Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Perfect Woman

What defines the perfect woman?

Men often try in vain to find the perfect woman.  Women often try in vain to be the perfect woman.

Part of what makes their efforts so useless is that they do not really know what defines the perfect woman.  If a man found the perfect woman, then how would he know it?  If a woman became the perfect woman, then how would she know it?

Does the perfect woman possess a certain set of physical characteristics?  How can there be a perfect hair color?  Or eye color?  Or skin color?  How can there be a perfect height or weight?

After all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Even if a man found a woman who he thought had the perfect set of physical characteristics, the woman would not keep that look for life.  Even if she did, her beauty would still fade in his eyes due to familiarity.

It is like a beautiful painting in the foyer of a mansion.  The visitors might be struck by it, trying to take it all in.  However, eventually the owner of the mansion will start walking by it without giving it a second thought.  Over time, he might not even notice right away if it was removed and replaced with a similar painting.

Also, the man will change over time.  Eventually, he might find a different set of characteristics more interesting, if no other reason than they are different than what he has gotten used to seeing.

In the end, beauty is vain.  It can get the attention of a man for a little while, but it cannot hold it endlessly.  The new will always wear off.  Those chasing Aphrodite will always end up disappointed.

So, what does define the perfect woman?

Perhaps it is nothing physical, but rather things like talent, intelligence, wealth, or power.  After all, these things can always benefit the man who marries a woman who possesses these things.

Yet, these things can also bring trouble to the man who marries her.  They can make the man feel intimidated by his wife - especially if he is lacking these things.  

Worse yet, what if the woman decides to use them against her husband because she is unhappy with him for some reason?  They might actually be used to enslave the man.

In the end, these things are only beneficial if they are possessed by the right type of woman.  

So, what does define the perfect woman?

Perhaps it is her personality and interests.  After all, a man is going have to live with the woman he marries.

Anyone can act in a charming way for a few hours at a time in a fun environment.  A woman can focus only on her interests that intersect with the interests of the man for a few hours at a time.

The truth is that you never really know anyone until you have lived with them for a while.  

Eventually, the woman will have a bad day and her charm will be gone.  

Her other interests will show up and so will his.  Any interests that they do not share will be exposed.

Of course, it will be worse if the woman was putting on an act to get the man to marry her.  Once they are married, she will drop the act and the conflicts will begin.

Even if the woman is genuinely charming and shares the exact same interests with the exact same level of enthusiasm as the man, it will not last.  Their interests will not always match up.

The things that the man may find charming for a few hours at a time, might become irritating day after day.  He will lose interest in some things and develop new interest in other things. 

The woman will change over time and do things differently.  Her charming personality will change.  Her interests will also change.

Even if she does not change, her husband probably will.  The things that her husband found charming when they were young, he may find irritating when he is old.

So, what does the define the perfect woman?

It is having good character in all circumstances that makes a woman extremely valuable (Proverbs 31:10).  The heart of her husband can trust safely in her, because she will do good to him and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12).

The perfect woman takes care of her home.

She finds ways to make delicious meals (Proverbs 31:14).  She gets up early to ensure everyone has a good breakfast (Proverbs 31:15).

She makes sure that everyone in her house has quality clothing that looks attractive (Proverbs 31:21).  She wears attractive clothing and decorates her house attractively (Proverbs 31:22).

She manages the affairs of house wisely and is never lazy (Proverbs 31:27).

The perfect woman takes care of her business.

She looks for materials needed to put her hands to productive work (Proverbs 31:13).  She buys things that she can work with to produce useful things (Proverbs 31:16).

She never stops working in her pursuit of making high quality things (Proverbs 31:18).  Her hands are occupied with the tools of her trade (Proverbs 31:19).

She finds markets for her goods and sells them (Proverbs 31:24).

The perfect woman takes care of her community.

She does what she can to take of the poor and the needy (Proverbs 31:20). 

She is respected by all for her strength and honesty (Proverbs 31:25).  She only speaks to other people in a gentle voice with words of wisdom (Proverbs 31:26).

The perfect woman takes care of her husband.

She will always find the strength to take care of the needs of her husband (Proverbs 31:17).  She causes her husband to be honored in their community (Proverbs 31:23). 

The perfect woman is strengthen by the the appreciation of her family.

Her husband and children must tell her how blessed they are to have her in their lives (Proverbs 31:28).  Her husband must let her know that she is the most important person on Earth to him (Proverbs 31:29).  Her husband must give her what she has earned from her hard work (Proverbs 31:31).

So, what defines the perfect woman?

The perfect woman is not defined by anything other than the choices she makes.  Everything that makes her the perfect woman is within her control.  Any woman can become the perfect woman.

What is it that causes the perfect woman to make such praiseworthy choices?

It is not empty beauty or deceitful charm that causes her to be praised, but her fear of the Father of Truth (Proverbs 31:30).

She will choose to be the perfect woman even with a whirlwind romance.   Her fear of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will cause her to walk the path of true love, even if she had no say in who she married. 

She will honor the terms of her ketubah as long as they both shall live.  She understands that those who do not do so are liars and thieves.  

She will never even consider using the nuclear option.  She will never commit treason against her husband by departing from him (Jeremiah 3:20).

This does not mean that she is purposely reckless.  

She will seek to form the right partnership for love.  She will wait until the right time for love.  She will keep dedicating her temple until the day of her marriage.

The truth is that no one is born as the perfect woman.  

A woman can only start to become the perfect woman by being born again (1 Peter 1:23-24).  She can only become the perfect woman with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).

Of course, the perfect woman deserves the perfect man.

The problem is there has only ever been one perfect man - the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  All other men have fall short of the glory of the Perfect Man (Romans 3:23).

Her husband must also be born again to start becoming like the Perfect Man.  His only hope for obtaining the glory of the Perfect Man is to have the Man of Truth living inside of him (Colossians 1:27).

So, the perfect marriage can only come from a husband and wife forming a love triangle with the Man of Truth.  That couple can then discover something better than sex.

They can only love each other like the Father of Truth loves them when they both make the Man of Truth the ruler of their lives (1 John 4:15-16).  They can only have perfect love in their marriage when they choose to become like the Perfect Man in this present world (1 John 4:17-18).

So come into the House of Truth, and start becoming the perfect woman - or a man worthy of the perfect woman - today.

Make the Man of Truth the ruler of your life, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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