Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Indestructible Tree

Do the books of the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) all fit together?

The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) consisted of three sections - the Law (The Torah), the Prophets and the Psalms (The Writings) (Luke 24:44).

That the books of the Original Covenant all fit together is known for certain by examining the three parts that make up the Original Covenant - The Torah (The Law), The Writings (The Psalms) and The Prophets in the order that they were written.

The Original Covenant is like an indestructible tree.   The core of the tree revolves around The Everlasting Covenant that was made with Abraham (Abram).  Half of that covenant concerns The Promised Land and the other half concerns the plan to save the human race because it has always been about the Gentiles.

The Torah forms the roots of that tree because everything else in the Original Covenant is dependent upon the Torah.

When Moses began writing the Torah it was to record the entire record of events leading up the the covenant that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) made with the descendants of Israel (Exodus 24:6-8). [The Hebrew word "Sefer" used here is literally "something written" and is used for any written document.  The books of the Book of Truth was originally written on scrolls and it is a Torah scroll that is meant here.  Bound codices (hand written books) did not exist until the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) invented them shortly after the Book of Revelation was written in order to place the writings of the Apostles together in one bound volume.]

The original copy of the Torah was then placed inside the Ark of the Covenant so it would remain there as a witness of all that the Father of Truth had done to bring about the promises that He had made to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) through the covenant that He made with their descendants in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 31:24-26).  Centuries later, King David gave instructions to his son Solomon to build the Temple to house the Ark that contained the original copy of the Torah (1 Chronicles 28:1-6).  The  original copy of the Torah was preserved in the Temple that had been built to house the Ark of the Covenant through the centuries so that the king of the descendants of Israel who lived in Judah could know what it said (2 Chronicles 34:14-18).  Even after the descendants of Israel returned to the Promised Land there were copies of the Torah preserved so they could know what their ancestors had agreed that the descendants of Israel would do (Nehemiah 8:1-8).  The Torah given through Moses was preserved until the very end of the time recorded in the Original Covenant (Nehemiah 13:1).

When the Man of Truth quoted the Torah it was still in use even though this was more than four hundred years after Nehemiah and after two hundred years after the oldest existing manuscript was made (Mark 12:26).  So there can really be no doubt that the Torah has been preserved in its entirety without any other books being slipped in.

The trunk of the tree begins with The Writings.  The main part of the Writings contains the entire history of the descendants of Israel from the day that they entered the Promised Land until they returned to the Promised Land in days of Nehemiah.

Israel (Jacob) had twelve sons whose descendants became the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis 49:2-28).  Jacob (Israel) was promised that his descendants would possess the Promised Land that the Father of Truth had promised to Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 35:10-12).  Jacob and his descendants moved from the Promised Land to Egypt where many years later the descendants of Israel became slaves to the Egyptians (Exodus 1:1-14).

So the Father of Truth raised up Moses to deliver the descendants of Israel from the bondage of the Egyptians so they could possess the Promised Land (Exodus 6:2-9).  The Father of Truth lead them to wilderness instead the Promised Land when they left Egypt because the descendants of Israel did not know how to wage war (Exodus 13:16-18).  The descendants of Israel were delivered from the Egyptians when they went through the Red Sea and into the wilderness (Exodus 15:19-22).  While they were in the wilderness the instructions were given for how the Priests of Truth were to conduct services to make atonement for sin in the Tabernacle that would later be used in the Temple (Leviticus 4:2-7).  However since everyone but Joshua and Caleb were afraid to go into the Promised Land when the Father of Truth said that it was time to go there the people of Israel remained in the wilderness for forty years until that generation died off (Numbers 32:8-13).  Finally, Moses appointed Joshua to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31:22-23).

After Moses died then Joshua lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1-3).  The Father of Truth had commanded Moses that the Promised Land was to be divided between the twelve tribes (Numbers 26:52-56).  Just before Joshua died he divided the part of the Promised Land that they possessed between the twelve tribes of Israel (Joshua 11:23).

After Joshua and those who had came out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land died then the people of Israel forsook the Father of Truth to worship the idols of the Canaanites (Judges 2:7-13).  So the Father of Truth deliver them over to their enemies as He had said that He would do if they forsook Him to worship idols (Judges 2:14-15).  Yet He would raise up Judges of Truth to deliver them from their enemies at times but they still would not obey the commandment of these Judges of Truth to worship the Father of Truth instead of idols (Judges 2:15-17).

During the time of the Judges of Truth, Naomi moved to Moab where her sons married women of Moab after her husband had died and before they also died (Ruth 1:1-5).  When the famine was over Naomi decided to return home alone but Ruth would not leave her side (Ruth 1:6-18).  So the Father of Truth blessed Ruth with a husband to raise up a son for Naomi who became the grandfather of David (Ruth 4:13-17).

The last of the Judges of Truth was Samuel (Shmuel), who the people of Israel asked for the Father of Truth to give them a king like the nations around them (1 Samuel 8:19-21).  Because they had rejected the Father of Truth ruling them through Judges of Truth, Samuel gave them Saul (Shual) to be their king as they had desired (1 Samuel 10:17-24).  Yet King Saul did not obey the Father of Truth so the Father of Truth rejected him as being the king of Israel (1 Samuel 15:24-26).  So David was chosen to be the next king of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (1 Samuel 16:1-13).  After Saul died then David finally became the king over all of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3-5). 

Yet Solomon (Shlomo), the son of King David, turned against the Father of Truth so that the Father of Truth said that He would split the king of Israel into two kingdoms after Solomon died (1 Kings 11:9-13).  So after He died his son Rehoboam became king of the two tribe kingdom of Judah while Jeroboam became the king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 12:19-21).

Yet Jeroboam lead the ten tribe kingdom of Israel into idol worship (1 Kings 12:26-33).  All of the kings of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel continued to do as Jeroboam did until the Father of Truth had the Assyrians remove the people of those ten tribes out of their portion of the Promised Land to be scattered in the land of Assyria (2 Kings 17:22-23).

The two tribe kingdom of Judah had some kings, like King Asa, that lead the people into following the Father of Truth by destroying the idols and every other wicked thing that previous kings of the two tribe kingdom of Judah had put in their portion of the Promised Land (1 Kings 15:12-14).  Yet most of the kings of the two tribe kingdom of Judah did wickedly until King Manasseh even set up idol worship in the very Temple where the Father of Truth was to be worshiped in the way commanded in the Torah so that they became worse than the Canaanites had been (2 Kings 21:2-9).  So the Father of Truth had the Babylonians destroy the Temple, destroy Jerusalem and remove those other two tribes out of their portion of the Promised Land to be scattered in the land of Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:17-20).

Seventy years later Cyrus the Persian, the king of Persia, gave a decree that the people of Israel could return to the Promised Land to rebuild the Temple (2 Chronicles 36:21-23).  So people from the two tribes that had made up the kingdom of Judah returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1:1-5).

However during the reign of Ahasuerus (Artaxerxes I) the Persian, the next king of Persia, the Temple was stopped from being rebuilt until Darius the Persian became the next king of Persia (Ezra 4:6-24).  During the reign of Ahasuerus the Persian, Esther (Hadassah), who was raised by Mordecai, was chosen by Ahasuerus the Persian to be his new queen to replace Vashti who had been vanished from the capital city (Esther 2:15-17).  Afterwards, Mordecai and Esther caused Ahasuerus the Persian to favor the Jews so that they were saved from those who sought to exterminate them from the Persian Empire (Esther 9:1-16).

Then Darius the Persian, the next king of Persia, ordered that the work to rebuild the Temple to resume (Ezra 6:1-12).  So the Temple was finished fours years later and the worship of the Father of Truth by the descendants of Israel resumed in the Promised Land (Ezra 6:15-18).

Then in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the Persian (Artaxerxes II), the next king of Persia, Ezra the Priest, the descendant of the Aaron, the High Priest, went from Babylon to Jerusalem to ensure that the Torah was followed in the services that would occur in the Temple (Ezra 7:1-10).  In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the Persian, Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city (Nehemiah 2:1-11).  So with the help of the Father of Truth the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in only 52 days despite all of the trouble that came from the enemies of the Jews (Nehemiah 6:14-16).  Shortly after that, Ezra the Priest read the Torah to the people of Jerusalem while Zechariah the Prophet of Truth stood beside him and then Nehemiah helped him to teach the people of Jerusalem to joyfully obey the Torah (Nehemiah 8:1-10).  Then Nehemiah came to Jerusalem again in the thirty second year of Artaxerxes the Persian to rebuke the priest who were corrupting the Temple and to restore the people of Israel to obedience to the Torah so that they might remain in the Promised Land (Nehemiah 13:6-31). 

So The Writings provide a continuously written history of events that cover about 1,400 years.  The history in The Writings occurs in twelve books in modern translations.  These twelve books tell of events that tie together and build upon each other to tell one very long story of the people of Israel.  These events go from the day that they entered the Promised Land under Joshua until they were restored to obedience to the Torah in the Promised Land under Nehemiah.  It is from this trunk that the poetic part of The Writings and the division called The Prophets branch out to finish the tree.

The poetic part of The Writings consists of five books that closely tied into the rest of The Writings.  These will also will be examined in the order they were written to show how they tie into the rest of the Original Covenant.  They are like branches that grow along the sides of the trunk.

Among those whose descendants formed nations after the Flood was Uz (Utz) from the Aram who started the Arameans (Syrians) (Genesis 10:22-24).  In the land of Uz lived a man named Job who loved the Father of Truth more than any other man in his day (Job 1:1).  Job was so consistent in his love for the Father of Truth both in good times and bad times that the Father of Truth referred to him as one of the three most righteous men of the entire history recorded in the Original Covenant (Ezekiel 14:14).  This book is like a branch that shoots out of the roots and grows to almost the top of the trunk.

King David wrote half of the Psalms during his lifetime (Psalm 72:18-20).  The Psalms include songs about Moses, Aaron, Samuel, and others who appear in the Original Covenant (Psalm 99:6).  The last of the Psalms was written after the two tribe kingdom of Judah had went into captivity in Babylon (Psalm 137:1).  The book of Psalms is a branch that grow upwards from the base of the tree and continues to grow near the trunk of the tree almost to the top of the tree.

King Solomon wrote down some of the wisdom that the Father of Truth gave him in a poetic book as well (Proverbs 1:1).  King Solomon wrote a long poetic song in a book about real love between a man and a woman based on his being married to about a thousand women (Song of Solomon 1:1-3).  King Solomon also wrote a darkly poetic book at the end of his life explaining why that living life for any other reason than to please the Father of Truth is pointless based on many of the events in his own life (Ecclesiastes 1:1-3).  So these three books of Solomon are like three branches that grow out in three different directions from the part of the trunk of the tree where the history of Solomon is recorded.

Lastly, the seventeen books in modern divisions about the various Prophets of Truth are like thick branches grow outward from the middle to the top of the trunk of the tree in clusters.

Amos warned of judgement to the ten tribe kingdom of Israel and the nations around it during the reign of Jeroboam the first king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (Amos 1:1-3).  Also during those days, Hosea married a prostitute to show that even though the people of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel had prostituted themselves to idols so that the Father of Truth would one day cast them out of the Promised Land that He would also one day bring back the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel to the Promised Land and to Himself (Hosea 1).

Years later, during the days of the second king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel that was named Jeroboam, the Father of Truth then sent Jonah the Prophet of Truth to say that relief would come to the people of Israel under Jeroboam (2 Kings 14:23-27).  Then Jonah the Prophet of Truth was sent to warn the people of Ninevah, the capital of the Assyria, to repent - the very same people that would later carry the people of Israel out of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel to scatter them beyond the Euphrates River (Jonah 1:1-2).

Isaiah (Yeshayahu) warned twelve Gentile nations of judgment from the Father of Truth during the latter years of the two tribe kingdom of Judah as well as warning King Hezekiah, the father of King Manasseh, that the Babylonians would one day carry off the treasures and people of Jerusalem (Isaiah 39:5-7).  During this time the Father of Truth also said through Isaiah that Cyrus (the Persian) would return the people of Israel back to the Promised Land and rebuild the Temple afterwards - even though this was hundreds of years before Cyrus the Persian was born (Isaiah 45:1-3).  Also during this same time, another Prophet of Truth named Micah was sent to warn of certain judgment against both Samaria and Jerusalem (Micah 1:1-9).

Nahum then told of the destruction of the Ninevah, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, that would come from the Babylonians (Nahum 1:1-2).

Zephaniah warned in the days of King Josiah that the Babylonians would be sent to destroy or take captive everyone in the two tribe kingdom of Judah because of its continual idolatry (Zephaniah 1:1-9).

Then Jeremiah (Yerimayahu) was sent in the days of the very last kings of the two tribe kingdom of Judah to warn the people of Israel that they would be removed from the Promised Land for seventy years by the Babylonians (Jeremiah 25:1-11).  Joel was also sent to warn that the Babylonians would completely destroy everything in the land of the two tribe kingdom of Judah (Joel 1).  Habakkuk in like manner warned of the Babylonian destruction just before it occurred (Habakkuk 1:1-9).

Daniel was carried away to Babylon along with the treasures of the Temple where he was chosen to serve in the court of Nebuchadnezzer, the King of Babylon (Daniel 1:1-7).  After the Babylonians had came and taken away the king of the two tribe kingdom of Judah, the Father of Truth showed Ezekiel (Y'hez'qel) that total destruction would come to Jerusalem because the leaders of the people of Israel still secretly worshiped idols in the Temple (Ezekiel 8).

Then Jeremiah made a great mourning for Jerusalem after the Babylonians had utterly destroyed it and the Temple (Lamentations 1:1-8).  Obadiah also declared that because the descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob (Israel), had added to the calamity of the two tribe kingdom of Judah when the Babylonians destroyed the Jews that their own country would one day be made desolate forever (Obadiah 1).  Daniel then recorded the dealings of the Father of Truth while the Jews were in captivity until the end of the Babylon Empire that came from the Persian Empire (Daniel 5:23-31).

Daniel then continued to record the dealings of the Father of Truth until the third year of Cyrus the Persian, when the Father of Truth revealed what would happen to the descendants of Israel after they returned to the Promised Land (Daniel 10:1-14).

The Father of Truth then had Haggai tell those who had return to Israel to begin rebuilding the Temple again in the second year of Darius the Persian (Haggai 1:1-3).  In the fourth year of Darius, while the Temple was being finished, the Father of Truth sent Zachariah to remind the people of Israel that all of this trouble had come upon them because they had refused to return to obeying the Torah when the Father of Truth had sent to them the Prophets of Truth (Zechariah 7).  After the Temple was finished being rebuilt Malachi rebuked the priests for corrupting the rebuilt Temple just like Nehemiah did in the end of the book of Nehemiah (Malachi 1).

So it can be seen that the entire Original Covenant is self-canonizing by the way that all of the books work together to weave a continuous story with consistent themes and collaborating events.  The Original Covenant is like an indestructible tree with roots so deep, a trunk so strong and thick branches so well attached the trunk that it can survive any storm and endure through any fire with out losing any part of the tree.

This indestructible tree will only provide shelter and food to those who remain in its shadow and climb in its branches.  The entire reason that this indestructible tree was planted was to bring people to the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:44-47).  The Man of Truth did not come just to be the Messiah of Israel but to also be the savior of the entire human race (John 4:42).  Everyone comes into the House of Truth by surrendering control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth!
