The Call Of 9-11
What is the call of 9-11?
In 1997 AD, I started warning people that Muslims were going to launch an attack on America, if America did not answer the call to repentance. Most of the church goers called me a false prophet for saying this. Most everyone else called me a Islamaphobe, despite my friendship with several Muslims.
In early 2000 AD, I became friends with a Jewish Child of Truth (one who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) named Miriam, that I met in an on-line chat room. Miriam heard me give this warning several times. One day, she informed me that the Spirit of Truth had confirmed this warning was true to her, and told her that the attack would be in New York City.
After that, I got a job at WorldCom, where I gave people the same warning I had been giving for about three years. I became friends with my co-workers, although they thought this warning was crazy. Almost everyone else at WorldCom gave me the usual false prophet / Islamaphobe label, despite my friendship with a Muslim co-worker named Mohammad, who we called "Mo".
On September 10, 2001 AD, my friend and co-worker Anthony Smith told us about a strange dream that he had that morning. He was at the Williams Building in downtown Tulsa, and everyone was staring up at the top of twin towers of the building. There was a giant golden bell, like the kind used to alert firemen of a fire, in front of the building. This was no ordinary dream. He believed that it was a message from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).
The next morning on my way to work I heard the report of a plane crashing into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. I immediately thought, Muslim terrorists have finally started the attack". Then I drove on to work and tried go about my usual routine. I had no sense of surprise or anxiety.
However, that was not true about everyone else in the building. I soon had to give up any thought of getting any of my usual work done, because there was a large crowd of people around my cubicle with a lot of questions and concerns. On September 11, 2001 AD, the labels of false prophet and Islamaphobe all vanished.
They wanted to know how I knew about this, before it happened. They especially wanted to know, if there were going to be more attacks.
I explained to them that I did not know anything other than what the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) had showed me. I pointed out that I did not have all of the details on my own. The city was revealed to Miriam. The building in the city, the location of the attack on the building, and the time of the attack was revealed in the dream given to Anthony. The Father of Truth still speaks to the Children of Truth in dreams and visions.
(The Williams Towers are miniatures of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. They were both designed by the same Israeli architect. Firemen were the first responders to arrive at the scene. People were staring up in shock to look at the locations of the plane crashes. The dream had came almost exactly twenty four hours before the first attack.)
I told them that this attack on 9-11 was a call for America to repent. Soon, people were going to church for the first time in a decade. Christian media outlets had unprecedented traffic. People were desperate to know how to respond to the call of 9-11.
I scanned the radio, television, and the internet, to see what the preachers would tell them. All of them went to the same verse - 2 Chronicles 7:14. Then these preachers proceeded to tell people that the Book of Truth (The Bible) said, if they would pray, then the Father of Truth would heal our land. They complete left out of any mention of the wickedness that people, who called themselves His people, had committed, their need to repent of this wickedness, and their need to seek after his ways!
There were very few exceptions to this. I am proud to report that my pastor at the time, Brett Rickey, was one of those exceptions. This man had a rod of iron for a backbone. He told people how to answer the call of 9-11.
In his sermon, "Why?", told the whole truth about 2 Chronicles 7:14. He minced no words in describing the wickedness that American church goers had done, their need to repent of being do different than the wicked people around them, and their need to seek to be different by living like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). I have never been so proud to call someone my pastor as I was that day!
In the midst of this, I got another message from the Father of Truth: "Since America will not repent of its sexual immorality, drunkenness, witchcraft, murder, and idolatry, the days are coming when they will say, 'Remember when it was just a few buildings'".
After about six weeks, church attendance began to return to the same level as before the 9-11 attacks. America has indeed refused to repent, but has became much more wicked since that time. The old labels of false prophet and Islamaphobe have been reapplied.
So, why did preachers not tell people how to answer the call of 9-11? Why did people not pay attention to the actual words of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and answer the call of 9-11?
It is because, they had been trained for years to not answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
For decades, American preachers had used various verses from Romans 9-11 as proof that people were chosen for salvation before birth, regardless of what they do. Americans believed that Romans 9-11 assured them of favor from the Father of Truth, regardless of what they did. They were told that there was no need to respond to the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
We will examine these verses closely to understand the call of 9-11 in Romans.
And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) (Romans 9:10-11).
The first thing that we should define is what was the call concerning Jacob (Yah'acov aka Israel) and Esau that was given. The call was given to Rebecca for the elder to serve the younger (Romans 9:12).
Isaac wanted to follow the normal custom of the younger son serving the elder son. This custom was predetermined for the children being not yet born. It was never based any son having done any good or evil.
The Father of Truth wanted this custom overridden, so the purpose of God according to election might stand. He wanted people to understand, that this reversal of the normal custom was not the result of the works, which anyone had done. Rebecca was doing this, because of Him that calleth.
Esau was to serve Jacob as result of their parents answering the call to choose the elder to serve the younger. There is not one single thing in these verses about anyone being chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did.
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated (Romans 9:13).
The first thing to notice is that "As it is written". This indicates that this is a quote from the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). So, to understand this quote in context, we need to go the place where it first occurs in the Original Covenant.
In context, the Father of Truth says this about the descendants of Esau after He laid their land to waste, because of their wickedness and His indignation against them (Malachi 1:2-4).
This was written by Malachi, among the last of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant (Malachi 1:1).
In the days of Nehemiah (Nechemyah), after the Jews returned to the land of Israel from the Babylonian exile, he rebuked them for marrying wives that did not love the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 13:26-27). Malachi rebuked the Jews also for the same reason at the same time (Malachi 2:11).
So, this curse was not on Esau (Edom) from birth, but upon his descendants more than a thousand years later.
In fact, the Father of Truth commanded the descendants of Israel to be very careful in how they treated the descendants of Esau, when they were in the wilderness, because they were both descendants of Isaac (Yitzakh) (Deuteronomy 2:4-8). He gave the descendants of Esau a portion of the Promised Land, just like He gave a portion to the descendants of Israel (Deuteronomy 2:12). So, the descendants of Esau were also blessed with the smaller portion that usually went to the younger son.
However, this all changed when the descendants of Esau came out to destroy the escaping descendants of Israel in the kingdom of Judah, instead of helping them escape, when the Babylonians came to destroy Jerusalem (Obadiah 1:9-14). This was about a hundred years before the time of Malachi, and about a thousand years after the descendants of Israel were in the wilderness. The Father of Truth had indignation against them for this wicked act. The descendants of Esau went from blessed to cursed, based entirely on how they treated the descendants of Israel, who also descended from Isaac.
This loving Jacob and hating Esau had nothing to do with anyone being chosen for blessing or cursing regardless of what they did. It is a Hebrew idiom to show preference of one thing over another, if a person is forced to choose between the two.
For example, the Man of Truth said that people, who did not take care of their parents, deserved to be put to death (Mark 7:10-13). Yet, he told his followers that they must hate their parents (Luke 14:26). He was plainly telling them to prefer him over their parents, for he told them that they must hate their own lives on this Earth to gain eternal life with him (John 12:25).
This verse has nothing to do with people being chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did.
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth (Romans 9:17-18.
Again, For the scripture means that this verse is referencing a verse from the Original Covenant. So we need to examine it in context to get the correct understanding.
I raised thee up shows that the Father of Truth caused Pharaoh to be raised to his position of authority. He did this, so He could cast Pharaoh down to make His power known in all the Earth (Exodus 9:13-16). Like the rise and fall of empires, Pharaoh sought to be raised up, one hundred percent for his own reasons, and the Father of Truth gave him success, one hundred percent for His own reasons!
The phrase "he hardeneth" deserves close examination in the context of the passage about the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh, to see how the heart of Pharaoh was hardened.
The Father of Truth said, that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh to show that Israel was His first born son (Exodus 4:21-23). He said, that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh to bring judgement on the Egyptians, so that they would know that He was Lord, instead of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:3-5). He said, that he would harden the heart of Pharaoh, so that the wonders of His judgment would be multiplied in Egypt (Exodus 11:9-10).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the rod of Aaron (Aharon) swallowed the rods of the magicians of Egypt (Exodus 7:12-14).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the Egyptians were afflicted with boils (Exodus 9:10-12). He hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the land of Egypt was covered in darkness for three days (Exodus 10:20-23).
Yet, Pharaoh hardened his own heart, when the plague of frogs was lifted (Exodus 8:13-15). Pharaoh hardened his own heart, when the plague of flies was lifted (Exodus 8:31-32).
This might seem to be a contradiction, but it is not, when we examine the details of how the heart of Pharaoh was hardened.
The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to consider, that the Father of Truth had turned the water of Egypt into blood (Exodus 7:20-23). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to listen, when his own magicians acknowledged that the Father of Truth had caused the plague of lice (Exodus 8:17-19). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to heed the warning of the Father of Truth, when the livestock of Egypt were killed (Exodus 9:1-7). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to fear the Father of Truth, and let the people of Israel go, when Egypt was afflicted with hail (Exodus 9:29-35).
Pharaoh plainly hardened his own heart, when these plagues were sent (1 Samuel 6:6).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, by giving Pharaoh an ultimatum to humble himself before the Father of Truth and let the people of Israel go, or Egypt would be covered with locusts (Exodus 10:1-6). The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, by demanding that the people of Israel take their livestock with them, when Pharaoh let the people of Israel go (Exodus 10:24-27).
So, the Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh by challenging the authority of Pharaoh, because He knew that Pharaoh would harden his own heart, if his authority was challenged. The Father of Truth made these demands of Pharaoh, one hundred percent for His own reasons, and Pharaoh hardened his heart in response to these demands, one hundred percent for his own reasons.
In context, there is nothing about the heart of Pharaoh being hardened, because he was chosen to have his heart hardened. Pharaoh made his own choices, when the Father of Truth made him choose.
So, those are chosen to obtain mercy, who answer the call to submit to His will, and those are hardened, who refuse to answer the call to submit to His will.
Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus (Romans 9:20)?
This verse is a reference to the rebuke of the Father of Truth to the people of Ariel (Isaiah 29:16).
The Father of Truth gave this rebuke because they thought that they could hide their wicked plots and actions from Him (Isaiah 29:15).
So, the point of this passage is that people should not try to blame the Father of Truth for causing the wickedness, which they tried to do in secret.
Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory (Romans 9:21-23).
This verse is a reference to the Father of Truth being able to remake the people of Israel, like a potter has power over the clay to remake a marred vessel into a good vessel from the same lump of clay (Jeremiah 18:3-6). The vessels of wrath that were fitted for destruction would be remade into vessels of mercy, if they turned from their disobedience (Jeremiah 18:7-8). The vessels of mercy that had been prepared for glory, would be remade into vessels of wrath, if they turned from their obedience (Jeremiah 18:9-10).
This passage was a plea for the people of Israel to repent of their disobedience, so they could be remade into vessels of mercy (Jeremiah 18:11).
So, people choose whether they are going to be vessels of wrath, or vessels of mercy, by whether or not they answer to call to continue in obedience. It is how they end that matters.
God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying, Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal (Romans 11:2-4).
This verse is used to prove that the Father of Truth chose seven thousand men, who could not bow their knee to an idol.
Again, to understand this passage, we need to look at what the scripture saith. Again this scripture is found in the Original Covenant. So, we will look at it in context to understand what is meant by "I have reserved".
The verse of the Original Covenant that is quoted says, "I have left", not "I have reserved" (1 Kings 19:18). It plainly has the idea that the Father of Truth had remaining out of all the men of Israel seven thousand men. Were the other men of Israel killed off and these were the only survivors?
No, these were the seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee in worship to another god. There is nothing here that says, they could not bow the knee, because they were chosen to not bow the knee. Since they had not bowed to another god, they were chosen to be left alive, while the rest of the men of Israel, who had bowed to another god, were chosen to be destroyed (1 Kings 19:15-18).
So, whether a man of Israel was chosen to live or die, was determined by whether or not he answered the call to not bow his knee to another god.
So, then why does it say "reserved" in some translations of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)? The Greek word translated as "reserved" in this verse is "katelipon". It comes from the root word "kataleipo", which means "to remain".
In this verse, this word is in the active voice and aorist tense. Aorist literally means, "undefined". Since the tense was undefined, and English demands a tense, some translators chose "reserved", because they assumed that the tense was before the main action. This is often the case with the aorist tense, but it not always. That is why it is called the "undefined" tense.
In order to determine the correct tense, the translators needed to look at the tense used in the Hebrew text, and the Greek translation in the Septuagint, of the verse that was being quoted. (Of course, they did not have the internet, and maybe did not have access to these resources.)
You can be certain of the correct tense by looking at this verse in both of these sources ( You can see that it is in present tense. So, "I have remaining" would be more accurate. It is right there in plain Hebrew and Greek.
Still, "I have reserved" is acceptable, when understood in the context of the passage. The Father of Truth had reserved seven thousand men from death, who would not bow their knee. This is what He had left himself. This was exactly what He had done with Elijah (Eliyahu) (1 Kings 19:14).
So once again, the context of the passage is that people are chosen for answering the call to obedience.
(According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day (Romans 11:8).
Again, in order to understand this verse correctly, we must begin with where it is written. Again, this is in the Original Covenant, but not from a single source, but three sources. We have to consider these sources and their context to understand what is meant by God hath given them.
The first source is when Moses(Moishe) was wrapping up his farewell speech. He told the people of Israel that the Father of Truth had not given them a heart to perceive, eyes to see, or ears to hear until this day (Deuteronomy 29:4). (The parenthesis were added by the translators for clarity. The phrase "until this day" belongs inside the parenthesis, because it is part of quote from Moses that is being referenced.)
The Father of Truth did NOT give them a spirit of slumber in this verse, had only not given them a heart to perceive, eyes to see, or ears to hear until this day. The phrase "until this day" indicates that this condition applied to the generation that was in the wilderness.
What could they not perceive with their heart, as if they were blind and deaf?
Their eyes had witnessed the miraculous deliverance from the Egyptians (Deuteronomy 29:2-3). They had experience the provision and protection of the Father of Truth in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 29:5-8). Yet, they could not perceive with their heart, that they had to keep the covenant that they made with the Father of Truth, in order to obtain what He had promised to Abraham (Abram), Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 29:9-13).
The second source is the message of judgment that Isaiah (Yeshayahu) was to bring to the kingdom of Judah. Isaiah is told to make the hearts of people fat, so that they cannot understand, to make their ears heavy, so that they cannot hear, and to shut their eyes, so that they cannot see (Isaiah 6:10). The Father of Truth does not do this personally, but commissioned Isaiah to do this.
When Isaiah was sent to the people of Israel, they already had ears that would not hear, and eyes that would not see (Isaiah 6:9). So, like Pharaoh hardened is own heart when Moses gave him the message of judgment, the people of Israel made their own hearts fat, made their own ears heavy, and shut their own eyes, when Isaiah gave them the message of judgment. Like Pharaoh, they simply refused to submit to the Father of Truth until they were utterly destroyed (Isaiah 6:11-12).
The third source is the announce of judgment that Isaiah was to bring to the city of Ariel. The Father of Truth would pour out a spirit of deep sleep (slumber) to shut the eyes of their rulers and prophets (Isaiah 29:10).
This was to be done to the city of Ariel, because they honored the Father of Truth with their lips, but not with their hearts, and they taught their own commandments, instead of His (Isaiah 29:11-14). So, their rulers and prophets were cast into a deep sleep, because they had already refused to wake up to what the Father of Truth had commanded.
The Father of Truth gave them over to a spirit of slumber, because they refused to wake up to His commandments. He gave them over to blindness, because they refused to see what He had done for them. He gave them over to deafness, because they refused to hear the words of the Prophets of Truth that He had sent.
The fact is, that in all of these cases, people brought these conditions on themselves. They were chosen to be given over to a spirit of slumber, blindness, and deafness, because they did not answer the call to wake up to the commandments of the Father of Truth, to see His care for them, and to hear the words of the Prophets of Truth.
And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway (Romans 11:9-10).
First, we need to note that David saith this. So, we need to examine where he says this, so we can understand the context.
David said this in one of the Psalms (Tehillim) that has Messianic imagery (Psalm 69:22-23). So who was David talking about, when he said, their/them/they in this Psalm?
They were the people, who hated him without a cause (Psalm 69:4). They were the judges, who spoke against him unjustly, and the drunkards, who ridiculed him in their songs (Psalm 69:12). They were those, who gave him gall for food, and vinegar for drink (Psalm 69:21). They were those, who persecuted him while he was being chastised by the Father of Truth, and who add to his grief with their words (Psalm 69:26).
Since they did this, they were to be destroyed by the wrath of the Father of Truth (Psalm 69:24-25). Since they did not choose to live righteously, they were not chosen to be given life with the righteous (Psalm 69:27-28).
So, they were not chosen for life, because they did not answer the call to never afflict the man that the Father of Truth had anointed.
So, there is absolutely nothing in Romans 9-11 that says anything about people being chosen for salvation, regardless of what they do. In fact, when you examine the context of these verses, they actually show, that some people are chosen to be blessed for answering the call to obey the Father of Truth, and the rest are chosen to be cursed for not answering the call to obey the Father of Truth.
In fact, the context of this entire passage has nothing to do with people being chosen for salvation, regardless of what they do. It is entirely about the plan to bring the people of Israel to salvation, and the role that Gentile believers have in that plan.
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) explains this plan in the passage that covers these three chapters.
Paul the Jew expresses his deep sorrow over the current state of the people of Israel (Romans 9:1-5). The cause of this sorrow is that not all of the descendants of Israel are the chosen ones, but only those, who answered the call to live by faith that the Father of Truth made in His promise to Abraham (Romans 9:6-9). People are not chosen according to their own works, but according to their response to the call given by the Father of Truth (Romans 9:10-13). The Father of Truth is just in His treatment of people, when they experience mercy or hardening by their response to His call to obedience (Romans 9:14-18). Every person is responsible for the consequences of their response to His call (Romans 9:19-23). For this reason, those Gentiles, who answer His call, will be chosen for salvation, just like those Jews, who answer His call (Romans 9:24-26). So not all of the people of Israel will be lost, for there has always been a few, who have chosen to answer His call (Romans 9:27-29). Every Gentile, who answers His call to put their faith in the Man of Truth, will be chosen for salvation, while every Jew, who refuses to answer His call to put their faith in the Man of Truth, will be not chosen for salvation (Romans 9:30-33).
Next, Paul the Jew expresses his desire for the people of Israel to be saved (Romans 10:1). The people of Israel have been zealous in creating their own plan to be right with the Father of Truth, instead of submitting to His plan (Romans 10:2-3). They do not recognize that the purpose of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is to bring people to faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:4). The Law of Truth says, that they must have perfect obedience to it to be made righteous by it (Romans 10:5). The Law of Truth says, that righteousness comes from faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:6-8). They will be chosen to be saved, if they answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:9-10). The Prophets of Truth said that anyone, Jew or Gentile, will be chosen to be saved, if they answer this call (Romans 10:11-13). The Prophets of Truth said, that this call must be proclaimed to everyone, so anyone can be chosen for answering it (Romans 10:14-15). The Prophets of Truth said, that most of the people of Israel would refuse to answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:16-18). So, the Law of Truth and the Prophets of Truth said, that the call would be given to the Gentiles, to provoke the people of Israel to jealousy, when the Gentiles were chosen for answering the call, that most of the people of Israel refused to answer (Romans 10:19-21).
Finally, Paul the Jew says that he is living proof that the Father of Truth has not cast away His chosen people - the people of Israel (Romans 11:1-2). The Father of Truth has always had some of the people of Israel, who answered His call, even up to the time of Paul the Jew (Romans 11:3-5). Some of the people of Israel have been chosen for answering the call of grace, but the rest have not been chosen, since they have rejected His call, in order to work their own plan (Romans 11:6-7). So, those among the people of Israel, who have rejected His call of grace, have been given over to a spirit of slumber, blindness, and deafness, which will lead to their destruction (Romans 11:8-10). However, this does not mean that the people of Israel will not be chosen to be saved completely one day, but this rejection of the call of grace by most of them, has made it possible for the Gentiles to be given the call, so the Gentiles can be chosen, which will provoke the people of Israel to jealousy (Romans 11:11). This will cause the people of Israel to answer the call (Romans 11:12-14). When the people of Israel are chosen to be saved completely one day, it will bring salvation to the entire world (Romans 11:15). So, the Gentiles need to be careful to answer the call to be chosen, because those among the Chosen People, the people of Israel, who did not answer the call, ceased to be chosen (Romans 11:16-20). The Father of Truth chooses everyone, who answers the call to have faith in the Man of Truth, and rejects everyone, who rejects the call (Romans 11:21-22). The Chosen People, the people of Israel, will be chosen again, when the Gentiles have fulfilled their part of the plan (Romans 11:23-25). The people of Israel will be provoked to jealousy, and finally answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth, because that was always the plan to fulfill the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 11:26-29). So both Jews and Gentiles can be part of those, who answered the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 11:30-32). This was always the plan of the Father of Truth (Romans 11:33-36).
So, Romans 9-11 is not about people that were chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did. It does not support the idea of predestination in any way. In fact, this passage makes it apparent that those chosen to be saved are those, who answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance. This passage is about the secret plan of the Father of Truth to save both Jews and Gentiles, who answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
Unless America has deep national repentance, the death of America is certain. This should be obvious to anyone, who understands the signs of the times.
The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people can be certain that they will face judgment from Him (Acts 17:31).
However, you do not have to be among the casualties. You can answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance (Acts 17:30). You can complete the One Step Program. You can come into the House of Truth!
You just need to put the Man of Truth in charge of your entire life, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).
Come into the House of Truth!
In 1997 AD, I started warning people that Muslims were going to launch an attack on America, if America did not answer the call to repentance. Most of the church goers called me a false prophet for saying this. Most everyone else called me a Islamaphobe, despite my friendship with several Muslims.
In early 2000 AD, I became friends with a Jewish Child of Truth (one who obeys The Father of Truth because they love Him) named Miriam, that I met in an on-line chat room. Miriam heard me give this warning several times. One day, she informed me that the Spirit of Truth had confirmed this warning was true to her, and told her that the attack would be in New York City.
After that, I got a job at WorldCom, where I gave people the same warning I had been giving for about three years. I became friends with my co-workers, although they thought this warning was crazy. Almost everyone else at WorldCom gave me the usual false prophet / Islamaphobe label, despite my friendship with a Muslim co-worker named Mohammad, who we called "Mo".
On September 10, 2001 AD, my friend and co-worker Anthony Smith told us about a strange dream that he had that morning. He was at the Williams Building in downtown Tulsa, and everyone was staring up at the top of twin towers of the building. There was a giant golden bell, like the kind used to alert firemen of a fire, in front of the building. This was no ordinary dream. He believed that it was a message from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).
The next morning on my way to work I heard the report of a plane crashing into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. I immediately thought, Muslim terrorists have finally started the attack". Then I drove on to work and tried go about my usual routine. I had no sense of surprise or anxiety.
However, that was not true about everyone else in the building. I soon had to give up any thought of getting any of my usual work done, because there was a large crowd of people around my cubicle with a lot of questions and concerns. On September 11, 2001 AD, the labels of false prophet and Islamaphobe all vanished.
They wanted to know how I knew about this, before it happened. They especially wanted to know, if there were going to be more attacks.
I explained to them that I did not know anything other than what the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) had showed me. I pointed out that I did not have all of the details on my own. The city was revealed to Miriam. The building in the city, the location of the attack on the building, and the time of the attack was revealed in the dream given to Anthony. The Father of Truth still speaks to the Children of Truth in dreams and visions.
(The Williams Towers are miniatures of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. They were both designed by the same Israeli architect. Firemen were the first responders to arrive at the scene. People were staring up in shock to look at the locations of the plane crashes. The dream had came almost exactly twenty four hours before the first attack.)
I told them that this attack on 9-11 was a call for America to repent. Soon, people were going to church for the first time in a decade. Christian media outlets had unprecedented traffic. People were desperate to know how to respond to the call of 9-11.
I scanned the radio, television, and the internet, to see what the preachers would tell them. All of them went to the same verse - 2 Chronicles 7:14. Then these preachers proceeded to tell people that the Book of Truth (The Bible) said, if they would pray, then the Father of Truth would heal our land. They complete left out of any mention of the wickedness that people, who called themselves His people, had committed, their need to repent of this wickedness, and their need to seek after his ways!
There were very few exceptions to this. I am proud to report that my pastor at the time, Brett Rickey, was one of those exceptions. This man had a rod of iron for a backbone. He told people how to answer the call of 9-11.
In his sermon, "Why?", told the whole truth about 2 Chronicles 7:14. He minced no words in describing the wickedness that American church goers had done, their need to repent of being do different than the wicked people around them, and their need to seek to be different by living like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). I have never been so proud to call someone my pastor as I was that day!
In the midst of this, I got another message from the Father of Truth: "Since America will not repent of its sexual immorality, drunkenness, witchcraft, murder, and idolatry, the days are coming when they will say, 'Remember when it was just a few buildings'".
After about six weeks, church attendance began to return to the same level as before the 9-11 attacks. America has indeed refused to repent, but has became much more wicked since that time. The old labels of false prophet and Islamaphobe have been reapplied.
So, why did preachers not tell people how to answer the call of 9-11? Why did people not pay attention to the actual words of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and answer the call of 9-11?
It is because, they had been trained for years to not answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
For decades, American preachers had used various verses from Romans 9-11 as proof that people were chosen for salvation before birth, regardless of what they do. Americans believed that Romans 9-11 assured them of favor from the Father of Truth, regardless of what they did. They were told that there was no need to respond to the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
We will examine these verses closely to understand the call of 9-11 in Romans.
And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) (Romans 9:10-11).
The first thing that we should define is what was the call concerning Jacob (Yah'acov aka Israel) and Esau that was given. The call was given to Rebecca for the elder to serve the younger (Romans 9:12).
Isaac wanted to follow the normal custom of the younger son serving the elder son. This custom was predetermined for the children being not yet born. It was never based any son having done any good or evil.
The Father of Truth wanted this custom overridden, so the purpose of God according to election might stand. He wanted people to understand, that this reversal of the normal custom was not the result of the works, which anyone had done. Rebecca was doing this, because of Him that calleth.
Esau was to serve Jacob as result of their parents answering the call to choose the elder to serve the younger. There is not one single thing in these verses about anyone being chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did.
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated (Romans 9:13).
The first thing to notice is that "As it is written". This indicates that this is a quote from the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). So, to understand this quote in context, we need to go the place where it first occurs in the Original Covenant.
In context, the Father of Truth says this about the descendants of Esau after He laid their land to waste, because of their wickedness and His indignation against them (Malachi 1:2-4).
This was written by Malachi, among the last of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant (Malachi 1:1).
In the days of Nehemiah (Nechemyah), after the Jews returned to the land of Israel from the Babylonian exile, he rebuked them for marrying wives that did not love the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 13:26-27). Malachi rebuked the Jews also for the same reason at the same time (Malachi 2:11).
So, this curse was not on Esau (Edom) from birth, but upon his descendants more than a thousand years later.
In fact, the Father of Truth commanded the descendants of Israel to be very careful in how they treated the descendants of Esau, when they were in the wilderness, because they were both descendants of Isaac (Yitzakh) (Deuteronomy 2:4-8). He gave the descendants of Esau a portion of the Promised Land, just like He gave a portion to the descendants of Israel (Deuteronomy 2:12). So, the descendants of Esau were also blessed with the smaller portion that usually went to the younger son.
However, this all changed when the descendants of Esau came out to destroy the escaping descendants of Israel in the kingdom of Judah, instead of helping them escape, when the Babylonians came to destroy Jerusalem (Obadiah 1:9-14). This was about a hundred years before the time of Malachi, and about a thousand years after the descendants of Israel were in the wilderness. The Father of Truth had indignation against them for this wicked act. The descendants of Esau went from blessed to cursed, based entirely on how they treated the descendants of Israel, who also descended from Isaac.
This loving Jacob and hating Esau had nothing to do with anyone being chosen for blessing or cursing regardless of what they did. It is a Hebrew idiom to show preference of one thing over another, if a person is forced to choose between the two.
For example, the Man of Truth said that people, who did not take care of their parents, deserved to be put to death (Mark 7:10-13). Yet, he told his followers that they must hate their parents (Luke 14:26). He was plainly telling them to prefer him over their parents, for he told them that they must hate their own lives on this Earth to gain eternal life with him (John 12:25).
This verse has nothing to do with people being chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did.
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth (Romans 9:17-18.
Again, For the scripture means that this verse is referencing a verse from the Original Covenant. So we need to examine it in context to get the correct understanding.
I raised thee up shows that the Father of Truth caused Pharaoh to be raised to his position of authority. He did this, so He could cast Pharaoh down to make His power known in all the Earth (Exodus 9:13-16). Like the rise and fall of empires, Pharaoh sought to be raised up, one hundred percent for his own reasons, and the Father of Truth gave him success, one hundred percent for His own reasons!
The phrase "he hardeneth" deserves close examination in the context of the passage about the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh, to see how the heart of Pharaoh was hardened.
The Father of Truth said, that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh to show that Israel was His first born son (Exodus 4:21-23). He said, that He would harden the heart of Pharaoh to bring judgement on the Egyptians, so that they would know that He was Lord, instead of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:3-5). He said, that he would harden the heart of Pharaoh, so that the wonders of His judgment would be multiplied in Egypt (Exodus 11:9-10).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the rod of Aaron (Aharon) swallowed the rods of the magicians of Egypt (Exodus 7:12-14).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the Egyptians were afflicted with boils (Exodus 9:10-12). He hardened the heart of Pharaoh, when the land of Egypt was covered in darkness for three days (Exodus 10:20-23).
Yet, Pharaoh hardened his own heart, when the plague of frogs was lifted (Exodus 8:13-15). Pharaoh hardened his own heart, when the plague of flies was lifted (Exodus 8:31-32).
This might seem to be a contradiction, but it is not, when we examine the details of how the heart of Pharaoh was hardened.
The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to consider, that the Father of Truth had turned the water of Egypt into blood (Exodus 7:20-23). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to listen, when his own magicians acknowledged that the Father of Truth had caused the plague of lice (Exodus 8:17-19). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to heed the warning of the Father of Truth, when the livestock of Egypt were killed (Exodus 9:1-7). The heart of Pharaoh was hardened because he refused to fear the Father of Truth, and let the people of Israel go, when Egypt was afflicted with hail (Exodus 9:29-35).
Pharaoh plainly hardened his own heart, when these plagues were sent (1 Samuel 6:6).
The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, by giving Pharaoh an ultimatum to humble himself before the Father of Truth and let the people of Israel go, or Egypt would be covered with locusts (Exodus 10:1-6). The Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh, by demanding that the people of Israel take their livestock with them, when Pharaoh let the people of Israel go (Exodus 10:24-27).
So, the Father of Truth hardened the heart of Pharaoh by challenging the authority of Pharaoh, because He knew that Pharaoh would harden his own heart, if his authority was challenged. The Father of Truth made these demands of Pharaoh, one hundred percent for His own reasons, and Pharaoh hardened his heart in response to these demands, one hundred percent for his own reasons.
In context, there is nothing about the heart of Pharaoh being hardened, because he was chosen to have his heart hardened. Pharaoh made his own choices, when the Father of Truth made him choose.
So, those are chosen to obtain mercy, who answer the call to submit to His will, and those are hardened, who refuse to answer the call to submit to His will.
Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus (Romans 9:20)?
This verse is a reference to the rebuke of the Father of Truth to the people of Ariel (Isaiah 29:16).
The Father of Truth gave this rebuke because they thought that they could hide their wicked plots and actions from Him (Isaiah 29:15).
So, the point of this passage is that people should not try to blame the Father of Truth for causing the wickedness, which they tried to do in secret.
Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory (Romans 9:21-23).
This verse is a reference to the Father of Truth being able to remake the people of Israel, like a potter has power over the clay to remake a marred vessel into a good vessel from the same lump of clay (Jeremiah 18:3-6). The vessels of wrath that were fitted for destruction would be remade into vessels of mercy, if they turned from their disobedience (Jeremiah 18:7-8). The vessels of mercy that had been prepared for glory, would be remade into vessels of wrath, if they turned from their obedience (Jeremiah 18:9-10).
This passage was a plea for the people of Israel to repent of their disobedience, so they could be remade into vessels of mercy (Jeremiah 18:11).
So, people choose whether they are going to be vessels of wrath, or vessels of mercy, by whether or not they answer to call to continue in obedience. It is how they end that matters.
God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying, Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal (Romans 11:2-4).
This verse is used to prove that the Father of Truth chose seven thousand men, who could not bow their knee to an idol.
Again, to understand this passage, we need to look at what the scripture saith. Again this scripture is found in the Original Covenant. So, we will look at it in context to understand what is meant by "I have reserved".
The verse of the Original Covenant that is quoted says, "I have left", not "I have reserved" (1 Kings 19:18). It plainly has the idea that the Father of Truth had remaining out of all the men of Israel seven thousand men. Were the other men of Israel killed off and these were the only survivors?
No, these were the seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee in worship to another god. There is nothing here that says, they could not bow the knee, because they were chosen to not bow the knee. Since they had not bowed to another god, they were chosen to be left alive, while the rest of the men of Israel, who had bowed to another god, were chosen to be destroyed (1 Kings 19:15-18).
So, whether a man of Israel was chosen to live or die, was determined by whether or not he answered the call to not bow his knee to another god.
So, then why does it say "reserved" in some translations of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)? The Greek word translated as "reserved" in this verse is "katelipon". It comes from the root word "kataleipo", which means "to remain".
In this verse, this word is in the active voice and aorist tense. Aorist literally means, "undefined". Since the tense was undefined, and English demands a tense, some translators chose "reserved", because they assumed that the tense was before the main action. This is often the case with the aorist tense, but it not always. That is why it is called the "undefined" tense.
In order to determine the correct tense, the translators needed to look at the tense used in the Hebrew text, and the Greek translation in the Septuagint, of the verse that was being quoted. (Of course, they did not have the internet, and maybe did not have access to these resources.)
You can be certain of the correct tense by looking at this verse in both of these sources ( You can see that it is in present tense. So, "I have remaining" would be more accurate. It is right there in plain Hebrew and Greek.
Still, "I have reserved" is acceptable, when understood in the context of the passage. The Father of Truth had reserved seven thousand men from death, who would not bow their knee. This is what He had left himself. This was exactly what He had done with Elijah (Eliyahu) (1 Kings 19:14).
So once again, the context of the passage is that people are chosen for answering the call to obedience.
(According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day (Romans 11:8).
Again, in order to understand this verse correctly, we must begin with where it is written. Again, this is in the Original Covenant, but not from a single source, but three sources. We have to consider these sources and their context to understand what is meant by God hath given them.
The first source is when Moses(Moishe) was wrapping up his farewell speech. He told the people of Israel that the Father of Truth had not given them a heart to perceive, eyes to see, or ears to hear until this day (Deuteronomy 29:4). (The parenthesis were added by the translators for clarity. The phrase "until this day" belongs inside the parenthesis, because it is part of quote from Moses that is being referenced.)
The Father of Truth did NOT give them a spirit of slumber in this verse, had only not given them a heart to perceive, eyes to see, or ears to hear until this day. The phrase "until this day" indicates that this condition applied to the generation that was in the wilderness.
What could they not perceive with their heart, as if they were blind and deaf?
Their eyes had witnessed the miraculous deliverance from the Egyptians (Deuteronomy 29:2-3). They had experience the provision and protection of the Father of Truth in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 29:5-8). Yet, they could not perceive with their heart, that they had to keep the covenant that they made with the Father of Truth, in order to obtain what He had promised to Abraham (Abram), Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 29:9-13).
The second source is the message of judgment that Isaiah (Yeshayahu) was to bring to the kingdom of Judah. Isaiah is told to make the hearts of people fat, so that they cannot understand, to make their ears heavy, so that they cannot hear, and to shut their eyes, so that they cannot see (Isaiah 6:10). The Father of Truth does not do this personally, but commissioned Isaiah to do this.
When Isaiah was sent to the people of Israel, they already had ears that would not hear, and eyes that would not see (Isaiah 6:9). So, like Pharaoh hardened is own heart when Moses gave him the message of judgment, the people of Israel made their own hearts fat, made their own ears heavy, and shut their own eyes, when Isaiah gave them the message of judgment. Like Pharaoh, they simply refused to submit to the Father of Truth until they were utterly destroyed (Isaiah 6:11-12).
The third source is the announce of judgment that Isaiah was to bring to the city of Ariel. The Father of Truth would pour out a spirit of deep sleep (slumber) to shut the eyes of their rulers and prophets (Isaiah 29:10).
This was to be done to the city of Ariel, because they honored the Father of Truth with their lips, but not with their hearts, and they taught their own commandments, instead of His (Isaiah 29:11-14). So, their rulers and prophets were cast into a deep sleep, because they had already refused to wake up to what the Father of Truth had commanded.
The Father of Truth gave them over to a spirit of slumber, because they refused to wake up to His commandments. He gave them over to blindness, because they refused to see what He had done for them. He gave them over to deafness, because they refused to hear the words of the Prophets of Truth that He had sent.
The fact is, that in all of these cases, people brought these conditions on themselves. They were chosen to be given over to a spirit of slumber, blindness, and deafness, because they did not answer the call to wake up to the commandments of the Father of Truth, to see His care for them, and to hear the words of the Prophets of Truth.
And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway (Romans 11:9-10).
First, we need to note that David saith this. So, we need to examine where he says this, so we can understand the context.
David said this in one of the Psalms (Tehillim) that has Messianic imagery (Psalm 69:22-23). So who was David talking about, when he said, their/them/they in this Psalm?
They were the people, who hated him without a cause (Psalm 69:4). They were the judges, who spoke against him unjustly, and the drunkards, who ridiculed him in their songs (Psalm 69:12). They were those, who gave him gall for food, and vinegar for drink (Psalm 69:21). They were those, who persecuted him while he was being chastised by the Father of Truth, and who add to his grief with their words (Psalm 69:26).
Since they did this, they were to be destroyed by the wrath of the Father of Truth (Psalm 69:24-25). Since they did not choose to live righteously, they were not chosen to be given life with the righteous (Psalm 69:27-28).
So, they were not chosen for life, because they did not answer the call to never afflict the man that the Father of Truth had anointed.
So, there is absolutely nothing in Romans 9-11 that says anything about people being chosen for salvation, regardless of what they do. In fact, when you examine the context of these verses, they actually show, that some people are chosen to be blessed for answering the call to obey the Father of Truth, and the rest are chosen to be cursed for not answering the call to obey the Father of Truth.
In fact, the context of this entire passage has nothing to do with people being chosen for salvation, regardless of what they do. It is entirely about the plan to bring the people of Israel to salvation, and the role that Gentile believers have in that plan.
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) explains this plan in the passage that covers these three chapters.
Paul the Jew expresses his deep sorrow over the current state of the people of Israel (Romans 9:1-5). The cause of this sorrow is that not all of the descendants of Israel are the chosen ones, but only those, who answered the call to live by faith that the Father of Truth made in His promise to Abraham (Romans 9:6-9). People are not chosen according to their own works, but according to their response to the call given by the Father of Truth (Romans 9:10-13). The Father of Truth is just in His treatment of people, when they experience mercy or hardening by their response to His call to obedience (Romans 9:14-18). Every person is responsible for the consequences of their response to His call (Romans 9:19-23). For this reason, those Gentiles, who answer His call, will be chosen for salvation, just like those Jews, who answer His call (Romans 9:24-26). So not all of the people of Israel will be lost, for there has always been a few, who have chosen to answer His call (Romans 9:27-29). Every Gentile, who answers His call to put their faith in the Man of Truth, will be chosen for salvation, while every Jew, who refuses to answer His call to put their faith in the Man of Truth, will be not chosen for salvation (Romans 9:30-33).
Next, Paul the Jew expresses his desire for the people of Israel to be saved (Romans 10:1). The people of Israel have been zealous in creating their own plan to be right with the Father of Truth, instead of submitting to His plan (Romans 10:2-3). They do not recognize that the purpose of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is to bring people to faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:4). The Law of Truth says, that they must have perfect obedience to it to be made righteous by it (Romans 10:5). The Law of Truth says, that righteousness comes from faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:6-8). They will be chosen to be saved, if they answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:9-10). The Prophets of Truth said that anyone, Jew or Gentile, will be chosen to be saved, if they answer this call (Romans 10:11-13). The Prophets of Truth said, that this call must be proclaimed to everyone, so anyone can be chosen for answering it (Romans 10:14-15). The Prophets of Truth said, that most of the people of Israel would refuse to answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 10:16-18). So, the Law of Truth and the Prophets of Truth said, that the call would be given to the Gentiles, to provoke the people of Israel to jealousy, when the Gentiles were chosen for answering the call, that most of the people of Israel refused to answer (Romans 10:19-21).
Finally, Paul the Jew says that he is living proof that the Father of Truth has not cast away His chosen people - the people of Israel (Romans 11:1-2). The Father of Truth has always had some of the people of Israel, who answered His call, even up to the time of Paul the Jew (Romans 11:3-5). Some of the people of Israel have been chosen for answering the call of grace, but the rest have not been chosen, since they have rejected His call, in order to work their own plan (Romans 11:6-7). So, those among the people of Israel, who have rejected His call of grace, have been given over to a spirit of slumber, blindness, and deafness, which will lead to their destruction (Romans 11:8-10). However, this does not mean that the people of Israel will not be chosen to be saved completely one day, but this rejection of the call of grace by most of them, has made it possible for the Gentiles to be given the call, so the Gentiles can be chosen, which will provoke the people of Israel to jealousy (Romans 11:11). This will cause the people of Israel to answer the call (Romans 11:12-14). When the people of Israel are chosen to be saved completely one day, it will bring salvation to the entire world (Romans 11:15). So, the Gentiles need to be careful to answer the call to be chosen, because those among the Chosen People, the people of Israel, who did not answer the call, ceased to be chosen (Romans 11:16-20). The Father of Truth chooses everyone, who answers the call to have faith in the Man of Truth, and rejects everyone, who rejects the call (Romans 11:21-22). The Chosen People, the people of Israel, will be chosen again, when the Gentiles have fulfilled their part of the plan (Romans 11:23-25). The people of Israel will be provoked to jealousy, and finally answer the call to have faith in the Man of Truth, because that was always the plan to fulfill the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 11:26-29). So both Jews and Gentiles can be part of those, who answered the call to have faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 11:30-32). This was always the plan of the Father of Truth (Romans 11:33-36).
So, Romans 9-11 is not about people that were chosen to be saved, regardless of what they did. It does not support the idea of predestination in any way. In fact, this passage makes it apparent that those chosen to be saved are those, who answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance. This passage is about the secret plan of the Father of Truth to save both Jews and Gentiles, who answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance.
Unless America has deep national repentance, the death of America is certain. This should be obvious to anyone, who understands the signs of the times.
The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people can be certain that they will face judgment from Him (Acts 17:31).
However, you do not have to be among the casualties. You can answer the call of 9-11 in Romans with repentance (Acts 17:30). You can complete the One Step Program. You can come into the House of Truth!
You just need to put the Man of Truth in charge of your entire life, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: America, Judgment, Predestination
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