Whose Report Will You Believe?
Can the mainstream sources be trusted?
When I was in Greece serving in the US Air Force there were seventeen terrorist incidents against American service men. In fact, Greece had the second highest terrorism rate in the world in late 1980s. (Israel had a very solid lock on first place.) Everyone that was stationed in Greece was constantly trained in counter terrorism and briefed after each incident.
Several of these involved the use of an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). In one of the worst incidents an IED was placed into a stone wall and detonated as the US Army bus drove by. Shrapnel tore into the bus injuring most of the passengers. We were brief on the situation the next day and told what to do to prevent it from happening to one of the other buses that ran to a GSS (Geographically Separated Site). We were told to not give any information to anyone including our spouses about the incident because it could compromise the efforts of the intelligence community to apprehend the terrorists behind the attack. The spouses and other civilians were also likewise told about the incident but in much less detail since they did not have the same need to know as us. When my wife told me what she was told I could see that it all matched what I was told but was lacking certain important details. We knew the truth but we could neither deny nor confirm it to anyone.
We were a small community in Hellenikon AFB (Air Force Base) of about 1800 individuals counting the civilians, the dependents and the Army, Navy, and Marine personnel attached to the base. People in my unit went to church with people in the Army unit that was attacked along with many of the people that were involved in the treatment of the wounded and clean up of the aftermath. These people were allowed to give testimonies in church services of how they had been protected as long as they did not divulge anything that was not public knowledge. They could confide in other people with a high enough security clearance that had a need to know. It was not long before I had a pretty good idea of exactly what had happened. Not only that, but everyone was kept informed of the status of the casualties. We were too tight knit of a community for anything serious to happen to anyone without everyone soon knowing about it. We knew the truth for certain based on the word of those we served, the testimony of those that had been saved and our own experiences.
During this time my mother would send me video tapes of some of my favorite shows from the US because our SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with Greece would not allow the broadcast of American television shows. She would often include the nightly news so I could stay abreast of what was going on in the world. The tapes I received a few weeks after this particular incident all happened to have reports of the incident from all three of the major networks at the time. (ABC, NBC and CBS; there was no FOX channel in her area at the time.)
The reports that I saw on these networks made me lose all faith in the mainstream media to give me reliable information. The reports agreed about the basic story that was general public knowledge but contradicted each other on some of the details. The most shocking thing was their total exaggeration about the extent of the damage and the casualties. They were simply wrong on how the terrorists had committed the attack. In some of the stories they were even wrong about who committed the attack. These stories contradicted the report that I had from those I served, those that had been saved and my own experiences.
Whose report was I going to believe?
If I had been in America and had only watched one of their reports then I probably would have believed that report because I would have been ignorant of the truth. Since I knew the truth I instead believed the report of those I served.
I have also been at the scene of several local news worthy incidents and have seen the same pattern repeated as that first time that my eyes were opened to the fact that the mainstream media is not always telling the truth. In some of these cases I know for a fact that the mainstream media flat out lied when they gave their report because the authorities did not want the public to lose faith in the system and act out of panic.
I also paid close attention to development of the new reports following 911. I noted that the number of planes and their fate changed for example. At first, they reported that there were five planes counting one headed for Seattle that the US Air Force shot down instead of letting it cause casualties in Seattle. (The President did not have the legal authority to command this action and the US Air Force did not have the legal authority to carry out such a command until the Patriot Act was signed into law about six weeks later.) Then suddenly, they all began to report that there were only four planes. There was no redaction or acknowledgment that they had been wrong about the number of planes. They simply changed their story and acted like that they had always been reporting that there were only four planes. I found it particularly interesting that for a while Peter Jennings kept saying that there were five planes and then summarizing the fate of only four planes. The alternative news sources continued to report all five planes for a while and then they also suddenly did the exact same thing.
So which report should I believe?
I also noticed that one of the videos of the building collapsing was suddenly removed from all outlets. In fact, my friend Anthony was watching the video when it was suddenly gone and the link to the video no longer existed. Again, there was no explanation. The media outlets just acted like the video had never existed.
This video that showed an explosion that was only about one third of the way up from the ground in the first building that was struck while the plane had struck near the top of the building. (The explosion was located at the place that the engineers of the building had designed for a demolition explosion when the building came to the end of its life and had to be taken down.) This video showed that the terrorists could have already placed explosives in the buildings before the planes ever ran into the buildings. The building would have came down either way but the planes were much effective advertisement for the terrorists. This showed a much larger hole in our national security than just the one with our passenger planes.
So which report should I believe?
I have developed a healthy skepticism of the mainstream media instead of just blindly believing whatever they tell me. Of course, the alternative media outlets also have their fair share of people that report their own speculations as fact and that sometimes flat out lie in order to persuade others to their viewpoint. Just because two types of sources are giving conflicting reports does not mean that either of them is really telling the truth.
Still it begs the question: whose report are you going to believe?
The only way to know whose report to believe is to inspect the reports of the reporters. If you know the truth about what is being reported in some of the cases and the reports that you receive from a reporter consistently agrees with the truth that you already know then you can have a high level of confidence that in that reporter. You can then believe their reports about other things as being the truth even though you have no real way to confirm them at the time.
However, if the reporter is not trustworthy then their report will not agree with the truth that you already know. Another sign that they do not know the truth is that they keep changing their report. Of course, if they change their report and then act like they had always been giving the same report that is even worse than ignorance. They probably were purposely lying in the first place and want to distract you from their inconsistencies. After all, they want you to continue to trust that they are telling you the truth.
In like manner, I received two conflicting reports when my daughter went into her coma. On the one hand I had the mainstream sources, the medical professionals, giving me a report about my daughter's future. On the other hand I had alternative sources giving me a contradicting report about my daughter's future. The report that I acted on would have a significant impact on the future of my entire family. It all came down to one question.
Whose report was I going to believe?
I chose to believe the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources that most people believe. The medical professionals assured me that the situation was dire. They reported that her kidneys had been shut down by one medication and that this was allowing another medication to flood her brain in its undiluted form. This undiluted medication was causing her brain to continue to swell continually larger. There was a shunt in her head but it could not possibly relieve enough pressure to keep her brain from being destroyed. All of these things were medical facts but the doctors then offered a report of her future based on speculation. They insisted that that she would die. The only trouble for them was that I refused to believe their report. In fact, the neurologist got very angry at me and told me she had to die. My anger was riled up and I told him that doctors do not get the last word. For ten days, my daughter was as good as dead as far as medical science was concerned and for ten days I insisted that she would live.
I was not refusing to believe their report because I did not like it. This was not a case of being in denial or not accepting the facts about her condition at the time. This was not about doubting their competency or the seriousness of the condition. In fact, after it was all over her primary doctor researched like cases where these two drugs had been used in this combination and she is the only person to have EVER not died after the kidneys shutdown. (The FDA no longer allows these two drugs to be given at the same time because of the 100% certainty of shutting down the kidneys and death by brain swelling once a person goes over the threshold.) Since I knew the facts about her condition at the time why did I refuse to believe their report about her future?
I had already been given another report about her future from alternative sources that said that she would live. That was over a decade ago when I had to decide whose report I was going to believe and she is still living proof that I believed the right report. I'm now going to tell you why I believed the report of the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources.
These alternative sources are headed the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD). The Book of Truth (The Bible) was His Report. This Report had already reported many things to me that I had been able to verify and not once had they been wrong. The Book of Truth contains many statements of history and science that the facts have always support once they have been uncovered. His Report has proven to be the truth so I can trust it. Beyond that, I have came to into the service of the Father of Truth when I came into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) my absolute ruler in every area of my life. The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) delivered their report of the future of my daughter to me personally before she ever went into the coma. I literally had inside information. These alternative sources have never told me anything except the truth. I had heard the testimonies of many trustworthy people that have been healed of all kinds of sickness by the Man of Truth and other examples of the trustworthiness of these alternative sources. The Man of Truth had already healed me of illnesses that medical science had that said had no hope of being healed. I knew the truth for certain based on the Word of The One I serve, the testimony of those that had been saved and my own experiences.
Why is it so important whose report you believe?
The report you believe will determine your future.
Consider the case of the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness of Paran. The Father of Truth commanded Moses to select twelve men to scout out the land that He had promised as an inheritance to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Numbers 13:1-2). [The Hebrew word translated as "spy" is literally "scout".] Moses sent out twelve men to scout out the land and report its condition (Numbers 13:17-20). All twelve of these scouts came back and gave a truthful report of the current condition of the land (Numbers 13:27-29). One of the scouts gave a good report about the future of the land based on the report of the Father of Truth had already given and apparently another scout agreed with him making them the alternative sources (Numbers 13:30). The other ten scouts were the mainstream sources and gave an evil report about the future of the land based on their own speculation (Numbers 13:31-33). The mindless masses believed the report of the mainstream sources and planned their future accordingly (Numbers 14:1-4). The alternative sources tried in vain to convince the mindless masses to believe their report instead so that they could have a better future (Numbers 14:5-9). The mindless masses that had been persuaded by the mainstream sources would have shut down the alternative sources completely if they had been allowed to do so (Numbers 14:10). The mindless masses that believed the mainstream sources came into the evil future that they believed while the alternative sources came into the good future that they believed (Numbers 14:29-30). Their future was determined by whose report that they believed.
It is no different with you. The facts of your present condition are not up for debate provided that you really know what they are. The conflicting reports in question are those about your future.
Whose report will you believe?
The world, the mainstream sources, have many reports based only on speculation about the future. These reports that it gives may look good or may look bad to your flesh but they will always contradict the report of the Spirit of Truth (Galatians 5:17). Nothing that the mainstream sources tell the mindless masses is from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16). The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the head of the mainstream sources that controls the mindless masses that do not know the truth (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). The story the mainstream sources tell about everything keeps changing throughout the ages because it is not the truth (1 Corinthians 8:5-6). The head of the mainstream sources has been lying from the first and wants to distract you from his inconsistencies (John 8:44). After all, the world wants you to continue to trust that it is telling you the truth.
The alternative sources will tell you the truth about your future. The Spirit of Truth will lead you to the truth about your future (John 16:13). The Man of Truth never changes (Hebrews 13:8). The Father of Truth never changes (James 1:17). His Report never changes (Isaiah 40:8). His Report is true (3 John 1:11-12).
The real question is: will you believe His Report (Isaiah 53:1)?
His Report says that the Father of Truth will heal those that obey Him (Exodus 15:26). His report says that He sent sent His Word to heal those that foolishly disobeyed Him (Psalm 107:17-20). His Report says that the Man of Truth was beaten terribly to take sickness from our bodies as surely as he was wounded to take away our sins (Isaiah 53:4-5). The only reason ever given for the Great Physician, the Man of Truth, being brutally whipped was to purchase our deliverance from sickness as surely as his crucifixion purchased our deliverance from sin (1 Peter 2:24). You can just as assuredly be healed from sickness by faith as you can be saved from your sins by faith.
You cannot have faith in His Report without first hearing His Report (Romans 10:17). You need to think about His Report in all circumstances once you hear it (Philippians 4:8).
Those that hear His Report must obey His instructions to be healed (Romans 10:16). Faith is confidence in His Report that leads to action (James 2:17-18). Believing in the Father of Truth without enough confidence in His goodness to act on His Report makes you no better than the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka gods aka foul spirits aka spirits of sickness) (James 2:19-20). It is acting on His Report that makes your faith effective in bringing the healing that He offers (James 2:21-23). Faith is not wishful thinking or denying the facts of your present circumstances. Faith is action that comes from believing His Report about your future.
There are many examples of people being healed because they believed His report and acted on it. The blind and lame were healed when they went into the Temple because they believed that the Doctor was in the House and the time for their healing had arrived (Matthew 21:14). The faith of the Samaritan leper caused him to be made whole when he went back to give praise to the Great Physician (Luke 17:15-19).
There is no clearer example of this truth than the woman with the issue of blood. This woman was a good as dead as far medical science was concerned (Luke 8:43). She crawled through the crowd with her last strength to touch the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth and she was healed (Luke 8:44). Immediately the Great Physician knew that someone had been healed (Luke 8:45-46). The woman gave testimony of her healing by the Great Physician (Luke 8:47). The Great Physician said that she had been healed because of her faith (Luke 8:48).
Now you might be wondering about her faith. Her faith in what? Was there evidence of her faith before she was healed? Did she set these conditions of touching his clothes to be healed herself? Where did she ever get such an idea? It is time to pull back the covers and reveal the the story behind the story.
Any woman that was issuing blood was to avoid touching with other people (Leviticus 15:19). The woman with the issue of blood was forbidden to touch other people as long as she had the issue of blood (Leviticus 15:25). His Report had said that there would be healing in the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth (Malachi 4:2). [The Hebrew word "kanaph" that is translated as "wings" is the same word used for the corners of a garment. It would be translated as "healing in the corners of his garment".]
Now we shall reexamine this same story in the light of the rest of the story.
This woman had spent all that she had on doctors, the mainstream source, and suffered through all kinds of treatments but they gave her a report of a hopeless future (Mark 5:25-26). This woman pressed through the crowd because she believe the Report of the Father of Truth concerning the corners of the garments of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:27-28). After she pressed through the crowd and touched the corners of his garments then she was healed (Mark 5:29). The Great Physician knew that someone had been healed by touching the corners of his garment (Mark 5:30-31). Then the Great physician looked at her (Mark 5:32). She came trembling and fell at his feet because the religious professionals of the day might have stoned her for making a crowd of people unclean and then touching a Rabbi in her condition (Mark 5:33). Her pressing through the crowd was the proof of her faith before she was ever healed. When she gave her testimony of what had been done then the Great Physician revealed that she was healed because she had believed the Report of the Father of Truth enough to act on it (Mark 5:33-34).
What doe His Report say about today?
The Children of Truth (followers of the Man of Truth) can still bring healing to others while the Great Physician is away when they believe His Report (Mark 16:17-19). It is worth noting that this only for those that believe His Report, not those that doubt His Report, argue with His Report, or cling to traditions that contradict His Report. People can still be healed by the Great Physician through the Children of Truth when they believe His Report (Acts 14:8-10). The Spirit of Truth works through the Children of Truth that believe His Report to bring healing to others (1 Corinthians 12:9).
Whose report will you believe?
Those that have hardened their hearts and refuse to obey the Father of Truth will not be able to hear His Report (Isaiah 6:9-10). Those that do not know the Man of Truth cannot hear His Report (Matthew 13:14-15). So they cannot be not have the faith to believe His Report (John 12:39-40). Those that cannot believe His Report will not be healed through faith in His Report (Acts 28:24-27).
Whose report will you believe?
Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His Report cannot be convinced by any proof (John 12:37-38). Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His report have no choice but to believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12). Hearing His Report will do you no good if you do not believe it (Hebrews 4:2).
Whose report will you believe?
Your future will either be one of death or life depending upon whose report that you believe (Romans 6:23). Will you believe the report of the world that leads to death or His report that leads to life (Romans 8:6)? Will you come into the House of Truth by putting the Man of Truth in charge of every aspect of your life because you believe the report that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)?
Come into the House of Truth.
When I was in Greece serving in the US Air Force there were seventeen terrorist incidents against American service men. In fact, Greece had the second highest terrorism rate in the world in late 1980s. (Israel had a very solid lock on first place.) Everyone that was stationed in Greece was constantly trained in counter terrorism and briefed after each incident.
Several of these involved the use of an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). In one of the worst incidents an IED was placed into a stone wall and detonated as the US Army bus drove by. Shrapnel tore into the bus injuring most of the passengers. We were brief on the situation the next day and told what to do to prevent it from happening to one of the other buses that ran to a GSS (Geographically Separated Site). We were told to not give any information to anyone including our spouses about the incident because it could compromise the efforts of the intelligence community to apprehend the terrorists behind the attack. The spouses and other civilians were also likewise told about the incident but in much less detail since they did not have the same need to know as us. When my wife told me what she was told I could see that it all matched what I was told but was lacking certain important details. We knew the truth but we could neither deny nor confirm it to anyone.
We were a small community in Hellenikon AFB (Air Force Base) of about 1800 individuals counting the civilians, the dependents and the Army, Navy, and Marine personnel attached to the base. People in my unit went to church with people in the Army unit that was attacked along with many of the people that were involved in the treatment of the wounded and clean up of the aftermath. These people were allowed to give testimonies in church services of how they had been protected as long as they did not divulge anything that was not public knowledge. They could confide in other people with a high enough security clearance that had a need to know. It was not long before I had a pretty good idea of exactly what had happened. Not only that, but everyone was kept informed of the status of the casualties. We were too tight knit of a community for anything serious to happen to anyone without everyone soon knowing about it. We knew the truth for certain based on the word of those we served, the testimony of those that had been saved and our own experiences.
During this time my mother would send me video tapes of some of my favorite shows from the US because our SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with Greece would not allow the broadcast of American television shows. She would often include the nightly news so I could stay abreast of what was going on in the world. The tapes I received a few weeks after this particular incident all happened to have reports of the incident from all three of the major networks at the time. (ABC, NBC and CBS; there was no FOX channel in her area at the time.)
The reports that I saw on these networks made me lose all faith in the mainstream media to give me reliable information. The reports agreed about the basic story that was general public knowledge but contradicted each other on some of the details. The most shocking thing was their total exaggeration about the extent of the damage and the casualties. They were simply wrong on how the terrorists had committed the attack. In some of the stories they were even wrong about who committed the attack. These stories contradicted the report that I had from those I served, those that had been saved and my own experiences.
Whose report was I going to believe?
If I had been in America and had only watched one of their reports then I probably would have believed that report because I would have been ignorant of the truth. Since I knew the truth I instead believed the report of those I served.
I have also been at the scene of several local news worthy incidents and have seen the same pattern repeated as that first time that my eyes were opened to the fact that the mainstream media is not always telling the truth. In some of these cases I know for a fact that the mainstream media flat out lied when they gave their report because the authorities did not want the public to lose faith in the system and act out of panic.
I also paid close attention to development of the new reports following 911. I noted that the number of planes and their fate changed for example. At first, they reported that there were five planes counting one headed for Seattle that the US Air Force shot down instead of letting it cause casualties in Seattle. (The President did not have the legal authority to command this action and the US Air Force did not have the legal authority to carry out such a command until the Patriot Act was signed into law about six weeks later.) Then suddenly, they all began to report that there were only four planes. There was no redaction or acknowledgment that they had been wrong about the number of planes. They simply changed their story and acted like that they had always been reporting that there were only four planes. I found it particularly interesting that for a while Peter Jennings kept saying that there were five planes and then summarizing the fate of only four planes. The alternative news sources continued to report all five planes for a while and then they also suddenly did the exact same thing.
So which report should I believe?
I also noticed that one of the videos of the building collapsing was suddenly removed from all outlets. In fact, my friend Anthony was watching the video when it was suddenly gone and the link to the video no longer existed. Again, there was no explanation. The media outlets just acted like the video had never existed.
This video that showed an explosion that was only about one third of the way up from the ground in the first building that was struck while the plane had struck near the top of the building. (The explosion was located at the place that the engineers of the building had designed for a demolition explosion when the building came to the end of its life and had to be taken down.) This video showed that the terrorists could have already placed explosives in the buildings before the planes ever ran into the buildings. The building would have came down either way but the planes were much effective advertisement for the terrorists. This showed a much larger hole in our national security than just the one with our passenger planes.
So which report should I believe?
I have developed a healthy skepticism of the mainstream media instead of just blindly believing whatever they tell me. Of course, the alternative media outlets also have their fair share of people that report their own speculations as fact and that sometimes flat out lie in order to persuade others to their viewpoint. Just because two types of sources are giving conflicting reports does not mean that either of them is really telling the truth.
Still it begs the question: whose report are you going to believe?
The only way to know whose report to believe is to inspect the reports of the reporters. If you know the truth about what is being reported in some of the cases and the reports that you receive from a reporter consistently agrees with the truth that you already know then you can have a high level of confidence that in that reporter. You can then believe their reports about other things as being the truth even though you have no real way to confirm them at the time.
However, if the reporter is not trustworthy then their report will not agree with the truth that you already know. Another sign that they do not know the truth is that they keep changing their report. Of course, if they change their report and then act like they had always been giving the same report that is even worse than ignorance. They probably were purposely lying in the first place and want to distract you from their inconsistencies. After all, they want you to continue to trust that they are telling you the truth.
In like manner, I received two conflicting reports when my daughter went into her coma. On the one hand I had the mainstream sources, the medical professionals, giving me a report about my daughter's future. On the other hand I had alternative sources giving me a contradicting report about my daughter's future. The report that I acted on would have a significant impact on the future of my entire family. It all came down to one question.
Whose report was I going to believe?
I chose to believe the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources that most people believe. The medical professionals assured me that the situation was dire. They reported that her kidneys had been shut down by one medication and that this was allowing another medication to flood her brain in its undiluted form. This undiluted medication was causing her brain to continue to swell continually larger. There was a shunt in her head but it could not possibly relieve enough pressure to keep her brain from being destroyed. All of these things were medical facts but the doctors then offered a report of her future based on speculation. They insisted that that she would die. The only trouble for them was that I refused to believe their report. In fact, the neurologist got very angry at me and told me she had to die. My anger was riled up and I told him that doctors do not get the last word. For ten days, my daughter was as good as dead as far as medical science was concerned and for ten days I insisted that she would live.
I was not refusing to believe their report because I did not like it. This was not a case of being in denial or not accepting the facts about her condition at the time. This was not about doubting their competency or the seriousness of the condition. In fact, after it was all over her primary doctor researched like cases where these two drugs had been used in this combination and she is the only person to have EVER not died after the kidneys shutdown. (The FDA no longer allows these two drugs to be given at the same time because of the 100% certainty of shutting down the kidneys and death by brain swelling once a person goes over the threshold.) Since I knew the facts about her condition at the time why did I refuse to believe their report about her future?
I had already been given another report about her future from alternative sources that said that she would live. That was over a decade ago when I had to decide whose report I was going to believe and she is still living proof that I believed the right report. I'm now going to tell you why I believed the report of the alternative sources instead of the mainstream sources.
These alternative sources are headed the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD). The Book of Truth (The Bible) was His Report. This Report had already reported many things to me that I had been able to verify and not once had they been wrong. The Book of Truth contains many statements of history and science that the facts have always support once they have been uncovered. His Report has proven to be the truth so I can trust it. Beyond that, I have came to into the service of the Father of Truth when I came into the House of Truth by making the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) my absolute ruler in every area of my life. The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) delivered their report of the future of my daughter to me personally before she ever went into the coma. I literally had inside information. These alternative sources have never told me anything except the truth. I had heard the testimonies of many trustworthy people that have been healed of all kinds of sickness by the Man of Truth and other examples of the trustworthiness of these alternative sources. The Man of Truth had already healed me of illnesses that medical science had that said had no hope of being healed. I knew the truth for certain based on the Word of The One I serve, the testimony of those that had been saved and my own experiences.
Why is it so important whose report you believe?
The report you believe will determine your future.
Consider the case of the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness of Paran. The Father of Truth commanded Moses to select twelve men to scout out the land that He had promised as an inheritance to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Numbers 13:1-2). [The Hebrew word translated as "spy" is literally "scout".] Moses sent out twelve men to scout out the land and report its condition (Numbers 13:17-20). All twelve of these scouts came back and gave a truthful report of the current condition of the land (Numbers 13:27-29). One of the scouts gave a good report about the future of the land based on the report of the Father of Truth had already given and apparently another scout agreed with him making them the alternative sources (Numbers 13:30). The other ten scouts were the mainstream sources and gave an evil report about the future of the land based on their own speculation (Numbers 13:31-33). The mindless masses believed the report of the mainstream sources and planned their future accordingly (Numbers 14:1-4). The alternative sources tried in vain to convince the mindless masses to believe their report instead so that they could have a better future (Numbers 14:5-9). The mindless masses that had been persuaded by the mainstream sources would have shut down the alternative sources completely if they had been allowed to do so (Numbers 14:10). The mindless masses that believed the mainstream sources came into the evil future that they believed while the alternative sources came into the good future that they believed (Numbers 14:29-30). Their future was determined by whose report that they believed.
It is no different with you. The facts of your present condition are not up for debate provided that you really know what they are. The conflicting reports in question are those about your future.
Whose report will you believe?
The world, the mainstream sources, have many reports based only on speculation about the future. These reports that it gives may look good or may look bad to your flesh but they will always contradict the report of the Spirit of Truth (Galatians 5:17). Nothing that the mainstream sources tell the mindless masses is from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:16). The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) is the head of the mainstream sources that controls the mindless masses that do not know the truth (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). The story the mainstream sources tell about everything keeps changing throughout the ages because it is not the truth (1 Corinthians 8:5-6). The head of the mainstream sources has been lying from the first and wants to distract you from his inconsistencies (John 8:44). After all, the world wants you to continue to trust that it is telling you the truth.
The alternative sources will tell you the truth about your future. The Spirit of Truth will lead you to the truth about your future (John 16:13). The Man of Truth never changes (Hebrews 13:8). The Father of Truth never changes (James 1:17). His Report never changes (Isaiah 40:8). His Report is true (3 John 1:11-12).
The real question is: will you believe His Report (Isaiah 53:1)?
His Report says that the Father of Truth will heal those that obey Him (Exodus 15:26). His report says that He sent sent His Word to heal those that foolishly disobeyed Him (Psalm 107:17-20). His Report says that the Man of Truth was beaten terribly to take sickness from our bodies as surely as he was wounded to take away our sins (Isaiah 53:4-5). The only reason ever given for the Great Physician, the Man of Truth, being brutally whipped was to purchase our deliverance from sickness as surely as his crucifixion purchased our deliverance from sin (1 Peter 2:24). You can just as assuredly be healed from sickness by faith as you can be saved from your sins by faith.
You cannot have faith in His Report without first hearing His Report (Romans 10:17). You need to think about His Report in all circumstances once you hear it (Philippians 4:8).
Those that hear His Report must obey His instructions to be healed (Romans 10:16). Faith is confidence in His Report that leads to action (James 2:17-18). Believing in the Father of Truth without enough confidence in His goodness to act on His Report makes you no better than the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka gods aka foul spirits aka spirits of sickness) (James 2:19-20). It is acting on His Report that makes your faith effective in bringing the healing that He offers (James 2:21-23). Faith is not wishful thinking or denying the facts of your present circumstances. Faith is action that comes from believing His Report about your future.
There are many examples of people being healed because they believed His report and acted on it. The blind and lame were healed when they went into the Temple because they believed that the Doctor was in the House and the time for their healing had arrived (Matthew 21:14). The faith of the Samaritan leper caused him to be made whole when he went back to give praise to the Great Physician (Luke 17:15-19).
There is no clearer example of this truth than the woman with the issue of blood. This woman was a good as dead as far medical science was concerned (Luke 8:43). She crawled through the crowd with her last strength to touch the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth and she was healed (Luke 8:44). Immediately the Great Physician knew that someone had been healed (Luke 8:45-46). The woman gave testimony of her healing by the Great Physician (Luke 8:47). The Great Physician said that she had been healed because of her faith (Luke 8:48).
Now you might be wondering about her faith. Her faith in what? Was there evidence of her faith before she was healed? Did she set these conditions of touching his clothes to be healed herself? Where did she ever get such an idea? It is time to pull back the covers and reveal the the story behind the story.
Any woman that was issuing blood was to avoid touching with other people (Leviticus 15:19). The woman with the issue of blood was forbidden to touch other people as long as she had the issue of blood (Leviticus 15:25). His Report had said that there would be healing in the corner of the garment of the Man of Truth (Malachi 4:2). [The Hebrew word "kanaph" that is translated as "wings" is the same word used for the corners of a garment. It would be translated as "healing in the corners of his garment".]
Now we shall reexamine this same story in the light of the rest of the story.
This woman had spent all that she had on doctors, the mainstream source, and suffered through all kinds of treatments but they gave her a report of a hopeless future (Mark 5:25-26). This woman pressed through the crowd because she believe the Report of the Father of Truth concerning the corners of the garments of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:27-28). After she pressed through the crowd and touched the corners of his garments then she was healed (Mark 5:29). The Great Physician knew that someone had been healed by touching the corners of his garment (Mark 5:30-31). Then the Great physician looked at her (Mark 5:32). She came trembling and fell at his feet because the religious professionals of the day might have stoned her for making a crowd of people unclean and then touching a Rabbi in her condition (Mark 5:33). Her pressing through the crowd was the proof of her faith before she was ever healed. When she gave her testimony of what had been done then the Great Physician revealed that she was healed because she had believed the Report of the Father of Truth enough to act on it (Mark 5:33-34).
What doe His Report say about today?
The Children of Truth (followers of the Man of Truth) can still bring healing to others while the Great Physician is away when they believe His Report (Mark 16:17-19). It is worth noting that this only for those that believe His Report, not those that doubt His Report, argue with His Report, or cling to traditions that contradict His Report. People can still be healed by the Great Physician through the Children of Truth when they believe His Report (Acts 14:8-10). The Spirit of Truth works through the Children of Truth that believe His Report to bring healing to others (1 Corinthians 12:9).
Whose report will you believe?
Those that have hardened their hearts and refuse to obey the Father of Truth will not be able to hear His Report (Isaiah 6:9-10). Those that do not know the Man of Truth cannot hear His Report (Matthew 13:14-15). So they cannot be not have the faith to believe His Report (John 12:39-40). Those that cannot believe His Report will not be healed through faith in His Report (Acts 28:24-27).
Whose report will you believe?
Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His Report cannot be convinced by any proof (John 12:37-38). Those that stubbornly refuse to believe His report have no choice but to believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12). Hearing His Report will do you no good if you do not believe it (Hebrews 4:2).
Whose report will you believe?
Your future will either be one of death or life depending upon whose report that you believe (Romans 6:23). Will you believe the report of the world that leads to death or His report that leads to life (Romans 8:6)? Will you come into the House of Truth by putting the Man of Truth in charge of every aspect of your life because you believe the report that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)?
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Gifts, Healing, Mainstream Media