The Queen of Heaven
Is Mary the Jew the Queen of Heaven?
Not only does the Book of Truth make it plain that Mary the Jew lived out the rest of her days in Jerusalem and died there, but so do other sources.
There have been continual commemorations of her burial near Jerusalem since at least 150 AD. Both Islam and the False Church of Rome maintain what is reported to be her tomb in the Kidron Valley just outside of Israel.
This is also attested to in every historical writing concerning the death of Mary the Jew from 300 AD, including that of Epiphanius of Salamis. However he did state that there were some who claimed that Mary the Jew came with John the Jew and died in Ephesus.
When Hippolytus of Thebes wrote his chronology of the life of Mary the Jew in 650 AD based off earlier works that he had access to, he stated that she died eleven years after the Man of Truth in Jerusalem.
In fact, historians consistently agreed that Mary the Jew died in Jerusalem until 1819 AD.
However, there has been an effort to change the location of her tomb to Ephesus since about three hundred years after her death.
However, Epiphanius of Salamis stated that same people who said she died in Ephesus were also leading others in worshiping Mary the Jew instead of the Man of Truth. So, around 400 AD, they built the Church of Mary there on the supposed site of her house to convince people that Mary the Jew lived her final days in Ephesus.
In 1187 AD, followers of Islam gained control of what they believed to be the tomb of Mary the Jew but allowed the False Church of Rome to maintain and staff their church on it. As a result, there was a revival of the story that Mary the Jew moved to Ephesus with John the Jew and died there.
In 1819 AD, a bedridden German Nun of the western leg of the False Church of Rome named Anne Catholic Emmerich started having visions of Mary the Jew. She had these visions where Mary the Jew would tell her things about her life in Ephesus and her death there until Anne died in 1824 AD.
Her visions were published in book in 1852 AD. These included some general descriptions of a house where Mary the Jew supposedly lived until her death. There was also a general location given as well as a description of the terrain.
In 1881 AD, a house was found near Ephesus by a French priest of the western leg of the False Church of Rome based on the very generic descriptions given by Anne. He named it the House of Mary.
In 1891 AD, a different house was found by a French nun and two priests of the western leg of the False Church of Rome based on the very generic descriptions given by Anne. They were led to the ruins of this house by descendants of those who began the worship of Mary the Jew in Ephesus that Epiphanius of Salamis had warned against.
These villagers called the ruins, "Doorway to the Virgin", but the nun and priests said that it was the real "House of Mary".
In 1896 AD, and again in 1961 AD, efforts were made by the popes of the western leg of the False Church of Rome to give legitimacy to the idea that Mary the Jew died in Ephesus instead of Jerusalem.
Even followers of Islam have come to treat the House of Mary as a holy site, and some believe that Mary the Jew died there as well. There is a statue of Mary the Jew wearing the crown of a queen outside of it.
Today, many historians of the False Church of Rome now favor Ephesus as where Mary the Jew died. They ignore the historical records, included those found in the Renewed Covenant, and the archeological evidence that Mary the Jew died in Jerusalem.
Their only evidence is this house, which was never properly examined by archeologists before being renovated and shows no evidence that it existed before 300 AD.
Why has there been this push inside the False Church of Rome to convince people that Mary the Jew died in Ephesus instead of Jerusalem?
While part of the reason would be to make Mary the Jew seem less Jewish by having her spend her final days in Ephesus instead of Jerusalem, that is not the main reason.
Ephesus was famous as the world-wide headquarters for the worship of Diana (Acts 19:24-28). The people of Ephesus were great in their enthusiasm in their worship of Diana (Acts 19:34-37).
Their enthusiasm was based on Diana being the Queen of Heaven.
Ephesus was eventually destroyed completely due to their worship of the Queen of Heaven like Jerusalem had been for doing the same thing (Jeremiah 7:16-20). The Ephesians had added this worship of the Queen of Heaven to their worship of the Father of Truth, just like the people of Jerusalem had done (Jeremiah 7:21-23).
Even after Ephesus was destroyed, their descendants still refused to stop their worship of the Queen of Heaven, just like the exiled people of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 44:15-19). They refused to acknowledge that their worship of the Queen of Heaven had brought about their destruction, just like the exiled people of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 44:20-23).
So, the Father of Truth brought destruction upon their descendants until only a small village was left as a remnant to serve a warning against worshiping the Queen of Heaven, just like the remnant of those exiles who returned to the land of Israel (Jeremiah 44:24-28).
However, none of this deterred the False Church of Rome from giving the title of Diana, “Queen of Heaven”, to Mary the Jew later.
In 356 AD, the Temple of Diana - the Queen of Heaven - was completely destroyed by a Greek named Herostratus for the sole reason of making his name famous. The worship of the Queen of Heaven ceased in Ephesus.
Shortly after that, Ephrem the Syrian, part of the False Church of Rome, began referring to Mary the Jew as the Queen of Heaven.
The idea was to transfer the very popular worship of Diana to Mary the Jew to bring idol worshipers into the False Church of Rome. This plan was wildly successful.
To justify Mary the Jew being called the Queen of Heaven, the following argument was made:
King Solomon would do whatever his mother, Bathsheba, asked (1 Kings 2:17-20). In like manner, the Man of Truth turned the water into wine when his mother, Mary the Jew, asked (John 2:3-10).
King Solomon even bowed down to his mother, Bathsheba, and had her sit at his right hand next to his throne (1 Kings 2:19). In the same way, the Man of Truth was subject to his mother, Mary the Jew (Luke 2:48-51).
The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 4:18). He is King of Kings who will bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth (Revelation 19:11-16).
Since the Man of Truth is the King of Heaven, then Mary the Jew, his mother is the Queen of Heaven.
However this argument does not consider all that is said in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
First, it assumes that Bathsheba was the Queen Mother. The Hebrew word for the Queen Mother, "Gebira", is never used in connection with Bathsheba.
Secondly, it purports that the King was subject to the Queen Mother. However, the Queen Mother was subject to her son the King and could be removed from office by him.
Third, it infers that because King Solomon had his mother sit at his right hand when she came to make a request of him, that Mary the Jew sits at the right hand of the Man of Truth as he rules in Heaven. However, only the Father of Truth determines who will sit at the right hand of the Man of Truth and will not reveal that the Man of Truth rules on this Earth (Mark 10:35-40).
So, even though the Man of Truth is the King of Heaven, his mother Mary the Jew is not the Queen of Heaven ruling at his right hand.
The next argument that Mary the Jew was shown to be the Queen of Heaven to John the Jew on the Isle of Patmos.
John the Jew saw a woman appear in Heaven that had a crown made of twelve stars, who was clothed by the Sun and stood upon the Moon (Revelation 12:1). This woman was pregnant and giving birth, but a Red Dragon was waiting to devour her son as soon as he was born (Revelation 12:2-4).
John the Jew then saw the woman give birth to a son who would rule the nations that was taken to Heaven, while the woman remained on the Earth and fled to the wilderness to escape the Red Dragon (Revelation 12:5-6). Then Michael, the Chief Angel of Truth, led an army of the Angels of Truth against the Red Dragon and his army of Angels of Lies (Revelation 12:7).
The army of the Red Dragon was defeated and cast out of Heaven to Earth (Revelation 12:8-11). This greatly angered the Red Dragon (Revelation 12:12).
So, the Red Dragon pursued the woman into the wilderness to destroy her, but she was rescued from him (Revelation 12:13-16). Finally, the Red Dragon began to make war upon her children, who kept the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and followed the Man of Truth (Revelation 12:17).
So, the False Church of Rome says this about this vision of John the Jew:
The woman was Mary the Jew, who was shown to be the Queen of Heaven by her crown and clothing. That when the Man of Truth ascended to Heaven, she was also taken off this Earth to be with him. Since she was out of reach of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), then he began persecuting the False Church of Rome, who are the children of the Queen of Heaven.
Again, using this vision to “prove” that Mary the Jew is the Queen of Heaven relies on ignoring the context of the passage itself as well as the rest of the Book of Truth.
If the woman was Mary the Jew in this passage, then she would not be the Queen of Heaven. The woman in this passage was being persecuted on the Earth – not ruling in Heaven (Revelation 12:13).
We do not have to wonder about who the woman is.
The first book of the Book of Truth tells us about the identity of this woman who is in the last book of the Book of Truth.
Joseph had a dream that the eleven sheaves of his brothers bowed down to his sheaf, which made twelve sheaves in all (Genesis 37:5-8). In the same way, he had another dream where the eleven stars of his brothers, as well as the Sun and Moon bowed down to him, the twelfth star (Genesis 37:9). The Sun and Moon represented Israel his father and his mother (Genesis 37:10-11).
So, this woman represents the Jewish people.
The Man of Truth was born from among the Jewish people (Micah 5:1-4). He was born from among them through Mary the Jew (Matthew 1:1-16).
The Father of Lies tried to destroy the Man of Truth after his birth through Herod the Great (Matthew 2:13). The Man of Truth returned to Heaven while Mary the Jew and the rest of the Jewish people remained on the Earth (Acts 1:9-14).
Since that time, the Jewish people have been persecuted by those stirred up by the Father of Lies every place that they have fled to (Deuteronomy 28:64-67). Yet, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have helped them escape this persecution (Ezekiel 11:16).
The Children of Truth are the brothers of the Man of Truth - the one who came from the Jewish people - because they do the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 12:48-50). The Children of Truth are also part of the family of the Jewish people - even those who remained uncircumcised Gentiles (Ephesians 2:11-13).
For this cause, the Father of Lies has sought to destroy them as well (1 Peter 5:8-9).
However, there is in another woman in The Revelation that John the Jew was given:
This Harlot has led kings and their kingdoms into fornication (Revelation 17:1-2). She has been dressed in purple, precious metals, and jewels like a queen (Revelation 17:3-4).
This Harlot has ruled over these kings through her mystery religion that came from Babylon (Revelation 17:5). She has been drunk on the blood of the Children of Truth (Revelation 17:6).
This Harlot sits upon seven hills (Revelation 17:9). Her throne is the great city that ruled over Israel and many other kingdoms when John the Jew saw her (Revelation 17:18).
This Harlot controls a great number of people of various ethnic groups who speak many different languages throughout the Earth (Revelation 17:15). However, the kings that she has ruled over will turn against this Harlot and kill her (Revelation 17:16).
Who is this Harlot that John the Jew saw?
Like the kingdom of Israel, this Harlot committed harlotry by beautifying herself with the images like Assyria (Ezekiel 23:5-7). Like the kingdom of Judah, this Harlot has followed after the mystery religion of Babylon (Ezekiel 23:14-17).
Like the city of Nineveh, the city of this Harlot has been a center of chariot races and great slaughtering of many people (Nahum 3:1-3). Like King Manasseh, this Harlot has filled the beautiful place in her city that is dedicated to the Father of Truth with idols (2 Chronicles 33:15-16).
Like Nineveh, the Harlot has ruled over kingdoms and other ethnic groups through her mystery religion (Nahum 3:4). Like the Jewish people in the past, those who commit fornication with this Harlot will turn against her and kill her (Ezekiel 16:36-40).
It is not hard to see that this Harlot is the False Church of Rome.
The city of Rome is built on seven hills and ruled over many other kingdoms in the largest empire on Earth, including Israel, in the days of John the Jew. The residency of the Pope is in the Lateran Palace on one of those hills, that was given to the Popes by the Roman Emperors when they took over the duties of running the Roman Universal (Catholic) religion.
The official headquarters of the False Church of Rome is built on the site of Nero’s Circus - where so many of the Children of Truth were killed that the ground became drunk with their blood (meaning there was more blood than it could drink in). It was also used for chariot racing.
Even though, the Saint Peter Basilica is dedicated to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), it is full of renamed Roman idols and images like those of the Queen of Heaven.
For centuries, the False Church of Rome ruled over many kingdoms.
Kings of many kingdoms could not be coronated unless the False Church of Rome consented. Otherwise, the other kingdoms ruled by the False Church of Rome would wage a holy war to replace them as the ruler of their kingdom.
These kings made the False Church of Rome the only allowed religion in their kingdoms to gain this support, so that the people in their kingdoms were ruled over by the False Church of Rome. The False Church of Rome then led their people in worshiping idols, even though they renamed the idols that Rome imported from Babylon and Assyria to things like “Jesus”, “Mary”, and the names of the Apostles of Truth.
The False Church of Rome continued to kill not only the Jewish people but also the Children of Truth throughout the centuries. They did this on a large scale with events like the Crusades, the Inquisitions, and various Pogroms.
The western leg of the False Church of Rome even helped fund the Holocaust because Hitler promised to make them the official religion of the Third Reich.
(The First Reich was the Western Roman Empire, and the Second Reich was the Holy Roman Empire – both had the False Church of Rome as their only allowed religion. After denying this for decades, Pope John Paul II apologized for this after the documents of this agreement signed by Pope Pius were discovered in 1998.)
So, the False Church of Rome is this Harlot that worships the Queen of Heaven.
The False Church of Rome parades image of the Queen of Heaven in processions for people to worship. They have made cathedrals dedicated to Mary the Jew
The False Church of Rome has made statues of Mary the Jew all over the world. They have created gardens where other statues kneel down in worship to the Queen of Heaven.
The False Church of Rome makes prayers to the Queen of Heaven. They sing hymns to Mary the Jew.
The False Church of Rome has built universities dedicated to the Queen of Heaven. In these institutions, they teach their religious professionals to reverence Mary the Jew.
The False Church of Rome has dedicated entire cites to the Queen of Heaven. Even an English colony started by them in what became the United States was declared to belong to Mary the Jew.
The False Church of Rome created the Easter Controversy when they taught people to associate Resurrection Sunday with Easter - the Queen of Heaven. They have led people into wishing each other “Happy Easter”, the day for honoring the Queen of Heaven, instead of “Happy Firstfruits”, the day when the Man of Truth rose from the grave.
Therefore, the False Church of Rome seeks to associate Mary the Jew with the Queen of Heaven worshiped in Ephesus by telling people she died there - or even ascended to Heaven from there. (The Queen of Heaven worshiped in Ephesus supposedly came down from Heaven and returned there when her Temple in Ephesus was destroyed.)
However, Mary the Jew is not the Queen of Heaven!
However, Mary the Jew was not a perpetual virgin like the Queen of Heavens supposedly was. There is no doubt that she fulfilled her marriage vows to Joseph the Jew and gave birth to at least six children that he begat. These included James the son of Mary and his brother, Jude the son of Mary.
The truth is that the Book of Truth warns us against worshiping the Queen of Heaven. Instead we are to worship the Father of Truth (John 4:21-22).
The truth is that the Book of Truth never tells us to worship Mary the Jew. Instead we are to worship her son, the Man of Truth - because he is the son of the Father of Truth (Matthew 14:26-33).
The truth is that the Book of Truth never tells us to worship the Father of Truth through Mary the Jew. Instead we are to worship the Father of Truth through the Spirit of Truth (John 4:23-24).
So, come into the House of Truth and worship like Mary the Jew did.
Make the Man of Truth the center of your life because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Now is the time to surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 6:2). He alone is worthy of your worship because he shed his blood to save you (Revelation 5:9-14).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Easter, False Church Of Rome, Mary The Jew
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