The Messianic Mess
How did the Messianics get to be such a mess?
Messianic Judaism began as the result of the efforts of Christian Zionists. They were working to restore the country of Israel in the land of Israel as a homeland for the people of Israel almost three hundred years before Jewish Zionists began doing the same thing.
Many leaders like Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, have publicly acknowledged that the Impossible Country could not have come about without their efforts. However, the Greatest Zionist is who inspired them to make these efforts and gave them success.
In 1809, some of these Christian Zionists formed "The London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst The Jews", which later became known simply as "The London Jew Society". By 1813, a congregation of Jewish Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), who met on the Sabbath, and used Jewish customs in their efforts to follow the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was formed by the London Jew Society.
While there has always been Jewish Children of Truth, they had been congregating among the Gentile Children of Truth and used Gentile customs in their efforts to follow the Man of Truth for almost 1500 years. They were known as Hebrew Christians.
In some cases, they had continued to observe some of the Jewish customs in many congregations of Celtic Christianity in its original form. Celtic Christianity had been doing this since the conquest of the Romans, when a Jewish man from Israel named Ilid brought them the Gospel in 54 AD.
Also, in the British Isles, they had been able to continue to observe some of these customs - even after the False Church of Rome had taken over - when they were part of fringe groups like the Pilgrims, who also continued to observe the customs that had first been brought to the British Isles by Saint Ilid.
However, this was different. It was a congregation composed mostly of Jews, led by Jews, who focused on reaching other Jews with the Gospel in a Jewish context. They began efforts to reach other Ashkenazi Jews across northern Europe all the way to Russia.
In 1841, one of their missionaries also started the first such congregation in Jerusalem since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
By 1886, there were a dozen or so of these congregations spread out among the countries of northern Europe from Britain to Russia. Some of them were started by the missionaries of The London Jew Society, but others were started by Rabbis who had come to recognize the identity of the Messiah from their own studies.
One of these was Leopold Cohen, who was studying to become a Rabbi in Hungary in 1891. While studying the Book of Daniel, he realized that the Messiah of Israel had to have died in Jerusalem in 31 AD. This contradicted everything that he had learned in his yeshiva.
Three years later, when he came to New York City, he came across a church with a sign in Hebrew that said, "Meetings for Jews". He found in the church about 800 Hebrew Christians using Gentile customs to worship the Messiah of Israel.
Afterwards, he met with the pastor, who gave him a copy of the Renewed Covenant that was written in Hebrew. He read it and realized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel.
So, he organized a congregation of Jewish Children of Truth in New York City that used Jewish customs in their efforts to follow the Man of Truth. So, the first known congregation like this in the United States was formed in 1894.
Some of these congregations dissolved over the years, but there has always been at least one in operation since 1813. A few of these congregations have continued to this day.
However, these congregations were few in number, small in size, and unknown to most of the Children of Truth until things began to change in 1967.
In 1967, the Jesus Movement began. Hippies started surrendering their lives to the Man of Truth without adopting the culture of traditional churches. They strove to speak to their own generation about the Man of Truth in the language of their own culture.
In the same way, Jews among those hippies in the Jesus Movement began adopting customs from Rabbinic Judaism as they followed the Man of Truth. They strove to speak their own people about the Man of Truth in the language of their own culture.
So, in 1967, the modern Messianic Judaism began grew out of the Jesus Movement in the United States.
By the time that I first saw "Jewish Voice" on a Christian Television station in 1989, Messianic Judaism was established enough to have large congregations in American cities that had large Jewish populations.
Soon, I discovered yet more shows put on by Messianic Jewish organizations on Christian Television.
Many of them were led by Jews who often worked with Gentile leaders of the Charismatic organizations, which ran the Christian Television stations. They had met these leaders during the Jesus Movement and worked with them since that time.
A lot of the members of Messianic Jewish congregations were Jewish people who had formerly attended Charismatic churches.
So, with the help of Charismatic congregations and organizations, Messianic Judaism became the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the United States by 2000.
By 2010, it had become the fastest growing segment of Christianity in the world. In some countries, it was the only growing segment with all other segments declining.
By 2015, Messianic Judaism was the fastest growing religious segment in Israel and sparked great debate among the Rabbis about what they could do about it. Most of the growth was not from Olim (immigrants) who brought Messianic Judaism with them, but among Sabras (native born Israelis) who have come to understand that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.
Today, there are over 130 Messianic Judaism congregations in Israel.
So, Messianic Judaism has had tremendous growth, yet most of the Messianic congregations that I have visited are a mess. I have seen from many other people on social media that this is a near universal situation in the United States and perhaps the world.
These Messianics have gotten far away from their enthusiasm to tell everyone about
the Man of Truth when they were part of the Jesus Movement.
Most of these Messianic congregations in America today have more members who are not physical descendants of Israel, Gentiles according to the flesh, than Jews according to the flesh. They did not grow up Jewish, so they somehow feel the need to prove their Jewishness. They are the very opposite of The Reluctant Jew.
They spend a lot of time arguing over things like how to pronounce YHVH and almost no time in carrying out the Great Commission. They are trying to be hyper-Jewish in the customs of their congregations instead of being hyper-Messiah in their lifestyles. They major on minors and minor on majors.
Here are some of the things that I have witnessed in various congregations that I visited or was a member of or have seen on the internet:
Some of their meetings are disorderly and chaotic.
When they have a midrash, it does not remain a calm discussion but becomes a shouting match with people talking over each other. They call anyone who does not agree with them a heretic or a false teacher.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is not the author of this confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). They are not obeying the commandment to do all things decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).
They have a heart full of envy and strife that comes from pride, which causes them to lie against the truth (James 3:14). This confusion comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) through envy and strife (James 3:16).
They think more highly of themselves than they should, instead of recognizing that they are no better than anyone else (Romans 12:3-5). They are not kindly affectionate to each other and preferring each other above themselves (Romans 12:10).
Instead of being of one mind towards each other, they mind high things and refuse to come down to those of low positions because they are wise in their own conceit (Romans 12:16). They are not of one mind towards each other but reject those who the Man of Truth has accepted (Romans 15:5-7).
Instead of using their liberty to serve each other, they bite and devour each other, even to the point where their congregation ends up destroyed (Galatians 5:13-15).
Some of them say that believers should not call the Man of Truth "Jesus" because the word comes from an idolatrous culture, but instead call him "Yeshua", because that is his Hebrew name.
The fact is that "Yah'shua" is the Hebrew name of the Man of Truth, not "Yeshua". Most English speakers cannot even pronounce his name correctly.
"Yeshua" is the Aramaic (Syriac (Syrian language)) name of the the Man of Truth. This word also comes from an idolatrous culture because Aramaic was the language of the Assyrians (Isaiah 36:11-13).
The Greeks also could not pronounce his Hebrew name correctly. So, the translators of the Septuagint transliterated "Yeshua" into Greek.
There is no "Y" sound in Greek, so they substituted an "I" for the "Y". There is no "Sh" sound in Greek, so they replaced it with an "S". The tribe of Ephraim was no different (Judges 12:5-6). The long "U" sound is denoted by "OU" in Greek. A masculine name in Greek cannot end in a vowel, so the "A" sound was replaced with an "S". So, "Yeshua" was transliterated into "Iesous" in the Septuagint.
The writers of the Renewed Covenant had no problem with this. For they quoted from the Septuagint and used "Iesous" as the name of the Man of Truth.
The English word "Jesus" comes from the Greek word "Iesous", which is the word that "Yah'shua" is translated into in the Septuagint - the Greek translation of the Original Covenant.
It is for this reason that the King James translators mistakenly translated "Iesous" as "Jesus" when it should have been translated as "Joshua" in one of these quotes (Acts 7:45-46).
So, it is utterly absurd of these Messianics to get worked up about people calling the Man of Truth "Jesus" because it came from the Greek transliteration of "Yah'shua", when they are calling him "Yeshua", which is a name from the language used by the idol worshiping Assyrians.
Some of them deny being Christians.
They say that the word "Christian" was invented by Gentiles and that the early congregations identified themselves by other names.
The believers were first called "Christians" in Antioch when Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) arrived, but there is no indication that this word was created by outsiders as they claim (Acts 11:25-26). They never mention that Jews like King Agrippa called the believers Christians and Paul the Jew identified himself as one as well (Acts 26:27-29). They seem to be ignorant that Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) in like manner used "Christian" to identify believers (1 Peter 4:16-19).
Some call the Rapture a false teaching and identify themselves as belonging to a group that mostly contains rebels who are destroyed in the Wilderness after the Man of Truth returns to the Earth.
They do not recognized that only the worthy will hear the sound of the trumpet that calls the Children of Truth to meet the Man of Truth IN THE AIR. They want to be part of the Greater Exodus of Jews gathered to the wilderness ON THE EARTH for still refusing to come to the Man of Truth in total surrender - even after going through the Tribulation.
They do not consider that the Law of Truth says that the Tribulation will come upon the descendants of Israel who refuse to obey the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:27-31). They seem to be ignorant that he will pour out his wrath upon them in the Tribulation until their repentance brings His favor (Isaiah 60:9-10).
Nor do they consider that the Prophets of Truth said that this wrath will also come upon Gentiles for the evil that they have done (Isaiah 13:9-13). They do not acknowledge that the Gentiles have likewise rejected the covenant that the Father of Truth offered them (Isaiah 24:4-6).
They do not acknowledge that this wrath is reserved for the enemies of the Father of Truth (Nahum 1:2). They do not acknowledge that this wrath is only for those who have rejected the Gospel (Romans 1:16-19).
They are not waiting for the Man of Truth to deliver them from this wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:10). They refuse to be comforted with the promise that the Father of Truth has not appointed the Children of Truth to this wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11).
They refuse to believe that the Children of Truth who have already died will be resurrected at the first trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:13-16). They refuse to be comforted with the knowledge that the living Children of Truth will be caught up right after them to meet with the Man of Truth IN THE AIR at the blast of the second trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18).
(In the Law of Truth, the first trumpet calls for those who go ahead of the rest to assemble, but second trumpet calls for the rest to follow them in assembling (Numbers 10:1-7). So, the last trumpet calls for the rest to assemble right after the first trumpet called for those who went ahead were called to assemble.)
[The Greek word "arpazo" is translated as "caught up" . (Note that there is no "H" sound in Greek as can be seen when you look at the Greek spelling of arpazo. The "H" was added by Latin speakers because in Latin writing a word could not start with a vowel, so they added a silent "H" to the spelling. This is still done in Spanish, which came from Latin.)
The Greek word "arpazo" could have just as accurately been translated as "raptured". The word "raptured" comes from "rapturo" - the Latin word for the Greek word "arpazo". So, the word "raptured" is literally used here, making this event "the Rapture".]
Not only do they reject the concept of the Rapture, despite the event called the Rapture literally being called that in the Renewed Covenant, but they also reject the very words of the Man of Truth, who says in language so plain that it takes a complete lack of common sense and reason to get it wrong, that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation (Luke 21:35-36). They insist that "escape all" means something other than "escape all".
Instead, they insist that the Children of Truth will be gathered to the wilderness ON THE EARTH where the rebels among them who refuse to recognize the Man of Truth as their king and obey his commandments will be destroyed (Ezekiel 20:33-38). They say that this will happen after the trumpet is blown for the angels to gather all of the elect after the Tribulation is over (Matthew 24:29-31).
They seem to be so spatially challenged that they cannot understand there is no place ON THE EARTH that can ever be the same place as IN THE AIR.
Some of them deny that people either go to Heaven or Hell immediately after death.
They claim that the chamber of horrors called Hell is not from the Book of Truth (The Bible) but came from the myths of idol worshipers.
They do not believe the Law of Truth when it says that the lowest Hell is set on fire by the anger of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:22). They do not believe the Man of Truth when he said that Lazarus and the rich man were both conscious after they died (Luke 16:20-22). They do not believe the Man of Truth when he said that the rich man looked up from the lowest Hell to see Lazarus comforted in paradise and then pleaded with Abraham (Luke 16:23-24).
They seem to be ignorant that the Man of Truth is currently in Heaven (Acts 1:9-11). They do not believe the Word of Truth that says believers go to be with the Man of Truth in heaven when their spirits leave their bodies (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). They seem to be ignorant that their bodies die when their spirit is absent from it (James 2:26).
Some are very opposed to speaking in tongues and forbid their members from doing so.
These same congregation have no power in their congregation because they have rejected the sound of power.
They reject the words of the Man of Truth that his followers would speak in tongues (Mark 16:17). They rebel against his commandment to not forbid people from speaking in tongues in their congregations (1 Corinthians 14:37-39). They have quenched the Spirit of Truth and despised prophesying (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20).
In fact, their congregations are often totally lacking in any sort of signs and wonders occurring in them, even though this is exactly what follows those who spread the message of the Man of Truth to confirm that message (Mark 16:17-20). They do not have the power of the Spirit of Truth needed to be witnesses of the Man of Truth in even the most remote places on Earth (Acts 1:8).
Some of them are constantly involved in conspiracy theories.
They have spread lies about people like President Obama.
They claimed to have "inside information" that President was going to order the military to kill the Children of Truth and take over as dictator when his second term was over. They made many other like accusations against him. Every single one of these accusations has proven to be a lie including that President Obama is the Antichrist.
They are ignorant of the secret plan of the Greatest Zionist to take over the world. They are not part of this global conspiracy of the Father of Truth, but instead have become victims of the Grand Conspiracy of the Father of Lies.
They disobey the Law of Truth and bear false witness against other people (Exodus 20:16). They ignore the commandment to not be a talebearer to other people (Leviticus 19:16). They are contentious and constantly stirring up strife by bearing tales that burn upon their lips from a wicked heart (Proverbs 26:20-23).
They revile and curse their rulers contrary to the commandment of the Law of Truth (Exodus 22:28). They are quick to speak evil of their rulers (Acts 23:4-5).
They despise the government because they are presumptuous and self-willed (2 Peter 2:10). These filthy dreamers despise the government and speak evil of those in the government (Jude 1:8).
They waste their time worrying about the secret plots of men because they are not convince that the Father of Truth will only allow those plots to succeed to fulfill His own purposes (Proverbs 19:21). They are not convince that no one can outwit the Father of Truth and that He is able to keep them safe from every plot (Proverbs 21:30-31).
They fear that the Father of Truth will forsake them or fail them, instead of causing them to prevail over those who seek their destruction (Deuteronomy 31:3-6). They do not believe that it shall be well with the righteous, but the wicked will come to a bad end (Ecclesiastes 8:12-13).
They doubt that the Father of Truth is their helper and will bring evil upon those who seek to harm them (Psalm 54:3-5). They fear what people can do to them and are not content that they have all that they need because they are not convinced that the Father of Truth is their helper who will never forsake or leave them (Hebrews 13:5-6).
As a result of these things, many of them live their lives in fear.
They are preparing to survive the Tribulation by stocking up food and building compounds in isolated areas instead of heeding the warning of "People get ready". They have stockpiled guns and ammo to make sure that they can kill anyone who comes for their stuff. They are separating themselves from other people as much as possible and learning how to live off the grid
They are not persuaded that lacking things or suffering persecution
or even being killed can separate them from the love of the Father of
Truth (Romans 8:35-39).
They are not willing to be partakers of the afflictions of the Gospel
because they are no fully persuaded that the Father of Truth will take
care of them - even if they should die (2 Timothy 1:8-12).
They refuse to answer the call of the Man of Truth to die for following him (Mark 8:34-35). He is not their life, so they do not see their death as gain (Philippians 1:20-21). They are not convinced that it is far better for them to die and be with him, but more needful for others for them to live on this Earth (Philippians 1:22-24).
They do not obey his commandment to not store up the things needed to survive because the Father of Truth will provide them (Luke 12:22-24). Instead, they worry about how they will provide these things for themselves, instead of trusting the Father of Truth to provide for their every need (Luke 12:25-28).
So they spend their time, treasures, and talents seeking after the basics of life just like those who do not know the Father of Truth, instead of spending those things to seek after His Kingdom and trusting Him to take care of them (Luke 12:29-31). So they are afraid to give away their stuff to others who need it because their hearts are where they have stored up their stuff (Luke 12:32-34).
So, they do not go into all nations to teach the commandments of the Man of Truth because they do not believe that he has been given all power (Matthew 28:18-20). They do not put their strength into obeying his commandment to go into all the world to tell others the Good News about him (Mark 16:15-16).
Some exalt their teachers to the point of worshiping them.
They will not discern that there is a snake in the leaves. They become angry if anyone dare ask their teachers to explain any scripture that seems to contradict their teaching. They throw away all common sense and reason to defend the teaching of their teachers, even when it is impossible to reconciled it with every part of the Book of Truth.
They refuse to inspect the lives of their teachers to be sure that they are not false prophets as the Man of Truth commanded (Matthew 7:15-20). They refuse to inspect the words of their teachers to see if their words reveal a heart that agrees with the Word of Truth or opposed to it (Matthew 12:33-35).
They refuse to test everything and only keep that which is found to agree with the Word of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:21). They do not obey the commandment to withdraw from teachers who are proud and know nothing because they will not consent to the words of the Man of Truth, but instead stir up strife by twisting the words of the Book of Truth to match their teaching (1 Timothy 6:3-5).
They have rejected the commandment to teach no other doctrine other than what is taught by the Apostles of Truth but have instead listened to those who boast of their Jewish ancestry to teach Jewish fables (1 Timothy 1:3-4). Their teachers have replaced the message of love and faith found in the Law of Truth with meaningless words because these teachers do not understand the Law of Truth that they desire to teach (1 Timothy 1:5-7). They have heaped up these teachers to themselves who sound interesting, who have turned them away from hearing the Word of Truth to believe Jewish fables instead (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
Some of their teachers have even went so far as to deny the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.
These wolves have risen up from among the Messianics to draw disciples after themselves (Acts 20:29-30). They have become enemies of the cross to fulfill the desires of their flesh (Philippians 3:18-19).
They have brought in damnable heresies that deny the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel and cause others to speak evil of the truth of the Gospel to sell their merchandise to these Messianics (2 Peter 2:1-3).
The entire movement was flawed from the beginning in that they are trying to combine Rabbinic Judaism with the teachings of the Man of Truth. They do not recognize that the Rabbis are liars and the source of Jewish trouble.
They are trying to please two masters - the Man of Truth and the Rabbis, which cannot be done (Matthew 6:24). What is highly esteemed by the Rabbis is an abomination to the Man of Truth (Luke 16:13-15).
So, they have ignored the warning of the Man of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees - which is the basis of Rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 16:6-12). This leaven has worked though the entire lump to the point that many have said that men must be circumcised to be saved, contrary to the Gospel (Galatians 5:6-9).
Their worship of Father of Truth has become one of lip service based on the commandments of men (Mark 7:6-8). They have rejected the commandments of the Father of Truth so they can keep the traditions of the Rabbis (Mark 7:9). They have made themselves subject to the commandments of the Rabbis instead of being dead to the things of the world (Colossians 2:20-22).
So, they have disobeyed the commandment of the Man of Truth to call no one Rabbi - except for him (Matthew 23:7-8). They have given heed to Jewish fables and obeying the commandments of the Rabbis that turn people from the Word of Truth (Titus 1:14).
This has led to them including books like the Book of Enoch to form their doctrine that were not written by a Jew as required to be part of the Book of Truth (Romans 3:1-2). They have included books like Judith that were not written by either a Prophet of Truth or an Apostle of Truth as required to be part of the Word of Truth (2 Peter 3:1-2).
So, they are ready to defend their attempts to marry the teachings of the Rabbis with those of the Man of Truth against anyone who opposes them, including Paul the Jew.
Paul the Jew was very zealous in following in the teachings of the
Rabbis until he met the Man of Truth on the road to Damascus (Acts 22:3-8). After that, he regarded the teachings of the Rabbis as filth that must be discarded (Philippians 3:5-8).
For this reason, some of them call Paul the Jew a false teacher and false Apostle because his teachings contradict their own teachings that are based on the teachings of the Rabbis. This not only removes more than half of the books that were written by Paul the Jew out of the Renewed Covenant, but all other books as well.
The Gospel of Luke would also be invalid (Luke 1:1-4). Luke also wrote the Acts (Acts 1:1). Acts calls Paul the Jew an Apostle of Truth (Acts 14:14).
It also invalidates the epistles of Peter the Jew since Peter the Jew calls the writings of Paul the Jew scripture (2 Peter 3:15-16).
If the epistles of Peter are invalid than he would also be a false Apostle, invalidating the Gospels. This would invalidate the entirety of the Renewed Covenant that is built upon the Gospels.
So, many Messianics have been removed to following another Gospel - that is not the Gospel at all but a perversion of it (Galatians 1:6-7). These false teachers that have risen up among the Messianics are accursed for this perversion of the Gospel (Galatians 1:7-9).
So, how can Messianics get out of this mess?
They must purge this leaven from out of their doctrine (1 Corinthians 5:6-8). They must abandon these Rabbinic traditions and instead keep the traditions taught by the Apostles of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:14-15). They must withdraw themselves from anyone who will not keep the traditions taught by the Apostles of Truth (2 Thessalonians 3:6).
They must mark those who cause divisions by teaching anything contrary to the teachings of the Apostles of Truth and avoid them (Romans 16:17). They must not help in anyway those who teach anything contrary to the pure doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 John 1:9-11).
This does not mean that Messianics should return to the error of mixing customs from idolatry with the teachings of the Apostles of Truth.
They need to obey and teach others to obey the least commandments of the Law of Truth if they want to be great in the kingdom of the Father of Truth, but otherwise people can still be in the kingdom as part of the least in the kingdom (Matthew 5:18-19).
They must have a righteousness that is greater than that taught by the Rabbis (Matthew 5:20). They must keep the weightier matters of the Law of Truth as well the lessor commandments like paying tithes (Matthew 23:23). They have to realized that no one will inherit His kingdom if they fail to keep the weightier matters of the Law of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
They must acknowledge that people are saved by what the Man of Truth did and not circumcision, so only those who are circumcised are debtors to keep the whole Law of Truth - both the weightier matters and the least commandments (Galatians 5:2-4).
So, they can continue to be jealous to keep the whole Law of Truth as Paul the Jew did (Acts 21:20-24). They just need to remember that the Gentiles are not required to do so to have a place in the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Acts 21:25).
So, they are not to return to mixing things like holidays from idolatry with the teachings of the Apostles of Truth (Galatians 4:8-10).
So, Messianics get out of this mess by teaching and practicing Biblical Christianity: Pure Biblical Truth - No Pagan Influences - No Rabbinic Distort.
You can avoid the Messianic Mess by coming into the House of Truth and staying in the house.
The first step to doing this is making a commitment to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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