The Faithful Prophet Of Truth
How did the Maccabees prepare the people of Israel for John The Baptist?
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) came to this earth in the fullness of time to live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), so he could bring redemption to those who could not live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4-7).
One of the conditions that made it the fullness of time, was John the Baptist (Yochanan the Mikvah Man) preaching repentance to the people of Israel in the wilderness. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) brought about the rise and fall of empires to make this possible.
The story begins with the Greeks. This is just another example of Greco-Judeo wrestling.
The Father of Truth brought about the unified Greek Empire, and then split it into four smaller Greek Empires, including the Seleucid Empire (Daniel 11:2-4).
The story continues with the Maccabees.
Matthias the priest had five sons. Matthias and his five sons were the original Maccabees.
They started the revolt of the Maccabees in 167 BC against the Seluecid Emperor Antiochus IV, when he tried to force all Jews to adopt Greek culture and worship Greek gods. The Maccabees are the people who knew the Father of Truth and did exploits (Daniel 11:32).
(None of the Seleucids, Hasmoneans, or Herodians actually had numbers after their names. The numbers were added by historians to make it easier to keep track of them, since the same names were frequently used for different individuals, even brothers. This convention is applied to everyone with the same name to remove all ambiguity.)
Matthias died about a year after the revolt began, but his sons swore to fight until they restored the Law of Truth as the law of the land in Israel.
The third son was Judah, who was nicknamed, "The Hammer", and he began leading the revolt after his father died as the second Maccabean leader. Those who joined him were called Maccabees, because "maccabee" is the Hebrew word for "hammer".
The fourth son of Matthias, Eleazar, died in battle about a year later. He slid under a war elephant that he believed carried Antiochus IV, and killed it by stabbing it in the belly. The elephant died, collapsed, and crushed him.
The next year, Antiochus IV died in battle against the Parthians, and Demetrius I became the new Seleucid Emperor.
After three more years of fighting, Judah made an allegiance with the Romans, to gain their recognition of Judea as an independent kingdom.
Judah died in the last battle of the revolt in 160 AD, and the fifth son of Matthias, Jonathan, became the third leader of the Maccabees.
The first son of Matthias, John, was killed shortly after that in an ambush. The Maccabees soon avenged him by killing the entire tribe that ambushed him.
After two more years of fighting, Jonathan barely failed to kill the general of the Seleucid army in an ambush. When the general sieged him in the desert, he made the general a peace offer. The general accepted the peace offer, and the revolt was over in 158 AD.
The Seleucid Emperor, Demetrius I, granted Judea as an autonomous province, that had full control of religion and culture internally, while a governor appointed by the Seleucid Empire retained control over most other matters.
Five years later, Jonathan was allowed by Demetrius I to form an army and move to Jerusalem, in a bid for his loyalty against a new claimant to the throne named Balas.
Jonathan fortified Jerusalem and backed Balas instead.
Three years later, Jonathan was made the official governor of the province of Judea by the new Seleucid Emperor, Balas, which also granted even more autonomy to Judea. This was the beginning of Maccabean rule in 150 AD.
Five years later, Balas died in battle, and Demetrius II became the new Seleucid Emperor. Jonathan made an alliance of support for Demetrius II, in exchange for exemption for Judea from taxation, and to withdraw the Seleucid army from Acre.
Shortly after that, Jonathan lead an army into Antioch to rescue Demetrius II from his own subjects.
Jonathan also renewed the alliance that Judah had made with the Romans, and Judea was recognized by the Roman Senate as an independent kingdom.
Two years later, the usurper of the throne of the Seleucid Emperor, Diodotus Tryphon, took control of the capital. Since Demetrius II had not kept his promise to withdraw from Acre, Jonathan gave his support to Diodotus, in exchange for adding the land of Israel along the Mediterranean coast to the kingdom of Judea.
Diodotus then invited Jonathan to a peace conference. Jonathan was taken captive at the peace conference, and those who escorted him were killed in 143 BC.
The second son of Matthias, Simon, became the last leader of the Maccabees, when Jonathan was captured.
Simon met Diodotus with a huge army to prevent him from invading Judea. (Invading Judea was contrary to the peace treaty that the Seleucid Empire had made with Judea.) Diodotus then threatened to kill Jonathan, unless Simon agreed to pay a huge ransom, and hand over two of his sons as assurance that he would not seek revenge. Even though Simon met these demands, Diodotus killed Jonathan, because Simon still blocked him from invading Judea.
Simon then sided with the legitimate Seleucid Emperor, Demetrius II, against Diodotus.
Simon became the second Maccabean ruler in 142 BC.
When Diodotus tried to invade Judea via the Mediterranean coast, he was blocked by a general loyal to the Demetrius II near Tyre. The army of Diodotus soon caused the army of the general to flee south along the coast. The army of Diodotus gave chase, but when it crossed into the land of Israel, his entire army was wiped out by a tidal wave, according to the historian Athenaeus.
A year later, Simon was declared to be the Prince of Israel by an assembly that represented the people of Israel. An oath was given by this great assembly that descendants of Simon would be both the High Priest and the Prince of Israel, until a Faithful Prophet of Truth should appear, who would make the Rightful King of The Jews, a descendant of King David, known to the people of Israel. (The title "The Prince of Israel" emphasized that Simon and his descendants were lesser rulers than the true King of the Jews, and that they were only stewards over the kingdom until the Rightful King of the Jews came to claim his throne.)
Simon was also acknowledged as the king of Judea by Demetrius II.
So, twenty-six years after Matthias the Priest began the revolt of the Maccabees, his last surviving son secured the Maccabean Dynasty in 141 AD.
The next year, Demetrius II agreed to free Judea from all taxation in return for the continual support of Simon against Diodotus.
Demetrius II was taken captive by Parthians soon after, and his brother, Antiochus VII, became the new legitimate Seleucid Emperor. Simon continued to support the new legitimate Emperor against Diodotus.
A year later, the Roman Senate recognized the Maccabean dynasty as the legitimate rulers of the kingdom of Judea.
The next year, Simon and Antiochus VII forced Diodotus to flee to his homeland. Antiochus VII pursued Diodotus to his homeland, where Diodotus soon died a violent death.
Simon ruled for three more years, until he and his two oldest sons were assassinated at a banquet.
The story finishes with the Hasmoneans.
His third son, John (Hyrcanus I) was not at the banquet. He became the first true Hasmonean ruler after his father, the last of the Maccabees, died.
Matthias the Priest was called "The Hasmonean", because he was the great-grandson of Asmon (Hasmoneaus in Anglicized Greek (there is no "h" sound in Greek)). Hyrcanus I and his successors, all bore the title of Hasmonean, in honor of the nickname of Matthias the Priest. For this reason, the rulers of Judea that came from the Maccabees are called the Hasmoneans.
During the reign of the Hasmoneans, there was continual war and conflict for many years, to separate out those who were like the Maccabees, unwilling to compromise on the Law of Truth, from those Jews willing to be assimilated into Greek culture (Daniel 11:32-35).
The corrupt rule of the Hasmoneans created the corrupt legal system that led to the unjust trial of the Man of Truth and the unjust courts that persecuted the Children of Truth. This corrupt legal system fueled the refining fire that caused the people of Israel to long for the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews. The Children of Truth could not see the hidden hand of the Father of Truth in the rule of the Hasmoneans.
The Hasmoneans reigned until Herod the Great became the Roman appointed King of the Jews in 37 BC.
The reign of Herod the Great only made things worse. His reign only left the people of Israel yearning more for the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees, who would reveal to the people of Israel the Rightful King of The Jews.
Like the gift of the Maccabees that made the Good News possible, the Maccabees created the expectation of the Faithful Prophet of Truth. Like how the Maccabees help spread the Gospel, by preparing the Jewish world to the spread of the Gospel, the Maccabees prepared the people of Israel for the Faithful Prophet of Truth.
So, the Maccabees prepared the people of Israel for John The Baptist by creating an expectation for the arrival of the Faithful Prophet of Truth. This expectation of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal to the people of Israel the Rightful King of The Jews, a descendant of King David, was based on the writings of the Prophets of Truth.
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah (Yesha'yahu) said, that a Prophet of Truth would arise in the wilderness, who would cry out for people to prepare themselves for the King chosen by the Father of Truth (Isaiah 40:3). The Prophet of Truth Malachi said, that a Prophet of Truth would be sent to prepare the way before their King, while the Temple was standing, by leading the people of Israel into repentance (Malachi 3:1-3). This coming Prophet of Truth would prepare the way for their King, by turning the hearts of the people of Israel back towards each other, to keep them from coming under the curse of the Father of Truth, like Elijah (Eliyah aka Elias) will do when he returns (Malachi 4:5-6).
The primary job of the Prophets of Truth was to preach the word of the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 6:7). The Prophet like unto Moses (Moishe), the Messiah of Israel, was to preach the righteous ways of the Father of Truth found in the Law of Truth (Psalm 40:7-10). Jonah, the Prophet of Truth sent to the Gentiles of Ninevah, to preached repentance (Jonah 3:2).
So, the Maccabees had given the people in Judea an earnest expectation of a Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would prepare the people of Israel for arrival of the Rightful King of the Jews, by preaching repentance.
After Hasmonean reign came to end, Zacharias the Priest was told by an Angel of Truth, that his barren wife would soon give birth to the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by Simon the Maccabee (Luke 1:13-17). He asked for a sign, that the message of the Angel of Truth was from the Father of Truth, so this old priest was made mute until the Faithful Prophet of Truth was born (Luke 1:18-20). Then he went home and his wife, Elisabeth, became pregnant in her old age (Luke 1:23-25).
While Elisabeth was pregnant, her baby recognized the Rightful King of The Jews, who was still inside his mother, Mary (Mariam) (Luke 1:39-41). Then the Spirit of Truth confirmed through the mother of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, that Mary was pregnant with the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 1:41-45).
Afterwards, his wife gave birth to John the Baptist, followed by the miraculous sign promised by the Angel of Truth (Luke 1:57-64). The people of the hill country of Judea were in awe, that the Faithful Prophet of Truth, which they longed for, had been born in their midst (Luke 1:65-66). The Spirit of Truth then confirmed through Zacharias the Priest, that his son was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 1:67-79).
So, the Faithful Priest was also the the Faithful Prophet of Truth.
John the Baptist then lived away from people, until it was to time to reveal that he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees (Luke 1:80).
When John the Baptist grew up, then he began to cry out in the wilderness like a wild man, that the Rightful King of the Jews would soon be revealed (Matthew 3:1-4). He cried out in the wilderness, because he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken about by the Prophets of Truth (Mark 1:2-3). He began preaching repentance to prepare people for the salvation that came from the Father of Truth (Luke 3:3-6).
John the Baptist was sent to reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:6-8). He was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:21-23).
John the Baptist warned people to get right with the Father of Truth (Matthew 3:8-10). The Faithful Prophet of Truth warned them that the Rightful King of the Jews would destroy the wicked out of Israel (Matthew 3:12). He preached repentance (Mark 1:4).
After John the Baptist had prepared the people by preaching repentance, the Faithful Prophet of Truth revealed to them that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:29-34).
John the Baptist preached repentance to everyone, including King Herod Antipas (Antipas II) (Luke 3:18-19). So, the king threw the Faithful Prophet of Truth into prison (Luke 3:20).
("Herod" had became a title by this point of those claiming the right to rule as a descendant of Herod the Great. This was similar to the Hasmoneans adopting the title Hasmonean to show that they came from Matthias the Priest. None of the descendants of Herod the Great were given the name of "Herod" as a baby, except for Herod the Great.)
John the Baptist was cast into prison, as soon as the Man of Truth began his mission (Matthew 4:11-17). The Man of Truth proclaimed that he was the Rightful King of the Jews, spoken of by the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 1:14-15).
John the Baptist was imprisoned for rebuking King Herod Antipas, but the king was afraid to kill him, because the people of Israel recognized that he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Matthew 14:3-5). The wife of the king had desired to kill John the Baptist when he was arrested, but the king been afraid to kill him, because he knew that the Faithful Prophet of Truth was righteous (Mark 6:19-20).
After John the Baptist was arrested, the Man of Truth sent word to him, that he had done those things spoken by the Prophets of Truth, that showed that he was the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 11:4-6). The Man of Truth showed those signs to those sent by the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Luke 7:18-23). The Man of Truth said, John the Baptist was indeed that faithful Prophet of Truth, who revealed the Rightful King of the Jews (John 5:32-35).
The Man of Truth testified that John the Baptist was the faithful Prophet of Truth, spoken of by the Maccabees, who believed the Original Covenant (Matthew 11:7-10). He said, that the message of the Faithful Prophet of Truth was the culmination of all which was written in the Law of Truth, and by the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 11:11-13). He said, that the Faithful Prophet of Truth was the greatest of all Prophets of Truth (Luke 7:24-28).
The Man of Truth testified that John the Baptist coming at that time, was like Elijah the Prophet of Truth coming at the end of days (Matthew 11:14-15).
Then the people of Israel started being baptized to show that they believed the message of John the Baptist - that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 7:29). They believed the message of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, even though he never performed a miracle to confirm his message (John 10:40-42).
Yet, many of the people of Israel rejected the testimony of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, and the testimony of the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 11:16-19).
Soon, King Herod Antipas promised the daughter of his wife to give her whatever she desired, if she would dance before his guests, and she asked for the head of John the Baptist, so this king gave it to her (Matthew 14:6-11). So, not long after the Faithful Prophet of Truth had finished his mission of revealing the Rightful King of the Jews, he was executed by King Herod Antipas, due to a plot by his wife (Mark 6:21-28).
However, King Herod Antipas later feared that the Faithful Prophet of Truth had been raised from the dead, when he heard of the miracles done by the Rightful King of the Jews (Mark 6:14-16). He did not know that the Rightful King of the Jews was not Elijah, or one of the ancient Prophets of Truth, or the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Luke 9:7-9).
Other people also thought that the Man of Truth was John the Baptist (Matthew 16:13-14). They did not realize, that the Rightful King of the Jews was not the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 8:27-28). Likewise, many of the people of Israel did not realize, that the Rightful King of the Jews was not Elijah, or one of the ancient Prophets of Truth (Luke 9:18-19).
However, the Man of Truth said, that Elijah would come before him in the end of days (Matthew 17:10-11). He said, that Elijah would come before him to restore all things, after the Rightful King of the Jews suffered and died (Mark 9:11-12).
He said, that in like manner, John the Baptist had fulfilled the role of Elijah in those days, even to the point of dying to prepare people for the death of the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 17:12-13). The Rightful King of the Jews said, that the wicked had done as they had desired to the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 9:13).
Many of the people of Israel understood that John the Baptist was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, spoken of by the Maccabees (Matthew 21:26). They accepted that the Faithful Prophet of Truth operated under the same authority as the Man of Truth (Mark 11:32-33). They believed that the Faithful Prophet of Truth had revealed the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 20:6-8).
They accepted that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews, as the Faithful Prophet of Truth had said (Matthew 21:31).
Although, the Faithful Prophet of Truth had not risen from the dead, the Rightful King of the Jews did (Acts 4:10). This gives all people assurance that they must come into the House of Truth to escape the judgment of the Father of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).
So come into the House of Truth, by making the Rightful King of the Jews your king, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) came to this earth in the fullness of time to live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), so he could bring redemption to those who could not live a perfect life in accordance with the Law of Truth (Galatians 4:4-7).
One of the conditions that made it the fullness of time, was John the Baptist (Yochanan the Mikvah Man) preaching repentance to the people of Israel in the wilderness. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) brought about the rise and fall of empires to make this possible.
The story begins with the Greeks. This is just another example of Greco-Judeo wrestling.
The Father of Truth brought about the unified Greek Empire, and then split it into four smaller Greek Empires, including the Seleucid Empire (Daniel 11:2-4).
The story continues with the Maccabees.
Matthias the priest had five sons. Matthias and his five sons were the original Maccabees.
They started the revolt of the Maccabees in 167 BC against the Seluecid Emperor Antiochus IV, when he tried to force all Jews to adopt Greek culture and worship Greek gods. The Maccabees are the people who knew the Father of Truth and did exploits (Daniel 11:32).
(None of the Seleucids, Hasmoneans, or Herodians actually had numbers after their names. The numbers were added by historians to make it easier to keep track of them, since the same names were frequently used for different individuals, even brothers. This convention is applied to everyone with the same name to remove all ambiguity.)
Matthias died about a year after the revolt began, but his sons swore to fight until they restored the Law of Truth as the law of the land in Israel.
The third son was Judah, who was nicknamed, "The Hammer", and he began leading the revolt after his father died as the second Maccabean leader. Those who joined him were called Maccabees, because "maccabee" is the Hebrew word for "hammer".
The fourth son of Matthias, Eleazar, died in battle about a year later. He slid under a war elephant that he believed carried Antiochus IV, and killed it by stabbing it in the belly. The elephant died, collapsed, and crushed him.
The next year, Antiochus IV died in battle against the Parthians, and Demetrius I became the new Seleucid Emperor.
After three more years of fighting, Judah made an allegiance with the Romans, to gain their recognition of Judea as an independent kingdom.
Judah died in the last battle of the revolt in 160 AD, and the fifth son of Matthias, Jonathan, became the third leader of the Maccabees.
The first son of Matthias, John, was killed shortly after that in an ambush. The Maccabees soon avenged him by killing the entire tribe that ambushed him.
After two more years of fighting, Jonathan barely failed to kill the general of the Seleucid army in an ambush. When the general sieged him in the desert, he made the general a peace offer. The general accepted the peace offer, and the revolt was over in 158 AD.
The Seleucid Emperor, Demetrius I, granted Judea as an autonomous province, that had full control of religion and culture internally, while a governor appointed by the Seleucid Empire retained control over most other matters.
Five years later, Jonathan was allowed by Demetrius I to form an army and move to Jerusalem, in a bid for his loyalty against a new claimant to the throne named Balas.
Jonathan fortified Jerusalem and backed Balas instead.
Three years later, Jonathan was made the official governor of the province of Judea by the new Seleucid Emperor, Balas, which also granted even more autonomy to Judea. This was the beginning of Maccabean rule in 150 AD.
Five years later, Balas died in battle, and Demetrius II became the new Seleucid Emperor. Jonathan made an alliance of support for Demetrius II, in exchange for exemption for Judea from taxation, and to withdraw the Seleucid army from Acre.
Shortly after that, Jonathan lead an army into Antioch to rescue Demetrius II from his own subjects.
Jonathan also renewed the alliance that Judah had made with the Romans, and Judea was recognized by the Roman Senate as an independent kingdom.
Two years later, the usurper of the throne of the Seleucid Emperor, Diodotus Tryphon, took control of the capital. Since Demetrius II had not kept his promise to withdraw from Acre, Jonathan gave his support to Diodotus, in exchange for adding the land of Israel along the Mediterranean coast to the kingdom of Judea.
Diodotus then invited Jonathan to a peace conference. Jonathan was taken captive at the peace conference, and those who escorted him were killed in 143 BC.
The second son of Matthias, Simon, became the last leader of the Maccabees, when Jonathan was captured.
Simon met Diodotus with a huge army to prevent him from invading Judea. (Invading Judea was contrary to the peace treaty that the Seleucid Empire had made with Judea.) Diodotus then threatened to kill Jonathan, unless Simon agreed to pay a huge ransom, and hand over two of his sons as assurance that he would not seek revenge. Even though Simon met these demands, Diodotus killed Jonathan, because Simon still blocked him from invading Judea.
Simon then sided with the legitimate Seleucid Emperor, Demetrius II, against Diodotus.
Simon became the second Maccabean ruler in 142 BC.
When Diodotus tried to invade Judea via the Mediterranean coast, he was blocked by a general loyal to the Demetrius II near Tyre. The army of Diodotus soon caused the army of the general to flee south along the coast. The army of Diodotus gave chase, but when it crossed into the land of Israel, his entire army was wiped out by a tidal wave, according to the historian Athenaeus.
A year later, Simon was declared to be the Prince of Israel by an assembly that represented the people of Israel. An oath was given by this great assembly that descendants of Simon would be both the High Priest and the Prince of Israel, until a Faithful Prophet of Truth should appear, who would make the Rightful King of The Jews, a descendant of King David, known to the people of Israel. (The title "The Prince of Israel" emphasized that Simon and his descendants were lesser rulers than the true King of the Jews, and that they were only stewards over the kingdom until the Rightful King of the Jews came to claim his throne.)
Simon was also acknowledged as the king of Judea by Demetrius II.
So, twenty-six years after Matthias the Priest began the revolt of the Maccabees, his last surviving son secured the Maccabean Dynasty in 141 AD.
The next year, Demetrius II agreed to free Judea from all taxation in return for the continual support of Simon against Diodotus.
Demetrius II was taken captive by Parthians soon after, and his brother, Antiochus VII, became the new legitimate Seleucid Emperor. Simon continued to support the new legitimate Emperor against Diodotus.
A year later, the Roman Senate recognized the Maccabean dynasty as the legitimate rulers of the kingdom of Judea.
The next year, Simon and Antiochus VII forced Diodotus to flee to his homeland. Antiochus VII pursued Diodotus to his homeland, where Diodotus soon died a violent death.
Simon ruled for three more years, until he and his two oldest sons were assassinated at a banquet.
The story finishes with the Hasmoneans.
His third son, John (Hyrcanus I) was not at the banquet. He became the first true Hasmonean ruler after his father, the last of the Maccabees, died.
Matthias the Priest was called "The Hasmonean", because he was the great-grandson of Asmon (Hasmoneaus in Anglicized Greek (there is no "h" sound in Greek)). Hyrcanus I and his successors, all bore the title of Hasmonean, in honor of the nickname of Matthias the Priest. For this reason, the rulers of Judea that came from the Maccabees are called the Hasmoneans.
During the reign of the Hasmoneans, there was continual war and conflict for many years, to separate out those who were like the Maccabees, unwilling to compromise on the Law of Truth, from those Jews willing to be assimilated into Greek culture (Daniel 11:32-35).
The corrupt rule of the Hasmoneans created the corrupt legal system that led to the unjust trial of the Man of Truth and the unjust courts that persecuted the Children of Truth. This corrupt legal system fueled the refining fire that caused the people of Israel to long for the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews. The Children of Truth could not see the hidden hand of the Father of Truth in the rule of the Hasmoneans.
The Hasmoneans reigned until Herod the Great became the Roman appointed King of the Jews in 37 BC.
The reign of Herod the Great only made things worse. His reign only left the people of Israel yearning more for the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees, who would reveal to the people of Israel the Rightful King of The Jews.
Like the gift of the Maccabees that made the Good News possible, the Maccabees created the expectation of the Faithful Prophet of Truth. Like how the Maccabees help spread the Gospel, by preparing the Jewish world to the spread of the Gospel, the Maccabees prepared the people of Israel for the Faithful Prophet of Truth.
So, the Maccabees prepared the people of Israel for John The Baptist by creating an expectation for the arrival of the Faithful Prophet of Truth. This expectation of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal to the people of Israel the Rightful King of The Jews, a descendant of King David, was based on the writings of the Prophets of Truth.
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah (Yesha'yahu) said, that a Prophet of Truth would arise in the wilderness, who would cry out for people to prepare themselves for the King chosen by the Father of Truth (Isaiah 40:3). The Prophet of Truth Malachi said, that a Prophet of Truth would be sent to prepare the way before their King, while the Temple was standing, by leading the people of Israel into repentance (Malachi 3:1-3). This coming Prophet of Truth would prepare the way for their King, by turning the hearts of the people of Israel back towards each other, to keep them from coming under the curse of the Father of Truth, like Elijah (Eliyah aka Elias) will do when he returns (Malachi 4:5-6).
The primary job of the Prophets of Truth was to preach the word of the Father of Truth (Nehemiah 6:7). The Prophet like unto Moses (Moishe), the Messiah of Israel, was to preach the righteous ways of the Father of Truth found in the Law of Truth (Psalm 40:7-10). Jonah, the Prophet of Truth sent to the Gentiles of Ninevah, to preached repentance (Jonah 3:2).
So, the Maccabees had given the people in Judea an earnest expectation of a Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would prepare the people of Israel for arrival of the Rightful King of the Jews, by preaching repentance.
After Hasmonean reign came to end, Zacharias the Priest was told by an Angel of Truth, that his barren wife would soon give birth to the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by Simon the Maccabee (Luke 1:13-17). He asked for a sign, that the message of the Angel of Truth was from the Father of Truth, so this old priest was made mute until the Faithful Prophet of Truth was born (Luke 1:18-20). Then he went home and his wife, Elisabeth, became pregnant in her old age (Luke 1:23-25).
While Elisabeth was pregnant, her baby recognized the Rightful King of The Jews, who was still inside his mother, Mary (Mariam) (Luke 1:39-41). Then the Spirit of Truth confirmed through the mother of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, that Mary was pregnant with the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 1:41-45).
Afterwards, his wife gave birth to John the Baptist, followed by the miraculous sign promised by the Angel of Truth (Luke 1:57-64). The people of the hill country of Judea were in awe, that the Faithful Prophet of Truth, which they longed for, had been born in their midst (Luke 1:65-66). The Spirit of Truth then confirmed through Zacharias the Priest, that his son was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 1:67-79).
So, the Faithful Priest was also the the Faithful Prophet of Truth.
John the Baptist then lived away from people, until it was to time to reveal that he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken of by the Maccabees (Luke 1:80).
When John the Baptist grew up, then he began to cry out in the wilderness like a wild man, that the Rightful King of the Jews would soon be revealed (Matthew 3:1-4). He cried out in the wilderness, because he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth spoken about by the Prophets of Truth (Mark 1:2-3). He began preaching repentance to prepare people for the salvation that came from the Father of Truth (Luke 3:3-6).
John the Baptist was sent to reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:6-8). He was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, who would reveal the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:21-23).
John the Baptist warned people to get right with the Father of Truth (Matthew 3:8-10). The Faithful Prophet of Truth warned them that the Rightful King of the Jews would destroy the wicked out of Israel (Matthew 3:12). He preached repentance (Mark 1:4).
After John the Baptist had prepared the people by preaching repentance, the Faithful Prophet of Truth revealed to them that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews (John 1:29-34).
John the Baptist preached repentance to everyone, including King Herod Antipas (Antipas II) (Luke 3:18-19). So, the king threw the Faithful Prophet of Truth into prison (Luke 3:20).
("Herod" had became a title by this point of those claiming the right to rule as a descendant of Herod the Great. This was similar to the Hasmoneans adopting the title Hasmonean to show that they came from Matthias the Priest. None of the descendants of Herod the Great were given the name of "Herod" as a baby, except for Herod the Great.)
John the Baptist was cast into prison, as soon as the Man of Truth began his mission (Matthew 4:11-17). The Man of Truth proclaimed that he was the Rightful King of the Jews, spoken of by the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 1:14-15).
John the Baptist was imprisoned for rebuking King Herod Antipas, but the king was afraid to kill him, because the people of Israel recognized that he was the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Matthew 14:3-5). The wife of the king had desired to kill John the Baptist when he was arrested, but the king been afraid to kill him, because he knew that the Faithful Prophet of Truth was righteous (Mark 6:19-20).
After John the Baptist was arrested, the Man of Truth sent word to him, that he had done those things spoken by the Prophets of Truth, that showed that he was the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 11:4-6). The Man of Truth showed those signs to those sent by the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Luke 7:18-23). The Man of Truth said, John the Baptist was indeed that faithful Prophet of Truth, who revealed the Rightful King of the Jews (John 5:32-35).
The Man of Truth testified that John the Baptist was the faithful Prophet of Truth, spoken of by the Maccabees, who believed the Original Covenant (Matthew 11:7-10). He said, that the message of the Faithful Prophet of Truth was the culmination of all which was written in the Law of Truth, and by the Prophets of Truth (Matthew 11:11-13). He said, that the Faithful Prophet of Truth was the greatest of all Prophets of Truth (Luke 7:24-28).
The Man of Truth testified that John the Baptist coming at that time, was like Elijah the Prophet of Truth coming at the end of days (Matthew 11:14-15).
Then the people of Israel started being baptized to show that they believed the message of John the Baptist - that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 7:29). They believed the message of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, even though he never performed a miracle to confirm his message (John 10:40-42).
Yet, many of the people of Israel rejected the testimony of the Faithful Prophet of Truth, and the testimony of the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 11:16-19).
Soon, King Herod Antipas promised the daughter of his wife to give her whatever she desired, if she would dance before his guests, and she asked for the head of John the Baptist, so this king gave it to her (Matthew 14:6-11). So, not long after the Faithful Prophet of Truth had finished his mission of revealing the Rightful King of the Jews, he was executed by King Herod Antipas, due to a plot by his wife (Mark 6:21-28).
However, King Herod Antipas later feared that the Faithful Prophet of Truth had been raised from the dead, when he heard of the miracles done by the Rightful King of the Jews (Mark 6:14-16). He did not know that the Rightful King of the Jews was not Elijah, or one of the ancient Prophets of Truth, or the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Luke 9:7-9).
Other people also thought that the Man of Truth was John the Baptist (Matthew 16:13-14). They did not realize, that the Rightful King of the Jews was not the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 8:27-28). Likewise, many of the people of Israel did not realize, that the Rightful King of the Jews was not Elijah, or one of the ancient Prophets of Truth (Luke 9:18-19).
However, the Man of Truth said, that Elijah would come before him in the end of days (Matthew 17:10-11). He said, that Elijah would come before him to restore all things, after the Rightful King of the Jews suffered and died (Mark 9:11-12).
He said, that in like manner, John the Baptist had fulfilled the role of Elijah in those days, even to the point of dying to prepare people for the death of the Rightful King of the Jews (Matthew 17:12-13). The Rightful King of the Jews said, that the wicked had done as they had desired to the Faithful Prophet of Truth (Mark 9:13).
Many of the people of Israel understood that John the Baptist was the Faithful Prophet of Truth, spoken of by the Maccabees (Matthew 21:26). They accepted that the Faithful Prophet of Truth operated under the same authority as the Man of Truth (Mark 11:32-33). They believed that the Faithful Prophet of Truth had revealed the Rightful King of the Jews (Luke 20:6-8).
They accepted that the Man of Truth was the Rightful King of the Jews, as the Faithful Prophet of Truth had said (Matthew 21:31).
Although, the Faithful Prophet of Truth had not risen from the dead, the Rightful King of the Jews did (Acts 4:10). This gives all people assurance that they must come into the House of Truth to escape the judgment of the Father of Truth (Acts 17:30-31).
So come into the House of Truth, by making the Rightful King of the Jews your king, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: History, John the Baptist, Maccabees, Prophecy
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