The End Of The Romans
What brought about the end of Romans?
With the expulsion of the Romans, the False Church of Rome was pushed out of the British Isles.
However, the hordes of Irish, Deisi, Dalcassians, Scoti, Picts, Anglos, Saxons, and others who had driven out the Romans also brought about a revival of the religion of the Druids throughout the British Isles, especially in the area that had been Roman Britain.
Still, Celtic Christianity had spread throughout the British Isles as well during the Roman Occupation of the Romans. It also remained throughout the British Isles after the Romans left.
So, the stage was set for another contest between Celtic Christianity and the religion of the Druids in the British Isles.
However, the Romans still remained a threat to Celtic Christianity.
The Romans were no longer occupying Roman Britain after 411 AD, but many Romans remained there. Most of them had become part of the Children of Truth and practiced Celtic Christianity.
However, as long as the Romans remained in power there was always the threat that they would return and once again try to coerce the followers of Celtic Christianity back under the control of the False Church of Rome – the only religion allowed by the Romans. The Romans also hindered the spread of Celtic Christianity as long as they controlled everything on the mainland of western Europe except Brittany.
Brittany was especially threatened by the Romans since it bordered the Roman providence of Gaul. The only way for Celtic Christianity to be truly safe from the Romans was for the Western Roman Empire to come to an end.
Still, although the Romans had left Roman Britain, their influence remained. The people of former Roman Britain were now Romano-British.
They continued to use Roman money for trade and build Roman style cities. They also continued to speak British Latin and use the Latin Vulgate translation of the Book of Truth (The Bible).
This situation did not exist just in the British Isles. It also existed in Brittany where the Romans still ruled.
Not all of Celtic Christianity was free from Roman occupation and the influence of the False Church of Rome. Celtic Christianity was still threatened by the False Church of Rome in Brittany.
However, the events were already under way to bring an end to the Romans.
After the Romans left Roman Britain for good in 411 AD, Western Roman Emperor Honorius made a general distribution of Hispania among the various Germanic tribes that had assisted the Romans. The Suebi were given eastern Gallica in northern Hispania and the Vandals were given western Gallica. General Hermeric was then recognized as the King of the Suebi and made peace with the Romans.
Among those Romans who remained in Roman Britain were the parents of Ambrosius Aurelianus, who were soon killed by invading Anglo-Saxons. His father had been a high-ranking Roman official and a Celtic Christian, so Ambrosius Aurelianus began leading an effort to drive the Anglo-Saxons out of Roman Britain.
Soon Ambrosius Aurelianus was recognized as king over part of the Romano-British people. He wanted to restore stronger relationships with the Romans in hopes to get their help in fighting off the invading hordes.
However, High King Vortigern, the High King of the British, saw King Ambrosius Aurelianus as a threat and consulted with twelve Druids. They advised that he seek the help of the Anglo-Saxons against King Ambrosius Aurelianus. High King Vortigern therefore made an alliance with the Anglo-Saxons and married the daughter of one of their kings.
So, now the Celtic Christianity practiced by King Ambrosius Aurelianus and many others in the British Isles was not threatened by the False Church of Rome, but by new followers of the religion of the Druids. High King Vortigern along with many of the Romano-British people had returned to worshiping rocks and trees like their ancestors had done to gain peace with the invaders.
Around this time, King Pabo Post Prydain, grandson of King Eudaf Hen, began leading the army of his kingdom in the Old North to fight against the Anglo-Saxon invaders as well. He knew that followers of Celtic Christianity had to be protected from these followers of the religion of the Druids.
In 412 AD King Talorc mac Achiuir died, and Drest I became the new king of Pictland.
King Drest I soon began leading raids into the Old North to expand Pictland. Soon the kingdoms of Lothian and Gododdin were soon established as new kingdoms subject to the king of Pictland.
He then began persecuting the followers of Celtic Christianity in southern Pictland to bring all of Pictland back into the religion of the Druids. He exiled his brother Nechtan Morbet to live in the part of Dal Riata that is in North Ireland.
Around that time Saint Ninian left Whithorn to bring the Good News to the Scoti that lived in southern Dal Riata (northwest Scotland). So, Celtic Christianity began spreading among the Scoti. By this time, the Scottish Gaelic of Dal Riata began becoming more distinct from the Irish Gaelic spoken in most of Ireland.
(Saint is not used in the sense of the False Church of Rome in this post. It is used in the sense of the Book of Truth (The Bible), where the term is used for all of the Children of Truth. It is used to distinguish the Children of Truth from others in this post. Other terms are used for members of the False Church of Rome like Bishop and Pope.)
Around this time, High King Corc died and divided the kingdom of Deisi Munan between his four sons. Their descendants were known as the Eóganachta.
His oldest son Nad Fróech was King of Cashel, the capital of Munster, and thus the next High King of the Deisi. By this time, all the kingdoms of the Deisi had come to be called Munster since the High King of the Deisi had consistently came from there.
In 413 AD, Charaton, King of the Huns, died, and Flavius Aetius was released from being a hostage to ensure that the Romans would not attack the Huns. Flavius Aetius then went to the court of Western Roman Emperor Honorius in Ravenna and became an officer in the Roman army.
Around 415 AD, King Gradlon asked Saint Corentin to start a Celtic Christian community and teaching center at Quimper in Brittany. Saint Corentin taught people how to use the changing sea levels to their advantage by alternating between cereal crops and fish farming as Celtic Christianity there.
Around 416 AD, General Edern and his son Cunedda were still following the orders that Western Roman Emperor Maximus had left his father General Padarn Beisrudd before the Romans left Roman Britain. So, they continued to keep the invading Irish and Picts out of the Old North as well.
General Cunedda soon married Gwawl, the daughter of King Pabo Post. This formed a formal alliance between two groups who had been put in power by Western Roman Emperor Maximus before the Romans left Roman Britain.
One of the reasons the Romans had to leave Roman Britain was to fight the Visigoths. The fighting continued with the Roman army being led by General Constantius.
In 417 AD, General Constantius married Galla Placidia - the sister of Western Roman Emperor Honorius.
Also that year Pope Innocent I died, and Zosimus the son of a Greek named Abramius from southern Italy became the next Pope.
In 418, Western Roman Emperor Honorius made a treaty with the Visigoths giving them southwestern Gaul. The Visigoths were also given food in exchange for help in fighting against other Germanic tribes invading Gaul and Hispania.
Also that year Pope Zosimus died, and Boniface the son of Jocundus of Rome was made the next Pope by Western Roman Emperor Honorius.
Around 419 AD, the Vandals attacked the Suebi and forced King Hermeric to take refuge in the mountains. However, the Romans sent an army to drive the Vandals out of the land of Suebi to maintain the peace in Hispania.
That same year Prince Brychan married Prawst, the daughter of Prince Tudwal ap Anwn. He made them rulers of the northern part of the principality of Tudwal.
By 420 AD, General Constantius had regained complete control of Gaul and Hispania.
In 421 AD, Western Roman Emperor Honorius made General Constantius co-emperor but Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II refuse to acknowledge Western Roman Emperor Constantius III as such.
Later that year, Western Roman Emperor Constantius III died. Soon afterwards, more Germanic tribes began invading Gaul, Hispania, and the former Roman Britain. Also Galla Placidia fled to the court of Constantinople with her children Valentinian and Honoria.
Around this time, King Cormach mac Urb died, and his son Anlach Goronog mac Cormac became the next king of the returning Deisi in Ireland. King Brychan moved back to Ireland to help his father.
In 422 AD Pope Boniface I died, and Celestine the son of Priscus of southern Italy became the next Pope.
Around that time, High King Gradlon died and his son Saloman I became the new high king of Brittany.
Also around this time, Saint Assicus came into the House of Truth through the preaching of Saint Patrick. He soon began using his skills as a metal worker to help Saint Patrick spread Celtic Christianity.
In 423 AD, Western Roman Emperor Honorius died childless and without naming a successor. Emperor Theodosius II was hesitant to announce the death of his uncle and name a successor. So, Joannes was appointed as interim emperor by the top adviser of Western Roman Emperor Honorius.
Joannes immediately repealed all laws recognizing the False Church of Rome as the only official religion of the Western Roman Empire. He allowed people to follow the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) according to their own understanding – including Celtic Christianity.
So, Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Joannes as the legitimate emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Therefore he began organizing a military force to replace him with his nephew Valentinian.
So, the Romans invited the Huns to help them.
So in 424 AD Western Roman Emperor Joannes sent Flavius Aetius to ask the Huns to aid the Western Roman Empire in fighting against the Eastern Roman Empire.
Around this time, Triffyn Farfog, a Roman tribune that Emperor Maximus had left in charge of the Deisi that settled in Dyfed, married the daughter of King Edynfed ap Anwn. He was given Dyfed to rule over as his own kingdom for a wedding present.
In 425 AD, the Eastern Roman army led by General Valentinian defeated the Western Roman army at Ravenna. Valentinian III was now the new emperor of the Western Roman Empire.
Shortly after that, General Aetius returned to Ravenna with a huge army of Huns. General Aetius and his army of Huns handily beat the first Roman army that Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III sent out to defend Ravenna.
So Galla Placidia, who ruled under her son Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III, made a deal with General Aetius to avoid a costly war with the Huns. Soon General Aetius sent his army of Huns home with compensation for their efforts.
In 426 AD, General Aetius took command of the entire Roman army in Gaul. He soon began driving the Germanic tribes out of Gaul while dealing with plots by other Roman generals to kill him.
General Aetius was so successful that in 429 AD he became co-head of the entire army of the Western Roman Empire. However, he had to continually fight against the Franks to maintain the borders of the Western Roman Empire.
Also that year, the False Church of Rome sent Bishop Germanus of Auxerre to turn the people of former Roman Britain away from the teachings of Pelagius. When he arrived in eastern England, High King Vortigern sent his grandson Cadell Ddyrnllwg to arrest him.
So, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre fled to Wales. When he arrived in Wales, he was able to convince many of the Welsh to accept the teaching of Augustine instead due to his superior rhetoric skills.
While there, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre learned that the Romano-British inhabitants of Wales were being attacked in raids by an army consisting of Picts and Saxons. So, he used his skills as a former Roman general and led a small Welsh army to a valley in the north of Wales to confront the raiders.
Bishop Germanus of Auxerre managed to trick the raiders into believing that his Welsh army was much larger than theirs. So, they fled for their lives leaving behind much of the wealth that taken from the Welsh in their raids.
Around 427 AD King Dallan, a descendant of King Lugaid Lorc, died and his son Forga mac Dallan became the next king of Dal Fiatach.
In 428 AD, High King Nath I (Nath Í mac Fiachrach) died and Lóegaire (Lóegaire mac Néill), the son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, became the next High King of the Irish. His two daughters were tutored by Druids.
However, his brother King Eógan mac Néill had left the religion of the Druids. He began helping Saint Patrick in his efforts to spread Celtic Christianity throughout northern Ireland.
Soon after this, King Crimthann mac Énnai of Lienster was baptized by Saint Patrick. He too began helping Saint Patrick with his efforts to spread Celtic Christianity throughout Lienster.
Around this same time, Saint Sechnall (Secundinus), the nephew of Saint Patrick, established a congregation at Armagh. Among the first congregants were Saint Benignus of Armagh and Saint Mac Cairthinn of Clogher.
Saint Mac Cairthinn of Clogher soon became the traveling companion and bodyguard of Saint Patrick.
Also, Saint Patrick was joined by another nephew, Saint Auxilius, around that time.
(Saint Auxilius and Saint Sechnall were the sons of his sister Saint Darerca. She had moved to Ireland after she had married Chonas the Briton to help him start a Celtic Christian congregation there.)
Later Saint Patrick sent another son of Saint Darerca, Saint Mel, to Ardagh to start congregations there.
In 429 AD, the Vandals were forced out of western Gallica by the Romans and into the northern African provinces after conducting raids against their neighbors. This left their land in western Gallica vacant.
Also that year, Bishop Palladius was sent by the False Church of Rome to Brittany to convert the people there from Celtic Christianity to the religion of the False Church of Rome. He had little success and soon returned to Rome.
In 430 AD, King Hermeric began leading the Suebi in taking over the rest of Gallica. However, they set out to take all of Gallica – not just the part left vacant by the Vandals.
That year the Romans were also forced to move much of their army out of Brittany to deal with more invading Franks in other parts of Gaul. Around this time, Roman coins began disappearing from the British Isles since former Roman Britain primarily traded with the Romans through Brittany.
Around this time, King Edynfed ap Anwn died. Since his son Dyfnwal ap Edynfed had predeceased him, his grandson Ynyr ap Dyfnwal became the next king of Gwent and ruler of the principality of Edynfed.
Also this year, Saint Odran learned of a plot by an Irish king to have Saint Patrick killed for leading the people of his kingdom in destroying the temple of his idol. So, Saint Ordan had Saint Patrick switch places with him in the chariot and Saint Ordan was killed by mistake.
In 431 AD, the people of Gallica pled for help from the Western Roman army, but General Aetius was unable to send help against the Suebi led by King Hermeric.
That same year Saint Patrick went to Alt Clut to retrieve some of the Irish Children of Truth who had been enslaved during a raid led by King Coroticus (Ceretic Guletic). He soon discovered that most of those in Alt Clut had returned to the religion of the Druids including King Coroticus.
So, Saint Patrick went to southern Pictland to get help in getting his Irish disciples returned to Ireland. He found that under King Drest I that most of the practitioners of Celtic Christianity had fled Pictland or returned to the religion of the Druids.
So, Saint Patrick wrote an open letter denouncing King Coroticus, his Roman army, and the southern Picts for returning to the religion of the Druids. Then he returned to Ireland.
While Saint Patrick was out of Ireland, the False Church of Rome sent Bishop Palladius to contain the spread of Celtic Christianity by going to southern Dal Riata to turn the Scotti there from Celtic Christianity.
Pope Celestine I sent Bishop Palladius to Saighir in Ireland where Bishop Ciaran had started a congregation for the False Church of Rome. He then went to Dal Riada in North Ireland to start a congregation for the False Church of Rome there.
In 432 AD, General Aetius was removed from office after General Bonifacius had made accusations against him to Galla Placidia that could lead to his death. So, General Aetius with a Roman army loyal to him attacked General Bonifacius and his Roman army.
The Roman army of General Bonifacius defeated the Roman army of General Aetius, but General Bonifacius soon died from wounds that he suffered in the Battle of Rimini. General Aetius escaped and fled to his friend Rua, King of the Huns.
General Aetius again came to Ravenna leading a huge army of Huns. Galla Placidia reinstated him as the head of the entire army of the Western Roman Empire.
Also that year Saint Ninian died in the part of Dal Riata that was in modern North Ireland. Celtic Christianity had been spread throughout southern Dal Riata by him.
Also that year Pope Celestine I died, and Sixtus of Rome became the next Pope.
Pope Sixtus III soon began a great building program in Rome funded by taxes raised by Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III. The main church building was dedicated to worshiping Mary the Jew as the Queen of Heaven.
In 433 AD, General Aetius resumed his war against invading Germanic tribes in Gaul.
Around this time King Gorwst died, and his son Meirchion Gul became the next king of Rheged.
Also this year, Saint Patrick confronted High King Lóegaire with the Good News on the Hill of Slane. High King Lóegaire was accompanied by a number of Druids,
However, the Ollamh Érenn, Dubthach maccu Lugair, left the religion of the Druids to practice Celtic Christianity after hearing Saint Patrick. After showing the power of the Man of Truth over that of the Druids, one of the Druids, known as Erc of Slane, also became a disciple of Saint Patrick.
Afterwards Saint Dubthach maccu Lugair ruled in favor of Saint Patrick in a dispute that he had with High King Lóegaire by giving preference to the Book of Truth over the Dli na Fiene. The nephew of Saint Dubthach maccu Lugair, Saint Fiacc, who was studying under his uncle to become a bard, then became a follower of Celtic Christianity as well.
(The Ollamh Érenn was the Chief Bard of the Irish. The bards maintained the oral history of Ireland and the laws of the Dli na Fiene. The Chief Bard was equal in social status to the High King and was the final judge on all manners concerning the laws of the Dli na Fiene.
The bards encoded these things in the form of poems and songs. This encoding helped the bards pass them down word-for-word generation after generation. It also obscured them from anyone not trained as a bard, so that others were dependent upon the bards in these matters.)
Saint Benignus of Armagh was then allowed to start teaching Celtic Christianity at Tara.
Around 434 AD King Coroticus died, and his son Cinuit became the next king of Alt Clut.
Around this time, Saint Germanus of Man came to Ireland from Brittany to learn about Celtic Christianity from his uncle Saint Patrick.
In 435 AD, Galla Placidia made General Aetius protector of the family of Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III.
Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III then sent a Bishop of the False Church of Rome to negotiate peace with King Hermeric. Rechiar, the grandson of King Hermeric became part of the False of Church of Rome at this time.
So, those in Gallica were able to keep their land, but the Suebi got the land abandoned by the Vandals, and all would be subject to King Hermeric as a client king of Rome.
That year, King Anlach Goronog mac Cormac died, and Prince Brychan returned to his principality in Gwent.
Shortly after that, Prince Tudwal ap Anwn died and his son Teithrin ap Tudwal became the ruler of the principality of Tudwal in the kingdom of Gwent. In his will, King Brychan was given the northern part of the principality of Tudwal that he had been ruling.
The part ruled by King Brychan became the kingdom of Brycheiniog (“Realm of Brychan”). His kingdom was south of Powys.
In 436 AD, General Aetius began using Hun mercenaries led by General Litorius to fight against various Germanic tribes. These Germanic tribes were either driven out of the Western Roman Empire or became part of it.
That same year, General Aetius and General Litorius had to fight against a rebellion of Celts against Roman rule in Brittany. While they managed to put down the rebellion, they were soon forced to take their armies to fight against more invading Germanic tribes in other parts of Gaul.
Around 437 AD, High King Saloman I died, and his son Aldrien became the new high king of Brittany.
In 438 AD King Hermeric was forced by illness to step down from being king and his son Rechila became the next king of the Suebi.
Also that year according to the Annuals of Ulster, Saint Benignus led eight other men in codifying the Dli na Fiene in writing. He was joined by two other Celtic Christian community leaders, three kings of the Irish, and three bards led by Saint Dubthach maccu Lugair.
The book
containing the written laws was called the Senchas Mar. This book was written in Hiberno-Latin that
combined Primitive Irish with British Latin as well as Hebrew, and Greek words. By this time Latin characters replaced Ogham characters – which were based off of Old Latin.
The Senchas Mar combined the laws written in the Book of Truth with those of the Dli na Fiene.
In 439 AD, General Litorius and his Hun mercenaries were killed in a battle against the Visigoths. General Aetius and his Roman army soon defeated the Visigoths causing them to become part of the Western Roman Empire.
However, King Rechila began leading the Suebi in conquering Hispania while the Roman army was unable to intervene.
That same year, King Carthan Fionn, king of a Dalcassian kingdom that was subject to High King Nad Fróech, was led by Saint Patrick into the House of Truth. His grandson Saint Brecan began learning to spread Celtic Christianity from Saint Patrick.
Also that year, Saint Iserninus was sent by Saint Patrick to Lienster to start Celtic Christian congregations there.
Around 440 AD after it became apparent that the Roman army would not be returning in force, the Roman administrators were deposed by the Celts of Brittany. Brittany was now also free from Roman rulers but not from Roman rule.
Soon, there were revolts against Roman Rule all over Gaul and Hispania. General Aetius began dealing with these revolts by settling invading armies that he had defeated in the trouble areas to help keep the peace.
Also that year Pope Sixtus III died, and the Roman Aristocrat Leo became the next Pope.
Around this time, Ceredig married Meleri, the daughter of King Brychan.
Also around this time, King Glywys founded the kingdom of Glywysing on the southern coast of Wales. Soon after this, he married Guaul, the granddaughter of General Cunedda.
Not long after this, Saint Illtud founded a university for teaching Celtic Christianity as well as other subjects like mathematics in Glywysing. Saint Patrick sent his nephew Saint Germanus of Man there to study.
By 441 AD, the Anglo-Saxon had taken over the eastern two-thirds of former Roman Britain. Many of the British-Romano people had fled to live the western third of former Roman Britain, consisting of modern Wales, western modern England, and the western part of the Old North (northwest modern England and part of southeast modern Scotland).
This influx of immigrants was soon stemmed by the British-Romano people forming well organized attacks against the Anglo-Saxons led by King Ambrosius Aurelianus. However, many of the British-Romano people began increasing their immigration to Brittany and Ireland to escape living under the threat of constant attack.
These immigrants brought Celtic Christianity with them, and it spread throughout these areas. However, its spread into most of continental Europe was prevented by Roman efforts to force people to join the False Church of Rome.
Around this time, a group of Celtic Christians moved from Wales to the northern coast of Hispania (Spain) to form the small kingdom of Breton. It was subject to the king of the German tribe who had been given this land in a treaty with the Romans.
Also around that time, Saint Fragan, a prince from the Old North, came to Brittany to escape a plague that was devastating Cornwall with his family. They soon started a Celtic Christian congregation at Ploufragan (“congregation of Fragan”).
Soon after that, Saint Budoc came to Ploufragan to help Saint Fragan in teaching Celtic Christianity in Brittany. Saint Cadfan was among his first students.
That year, Cadell Ddyrnllwg was driven out of the kingdom of High King Vortigern to Wales to escape Anglo-Saxons that his father, General Catigern, fought against. While there he was captured by Irish pirates. He persuaded their leader to let his live in hiding among them until he could return to his father.
The Senchas Mar was finished that year as well. This new law was then known as The Law of Patrick.
In cases where the laws of the Dli na Fiene and the Book of Truth conflicted, the Biblical laws took precedence in the Law of Patrick. For example, the punishment for murder was changed from a fine to execution. As a result, the murder rate across Ireland was greatly reduced.
Saint Dubthach maccu Lugair and his nephew Saint Fiacc then went to Leinster to start Celtic Christian communities as well as a school to teach the Law of Patrick. Soon, his sons also began helping him do the same.
So, in 442 AD, General Aetius settled some of these defeated Germanic armies in Brittany.
Around this time, Saint Muiredach of Killala of Killala, an older relative of Saint Patrick, arrived in Ireland to help him. Saint Patrick had him start a Celtic Christian community north of the kingdom of Soghain near the western coast of Ireland.
Around 443 AD King Condlae died, and his son Fíachna Lonn mac Cóelbad became the next king of Dal nAraidi.
In 444 AD, Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III confirmed that the Bishop of Rome was supreme over all other Bishops in the official universal Roman religion. This completed the transfer of all authority over the Roman religion from the Roman Emperor to the Pope.
Pope Leo I became as influential over the Western Roman Empire as Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III.
Around 445 AD, Saint Germanus of Man came to the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea to bring people into the House of Truth. He began creating Celtic Christian communities all over the island.
Around this time Saint Patrick sent Saint Fiacc to start Celtic Christian congregations in the highlands in the north of Lienster, while his uncle Saint Dubthach maccu Lugair remained in the lowlands in the south of Lienster.
By 446 AD, King Rechila had conquered most of Hispania, except for the Mediterranean seaboard. However, the Romans then met him in battle and handed him a crushing defeat that put an end to his conquests.
Also that year Bishop Germanus of Auxerre visited Wales again, where he found the Welsh besieged by Scoti and Picts. He also helped Cadell Ddyrnllwg return to his father.
Afterwards, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre delivered a message from General Edern to General Aetius begging the Romans to return to Wales and help defend it. However, General Aetius took no action to help them.
While in Brittany in 447 AD, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre learned that General Aetius had sent King Goar to lead the Alans in punishing the Celts of Brittany for expelling Roman rulers. So, he confronted King Goar and convinced him to wait until Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III confirmed this action.
Also around this time, High King Aldrien died and his son Budic I became the next high king of Brittany with his brother Maxent ruling under him.
Also that year, General Hengist and General Horsa, leaders of three ships of exiled Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes arrived on the coast of Britain. High King Vortigern greeted them and gave them the Isle of Thanet to live on in exchange for their help in defending his kingdom against the Picts.
Then Attila the Hun got involved.
Again in 448 AD, General Aetius had to fight against a rebellion of Celts against Roman rule in Brittany. While he put down the rebellion, the leader of the rebellion, Eudoxius, fled to the court of Attila, the new King of the Huns.
That same year, King Rechila died, and his son Rechiar became the next king of the Suebi. So, King Rechiar became the first Germanic king to become part of the False Church of Rome. Soon most of the Suebi also became part of the False Church of Rome.
However, King Rechiar refused to recognize the authority of Rome and constantly wage war against the Romans as well as the Germanic kingdoms that allied themselves with the Romans.
At the same time, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre arrived Ravenna to plead with Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III to tell King Goar to not make any punitive raids against the Celtics of Brittany. So, the emperor agreed, and King Goar was not able to help General Aetius in his fight against the rebelling Celts in Brittany.
Around this time, Saint Fragan, a prince from the Old North, married the widow Saint Gwen, daughter of Budic II, and adopted her son Saint Cadfan in Cornwall. Their children Saint Jacut, Saint Wethenoc, and Saint Creirwy were later born there as well.
Also around this time, Nechtan Morbet met Saint Brigid and asked her to pray that his exile would end. She prayed and told him that he would return to Pictland to reign over it in peace.
Also this year, Banban the Wise came into the House of Truth after Saint Patrick defeated the Druids of Mach Slecht and destroyed their idol. Saint Banban the Wise was soon placed by Saint Patrick to create a Celtic Christian community there.
In 449 AD, General Aetius signed an agreement with the Huns allowing some of them to settle along the eastern border of the Western Roman Empire.
Also that year according to Nennius, General Hengist asked High King Vortigern if he could bring in sixteen more ships of men to help fight the Picts. High King Vortigern was hesitant since they could not provide the provisions for these new arrivals, but he agreed when General Hengist said that they would find another solution.
When General Hengist returned with the sixteen ships, he brought his beautiful daughter with him, and High King Vortigern agreed to give his army the land of Kent in return for marrying her. So, he married her and incurred the wrath of Bishop Germanus of Auxerre, whose daughter he was already married to, forcing High King Vortigern to go into hiding.
Soon King Hengist and King Horsa sent word back to their homelands requesting more troops to join them led by Oisc, the son of King Hengist. Soon afterwards, forty more ships of Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes joined them.
Then according to Bede, a great joint army of Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes used Kent to invade eastern England contrary to their treaty with King Vortigern. High King Vortigern was totally unprepared for their betrayal.
However, his son Saint Vortimer had never left Celtic Christianity, so he was prepared. He began leading the British in eastern England in resistance to these invaders.
Saint Materiana, the daughter of Saint Vortimer, married King Ynyr ap Dyfnwal around this time as well. She then helped establish many congregations throughout his kingdom.
This turmoil caused a great number of the Children of Truth to begin fleeing to Brittany. Their arrival only strengthened Celtic Christianity in Brittany.
In 450 AD, Honoria sent a plea to King Attila for help to get out of a marriage along with her engagement ring. So, King Attila convinced Valentinian III to let him bring in an army of Huns to put down a rebellion of Visigoths against the Romans in the center of Gaul.
Then King Attila demanded half of the Western Roman Empire when he married Honoria. When Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III heard this, he was going to kill his sister Honoria, but his mother Galla Placidia convinced him to exile her instead.
So, King Attila came in with his army of Huns to take over Gaul and other parts of the western half of the Western Roman Empire.
Soon, King Theodoric I, the King of the Visigoths and General Aetius were forced to join forces to fight off the invading Huns who threated both of their realms. This also forced the Celts of Brittany to ally themselves with the Romans and their Germanic allies to hold off a new threat from the East – the Huns and their Germanic allies.
Also that year, Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II died childless. Soon, Marcian became the new Eastern Roman emperor.
That same year, General Edern died while continuing to defend the northern border of the Old North against invading Irish and Picts. His son Cunedda then became the leader of the Romano-British defenders.
Soon afterwards, General Cunedda drove out all the Irish west of the kingdom of Powys with the help of his son Ceredig as Emperor Maximus had ordered before he left Roman Britain. He was soon in control of everything west of Powys to the coast.
However, General Cunedda did not conquer southwest Wales where the Dalcassians had formed kingdoms because of the treaty that they had made with Emperor Maximus before he left Roman Britain.
Soon after General Cunedda became the king of Gwynedd (“belonging to Cunedda”), a kingdom northwest of the kingdom of Powys that included the island of Anglesey. His kingdom retained as Roman culture and practices as was possible since he considered himself to now be client king of the Romans.
In fact, the kingdom of Gwynedd would continue to use Roman architecture in Roman style cities with Roman villas and Roman roads with Roman Aqueducts for the next five hundred years. British Latin would continue to be used as the official language and Roman law followed.
So, the kingdom of Gwynedd continued operate as if it were a Roman client kingdom long after the end of the Romans. For example, the Cantiorix Inscription was written about a hundred years after the end of the Romans in late Latin using the Roman words for various things.
As a reward for the bravery of his son Ceredig in helping him, King Cunedda gave him the kingdom of Ceredigion (“people of Ceredig”). This kingdom was the southern half of the land that King Cunedda had driven the Irish out of.
Around this same time the Latinus Stone was carved at Whithorn in the kingdom of Alt Clut to honor a British Roman named Latinus and his young daughter. This shows that not only had Celtic Christianity became well established in the kingdom of Rheged by this time but also that the followers of it were well educated.
Also that year Saint Sechnall died, and Saint Benignus became the next assistant of Saint Patrick. Saint Benignus was sent to the kingdom of Kerry in southwest Ireland, whose king was subject to High King Nad Fróech, to teach Celtic Christianity there until Saint Erc of Slane arrived.
Saint Benignus then went to northern Ireland with Saint Patrick to work among the Soghain, descendants of the Cruithin who settled in settled along the western coast of Ireland. When they arrived, Saint Benignus was given a fort by his grandfather where he set up a school for Celtic Christianity evangelism at Kilbennan (“Congregation of Benignus”). One of his first students was Saint Kerrill.
In 451 AD, the Celts of Brittany helped the Roman General Aetius and the Visigoth King Theodoric I to put an end to the west advances of Attila the Hun and his alliance at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. King Merovech, king of the Salian Franks, also joined General Aetius in the battle.
King Theodoric I was killed in the battle, but King Attila and his army of Huns was forced to retreat out of the Western Roman Empire. However, King Attila and his alliance had destroyed most of the major cities of Gaul before they were stopped and continued to pillage where they could in the Roman Empire as they retreated eastward.
Thorismund the son of King Theodoric I then became the new king of the Visigoths.
That same year King Erc died, and his son Loarn mac Eirc became the next king of Dal Riata. Soon, Bishop Palladius was forced to return to Rome and Celtic Christianity in Dal Riata was protected from the False Church of Rome.
In 452 AD, King Attila invaded Italy to regain Honoria as his wife. Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III sent Pope Leo I to persuade King Attila to not touch Rome - the headquarters of the False Church of Rome.
At the same time, General Aetius led an army from the Eastern Roman Empire that destroyed his reinforcements. So, King Attila was forced to leave the Western Roman Empire again.
Also that year, King Drest I died, and Talorc I became the new king of Pictland. He ended the exile of Nechtan Morbet.
Around that same time King Conall Cremthainne, son of King Niall, a king in Mide, was brought into the House of Truth by Saint Patrick. He soon began to help Saint Patrick establish Celtic Christian congregations throughout Mide.
However his brother, King Coirpre mac Néill, another king in Mide, violently opposed Saint Patrick and persecuted those who left the religion of the Druids to become part of the Celtic Christian congregations throughout Mide.
Around this time, Saint Dalua of Tibradden, the son of the fifth sister of Saint Patrick, came from Wales to help Saint Patrick spread Celtic Christianity in Ireland.
In 453 AD, King Attila died and was no longer a threat to the Romans.
Also that year, Roman Senator Petronius Maximus and other enemies of General Aetius in the Imperial convinced Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III that General Aetius was plotting to kill him and declare himself emperor. So, Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III threw a party where he got General Aetius drunk and then killed him with the help of the accusers.
Petronius Maximus then asked to be appointed to the position that General Aetius had held. However, Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III refused under the advice of his court.
At the same time King Thorismund was murdered by his brother Theodoric II, who became the next King of the Visigoths.
That same year, King Ceredig died, and his son became the next king of Ceredigion. Later, his daughter Saint Ina would start a Celtic Christian congregational community at Llanina (“Congregation of Ina”) in the kingdom of Ceredigion.
This was also the year that High King Nad Fróech died and his son Óengus mac Nad Froích became the next High King of the Deisi that ruled from Cashel.
Soon after that, High King Óengus was led into the House of Truth by Saint Patrick. He soon helped Saint Patrick establish many Celtic Christian congregations throughout Munster.
Saint Dalua of Tibradden then were sent by Saint Patrick to create Celtic Christian communities along the eastern coast of Ireland in Leinster. The son of High King Óengus, Saint Lugaid, went with Saint Dalua of Tibradden to help.
The next year, 454 AD, the Germanic kings rebelled against the Huns and brought the Hunnic empire to an end. However, the Romans were so weakened by fighting King Attila that they had no chance of reclaiming Brittany from the Celts. Celtic Christianity was safe from Rome, but not from the influence of the False Church of Rome.
Also that year, Saint Patrick had Saint Mac Cairthinn of Clogher, his long-time traveling companion, start a Celtic Christian community at Clogher.
Around this time, Saint Patrick brought Saint Maughold, an Irish prince and pirate, into the House of Truth. Later Saint Patrick sent Saint Maughold to the Isle of Man to help Saint Germanus of Man.
The Huns were gone, but the Western Roman Empire was weakened.
In 455 AD two Scythian solders who had served under General Aetius avenged him by assassinating Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III with the help of Petronius Maximus. Petronius Maximus then became the new Western Roman emperor with the help of the Roman Senate.
Western Roman Emperor Petronius Maximus then married Western Roman Empress Licinia Eudoxia, the widow of Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III, to boost his legitimacy as the Western Roman emperor. He also appointed General Avitus as the replacement of General Aetius as head of the army of the Western Roman Empire.
However, Eastern Roman Emperor Marcian refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Petronius Maximus as the legitimate ruler.
This led Western Roman Emperor Petronius Maximus to cancel the betrothal of Eudocia, the daughter of Licinia, to Huneric, the son of Gaiseric the king of the Vandals. He then forced her to betroth his own son to further boost of his claim as the legitimate Western Roman emperor.
However, Western Roman Empress Licinia appealed to the Vandal court to rescue Eudocia, so she could marry Huneric. Soon, King Geiseric began an invasion of Italy to do just that.
When Western Roman Petronius Maximus learned that King Geiseric was sailing to Italy, he sent General Avitus to King Theodoric II to obtain help from the Visigoths. However, it became apparent that King Geiseric would arrive before General Avitus could return and would overrun Rome.
So, Western Roman Petronius Maximus planned on abandoning his capital in secret, but his own men abandon him. As he was attempting to ride out of town without a guard, an angry mob pulled him off his horse and stoned him to death.
King Gaiseric and his army of Vandals soon arrived to destroy much of Rome. Then they took Western Roman Empress Licinia and her daughters with them, so Huneric could marry Eudocia.
When King Theodoric II learned of the death of Western Roman Petronius Maximus, he declared General Avitus to be the new emperor of the Western Roman Empire.
Soon, Western Roman Emperor Avitus returned to Ravenna where the Roman Senate recognized him as the emperor. However, the top generals of the Roman army resented him for being from Gaul. Finally, he had reluctant recognition from King Geiseric as the Western Roman emperor.
However, Eastern Roman Emperor Marcian refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Avitus as the legitimate ruler. This greatly weakened his position.
King Rechiar took advantage of this chaos to lead the Suebi in conquering the rest of Hispania that was under Roman control.
Also that year according to the Anglo-Saxon chronicles, the army of the Anglo, Saxons, and Jutes prevailed over the British in a battle where General Horsa and the son of King Vortigern, General Catigern, was killed.
However, Saint Vortimer later prevailed over the Anglo-Saxons, but died soon afterwards. Then King Hengist and his son General Oisc began expanding the boundaries of the Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes.
High King Vortigern then led the British to settle in the eastern part of Wales that borders England in the Kingdom of Powys. Shortly after that High King Vortigern died.
His grandson Cadell Ddyrnllwg, the son of General Catigern, became the new King of the British in Powys. King Ambrosius Aurelianus became the next High King of the British in former Roman Britain as he continued his battle against the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
In 456 AD, Western Roman Emperor Avitus also sent King Theodoric II and the Visigoth army to bring the Germanic tribes in Hispania back under Roman rule that year. So, King Theodoric II led a coalition of Visigoths, Romans, and Germanic kingdoms allied with the Romans to fight against King Rechiar.
King Rechiar was wounded in the battle that ensued when the two armies met and fled into the Suebi kingdom, where he died. However, King Theodoric II continued attacking the Suebi until his coalition had brought all of Hispania back into Roman control.
Upon the news of the death of King Rechiar and the capture of the capital by King Theodoric II, the Suebi kingdom collapsed. The Visigoths and other Germanic tribes that King Rechiar had attacked for years took their revenge and destroyed the cities of the Suebi.
However, General Majorian and General Ricimer decided to depose Western Roman Emperor Avitus while his Visigoth allies were away. So, after a brief battle, Western Roman Emperor Avitus was removed from office.
So, the Vandals again attacked Italy during the chaos.
Also that year King Talorc I died, and Nechtan I (Nechtan Morbet) became the next king of Pictland. He soon invited Saint Brigid to come to Pictland to build a Celtic Christian community at Abernathy that he would pay for.
Around that time King Crimthann mac Énnai of Lienster captured High King Lóegaire in battle. High King Lóegaire was released after he removed the cattle tribute off the kings of Lienster. Saint Iserninus also died that year, but his disciples continued his work in the kingdom of Lienster.
Then Western Roman Empire began to be rebuilt.
So, the Roman army declared General Majorian as Western Roman emperor in 456 AD, but General Majorian was reluctant to take the position.
However, General Ricimer was a Romanized German and not a natural born Roman citizen. He also was not part of the False Church of Rome. So, the Roman Senate would not approve him as emperor for these reasons.
So, General Majorian was the only viable choice as the new Western Roman emperor. Still, the intention of the Roman generals was for Eastern Roman Emperor Marcian to appoint him as the new Western Roman emperor to end the issue of legitimacy.
However, Eastern Roman Emperor Marcian died in 457 AD before he could officially appoint General Majorian as the new Western Roman emperor. General Leo I became the new Eastern Roman emperor.
Soon, General Majorian was appointed as the new Western Roman emperor by the Roman Senate. Western Roman Emperor Majorian appointed General Ricimer as the sole head of the Western Roman army.
However, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Majorian as the legitimate ruler. The provinces controlled by the Visigoths also refused to recognize him as the legitimate ruler as well since he had disposed Western Roman Emperor Avitus – a Gaul and ally of the Visigoths.
Also that year, King Hengist and his son Oisc drove all the British out of Kent. However, the British fled to London and the Anglo-Saxon army could not prevail against the high walls that the Romans had built around it.
In 458 AD, Western Roman Emperor Majorian led a campaign to bring Gaul, Hispania, and the African provinces controlled by the Visigoths back into the Western Roman Empire. He left General Ricimer behind in Ravenna to defend Italy.
Then Western Roman Emperor Majorian put General Aegidius in charge of regaining control of Gaul while he focused on Hispania and the African provinces. King Merovech and his son Childeric I aided General Aegidius in these efforts.
Later that year, King Merovech died and his son Childeric I became the new king of Salian Franks. He continued to lead the Salian Franks in helping the Romans regain control of Gaul.
Also around that time, Saint Fragan came to Brittany to escape a plague that was devastating Cornwall with his family. They soon started a Celtic Christian congregation at Ploufragan (“congregation of Fragan”).
Soon after that, Saint Budoc came to Ploufragan to help Saint Fragan in teaching Celtic Christianity in Brittany. The children of Saint Fragan were among his first students.
These children of Saint Fragan included his sons Saint Jacut, Saint Winwaloe, Saint Wethenoc, their sister Saint Creirwy, and his stepson Saint Cadfan. They used their education to spread Celtic Christianity throughout Brittany.
That same year High King Lóegaire died, and Ailill Molt, the son of Nath I, became the next High King of the Irish.
Around that time, Saint Lommán mac Dalláin, the son of another sister of Saint Patrick came to Ireland to help him spread Celtic Christianity. Saint Patrick then sent him to start a Celtic Christian community in the northern interior of Leinster.
By 459 AD, the Visigoths were back under control of the Western Roman Empire and acknowledged the legitimacy of Western Roman Emperor Majorian. However, the Vandals had returned and gained control of large parts of Hispania.
So, Western Roman Emperor Majorian led the Western Roman army in fighting King Gaiseric and his army of Vandals.
Around this time, Saint Kerrill helped Saint Patrick begin a Celtic Christian community at Tawnagh near the middle of northern Ireland. Saint Kerrill taught Celtic Christianity there with assistance of Saint Mathona, the sister of Saint Benignus.
By 460 AD, Western Roman Emperor Majorian had driven King Gaiseric out of Hispania and into Mauretania in northern Africa. Western Roman Emperor Majorian intended to invade Mauretania to destroy the Vandal army, but traitors paid by the Vandals destroyed his ships in the Hispania port.
So, Western Roman Emperor Majorian was forced to make peace with King Gaiseric. The Vandals were allowed to remain in control of Mauretania as the Vandal Kingdom.
When Western Roman Emperor Majorian began his return to Ravenna most of Gaul and Hispania was back under Roman control, except for Brittany where the followers of Celtic Christianity continued to resist all efforts to bring them under the control of the False Church of Rome.
King Riothamus, one of the kings in former Roman Britain, helped High King Budic I protect Brittany from the Romans. Celtic Christianity in Brittany was safe from the False Church of Rome.
Still, Western Roman Emperor Majorian had managed to regain most of the Western Roman Empire in the mainland of Europe that had been lost after the Romans had left Roman Britain. However, while Western Roman Emperor Majorian had been busy keeping the Western Roman Empire from falling apart, General Ricimer had acted as the unofficial emperor.
Also that year, King Cadell Ddyrnllwg died shortly before the birth of his son, Cyngen Glodrydd. So, Rhyddfedd Frych, the brother of King Cadell Ddyrnllwg, became the new king of Powys.
During this year, King Pabo Post Prydain was driven out his kingdom in the Old North by invading armies under the direction of the Druids. His kingdom was divided between his sons Dynod Bwr, Sawyl Penuchel and Ardun Benasgell. They continued to fight the invaders.
King Pabo Post Prydain moved to the island of Anglesey off the northwest coast of Wales. While there he founded Llanbabo (the congregation of Pabo) where he taught Celtic Christianity.
King Cunedda died that year as well and his son Einion Yrth ap Cunedda became the next king of Gwynedd. His other sons were given smaller principalities inside Gwynedd that were subject to King Einion.
King Cunedda also gave his grandson Meirion the principality of Meirionnydd (“Land of Meirion”) to rule as a king under King Einion in his will. This principality was along the western coast of Wales.
Also, Saint Winwaloe was born to Saint Fragan and Saint Gwen in Ploufragan that year.
Saint Corentin also died that year, but Celtic Christianity had grown stronger in Brittany from his years of effort.
So in 461 AD, General Ricimer had the Roman army in Italy arrest Western Roman Emperor Majorian, who had sent most of the rest of the Roman army back to their own provinces. General Ricimer then had Western Roman Emperor Majorian beheaded.
Since the Roman Senate would not recognize General Ricimer as the new Western Roman Emperor, he nominated Roman Senator Libius Severus as the new Western Roman Emperor. Since General Ricimer was now the undisputed head of the entire Western Roman army, he was able to continue act as the unofficial emperor.
Later that year, the various Germanic tribes began taking over Gaul when they learned of the death of Western Roman Emperor Majorian. The Romans lost control of all of Hispania and almost all of Gaul to various Germanic tribes who formed their own kingdoms, including the Franks.
However, General Aegidius managed to keep the part of Gaul that bordered Brittany on the north under Roman control as the Roman client kingdom of Soisson. He was the military ruler of the Romans, but the Germanic tribes around him referred to him as king.
Also that year Pope Leo I died, and Hilarius of Sardinia, a major Italian island, became the next Pope.
Around this time, High King Budic I died, and his son Meliau became the next high king of Brittany.
Then Western Roman Empire began to fall apart.
In 462 AD, King Gaiseric sent Western Roman Empress Licinia and her daughters to Constantinople in a peace gesture to gain official recognition from the Eastern Roman Empire of the marriage of his son Huneric and Eudocia. They made peace but the Vandals continued attacks against the Western Roman Empire with no interference from the Eastern Roman Empire.
Also around this time, Prince Teithrin ap Tudwal died and his son Teithfallt ap Teithrin became the ruler of the principality of Tudwal in the kingdom of Gwent.
By 465 AD, the Western Roman Empire was in dire need of aid from the Eastern Roman Empire to fight off the Vandals, but the Eastern Roman Empire refused to help. Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I still refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Libius Severus as the legitimate ruler.
However, Western Roman Emperor Libius Severus died and General Ricimer asked for Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I to name his replacement to end the issue of legitimacy. General Ricimer resume being the temporary emperor of the Western Roman Empire until a successor was named by Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I.
Also that year, King Aegidius died, and his son Syagrius became the next ruler of the Roman client kingdom of Soisson.
That same year, King Forga died, and his son Muiredach Muinderg became the next king of Dal Fiatach. Saint Patrick then brought King Muiredach Muinderg into the House of Truth and blessed him. Soon afterwards, King Muiredach Muinderg became High King of the Ulaid.
In 466 AD, King Theodoric II was murdered by his brother Euric, who became the next king of the Visigoths. King Euric then began subjugating all of the other Visigoth kings until he became the sole King of the Visigoths.
Also around that time, King Sawyl Penuchel married the daughter of King Muiredach Muinderg.
In 467 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I named General Anthemius as the new Western Roman Emperor. He wanted someone experienced in fighting against the Vandals.
King Gaiseric was unhappy with the choice as he had wanted Olybrius who had married Placidia, the other daughter of Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III and Western Roman Empress Licinia. So, the Vandals began increasing their attacks on Italy.
Western Roman Emperor Anthemius soon appointed Eastern Roman General Marcellinus as co-head of the Western Roman Army as well as General Ricimer.
Western Roman Emperor Anthemius soon issued a decree loosening the restrictions being placed on people in his empire by the False Church of Rome, but Pope Hilarius resisted these restrictions. The Western Roman army and legal system largely sided with Pope Hilarius in continuing to enforce the restrictions since he was the head of the official Roman universal (Catholic) religion.
Also that year Saint Benignus died. So, Saint Patrick had Saint Kerrill returned to Kilbennan to continue the work of training others to spread Celtic Christianity among the descendants of the Cruithin. Soon Celtic Christianity completely replaced the religion of the Druids among the Soghain.
Around that same time, Saint Connell of Aughrim helped Saint Patrick start a Celtic Christian congregation at Aughrim.
In 468 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I and Western Roman Emperor Anthemius launched a joint attack on the Vandal Kingdom. King Gaiseric led the Vandals in destroying much of the joint Roman army and General Marcellinus was killed by his own men. General Ricimer was again the sole head of the Western Roman army and soon a truce was reached with the Vandals.
Western Roman Emperor Anthemius also asked King Riothamus, a king of the British in Wales, to help the Romans fight against the rebelling Visigoths led by King Euric, who also threatened Brittany.
Also Pope Hilarius died that year, and Simplicius the son of Castinus of Tivoli in Italy became the next Pope. Pope Simplicius worked to expand the power of the False Church of Rome in the former area of the Western Roman Empire even as it continued to fall apart.
Around 469 AD King Cinuit died, and his son Dyfnwal Hen became the next king of Alt Clut.
In 470 AD, King Riothamus arrived with a Romano-British army and proceed to gather more troops from Brittany. He was soundly defeated by the Visigoths led by King Euric, and he retreated to Brittany.
King Riothamus then moved his capital to rule over part of Brittany as well under High King Meliau. With his help, Celtic Christianity in Brittany remained protected from the False Church of Rome.
Also that year, King Einion defeated the last Irish stronghold on the island of Anglesey finishing the expulsion of the Irish from Gwynedd.
That same year, Saint Budoc began a Celtic Christian congregation in Cornwall that bears his name. He continued to teach Celtic Christianity there for the rest of his days.
Around 471 AD, High King Meliau died childless, and his brother Riwal became the next high king of Brittany.
Around this time King Meirchion Gul died, and his son Cynfarch Oer became the next king of Rheged.
In 472 AD, General Ricimer raised an army of mercenaries that included troops from General Odoacer to attack Western Roman Emperor Anthemius. Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I sent Olybrius to negotiate peace, but General Ricimer declared him to as Western Roman emperor upon his arrival to secure peace with King Gaiseric. Western Roman Emperor Anthemius was soon killed.
However, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Olybrius as the legitimate ruler. Shortly after that, General Ricimer died. Not long after that, Western Roman Emperor Olybrius also died.
The Visigoths took advantage of the chaos and successfully broke off from the Western Roman Empire, except the Roman client kingdom of Soisson. Soon, landless Roman refuges began pouring into Brittany, bringing the religion of the False Church of Rome with them.
In 473 AD, the Burgundian King Gundobad declared Glycerius as the new Western Roman emperor and the Roman Senate approved. However, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I refused to recognize Western Roman Emperor Glycerius as the legitimate ruler.
Also that year King Hengist died, and his son Oisc became the next king of Kent.
In 474 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I died, but had named the son of his daughter Leo II as the next Eastern Roman emperor. However, Eastern Roman Emperor Leo II died shortly after that, and his father General Zeno became the next Eastern Roman emperor.
Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno soon made peace with King Gaiseric. This ended the Vandal invasions. All that was left of the Western Roman Empire was the Roman client kingdom of Soisson, Italy, and Dalmatia.
Then Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno sent General Julius Nepos with an army to depose Western Roman Emperor Glycerius. Western Roman Emperor Glycerius surrendered and General Julius Nepos became the new Western Roman emperor.
Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos soon appointed General Orestes, who had previously served under King Attila in the army of the Huns, as the sole head of the Western Roman army.
Also that year, Saint Germanus of Man died. Saint Maughold then continued spreading Celtic Christianity in the Island of Man.
That same year, Saint Patrick sent Saint Olcán to Dal Riata in Northern Ireland to start Celtic Christian centers there.
In 475 AD, King Euric made a treaty with Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos that recognized the Kingdom of the Visigoths as independent from the Western Roman Empire with clearly defined borders. The Kingdom of the Visigoths now included all of Hispania and the southern third of Gaul under the treaty.
Later that year General Orestes led the Western Roman army against Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos. Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos managed to escape to Dalmatia, but General Orestes declared his young son Romulus Augustus as the new Western Roman emperor.
The Western Roman Senate recognized the legitimacy of Western Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus. However, Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno continued to recognize Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos as the legitimate ruler.
In 476 AD, General Odoacer led an army against Italy and General Orestes died in the battle. General Odoacer then deposed the twelve-year old Romulus Augustus from the throne.
King Odoacer then dismissed the Western Roman Senate and declared himself to be new King of Italy. So, the Western Roman Empire came to an end for all practical purposes.
King Odoacer then offered to have his kingdom be under the nominal control of the Eastern Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno accepted his offer. However, Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos was still recognized as the legitimate ruler of the rest of the Western Roman Empire - including the Roman client kingdom of Soisson that bordered Brittany on the north - by Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno.
Even though King Odoacer was not part of the False Church of Rome, he left Pope Simplicius in place as the head of the False Church of Rome. He realized it still held tremendous influence over all of the former Western Roman Empire – except for Brittany and the British Isles.
Also that year, King Euric adopted a written codified set of law based on Roman law to be used across the Kingdom of the Visigoths. He hired many Roman law experts from Gaul to help create and administer the codified law.
In 477 AD, King Gaiseric died, and his son Huneric became the new king of the Vandals.
At the same time, King Aelle landed on the southern coast of England with his three sons and an invading army of Jutes. He began creating a kingdom there that came to be known as Sussex (Southern kingdom of the Saxons).
In 478 AD, High King Riwal died childless and Budic II, the son of Maxent, became the next high king of Brittany. However, he soon had to flee to the kingdom of Dyed in Wales to escape a cousin who sought to usurp him from the throne.
Around 479 AD, King Brychan died, and his son Rhain Dremrudd became the next king of Brycheiniog. By the time of his death, he had fathered twenty-four children. Almost all of them had started Celtic Christian congregations throughout Brycheiniog and the surrounding kingdoms in Wales and western England including Cornwall.
However, his son Saint Dabheog went to Ireland to help Saint Patrick spread Celtic Christianity there. Saint Patrick sent him to the northern most part of Ireland to start Celtic Christian communities there.
In 480 AD, Western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos raised an army in Dalmatia to invade Italy and restore the Western Roman Empire. However, he was murdered and all hopes of doing so died with him.
The Roman client kingdom of Soisson soon became an independent kingdom as well. The province of Dalmatia became part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Also, that year King Glywys died, and his son Gwynllyw became king of Glywysing. He was given the principality of Gwynllwg (“land of Gwynllyw”) while his two brothers were made princes over other principalities inside of Glywysing.
That same year, Saint Brioc came to Brittany and started teaching Celtic Christianity there.
Also around this time Saint Fragan died. His children continued to start Celtic Christian congregations throughout Brittany.
Also that year, King Ynyr ap Dyfnwal died and his son Iddon ap Ynyr became the next king of Gwent and ruler of the principality of Edynfed.
That year King Nechtan I also died and Drest II (Drest Gurthinmoch) became the next king of Pictland.
Also that year, two of the children of King Brychan, Saint Tydfil and her brother Rhun, were martyred in the Kingdom of Gwent by an invading hoard of Picts and Saxons. These followers of the religion of the Druids killed them in attempt to keep Celtic Christianity from spreading into the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
At this time, Saint Brigid brought the Druids that led the worship of the Celtic goddess Brigid at Kildare in Ireland into the House of Truth. Saint Conleth then helped her start and run a Celtic Christian community there.
This was also the year that Saint Brecan came to west coast of Ireland just south of the kingdom of the Sodhain and destroyed the temples of the Druids there. He then then began creating a Celtic Christian communities there.
In 481 AD, King Childeric I died and his son Clovis I became the new king of Salian Franks. Soon, King Clovis I began uniting the Franks under a single king.
In 482 AD, High King Ailill Molt died in battle, and Dauí Tenga Uma, the King of Connacht, became the next High King of the Irish. In that battle King Fíachna also died, and his son Eochaid mac Condlai became the next king of Dal nAraidi.
Also that year, the Anglo-Saxons were defeated by the Romano-British people and agreed to live in the land originally given to them by their treaty with the Romans. High King Ambrosius Aurelianus died shortly after that and King Einion became the next High King of the British.
According to Gildas the Wise, High King Ambrosius Aurelianus was the last of the Romans in former Roman Britain. So, this was the end of the Romans in the British Isles.
So, the main obstacle to Celtic Christianity spreading beyond the British Isles had been removed.
During the time between when the Romans left the British Isles until the last Roman appointed ruler in the British Isles died the entire world seemed to have changed.
The unified Roman Empire in the mainland of Europe and northern Africa had disintegrated into a number of warring Germanic kingdoms. The False Church of Rome had replaced the Roman government as the dominant force and stabilizing factor, but it was no longer universal across the former Western Roman Empire.
So, Celtic Christianity was only able to grow within Brittany in continental Europe. The dominance of the False Church of Rome had kept it from being able to move eastward.
Former Roman Britain had likewise disintegrated into a number of smaller rival kingdoms that were only united by their need to deal with the kingdoms of the invading Anglo, Saxons, and Jutes – also Germanic kingdoms. These invaders occupied the east and southern coast of modern England, which further isolated the British Isles from continental Europe.
This began the formation of English. Other languages like Hiberno-Latin and Scottish Gaelic were being formed in the British Isles from older languages as well.
So in like manner, Celtic Christianity in former Roman Britain had been hindered by a revival of the religion of the Druids brought by the Germanic invaders who had a similar religion. It had largely been pushed out of the kingdoms of the invaders.
More than that, even in the eastern kingdoms controlled by the British people there was a great return by many to the religion of the Druids. The strongholds of Celtic Christianity moved from the area of most of modern England to the area of modern Wales along with Cornwall and the kingdoms on the western edge of modern England.
However, Celtic Christianity was far from over.
Instead it grew westward until it had displaced the religion of the Druids in most of modern Ireland and North Ireland. It had also grown in southern modern Scotland.
Without the Roman government to force their official Roman Universal (Catholic) religion upon across western continental Europe, Celtic Christianity could now grow eastward into the mainland of Europe. It was also posed to be able to cover the entirety of the British Isles.
So, the Romans who had sought to bring an end to Celtic Christianity had come to their end. They were gone, but Celtic Christianity was stronger than ever.
The followers of the Man of Truth had prevailed once again!
Saint Patrick and the other followers of Celtic Christianity never backed down from fulfilling the Great Commission. They had fully carried out the Great Commission and it transformed the kingdoms of Ireland.
They had lived in a period of warring kingdoms and ethnic groups as well as various disasters that come from such turmoil, but they knew that these sorrows were just the beginning (Matthew 24:6-8). They had been afflicted, killed, hated, betrayed, and watched many grow cold in their love for the Man of Truth due to deceivers like the False Church of Rome and the Druids (Matthew 24:9-12).
Yet they endured until the end of the Romans, because they knew that the Good News would spread until it covered the whole Earth to bring about the end of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (Matthew 24:13-14). They had gone into the world around them, and the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had confirmed their preaching with signs and wonders (Mark 16:15-20).
Today, the Good News has been preached to every ethnic group (nation) and the Book of Truth is on the verge of being written in every language spoken on Earth. A time of greater turmoil than the one that brought about the end of the Romans will soon come upon all the Earth.
A great falling away from the Man of Truth is already underway – especially among those who call themselves his followers like the False Church of Rome. This is preparing the world for the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3).
We are in the age of the Great Deception. Those deceived do not see the hidden danger where the very Word of Truth has been distorted by these deceivers. Translations that purposely distort what was actually written in the source documents have led people to believe another gospel that came from another spirit other than the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that tells about another Jesus other than the Man of Truth.
These deceivers build a doctrine of lies. People are deceived into believing that the Word of Truth says just about anything they want to hear by scripture taken out of context.
People with itching ears flock to hear their fables while abandoning those who teach sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:2-3).
So, some of these deceivers tell people that they can engage in sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, abortion as well as other forms of murder, drunkenness, taking hallucinogenic drugs, stealing, partying, and the like while still inheriting the Kingdom of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). They deceive people by telling them that they can be surround themselves with the ungodly things like secular music without falling into the same sinful lifestyle of those artists (1 Corinthians 15:33-34). They deceive people by telling them that they will escape all consequences of their sins (Galatians 6:7-8).
Other deceivers tell people that the Man of Truth will be taking everyone who says that they belong to him off the Earth before this terrible time of trouble that is coming soon. Yet other deceivers say that the warning of “People get ready” is false because the Man of Truth will not be taking anyone off the Earth before the Tribulation, but instead deceive people about what is written concerning the Greater Exodus. There are even deceivers who teach people that there is no Tribulation, and everything is just going to keep getting better and better.
However, we are told to test everything (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We are told to do our best to be approved by knowing what the Word of Truth says (2 Timothy 2:15).
People do this by picking a good translation. They will not be deceived if they avoid translations that contain the one disturbing sentence. They will not be deceived if they learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Doing these things will cause them to understand the doctrine of truth.
When we do this, we will only be able to come to one conclusion: That the Tribulation is coming, but only the worthy are going to be taken off the Earth by the Man of Truth before it begins.
The worthy are those who are going about the business of the Man of Truth like those who stayed faithful to Celtic Christianity (Matthew 24:44-46). They will be worthy to escape all these things (Luke 21:34-36).
Of course, you cannot be worthy without first coming into the House of Truth.
So, make the Man of Truth your king because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Then get busy doing your part to bring people from all ethnic groups into the House of Truth (Romans 16:25-26).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Celtic Christianity, End Times, False Church Of Rome, History, Ireland, Romans, Saint Patrick
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