Monday, February 24, 2020

Whirlwind Romance

How long do people need to date before marriage?

Here in America, people date each other for some time before deciding to marry.  The time between first date and marriage has grown much longer over the last four decades.

A recent study found that the average couple in the US and Britain date each other for almost five years before marriage.  On average, they will date for about a year and half, live together for almost two years before becoming engaged, and then will marry over a year and half later.  When they finally marry, the average man is almost 33 years of age and the average woman is almost 31 years old.

This means that on average people are waiting about ten years longer to marry than they did four decades ago.  During this extra time, they have had two previous serious relationships that did not end well.

Part of the reason for this trend is that people believe that if they date longer, then their chances of divorce are less.  However, studies have shown that the exact opposite is true.   The more years of dating before marriage, the shorter the marriage lasts. 

In fact, people who first meet on their wedding day have been found have happier marriages and have much lower divorce rates than people who date for years before marriage.

The reasons for this are not hard to understand when you think about it. 

First of all, those who meet on their wedding day, practice "No Contract - No Contact" and reap the benefits of that.

When they get married, they are not coming into the marriage with hearts that were broken by previous relationships.  Their wedding night is truly special, because they have not cheapened it by unwrapping any part of the gift of their spouse earlier.  They are not going to be comparing their spouse to someone else in the bedroom, because they were never involved with anyone else.  They have no idea if their spouse is a good kisser or not.  They have no concerns of giving sexually transmitted diseases to their spouse.  They will not even be carrying orally transmitted diseases that were caught by kissing someone else.

Those who date for a long period of time, especially if they engage in sex, or even things like kissing, outside of marriage, do not have these benefits.  They come into marriage with baggage.

The amount of baggage is generally proportional to how many people they dated, how long they dated in general, and how physically connected they were to the people they dated.  The higher these things are, the greater the baggage.

Second, those who meet on their wedding day, are committed to marriage.

They come into marriage with no escape plan.  They have no experience in breaking off a serious relationship.  They will never even consider using the nuclear option.  They are all in for life.

Those who date for a long period of time are not committed to marriage.  People are dating for so long to make sure that the marriage will be good for them.  They come into the marriage with an escape plan.  Especially, if they had broken off a serious relationship before.  They are in as long as they are getting what they want out of the marriage.

In most cases, dating a long period of time is the result of a lack of commitment to the other person.  They see no reason to buy the cow when they are getting the milk for free.  They love what the other person does for them.  Loving to ride a horse is not the same as loving the horse.

Third, those who meet on their wedding day, understand that a good marriage comes from two people doing right by each other.

They often have something like a Ketubah that provides a framework of what they will do for their spouse.  They are looking for ways to fulfill their contract to please the other person.  They do what they agreed to by virtue of being married because they are not liars and thieves.

Those who date for a long period of time believe that a good marriage comes from two people being right for each other.  They have no framework of what they will do for their spouse.  They are looking for what their spouse will do to please them.  They are hoping for something that does not exist - a perfect spouse.  They waste a lot of time, energy, and money chasing Aphrodite.

So, their marriage is doomed to failure from the start.  Two imperfect people expecting the other person to be perfect for them is a recipe for disaster.  Two people in a relationship, just to get things from the other person, is not a relationship built on love.  Reality will eventually smack them in the face.

Of course, not everyone fits in exactly one of these two models.  Some people with arranged marriages meet once or twice beforehand, and both have to agree that the other person is acceptable.  Some people date for a short period of time, without physical contact, before getting married.  My wife and I are examples of both models.

We had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD)!

Fours days after I gave my life to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in total surrender, the Father of Truth told me to marry wife, who I had only met six months earlier.

So, I went out on the first date of my life and asked her to marry me.  She immediately relied, "Of course I will, silly.".  We were married two months later.

It was a whirlwind romance!

People thought that our marriage was doomed to failure due to our lack of dating before marriage.  Thirty seven years later, we are more in love with each other than the day we married.  At the same time, many of those people who followed the dating model have been remarried several times.  The evidence supports our method.

We have found that the secret to a great marriage is to form a love triangle with the Man of Truth.  A great marriage is a man and woman forming the right partnership for love and engaging in sex when it is the right time for love.

Our model is hardly unique or original.  In fact, it is similar to the original model of marriage.

The first man and the first woman had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

Adam met Eve on the day she was formed and married her (Genesis 2:21-24).

It was a whirlwind romance!

They were already married when they ate the wrong thing on a date (Genesis 3:6-8).  This lead to their only recorded squabble and some bad consequences (Genesis 3:9-19).  However, Adam deepened his commitment to his wife by giving her a beautiful name (Genesis 3:20).  Then the Father of Truth showed them how to get through those tough years and kept them from making things worse (Genesis 3:21-24).

So, they started having children (Genesis 4:1).  They had a long and happy marriage that the resulted in a large family (Genesis 5:1-5).

Isaac (Yitzaq) and Rebekah had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

Rebekah was revealed to the servant of Abraham (Abram) as the woman that the Father of Truth appointed to marry Isaac (Genesis 24:14-20).  He then gave Rebekah jewelry to show that she was appointed to marry Isaac (Genesis 24:21-27).  She then had him tell her family that she had been appointed to marry Isaac (Genesis 24:28-49).

Her family then agreed to let her go with the servant to a land far away, that she had never seen, to marry Isaac, if she was willing to do so (Genesis 24:50-57).  She immediately agreed to marry a man, who she had never seen, and left immediately to marry him (Genesis 24:58-61).  Isaac learned on the day when Rebekah arrived that he was marrying her - without being able to see her face (Genesis 24:62-66).  Isaac agreed and they were married immediately (Genesis 24:67).

It was a whirlwind romance!

The happy couple was unable to have children for many years (Genesis 25:20-21).  After twenty years of trying, Rebekah had a rough pregnancy that ended with the birth of twin boys (Genesis 25:22-26).  Their boys were very different kinds of men resulting in Isaac favoring one boy and Rebekah favoring the other boy (Genesis 25:27-28).

Still, Isaac and Rebekah were more in love with each other than on their wedding day (Genesis 26:7-10).

Eventually, the son favored by Isaac married women, who brought grief to Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 26:34-35).  Still, Isaac intended to leave the son he favored in charge, after he died (Genesis 27:1-4).  However, Rebekah tricked Isaac into leaving the son she he favored in charge, after he died (Genesis 27:5-29).  Isaac was not happy when he learned that he had been tricked, but was still able to give good things to the son that he favored (Genesis 27:30-40).

When the son that Isaac favored sought to kill the son that Rebekah favored, she cried for Isaac to send the son she favored away to her family to marry a woman, who would not bring them grief (Genesis 27:41-46).  So, Isaac sent the son that Rebekah favored, away to the family of Rebekah (Genesis 28:1-5).  After that, the son that Isaac favored, married a woman from the family of Isaac to make them happy (Genesis 28:6-9).

By the time that Isaac died, the sons favored by him and Rebekah had reconciled (Genesis 35:27-29).  After many happy years of marriage, with only one recorded squabble, Issac and Rebekah were joined together in their burial place (Genesis 49:30-32).

Boaz and Ruth had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

Ruth was a woman from Moab that one of the sons of Elimelech married, after he moved there from Bethlehem to escape famine (Ruth 1:1-4).  After her husband died and the famine was over, Ruth went with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest (Ruth 1:5-22).

Ruth then began gleaning in the field of Boaz, the near kinsman of Elimelech (Ruth 2:1-3).  Boaz became interested in Ruth as soon as he learned how hard she was working to take care her mother-in-law (Ruth 2:4-7).  So, Boaz showed kindness to Ruth by providing her food, drink, safety, and extra sheaves while she gleaned in his fields (Ruth 2:8-17).

When Ruth told her mother-in-law about the kindness of Boaz, she told Ruth to glean only in the field of Boaz (Ruth 2:18-22).  So, Ruth continued to glean in the field of Boaz until the end of the wheat harvest (Ruth 2:23). Then her mother-in-law told her to make herself look nice and lay down at the feet of Boaz, when he laid down to sleep while guarding the barley grain (Ruth 3:1-4).  So, Ruth did as she had been told (Ruth 3:5-7).

When Boaz woke up to find Ruth at his feet, she told him that she wanted him to marry her in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), since he was the near kinsman of Elimelech (Ruth 3:8-9).  Boaz told Ruth that he would get right on that, and for her to go back to sleep (Ruth 3:10-13).  After Ruth slept the rest of the night at his feet, Boaz sent her home with a gift of barley grain (Ruth 3:14-15).

When Ruth told her mother-in-law about her night with Boaz, she told Ruth that Boaz would not rest until she was his wife (Ruth 3:16-18).

That very morning, Boaz went to court and paid the price to make her his wife (Ruth 4:1-12).  As soon as this was done, Boaz married Ruth, she got pregnant, and they soon had a baby boy (Ruth 4:13).

It was a whirlwind romance!

This son that Ruth and Boaz had was counted as the son of Elimelech and Naomi, in accordance with the Law of Truth, and was the grandfather of King David (Ruth 4:14-17).

Boaz and Ruth had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

The Father of Truth had sent the famine that drove Elimelech to Moab, where his son would marry Ruth.  He had ended the famine after Elimelech and his son died, that brought Ruth to Bethlehem with Naomi.  He had guided Ruth to field of Boaz.  He had given the Law of Truth that commanded that Boaz and Ruth marry to raise up a child to be counted as the son of Elimelech.

It was a whirlwind romance!

Boaz married Ruth after only knowing her for four months, and in less than twenty-four hours after he learned that she was interested in him.

David and Abigail had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

There was an rich, but evil man, named Nabal, who was married to a wise and beautiful woman named Abigail (1 Samuel 25:2-3).

One day David sent some of his men to ask Nabal for help, while he was on the run from King Saul, since he had treated the servants of Nabal with kindness (1 Samuel 25:4-9).  Nabal sent back an insulting answer (1 Samuel 25:10-11).  So, David took an army to destroy Nabal and his servants (1 Samuel 25:12-13).

When Abigail heard what had happened, she brought aid to David without telling Nabal (1 Samuel 25:14-20).  Abigail then persuaded David to not destroy Nabal and his servants (1 Samuel 25:21-35).

When Abigail returned home and told Nabal how she had saved him and his servants from being destroyed by David, he had a stroke and was killed ten days later by the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 25:36-38).

As soon as David heard that Nabal was dead, he asked Abigail to marry him (1 Samuel 25:39-40).  Abigail immediately became his wife and joined David as he continued to be on the run from King Saul (1 Samuel 25:41-42).

It was a whirlwind romance!

While David was still on the run, Abigail was taken captive by the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30:1-5).  So, David led his army to rescue her (1 Samuel 30:6-18).

Abigail was by the side of David when he was made the king of Judah in Hebron (2 Samuel 2:1-4).  She and King David had a son in Hebron while he was still at war with the house of King Saul (2 Samuel 3:1-5).

David and Abigail had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

The Father of Truth brought David into the life of Abigail, while David was being persecuted for doing His will.  David was the instrument of the Father of Truth to deliver Abigail from Nabal.  The Father of Truth killed Nabal.  That made it possible for David to marry Abigail.

It was a whirlwind romance!

David and Abigail only met once briefly ten days before they were married.  They were married on the same day that Nabal was buried.

King Ahasuerus and Esther had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

King Ahasuerus commanded that beautiful virgins be brought to his palace, so he could pick one to replace Vashti as his queen (Esther 2:2-4).  Esther, an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai, was taken against her will to be prepared to meet King Ahasuerus in the wedding chamber (Esther 2:5-9).  After twelve months of preparation, Esther finally met King Ahasuerus one night, she was chosen as his queen, and they celebrated their marriage the next day (Esther 2:12-18).

It was a whirlwind romance!

Later, Mordecai warned Queen Esther to ask King Ahasuerus to save herself and her people from the plot of Haman, even though it could lead to her death (Esther 4:7-13).  Mordecai understood that the marriage of Queen Esther to King Ahasuerus had been for this very purpose (Esther 4:14).

So, Queen Esther decided to risk her life by approaching King Ahasuerus without an invitation (Esther 4:15-16).

When Queen Esther approached King Ahasuerus without an invitation, he spared her life, and asked what he could do for his beloved wife (Esther 5:1-3).  So, Queen Esther invited King Ahasuerus and Haman to a banquet to get her husband in a good mood, before asking (Esther 5:5-8).

After King Ahasuerus and Haman came to a second banquet that she had prepared, Queen Esther asked her husband to save her and her people from the plot of Haman (Esther 7:1-6).  So, King Ahasuerus had Haman executed immediately (Esther 7:7-10).

The next day, King Ahasuerus made Mordecai his new Prime Minister in the place of Haman (Esther 8:1-2).  Then Queen Esther cried for her husband to save her and her people from the plot of Haman (Esther 8:3-6).  So, King Ahasuerus had Mordecai issue a command throughout his empire for people to destroy everyone, who sought to destroy his wife and her people (Esther 8:7-14).

So, on the day that Haman had plotted to have Queen Esther and her people destroyed, those who sought to destroy them, were destroyed by the order of King Ahasuerus (Esther 9:1-11).  When King Ahasuerus told his wife that her enemies had been destroyed, Queen Esther asked him to make sure by having any that were missed on that day, destroyed the next day (Esther 9:12-13).  So, King Ahasuerus gave the order and the rest of the enemies of her people in the capital city were destroyed (Esther 9:14-15).

King Ahasuerus and Esther had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

Although the Father of Truth is never mentioned, it is obvious that it was His hidden hand that brought about the marriage of King Ahasuerus and Esther.  The Father of Truth knew the intentions of the heart of Haman, so He had arranged for her to marry King Ahasuerus for such a time as this!

It was a whirlwind romance!

King Ahasuerus and Esther met for the first time on their wedding night!  The formal announcement of their marriage and celebration came afterwards.

So, what can we learn from these whirlwind romances?

There are many valuable lessons to be learned from these whirlwind romances.  These whirlwind romances were recorded for our benefit (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

First of all, dating is not necessary for a long and happy marriage.

All five of these women ended up in long and happy marriages without going on a single date with their husbands beforehand.  The closest thing to a date was Ruth sleeping at the feet of Boaz, to let him know that she wanted him to marry her.

The entire idea of dating comes from Greek mythology.

These idol worshipers believed that human beings used to be neither male nor female.  According to them, one day their gods separated human beings into male and female halves as punishment for displeasing them.  Lastly, they taught that their gods scattered the male and female halves, so that each male and female half had to search for their other half.

This myth led to phrases used about dating like "she is my better half", "he completes me", "she is perfect for me", and "they found their perfect match".

Second, physical contact before marriage is not necessary for a long and happy marriage.

Not one of these women had physical contact with their husbands before marriage, except Ruth possibly touching the soles of the feet of Boaz while she slept.

"No Contract - No Contact" helped them to make wiser decisions.

Once young people start getting physically involved with each other, their judgment becomes impaired (Proverbs 5:18-19).  No one can predict what they will do (Proverbs 30:18-19).  They have become completely hollowed out of all reason, like someone who has drank too much wine (Song of Solomon 4:9-10).

[The Hebrew word "shagah" translated as "ravished", means to lose your way because your judgment is impaired - like walking while drunk.  The Hebrew word "labab" also translated as "ravish", means to be hollowed out - like being hollowed out of reason by drinking wine.]

"No Contract - No Contact" works.  It is not unrealistic.  In fact, it has been the normal way of doing things in most of the world for most of history.  It was the normal way of doing things in America for most of history.

Your great grand-parents probably practiced it.  You are the proof that they manage to figure what to do once they were married. 

Third, a long period to get to know each other is not necessary for a long and happy marriage.

Ruth only knew Boaz for four months before they were married.  They only saw each other at work in very public settings.  Abigail only met David briefly once before they got married.  The rest of the women all first met their husbands at their wedding.

They all had long and happy marriages, because both they and their husbands fulfilled their marriage contracts.  Both parties understood what was expected and they did it.

Fourth, a wedding ceremony is not necessary for a long and happy marriage. 

The only one of these women to have an elaborate wedding ceremony was Esther - and that was after she was already married to King Ahasuerus!  There is nothing about Ruth having a ceremony after Boaz paid for her to be his wife.  Abigail could only had a very hurried and short ceremony when she married David.  It is certain that Eve and Rebekah married their husbands without any kind of ceremony.

The truth is that American women have been sold on the fantasy that an elaborate wedding ceremony will ensure a long and happy marriage by the wedding industry.  In fact, the wedding industry benefits from high divorce and remarriage rates.  The wedding industry can make more profit off repeat customers than it can from one time customers.

Fifth, ideal circumstances are not necessary for a long and happy marriage. 

Eve married in truly ideal circumstances, but they did not last.  Rebekah had to leave her family forever to travel with a stranger to marry Isaac.  Ruth was a poor foreigner in a strange land, who had to work long hours to take care of her mother-in-law, when she asked Boaz to marry her.  Abigail married a man that was on the run from the government, right after she lost her husband.  Esther was forced to marry an idol worshiper, who was known for being given over to drinking and being involved with many other women.

A long and happy marriage does not come from being in ideal circumstances.  It comes from people choosing to do right by their spouses, even in trying circumstances.

Sixth, commitment is necessary for a long and happy marriage.

These five women were very committed to marriage.  They showed their commitment with their actions.

A long and happy marriage comes from the Children of Truth having the same commitment to marriage as these five women.

The Children of Truth are committed to "No Contract - No Contact".

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) tells the Children of Truth that it is absolutely necessary for them to avoid sex outside of marriage (Acts 15:28-29).  They understand that their body belongs to the Man of Truth and is not meant for fornication (1 Corinthians 6:13-15).  They repent of fornication to prevent the Man of Truth from bringing severe punish upon them (Revelation 2:20-23).

The Children of Truth know that fornication will keep them inheriting the kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  They know that they cannot let the desire of their flesh to fornicate rule them, and still inherit His kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21).

The Children of Truth know that the Father of Truth will destroy all fornicators (1 Corinthians 10:8).  They put all fornication in their life to death to avoid His wrath (Colossians 3:5-6).

The Children of Truth flee fornication to avoid doing wrong to their own bodies (1 Corinthians 6:18).  They do not let anyone deceive them about fornication and avoid it at all cost (Ephesians 5:3-6).  They abstain from fornication, by only engaging in sex with their spouse inside of marriage (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

The Children of Truth know, that it is good for people to not even so much as hold hands with each other until they are married - this prevents fornication (sex outside of marriage) (1 Corinthians 7:1-2).

However, if the Children of Truth cannot control themselves, then they marry immediately, because that is better than burning in Hell (1 Corinthians 7:8-9).   Marriage prevents them from coming under condemnation for sexual immorality (Hebrews 13:4).

The Children of Truth are committed to marrying only someone, who the Father of Truth chooses for them to marry.

The Children of Truth will not marry someone is closely related to them in their family, either by blood or through marriage (Leviticus 18:6-18).  They will not marry anyone closer related than a first cousin (Numbers 36:10-12).

However, if the wife dies, then her husband might marry her unmarried sister (Leviticus 18:18).

In like manner, if the husband died without children, then his widow will marry his brother, if he lives in a place that is close enough to her for it to be possible, so that they can raise up a child in the name of her dead husband (Deuteronomy 25:5-10).  She will marry the man, who is most closely related to her dead husband, who is willing and able to give her children, regardless of his age or social status (Ruth 3:9-13).  They will marry each other to show kindness to her dead husband (Ruth 4:4-10).

The Children of Truth know that the Father of Truth is very serious about this.  He killed Onan, the son of Judah, because he did not want to raise up seed for his dead brother through the widow of his dead brother (Genesis 38:6-10).

If a man had only daughters, then his daughters will marry someone from their extended family to raise up sons to inherit the property of their father, to show kindness to their father (Numbers 36).

A man will not marry a woman who has been divorced, unless she became divorced due to becoming involved in some sort of sex outside of marriage (Matthew 5:32).  A woman will not marry a man who has been divorced, unless he became divorced due to his wife becoming involved in some sort of sex outside of their marriage (Matthew 19:9).

A woman will not marry another man, just because she has separated herself from her husband (1 Corinthians 7:11).

A Child of Truth might marry again after being divorced, if their former spouse left them for following the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:15).

A widow might marry again (Romans 7:2-3).

The Children of Truth will not marry someone, who the law of the land that they live in forbids them from marrying (Romans 13:1-5).

The Children of Truth will only marry each other (1 Corinthians 7:39).  They will not marry someone, who has not come into the House of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
The Children of Truth are committed to loving the one they married.

The husband and his wife recognize that sex is what literally connects them together (Genesis 2:23-24).  They engage in sex, unless they both agree to abstain from sex for a short time to pursue the Father of Truth, so that they are not tempted to commit fornication (1 Corinthians 7:2-5).

The husband and his wife recognize that all people will encounter times of trouble in their marriage (1 Corinthians 7:28).  So, younger wives seeks out older women of good character to learn how to show love to their husbands (Titus 2:3-5). 

The husband and his wife look for ways to please each other (1 Corinthians 7:33-34).

The wife shows love to her husband, by submitting in everything to him with the same respect that she shows to the Man of Truth, when she submits to him (Ephesians 5:22-24).  The husband shows love to his wife, by giving his life to take care of his wife, as the Man of Truth showed his love for him, by giving his life to take care of him (Ephesians 5:25-30).  The husband and his wife treat each other as the most important person on Earth, by doing these things for each other (Ephesians 5:31-33).

The wife submits herself to her husband, because that reflects well on the Man of Truth (Colossians 3:18).  The husband loves his wife without becoming bitter towards her (Colossians 3:19).

The husband provides for his wife, for even an idol worshiper will do this (1 Timothy 5:8).  He recognizes that his wife can be easily hurt, and honors her as his partner in life, so that he does cause the Father of Truth to ignore his prayers (1 Peter 3:7).

The wife does not just make her appearance attractive, but she cultivates a quiet and submissive spirit that her husband finds truly attractive (1 Peter 3:3-5).   She is even willing to call her husband, "boss" (1 Peter 3:6). 
The Children of Truth are committed to staying married.

The wife does not leave her husband and the husband does not divorce his wife (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

If one of the Children of Truth has married someone, who has not came into the House of Truth, then they still do not seek to leave their unbeliever husband or divorce their unbelieving wife (1 Corinthians 7:12-13).  They stay married to their unbelieving spouse, so that their children do not become unbelievers (1 Corinthians 7:14).   They remain in their marriage, so that they might bring their unbelieving spouse into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:16).

The husband does not seek to divorce his wife when when times get tough (1 Corinthians 7:26-27).

The wife tries to bring her unbelieving husband into the House of Truth, without saying a word, by living a life of quiet submission to him (1 Peter 3:1-2).

A long and happy marriage is possible for anyone.

You might feel trapped in your current situation.

Perhaps, you are in a less than ideal marriage.  You might have came into the House of Truth after you were married, and your spouse wants nothing to do with the Man of Truth.  You might have even been forced marry someone, who is not one of the Children of Truth, against your will. 

You can still have a long and happy marriage.

Even though Esther had no choice about marrying King Ahasuerus, she chose to walk the path of true love.  Esther became his queen by living to please the King.  You can make the same choices to be committed to loving your spouse and staying married to them.

You may have been involved in fornication for years.  You may have came from an extended family like mine, where the divorce rate has been 87% for three generations.  You may feel that there is no hope for you having a long and happy marriage.

You can still have a long and happy marriage.

Today, you can start dedicating the temple that is your body.  Many of the Children of Truth, who had been made filthy by fornication, have now have been made clean (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  They no longer live in the fornication that once defined their lives (Ephesians 5:3-8).  They lived no better than you are living, before they came into the House of Truth (Colossians 3:5-7).

Consider Rahab (Rachab).

Rahab was a prostitute on the day that she first met the Children of Truth (Joshua 2:1).  She hid them from danger because she wanted her family to come into the way of life (Joshua 2:2-13).  So, she entered into a covenant of life with the Children of Truth (Joshua 2:14-21).  This covenant of life saved Rahab from the judgment of the Father of Truth and made her part of the Children of Truth (Joshua 6:16-25).  Then Rahab then married Salmon and became the mother of Boaz, who married Ruth, the great grandmother of King David (Matthew 1:5-6).

Rahab left behind her life of fornication when she came into the House of Truth (Hebrews 11:31).  She made the choice to live differently, so she could have a long and happy marriage (James 2:24-26).

You do not need to date a lot of people or date for a long time to have a long and happy marriage.  It is entirely possible for people in America, or anywhere else, to practice "No Contract - No Contact".

My own daughter is living proof.

My daughter also had an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

She has only ever dated one man.

He is the man that the Father of Truth brought into our lives from the other side of the Earth.  This man from India first sought me out, and asked me how he could come into the House of Truth.  He knew that I was a Child of Truth because I would talk about it at work.  I valued him more than my job, because I know that people are all that really matters.

After he came into the House of Truth, he and another friend we had from work, were over at my house frequently.  When I lost my job and became very sick, he saw how hard my daughter worked to take care of our family.  Like Boaz, it was witnessing the character of my daughter that lead to love.

After a few months of dating, they set a wedding date at what looked like the prime time for them to marry.  However, they decided to get married about seven months earlier.

After the pastor said, "You may now kiss the bride", their lips touched the lips of another human being for the first time in their lives.

They have started a long and happy marriage with their first child arriving soon.

You can also have an arranged marriage - arranged by the Father of Truth!

This could lead to your own whirlwind romance.

If you want the Father of Truth to arrange your marriage, then you must become part of the Children of Truth.  The Father of Truth only arranges marriages for His own children.  These arranged marriages frequently come after a whirlwind romance.

If you come into the House of Truth, then you will be able to practice "No Contract - No Contact".

If you come into the House of Truth, then you will become a new person, who no longer lives their old life (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The Man of Truth will teach you a whole new way of living (Ephesians 4:20-24).  You will live differently than you lived before (Colossians 3:8-10).

When you walk in the Spirit of Truth, then you will not give into the desire of your flesh to fornicate (Galatians 5:16).  The Spirit of Truth will give you the ability to keep the commitments that are the foundation of a long and happy marriage (Galatians 5:22-25).

The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth, so that you will know who to marry (John 16:13).

You will be able to have a marriage arranged by the Father of Truth.  There will be no need to date more than one person, or to even date them very long.  You will be ready for a whirlwind romance!

Not only that, but you will be able to experience something that is better than sex!

The adventure begins when you come into the House of Truth!

So, come to the Man of Truth in total surrender, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)!  Today, is the day for you to get ready for a whirlwind romance (2 Corinthians 6:2)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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