten minutes in obedience to the Father of Truth then all you have to do is go ten minutes at a time in obedience for the rest of your life.  Your life, no matter how much longer it lasts, is really just a one ten minute interval after another.

The only way for you to be a winner in the obedience game is to be constantly on guard for the behaviors and hazards that lead to disobedience (Galatians 6:1).  You really only need to learn two things.  First, how to identify the weaknesses in yourself and others along with the hazards placed by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) that could lead to disobedience.  Secondly, how to make adjustments as soon as you identify the danger so that you can avoid disobedience.

However, unlike driving a car, you cannot rely only on your own skill at applying what you have learned in your own strength because your own strength is not enough to win (John 15:5).  You need to live in the House of Truth by learning how to live according to the Book of Truth (The Bible) in order to win (John 15:7).

You are never alone in the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth is your instructor in the House of Truth (John 8:31-32).  The Father of Truth delights to have you in the House of Truth (3 John 1:4). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will show you how to live in the House of Truth (John 16:13).

In the House of Truth, you will learn how to identify every hazard that the Father of Lies has placed in the way to keep you from obedience (2 Corinthians 2:11).  In the House of Truth, you will learn how to find the way of escape from disobedience that the Father of Truth has supplied in every situation (1 Corinthians 10:13).  In the House of Truth, the Father of Truth will give you everything that you need to live in obedience (2 Peter 1:3).  In the House of Truth, the Spirit of Truth will you lead you around every obstacle so that you can live in obedience to the Father of Truth (Galatians 5:16).

You do not have to be strong enough on your own to win because the Man of Truth is strong enough to cause to you win.  The Man of Truth has already encountered every obstacle to obedience and won (Hebrews 4:15).  The Man of Truth will live in you if you will live in him (John 15:4).  You can win the obedience game if you allow the Man of Truth to live in you (Colossians 1:27).

The Man of Truth can cause you to win but only if you are willing to do your part.  The Father of Truth has sent the Man of Truth to save you from disobedience - not just the penalty of disobedience (Matthew 1:21).  The Father of Truth sent the Man of Truth to be with you in the fight -  not to fight the fight for you (Matthew 1:23).  Your body does not want to live in obedience to his Father (Romans 7:23).  You win the fight by making your body live in obedience to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:26-27).  You win the fight by bringing your mind into alignment with the Book of Truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).  You win the fight by getting rid of everything that would hinder you from winning and keeping your eyes on the Man of Truth (Hebrews 12:1-2).  You win the fight by trusting the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 6:12).  You win the fight ten minutes at a time until the fight is finished (2 Timothy 4:7).  If you will obey the Father of Truth to the best of your ability in everything that you know to do then the Father of Truth will give you both the desire and the ability to obey Him even more so that you can win the fight (Philippians 2:12-13).

Perhaps you do not know how to come into the House of Truth.  You can only come in by being born again into the family of the Father of Truth thru the labor of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8).  When you are born again the Father of Truth will be remove you from the family of the Father of Lies and place you in the House of Truth to live with the Man of Truth (Colossians 1:12-13).

How can you be born again?

You must agree with the Father of Truth by saying out loud that you have been disobedient to the Father of Truth (1 John 1:8-18).  You must say out loud that you are putting the Man of Truth is in charge of every aspect of your life because you believe that he was raised from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  You must be willing to obey the Man of Truth in deeds not just words (Matthew 7:21).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Are you willing to pay the cost?

Are you willing to pay the cost?

Many years ago I looked at refinancing my home.  The finance company was offering me a great deal that was supposed to lower my payments and allow me to pay off my house in less time.  The finance company took my information on the loan that I had at the time, then plugged in the amount of my pay off plus a few standard fees that they told me about and showed me what my new payments would be based on that information.  My payments would indeed be lower and my house would really be paid off in less time.  I examined everything carefully and was ready to finalize the deal with them.

However, when I went to finalize the deal they brought up some more fees that they had never mentioned to me when they made their first proposal.  Some of these fees were quite large.  They said they would give me a large discount on these new fees if I could pay the new fees right then.  Otherwise, they would be all too happy to add the full cost of the new fees to my new loan.  This second proposal would have made my monthly payments higher than what I was already paying!  Not only that, my house would not be paid off any sooner.  They had not disclosed the true cost of refinancing to me until I was ready to sign the contract.  They had dealt deceitfully with me so I walked away from the deal.

I had already learned one simple rule the hard way before this.  Sticking to this rule that has saved me thousands of dollars, countless headaches and endless heartache over the years.  That simple rule is this: Never do business with anyone that does not tell you the true cost of their product or service up front.

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in like manner said to find out the true cost up front before deciding to follow Him.  If you are building something then see if you have enough money to finish it before you start (Luke 14:28-30).  If you are going to get in a fight then see if you are able to win and are willing to pay the cost of winning before you start fighting (Luke 14:31-32).  The Man of Truth says before you commit to anything find out what it costs and ask yourself one simple question:

Are you willing to pay the cost?

If you have ever taken a marketing class or attended a sales seminar or closely examined a contract or even paid close attention to commercials on television, then you know that this is not how the world does things. 

The sales process that the world uses is as follows:  First, you make a big deal of all of the benefits of what you are selling.  Second, when the buyer has gotten excited about the purchase you try to get a commitment from them without discussing the cost if possible.  Lastly, you when you can put it off no longer, you tell only as much of the cost that that the law requires you to tell the buyer and then try to make that cost seems as small as possible.  If there are any conditions of the deal that might later add to the cost of the deal then you bury those details deep inside the contract in small print.  This makes it hard for the buyer to be aware of the true cost until well after the contract has been signed.

There is nothing up front or honest about this sales process.  It is the sales process of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil).  If Father of Lies told his children the true cost of remaining in the House of Lies, then no one would remain in his house.  If you do not leave the House of Lies and come into the House of Truth, then there is literally Hell to pay (Revelation 20:15).

The Man of Truth not only tells you to find out the cost before deciding to come into the House of Truth but he also tells you the true cost of coming into the House of Truth.  This sales process is up front and honest.  This is the sales process of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

So what is the cost of being a Child of Truth that lives in the House of Truth with the Man of Truth?

First of all, it can cost you everything in terms of relationships that you have with other people, perhaps even your own family.  You must love the Man of Truth enough to leave your family and friends behind if they will not follow the Man of Truth (Luke 14:26).  In fact, your family and friends might even turn against you for following the Man of Truth (Matthew 10:35-37).  They might even hate you so much that they seek to have you killed for following the Man of Truth (Mark 13:12).   Even if your family also follows the Man of Truth, it is still certain that someone will hate you for following the Man of Truth (Mark 13:13).  You may be forced out of the congregation that you worship with by the religious professionals that run it (John 16:2).  You cannot follow the Man of Truth without being making enemies.  If you are not making enemies, then you are not following the Man of Truth  (John 15:18-19).

Are you willing to pay the cost?

Secondly, you must be willing to do whatever the Man of Truth tells you.  You can only follow the Man of Truth by doing what he says (Luke 6:46).  You must be willing to carry whatever cross that the Father of Truth gives you to carry (Luke 14:27).  You must give up everything that you want in order to carry the cross that you will be given (Luke 9:23).  It does not matter if what you are given to carry seems heavier than what another is given to carry, you must be willing to carry whatever you are given in order to follow the Man of Truth (John 21:22).  The Man of Truth will not lay on you a burden that is too heavy for you to carry (Matthew 11:30).

Are you willing to pay the cost?

Lastly, you must surrender your entire life to the Man of Truth. You must be willing to leave everything to come into the House of Truth (Luke 14:33).  It may cost you all of your money (Mark 10:21-22).  It may cause you to be beaten, killed, crucified or ran out of town (Matthew 23:34).  You may be killed by the religious professionals that are not following the Man of Truth (John 16:2).  Your time, your talents and your treasure will no longer belong to you because you were bought with a price and no longer belong to yourself (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Are you willing to pay the cost?

If you try to follow the Man of Truth and try keep control of your own life, then you will lose your life.  You can only follow the Man of Truth by total surrender of your life to him (Luke 9:24).  If you try to only follow the Man of Truth part time he will spit you out because you make him sick.  The Man of Truth would rather that you follow the Father of Lies full time than for you to follow him part time (Revelation 3:15-16).  It is only reasonable that you should give your entire life to the Man of Truth since he gave his entire life for you (Romans 12:1).   The Man of Truth bet his life on you and you must bet your life on him.  You must be all in to win life with the Man of Truth.

Are you willing to pay the cost?

In order to come into the House of Truth you must surrender everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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