Saturday, August 25, 2012

What are you really worth?

What are you really worth?

On the one hand, Bill Gates currently has a net worth of 61 billion dollars.  On the other hand, a homeless orphan that is starving naked in Sudan has a net worth of zero.   Is Bill Gates really worth 61 billion dollars more than that homeless orphan?  Can the worth of a person be measured by what they own?

What are you really worth?

On one hand, one person may have worked hard, dealt honestly in everything that they done, generously given to others in every imaginable way and rescued strangers from any harm that came their way, even to the point sacrificing to help the ungrateful.  People would say a person like that is worth their weight in gold.  On the other hand, another person may have never worked a day in their lives, cheated people at every opportunity, extorted others in every imaginable way and brought harm to everyone including their own family, even to the point of raping children.  People would say that a person like that is worthless.  Is the hard working, honest, generous person really worth more than the lazy, dishonest, child molester?  Can the worth of a person be measured by what they do?

What are you really worth?

The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells what you are really worth.  Let us start by examining the story that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told about the father and his two sons to see how the father measured the worth of his two sons.

The older son owned everything that his father had when the younger son returned home (Luke 15:31).  The younger son owned nothing that his father had when he returned home (Luke 15:13-14). Was the older son really worth more than the younger son to his father? Can the worth of a person be measured by what they own?

What are you really worth?

The older son had been faithful and obedient to his father (Luke 15:29).  The younger son had been faithless and disobedient to his father (Luke 15:21).  Was the older son really worth more than the younger son to his father? Can the worth of a person be measured by what they do?

What are you really worth?

The father confirmed that the older son had the worth of a son when he refused to join the celebration (Luke 15:31).  The father confirmed that the younger son had the worth of a son when he came home again (Luke 15:24).  Both sons still had the same worth to the father.  Why was that?

Both sons had been created by their father.  Both sons bore the image of their father.  Both sons were a son to their father when they chose to live in his house in obedience to him.  What they owned or what they had done could not change their worth as a son.

You were created in the image of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Genesis 1:27).  The Father of Truth created you and you bear His image.  You are a Child of Truth (someone who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) when you choose to live in the House of Truth in obedience to the Father of Truth.  What you own or what you have done can never change your worth as a Child of Truth.

Somethings have a worth that was assigned by their creator.  For example, consider a twenty dollar bill.  Almost nobody would argue that Andrew Jackson was a greater president than George Washington or Abraham Lincoln even though they are on the one dollar and five dollar bill.  So the worth of a twenty dollar bill is not based on the face that is on it.

Also the worth of a twenty dollar bill never changes and all twenty dollar bills have the same worth.  A crisp, new twenty dollar bill is worth twenty dollars.  An old wrinkled twenty dollar bill is worth twenty dollars.  A twenty dollar bill is worth twenty dollars if it has been treated as a treasured possession.  A twenty dollar bill with worth twenty dollars if it has been abused and neglected.  A twenty dollar bill is worth twenty dollars if it has remained nice and clean.  A twenty dollar bill is worth twenty dollars if has been trampled on and dragged thru the sewer.  There is nothing that can happen to a twenty dollar bill to make it worth twenty one dollars.  There is nothing that can happen to a twenty dollar bill to make it worth nineteen dollars.  A twenty dollar bill is always worth twenty dollars because its creator, the US government, has assigned its worth.

You have a worth that was assigned by your Creator.  It does not matter if you have the face of a Jew or a Gentile.  It does not matter if you have the face of a man or a woman.  It does not matter if you have a white face, a red face, a black face, a brown face or a yellow face.  It does not matter if you have a face from some sort of multiracial mix that throws the government into fits when it tries to classify you by race.  It does not matter if your face is flawless or disfigured.  Your worth is not based on the face you have on.

Also your worth never changes and you have the same worth as any other person.  Your worth is the same when you are born as when you are old and wrinkled.  Your worth is the same rather you have been treated as a treasured possession or have been abused and neglected.  Your worth is the same if you have remained nice and clean or if you have been trampled on and dragged thru the sewers.  There is nothing that can happen to you or that you can do to make you worth any more.  There is nothing that can happen to you or that you can do to make you worth any less.  Your worth will never change because your Creator, the Father of Truth, has assigned your worth.

What are you really worth?

In 2011 a painting, the Card Players, sold for more than 250 million dollars.  What made this painting worth more than 250 million dollars while many other paintings are worth less than 250 dollars?  Its worth was established by the price that the royal family of Qatar was willing to pay for it.

Your worth is established by the price that the royal family of Heaven, the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth, were willing to pay for you.

What are you really worth?

The Father of Truth bought you back for a price so you could bring glory to Him as a child does their father (1 Corinthians 6:20).  The Father of Truth bought you back for a price so you could serve Him as a child does their father (1 Corinthians 7:23).  What price did the Father of Truth pay for you?

The Father of Truth gave an unspeakable gift to buy you back from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) so you could be a Child of Truth (2 Corinthians 9:15).  The Father of Truth gave the Man of Truth, His only begotten Son, to buy you back from the Father of Lies so you could be a Child of Truth (John 3:16).  The Father of Truth had such great love for you, yes you, even you, that He paid such a terrible price to buy you back from the Father of Lies so you could be a Child of Truth who lives in the House of Truth with Him (1 John 3:1).

What are you really worth?

The Man of Truth also thought that you were worth the price that it would cost him to complete the will of the Father of Truth in buying you back from the Father of Lies so you could be a Child of Truth who lives in the House of Truth with him (Matthew 26:42).  What did it cost him?

The price that the Man of Truth paid was his own blood (Acts 20:28).  You could not be bought back with money from the Father of Lies (1 Peter 1:18-19).  The blood of animals was not good enough to buy you back from the Father of Lies (Hebrews 10:4).  The Man of Truth had to die the most horrible of all deaths, that of dying on a cross, to buy you back from the Father of Lies so you could be a Child of Truth who lives in the House of Truth with him (Philippians 2:8).

The Father of Truth did not force the Man of Truth to lay down his life on a cross for you nor was he the unwilling victim of the unbelieving Jews or the ignorant Romans (John 10:17-18).  The Man of Truth died so you could come into the House of Truth instead of him remaining alone in the House of Truth as the only child of the Father of Truth (John 12:24).  The Man of Truth chose to shed his blood on a cross so you could live in peace with him as a Child of Truth in the House of Truth (Colossians 1:20).  The Man of Truth shed his own blood on cross because he thought YOU were worth dying for.

What are you really worth?

Now that you know what you are really worth it is time for you to come into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth when you become obedient to the Man of Truth because His Father raised him from the dead after he paid what you are really worth (Romans 10:9-13).

Come into the House of Truth.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Do you know a party pooper?

Do you know a party pooper?

Have you ever been to a party and encountered that one person who refuses to celebrate?  Worse yet, they don't want anyone else to enjoy themselves at the party either.

If so, you know the type.

They complain about the noise of the celebration.  They complain about the expense of the celebration.  They complain about the mess made by the celebration.

They refuse to sing.  They refuse to dance.  They refuse to join in any of the games.  They refuse to join in any conversations. They refuse to express any type of joy.  They even refuse to eat or drink anything.

They just sit there and sulk.  They are mad at everyone else for celebrating.  They might even refuse to come into where the celebration is going on.  They only wish that they could some how ruin the party and end the celebration.

Do you know a party pooper?

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told a story about one such party pooper.  This man had to be the king of all party poopers for he had one of the greatest causes of celebration that a person could have but he just wanted to ruin the party and end the celebration.

The first thing about this man was that he had grown up with his younger brother in the same house with his father.  He was the older son of his father (Luke 15:11),  The next thing to know is that his younger brother had refuse to remain in the house with the older son and his father but instead had gotten as far away from them as possible (Luke 15:12-13).  Perhaps you know someone that once lived with you in the House of Truth but abandoned you in order get far away from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).

The older son had been working in the fields but heard music and dancing when he came home.  He immediately wanted to know why there was music and dancing in the house of his father (Luke 15:25-26).  Perhaps you know someone that does not believe that there should ever be music and dancing in the house of the Father of Truth.

Do you know a party pooper?

The older son was given the best reason that anyone could give for people to be celebrating in the house of his father.  His younger brother had came back to live in the house of his father.  Not only that, but his father was sparing no expense in celebrating the return of his younger brother to his house (Luke 15:27).  Have you ever known someone to come back into the House of Truth?  Do you realize how that makes the Father of Truth feel?

Now this was wonderful news and you would think that the older brother would have ran into the house of his father to join in the celebration.  Instead the older son refused to even come into the house.  He was mad that there was a celebration in the house of his father.  There was no way that he was going to celebrate the return of the younger son in the house of his father  (Luke 15:28).   He was a party pooper.  Perhaps you know someone that is angry that people would celebrate the return of someone to the House of Truth?

Do you know a party pooper?

While the father was overwhelmed with joy that the younger son had returned it had not diminished his love for the older son in the least.  The father left his own party to reach out to the older son!  He was more concerned about the feelings of his older son than the celebration (Luke 15:28).  The Father of Truth does not want any of his children to be a party pooper.

Do you know a party pooper?

The older son felt very justified in being a party pooper and immediately began to tell his father why he was wrong to celebrate the return of the younger son to his house.

The older son began by expounding upon his own worthiness and how uncelebrated he was by his father (Luke 15:29).   First the older son told his father how faithful he had been in serving his father for many years. Next, the older son claimed that he had NEVER disobeyed his father in any way.  Lastly the older son complained that his father had never given him even have a baby goat so he could have a small party with a few of his friends.  Do you know someone that has been faithful in serving the Father of Truth?  Do you know someone that thinks that they have NEVER disobeyed the Father of Truth in any way?  (The Book of Truth says that the Man of Truth is the only person that has NEVER disobeyed the Father of Truth in any way.)  Do you know someone that feels uncelebrated by the Father of Truth despite everything that they have done for Him?

Do you know a party pooper?

The older son finished by expounding upon the worthlessness of the younger son and how celebrated the younger son was by his father (Luke 15:30).  The older son referred to the younger son as "this your son" instead of "my brother".  The older son had been hurt when the younger son left their house to get away from his father.  The older son had witnessed the sadness of his father every day since the younger son had left.  The older son felt the younger son was worthless for all the pain that he had caused to the family and was not worthy to be called his brother any more.  The older son was angry that the younger son had used every good thing that his father had given him in living contrary to the will of his father.  The older son felt the younger son was worthless for wasting the wealth of his father in the pursuit of evil.  Most of all the older son was angry that his father had killed the fatted calf and was having a huge party, with perhaps more than a thousand attendees, when the younger son came back.  Have you ever felt that someone was worthless for all the pain that they have caused you or those close to you?  Have you ever felt that someone was worthless for all of the wealth that they wasted in the pursuit of evil?  Would you feel angry if a huge party was thrown when they came home?

Do you know a party pooper?

After the older son finished speaking his piece then the father spoke to make his peace.

The father expounded upon the position that the older son had because of his faithfulness in remaining his house.  The father reminded the older son that he was always with him (Luke 15:31).  The father had been able to shower the older son with love every day because he had never left his house.  Since the inheritance had been already been divided everything that the father had belonged to the older son.

The faithfulness of the older son had been rewarded.

The older son did not need to be given a fatted calf or even a baby goat by his father since he owned the entire herd and the entire flock.  The older son could have had as big as a party as he wanted at any time he chose.  It was nobody's fault but his own that he had not enjoyed what his father had provided.  The older brother had became his own harsh task master that drove him to work hard every day and to never celebrate.  This had never been the will of his father.  The older brother had been the party pooper that had shut down his own party before it even started.  Do you know someone that serves the Father of Truth but never celebrates His goodness by throwing a party with others by using what the Father of Truth has given them?

Do you know a party pooper?

The father expounded upon the position that the younger brother had because he had left his house and then returned to his house.  The father had not been able to shower his love on the younger son all the days that the younger son had remained away from his house.  The father had to celebrate the return of the younger son because the younger son had no power on his own to throw a party (Luke 15:32).  The younger son had squandered his inheritance and was dependent upon his father to throw a party to celebrate.  The younger son had no herds and no flocks of his own.  The younger son could not even throw a party where he was the only attendee.   

The faithlessness of the younger son had been rewarded.

The father reminded the older brother that this one that came home was his brother.  The father understood the pain that the younger son had caused the older son.  The father knew that when the younger son had left his house he had also rejected the older son who had stayed.  The father knew that the younger son had became as good as dead to the older son that day.  The father knew that the older son had lost his only brother that day.

But now, things were different.  The younger son had came back from a lifestyle that would have ended in death.  The older son had regained something that money could never buy: his younger brother.  The younger son had not acted like a brother to the older son when he left the house of his father.  However now that the younger son returned to live by the rules of his father in the house of his father the younger son would act like a brother to the older son.  The older brother would once again have a younger brother but this time forever. 

The father was not celebrating the younger son nor was he celebrating his deeds.  The father was celebrating an event: the mending of the hole that had been in the heart of him and his older son.  All the father wanted was for the older brother to celebrate with him so that his family could be whole again.

When someone comes back into the House of Truth as a Child of Truth by submitting themselves to the rules of the Father of Truth, the Father of Truth is not celebrating them or their sins.  The Father of Truth is celebrating an event: the mending of the hole that has been in the heart of Him and the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) they hurt when they left the House of Truth.  All the Father of Truth wants is for the Children of Truth to celebrate with Him so his family can be whole again.

Are you a party pooper?

The Father of Truth wants everyone to come into the House of Truth so they can be part of His family (2 Peter 3:9).  Every Child of Truth should be celebrating when someone comes back into the House of Truth instead of being a party pooper (Luke 15:7).  They should be glad whenever someone returns to obeying the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). 

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Can you go home again?

Can you go home again?

When I was growing up I was blessed in having two places that were home to me.  One was the farm where my mother's family lived and the other was the house in town where my grandma Remington lived.  Although my bedroom was in the house on the farm, I spent almost as much time staying at my grandma Remington's house as I did the farm.

On the farm I had plenty of opportunity to spend time doing outdoors stuff like hiking, shooting guns, fishing, blowing stuff up for the fun of it, camping, sledding, catching snakes, playing in the barn and working on the farm.  I could spend time being alone in the woods or do things with just my immediate family on the farm because we were pretty isolated from other people my age.  I could be almost as loud as wanted since my nearest neighbor was more than a quarter mile (half a kilometer) away.  When I was studying math or science, I sometimes had the music turned up so loud that the entire house shook!  It was awesome!  The farm was where I could work in whatever manner suited me without being disturbed and the farm was my refuge when I needed one.

At my Grandma Remington's I had opportunities do all fun kinds of things with my aunts, uncles and cousins like play games.  We would also have all kinds of interesting discussions about anything and everything.  Occasionally a fight would break out, which was considered a sport by the Remingtons, that would continue until everyone got tired of fighting or one of the uncles decided that things were getting out of hand and put an end to it.  Also my Grandma Remington's was one of those places where everyone in town felt comfortable being at.  When my extended family was not there, there was always a bunch of people about my age hanging out there.  We were always engaged in doing something like playing cards or having a bottle rocket war or planning a camp out.  Lastly Grandma Remington's gave me a place to stay after school which allowed me to participate in all kinds of extracurricular activities that I otherwise could not have participated in.   Grandma Remington's was where I went to be myself and just have fun.

I had the best of both worlds.

However, when I got older my Grandma Remington's house burned down and then she died a few years later.  My grandfather died, my uncle lost the farm and then my other grandma died.  There simply is no home for me to go back to.  As the saying goes, you can't go home again.

Or can you?

You see there is another home that some have lived in at one time in their lives but have left when they got older and that is the House of Truth.  Perhaps you are one of those that left the House of Truth and you are wondering if you can go home again. 

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) told a story that answers the question:  "Can you go home again?"

The first thing to notice is that the younger son was living in the house with his father at the beginning of the story (Luke 15:11)  Were you living in the House of Truth with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) at the beginning of your story?

Notice next that the younger son was more interested in what his father could give him than he was in being with his father so he could become like him (Luke 15:12).  Perhaps you were more interested in what you could get from the Father of Truth than spending time with the Father of Truth so you could become like Him.

Now notice that the father allowed the younger son to leave his house when he insisted on going (Luke 15:12).  The father may have pleaded with the younger son to stay in his house and live under his rules before this point but he did not force the younger son to do so.  The Father of Truth gave you a free will and He will never force you to stay in the House of Truth.

The next thing to notice in the story is that the younger son had to go far from his home to carry out his desires that were contrary to the will of his father (Luke 15:13).  If the younger son could have carried out his desires at home then he probably would have.  This would have allowed him to live the party lifestyle that he wanted to live longer since he would would not have had to spend some of his inheritance on renting some place to live.  He might have then tried to convince his father to give him more money when he ran out.  It would have been very advantageous in carrying out the plans of the younger son if his father would have allowed him to remain at home without obeying the rules of his father.   If you left the House of Truth then it was because you realized that you could not live there while being disobedient to the Father of Truth.

We can image some of the things that the younger son might have said to his father before he finally left home.  The younger son may have told his father that he had wished he was dead so he did not have to live under his rules.  The younger son may have told his father that he must have hated him for imposing his rules on him in the first place.  The younger son may have threatened to leave his house unless the father removed his rules.  Whatever the case, one thing is certain: The father would not change his rules in order to keep the younger son in his house.  In like manner, the Father of Truth is holy, holy, holy and He will never change His laws to keep you in His house.

When the younger son was far from his father he was finally free from what he thought were the tyrannical rules of his father.  He now lived with people that did not know his father and had no interest in the rules of his father.  These people got him.  These people were into the things that he was into.  These people were all too glad to help him in his quest to do everything that his father had taught him not to do.  These people were all too glad to help him to stay away from doing the things that his father taught him to do.   The younger son had people that would help him in quest to party, party, party (Luke 15:13).

These people would not confront him for getting drunk because they were doing that too.  These people would not confront him for having sex outside of marriage because they were doing that too.  These people would not confront him for whatever drugs he took because they were doing that too.  These people would not preach to him about using what his father gave him responsibly because they did not use what they had responsibly.  These people would tell him that he was really a good person because after all he was just like them.  These people would never make the younger son feel convicted or judged because after all he was just like them. The younger son had finally found what he thought was love and acceptance.  Did you feel like you were more accepted by those that did not know the Father of Truth than those who did because they never confront you about your riotous living?

That is he found people that made him feel loved and accepted until his money ran out.  The younger son had wasted everything that his father had given him and was helpless when trouble came (Luke 15:14).  He probably asked his so-called friends for help but they had suddenly lost all interest in him.  They would have had to stop their partying to really help the younger son.  It might have required them to make real sacrifices to help the younger son get back on his feet. They had no interest in anyone accept themselves because after all they were just like him.  Have you found that those that made you feel love and acceptance for rebelling against the Father of Truth were suddenly gone when your money ran out?

Things got so bad that he had to take a job feeding pigs, the worst imaginable job for a Jewish boy to have, under slave like condition for wages so low that he was so hungry that he wanted to eat the carob pods (husks) that he was feeding the pigs even though people cannot digest carob pods.  Even then no one was willing to help him (Luke 15:15-16).  Have you found yourself living in the pig pen after trouble came?

At long last the younger son came to his senses. (The Book of Truth, Luke 15:17)  He realized that his father was kind and good while those that did not know his father were selfish and evil.  His father took care of his servants while his so-called friends only took cared of themselves.  The love and acceptance that they offered the younger son had been conditional upon what he could do for them.  Have you come to your senses?

The younger son finally told himself the truth:  Everything that had happened to him was all his own fault (Luke 15:18).  He had insisted on leaving his father because he had not wanted to abide in the house of his father where he would have to obey the rules of his father.  He had gotten far away from his father so he could live under his own rules.  He had surrounded himself with people that were just like him so he could feel good about his rebellion. His father had provided for him but he had wasted everything by refusing to obey the rules of his father.  He was starving in the pigpen because he had not wanted to be like his father.  Have you told yourself the truth?

Now the younger son realized that he was not worthy to be called the son of his father because he had not been obedient to his father (Luke 15:19).  The younger son was now ready be a servant in the house of his father because he was willing to live under the rules of his father.  The younger son could see that his father had imposed his rules upon everyone in his house because his father was wise, good and kind.  The rules of his father kept people from coming to ruin.  Are you now ready to be obedient to the Father of Truth so that you can live in the House of Truth?

Can you go home again?

As the younger son was walking home, his father saw him from a great distance (Luke 15:20).  The father had been looking every day for his son to come home again.  The father had not chased after the younger son when he left because he would not force his son to live in his house against his will.  The father had not went to the far country to shut down his partying and drag his son back home because he would not force his son to live in his house against his will.  The father had not rescued his son from living in the pigpen because he would not force his son to live in his house against his will.  The father did not even leave to get his son when his son decided to come home because his son was the one that had to come home again.   Instead, the father waited patiently for the son to come home again.  The Father of Truth is waiting patiently for you to come home again.

When the father saw the younger son walking towards him he went running towards his son to shower him with affection (Luke 15:20).  If you will walk back towards the Father of Truth, He will run to shower you with affection!  The Father of Truth wants you to come home again more than you want to come home again.

The younger son admitted to his father that everything was his own fault because he had not imitated his father like a son by living under the rules of his father in the house of his father (Luke 15:21).  The younger son knew that if he wanted to come home again then he had to let his father know that he was sorry for hurting his father by leaving his house.  If you want to come home again, then you need to tell the Father of Truth that you are sorry for hurting Him by leaving the House of Truth.

How did the father respond?

The father brought him back into his house as a son (Luke 15:22)!  He put the best robe on the younger son to replace his filth with beauty.  He put a ring on his finger to show that he was his son and not his servant.  He put shoes on his feet to separate him from the earth.  The father didn't even let the younger son make his offer to be a servant in his house for he would have none of it.  The father wanted the younger son to know that he was part of the family when he came home again.  The Father of Truth wants you to know that you are part of the family when you come home again.

The father threw a party with everyone in his house because he was so happy to have his son back (Luke 15:23-24)!   His younger son was as good as dead to him when his younger son had left his house to escape his rules.  Now that his younger had came home to live under his rules it was like he had came back to life!  He had lost a son when his younger son refuse to remain in his house because he did not want to be like his father.  Now that son was found to never be lost again when his younger son came home to learn to be like his father.  The Father of Truth will throw a party with everyone in his house if you come home to the House of Truth to live under his rules so you can learn how to be like Him.

Can you go home again?

Yes! Yes! Yes!  The Father of Truth has been patiently waiting for you to come back into the House of Truth.  The Father of Truth will run to show you affection if you will walk back to Him.  The Father of Truth only wants to hear you say that you hurt him by leaving the House of Truth.  The Father of Truth will bring you back into the House of Truth as his child.  The Father of Truth will be so happy that he wants to throw an extravagant party when you come home again.

Will you come home again?

If so then you must come into the House of Truth.  You must decide to be obedient to the Man of Truth so you can be like his Father who you believe raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Whose child are you?

Whose child are you?

When I was a teenager I worked in a restaurant called Bowen's Family Buffet as a dish washer.  One day my boss, Larry, came up to me and said that a man had came by asking for me.  I asked him who the man was.  Larry said that he did not ask the man his name but he thought the man was my father.  I had not seen my father in a long time and Larry had never met my father so his answer surprised me.  I asked Larry why he thought the man was my father.  Larry said he thought the man was my father because we both walk the same way.

After work, I learned that my father had indeed came down to visit his mother and I went to see him.  He told me that he had stopped by the restaurant and asked Larry if I was available.  Larry had been completely right.  Larry knew whose child I was because of how I walked.

The truth is whose child you are is known by how you walk.  Even a child is known by his doings, whether those doings are pure and right like the Father of Truth (Proverbs 20:11).  Every one that devises evil is known as a child of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) that does wickedness (Proverbs 24:8).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) do what is right because they are His children (1 John 2:29).  The children of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) are righteous because they do what their father does.  The children of the Father of Lies are wicked because they do what their father does (1 John 3:7-8).  The children of the Father of Truth and the Father of Lies are known by whether or not they do that which the Father of Truth says is right (1 John 3:10).

Whose child are you?

The children of the Father of Truth are those that seek to do His will.  Children of Truth are not His children because they call the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) Lord but because they do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 7:21).  This is even true if the Father of Truth worked through them supernaturally to bless others in the name of the Man of Truth (Matthew 7:22-23).  Those that are in the family of the Man of Truth are those that do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 12:50).  It is not those that say they will do the will of the Father of Truth that are His children but those that actually do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 21:28-31).  His children put the will of their Father above their own will like the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:39).  Children of Truth do the will of the Father of Truth when it is so difficult that they have asked for another option and there is none like the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:42).  The children of the Father of Truth seek to do nothing except the will of their father like the Man of Truth (John 5:30).

The children of the Father of Lies are those that seek to do his will.  The Children of Lies are not his children because they call themselves his children but because they do what he desires (John 8:44).

Whose child are you?

The children of the Father of Truth act like their father.  His children look for ways to make peace (Matthew 5:9).  The Children of Truth seek to bless everyone, even those that persecute them, because their Father blesses everyone (Matthew 5:44-45).  His children seek to be like Him in every way (Matthew 5:48).  The Children of Truth seek to be loving and merciful because their Father is loving and merciful (Luke 6:35-36).  His children do everything for the long term good of others because they are following the example of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:1-2).  The children of the Father of Truth do not despise His correction because they want to be like Him (Hebrews 12:5-11).  His children do not love this world or the things of this world because this world and its things do not belong to their Father (1 John 2:15-16).

The children of the Father of Truth are his children by confidence that leads to action (faith). Those who are children in the family that the Father of Truth are promised Abraham are able be like Him through faith their Father (Galatians 3:6-8).  Those who are children in the family that the Father of Truth are promised Abraham are able be like their Father through faith in the Man of Truth that causes them to act like him (Galatians 3:25-27).

The children of the Father of Truth are His children because they do the work of their Father.  The Children of Truth are about His business like the Man of Truth (Luke 2:49)   His children desire to finish the work that He gives them to do like the Man of Truth (John 4:34).  The Children of Truth work whenever and wherever their Father works like the Man of Truth (John 5:17).  His children persist until they finish the work that He gives them to do like the Man of Truth (John 17:4).  The Children of Truth are able to do the work of their Father because they follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Romans 8:14).  His children do the work that He gives them without complaining or arguing (Philippians 2:13-15)  The children of the Father of Truth learn how to truly obey their Father by the things they suffer for doing His work just like the Man of Truth (Hebrews 5:8).

The children of the Father of Lies act like their father.  The Children of Lies belong in Hell because they do the same things as their father (Matthew 23:15).  They walk in the course of this world that is ran by their father (Ephesians 2:2).  The Children of Lies will suffer wrath with their father because they fulfill the evil desires of the flesh and their evil imaginations (Ephesians 2:3).  The children of the Father of Lies are disobedient to the Father of Truth because they act like their father (Ephesians 5:3-6).  The children of the Father of Lies will suffer the wrath of the Father of Truth because of their disobedient actions (Colossians 3:5-6).  The children of the Father of Lies are under the curse of the Father of Truth because of what they do (2 Peter 2:12-14).

Whose child are you?

You become a Child of Truth when you come into the House of Truth.  You come into the House of Truth when you do everything that the Man of Truth tells you because you believe that His Father raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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