More than Human
Why is Frankenstein like the Antichrist?
In 1818 AD, Mary Shelly wrote her famous novel “Frankenstein”. In this novel, Doctor Frankenstein tries to solve the problem of human mortality by creating a being that is more than human from the parts of various dead people.
Doctor Frankenstein was successful in sewing together what he believes to be a superior version of a human being and bringing it to life, but things do not go well afterwards. His more than human creature ends up causing havoc until the tragic end of the book.
The novel “Frankenstein” was inspired by the themes of “St. Leon”, a novel written in 1799 AD by the father of Mary Shelly, William Godwin. In it, the main character drinks “the elixir of life”, only find that becoming more than human leads to an existence of wandering separated from the rest of mankind.
William Godwin may have been inspired “The Discourse on Method” written by Rene Descartes in 1637. In it, Descartes envisioned a new kind of medicine that would make people more than human by making their bodies immortal and mental abilities enhanced.
However, this idea of becoming more than human through drinking “the elixir of life” did not originate with Rene Descartes. It was first expressed in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” - the story of a king of Ur that lived before 2000 BC.
So, Mary Shelly really revived a very ancient idea with her novel “Frankenstein”. Her novel influenced a great number of philosophers and scientists.
This sparked a movement to move the ideas in “Frankenstein” from fiction to reality.
Among those influenced was Friedrich Nietzsche who demonstrated this in works like “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” that he wrote in 1883 AD. In his works, he often advocated people working to create a race of “Übermensch” (overman or superman) that were more than human through guided evolution.
Friedrich Nietzsche was not concerned with the ethics of doing this or if those who were more than human would enslave or destroy those who created them. He was a committed atheist and evolutionist who believed that stronger species were supposed to replace their weaker predecessors.
Friedrich Nietzsche also took evolution to its logical philosophical conclusion: If there is no God, then there is no wrong or right - only what you can get away with.
Among those influenced by this philosophy was J. B. S. Haldane. He wrote an essay in 1923 AD entitled “Daedalus: Science and the Future” that advocated a formal program of eugenics to guide the evolution of humans to bring about a more than human race that would replace the human race.
His essay influenced J. D. Bernal to write “The World, The Flesh and The Devil” in 1929 AD. This work advocated making people more than human by use of bionic implants and cognitive enhancement through advances in medicine.
In 1940 AD, W. D. Lighthall coined a word to cover these various efforts to use science to create beings that were more than human. That word was “transhumanism”.
Friedrich Nietzsche and those who followed him greatly influenced Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler soon began a program to accelerate eugenics and medical advances to create beings that were more than human.
By 1942 AD, Adolf Hitler had assembled a team of scientists to carry out the aims of transhumanism. These included Josef Mengele, Eduard Wirths, and Aribert Heim.
This team used people deemed as evolutionary undesirable – Jews, various non-Germans, and disabled Germans – to conduct their experiments on to learn how make medical advances needed to bring about a new master race that was more than human. They also began a program of forced breeding between Germans that possessed what they deemed desirable qualities with any babies from the breeding program that did not possess the desired qualities being exterminated.
Inspired by “Frankenstein”, Josef Mengele and others began conducting experiments using living people to attempt to transplant body parts deemed to possess some desirable quality from one person to another who possessed another body part with a desirable quality lacking in the first person. Like Doctor Frankenstein, they were attempting to sew together from different bodies a new being that was more than human.
By 1947, Adolf Hitler was dead, and his team of doctors were on trial for their experiments.
It looked like the end of the efforts to create a being that was more than human, but it was not.
In 1957, Julian Huxley wrote an influential article that included “transhumanism” in its title. Due to his article the efforts to create a race of beings that was more than human came back to life like Frankenstein.
In 1972, Robert Ettinger wrote “Prospects of Immortality”. This book began the cryogenics movement to preserve people in suspended animation before they died until they could be made more than human.
By 1966, F. M. Esfandiary had created a following of scientists that had been influenced by Julian Huxley to pursue creating about a new race that was more than human. He called those working towards this goal “transhumanists”.
In 1972, Robert Ettinger wrote “Man to Superman”. This book helped clearly define the ideas of transhumanists.
So in 1973 F. M. Esfandiary, took the ideas in that book to write the “Upwingers Manifesto”. This document stated the goals of transhumanists.
In 1980 F. M. Esfandiary began promoting the ideas of the “Upwingers Manifesto” at the UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). UCLA soon became the headquarters of transhumanists.
Later that year, Natasha Vita-More presented her film “Breaking Away” at UCLA. This film promoted the ideas of the “Upwingers Manifesto” to create a race that was more than human.
By 1981, F. M. Esfandiary and Natasha Vita-More began hosting transhumanist conferences in Los Angeles. They mostly recruited students from UCLA to help host and attend these conferences.
In 1982, Natasha Vita-More wrote the “Transhumanists Arts Statement”. This book was a guide of how to promote the ideas of “Upwingers Manifesto” through the arts.
The spread of these ideas led Eric Dexler to write “Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology” in 1986. This book explained how nanotechnology and molecular assemblers could be used to enhance the abilities of the human race so they would be more than human.
By 1987, Eric Dexler had created the “Foresight Institute” in San Francisco to promote these ideas. Around that same time, the “Alcor Life Extension Foundation” was started as a non-profit near UCLA to advance the use of cryogenics in creating a race that was more than human.
Then in 1988, Natasha Vita-More put those ideas into practice by creating her Cable TV show “TransCentury Update”. This show increased the number of people in southern California who wanted to create a race that was more than human.
Also that year, Max More and Tom Morrow published a magazine called “Extropy”. This magazine promoted a different approach to achieve the goals of transhumanism.
Then in 1990, Max More wrote the “Principles of Extropy”. This was new manifesto that change the goals of transhumanism from creating a new race that was more than human to creating advances in technology that would make all people more than human.
So in 1992, Max More and Tom Morrow created the “Extropy Institute” to promote the ideas of this book. Their institute soon began recruiting multitudes of people around the world to join the quest to create advance technology to make people more than human
This surge in the transhumanism movement lead Nick Bostrom and David Pearce to start the WTA (World Transhumanist Association). Soon, this organization began working to get government funding to achieve their goal of making people more than human.
In 2002, the WTA released “The Transhumanist Declaration”. This was created from the “Principles of Extropy” and then modified to bring more cohesion to the transhuman movement.
After this the WTA released “The Transhumanist FAQ” that gave two different definitions of transhumanism. This were meant to appeal to people with opposing political views within the transhuman movement so they would together to ensure that technologies to make people more than human would be available everywhere.
In 2006, there was political struggle within the WTA between the libertarian right members and the liberal left members. As a result, the WTA adopted a left of center political position to retain as members as possible who would continue to work together to make people more than human.
Also that year, the Mormon Transhumanist Society was founded. This was the first association of a major world religion to support the ideas of the WTA.
After this, the Extropy Institute closed its doors. Max More and Tom Morrow stated that it had achieved its goal of wide-spread adoption by leading organizations to make people more than human.
By 2008, the WTA was the leading promoter of transhumanism. Soon it changed its name to “Human+” to reflect their goal of making people more than human.
In 2012, Human+ created the “Longetity Party” as an international political party to get transhumanists elected to office in more than thirty countries. Soon, Giuseppe Vatinno became the first transhumanist elected to a national legislature in Italy.
Also by that year, the Mormon Transhumanist Society had grown to hundreds of members of the Mormon church that were helping Human+ achieve its goals. Unlike Doctor Frankenstein, Human+ gained the approval of religious leaders in their effort to make someone that was more than human.
However, there is still much opposition to the goals of Human+ by political conservatives, social progressives, and the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). Human+ is working to win these groups over to join them in their quest to make people that are more than human.
Works of fiction other after “Frankenstein” have helped lower this opposition including Superman.
In 1933, Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster were inspired by the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche concerning a superman that was more than human. So, they created “Superman”, who came from a race that possessed abilities superior to those of humans. (Originally Superman was pitched as a human from the future that had become more than human through guided evolution.)
In 1937, Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster published the first “Superman” comic book after years of it being rejected by various comic book publishers. People were soon enthralled with idea of Superman and his race that was more than human.
In 1940, the story of Superman began being broadcasted over the radio. Millions were introduced to the ideas of transhumanism embodied in Superman.
In 1941, the story of Superman was brought to life on movie screens as short cartoons. It planted the ideas of transhumanism in the minds of millions of children.
In 1948, the first Superman movie was made. It taught the ideas of transhumanism to children while becoming the most profitable movie serial in history.
In 1952, Superman first came into homes via television. It purposely was made to appeal to adults who could advance the goals of transhumanism.
In 1958, Brainiac was introduced as a supervillain to counter Superman. An intellect augmented by cybergenic implants gave Brainiac a mind that was more than human.
In 1961, General Zod was introduced as a villain with the same abilities as Superman. This revealed that Superman was not the last of a race that was more than human.
General Zod represented the liberal left party of transhumanists while Superman represented the libertarian right party of transhumanists. They both possess abilities that make them more than human but have completely different ideas on how those abilities should be used.
In 1966, the story of Superman was brought to life on the stage. An entire new audience of adults was introduced to the ideas of transhumanism.
In 1968, the first animated Superman series appeared on televisions. A new generation of children began being indoctrinated with the ideas of transhumanism.
In 1982, Darkseid first began fighting Superman. Darksied is a “new god” that not only has gained abilities that are more human through technological advances but is also immortal.
The “new gods” are also giants that can be slain, so in reality they are semi-mortal. So by this point, the ultimate goal of transhumanism was realized in the Superman franchise.
Since that time, Superman has become a worldwide representation of transhumanism ideas. He is the embodiment of someone who is more than human.
Captain America also promoted the same ideas as “Frankenstein”.
In March of 1941, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby created a Captain America. Captain America was a frail young artist named Steve Rogers who became a super-soldier by a serum created for the American army similar to the super medicine proposed by Rene Descartes. This serum was later revealed to have been created from the DNA of an alien race from outer space.
The cover of the first edition of Captain America showed him hitting Adolf Hitler. So, the fictional symbol of libertarian right transhumanism was defeating the real-life champion of liberal left transhumanism.
However, Captain America actually fought against the Red Skull - an agent of Adolf Hitler. Originally, the Red Skull was George Maxon a manufacturer of aircraft for the American army that wore the Red Skull mask when robbing American banks to raise money for overthrowing the American government.
However, the real Red Skull, Johann Smidt, had only used George Maxon as pawn to achieve his own goals. The goals of the Red Skull relied on Johann Smidt becoming more than human.
Soon, Johann Smidt tricked his childhood associate into trying to kill Adolf Hitler while he was disguised as a bellhop. After killing his associate and “saving” Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler made Johann Smidt into a top agent of the Nazi government.
During this time, Johann Smidt recruited Nazi agents dissatisfied with Adolf Hitler for various reasons to create his own secret organization. He then used unrestrained Nazi funding to create secret bases all over the world for H.Y.D.R.A. and arm them with experimental weapons that it had stolen from the Nazis.
Soon Johann Smidt is involved in a secret program of Adolf Hitler to create a super-soldier for the Nazis. Eventually, the Nazis clone the body of Captain America and Johann Smidt has his mind projected into that body.
So, the Red Skull took the place of Adolf Hitler as the symbol of liberal left transhumanism. He would continue as the arch nemesis of Captain America – the symbol of libertarian right transhumanism.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into World War II in December of 1941, the popularity of Captain America soared. Soon, Captain America was outselling Time magazine – the most popular news magazine in America.
By 1944 a movie serial of Captain America was in theatres. America had a new symbol of patriotism and heroism who was more than human.
Since that time, Captain American and the Red Skull have been revived multiple times. Each time Captain American fights for libertarian right values and the Red Skull is allied with those who share his liberal left values.
So, the fight between libertarian right and liberal left transhumanism has continued as a consistent thread in the story of Captain America. The champion of both sides is more than human.
The Captain America franchise has helped gain acceptance of the goals of transhumanists from people regardless of their political leanings. They are preparing the world for those who are more than human.
So, the efforts of transhumanist to gain acceptance of their goals have been long and subtle. “Frankenstein” set the pattern of many other works of fiction to gain this acceptance.
However, the plan to bring about those who are more than human began long before “Frankenstein”.
In fact, this plan was first initiated about a thousand years before the time of King Gilgamesh. This plan was initiated by beings with abilities far beyond those of human beings called “the sons of God”.
They were called “the sons of God” because like Adam, the first human, they were created directly by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) and were not begotten by anyone else (Luke 3:38). They would appear before Him at various times (Job 1:7).
They normally lived above the First Heaven, which is the atmosphere around the Earth (Genesis 1:20). They lived below the Third Heaven which is beyond the stars where the Father of Truth is enthroned (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).
These “sons of God” were also called “stars” because they normally lived in the Second Heaven where the stars are located - just like the people of Superman (Job 38:7). However, one of them led a rebellion against the Father of Truth and became the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (Isaiah 14:12-14).
After Adam was created, the Father of Lies told his wife Eve that she could become like the “gods” if she would rebel against God through disobedience (Genesis 3:1-5). So the human race became like the “gods” in that they would decide good and evil for themselves, but they were prevented by the Father of Truth from becoming immortal like the “gods” (Genesis 3:22-24).
However, the “sons of God” were immortal and so they were the “gods” that dealt proudly against the Father of Truth in their rebellion against Him (Exodus 18:11). The sons of man came to worship images of these “old gods” as the Host of Heaven that lived in the Second Heaven (Deuteronomy 4:15-19).
Then these “sons of God” married the most beautiful of the daughters of man (Genesis 6:1-2). This brought about “demi-god (half “god’ and half human hybrids)” warriors of great size that were more than human due to mixing human and alien DNA – just like Captain America (Genesis 6:4).
These demi-god warriors continued to wage war against those who worshipped the Father of Truth until King David and his men destroyed the last of them (1 Chronicles 20:4-8). The Father of Truth made sure that no more of these “demi-gods” would be born by imprisoning the “old gods” that had left their home in the Second Heaven to create a new race that was more than human (Jude 1:6).
However, the Father of Lies still has a plan to make more that are more than human who will more wreak far more havoc than Frankenstein.
The Father of Lies will soon give the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) super-human abilities that will deceive almost everyone (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10). Many people will worship the Father of Lies and the Man of Lies because he is more than human (Revelation 13:4-5).
Then the Man of Lies will wage war on the Children of Truth who will still oppose the transhuman movement that led people to worship him (Revelation 13:6-10). However, the Children of Truth will continue to resist him as they wait for the Father of Truth to deliver them (Revelation 14:9-12).
However, the Prophet of Lies (The False Prophet) will also be given super-human powers by the Father of Lies to ensure that people continue to worship the Man of Lies (Revelation 13:11-15). He will cause everyone who worships the Man of Lies to be marked as belonging to the one who is more than human (Revelation 13:16-18).
However, the world will soon be terrified when this more than human ruler destroys one quarter of the human race in his quest to enslave the entire planet (Revelation 6:1-8). Yet, those who submit to the Man of Lies will soon find themselves at war with the Father of Truth himself (Revelation 6:9-17).
During this time, the “new gods”, which are the one third of the “sons of God” that joined the Father of Lies in his rebellion, will come to Earth with him (Revelation 12:3-4). Then he will lead them to wage a war in the Second Heaven against the Father of Truth, but they will be defeated (Revelation 12:7-9).
When this happens, the Father of Lies will know that the Father of Truth will soon punish him, so he will take out his anger on the human race – especially the Jewish people and the Children of Truth (Revelation 12:10-17). Then the Father of Lies, the Man of Lies, and the Prophet of Lies will finally deceive billions into forming a coalition to destroy Israel (Revelation 16:13-16).
However, the Father of Truth will send the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) with an army from the Third Heaven to fight against their coalition (Revelation 19:11-16). Most of their coalition will be killed , then the Man of Truth will throw the Man of Lies and Prophet of Lies into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:17-21).
By this time, the human race will have been almost completely destroyed by this one who will be more than human (Matthew 24:21-22). The Father of Lies will be banished to the Abyss for a thousand years for once again making a being that is more than human (Revelation 20:1-3).
So, the efforts of transhumanism to make a race that is more than human will end in tragedy like “Frankenstein”.
However, there is one who was more than human who became human and died as a man (Philippians 2:5-8). The Man of Truth then returned to the Third Heaven as a more than human ruler (Philippians 2:9-11).
While on the Earth, the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) gave the Man of Truth abilities that were more than human (Luke 4:14-19). These super-human powers came from the Father of Truth (John 3:1-2).
The Man of Truth promised to give these same super-human powers to the Children of Truth through the Spirit of Truth (John 14:12-17). The Spirit of Truth will cause them to become more than human and become sons of the Father of Truth (Romans 8:14-16).
The day will come when their bodies become immortal (1 Corinthians 15:50-53). The Children of Truth will become more than human in every way like the Man of Truth (1 John 3:1-2).
So, there is a way to become more than human. The futile efforts of transhumanists to make people more than human will fail and bring destruction, but this plan to become more than human will never fail.
So, make the Man of Truth your king because you believe that the Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). As soon as you do, then you will become more than human like him (1 John 4:17).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Antichrist, Captain America, Frankenstein, Superman, Transhumanism
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