Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Deep Things of God

What are the deep things of the Father of Truth?

The hidden wisdom of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has been revealed to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), even the deep things of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:7-10).

How has this wisdom been revealed?

This wisdom has been revealed by the Spirit of Truth to the Apostles of Truth and the Prophets of Truth (Ephesians 3:3-5). The unsearchable riches of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) is where the Father of Truth reveals His hidden wisdom (Ephesians 3:8-11).

Where has this wisdom been hidden?

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:2-3).  What the Prophets of Truth could only see in part has been revealed in the Good News about the Man of Truth (1 Peter 1:10-12).

Where are the deep things?

The deep things of the Father of Truth are those things that He only reveals to the Children of Truth (Daniel 2:20-22).  They are revealed in the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the Apostles of Truth that tell about the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20).

These writings are the Word of Truth that is written in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
The deep things of the Father of Truth are not the surface layers of the passages.

The surface layer of a passage is what is visible on the surface.  Anyone can see this layer - rather they understand the passage or not.  It is the words that are written in whatever translation is being read.

The deep things of the Father of Truth are those things in the Book of Truth that are hidden beneath the surface layer of the passages of the Book of Truth.  In fact, some passages have at least four layers beneath their surface layer!

The deep things of the Father of Truth do not give a message that is contrary or different than the message given by the surface layers of the Book of Truth.  Instead, they bring greater clarity to the meaning of the surface layers of the Book of Truth.  They help guide people to understanding of the Book of Truth as the Father of Truth intended.

Passages come in all sorts of sizes in the Book of Truth, but often contain other smaller passages.  When a passage cannot be reduced any further into smaller passages and still have meaning, then it is called an atomic passage.  An atomic passage can be as short as a few words or as long as several paragraphs.

All atomic passages have one of two kinds of surface layers - literal or figurative.

A literal surface layer means what the words literally say.  The meaning is not hidden.  These are usually things like historical passages, statements of fact, and commandments.

For example, "Thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20:15).

A figurative layer does not mean what the words literally say.  The meaning is hidden.  These are usually things like parables, figures of speech, and allegories.

For example, the parable of the good man (Matthew 24:43).

A composite passage contains two or more atomic passages.  A composite passage can contain a mix of atomic passages with literal surface layers and atomic passages with figurative surface layers.  This is a mixed composite passage.

Most large composite passages are mixed composite passages.  For example, the book of Daniel contains both literal and figurative atomic passages.

However, even a small composite passage can contain a mix of atomic passages.

For example, the cup of the wrath of the Father of Truth is figurative while being tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Angels of Truth is literal (Revelation 14:10).

Of course, an entire composite passage can contain only atomic passages with only one kind of surface layer.  In that case, it is either a literal or figurative composite passage, depending upon which kind of surface layers that the atomic passages have.

Most small composite passages are either a literal or figurative composite passages.  For example, the composite passage that contains the parables of the mustard seed and leaven were both figurative, so it is a figurative composite passage (Matthew 13:31-33).

However, even a really large atomic passage can be a literal or figurative composite passage.  For example, the Book of Esther contains only passages with literal surface layers, so the whole book can be thought of a really large literal composite passage.

However, a passage can have a surface layer of one kind and also a deeper level of the other kind.

Every passage with a figurative surface layer has a literal layer underneath it that contains the hidden meaning of the figurative surface layer. 

The literal layer that is underneath the figurative surface layer is one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Sometimes that literal layer is exposed in the literal surface layer of a later passage.

For example, the passage with the dreams of Pharaoh of skinny cows eating fat cows and withering stalks of wheat consuming fat stalks of wheat had a figurative surface layer (Genesis 41:17-24).  However, the literal layer of future years of plenty and famine that it hid was exposed in a literal surface layer of a later passage (Genesis 41:25-32).

Sometimes a passage with a literal surface layer can also have a figurative layer beneath it, which hides another literal layer with a second literal meaning.

That deeper figurative layer, and the literal layer beneath it, are both deep things of the Father of Truth. 

Sometimes that figurative layer, as well the literal layer it hides, are both exposed in the literal surface layer of a later passage.

For example, the passage about Abraham having two sons by two different women had a literal surface layer about his literal family (Galatians 4:22-23).  However, underneath this literal passage was a figurative layer about the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that was exposed in the literal surface layer of a later passage (Galatians 4:24-27).  That figurative layer hid a literal layer about those who are saved through faith in the Renewed Covenant not being under the bondage of trying to be saved by keeping the Old Covenant that was exposed in the literal surface layer of a later passage (Galatians 4:28-31).

There are many other types of deeper layers, which we shall examine in detail.

One of these types is the symbolic layer. 

The symbolic layer is the hidden meaning of the symbols in a passage.  The symbols can be literal, figurative, or both on the surface.  The symbolic layer indicates a deeper meaning through these symbols in the passage.

The symbols that compose the symbolic layer are not meant to be applied to everything in every day life to gain insight about everything and everyone.  That would be akin to witchcraft.

The use of symbols in the Book of Truth is not like numerology in Kabbalah or trying to determine the future by examining the symbols of the zodiac in the sky.

The symbolic layer is primarily for understanding the Book of Truth with more clarity.  The symbols conveys concepts beyond the symbols themselves, which usually help in understanding the passage differently.

One type of symbol is animals.  Animals are usually symbolic of people groups and kingdoms.

Different animals convey different concepts, usually more than one, that are characteristics of what they represent.  These concepts give deeper understanding to a passage that mentions the animal, especially if it is figurative.

For example, a leopard is symbolic of deadly speed and dexterity.  In the same way, the Greeks used deadly speed and dexterity to conquer the Persians quickly, so they were symbolized as a leopard with four heads and four wings (Daniel 7:6).

Another type of symbol is objects.  Objects include body parts of animals, stars, doors, trees, food items, containers, and so on.  Objects are usually convey a set of related abilities.

For example, horns are symbolic of power and authority, because they are on the head of animals and used for attack and defense.  So the two horns of the ram were symbolic of the dual kings of the Medes and Persians (Daniel 8:20).

Another type of symbol is colors.  Colors usually convey the general state of things.

For example, red is associated with blood, so it is symbolic of things like war and sacrifice, which both color things red with blood.  So, the rider of the red horse will cause blood to flow by bringing the entire Earth into a state of war (Revelation 6:4).

Another type of symbol is numbers.  Numbers tell far more than just how many of something there are in the passage.  They have ideas associated with them.

For example, the number ten is associated with law and order.  So, even though the entire Law of Truth contains over six hundred commandments, the foundation is the ten commandments given on the stone tablets (Deuteronomy 4:13).

Another type of symbols is materials.  Similar to numbers, materials tell about more than just what something is made of.  They speak of other things as well.

For example, gold speaks of heaven and kings.  So the entire Holy of Holies was covered in gold, because it spoke of the throne room of the Father of Truth, the King of the Universe, in Heaven (1 Kings 6:20-22).

Another type of symbols is names.  They serve a deeper purpose than just distinguishing which person, place, or thing is being referred to.  The meaning of a name tells the defining characteristic of whatever has the name.

For instance, the Father of Truth changed the name of Abram to Abraham, which means "father of many nations" (Genesis 17:5).  This was literally true in a physical sense, because his descendants formed more than twenty separate nations, including the nation of Israel.  He was also the father in a spiritual sense of all who believe from among the Gentiles (Romans 4:16-18).

So, the name of Abraham accurately reflects his defining characteristic, which came to pass through the Everlasting Covenant that the Father of Truth made with him.

Lastly, there is another type of symbols.  These are descriptive symbols.

Descriptive symbols include non-material things like directions on the compass, left or right, and fire; time indicators like day, night, seasons, and years; events like earthquakes and floods; and atmospheric conditions like the wind, rain, rainbows, light, and darkness; and other non-material things that describe the setting or actions in a passage.

For example, light is symbolic of living in obedience that comes from knowing the Father of Truth and His ways while darkness is symbolic of living in disobedience that comes from ignorance of the Father of Truth and His ways.  So, the Children of Truth have been called out of a life of ignorance and disobedience to a life of knowledge and obedience (1 Peter 2:9).

So, the symbolic layer is another one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Another layer is the transcendent layer.

A transcendent layer is not a single layer of a single passage.  It is a layer that is formed by layers of various passages that connect together to reveal a transcendent truth.  Often these layers include symbolic layers.

The passages that form the transcendent layer are like pieces of a puzzle and the transcendent truth is like the picture formed when all of the pieces are connected together correctly to complete the puzzle.

Often, a transcendent layer contains an unstated truth that is necessary for apparently conflicting passages to both be true.

Consider Abraham for example.  The Father of Truth told him that his son Isaac would be the father of the seed of Abraham (Genesis 17:19).  Then the Father of Truth also commanded Abraham to offer up Isaac on an alter - before he had even married (Genesis 22:2).

Abraham understood the unstated truth that made both of these things possible - that the Father of Truth would raise Isaac from the dead (Hebrews 11:17-19).

So, these first two passages were connected by the transcendent layer, which contained the transcendent truth that the Father of Truth will raise people from the dead.

There are many more passages that are connected together to form a transcendent layer that reveals this transcendent truth.

The transcendent layer is one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Couplets are a special type of passages with a transcendent layer.

A couplet is two passages in a row that work together to reveal to a hidden layer.  It can be thought of as a really small transcendent layer.  Sort of like a two piece puzzle.

Most couplets are small, consisting of two verses with one right after the other.  Sometimes, the couplet is even two phrases inside of a single verse.

However, some couplets are larger, like two parables in a row that make the same point.  There can even be larger ones where the same story is told twice in a row, but in different ways.

Most couplets are one of three types - contrasting or complementing or comparing.

In a contrasting couplet one part contrasts the other part. For example, the first part might be stated in the positive way, while the second part is stated in the negative way.

For example, a couplet might say "keep the commandment of your father and do not forsake the law of your mother" to convey the idea of do what your parents have taught you to do (Proverbs 6:20).

In a complementing couplet, the one part complements the other part.  For example, the first part might state something in one way, while the second part states the same thing in a different way.

For example, the wisdom of avoiding the wrong kind of men complements the wisdom of avoiding the wrong kind of women, which together mean that wisdom is avoiding the wrong kind of people (Proverbs 2:12-19).

In a comparing couplet, one part explains the other by means of comparison.  For example, the first part might use something that can be seen might be compared to something that cannot be seen to convey how the unseen thing works.

For example, a couplet might compare the refining of silver and gold to how the Father of Truth refines the hearts of people (Proverbs 17:3).

So the transcendent layer beneath these couplets is also part of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

There can also be an abstract layer.

An abstract layer defines a concept that connects different passages together, but there is no passage that directly states that concept.

It is like the abstract concept of a mammal.  Different animals like dogs, bats, bison, and whales are all types of mammals, but there is no type of animal is only a mammal.

Mammal is an abstract type of animal that has certain characteristics.  The animals given above are different concrete implementations of the mammal type. 

It is the common characteristics of these animals, like being an animal that is warm-blooded and produces milk, that define the characteristics which define a mammal.  All things can determine whether or not they are mammals, by whether or not they have the characteristics of a mammal.

A rock is not a mammal, because it not a living thing.  A tree is not a mammal, because it is not an animal.  A crocodile is not a mammal, because it is not warm blooded nor produces milk.  However, a kangaroo is mammal, because it is warm blooded and produces milk.

There is no animal that only has the characteristics of a mammal.  For  example, all animals have some means of moving, but that details of that characteristic are not part of the definition of a mammal.  It is these other characteristics - like paws, wings, hooves, and fins - that define what type of mammal an animal is.

Also, an abstract concept can itself be a type of a deeper abstract concept.  Generally, the deeper an abstract concept is, the more general it is.  Types of that abstract concept are distinguished from each other by characteristics that are not part of the definition of the abstract concept and that they do not all share.  These characteristics make them more specific types of the deeper abstract concept.

For example, animal is also an abstract concept and mammal is a type of that abstract concept, even though it is also an abstract concept.  It is the characteristics that mammals that are not defined by the animal concept and not shared with other abstract types of animals - like hair instead scales or feathers - that distinguish it from other abstract types of animals like fish, reptiles, or birds.

In like manner, the abstract layer is defined by the common characteristics that all passages that implement the abstract layer contain. 

An abstract layer is discerned by what the passages have in common, such as a recurring pattern.

For example, consider these two seemingly unconnected passages.  In one passage, when the rain came down, the Ark was lifted off of the Earth (Genesis 7:17).  In the other passage, Lot was supposed to go up the mountain before the fire and brimstone could come down on Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:19-25).

What is the abstract layer that these passages share?  It is the pattern of how the Father of Truth protects the righteous when He brings down judgment on the wicked.

So, the abstract layer reveals that the Father of Truth will lift the righteous above the area of destruction before He brings his judgment down.  This abstract truth applies to similar future events like the Tribulation.

This abstract layer is built upon another abstract layer - that the Father of Truth simply does not take collateral damage.

So, the abstract layer is one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

There is also a clarifying layer in many passages.

Most of the time people are reading a translation of some sort.  This is even true for those who can read one of the original languages.  Very few people can read and understand Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek like they were native speakers of all three languages.

Whenever any document is translated from one language to another, there will always be somethings that do not translate well.  This is not a problem in many passages, for the meaning was easy to translate and was translated correctly.  However, it is a problem in some passages.

For example, when I was in the Air Force we used the French term Esprit de Corp because there simply is nothing equivalent to it in English.  It takes a few paragraphs to explain it in English, and even then, people do not always grasp it correctly.

This problem is resolved by the clarifying layer.

The clarifying layer is made up of the original language words themselves.  When you look at those words and come to understand them, they bring clarity to the entire passage.

One type of clarifying layer is knowing the meaning of words that do not translate concisely and the subtleties in their meaning.

For example, the Hebrew word "shalom" means "The peace that comes from being whole - nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing out of place, nothing extra".  This is too much to put every place the word "shalom" appears in scriptures, so it just translated as "peace".

Also when shalom is used as a greet someone, you are saying that you wish them shalom in every area of their life - finances, relationships, health, and so on.  However, if you do not say it when you depart from them, then you are taking back your wish for shalom in every area of their life.  This is what the Man of Truth meant about your peace returning to you (Matthew 10:13).

This is one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Another type of clarifying layer is the precise meaning of various original language words that are all translated into the same English word in your translation.

For example, three different Greek words, with very different meanings, are all translated as "filled" or "full" in English in reference to the Spirit of Truth.  This has led to a lot of confusion and disagreements over what "Spirit filled" means.

When you understand the meaning of each word and look at the passages where they are used, it clears up a lot of things.   Often it is not really a matter of one group being wrong and the other right.  It is more like they were both right - at least about the passages that used the definition that they were using.

This is another one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

There is one more clarifying level that only applies to Hebrew, and that is the letters of the Hebrew words themselves.  It only applies to pure Hebrew words and does not work with loan words from another language that were added to the Hebrew language.  It also does not work with Aramaic, Greek, or any other language on Earth.

In Hebrew, each letter is a Hebrew word.  Each of these Hebrew words carry various connotations that can be applied to the Hebrew letter.  The combination of the connotations of the the letters in a Hebrew word give a strong clue about the meaning of the word.

These are called Hebrew word pictures.

For example, consider the Hebrew word "Esh".  It means "fire".  It sounds like the sound fire makes when it is burning.  It is where the English word "ash" comes from.

It is spelled with two Hebrew letters - aleph and shin.  The Hebrew letter aleph means ox.  Ox has a connotation of strength, among other things.  The Hebrew letter shin means tooth.  Tooth has a connotation of destroyer, among other things.   When you put them together, the connotation is "strong destroyer".

Fire is indeed the strong destroyer.  That is why there are five ways to start a fire and use it as a weapon of mass destruction.

One place Hebrew word pictures help is with the list of unclean birds.  There is disagreement about whether the bird listed in Leviticus 11:18 is an ostrich or a swan.

However, when we look at the letters of the Hebrew word "TaN-SHe-MeT" it adds clarity.  The Hebrew word picture is "Sign Fish Eater Water Sign".  So, the connotation is "Notable fish eater in the water".  This certainly rules out an ostrich, but fits a swan.

This is another one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

There is also the verifying layer that is part of every book in the Book of Truth.

Many have claimed that there are books missing from the Book of Truth.

Many of the so-called missing books do not even pass the simple minimum qualifications given in the Book of Truth for being part of the Book of Truth.

Most do not meet the requirement of being written by a Jew (Romans 3:1-2).  Most that meet that qualification do not meet the qualification of being written by either a Prophet of Truth (Original Covenant) or an Apostle of Truth (Renewed Covenant) (Ephesians 2:20).

There have also been claims by many people like Martin Luther that certain books in the Book of Truth do not belong there.  His objection was that these books contradicted his doctrine.

So, how can we be sure that some book which claims to meet the first two qualifications, like the Gospel of Peter, do not belong in the Book of Truth?  How can we be sure that books like the book of James do belong in the Book of Truth?

One thing that helps is that the books in the Book of Truth have been verified as accurate history by ancient documents and archeological finds, while this same evidence show many of these other books to be fraudulent documents like the tabloids at the super market.

For example, the Gospel of Peter states that Herod Antipas - not Pontius Pilate - had the Man of Truth crucified.  However, the Roman historian Tacitus explicitly states that Pontius Pilate had the Man of Truth crucified, as stated in all four gospels, Acts, and 1 Timothy.

However there is an even more sure witness inside the passages of the Book of Truth than any external witness.  That is the verifying layer of the Book of Truth.

The verifying layer weaves the books of the Original Covenant together to form a tree of wondrous strength.  It cements the books of the Renewed Covenant together to form a well built house.

The verifying layer secures this well built house to the top of the tree of wondrous strength to form the Book of Truth.  It binds these two covenants together with the everlasting covenant given to Abraham to make them the inseparable covenants .

The passages that form the verifying layer connect the books together in various ways.

The verifying layer sometimes connects the books together in very obvious ways.

For example, one book quoting another book.

This verifying layer also connects the books together in some more subtle ways.

For example, the greetings and closings of the Epistles of Paul connect most of these books together.  They also tie them to other books like the Book of Acts and the Gospels.

This verifying layer also connects books together that most people often do not think of as related.

For example, the book of Daniel tells about the intrigues of the Persian Empire that are to come after his time on Earth is over in general terms, but the book of Easter talks about those same intrigues in great detail.  The intrigues of the Persian Empire form the verifying layer that connects the books together.

The verifying layer also consists of much less obvious connections similar to the transcendent layer.  In fact, the verifying layer often sits under other layers like the symbolic layer.
The verifying layer connects all of the books in the Book of Truth together like one giant picture puzzle.  Like a completed puzzle, it leaves no spaces for missing pieces, nor is it complete without all of these pieces.

All of the books in the Book of Truth have this verifying layer.  No other books have this verifying layer.  This verifying layer is the signature of the Spirit of Truth upon the Book of Truth to verify that it contains the Word of Truth and nothing but the Word of Truth.

This is another one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Another layer that is not always obvious is the prophetic layer.

The prophetic layer is not a passage with a surface layer that is obviously prophetic.  It is a layer that exists beneath the surface of a passage with a surface layer that is obviously not prophetic.

For example, the Book of Esther only contains one general prophecy: that salvation will come to the Jews another way, and that she and the house of her father will perish, unless Esther uses her position as queen to intervene for the Jews (Esther 4:14).  Yet, it gives a prophetic warning to anyone like the Reluctant Jew about what they should do if they discover that they have Jewish ancestry.

Of course, often a passage with a prophetic layer is a lot shorter than most of an entire book of the Book of Truth.

For example, consider the image of himself that Nebuchadnezzer commanded everyone to worship (Daniel 3:1-6).  This passage has a prophet layer under the literal historic surface layer.

That prophetic layer spoke of the Prophet of Lies (The False Prophet) setting up an image of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) and commanding everyone to worship it in the future (Revelation 13:14-15).

This prophetic layer is another one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

Then there is the Messianic layer that permeates every book in the Book of Truth.

Of course, certain passages are definitely tell something about the Messiah of Israel on their surface layer like the Gospels.

However, every story in the Book of Truth that does not tell something on the surface layer about the Messiah of Israel has a Messianic layer beneath it.

For example, consider the story of the binding of Isaac (Ha Aqedah).

Abraham so loved the Father of Truth that he was willing to give his one and only son of promise as an offering (Genesis 22:1-3).  For three days, his son was as good as dead (Genesis 22:4).  The two servants had to stand afar off so that they could not clearly see what would transpire (Genesis 22:5).  Isaac carried the wood on his back that he was to die on to the place where he was to die (Genesis 22:6).  Then his father promised a sacrificial lamb from the Father of Truth (Genesis 22:7-8).  In obedience to the commandment of his father, Isaac allowed himself to be placed on a platform of wood atop a hill of stones to killed by being pierced with a piece of metal (Genesis 22:9-10).  Abraham was then told that being willing to give his one and only son of promise as an offering was a sufficient sacrifice (Genesis 22:11-12).  Then an adult male lamb, a ram, had thorns surrounding his head when his horns were caught in the thicket, and became a substitute sacrifice provided by the Father of Truth for a man (Genesis 22:13).

This entire story is not just the historical account from a chapter in the life of Abraham and Isaac that is seen in the surface layer.  There is a Messianic layer underneath it that tells about the sacrifice of Man of Truth. 

The Father of Truth so loved the human race that He was willing to give His one and only Son of Promise as an offering for sin (John 3:16).  For three days, His Son was dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).  The Law of Truth and the Prophets of Truth are the two witnesses of the death and resurrection of the Man of Truth (Luke 24:44-46).  Yet, they could not clearly see what would transpire because they saw it from far off (1 Peter 1:10-11).  The Man of Truth carried the wood that he was to die on to the place where he was to die (John 19:16-17).  The Man of Truth was the promised sacrificial Lamb from the Father of Truth (John 1:29).  The Man of Truth laid down his life in obedience to his Father (John 10:17-18).  The Man of Truth allowed himself to be laid on a platform of wood on a stony hill and pierced with pieces of metal (Luke 23:33-34).  The one and only Son of Promise was offered as a sufficient sacrifice (Hebrews 10:10-12).  The Man of Truth had his head surrounded by thorns when they placed the crown of thorns on his head (Mark 15:17).  The Man of Truth became a substitute sacrifice provided by the Father of Truth for the human race (Romans 5:6-8).

The prophetic layer removes all doubt about the identity of the Messiah!

It is one of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

However, there is one layer under every single passage in the Book of Truth and that is the personal layer.

I have what some people have called an eidetic memory.  I can still remember episodes of Sherman and Mr. Peabody visiting events in history using the Wayback Machine that I saw as a child in the 1960 's as if I watched them yesterday.  For this reason, I rarely read books twice, or watch movies or episodes of television shows twice, unless I really enjoyed the ride the first time, or just to spend time with someone.

Of course, we all really have defective memories.  I read a government study on eidetic memories once and the best they found was 87% retention.  If your laptop or smart phone only saved 87% of the pictures that you took or documents you saved, then you would either get it repaired or throw it away.

However, even if I had a perfect eidetic memory with 100% retention, I would still read the Book of Truth over and over again.  The reason is that it is the only book that reads me back.

It is like the Greek word "rhema".  When I was in Greece developing a heroic spirit, the word had a literal denotation of "something spoken".  However, it had a very different connotation in Greece, which was "something that speaks to you".   It like the opposite of when American says someone did not hear a word that they said.  The words of the Book of Truth speak to the reader.

The Book of Truth speaks to me about my own life every time I read it.

The personal layer is what a passage says to the person who reads it.  The same passage may say different things to different people.  It can even say different things to the same person at different times.

This is the greatest of the deep things of the Father of Truth.

There are some other layers that I have not explained, but I think that this should be sufficient to prove that the deep things of the Father of Truth are the things hidden deep in His Word.

The most important thing about the deep things of the Father of Truth is having them revealed to you.

The deep things of the Father of Truth are not things that people somehow figure out because they are really smart or well educated.  They are not revealed by attending seminary school or years of study.

They are revealed to people by the Spirit of Truth, who knows the deep things of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  These deep things cannot be understood by those who do not have the Spirit of Truth living in them (1 Corinthians 2:13-14).   It takes the mind of the Man of Truth to understand them (1 Corinthians 2:15-16).

The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9).

The Spirit of Truth witnesses to every person who is willing to listen, that the Man of Truth is the Son of the Father of Truth (1 John 5:5-6).

So, come into the House of Truth and you can start having the deep things of the Father of Truth revealed to you.

You just need to put the Man of Truth in charge of your life, because believe the witness of the Spirit of Truth that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).

Come into the House of Truth!

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