Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Dawkins Delusions

How can the Dawkins Delusions be ended?

In 2006, Richard Dawkins wrote a best selling book called "The God Delusion".  In this book, he not only defends Atheism, but also attacks "religion".  In particular, he attacks Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism.

His contends in this book that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist, and belief in one is evidence of experiencing a strong delusion.  Hence the name of the book.

He claims that this belief meets the definition of a delusion: A persistent false belief in the face of contradictory evidence.

According to Dawkins, his book has four "conscious raising" messages:

1.  Atheists can be happy, balanced, moral, and intellectually fulfilled.
2.  Natural selection and similar scientific theories are superior to a "God hypothesis"—the illusion of intelligent design—in explaining the living world and the cosmos.
3.  Children should not be labelled by their parents' religion. Terms like "Catholic child" or "Muslim child" should make people cringe.
4.   Atheists should be proud, not apologetic, because atheism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind.

His arguments against a supernatural creator and for a natural explanation can be summed up as follows:

1.  The idea of supernatural creator is self-refuting.
2.  There is no design of the universe, there is only appearance of a design.
3.  If there is a designer of the universe, then who designed the designer?
4.  That the alternative theories, like evolution, rely not on chance, but on natural selection.
5.  Like Occam's Razor, the simplest solution is usually the correct one.
6.  A universe without God is preferable to a universe with God.

His arguments against the need for "religion" can be summed up as follows:

1.  "Religion" was created by a flaw in human minds.
2.  "Religion" is spread across the minds of a society by memes like a virus spreading through a body.
3.  People do not need "religion" to be moral.
4.  People are moral due to an altruistic gene acquired through natural selection.
5.  Most people would behave just as morally if they did not have a "Religion".
6.  History shows that societies have different morals at different periods, defined by their Zietgiest (spirit of the age) in each period, with societies always progressing towards liberalism.
7.  The leaders of a "religion" change their interpretations of their foundational books to adapt as society progresses from one period to the next.
8.  Morality does not originate from the Bible, but rather Christians accept the parts of the Bible that agree with the spirit of the age, and dismiss the parts that do not.

His arguments that "religion" is harmful to society can be summed up as follows:

1.  "Religion" is subverts science.
2.  "Religion" fosters fanaticism.
3.  "Religion" encourages bigotry against homosexuality.
4.  "Religion" influences society in other negative ways.
5.  "Religion" is a divisive force.
6.  Teaching "religion" in schools is indoctrination.
7.  Parents and schools that teach their children "Religion" are engaging in child abuse.
8.  Atheism is better for society than "Religion".

Richard Dawkins styles himself to be a man of science and reason.  He is a professorial fellow at Oxford.  Yet for all this, his arguments are so full of flaws, that I find it amazing that any thinking human being would believe them.   (One author wrote two books going over the flaws of this book, and probably did not exhaust the flaws.  These books are "The Dawkins Delusion?" and "Dawkin's God".)  Although, I cannot go over all of his delusions in the space of this blog post, I will show why they are based on fundamentally flawed assumptions, that my nine year old grandson would see right through.

Delusion Number One: Dawkins believes that he does not have a religion.

He uses the term "Religion" like it is something that lessor people have.  Every man has a religion. His is Atheism.

Every religion is about answering three basic questions:  Where did the human race come from?  Why is the human race here?  Where is the human race going?

Every person, unless they are extremely mentally challenged, has developed answers to those three questions.  Their answers define their religion.

In the case of Atheism, those answers are: By accident; there is no purpose; and extinction.  This has got to be the most depressing religion ever developed by the human race.

The fact is that Atheism is a religion.  It is recognized as one by government agencies like the CIA, and is treated as one by academics.  A more well defined branch of Atheism is Secular Humanism, which Dawkins appears to endorse.  The Humanist Manifesto (the entire collection) is their Bible in the same way that the Communist Manifesto is the Bible of Communism, another branch of Atheism.

Dawkins even speaks of his views in religious terms used by the New Age movement like "conscious raising" messages.

Delusion Number Two:  Dawkins does not believe that his arguments against religion apply to Atheism.

Every argument he has against religion can certainly be applied to Atheism.

Atheism was certainly created by flawed human minds.  Only a flawed mind would create The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told and believe it to be fact.   In fact, like a slick politician, the details of their story changes every time someone closely examines it.

Atheism has spread by memes like a virus across societies as much as any other religion.  They have their memes like their "evolution of man" picture.  (This has changed several times, as newer Atheists have examined the work of older Atheists and proven that most of the older "fossil evidence" had been fabricated.  So the meme has to keep changing, like the story being told by a slick politician.)

Delusion Number Three:  Dawkins believes that Atheism has not been harmful to society.

Atheism has been very subversive to science.  Many atheists have tried to silence and deny grants to any scientist, who did not agree with them, regardless of the results that they produced.  This was well documented by Ben Stein in "Expelled".

The fact is, that if they were truly interested in advancing science, then they would not care about the religion of the scientist.  They would simply let scientists of any religion produce whatever contributions that they could.  It is obvious, that they are more interested in advancing their religion than science.

In fact, their subversion of science would have denied Sir Isaac Newton from his contributions to science, due to his very strong Christian Zionist beliefs.  Sir Isaac Newton only wrote twice as many scientific papers as the second place scientist.  His work is the foundation of almost every branch of science that relies on physics.

While Einstein was not strongly connected to Judaism, his references to God in his writings were straight out of Judaism.  Einstein said emphatically, more than once, that he was not an Atheist.

The problem with defining a scientist based on denial of a supernatural creator, is that far better scientists than Dawkins were convinced of a supernatural creator.  This true to this day, and the list is extensive.  In fact, when you look at the historical record for the note worthy things that were actually proven by scientists, not just theorized, then you find that Atheist scientists are under performing compared to scientists of most other religions, especially Judaism and Christianity.

Atheism, in its various forms, has certainly fostered fanaticism.  Consider the fanaticism fostered by note worthy Atheists like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Castro, and Pol Pot.

Obviously, Atheism has harmed societies in other ways.  For example, the hundreds of millions of people left dead when these leaders took over their societies.

Atheism is obviously the most divisive force to ever darken the Earth.  When nations practiced Christianity, other religious were tolerated.  This is the foundation of freedom of religion in the United States.  Modern Israel, that is dominated by Judaism, has been almost as tolerant.  Followers of Islam and Hinduism have managed to tolerate each other to a large degree in India.

Not so, when Atheism is the dominate religion.  No other religion is tolerated.  If there is any doubt about this, look at the persecution, particularly of those who practiced Christianity and Judaism, in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and Cambodia.  The same was true in Nazi Germany, where Hitler became so frustrated with German Christians helping German Jews escape persecution, that he told the German people in one of his radio addresses: "You must decide if you are Christian or a German!".

Atheism is taught in schools, where Atheists have gain enough influence, as the only right way.  Doctrine literally means "a teaching".  Indoctrination literally means "to put a teaching into a student".  Atheists have been indoctrinating children with their religion in schools for years.

This is definitely child abuse.  The Atheists deny children the right to consider for themselves, if the Atheists ideas are sound or not.  Any child, who dares to question their doctrine of evolution and the like, will be silenced.  No child is to question, whether or not their ideas are rational or conform to observable facts.  No child is allowed to question, why these theories have not been proven as fact by applying these theories to produces predictable outcomes, like electron shell theory.  No child is to bring up, that every experiment to prove these theories has failed miserably.  The children are told to not think for themselves.  They are to accept theories like evolution as facts, simply because their Atheist teacher said that they are facts.

Delusion Number Four:  Atheism is better for society than other religions.

It has already been shown that any society is better off with any well formed religion other than Atheism.  Atheism managed to cause more war, death, and misery in the twentieth century across planet Earth, than all other religions combined managed to accomplish in the proceeding ten centuries.

Conversely, every society that has willing adopted Christianity throughout history has became better off in every way.  The original inhabitants of the Americas were better off when Christianity replaced the worship of rocks and trees, long after the day when worlds collided, just like the Celts and Germanic tribes were better off when Christianity replaced the worship of rocks and trees.  The hope of the Almodadi came into existence, but Neo-Paganism will drag those societies back to those same conditions.

Even the one country in history to adopt Judaism as its religion, Khazaria, was better off than before the real Jews to moved into it.  In fact, even countries that became Muslim, usually by force, were still better off than when they worshiped idols.  When the Persians invented Hinduism, the people of India were better off, because they stopped being at war with each other constantly over their idols.

There is only bigotry against homosexuality in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and some branches of Hinduism in the same sense that they have a bigotry against murder, rape, and theft.  They treat homosexuality as a serious crime, because it has proven to be detrimental against society.  Every society, where people have lived like they were married in Sodom, has came to a disastrous end.  The reduction in murder, rape, theft, and homosexuality brought on by these religions, has improved the health and life expectancy in the societies that adopted them.  

Only the adaptation of Atheism has actually made countries worse off.  This should be evident by looking at the history of Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, and Cambodia in the twentieth century.  Consider where Atheism took them.

Delusion Number Five:  Dawkins believes that Atheism is based on facts, logic, and science.

Dawkins admits that he is not one hundred percent certain that there is not a God.  That would require for Dawkins to be all-knowing, and then he would be God.

The idea that there is no design to the universe, only the appearance of design is not logical, and contradicts the facts.  No would look at something man-made, like a car, and say that there is no design, only the appearance of design.

The evidence of design is every place one looks in the natural world.

The entire field of fractals came from the observation of a basic design in trees repeating.  The basic design of the trunk and branches attached to it is repeated in the tap root and roots that branch from it.  This basic design keep being repeated on an a smaller scale from the branches / roots that are further removed from the trunk.  Often this scale is consistent from one displacement from the trunk / tap root to the next.  This continues through the leaves in many trees.

The four fundamental constraints that define the universe are space, time, matter, and energy.  A supernatural creator, who exists outside of the universe, would not be subject to these constraints, just like a software engineer is not subject to the constraints of the software system, that they are creating.  Since that supernatural creator would not be subject to time, then that creator would not need a beginning or an end.

That creator would also not need a designer.  That creator would be able to design everything in the universe, without being subject to the design, just like a software engineer designing a software system.

It is illogical to assume that random chance does not play a part in natural selection.  This is contrary to observable evidence.

For example, my father took to watch a film about a herd of wildebeests in the Serengeti at the IMAX.

At one point in the film, there was a drought and the wildebeests were running out of food, so the herd started migrating northward.  Eventually, the herd came to a stop.  There was a river in front of them and on the other side of the river, there was green grass.  Even though the wildebeests could not see them, they could smell that crocodiles were in the area.  The river was too muddy to see down into more than an inch or so.

Finally, since starvation was certain if they did not cross the river, a few wildebeests worked their way across the shallow ford in the river and made it to the other side.  Suddenly the entire herd started moving in to make it to the other side.  That is when the crocodiles started attacking wildebeests.  This lead to a mad rush where the entire herd of wildebeests stampeded across the river, trampling to death many of the crocodiles.  Soon it was all over.  There were dead wildebeests and dead crocodiles every where.

The dead animals were not just the young, sick, old, and weak.  There absolutely no common characteristics among those that did not survive.  For neither the wildebeests nor the crocodiles was it a matter of survival of the fittest.  It was survival of the luckiest.  It was definitely a matter of chance - unless an outside intelligent being, like a supernatural creator, was deciding which ones died and which ones lived.

Also, natural selection based solely on survival of the fittest would have absolutely no application to the origin of the primal organism, which evolution maintains that all species came from.  All explanations of the origin of the primal organism occurring without any supernatural intervention, rely completely on random chance.  There simply is no explanation of the origins of the universe and every living thing - without a supernatural creator - that does not rely on random chance.  Even Charles Darwin in "The Origin Of The Species" attributed the ability of organisms to adapt to "divine design".

This random chance becomes increasingly unlikely as science discovers more about the universe and living creatures.  The new evidence keeps making the old explanations obsolete, requiring ever newer and more complicated explanations.  It is like when some one tells a like, then has to tell another lie to keep the first lie from being discovered, and just continues to create an ever increasing complex web of lies.

In fact, it becomes so unlikely that is way beyond being statistically impossible.

When I was sixteen I started really thinking through evolution.  I thought about what was required for the primal organism to be formed, without the additional complication of how it came to life.  It had to occur completely based on randomness without a supernatural creator, according to Atheists.  So, I took on the task of calculating the odds.

I also considered things that were contrary to the explanations of how evolution occurred like the duck-billed platypus.  I could not find a reasonable application in these theories to explain this animal, which seemed to be made from left over parts of other animals.

This lead to learning about the competing theories of the mechanics of evolution.  There were two basic contradictory sides when it came to the details.  One side maintained that organism adapted to changes in their environment - without a really good explanation of how one generation of organism passed on characteristics that it did not have to the next generation.  The other side maintained the organisms were constantly mutating, and the organisms with the fittest mutations survived changes in their environment - without explaining how very rare mutations in one generation of an organism became normal in the next generation of the organism.  Both sides did excellent jobs of proving that the position of the other side was logically flawed.

When I considered the odds of even the primordial organism occurring by chance, the observable evidence that contradicted these theories, and the arguments of how illogical every competing theory was about the mechanisms needed to make evolution possible, I realized that I could not believe in evolution as well as math and science.  So, I chose math and science.

The simplest explanation is, that the universe and every living thing in it, was designed and created by a supernatural creator.  It just like the simplest thing to do is always tell the truth.  This explanation never needs changing, just like no one has to change their story, when they are telling the truth. 

Delusion Number Six:  Dawkins believes that human beings are naturally inclined to be moral.

No one has to teach their children how to be selfish or evil. Parents have to teach children to not be selfish and evil.

People are born only being concerned about themselves as babies.  They will start wanting things that belong to other people, stealing those things, fighting with other people to get those things, and lying to get what they want all on their own.  This is their natural inclination that they inherited in their genes.

Of course, one way to argue that people are inclined to be moral, is to define moral by any definition you want.  So, homosexuality can be defined as moral.  Of course, so could murder, rape, and theft be defined as moral.  In fact, people like Dawkins consider some serial killers to be moral.

There is nothing natural about homosexuality.  It does not occur in any species except the human species.

It not a matter of a mutated gene.  That mutation would naturally leave the gene pool, since homosexuals would not be passing it on to any offspring.  It is just as reasonable for a serial killer to argue, "My DNA made me do it", as it is for a homosexual.

People restrain from doing evil, when they believe that there will be consequences for doing evil.  Every society has laws and punishment against murder, because otherwise murder would be rampant.  The same is true of theft and rape.  It is quite easy to demonstrate from history that societies, where people believe that they will not get away with anything in life, but will have to stand before a just God to face eternal punishment for doing evil, have much lower rates of things like murder, theft, and rape.

The reverse is also true.  When you take Atheism to its logical philosophical conclusion, like Nietzsche did, then you believe that there is no right or wrong, only what you can get away with.  This was the philosophy of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Castro, and Pol Pot.

More than that, Atheists like Wallace maintained that darker skinned people were closer to apes in evolution, and it was the evolutionary right and responsibility of lighter skinned people, who were more evolved, to replace them across the planet.

The history of the twentieth century should make it plain, that a religion which says people will have to answer to a just God after death, causes people to behave much more morally, than a religion that says there are no consequences after death.

Still, societies do go through different ages, where the spirit of the age changes what they consider to be moral.  Many religious professionals have adjusted what they taught to fit in with the spirit of the age, emphasizing aspects that are more acceptable and not mentioning aspects that are controversial.  Societies do move towards "liberalism".  This process is called moral decay.

However, the definition of morality in the foundational books of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism do not change.  This "liberalism" is opposite of the morality taught in these books.  So, societies do move towards immorality as religious professionals refuse to stand up for the morality taught in these books.  When religious professionals stand up for the morality taught in these books, then societies have a revival and move back towards morality.

However, due to the inclination of the human race towards immorality, societies eventually reach the point that they become hopelessly immoral, until they suffer enough from the consequences of their immorality.

This exactly how people like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Castro, and Pol Pot eventually became in charge of their societies and lead them into disaster.

Delusion Number Seven:  Dawkins believes that belief in Atheism is evidence of a sound mind.

The idea of Atheism is self-refuting.  The story that Atheism tells about everything, including the migration of humans to the Americas, is contrary to the story told by the evidence.  Atheism is a consistent false belief in the face of a mountain of contradictory evidence.  It definitely meets the definition of a delusion.

Atheists prefer to live in an imaginary universe without God, rather than a real universe with God.   They have deluded themselves into believing, that they can pick which kind of universe they live in.

A sound mind would not look at a car and conclude that it only has the illusion of intelligent design.  It is far crazier to look at the design of something a million times more complex in design, like human DNA, and conclude that it only has the illusion of intelligent design.

It has been found that crazy people in mental institutions are more happy and fulfilled than normal people.  That is because, they live in an imaginary world that is to their liking.  It is easy to feel intellectually fulfilled, when your mind is not burdened with reality.  It is the same with Atheists.

Atheism is the evidence of an unhealthy mind, which is happy believing a delusion told to it by others, because it is not independent enough to challenge their theories with facts and logic.

Delusion Number Eight:  Dawkins believes that he is against all religions equally.

Dawkins singles out Christianity consistently.  The only religious professionals that he mentions are Christians.  The only book that he mentions as the basis for morality is the Bible.  The only people that he mentions, who are emphasizing and ignoring parts of their foundational book, are Christians.

The only book he attacks is the Bible.  He never attacks the Talmud, or Koran, or any of the various foundational books of Hinduism.  He never openly attacks their religious professionals, founders, or their adherents.  He only mentions that "religion" includes these religions.

If Dawkins really was against all religions equally (including his own), then he would not need to single out Christianity.  He would give equal press to Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.

He singles out Christianity, because there is no reason to challenge the authenticity of any other religion.  That would be like challenging the authenticity of a ninety-nine dollar bill.

Dawkins is not anti-religion.  He is anti-Christian.  He wants to replace Christianity with Atheism, so that he does not have to adapt to the morals of the Bible.   He wants a universe without God, so that there is no restraint on his immorality. 

Societies improve when Christianity is first established, and then go into moral decay as they progress towards Anti-Christianity.  This is what Dawkins wants.

Dawkins is not a man of science and reason.  He is a man, who has given himself over to the Spirit of Anti-Christ.

Ending these delusions:

The first step to ending these delusions, is understanding why people have these delusions.

When people reject the truth about anything, then all they have left to believe is a lie.  When they reject the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) and His ways, then they will experience delusions (Isaiah 66:4).  When they reject the truth because they hate the truth, then the Father of Truth gives them over to delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

Even though they call themselves wise, they have become fools, because they refuse to believe the evidence throughout the natural world that it was created by the Father of Truth (Romans 1:20-22).  They strive to convince themselves that the Father of truth does not exist, because they do not want to obey Him (Romans 1:28).

Next, these people need to see where their delusions are leading them.

These fools live like they will never be judged for their evil ways (Psalm 53:1).  They reject the judgment of the Father of Truth for their wickedness, and love the wicked (Romans 1:32).

They will become more and more wicked, because they do not believe that the Father of Truth will judge them for what they do (Psalm 10:3-5).  They do not believe that He sees what they do (Psalm 10:11-13).  For this reason, they will commit all kinds of evil against other people (Psalm 94:5-7).

So they become fools, who will commit evil without restraint (Psalm 14:1).  This is what happens, when people become so senseless that they do not fear the Father of Truth (Psalm 36:1-3).  They will become so evil, that nothing is immoral to them (Romans 1:28-31).

Next, they need to see that their delusions will never change reality.

No one can make anything better by denying reality (Jeremiah 6:14).  No one can escape the judgment of the Father of Truth by calling moral, what He calls immoral (Jeremiah 6:15).  No one cannot experience the prosperity and peace that comes from Him, without walking in His ways (Jeremiah 6:16).  No one cannot escape His judgement by refusing to hear His Word (Jeremiah 6:17-19).

The most well documented event of the entire Roman era is the resurrection of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).  (Over 13,000 documents mention this event within the lifetime of the Apostles of Truth.  Many are Roman court documents with dates on them.)  This evidence makes it certain that the Father of Truth will judge every person based on the morality in the Book of Truth (The Bible) through the Man of Truth (Acts 17:31).

They deny this overwhelming evidence, because they cannot be judged by a dead Jesus.

Yet, denial of the evidence never changes reality.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.  Reality will smack everyone in the face eventually.

Next, these delusions can only end, after the source of these delusions is recognized.

People suffer these delusions, because the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) has blinded them to the truth (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are not fight with those suffering from these delusions, but with the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) causing these delusions (Ephesians 6:12).

Last, these delusions will only end, when someone in touch with reality helps them to see the truth.

The delusions will not end without upsetting people.  As people come to see the truth, they will realized that their entire worldview has been wrong.  They will realize that they have been deceived.  They will realize that they must change everything about their lives.  Some will become angry as this occurs, some will become withdrawn, and some will cry.

The Children of Truth must not let this deter them from working to bring people out of these delusions. They must tell people the truth in love to bring them out of these delusions (Ephesians 4:15).

It is time for some tough love.

The Children of Truth are to wage a war like no other to end these delusions (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  They need to gear up for battle, so they can fight the true source of these delusions and come out victorious (Ephesians 6:11-13)!

The Children of Truth need to protect themselves from the Father of Lies with truth and righteous (Ephesians 6:14).  They need to prepare to give the Good News everywhere their feet takes them (Ephesians 6:15).  They need to shield themselves with faith in the Man of Truth from the attack of the Father of Lies (Ephesians 6:16).  They must protect their minds with the message of salvation, and fight against the Father of Lies with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and the Word of Truth (Ephesians 6:17).

They are to protect their testimony of the truth by living in the light of the truth (Romans 13:12-14).  They are to use the Word of Truth to make the power of the Father of Truth evident, by protecting themselves with a lifestyle that shows His righteousness (2 Corinthians 6:7).

The Children of Truth must live in the light of the Word of Truth, so that people can see the reality of the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:14-16).  The greatest evidence of the reality of the Father of Truth is, when the Children of Truth live a life that shows His power over darkness (Ephesians 5:8-11).  This evidence come from living out what is written in the Word of Truth, contrary to everyone else around them (Philippians 2:15-16).
The Children of Truth need to live a life that shows, that they have been called out of the darkness of this world, and are living in the light of the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:9).  They need to live in the light of the Father of Truth, so that people can see that He is real (1 John 1:5-7).  They need to love people with an unreasonable love, so people can see the unreasonable love that the Father of Truth has for them (1 John 2:8-11).

The Man of Truth died and rose again, so people could see the truth (Acts 26:23)!  The Word Of Truth can cut through any delusion and divided the truth from the lies (Hebrews 4:12)!  The Spirit of Lies that cause these delusions can never overcome the Spirit of Truth, who lives in the Children of Truth (1 John 4:2-4)!

The Man of Truth has sent the Children of Truth to open the eyes of those blinded by these delusions, so that they can also come to the see the truth (Acts 26:15-18).

The darkness of these delusions can never overcome the light, which comes from a life that reflects the Man of Truth (John 1:1-5).  The Man of Truth becomes real to those suffering from these delusions, when they can see the Children of Truth living a life that shows he is real (Colossians 1:10-13).

The Children of Truth need to be taking care of his forever family, so people will see that the Man of Truth is real.

When they see that the Man of Truth is real, then they will want to come into the House of Truth.  These delusions will end when they come into the House of Truth.

They will come into the House of Truth by committing to obey the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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