Wednesday, August 8, 2018

An Eternal Possession

Who obtains salvation as an eternal possession?

I recently heard a Bible teacher, who I greatly respect, talk about salvation as an eternal possession during his verse by verse teaching on several books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  His teaching on this subject was basically this:

Eternal life is not eternal, if a person can lose their salvation by turning away from the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  Eternal life is an eternal possession that is given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), so it cannot be lost.  Therefore, no one can lose salvation, once they are born again.

While there is no doubt that salvation is an eternal possession, none of the verses that he went over actually say that salvation becomes an eternal possession when someone is born again.  So the meaning of salvation being an eternal possession really hinges on one question:

Who obtains salvation as an eternal possession?

Salvation is not the only thing that has been promised as an eternal possession.  The Land of Israel was also promised as an eternal possession.  The key to understanding the method used to determine who obtains salvation as an eternal possession is understanding the method used to determine who obtains the Promised Land as an eternal possession.

The things that have happened to the physical descendants of Israel are examples, so that the Called Out Ones (Eklesia aka The Church) can understand how the Father of Truth deals with them (1 Corinthians 10:11). 

So, who was the Promised Land promised to as an eternal possession?

The Promised Land was promised to the descendants of Abraham (Abram) when he first arrived in the land (Genesis 12:5-7).  The Father of Truth promised that his descendants would be exceedingly great in number and that the Promised Land would be their eternal possession (Genesis 13:15-18).  The Father of Truth established the boundaries of the Promised Land with Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21).  This land was to be an eternal possession for those who were given the eternal seal of circumcision in their flesh (Genesis 17:7-13).

The Father of Truth promised Isaac (Yitzchaq), the son of Abraham, that his descendants would receive the Promised Land as an eternal possession, if he would stay in the Promised Land (Genesis 26:1-3).  Isaac remained in the Promised Land, and then gave the Promised Land to Israel (Yah'acov aka Jacob) and his descendants (Genesis 28:1-4).

The Father of Truth then confirmed that Israel and his descendants would indeed receive the Promised Land (Genesis 28:13-14).  The Father of Truth later confirmed that the Promised Land would belong to the descendants of Israel (Genesis 35:10-12).  The Father of Truth gave the Promised Land to the descendants of Israel as an eternal possession (Genesis 48:3-4).

Yet, it should be obvious that not all of the descendants of Israel have obtained the Promised Land as an eternal possession.

Four generations of the descendants of Israel died in Egypt without obtaining the Promised Land as an eternal possession (Genesis 15:13-16).  Only two of the generation that came out of Egypt even entered the Promised Land (Numbers 14:28-30).

Even when the next generation finished fighting to take possession of the Promised Land, they did not possess most of it (Joshua 13:1-6).  Later, King David took the northern most strip of the Promised Land, but no where near all of the Promised Land (1 Chronicles 18:3).  The closest that the descendants of Israel ever got to obtaining the entire Promised Land was under the reign of Solomon, who added the entire coastal strip along the Mediterranean Sea to what King David possessed, but they still never possessed all of the Promised Land (2 Chronicles 7:8).

Afterwards, the descendants of Israel who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel, lost all of the Promised Land that they had possessed (2 Kings 17:5-6).  Later, the descendants of Israel who lived in the southern kingdom of Judah, lost all of the Promised Land that they had possessed (2 Kings 25:21).

Seventy years later, a few of the descendants of Israel returned to the the southern kingdom of Judah to possess a small part of the Promised Land (Ezra 2:1).  By the time the Man of Truth began his ministry, the descendants of Israel still did not possess close to all of the Promised Land, and were dominated by Gentiles in the parts that they did possess (Luke 3:1).

About a hundred years later, the descendants of Israel who lived in the Promised Land were scattered by the Romans to all of the nations throughout the Roman Empire (Luke 21:20-24).

Then the descendants of Israel became scattered to the far ends of the Earth (Deuteronomy 28:63-64).  The Father of Truth did not bring them back to begin possessing the Promised Land again for about seventeen hundred years (Ezekiel 11:17).

Even today, the descendants of Israel only possess about ten percent of the Promised Land.  There has never been a time when all the descendants of Israel have possessed the entire Promised Land as an eternal possession.  Why is this?

The Father of Truth made this promise to Abraham to give the Promised Land to his descendants, because he had obeyed Him and believed His promises (Genesis 15:5-7).  The Father of Truth promised to give this land to his descendants, because of his obedience and faith (Genesis 24:7).  Abraham was given this promise, because he obeyed the laws and commandments of the Father of Truth (Genesis 26:3-5).  Abraham was given this promise, because he obeyed the Father of Truth by faith in the Father of Truth (Hebrews 11:8-9).

So, the Father of Truth gave this promise to Abraham that his descendants would be given the Promised Land as an eternal possession, because he had walked in all of His ways for all of his days.

The Father of Truth made this promise to Abraham, because He knew that Abraham would command his descendants to obey Him, so He could give them this eternal possession (Genesis 18:19).

The descendants of Abraham would possess the Promised Land when they obeyed the commandments of the Father of Truth, but would be vomited out of the land when they refused to so (Leviticus 20:22-24).  When a generation of the descendants of Israel turned against the Father of Truth and did what He said was wrong in the Law of Truth, even after the descendants of Israel had lived in the Promised Land for many years, then those descendants of Israel would be cast out of the Promised Land and scattered among the nations to live as an oppressed minority (Deuteronomy 4:25-27).  The descendants of Israel could only obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession by continually living in obedience to the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:31-33).  The descendants of Israel could only keep the Promised Land all their days by living in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) all of their days (Deuteronomy 12:1).  The descendants of Israel had to live in obedience like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in order to obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession (Deuteronomy 30:19-20).

So, this possession of the Promised Land was conditional upon obedience that came from faith in the Father of Truth.  The descendants of Israel would obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession when they continued to walk in all of His ways for all of their days.

Did they ever meet these conditions?

Most of the first generation of the descendants of Israel sought to kill their brother, but instead sold him to the Gentiles (Genesis 37:17-28).  So, the descendants of Israel were forced out of the Promised Land and into Egypt (Genesis 46:5-7).

While the descendants of Israel were in Egypt, they turned even further from the Father of Truth, so that they could not return to the Promised Land (Joshua 24:14).

The descendants of Israel that came out of Egypt did not possess any part of the Promised Land, because they did not obey the Father of Truth (Joshua 5:6).  They did not enter into His rest, because they would not walk in His ways (Psalm 95:10-11).  They did not enter into His rest, because they did refused to believe the Father of Truth (Hebrews 3:17-19).

Later, the descendants of Israel in the northern kingdom of Israel were cast out of the Promised land by the Assyrians for the same reasons (2 Kings 17:7-18).  Afterwards, the rest of the descendants of Israel in the southern kingdom of Judah were cast out of the Promised Land by the Babylonians for the same reasons (2 Chronicles 36:14-20).  Finally, the returning descendants of Israel in the later kingdom of Judaea were cast out of the Promised Land by the Romans for the same reasons (Luke 21:12-19).

The descendants of Israel never met these conditions, so they have never obtained the Promised Land as an eternal possession.

Yet, the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that the descendants of Israel would obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession (Deuteronomy 1:8).  However, He cannot do this until the descendants of Israel meet these conditions (Jeremiah 11:3-5).

He will yet do this, because they will meet these conditions in the future (Ezekiel 37:21-25).  This promise has happened in part up to today, but will happen in full when the Man of Truth returns (Acts 1:6-7).

The descendants of Israel will be able to do meet these conditions, when they return to Him and He circumcises their hearts (Deuteronomy 30:2-8).  They will be able to meet these conditions, because He will replace their stony hearts with hearts of flesh that can obey Him (Ezekiel 11:17-20).  They will be able to meet these conditions, because He will put the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in them (Ezekiel 36:24-28).  All of the descendants of Israel will be saved, when the Man of Truth drives ungodliness out of them (Romans 11:25-27).

So, the descendants of Israel as a group will obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession, but not every individual born as a descendant of Israel will obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession.

Those born as descendants of Israel, but have refused to walk in the ways of the Father of Truth, have been cut off from being part of the descendants of Israel (Leviticus 18:26-29).  Only a remnant of those born as descendants of Israel will remain a part of the descendants of Israel who obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession (Isaiah 10:20-22).  Not every one who was born as a descendant of Israel remains a descendant of Israel (Romans 9:3-6).

Even when those born as descendants of Israel are gathered by the Man of Truth, only those who will surrender to him as their king will remain part of the descendants of Israel (Ezekiel 20:33-38).  Only those who remain as part of the descendants of Israel will obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession (Ezekiel 20:40-42).

So everyone in the group will obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession.  Being born into the group only makes the individual a candidate to be part of those who obtain the Promised Land as an eternal possession.  Those individuals who do not meet the conditions will be removed from the group.  The group that obtains the Promised Land as an eternal possession is composed only those individuals who are willing to walk in all of His ways for all of their days.

It is exactly the same with the Called Out Ones.

Just as people must be born as a descendant of Israel to part of that group, so must people must be born again as one of the Called Out Ones to be part of this group (John 3:3-5).  The Spirit of Truth is given to everyone in this group as an assurance, that this group will obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Ephesians 1:11-14).  The Man of Truth gave his own blood so it would be possible for this group to obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Hebrews 9:12-15).  This group will not obtain salvation as an eternal possession until the Man of Truth returns (1 Peter 1:3-5).

The Called Out Ones must avoid being deceived into believing, that they can obtain salvation as an eternal possession without obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Anyone among the Called Out Ones, who refuses to obey the laws of the Father of Truth, will not obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Galatians 5:19-21).  They must not let anyone deceive them into believing that they can live in disobedience to the Father of Truth, and still obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Ephesians 5:5-6).

It is only those among the Called Out Ones, who obey the Man of Truth that will obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Colossians 3:23-25).  It is only those among the Called Out Ones, who are diligent to carry out the will of the Father of Truth until the end that will obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Hebrews 6:10-12).  It is only those among the Called Out Ones, who overcome disobedience to the Father of Truth that obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Revelation 21:6-8).

The Father of Truth will remove from the Called Out Ones, everyone who will not walk in His ways, like He has done with the descendants of Israel (Romans 11:20-22).  Every individual among the Called Out Ones that turns from following the Man of Truth in obedience, will be removed from the group (Hebrews 12:22-25).

This is why the Man of Truth said, that only those who endure being hated by others until the end, will obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Matthew 10:21-22).  In these days leading up to the Tribulation, it is the only those Called Out Ones, who avoid being deceived by Prophets of Lies, and do not let their love for the Man of Truth grow cold, that will obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Matthew 24:11-14).

It is only those who remain in the House of Truth until the end, that will be part of the group to obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Hebrews 3:5-6).  It is only those who do not depart from the Father of Truth, and remain in the House of Truth until the end, that will be part of the group to obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Hebrews 3:12-14). 

For this reason, the Called Out Ones are warned to fear the Father of Truth, who can cast them into Hell, if they let the fear of people keep them from proclaiming the Good News (Matthew 10:26-28).  They should be afraid to not continue to believe the Word of Truth, because that will cause them to fall short of obtaining salvation as an eternal possession (Hebrews 4:1-3).  They must serve the Father of Truth with reverent fear to remain in the group (Hebrews 12:26-29).

The Called Out Ones are warned to rebuke those who sin among them, so the rest of them will be afraid to sin (1 Timothy 5:20-22).  They are told to work out their salvation through continual obedience with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12)  They must help each other remain afraid of sinning, so that they can all obtain salvation as an eternal possession (Jude 1:21-23).

So everyone in the group will obtain salvation as an eternal possession. Being born again into the group only makes the individual a candidate to be part of those who obtain salvation as an eternal possession.  Those individuals who do not meet the conditions will be removed from the group.  The group that obtains salvation as an eternal possession is composed only those individuals who are willing to walk in all of His ways for all of their days.

So, you must stay in the House of Truth to obtain salvation as an eternal possession.  It is not how you begin, but it is how you end that determines if you obtain salvation as an eternal possession.  It is how you live between when you come into the House of Truth and when you leave this Earth to meet the Man of Truth that determines your permanent job.

You can obtain salvation as an eternal possession!  

You can learn how to be a winner and overcome the power of the dark side.  You do not have to continue plowing a crooked furrow.  You can be free from the monster within.

If you will come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will put the Spirit of Truth in you, so that His commandments are written on your heart to make you able to obey them.

Coming into the House of Truth is a simple one-step program.  You just need to take the deal of total surrender that makes it possible for you to obtain salvation as an eternal possession.

You come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of every aspect of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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